blob: 1f96a8c7b0161a631d0b0480920fd74b5e0f3461 [file] [log] [blame]
// Filename: saxi_slave.v (Simulation properties of an AXI4 (full) slave)
// {{{
// Project: WB2AXIPSP: bus bridges and other odds and ends
// Purpose: This file contains a set of SVA properties designed to help
// verify whether or not an AXI4 core complies with the
// specification within a given simulation. As written, the properties are
// not designed for formal verification and may (or may not) work in a
// formal context.
// My intent is to base a set of formal properties, useful for verifying
// a design using induction, off of these properties.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// }}}
// Copyright (C) 2020, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// {{{
// This file is part of the WB2AXIP project.
// The WB2AXIP project contains free software and gateware, licensed under the
// Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this project,
// or this file, except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
`default_nettype none
// }}}
module saxi_slave #(
// {{{
// AXI ID width
parameter C_AXI_ID_WIDTH = 3,
// Data width
parameter C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128,
parameter C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 28,
// OPT_MAXBURST - Maximum burst length, minus 1
parameter [7:0] OPT_MAXBURST = 8'hff,
// Exclusive access allowed
parameter [0:0] OPT_EXCLUSIVE = 1,
// User design uses async resets -- not the default
parameter [0:0] OPT_ASYNC_RESET = 0,
// F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET, if set, will cause the design to
// *assume* the existence of a correct reset, rather than
// asserting it. (No difference under simulation.) It is
// appropriate anytime the reset logic is outside of the
/// circuit being examined
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET = 1'b1,
// F_OPT_RESET_WIDTH -- insist on a minimum reset width.
// (Xilinx recommends a minimum width of 16 clocks. The
// AXI specification isn't that specific.)
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_RESET_WIDTH = 1'b1,
// F_LGDEPTH is the number of bits necessary to count the
// maximum number of items in flight.
parameter F_LGDEPTH = 10,
// MAXSTALL -- the maximum number of stall cycles the slave can
// make the master wait.
parameter [(F_LGDEPTH-1):0] F_AXI_MAXSTALL = 3,
// MAXRSTALL (reverse stall) -- the maximum number of stall
// cycles the master can make the slave wait
parameter [(F_LGDEPTH-1):0] F_AXI_MAXRSTALL= 3,
// MAXDELAY -- maximum number of clock cycles to wait for an
// accepted packet to be returned.
parameter [(F_LGDEPTH-1):0] F_AXI_MAXDELAY = 3,
// F_OPT_BURSTS -- true if the maximum burst length is longer
// than a single beat
localparam [0:0] F_OPT_BURSTS = (OPT_MAXBURST != 0),
// IW, DW, AW, and NUM_IDS are just short-hand notations
localparam IW = C_AXI_ID_WIDTH,
localparam DW = C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH,
localparam AW = C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH,
localparam NUM_IDS = (1<<C_AXI_ID_WIDTH)
// }}}
) (
// {{{
input wire i_clk, // System clock
input wire i_axi_aresetn,
// AXI write address channel signals
// {{{
input wire i_axi_awvalid,
input wire i_axi_awready,
input wire [IW-1:0] i_axi_awid,
input wire [AW-1:0] i_axi_awaddr,
input wire [7:0] i_axi_awlen,
input wire [2:0] i_axi_awsize,
input wire [1:0] i_axi_awburst,
input wire i_axi_awlock,
input wire [3:0] i_axi_awcache,
input wire [2:0] i_axi_awprot,
input wire [3:0] i_axi_awqos,
// }}}
// AXI write data channel signals
// {{{
input wire i_axi_wvalid,
input wire i_axi_wready,
input wire [DW-1:0] i_axi_wdata,
input wire [DW/8-1:0] i_axi_wstrb,
input wire i_axi_wlast,
// }}}
// AXI write response channel signals
