blob: 8d59f71fce409d91c02e54525d01f5d232baffa2 [file] [log] [blame]
This is the endpoint to uart translator. Two things to highlight: the directions
IN and OUT are set with respect to the HOST, and also in USB, the HOST runs all
endpoint interactions.
The out endpoint interface. This is the out w.r.t. the host, hence in to
us. There are request grant, data available and data get signals, stall and
acked signals. And the data itself.
The in endpoint interface. This is the in w.r.t. the host, hence out to us.
This interface also has a req and grant. There's a put signal and a free
signal. Stall and acked. And the data.
To get data in and out there are two pipeline interfaces - one in and one out.
OUT (or into this device)
Roughly, the USB innards signal that a packet has arrived by raising out_ep_data_available.
The data multiplexor has to be switched, so the interface is requested. This is
combinatorial logic so clever req and grant stuff can happen in the same line.
assign out_ep_req = ( out_ep_req_reg || out_ep_data_avail );
With the interface granted, the data is free to get. Every cycle that the out_ep_data_get
signal is high, the input address is advanced. Inside the USB innards, when the
read address pointer equals the address of the write pointer (when all the data is
retreived, the out_ep_data_available flag is lowered and we withdraw our request for
the interface and go back to idle.
Interestingly, if you stop taking data... you lose your buffer. So don't.
IN (or out of this device back to the host)
The IN EP works by providing a buffer and waiting for the local logic to fill it,
or to say that it's done. When this happens the interface switches to a new state where
it waits for a token from the host. When it get the token, it sends the data. When that
is acknoledged, the buffer is released and returned ready to be filled again.
in_ep_data_free signals that there's a buffer waiting. And that signal goes low when
the buffer is full and not available.
In the case where a buffer is not full - just sitting around with some data in it, a decision
has to be made at some point just to send. This is handled by a timeout mechanism, which
asserts in_ep_data_done and lets the buffer be sent.
In the case where the buffer fills to the top, in_ep_data_free goes low by itself.
module usb_uart_bridge_ep (
input clk,
input reset,
// out endpoint interface
output out_ep_req, // request the data interface for the out endpoint
input out_ep_grant, // data interface granted
input out_ep_data_avail, // flagging data available to get from the host - stays up until the cycle upon which it is empty
input out_ep_setup, // [setup packet sent? - not used here]
output out_ep_data_get, // request to get the data
input [7:0] out_ep_data, // data from the host
output out_ep_stall, // an output enabling the device to stop inputs (not used)
input out_ep_acked, // indicating that the outgoing data was acked
// in endpoint interface
output in_ep_req, // request the data interface for the in endpoint
input in_ep_grant, // data interface granted
input in_ep_data_free, // end point is ready for data - (specifically there is a buffer and it has space)
// after going low it takes a while to get another back, but it does this automatically
output in_ep_data_put, // forces end point to read our data
output [7:0] in_ep_data, // data back to the host
output in_ep_data_done, // signalling that we're done sending data
output in_ep_stall, // an output enabling the device to stop outputs (not used)
input in_ep_acked, // indicating that the outgoing data was acked
// uart pipeline in
input [7:0] uart_in_data,
input uart_in_valid,
output uart_in_ready,
// uart pipeline out
output [7:0] uart_out_data,
output uart_out_valid,
input uart_out_ready,
output [3:0] debug
// Timeout counter width.
