blob: 23e7c0f17f4a37059b0cb8b3edd1685e4146fc02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Filename: faxil_master.v (Formal properties of an AXI lite master)
// {{{
// Project: WB2AXIPSP: bus bridges and other odds and ends
// Purpose:
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// }}}
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// {{{
// This file is part of the WB2AXIP project.
// The WB2AXIP project contains free software and gateware, licensed under the
// Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this project,
// or this file, except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
`default_nettype none
// }}}
module faxil_master #(
// {{{
parameter C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32,// Fixed, width of the AXI R&W data
parameter C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 28,// AXI Address width (log wordsize)
// F_OPT_XILINX, Certain Xilinx cores impose additional rules upon AXI
// write transactions, limiting how far the write and write address
// can be apart. If F_OPT_XILINX is set, these rules will be applied
// here as well. See in-line for more details.
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_XILINX = 1'b0,
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_HAS_CACHE = 1'b0,
// F_OPT_WRITE_ONLY, if set, will assume the master is always idle on
// te read channel, allowing you to test/focus on the write interface
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_WRITE_ONLY = 1'b0,
// F_OPT_READ_ONLY, if set, will assume the master is always idle on
// the write channel, while asserting that all of the associated returns
// and counters are zero
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_READ_ONLY = 1'b0,
// F_OPT_BRESP: Allow any type of write response. If set clear, then
// error responses are disallowed.
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_BRESP = 1'b1,
// F_OPT_RRESP, if cleared, will disallow error responses
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_RRESP = 1'b1,
// F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET, if set, will cause the design to *assume* the
// existence of a correct reset, rather than asserting it. It is
// appropriate anytime the reset logic is outside of the circuit being
// examined
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET = 1'b0,
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_NO_RESET = F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET,
// F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET is for those designs that will reset the channels
// using an asynchronous reset. In these cases, the stability
// properties only apply when the async reset is not asserted.
// Likewise, when F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET is set, the reset assertions are
// applied *on the same clock cycle*, in addition to one cycle later.
parameter [0:0] F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET = 1'b0,
parameter F_OPT_COVER_BURST = 0,
// F_LGDEPTH is the number of bits necessary to count the maximum
// number of items in flight.
parameter F_LGDEPTH = 4,
// F_AXI_MAXWAIT is the maximum number of clock cycles the
// master should have to wait for a slave to raise its ready flag to
// accept a request. Set to zero for no limit.
parameter F_AXI_MAXWAIT = 12,
// F_AXI_MAXRSTALL is the maximum number of clock cycles the
// slave should have to wait with a return valid signal high, but
// while the master's return ready signal is low. Set to zero for no
// limit.
parameter F_AXI_MAXRSTALL= 12,
// F_AXI_MAXDELAY is the maximum number of clock cycles between request
// and response within the slave. Set this to zero for no limit.