// {{{
input wire i_axi_bvalid,
input wire i_axi_bready,
input wire [IW-1:0] i_axi_bid,
input wire [1:0] i_axi_bresp,
// }}}
// AXI read address channel signals
// {{{
input wire i_axi_arvalid,
input wire i_axi_arready,
input wire [IW-1:0] i_axi_arid,
input wire [AW-1:0] i_axi_araddr,
input wire [7:0] i_axi_arlen,
input wire [2:0] i_axi_arsize,
input wire [1:0] i_axi_arburst,
input wire [0:0] i_axi_arlock,
input wire [3:0] i_axi_arcache,
input wire [2:0] i_axi_arprot,
input wire [3:0] i_axi_arqos,
// }}}
// AXI read data channel signals
// {{{
input wire i_axi_rvalid,
input wire i_axi_rready,
input wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] i_axi_rid,
input wire [DW-1:0] i_axi_rdata,
input wire i_axi_rlast,
input wire [1:0] i_axi_rresp
// }}}
// }}}
// Parameter declarations
// {{{
localparam [1:0] EXOKAY = 2'b01;
// Because of the nature and size of bursts, which can be up to
// 256 in length (AxLEN), the F_LGDEPTH parameter necessary to capture
// this *must* be at least 8 bits wide
always @(*)
assert(F_LGDEPTH > 8);
// Only power of two data sizes are supported from 8-bits on up to
// 1024
always @(*)
assert((DW == 8)
||(DW == 16)
||(DW == 32)
||(DW == 64)
||(DW == 128)
||(DW == 256)
||(DW == 512)
||(DW == 1024));
// }}}
// Internal register and wire declarations
// {{{
wire axi_rd_ack, axi_wr_ack, axi_ard_req, axi_awr_req, axi_wr_req,
axi_rd_err, axi_wr_err;
assign axi_ard_req = (i_axi_arvalid)&&(i_axi_arready);
assign axi_awr_req = (i_axi_awvalid)&&(i_axi_awready);
assign axi_wr_req = (i_axi_wvalid )&&(i_axi_wready);
assign axi_rd_ack = (i_axi_rvalid)&&(i_axi_rready);
assign axi_wr_ack = (i_axi_bvalid)&&(i_axi_bready);
assign axi_rd_err = (axi_rd_ack)&&(i_axi_rresp[1]);
assign axi_wr_err = (axi_wr_ack)&&(i_axi_bresp[1]);
reg [F_LGDEPTH-1:0] f_axi_awr_nbursts;
reg [9-1:0] f_axi_wr_pending;
reg [F_LGDEPTH-1:0] f_axi_rd_nbursts;
reg [F_LGDEPTH-1:0] f_axi_rd_outstanding;
reg awfifo_read;
wire awfifo_full, awfifo_empty;
wire [F_LGDEPTH:0] awfifo_fill;
wire [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] awfifo_id;
wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] awfifo_addr;
wire [7:0] awfifo_len;
wire [1:0] awfifo_burst;
wire [2:0] awfifo_size;
wire awfifo_lock;
wire [3:0] awfifo_cache;
wire [2:0] awfifo_prot;
wire [3:0] awfifo_qos;
reg [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] f_axi_wr_this_id;
reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] f_axi_wr_this_addr;
reg [7:0] f_axi_wr_this_len;
reg [1:0] f_axi_wr_this_burst;
reg [2:0] f_axi_wr_this_size;
reg f_axi_wr_this_lock;
reg [3:0] f_axi_wr_this_cache;
reg [2:0] f_axi_wr_this_prot;
reg [3:0] f_axi_wr_this_qos;
reg [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] r_axi_wr_id;
reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] r_axi_wr_addr;
reg [7:0] r_axi_wr_len;
reg [1:0] r_axi_wr_burst;
reg [2:0] r_axi_wr_size;
reg r_axi_wr_lock;
reg [3:0] r_axi_wr_cache;
reg [2:0] r_axi_wr_prot;
reg [3:0] r_axi_wr_qos;
wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] next_write_addr;
wire [7:0] f_axi_wr_this_incr;
reg [8:0] r_wr_pending;
reg wfifo_read;
wire wfifo_full, wfifo_empty;
wire [F_LGDEPTH:0] wfifo_fill;
wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wfifo_data;
wire [C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] wfifo_strb;
wire wfifo_last;
wire valid_iwaddr, // Incoming write address
reg f_past_valid;
reg awr_aligned,
wire [AW-1:0] next_rd_addr;
reg wstb_valid;
genvar gk;
// }}}
// Pre-setup
// {{{
// Within the slave core, we will *assume* properties from the master,
// and *assert* properties of signals coming from the slave and
// returning to the master. This order will be reversed within the
// master, and the following two definitions help us do that.
