blob: 039183739070dde5fa53e2fd4791e7eb835b020d [file] [log] [blame]
// Filename: afifo.v
// {{{
// Project: WB2AXIPSP: bus bridges and other odds and ends
// Purpose: A basic asynchronous FIFO.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// }}}
// Copyright (C) 2019-2020, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// {{{
// This file is part of the WB2AXIP project.
// The WB2AXIP project contains free software and gateware, licensed under the
// Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this project,
// or this file, except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
`default_nettype none
// }}}
module afifo #(
// {{{
// LGFIFO is the log based-two of the number of entries
// in the FIFO, log_2(fifo size)
parameter LGFIFO = 3,
// WIDTH is the number of data bits in each entry
parameter WIDTH = 16,
// NFF is the number of flip flops used to cross clock domains.
// 2 is a minimum. Some applications appreciate the better
parameter NFF = 2,
// This core can either write on the positive edge of the clock
// or the negative edge. Set WRITE_ON_POSEDGE (the default)
// to write on the positive edge of the clock.
parameter [0:0] WRITE_ON_POSEDGE = 1'b1,
// Many logic elements can read from memory asynchronously.
// This burdens any following logic. By setting
// OPT_REGISTER_READS, we force all reads to be synchronous and
// not burdened by any logic. You can spare a clock of latency
// by clearing this register.
parameter [0:0] OPT_REGISTER_READS = 1'b1,
// MSB = most significant bit of the FIFO address vector. It's
// just short-hand for LGFIFO, and won't work any other way.
parameter MSB = LGFIFO
// }}}
) (
// {{{
// The (incoming) write data interface
input wire i_wclk, i_wr_reset_n, i_wr,
input wire [WIDTH-1:0] i_wr_data,
output reg o_wr_full,
// The (incoming) write data interface
input wire i_rclk, i_rd_reset_n, i_rd,
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] o_rd_data,
output reg o_rd_empty
`ifdef FORMAL
, output reg [LGFIFO:0] f_fill
// }}}
// Register/net declarations
// {{{
reg [WIDTH-1:0] mem [(1<<LGFIFO)-1:0];
reg [LGFIFO:0] rd_addr, wr_addr,
rd_wgray, wr_rgray;
wire [LGFIFO:0] next_rd_addr, next_wr_addr;
reg [LGFIFO:0] rgray, wgray;
(* ASYNC_REG = "TRUE" *) reg [(LGFIFO+1)*(NFF-1)-1:0]
rgray_cross, wgray_cross;
wire wclk;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] lcl_rd_data;
reg lcl_read, lcl_rd_empty;
// }}}
// wclk - Write clock generation
// {{{
generate if (WRITE_ON_POSEDGE)
assign wclk = i_wclk;
end else begin
assign wclk = !i_wclk;
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Write to and read from memory
// {{{
// wr_addr, wgray
// {{{
assign next_wr_addr = wr_addr + 1;
always @(posedge wclk or negedge i_wr_reset_n)
if (!i_wr_reset_n)
wr_addr <= 0;
wgray <= 0;
end else if (i_wr && !o_wr_full)
wr_addr <= next_wr_addr;
wgray <= next_wr_addr ^ (next_wr_addr >> 1);
// }}}
// Write to memory
// {{{
always @(posedge wclk)
if (i_wr && !o_wr_full)
mem[wr_addr[LGFIFO-1:0]] <= i_wr_data;
// }}}
// rd_addr, rgray
// {{{
assign next_rd_addr = rd_addr + 1;
always @(posedge i_rclk or negedge i_rd_reset_n)
if (!i_rd_reset_n)
rd_addr <= 0;
rgray <= 0;
end else if (lcl_read && !lcl_rd_empty)
rd_addr <= next_rd_addr;
rgray <= next_rd_addr ^ (next_rd_addr >> 1);
// }}}
// Read from memory
// {{{
always @(*)