parameter F_AXI_MAXDELAY = 12,
localparam DW = C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH,
localparam AW = C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH
// }}}
) (
input wire i_clk, // System clock
input wire i_axi_reset_n,
// AXI write address channel signals
input wire i_axi_awready,//Slave is ready to accept
input wire [AW-1:0] i_axi_awaddr, // Write address
input wire [3:0] i_axi_awcache, // Write Cache type
input wire [2:0] i_axi_awprot, // Write Protection type
input wire i_axi_awvalid, // Write address valid
// AXI write data channel signals
input wire i_axi_wready, // Write data ready
input wire [DW-1:0] i_axi_wdata, // Write data
input wire [DW/8-1:0] i_axi_wstrb, // Write strobes
input wire i_axi_wvalid, // Write valid
// AXI write response channel signals
input wire [1:0] i_axi_bresp, // Write response
input wire i_axi_bvalid, // Write reponse valid
input wire i_axi_bready, // Response ready
// AXI read address channel signals
input wire i_axi_arready, // Read address ready
input wire [AW-1:0] i_axi_araddr, // Read address
input wire [3:0] i_axi_arcache, // Read Cache type
input wire [2:0] i_axi_arprot, // Read Protection type
input wire i_axi_arvalid, // Read address valid
// AXI read data channel signals
input wire [1:0] i_axi_rresp, // Read response
input wire i_axi_rvalid, // Read reponse valid
input wire [DW-1:0] i_axi_rdata, // Read data
input wire i_axi_rready, // Read Response ready
output reg [(F_LGDEPTH-1):0] f_axi_rd_outstanding,
output reg [(F_LGDEPTH-1):0] f_axi_wr_outstanding,
output reg [(F_LGDEPTH-1):0] f_axi_awr_outstanding
localparam LGTIMEOUT = $clog2(MAX_TIMEOUT+1);
// Parameter declarations
// Internal register and wire declarations
// wire w_fifo_full;
wire axi_rd_ack, axi_wr_ack, axi_ard_req, axi_awr_req, axi_wr_req,
axi_rd_err, axi_wr_err;
assign axi_ard_req = (i_axi_arvalid)&&(i_axi_arready);
assign axi_awr_req = (i_axi_awvalid)&&(i_axi_awready);
assign axi_wr_req = (i_axi_wvalid )&&(i_axi_wready);
assign axi_rd_ack = (i_axi_rvalid)&&(i_axi_rready);
assign axi_wr_ack = (i_axi_bvalid)&&(i_axi_bready);
assign axi_rd_err = (axi_rd_ack)&&(i_axi_rresp[1]);
assign axi_wr_err = (axi_wr_ack)&&(i_axi_bresp[1]);
`define SLAVE_ASSUME assert
`define SLAVE_ASSERT assume
// Setup
reg f_past_valid;
integer k;
initial f_past_valid = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
f_past_valid <= 1'b1;
// Reset properties
// Insist that the reset signal start out asserted (negative), and
// remain so for 16 clocks.
generate if (F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET)
always @(*)
if (!f_past_valid)
end else begin : ASSERT_INITIAL_RESET
always @(*)
if (!f_past_valid)
end endgenerate
// If asserted, the reset must be asserted for a minimum of 16 clocks
reg [3:0] f_reset_length;
initial f_reset_length = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (F_OPT_NO_RESET || i_axi_reset_n)
f_reset_length <= 0;
else if (!(&f_reset_length))
f_reset_length <= f_reset_length + 1'b1;
// If the reset is not generated within this particular core, then it
// can be assumed if F_OPT_ASSUME_RESET is set
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_axi_reset_n))&&(!$past(&f_reset_length)))
always @(*)
if ((f_reset_length > 0)&&(f_reset_length < 4'hf))
end else if (!F_OPT_NO_RESET)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_axi_reset_n))&&(!$past(&f_reset_length)))
always @(*)
if ((f_reset_length > 0)&&(f_reset_length < 4'hf))
end endgenerate
// All of the xVALID signals *MUST* be set low on the clock following
// a reset. Not in the spec, but also checked here is that they must
// also be set low initially.