`define ASSUME assume
`define SLAVE_ASSUME assume
`define SLAVE_ASSERT assert
// f_past_valid
// {{{
initial f_past_valid = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
f_past_valid <= 1'b1;
// }}}
// }}}
// Reset properties
// {{{
// Insist that the reset signal start out asserted (negative), and
// remain so for 16 clocks.
// The reset should be active initially
// {{{
generate if (F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET)
`ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
!f_past_valid |-> !i_axi_aresetn);
end else begin : ASSERT_INITIAL_RESET
assert property (@(posedge i_clk)
!f_past_valid |-> !i_axi_aresetn);
end endgenerate
// }}}
// If !F_OPT_NO_RESET, insist on a minimum 16-clock reset
// {{{
`ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
(!f_past_valid || $fell(i_axi_aresetn))
|-> !i_axi_aresetn [*F_OPT_RESET_WIDTH]);
end else if (F_OPT_RESET_WIDTH > 1)
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
(!f_past_valid || $fell(i_axi_aresetn))
|-> !i_axi_aresetn [*F_OPT_RESET_WIDTH]);
end endgenerate
// }}}
// }}}
// Clear everything on a reset
// {{{
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn |=> !i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_wvalid
&& !i_axi_arvalid);
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn |=> !i_axi_bvalid && !i_axi_rvalid);
generate if (OPT_ASYNC_RESET)
// {{{
@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn |-> !i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_wvalid
&& !i_axi_arvalid;
@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn |-> !i_axi_bvalid && !i_axi_rvalid;
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Stability properties--what happens if valid and not ready
// {{{
// Assume any response from the bus will not change prior to that
// response being accepted
// Write address channel
// {{{
property STABLE_AW;
@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_awready
##1 (!OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_aresetn)
|-> i_axi_awvalid
&& $stable({ i_axi_awid, i_axi_awaddr, i_axi_awlen,
i_axi_awsize, i_axi_awburst, i_axi_awlock,
i_axi_awcache, i_axi_awprot, i_axi_awqos });
// }}}
// Write data channel
// {{{
property STABLE_W;
@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_wvalid && !i_axi_wready
##1 (!OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_aresetn)
|-> i_axi_wvalid
&& $stable({ i_axi_wdata, i_axi_wstrb, i_axi_wlast });
// }}}
// Write return channel
// {{{
property STABLE_B;
@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_bvalid && !i_axi_bready
##1 (!OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_aresetn)
|-> i_axi_bvalid
&& $stable({ i_axi_bid, i_axi_bresp });
// }}}
// Read address channel
// {{{
property STABLE_AR;
@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_arvalid && !i_axi_arready
##1 (!OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_aresetn)
|-> i_axi_arvalid
&& $stable({ i_axi_arid, i_axi_araddr, i_axi_arlen,
i_axi_arsize, i_axi_arburst, i_axi_arlock,
i_axi_arcache, i_axi_arprot, i_axi_arqos });
// }}}
// Read return channel
// {{{
property STABLE_R;
@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_rvalid && !i_axi_rready
##1 (!OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_aresetn)
|-> i_axi_rvalid
&& $stable({ i_axi_rid, i_axi_rdata, i_axi_rlast,
i_axi_rresp });
// }}}
// }}}
// Insist upon a maximum number of stalls before a request is accepted
// {{{
generate if (F_AXI_MAXWAIT > 0)
// AXI write address channel
// {{{
// Insist that AW channel can stall no more than F_AXI_MAXWAIT
// cycles before AWREADY is raised. However, if
// BVALID && !BREADY, then the slave has a reason why it might
// not want to accepting any more transactions. Similarly,
// many cores will only ever accept one request at a time,
// hence we won't count things as stalls if we are still
// waiting on write data--that's handled in another assertion
// below.
property MAX_AW_STALLS;
@(posedge i_clk)
disable iff (!i_axi_aresetn || f_axi_wr_pending > 0)
i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_awready [*F_AXI_MAXWAIT]
|=> i_axi_awready;
// }}}
// AXI write data channel
// {{{
// Insist that the write data channel be stalled no more than
// F_AXI_MAXWAIT cycles. Since things can back up if
// BVALID & !BREADY, we avoid counting clock cycles in that
// circumstance
@(posedge i_clk)
disable iff (!i_axi_aresetn || f_axi_wr_pending == 0
|| (i_axi_bvalid && !i_axi_bready))
i_axi_wvalid && !i_axi_wready [*F_AXI_MAXWAIT]
|=> i_axi_wready;
// }}}
// AXI read address channel
// {{{
// Similar to the first two above, once the master raises
// ARVALID, insist that the slave accept the read address
// request within a minimum number of clock cycles.
