blob: 1e810caf3e15470259088246a09e14a23d376d55 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2020 Sylvain Munaut <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import random
import sys
import opendbpy as odb
class DiodeInserter:
def __init__(self, block, diode_cell, diode_pin, fake_diode_cell=None, side_strategy='source', short_span=0, port_protect=[], verbose=False):
self.block = block
self.verbose = verbose
self.diode_cell = diode_cell
self.diode_pin = diode_pin
self.fake_diode_cell = fake_diode_cell
self.side_strategy = side_strategy
self.short_span = short_span
self.port_protect = port_protect
self.true_diode_master = block.getDataBase().findMaster(diode_cell)
self.fake_diode_master = block.getDataBase().findMaster(fake_diode_cell) if (fake_diode_cell is not None) else None
if not self.check():
raise RuntimeError('True and Fake diodes are inconsistent')
self.diode_master = self.fake_diode_master or self.true_diode_master
self.diode_site = self.true_diode_master.getSite().getConstName()
self.inserted = {}
def check(self):
if self.fake_diode_master is None:
return True
tm = self.true_diode_master
fm = self.fake_diode_master
if fm.getSite() is None:
self.error("[!] Fake diode cell missing SITE attribute");x
if fm.getSite().getConstName() != tm.getSite().getConstName():
return False
if fm.getWidth() != tm.getWidth():
return False
if fm.getHeight() != tm.getHeight():
return False
return True
def debug(self, msg):
if self.verbose:
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
def error(self, msg):
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
def net_source(self, net):
# See if it's an input pad
for bt in net.getBTerms():
if bt.getIoType() != 'INPUT':
good, x, y = bt.getFirstPinLocation()
if good:
return (x, y)
# Or maybe output of a cell
x = odb.new_int(0)
y = odb.new_int(0)
for it in net.getITerms():
if not it.isOutputSignal():
if it.getAvgXY(x,y):
return ( odb.get_int(x), odb.get_int(y) )
# Nothing found
return None
def net_from_pin(self, net, io_types=None):
for bt in net.getBTerms():
if (io_types is None) or (bt.getIoType() in io_types):
return True
return False
def net_has_diode(self, net):
for it in net.getITerms():
cell_type = it.getInst().getMaster().getConstName()
cell_pin = it.getMTerm().getConstName()
if (cell_type == self.diode_cell) and (cell_pin == self.diode_pin):
return True
return False
def net_span(self, net):
xs = []
ys = []
for bt in net.getBTerms():
good, x, y = bt.getFirstPinLocation()
if good:
for it in net.getITerms():
x, y = self.pin_position(it)
if len(xs) == 0:
return 0
return (max(ys) - min(ys)) + (max(xs) - min(xs))
def pin_position(self, it):
px = odb.new_int(0)
py = odb.new_int(0)
if it.getAvgXY(px,py):
# Got it
return odb.get_int(px), odb.get_int(py)
# Failed, use the center coordinate of the instance as fall back
return it.getInst().getLocation()
def place_diode_stdcell(self, it, px, py, src_pos=None):
# Get information about the instance
inst_name = it.getInst().getConstName()
inst_width = it.getInst().getMaster().getWidth()
inst_pos = it.getInst().getLocation()
inst_ori = it.getInst().getOrient()
# Is the pin left-ish, center-ish or right-ish ?
pos = None
if self.side_strategy == 'source':
# Always be on the side of the source
if src_pos is not None:
pos = 'l' if (src_pos[0] < inst_pos[0]) else 'r'
elif self.side_strategy == 'pin':
# Always be on the side of the pin
pos = 'l' if (px < (inst_pos[0] + inst_width // 2)) else 'r'
elif self.side_strategy == 'balanced':
# If pin is really on the side, use that, else use source side
th_left = int(inst_pos[0] + inst_width * 0.25)
th_right = int(inst_pos[0] + inst_width * 0.75)
if px < th_left:
pos = 'l'
elif px > th_right:
pos = 'r'
elif src_pos is not None:
# Sort of middle, so put it on the side where signal is coming from
pos = 'l' if (src_pos[0] < inst_pos[0]) else 'r'
if pos is None:
# Coin toss ...
pos = 'l' if (random.random() > 0.5) else 'r'
# X position
dw = self.diode_master.getWidth()
if pos == 'l':
dx = inst_pos[0] - dw * (1 + self.inserted.get((inst_name, 'l'), 0))
dx = inst_pos[0] + inst_width + dw * self.inserted.get((inst_name, 'r'), 0)
# Record insertion
self.inserted[(inst_name, pos)] = self.inserted.get((inst_name, pos), 0) + 1
# Done
return dx, inst_pos[1], inst_ori
def place_diode_macro(self, it, px, py, src_pos=None):
# Scan all rows to see how close we can get to the point
best = None
for row in self.block.getRows():
rbb = row.getBBox()
dx = max(min(rbb.xMax(), px), rbb.xMin())
dy = rbb.yMin()
do = row.getOrient()
d = abs(px - dx) + abs(py - dy)
if (best is None) or (best[0] > d):
best = (d, dx, dy, do)
return best[1:]
def insert_diode(self, it, src_pos, force_true=False):
# Get information about the instance
inst = it.getInst()
inst_cell = inst.getMaster().getConstName()
inst_name = inst.getConstName()
inst_pos = inst.getLocation()
inst_site = inst.getMaster().getSite().getConstName() if (inst.getMaster().getSite() is not None) else None
# Find where the pin is
px, py = self.pin_position(it)
# Apply standard cell or macro placement ?
if inst_site == self.diode_site:
dx, dy, do = self.place_diode_stdcell(it, px, py, src_pos)
dx, dy, do = self.place_diode_macro(it, px, py, src_pos)
# Insert instance and wire it up
diode_inst_name = 'ANTENNA_' + inst_name + '_' + it.getMTerm().getConstName()
diode_master = self.true_diode_master if force_true else self.diode_master
diode_inst = odb.dbInst_create(self.block, diode_master, diode_inst_name)
diode_inst.setLocation(dx, dy)
ait = diode_inst.findITerm(self.diode_pin)
odb.dbITerm_connect(ait, it.getNet())
def execute(self):
# Scan all nets
for net in self.block.getNets():
# Skip special nets
if net.isSpecial():
self.debug(f"[d] Skipping special net {net.getConstName():s}")
# Check if we already have diode on the net
# if yes, then we assume that the user took care of that net manually
if self.net_has_diode(net):
self.debug(f"[d] Skipping manually protected net {net.getConstName():s}")
# Find signal source (first one found ...)
src_pos = self.net_source(net)
# Is this an IO we need to protect
io_protect = self.net_from_pin(net, io_types=self.port_protect)
if io_protect:
self.debug(f"[d] Forcing protection diode on net {net.getConstName():s}")
# Determine the span of the signal and skip small internal nets
span = self.net_span(net)
if (span < self.short_span) and not io_protect:
self.debug(f"[d] Skipping small net {net.getConstName():s} ({span:d})")
# Scan all internal terminals
for it in net.getITerms():
if it.isInputSignal():
self.insert_diode(it, src_pos, force_true=io_protect)
# Arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Diode Insertion script')
parser.add_argument('--lef', '-l',
help='Input LEF file(s)')
parser.add_argument('--input-def', '-id', required=True,
help='DEF view of the design that needs to have diodes inserted')
parser.add_argument('--output-def', '-o', required=True,
help='Output DEF file')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action="store_true", default=False,
help='Enable verbose debug output')
parser.add_argument('--diode-cell', '-c', default='sky130_fd_sc_hd__diode_2',
help='Name of the cell to use as diode')
parser.add_argument('--fake-diode-cell', '-f',
help='Name of the cell to use as fake diode')
parser.add_argument('--diode-pin', '-p', default='DIODE',
help='Name of the pin to use on diode cells')
parser.add_argument('--side-strategy', choices=['source', 'pin', 'balanced', 'random'], default='source',
help='Strategy to select if placing diode left/right of the cell')
parser.add_argument('--short-span', '-s', default=90000, type=int,
help='Maximum span of a net to be considered "short" and not needing a diode')
parser.add_argument('--port-protect', choices=['none', 'in', 'out', 'both'], default='in',
help='Always place a true diode on nets connected to selected ports')
args = parser.parse_args()
input_lef_file_names = args.lef
input_def_file_name = args.input_def
output_def_file_name = args.output_def
# Load
db_design = odb.dbDatabase.create()
for lef in input_lef_file_names:
odb.read_lef(db_design, lef)
odb.read_def(db_design, input_def_file_name)
chip_design = db_design.getChip()
block_design = chip_design.getBlock()
top_design_name = block_design.getConstName()
print("Design name:", top_design_name)
pp_val = {
'none': [],
'in': ['INPUT'],
'out': ['OUTPUT'],
'both': ['INPUT', 'OUTPUT'],
di = DiodeInserter(block_design,
diode_cell = args.diode_cell,
diode_pin = args.diode_pin,
fake_diode_cell = args.fake_diode_cell,
side_strategy = args.side_strategy,
short_span = args.short_span,
port_protect = pp_val[args.port_protect],
verbose = args.verbose
# Write result
odb.write_def(block_design, output_def_file_name)