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!f_past_valid)||(!$past(i_axi_reset_n)))
generate if (F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET)
always @(*)
if (!i_axi_reset_n)
end endgenerate
// Constant input assumptions (AxCACHE and AxPROT)
always @(*)
if (i_axi_awvalid)
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_awprot == 3'h0);
// Normal non-cachable, but bufferable
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_awcache == 4'h3);
// No caching capability
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_awcache == 4'h0);
always @(*)
if (i_axi_arvalid)
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_arprot == 3'h0);
// Normal non-cachable, but bufferable
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_arcache == 4'h3);
// No caching capability
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_arcache == 4'h0);
always @(*)
if ((i_axi_bvalid)&&(!F_OPT_BRESP))
`SLAVE_ASSERT(i_axi_bresp == 0);
always @(*)
if ((i_axi_rvalid)&&(!F_OPT_RRESP))
`SLAVE_ASSERT(i_axi_rresp == 0);
always @(*)
if (i_axi_bvalid)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(i_axi_bresp != 2'b01); // Exclusive access not allowed
always @(*)
if (i_axi_rvalid)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(i_axi_rresp != 2'b01); // Exclusive access not allowed
// Stability properties--what happens if valid and not ready
// Assume any response from the bus will not change prior to that
// response being accepted
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_axi_reset_n))
&&(!F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_reset_n))
// Write address channel
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_awready)))
// Write data channel
if ((f_past_valid && (!F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_reset_n))
&&($past(i_axi_wvalid && !i_axi_wready)))
// Incoming Read address channel
if ((f_past_valid && (!F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_reset_n))
&&($past(i_axi_arvalid && !i_axi_arready)))
if ((f_past_valid && (!F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_reset_n))
&&($past(i_axi_rvalid && !i_axi_rready)))
if ((f_past_valid && (!F_OPT_ASYNC_RESET || i_axi_reset_n))
&&($past(i_axi_bvalid && !i_axi_bready)))
// Nothing should be returned or requested on the first clock
initial `SLAVE_ASSUME(!i_axi_arvalid);
initial `SLAVE_ASSUME(!i_axi_awvalid);
initial `SLAVE_ASSUME(!i_axi_wvalid);
initial `SLAVE_ASSERT(!i_axi_bvalid);
initial `SLAVE_ASSERT(!i_axi_rvalid);
// Insist upon a maximum delay before a request is accepted
generate if (F_AXI_MAXWAIT > 0)
reg [LGTIMEOUT-1:0] f_axi_awstall,
// AXI write address channel
// Count the number of times AWVALID is true while AWREADY
// is false. These are stalls, and we want to insist on a
// minimum number of them. However, if BVALID && !BREADY,
// then there's a reason for not accepting anything more.
// Similarly, many cores will only ever accept one request
// at a time, hence we won't count things as stalls if
// WR-PENDING > 0.
initial f_axi_awstall = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!i_axi_reset_n)||(!i_axi_awvalid)||(i_axi_awready)
f_axi_awstall <= 0;
else if ((f_axi_awr_outstanding >= f_axi_wr_outstanding)
&&(i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_wvalid))
// If we are waiting for the write channel to be valid
// then don't count stalls
f_axi_awstall <= 0;
f_axi_awstall <= f_axi_awstall + 1'b1;
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_awstall < F_AXI_MAXWAIT);
// AXI write data channel
// Count the number of clock cycles that the write data
// channel is stalled, that is while WVALID && !WREADY.
// Since things can back up if BVALID & !BREADY, we avoid
// counting clock cycles in that circumstance
initial f_axi_wstall = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!i_axi_reset_n)||(!i_axi_wvalid)||(i_axi_wready)
f_axi_wstall <= 0;
else if ((f_axi_wr_outstanding >= f_axi_awr_outstanding)
&&(!i_axi_awvalid && i_axi_wvalid))
// If we are waiting for the write address channel
// to be valid, then don't count stalls
f_axi_wstall <= 0;
f_axi_wstall <= f_axi_wstall + 1'b1;
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_wstall < F_AXI_MAXWAIT);
// AXI read address channel
// Similar to the first two above, once the master raises
// ARVALID, insist that the slave respond within a minimum
// number of clock cycles. Exceptions include any time
// RVALID is true, since that can back up the whole system,
// and any time the number of bursts is greater than zero,
// since many slaves can only accept one request at a time.