// Exceptions include any time RVALID is true, since that can
// back up the whole system, and any time the number of bursts
// is greater than zero, since many slaves can only accept one
// request at a time.
property MAX_AR_STALLS;
@(posedge i_clk)
disable iff (!i_axi_aresetn || f_axi_rd_nbursts > 0)
i_axi_arvalid && !i_axi_arready [*F_AXI_MAXWAIT]
|=> i_axi_arready;
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Insist upon a maximum delay before any response is accepted
// {{{
// Note that this is a *response* channel property, so it is separate
// from the earlier properties in case you wish to control it
// separately. For example, an interconnect might be forced to let a
// channel wait indefinitely for access, but it might not be
// appropriate to require the response to be able to wait indefinitely
// as well. So, here we check the response time.
generate if (F_AXI_MAXRSTALL > 0)
// AXI write channel valid
// {{{
// The first master stall check: guarantee that the master
// provides the required write data in fairly short order,
// and without much delay. That is, once AWVALID && AWREADY
// are true, the slave needs to provide the W* values.
// This is the only "forward" property check among our response
// channel checks, since it's a master and not a slave property.
@(posedge i_clk)
&& (!i_axi_bvalid || i_axi_bready)
&& (f_axi_wr_pending > 0)
&& (!i_axi_wvalid) [*F_AXI_MAXRSTALL]
|=> i_axi_wvalid;
// }}}
// AXI write response channel
// {{{
// Insist on a maximum number of clocks that BVALID can be
// high while BREADY is low
property MAX_B_STALLS;
@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_bvalid && !i_axi_bready [*F_AXI_MAXRSTALL]
|=> i_axi_bready;
// /}}}
// AXI read response channel
// {{{
// Insist on a maximum number of clocks that RVALID can be
// high while RREADY is low
property MAX_R_STALLS;
@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_rvalid && !i_axi_rready [*F_AXI_MAXRSTALL]
|=> i_axi_rready;
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Write property checking
// {{{
// Validate the incoming address channel packet
// {{{
faxi_valaddr #(.C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW), .C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW),
f_wraddr_validate(i_axi_awaddr, i_axi_awlen, i_axi_awsize,
i_axi_awburst, i_axi_awlock,
1'b1, awr_aligned, valid_iwaddr);
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_awvalid |-> valid_iwaddr);
// }}}
// Write address request FIFO
// {{{
// Queue write address requests so we can process them one packet
// at a time.
sfifo #(
// {{{
.BW(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH + C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH + 8 + 2 + 3+1+4+3+4),
// }}}
) awrequests (
// {{{
.i_clk(i_clk), .i_reset(!i_axi_aresetn),
.i_wr(i_axi_awvalid && i_axi_awready),
.i_data({ i_axi_awid, i_axi_awaddr, i_axi_awlen,
i_axi_awburst, i_axi_awsize, i_axi_awlock,
i_axi_awcache, i_axi_awprot, i_axi_awqos }),
.o_full(awfifo_full), .o_fill(awfifo_fill),
.o_data({ awfifo_id, awfifo_addr, awfifo_len,
awfifo_burst, awfifo_size, awfifo_lock,
awfifo_cache, awfifo_prot, awfifo_qos }),
// }}}
always @(*)
awfifo_read = (r_wr_pending == 0);
// }}}
// Write data FIFO
// {{{
// In AXI, the write data can come before the address. In such
// circumstances, you need to hold on to that data in a queue (FIFO)
// until the address is available so that you can compare the two
// against each other for validity.
