blob: 99abd8dac0e8646879d87b940dd8e20254d9989d [file] [log] [blame]
// Filename: axi_addr.v
// {{{
// Project: WB2AXIPSP: bus bridges and other odds and ends
// Purpose: The AXI (full) standard has some rather complicated addressing
// modes, where the address can either be FIXED, INCRementing, or
// even where it can WRAP around some boundary. When in either INCR or
// WRAP modes, the next address must always be aligned. In WRAP mode,
// the next address calculation needs to wrap around a given value, and
// that value is dependent upon the burst size (i.e. bytes per beat) and
// length (total numbers of beats). Since this calculation can be
// non-trivial, and since it needs to be done multiple times, the logic
// below captures it for every time it might be needed.
// 20200918 - modified to accommodate (potential) AXI3 burst lengths
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// }}}
// Copyright (C) 2019-2020, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// {{{
// This file is part of the WB2AXIP project.
// The WB2AXIP project contains free software and gateware, licensed under the
// Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this project,
// or this file, except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
`default_nettype none
// }}}
module axi_addr #(
// {{{
parameter AW = 32,
DW = 32,
parameter [0:0] OPT_AXI3 = 1'b0,
localparam LENB = 8
// }}}
) (
// {{{
input wire [AW-1:0] i_last_addr,
input wire [2:0] i_size, // 1b, 2b, 4b, 8b, etc
input wire [1:0] i_burst, // fixed, incr, wrap, reserved
input wire [LENB-1:0] i_len,
output reg [AW-1:0] o_next_addr
// }}}
// Parameter/register declarations
// {{{
localparam DSZ = $clog2(DW)-3;
localparam [1:0] FIXED = 2'b00;
localparam [1:0] INCREMENT = 2'b01;
localparam [1:0] WRAP = 2'b10;
reg [AW-1:0] wrap_mask, increment;
// }}}
// Address increment
// {{{
always @(*)
increment = 0;
if (i_burst != 0)
// Addresses increment from one beat to the next
// {{{
if (DSZ == 0)
increment = 1;
else if (DSZ == 1)
increment = (i_size[0]) ? 2 : 1;
else if (DSZ == 2)
increment = (i_size[1]) ? 4 : ((i_size[0]) ? 2 : 1);
else if (DSZ == 3)
2'b00: increment = 1;
2'b01: increment = 2;
2'b10: increment = 4;
2'b11: increment = 8;
increment = (1<<i_size);
// }}}
// }}}
// wrap_mask
// {{{
// The wrap_mask is used to determine which bits remain stable across
// the burst, and which are allowed to change. It is only used during
// wrapped addressing.
always @(*)
// Start with the default, minimum mask
wrap_mask = 1;
// Here's the original code. It works, but it's
// not economical (uses too many LUTs)
if (i_len[3:0] == 1)
wrap_mask = (1<<(i_size+1));
else if (i_len[3:0] == 3)
wrap_mask = (1<<(i_size+2));
else if (i_len[3:0] == 7)
wrap_mask = (1<<(i_size+3));
else if (i_len[3:0] == 15)
wrap_mask = (1<<(i_size+4));
wrap_mask = wrap_mask - 1;
// Here's what we *want*
// wrap_mask[i_size:0] = -1;
// On the other hand, since we're already guaranteed that our
// addresses are aligned, do we really care about
// wrap_mask[i_size-1:0] ?
// What we want:
// wrap_mask[i_size+3:i_size] |= i_len[3:0]
// We could simplify this to
// wrap_mask = wrap_mask | (i_len[3:0] << (i_size));
// But verilator complains about the left-hand side of
// the shift having only 3 bits.
if (DSZ < 2)
wrap_mask = wrap_mask | ({{(AW-4){1'b0}},i_len[3:0]} << (i_size[0]));
else if (DSZ < 4)
wrap_mask = wrap_mask | ({{(AW-4){1'b0}},i_len[3:0]} << (i_size[1:0]));
wrap_mask = wrap_mask | ({{(AW-4){1'b0}},i_len[3:0]} << (i_size));
if (AW > 12)
wrap_mask[((AW>12)?(AW-1):(AW-1)):((AW>12)?12:(AW-1))] = 0;
// }}}
// o_next_addr
// {{{
always @(*)
o_next_addr = i_last_addr + increment;
if (i_burst != FIXED)
// Align subsequent beats in any burst
// {{{
// We use the bus size here to simplify the logic
// required in case the bus is smaller than the
// maximum. This depends upon AxSIZE being less than
// $clog2(DATA_WIDTH/8).
if (DSZ < 2)
// {{{
// Align any subsequent address
if (i_size[0])
o_next_addr[0] = 0;
// }}}
end else if (DSZ < 4)
// {{{
// Align any subsequent address
2'b00: o_next_addr = o_next_addr;
2'b01: o_next_addr[ 0] = 0;
2'b10: o_next_addr[(AW-1>1) ? 1 : (AW-1):0]= 0;
2'b11: o_next_addr[(AW-1>2) ? 2 : (AW-1):0]= 0;
// }}}
end else begin
// {{{
// Align any subsequent address
3'b001: o_next_addr[ 0] = 0;
3'b010: o_next_addr[(AW-1>1) ? 1 : (AW-1):0]=0;
3'b011: o_next_addr[(AW-1>2) ? 2 : (AW-1):0]=0;
3'b100: o_next_addr[(AW-1>3) ? 3 : (AW-1):0]=0;
3'b101: o_next_addr[(AW-1>4) ? 4 : (AW-1):0]=0;
3'b110: o_next_addr[(AW-1>5) ? 5 : (AW-1):0]=0;
3'b111: o_next_addr[(AW-1>6) ? 6 : (AW-1):0]=0;
default: o_next_addr = o_next_addr;
// }}}
// }}}
// WRAP addressing
// {{{
if (i_burst[1])
// WRAP!
o_next_addr[AW-1:0] = (i_last_addr & ~wrap_mask)
| (o_next_addr & wrap_mask);
// }}}
// Guarantee only the bottom 12 bits change
// {{{
// This is really a logic simplification. AXI bursts aren't
// allowed to cross 4kB boundaries. Given that's the case,
// we don't have to suffer from the propagation across all
// AW bits, and can limit any address propagation to just the
// lower 12 bits
if (AW > 12)
o_next_addr[AW-1:((AW>12)? 12:(AW-1))]
= i_last_addr[AW-1:((AW>12) ? 12:(AW-1))];
// }}}
// }}}
// Make Verilator happy
// {{{
// Verilator lint_off UNUSED
wire unused;
assign unused = (LENB <= 4) ? {1'b0, i_len[0] }
: &{ 1'b0, i_len[LENB-1:4], i_len[0] };
// Verilator lint_on UNUSED
// }}}