lcl_rd_data = mem[rd_addr[LGFIFO-1:0]];
// }}}
// }}}
// Cross clock domains
// {{{
// read pointer -> wr_rgray
// {{{
always @(posedge wclk or negedge i_wr_reset_n)
if (!i_wr_reset_n)
{ wr_rgray, rgray_cross } <= 0;
{ wr_rgray, rgray_cross } <= { rgray_cross, rgray };
// }}}
// write pointer -> rd_wgray
// {{{
always @(posedge i_rclk or negedge i_rd_reset_n)
if (!i_rd_reset_n)
{ rd_wgray, wgray_cross } <= 0;
{ rd_wgray, wgray_cross } <= { wgray_cross, wgray };
// }}}
// }}}
// Flag generation
// {{{
always @(*)
o_wr_full = (wr_rgray == { ~wgray[MSB:MSB-1], wgray[MSB-2:0] });
always @(*)
lcl_rd_empty = (rd_wgray == rgray);
// o_rd_empty, o_rd_data
// {{{
generate if (OPT_REGISTER_READS)
// {{{
always @(*)
lcl_read = (o_rd_empty || i_rd);
always @(posedge i_rclk or negedge i_rd_reset_n)
if (!i_rd_reset_n)
o_rd_empty <= 1'b1;
else if (lcl_read)
o_rd_empty <= lcl_rd_empty;
always @(posedge i_rclk)
if (lcl_read)
o_rd_data <= lcl_rd_data;
// }}}
end else begin
// {{{
always @(*)
lcl_read = i_rd;
always @(*)
o_rd_empty = lcl_rd_empty;
always @(*)
o_rd_data = lcl_rd_data;
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// }}}
// Formal properties
// {{{
`ifdef FORMAL
// Start out with some register/net/macro declarations, f_past_valid,etc
// {{{
`ifdef AFIFO
`define ASSERT assert
`define ASSUME assume
`define ASSERT assert
`define ASSUME assert
(* gclk *) reg gbl_clk;
reg f_past_valid_gbl, f_past_valid_rd,
f_rd_in_reset, f_wr_in_reset;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] past_rd_data, past_wr_data;
reg past_wr_reset_n, past_rd_reset_n,
past_rd_empty, past_wclk, past_rclk, past_rd;
reg [(LGFIFO+1)*(NFF-1)-1:0] f_wcross, f_rcross;
reg [LGFIFO:0] f_rd_waddr, f_wr_raddr;
reg [LGFIFO:0] f_rdcross_fill [NFF-1:0];
reg [LGFIFO:0] f_wrcross_fill [NFF-1:0];
initial f_past_valid_gbl = 1'b0;
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
f_past_valid_gbl <= 1'b1;
initial f_past_valid_rd = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_rclk)
f_past_valid_rd <= 1'b1;
// }}}
// Reset checks
// {{{
initial f_wr_in_reset = 1'b1;
always @(posedge wclk or negedge i_wr_reset_n)
if (!i_wr_reset_n)
f_wr_in_reset <= 1'b1;
f_wr_in_reset <= 1'b0;
initial f_rd_in_reset = 1'b1;
always @(posedge i_rclk or negedge i_rd_reset_n)
if (!i_rd_reset_n)
f_rd_in_reset <= 1'b1;
f_rd_in_reset <= 1'b0;
// Resets are ...
// 1. Asserted always initially, and ...
always @(*)
if (!f_past_valid_gbl)
// 2. They only ever become active together
always @(*)
if (past_wr_reset_n && !i_wr_reset_n)
always @(*)
if (past_rd_reset_n && !i_rd_reset_n)
// }}}
// Synchronous signal assumptions
// {{{
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
past_wr_reset_n <= i_wr_reset_n;
past_rd_reset_n <= i_rd_reset_n;
past_wclk <= wclk;
past_rclk <= i_rclk;
past_rd <= i_rd;
past_rd_data <= lcl_rd_data;
past_wr_data <= i_wr_data;
past_rd_empty<= lcl_rd_empty;
// Read side may be assumed to be synchronous
always @(*)
if (f_past_valid_gbl && i_rd_reset_n && (past_rclk || !i_rclk))
// i.e. if (!$rose(i_rclk))
`ASSUME(i_rd == past_rd);
always @(*)
if (f_past_valid_rd && !f_rd_in_reset && !lcl_rd_empty
&&(past_rclk || !i_rclk))
`ASSERT(lcl_rd_data == past_rd_data);
`ASSERT(lcl_rd_empty == past_rd_empty);
// }}}
// Fill checks
// {{{
always @(*)
f_fill = wr_addr - rd_addr;
always @(*)
if (!f_wr_in_reset)