initial f_axi_arstall = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!i_axi_reset_n)||(!i_axi_arvalid)||(i_axi_arready)
f_axi_arstall <= 0;
f_axi_arstall <= f_axi_arstall + 1'b1;
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_arstall < F_AXI_MAXWAIT);
end endgenerate
// Insist upon a maximum delay before any response is accepted
// These are separate from the earlier ones, in case you wish to
// control them separately. For example, an interconnect might be
// forced to let a channel wait indefinitely for access, but it might
// not be appropriate to require the response to be able to wait
// indefinitely as well
generate if (F_AXI_MAXRSTALL > 0)
reg [LGTIMEOUT-1:0] f_axi_bstall,
// AXI write response channel
// Insist on a maximum number of clocks that BVALID can be
// high while BREADY is low
initial f_axi_bstall = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!i_axi_reset_n)||(!i_axi_bvalid)||(i_axi_bready))
f_axi_bstall <= 0;
f_axi_bstall <= f_axi_bstall + 1'b1;
always @(*)
// AXI read response channel
// Insist on a maximum number of clocks that RVALID can be
// high while RREADY is low
initial f_axi_rstall = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!i_axi_reset_n)||(!i_axi_rvalid)||(i_axi_rready))
f_axi_rstall <= 0;
f_axi_rstall <= f_axi_rstall + 1'b1;
always @(*)
end endgenerate
// Xilinx extensions/guarantees to the AXI protocol
// 1. The address line will never be more than two clocks ahead of
// the write data channel, and
// 2. The write data channel will never be more than one clock
// ahead of the address channel.
generate if (F_OPT_XILINX)
// Rule number one:
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_axi_reset_n)&&($past(i_axi_reset_n))
&&($past(i_axi_awvalid && !i_axi_wvalid,2))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_axi_reset_n)
&&(f_axi_awr_outstanding > 1)
&&(f_axi_awr_outstanding-1 > f_axi_wr_outstanding))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_axi_reset_n)
&&($past(f_axi_awr_outstanding > f_axi_wr_outstanding))
// Rule number two:
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_axi_reset_n)&&(f_axi_awr_outstanding < f_axi_wr_outstanding))
end endgenerate
// Count outstanding transactions. With these measures, we count
// once per any burst.
// Count outstanding write address channel requests
initial f_axi_awr_outstanding = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_reset_n)
f_axi_awr_outstanding <= 0;
else case({ (axi_awr_req), (axi_wr_ack) })
2'b10: f_axi_awr_outstanding <= f_axi_awr_outstanding + 1'b1;
2'b01: f_axi_awr_outstanding <= f_axi_awr_outstanding - 1'b1;
default: begin end
// Count outstanding write data channel requests
initial f_axi_wr_outstanding = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_reset_n)
f_axi_wr_outstanding <= 0;
else case({ (axi_wr_req), (axi_wr_ack) })
2'b01: f_axi_wr_outstanding <= f_axi_wr_outstanding - 1'b1;
2'b10: f_axi_wr_outstanding <= f_axi_wr_outstanding + 1'b1;
// Count outstanding read requests
initial f_axi_rd_outstanding = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_reset_n)
f_axi_rd_outstanding <= 0;
else case({ (axi_ard_req), (axi_rd_ack) })
2'b01: f_axi_rd_outstanding <= f_axi_rd_outstanding - 1'b1;
2'b10: f_axi_rd_outstanding <= f_axi_rd_outstanding + 1'b1;
// Do not let the number of outstanding requests overflow
always @(posedge i_clk)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_wr_outstanding < {(F_LGDEPTH){1'b1}});
always @(posedge i_clk)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_awr_outstanding < {(F_LGDEPTH){1'b1}});
always @(posedge i_clk)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_rd_outstanding < {(F_LGDEPTH){1'b1}});
// That means that requests need to stop when we're almost full
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_axi_awr_outstanding == { {(F_LGDEPTH-1){1'b1}}, 1'b0} )
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_axi_wr_outstanding == { {(F_LGDEPTH-1){1'b1}}, 1'b0} )
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_axi_rd_outstanding == { {(F_LGDEPTH-1){1'b1}}, 1'b0} )
// Insist that all responses are returned in less than a maximum delay
// In this case, we count responses within a burst, rather than entire
// bursts.