sfifo #(
// {{{
// }}}
) wrequests (
// {{{
.i_clk(i_clk), .i_reset(!i_axi_aresetn),
.i_wr(i_axi_wvalid && i_axi_wready),
.i_data({ i_axi_wdata, i_axi_wstrb, i_axi_wlast }),
.o_full(wfifo_full), .o_fill(wfifo_fill),
.o_data({ wfifo_data, wfifo_strb, wfifo_last }),
// }}}
always @(*)
wfifo_read = (r_wr_pending > 0)||(awfifo_read && !awfifo_empty);
// }}}
// Make sure AWLOCK is low if !OPT_EXCLUSIVE
// {{{
generate if (!OPT_EXCLUSIVE)
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
(!i_axi_awvalid || !i_axi_awlock));
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Build f_axi_wr_this_*
// {{{
always @(*)
if (r_wr_pending == 0)
f_axi_wr_this_id = awfifo_id;
f_axi_wr_this_addr = awfifo_addr;
f_axi_wr_this_len = awfifo_len;
f_axi_wr_this_burst = awfifo_burst;
f_axi_wr_this_size = awfifo_size;
f_axi_wr_this_lock = awfifo_lock;
f_axi_wr_this_cache = awfifo_cache;
f_axi_wr_this_prot = awfifo_prot;
f_axi_wr_this_qos = awfifo_qos;
end else begin
f_axi_wr_this_id = r_axi_wr_id;
f_axi_wr_this_addr = r_axi_wr_addr;
f_axi_wr_this_len = r_axi_wr_len;
f_axi_wr_this_burst = r_axi_wr_burst;
f_axi_wr_this_size = r_axi_wr_size;
f_axi_wr_this_lock = r_axi_wr_lock;
f_axi_wr_this_cache = r_axi_wr_cache;
f_axi_wr_this_prot = r_axi_wr_prot;
f_axi_wr_this_qos = r_axi_wr_qos;
// }}}
// r_axi_wr_*
// {{{
initial r_wr_pending = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (awfifo_read && !awfifo_empty)
r_axi_wr_id <= awfifo_id;
r_axi_wr_addr <= awfifo_addr;
r_axi_wr_len <= awfifo_len;
r_axi_wr_burst<= awfifo_burst;
r_axi_wr_size <= awfifo_size;
r_axi_wr_lock <= awfifo_lock;
r_axi_wr_cache<= awfifo_cache;
r_axi_wr_prot <= awfifo_prot;
r_axi_wr_qos <= awfifo_qos;
r_wr_pending <= awfifo_len + 1;
if (wfifo_read && !wfifo_empty)
r_axi_wr_addr <= next_write_addr;
r_wr_pending <= awfifo_len;
end else if (wfifo_read && !wfifo_empty)
r_axi_wr_addr <= next_write_addr;
r_wr_pending <= r_wr_pending - 1;
if (!i_axi_aresetn)
r_wr_pending <= 0;
// }}}
// f_axi_wr_pending
// {{{
always @(*)
if (r_wr_pending == 0)
f_axi_wr_pending = awfifo_len + 1;
if (awfifo_empty || !awfifo_read)
f_axi_wr_pending = 0;
end else
f_axi_wr_pending = r_wr_pending;
// }}}
// next_write_addr
// {{{
faxi_addr #(.AW(AW))
f_axi_wr_this_addr, f_axi_wr_this_size, f_axi_wr_this_burst,
f_axi_wr_this_incr, next_write_addr);
// }}}
// Check WSTRB
// {{{
faxi_wstrb #(.C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW))
f_wstrbck (f_axi_wr_this_addr, f_axi_wr_this_size,
wfifo_strb, wstb_valid);
// Insist the only the appropriate bits be valid
// For example, if the lower address bit is one, then the
// strobe LSB cannot be 1, but must be zero. This is just
// enforcing the rules of the sub-address which must match
// the write strobe. An STRB of 0 is always allowed.