`ASSERT(f_fill <= { 1'b1, {(MSB){1'b0}} });
always @(*)
if (wr_addr == rd_addr)
always @(*)
if ((!f_wr_in_reset && !f_rd_in_reset)
&& wr_addr == { ~rd_addr[MSB], rd_addr[MSB-1:0] })
// }}}
// Induction checks
// {{{
// f_wr_in_reset -- write logic is in its reset state
// {{{
always @(*)
if (f_wr_in_reset)
`ASSERT(wr_addr == 0);
`ASSERT(wgray_cross == 0);
`ASSERT(rd_addr == 0);
`ASSERT(rgray_cross == 0);
`ASSERT(rd_wgray == 0);
// }}}
// f_rd_in_reset -- read logic is in its reset state
// {{{
always @(*)
if (f_rd_in_reset)
`ASSERT(rd_addr == 0);
`ASSERT(rgray_cross == 0);
`ASSERT(rd_wgray == 0);
// }}}
// f_wr_raddr -- a read address to match the gray values
// {{{
always @(posedge wclk or negedge i_wr_reset_n)
if (!i_wr_reset_n)
{ f_wr_raddr, f_rcross } <= 0;
{ f_wr_raddr, f_rcross } <= { f_rcross, rd_addr };
// }}}
// f_rd_waddr -- a write address to match the gray values
// {{{
always @(posedge i_rclk or negedge i_rd_reset_n)
if (!i_rd_reset_n)
{ f_rd_waddr, f_wcross } <= 0;
{ f_rd_waddr, f_wcross } <= { f_wcross, wr_addr };
// }}}
integer k;
// wgray check
// {{{
always @(*)
`ASSERT((wr_addr ^ (wr_addr >> 1)) == wgray);
// }}}
// wgray_cross check
// {{{
always @(*)
for(k=0; k<NFF-1; k=k+1)
`ASSERT((f_wcross[k*(LGFIFO+1) +: LGFIFO+1]
^ (f_wcross[k*(LGFIFO+1)+: LGFIFO+1]>>1))
== wgray_cross[k*(LGFIFO+1) +: LGFIFO+1]);
// }}}
// rgray check
// {{{
always @(*)
`ASSERT((rd_addr ^ (rd_addr >> 1)) == rgray);
// }}}
// rgray_cross check
// {{{
always @(*)
for(k=0; k<NFF-1; k=k+1)
`ASSERT((f_rcross[k*(LGFIFO+1) +: LGFIFO+1]
^ (f_rcross[k*(LGFIFO+1) +: LGFIFO+1]>>1))
== rgray_cross[k*(LGFIFO+1) +: LGFIFO+1]);
// }}}
// wr_rgray
// {{{
always @(*)
`ASSERT((f_wr_raddr ^ (f_wr_raddr >> 1)) == wr_rgray);
// }}}
// rd_wgray
// {{{
always @(*)
`ASSERT((f_rd_waddr ^ (f_rd_waddr >> 1)) == rd_wgray);
// }}}
// f_rdcross_fill
// {{{
always @(*)
for(k=0; k<NFF-1; k=k+1)
f_rdcross_fill[k] = f_wcross[k*(LGFIFO+1) +: LGFIFO+1]
- rd_addr;
always @(*)
f_rdcross_fill[NFF-1] = f_rd_waddr - rd_addr;
always @(*)
for(k=0; k<NFF; k=k+1)
`ASSERT(f_rdcross_fill[k] <= { 1'b1, {(LGFIFO){1'b0}} });
always @(*)
for(k=1; k<NFF; k=k+1)
`ASSERT(f_rdcross_fill[k] <= f_rdcross_fill[k-1]);
always @(*)
`ASSERT(f_rdcross_fill[0] <= f_fill);
// }}}
// f_wrcross_fill
// {{{
always @(*)
for(k=0; k<NFF-1; k=k+1)
f_wrcross_fill[k] = wr_addr -
f_rcross[k*(LGFIFO+1) +: LGFIFO+1];
always @(*)
f_wrcross_fill[NFF-1] = wr_addr - f_wr_raddr;
always @(*)
for(k=0; k<NFF; k=k+1)
`ASSERT(f_wrcross_fill[k] <= { 1'b1, {(LGFIFO){1'b0}} });
always @(*)
for(k=1; k<NFF; k=k+1)
`ASSERT(f_wrcross_fill[k] >= f_wrcross_fill[k-1]);
always @(*)
`ASSERT(f_wrcross_fill[0] >= f_fill);
// }}}
// }}}
// Clock generation
// {{{
// Here's the challenge: if we use $past with any of our clocks, such
// as to determine stability or any such, the proof takes forever, and
// we need to guarantee a minimum number of transitions within the
// depth of the proof. If, on the other hand, we build our own $past
// primitives--we can then finish much faster and be successful on
// any depth of proof.
// pre_xclk is what the clock will become on the next global clock edge.
// By using it here, we can check things @(*) instead of
// @(posedge gbl_clk). Further, we can check $rose(pre_xclk) (or $fell)
// and essentially check things @(*) but while using @(global_clk).