// A unique feature to the backpressure mechanism within AXI is that
// we have to reset our delay counters in the case of any push back,
// since the response can't move forward if the master isn't (yet)
// ready for it.
generate if (F_AXI_MAXDELAY > 0)
reg [LGTIMEOUT-1:0] f_axi_wr_ack_delay,
// Count the clock cycles a write request (address + data) has
// been outstanding and without any response
initial f_axi_wr_ack_delay = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!i_axi_reset_n)||(i_axi_bvalid)
f_axi_wr_ack_delay <= 0;
else if (f_axi_wr_outstanding > 0)
f_axi_wr_ack_delay <= f_axi_wr_ack_delay + 1'b1;
// Count the clock cycles that any read request has been
// outstanding, but without any response.
initial f_axi_rd_ack_delay = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!i_axi_reset_n)||(i_axi_rvalid)||(f_axi_rd_outstanding==0))
f_axi_rd_ack_delay <= 0;
f_axi_rd_ack_delay <= f_axi_rd_ack_delay + 1'b1;
// Assert that write responses will be returned in a timely
// fashion
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_wr_ack_delay < F_AXI_MAXDELAY);
// Assert that read responses will be returned in a timely
// fashion
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_rd_ack_delay < F_AXI_MAXDELAY);
end endgenerate
// Assume acknowledgements must follow requests
// The f_axi*outstanding counters count the number of requests. No
// acknowledgment should issue without a pending request
// burst. Further, the spec is clear: you can't acknowledge something
// on the same clock you get the request. There must be at least one
// clock delay.
// AXI write response channel
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_axi_bvalid)
// No BVALID w/o an outstanding request
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_awr_outstanding > 0);
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_wr_outstanding > 0);
// AXI read data channel signals
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_axi_rvalid)
// No RVALID w/o an outstanding request
`SLAVE_ASSERT(f_axi_rd_outstanding > 0);
// Optionally disable either read or write channels (or both??)
initial assert((!F_OPT_WRITE_ONLY)||(!F_OPT_READ_ONLY));
generate if (F_OPT_WRITE_ONLY)
begin : NO_READS
// If there are no read requests (assumed), there should be
// no read responses
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_arvalid == 0);
always @(*)
assert(f_axi_rd_outstanding == 0);
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(i_axi_rvalid == 0);
end endgenerate
generate if (F_OPT_READ_ONLY)
begin : NO_WRITES
// If there are no write requests (assumed, address or data),
// there should be no read responses
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_awvalid == 0);
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSUME(i_axi_wvalid == 0);
always @(*)
assert(f_axi_wr_outstanding == 0);
always @(*)
assert(f_axi_awr_outstanding == 0);
always @(*)
`SLAVE_ASSERT(i_axi_bvalid == 0);
end endgenerate
// Cover properties
// We'll use this to prove that transactions are even possible, and
// hence that we haven't so constrained the bus that nothing can take
// place.
// AXI write response channel
generate if (!F_OPT_READ_ONLY)
always @(posedge i_clk)
// Make sure we can get a write acknowledgment
end endgenerate
// AXI read response channel
generate if (!F_OPT_WRITE_ONLY)
always @(posedge i_clk)
// Make sure we can get a response from the read channel
end endgenerate
generate if (!F_OPT_READ_ONLY && F_OPT_COVER_BURST > 0)
reg [31:0] cvr_writes;
initial cvr_writes = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_reset_n)
cvr_writes <= 0;
else if (i_axi_bvalid && i_axi_bready && i_axi_bresp == 2'b00
&& !(&cvr_writes))
cvr_writes <= cvr_writes + 1;
always @(*)
cover(cvr_writes == F_OPT_COVER_BURST);
end endgenerate
generate if (!F_OPT_WRITE_ONLY && F_OPT_COVER_BURST > 0)
reg [31:0] cvr_reads;
initial cvr_reads = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!i_axi_reset_n)
cvr_reads <= 0;
else if (i_axi_rvalid && i_axi_rready && i_axi_rresp == 2'b00
&& !(&cvr_reads))
cvr_reads <= cvr_reads + 1;
always @(*)
cover(cvr_reads == F_OPT_COVER_BURST);
end endgenerate