always @(*)
if (!wfifo_empty)
// }}}
// Check WLAST
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
!wfifo_empty && r_wr_pending > 0
|-> ((r_wr_pending == 1) == wfifo_last));
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
!wfifo_empty && r_wr_pending == 0 && !awfifo_empty
|-> ((awfifo_len == 0) == wfifo_last));
// Check BID and BRESP
// {{{
generate for(gk=0; gk<NUM_IDS; gk=gk+1)
begin : CHECK_BID
// {{{
// Register/net declarations
// {{{
wire [F_LGDEPTH:0] bid_count;
reg block_fifo_write, block_fifo_check,
wire block_possible;
wire block_fifo_empty;
// }}}
always @(*)
block_fifo_write = (wfifo_read && !wfifo_empty
&& wfifo_last && f_axi_wr_this_id == gk);
always @(*)
block_fifo_check = (i_axi_bvalid && i_axi_bid == gk);
always @(*)
block_fifo_read = block_fifo_check && i_axi_bready;
// {{{
wire block_fifo_full;
sfifo #(
// {{{
// }}}
) block_fifo (
// {{{
.i_clk(i_clk), .i_reset(!i_axi_aresetn),
.o_full(block_fifo_full), .o_fill(bid_count),
// }}}
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
|-> !block_fifo_check || i_axi_bresp != EXOKAY);
// }}}
// {{{
reg [F_LGDEPTH-1:0] r_bid_count;
initial r_bid_count = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_aresetn)
r_bid_count = 0;
else case ({ block_fifo_write, block_fifo_read })
2'b10: r_bid_count <= r_bid_count + 1;
2'b01: r_bid_count <= r_bid_count - 1;
default: begin end
assign block_fifo_empty = (r_bid_count == 0);
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
!block_fifo_check || i_axi_bresp != EXOKAY);
// }}}
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
block_fifo_write && !block_fifo_read
|-> (bid_count != {(F_LGDEPTH){1'b1}}));
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
block_fifo_check |-> !block_fifo_empty);
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// f_axi_awr_nbursts
// {{{
// Count the number of outstanding BVALID's to expect
initial f_axi_awr_nbursts = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_aresetn)
f_axi_awr_nbursts <= 0;
else case({ (axi_awr_req), (axi_wr_ack) })
2'b10: f_axi_awr_nbursts <= f_axi_awr_nbursts + 1'b1;
2'b01: f_axi_awr_nbursts <= f_axi_awr_nbursts - 1'b1;
default: begin end
// }}}
// f_axi_rd_nbursts
// {{{
// Count the number of reads bursts outstanding. This defines the
// number of RDVALID && RLAST's we expect to see before becoming idle
initial f_axi_rd_nbursts = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_aresetn)
f_axi_rd_nbursts <= 0;
else case({ (axi_ard_req), (axi_rd_ack)&&(i_axi_rlast) })
2'b01: f_axi_rd_nbursts <= f_axi_rd_nbursts - 1'b1;
2'b10: f_axi_rd_nbursts <= f_axi_rd_nbursts + 1'b1;
// }}}
// f_axi_rd_outstanding
// {{{
// f_axi_rd_outstanding counts the number of RDVALID's we expect to
// see before becoming idle. This must always be greater than or
// equal to the number of RVALID & RLAST's counted above
initial f_axi_rd_outstanding = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_aresetn)
f_axi_rd_outstanding <= 0;
else case({ (axi_ard_req), (axi_rd_ack) })
2'b01: f_axi_rd_outstanding <= f_axi_rd_outstanding - 1'b1;
2'b10: f_axi_rd_outstanding <= f_axi_rd_outstanding + i_axi_arlen+1;
2'b11: f_axi_rd_outstanding <= f_axi_rd_outstanding + i_axi_arlen;
// }}}
// Do not let the number of outstanding requests overflow.
// {{{
// This is a responsibility of both the master and the slave to never
// allow 2^F_LGDEPTH-1 requests (or more) to be outstanding.