// In other words, we can transition on @(posedge gbl_clk), but stay
// in sync with the data--rather than being behind by a clock.
// now_xclk is what the clock is currently.
(* anyseq *) reg pre_wclk, pre_rclk;
reg now_wclk, now_rclk;
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
now_wclk <= pre_wclk;
now_rclk <= pre_rclk;
always @(*)
assume(i_wclk == now_wclk);
assume(i_rclk == now_rclk);
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
assume(i_rclk == $past(pre_rclk));
// Assume both clocks start idle
// {{{
always @(*)
if (!f_past_valid_gbl)
assume(!pre_wclk && !wclk);
assume(!pre_rclk && !i_rclk);
// }}}
// }}}
// Formal contract check --- the twin write test
// {{{
// Tracking register declarations
// {{{
reg [WIDTH-1:0] f_first, f_next;
(* anyconst *) reg [LGFIFO:0] f_addr;
reg [LGFIFO:0] f_next_addr;
reg f_first_in_fifo, f_next_in_fifo;
reg [LGFIFO:0] f_to_first, f_to_next;
reg [1:0] f_state;
always @(*)
f_next_addr = f_addr + 1;
// }}}
// distance_to*, *_in_fifo
// {{{
always @(*)
f_to_first = f_addr - rd_addr;
f_first_in_fifo = 1'b1;
if ((f_to_first >= f_fill)||(f_fill == 0))
f_first_in_fifo = 1'b0;
if (mem[f_addr] != f_first)
f_first_in_fifo = 1'b0;
// Check the second item
f_to_next = f_next_addr - rd_addr;
f_next_in_fifo = 1'b1;
if ((f_to_next >= f_fill)||(f_fill == 0))
f_next_in_fifo = 1'b0;
if (mem[f_next_addr] != f_next)
f_next_in_fifo = 1'b0;
// }}}
// f_state -- generate our state variable
// {{{
initial f_state = 0;
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
if (!i_wr_reset_n)
f_state <= 0;
else case(f_state)
2'b00: if (($rose(pre_wclk))&& i_wr && !o_wr_full &&(wr_addr == f_addr))
f_state <= 2'b01;
f_first <= i_wr_data;
2'b01: if ($rose(pre_rclk)&& lcl_read && rd_addr == f_addr)
f_state <= 2'b00;
else if ($rose(pre_wclk) && i_wr && !o_wr_full )
f_state <= 2'b10;
f_next <= i_wr_data;
2'b10: if ($rose(pre_rclk) && lcl_read && !lcl_rd_empty && rd_addr == f_addr)
f_state <= 2'b11;
2'b11: if ($rose(pre_rclk) && lcl_read && !lcl_rd_empty && rd_addr == f_next_addr)
f_state <= 2'b00;
// }}}
// f_state invariants
// {{{
always @(*)
if (i_wr_reset_n) case(f_state)
2'b00: begin end
2'b01: begin
`ASSERT(wr_addr == f_next_addr);
`ASSERT(f_fill >= 1);
2'b10: begin
if (!lcl_rd_empty && (rd_addr == f_addr))
`ASSERT(lcl_rd_data == f_first);
`ASSERT(f_fill >= 2);
2'b11: begin
`ASSERT(rd_addr == f_next_addr);
`ASSERT(f_fill >= 1);
if (!lcl_rd_empty)
`ASSERT(lcl_rd_data == f_next);
// }}}
generate if (OPT_REGISTER_READS)
reg past_o_rd_empty;
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
past_o_rd_empty <= o_rd_empty;
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
if (f_past_valid_gbl && i_rd_reset_n)
if ($past(!o_rd_empty && !i_rd && i_rd_reset_n))
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
if (!f_rd_in_reset && i_rd_reset_n && i_rclk && !past_rclk)
if (past_o_rd_empty)
`ASSERT(o_rd_data == past_rd_data);
if (past_rd)
`ASSERT(o_rd_data == past_rd_data);
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Cover checks
// {{{
reg cvr_full;
always @(*)
if (i_wr_reset_n && i_rd_reset_n)
cover(f_state == 2'b01);
cover(f_state == 2'b10);
cover(f_state == 2'b11);
cover(i_rd && !o_rd_empty);
initial cvr_full = 1'b0;
always @(posedge gbl_clk)
if (!i_wr_reset_n)
cvr_full <= 1'b0;
else if (o_wr_full)
cvr_full <= 1'b1;
always @(*)
if (f_past_valid_gbl)
cover(o_rd_empty && cvr_full);
cover(o_rd_empty && f_fill == 0 && cvr_full);
// }}}
// }}}