assert property (@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn || f_axi_awr_nbursts < {(F_LGDEPTH){1'b1}});
assert property (@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn || f_axi_wr_pending <= 256);
assert property (@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn || f_axi_rd_nbursts < {(F_LGDEPTH){1'b1}});
assert property (@(posedge i_clk)
!i_axi_aresetn || f_axi_rd_outstanding < {(F_LGDEPTH){1'b1}});
// }}}
// }}}
// Read property checking
// {{{
generate if (!OPT_EXCLUSIVE)
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
(!i_axi_arvalid || !i_axi_arlock));
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
(!i_axi_rvalid || i_axi_rresp != EXOKAY));
end endgenerate
// Validate the read address packet
// {{{
faxi_valaddr #(.C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW), .C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW),
f_rdaddr_validate(i_axi_araddr, i_axi_arlen,
i_axi_arsize, i_axi_arburst, i_axi_arlock,
1'b1, ard_aligned, valid_iraddr);
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_arvalid |-> valid_iraddr);
// }}}
// Read return handling must be done on a per-ID basis
generate for(gk=0; gk<NUM_IDS; gk=gk+1)
// {{{
// Register/wire declarations
// {{{
wire arfifo_empty, arfifo_full;
wire [F_LGDEPTH:0] arfifo_fill;
reg arfifo_write, arfifo_read;
wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] arfifo_addr;
wire [7:0] arfifo_len;
wire [1:0] arfifo_burst;
wire [2:0] arfifo_size;
wire arfifo_lock;
wire [3:0] arfifo_cache;
wire [2:0] arfifo_prot;
wire [3:0] arfifo_qos;
reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] f_axi_rd_this_addr;
reg [7:0] f_axi_rd_this_len;
reg [1:0] f_axi_rd_this_burst;
reg [2:0] f_axi_rd_this_size;
reg f_axi_rd_this_lock;
reg [3:0] f_axi_rd_this_cache;
reg [2:0] f_axi_rd_this_prot;
reg [3:0] f_axi_rd_this_qos;
reg [C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] r_axi_rd_id;
reg [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] r_axi_rd_addr;
reg [7:0] r_axi_rd_len;
reg [1:0] r_axi_rd_burst;
reg [2:0] r_axi_rd_size;
reg r_axi_rd_lock;
reg [3:0] r_axi_rd_cache;
reg [2:0] r_axi_rd_prot;
reg [3:0] r_axi_rd_qos;
wire [C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] next_read_addr;
wire [7:0] f_axi_rd_this_incr;
reg [8:0] r_rd_pending;
// }}}
// Read address FIFO
// {{{
// Record any read address request for comparing against the
// subsequent response
// arfifo_write - Write on any address request
// {{{
always @(*)
arfifo_write = i_axi_arvalid && i_axi_arready
&& i_axi_arid == gk;
// }}}
// arfifo_read
// {{{
// Read if nothing we know of is pending, or if we just
// read the last value from the last burst.
always @(*)
arfifo_read = (r_rd_pending == 0)
|| (i_axi_rvalid && i_axi_rready && i_axi_rlast
&& i_axi_rid == gk);
// }}}
sfifo #(
// {{{
// }}}
) arrequests (
// {{{
.i_clk(i_clk), .i_reset(!i_axi_aresetn),
.i_data({ i_axi_araddr, i_axi_arlen,
i_axi_arburst, i_axi_arsize, i_axi_arlock,
i_axi_arcache, i_axi_arprot, i_axi_arqos }),
.o_full(arfifo_full), .o_fill(arfifo_fill),
.o_data({ arfifo_addr, arfifo_len,
arfifo_burst, arfifo_size, arfifo_lock,
arfifo_cache, arfifo_prot, arfifo_qos }),
// }}}
// }}}
// f_axi_rd_this_*
// {{{
// These record the current burst that is being returned by
// this ID (if any). The current burst might still be in the
// FIFO, so this is combinatorial.
always @(*)
if (r_rd_pending == 0)
f_axi_rd_this_addr = arfifo_addr;
f_axi_rd_this_len = arfifo_len;
f_axi_rd_this_burst = arfifo_burst;
f_axi_rd_this_size = arfifo_size;
f_axi_rd_this_lock = arfifo_lock;
f_axi_rd_this_cache = arfifo_cache;
f_axi_rd_this_prot = arfifo_prot;
f_axi_rd_this_qos = arfifo_qos;
end else begin
f_axi_rd_this_addr = r_axi_rd_addr;
f_axi_rd_this_len = r_axi_rd_len;
f_axi_rd_this_burst = r_axi_rd_burst;
f_axi_rd_this_size = r_axi_rd_size;
f_axi_rd_this_lock = r_axi_rd_lock;
f_axi_rd_this_cache = r_axi_rd_cache;
f_axi_rd_this_prot = r_axi_rd_prot;
f_axi_rd_this_qos = r_axi_rd_qos;
// }}}
// r_axi_rd_*
// {{{
// Register the details of the next read burst to be returned.
// We'll adjust the pending value and the address along the
// way. Hence, the address should always point to the address
// of the next value to be read, and the r_rd_pending to the
// next item to be read.
initial r_rd_pending = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_aresetn)
r_rd_pending <= 0;
else if (arfifo_read)
r_rd_pending = arfifo_len + 1;
if (arfifo_empty)
r_rd_pending = 0;
end else if (i_axi_rvalid && i_axi_rready && i_axi_rid == gk
&& r_rd_pending > 0)
r_rd_pending = r_rd_pending - 1;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (arfifo_read)
r_axi_rd_addr = arfifo_addr;
r_axi_rd_len = arfifo_len;
r_axi_rd_burst = arfifo_burst;
r_axi_rd_size = arfifo_size;
r_axi_rd_lock = arfifo_lock;
r_axi_rd_cache = arfifo_cache;
r_axi_rd_prot = arfifo_prot;
r_axi_rd_qos = arfifo_qos;
end else if (i_axi_rvalid && i_axi_rready && i_axi_rid == gk
&& r_rd_pending > 0)
r_axi_rd_addr= next_read_addr;
// }}}
// next_read_addr
// {{{
// Compute the next read address, after the current one, using
// the current burst values.
faxi_addr #(.AW(AW))
f_axi_rd_this_addr, f_axi_rd_this_size,
f_axi_rd_this_burst, f_axi_rd_this_len,
f_axi_rd_this_incr, next_read_addr);
// }}}
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_rvalid && i_axi_rid == gk
|-> (r_rd_pending > 0));
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_rvalid && i_axi_rid == gk
|-> (i_axi_rlast == (r_rd_pending == 1)));
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_rvalid && i_axi_rid == gk
&& !f_axi_rd_this_lock |-> i_axi_rresp != EXOKAY);
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Maximum response time delay
// {{{
// Insist that all responses are returned in less than a maximum delay
// A unique feature to the backpressure mechanism within AXI is that
// we have to reset our delay count in the case of any push back, since
// the response can't move forward if the master isn't (yet) ready for
// it.
generate if (F_AXI_MAXDELAY > 0)
// {{{
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && !i_axi_bvalid
&& f_axi_awr_nbursts > awrfifo_fill
+ ((f_axi_wr_pending>0) ? 1:0)
##1 (!OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_aresetn)
|-> i_axi_bvalid);
`SLAVE_ASSERT property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && !i_axi_rvalid
&& (f_axi_rd_outstanding > 0) [*F_AXI_MAXDELAY-1]
##1 (!OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_aresetn)
|-> i_axi_rvalid);
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// Exclusive properties
// {{{
generate if (!OPT_EXCLUSIVE)
// {{{
// These properties are captured above
// }}}
// {{{
// 1. Exclusive access burst lengths max out at 16
// (Checked within valaddr)
// 2. Exclusive access bursts must be aligned
// 3. Write must take place when the read channel is idle (on
// this ID) -- (NOT CHECKED)
// (4. Further read accesses on this ID are not allowed)
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_awvalid && i_axi_awlock
|-> !i_axi_awcache[0]);
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_aresetn && i_axi_arvalid && i_axi_arlock
|-> !i_axi_arcache[0]);
// }}}
end endgenerate
// }}}
// AxCACHE properties
// {{{
// Table A4-5 ??
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_awcache[1]
|-> i_axi_awcache[3:2] == 2'b00);
`SLAVE_ASSUME property (@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_arvalid && !i_axi_arcache[1]
|-> i_axi_arcache[3:2] == 2'b00);
// }}}
// Option for no bursts, only single transactions
// {{{
generate if (!F_OPT_BURSTS)
`SLAVE_ASSUME property(@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_awvalid |-> i_axi_awlen == 0);
`SLAVE_ASSUME property(@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_wvalid |-> i_axi_wlast);
`SLAVE_ASSUME property(@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_arvalid |-> i_axi_arlen == 0);
`SLAVE_ASSERT property(@(posedge i_clk)
i_axi_rvalid |-> i_axi_rlast);
end endgenerate
// }}}