localparam TimeoutWidth = 3;
// We don't stall
assign out_ep_stall = 1'b0;
assign in_ep_stall = 1'b0;
// Registers for the out pipeline (out of the module)
reg [7:0] uart_out_data_reg;
reg [7:0] uart_out_data_overflow_reg;
reg uart_out_valid_reg;
// registers for the out end point (out of the host)
reg out_ep_req_reg;
reg out_ep_data_get_reg;
// out pipeline / out endpoint state machine state (6 states -> 3 bits)
reg [1:0] pipeline_out_state;
localparam PipelineOutState_Idle = 0;
localparam PipelineOutState_WaitData = 1;
localparam PipelineOutState_PushData = 2;
localparam PipelineOutState_WaitPipeline = 3;
// connect the pipeline registers to the outgoing ports
assign uart_out_data = uart_out_data_reg;
assign uart_out_valid = uart_out_valid_reg;
// automatically make the bus request from the data_available
// latch it with out_ep_req_reg
assign out_ep_req = ( out_ep_req_reg || out_ep_data_avail );
wire out_granted_data_available;
assign out_granted_data_available = out_ep_req && out_ep_grant;
assign out_ep_data_get = ( uart_out_ready || ~uart_out_valid_reg ) && out_ep_data_get_reg;
reg [7:0] out_stall_data;
reg out_stall_valid;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if ( reset ) begin
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_Idle;
uart_out_data_reg <= 0;
uart_out_valid_reg <= 0;
out_ep_req_reg <= 0;
out_ep_data_get_reg <= 0;
out_stall_data <= 0;
out_stall_valid <= 0;
end else begin
case( pipeline_out_state )
PipelineOutState_Idle: begin
// Waiting for the data_available signal indicating that a data packet has arrived
if ( out_granted_data_available ) begin
// indicate that we want the data
out_ep_data_get_reg <= 1;
// although the bus has been requested automatically, we latch the request so we control it
out_ep_req_reg <= 1;
// now wait for the data to set up
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_WaitData;
uart_out_valid_reg <= 0;
out_stall_data <= 0;
out_stall_valid <= 0;
PipelineOutState_WaitData: begin
// it takes one cycle for the juices to start flowing
// we got here when we were starting or if the outgoing pipe stalled
if ( uart_out_ready || ~uart_out_valid_reg ) begin
//if we were stalled, we can send the byte we caught while we were stalled
// the actual stalled byte now having been VALID & READY'ed
if ( out_stall_valid ) begin
uart_out_data_reg <= out_stall_data;
uart_out_valid_reg <= 1;
out_stall_data <= 0;
out_stall_valid <= 0;
if ( out_ep_data_avail )
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_PushData;
else begin
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_WaitPipeline;
end else begin
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_PushData;
PipelineOutState_PushData: begin
// can grab a character if either the out was accepted or the out reg is empty
if ( uart_out_ready || ~uart_out_valid_reg ) begin
// now we really have got some data and a place to shove it
uart_out_data_reg <= out_ep_data;
uart_out_valid_reg <= 1;
if ( ~out_ep_data_avail ) begin
// stop streaming, now just going to wait until the character is accepted
out_ep_data_get_reg <= 0;
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_WaitPipeline;
end else begin
// We're in push data so there is a character, but our pipeline has stalled
// need to save the character and wait.
out_stall_data <= out_ep_data;
out_stall_valid <= 1;
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_WaitData;
if ( ~out_ep_data_avail )
out_ep_data_get_reg <= 0;
PipelineOutState_WaitPipeline: begin
// unhand the bus (don't want to block potential incoming) - be careful, this works instantly!
out_ep_req_reg <= 0;
if ( uart_out_ready ) begin
uart_out_valid_reg <= 0;
uart_out_data_reg <= 0;
pipeline_out_state <= PipelineOutState_Idle;
// in endpoint control registers
reg in_ep_req_reg;
reg in_ep_data_done_reg;
// in pipeline / in endpoint state machine state (4 states -> 2 bits)
reg [1:0] pipeline_in_state;
localparam PipelineInState_Idle = 0;
localparam PipelineInState_WaitData = 1;
localparam PipelineInState_CycleData = 2;
localparam PipelineInState_WaitEP = 3;
// connect the pipeline register to the outgoing port
assign uart_in_ready = ( pipeline_in_state == PipelineInState_CycleData ) && in_ep_data_free;
// uart_in_valid and a buffer being ready is the request for the bus.
// It is granted automatically if available, and latched on by the SM.
// Note once requested, uart_in_valid may go on and off as data is available.
// When requested, connect the end point registers to the outgoing ports
assign in_ep_req = ( uart_in_valid && in_ep_data_free) || in_ep_req_reg;
// Confirmation that the bus was granted
wire in_granted_in_valid = in_ep_grant && uart_in_valid;
// Here are the things we use to get data sent
// ... put this word
assign in_ep_data_put = ( pipeline_in_state == PipelineInState_CycleData ) && uart_in_valid && in_ep_data_free;
// ... we're done putting - send the buffer
assign in_ep_data_done = in_ep_data_done_reg;
// ... the actual data, direct from the pipeline to the usb in buffer
assign in_ep_data = uart_in_data;
// If we have a half filled buffer, send it after a while by using a timer
// 4 bits of counter, we'll just count up until bit 3 is high... 8 clock cycles seems more than enough to wait
// to send the packet
reg [TimeoutWidth:0] in_ep_timeout;
// do PIPELINE IN, FPGA/Device OUT, Host IN
always @(posedge clk) begin
if ( reset ) begin
pipeline_in_state <= PipelineInState_Idle;
in_ep_req_reg <= 0;
in_ep_data_done_reg <= 0;
end else begin
case( pipeline_in_state )
PipelineInState_Idle: begin
in_ep_data_done_reg <= 0;
if ( in_granted_in_valid && in_ep_data_free ) begin
// got the bus, there is free space, now do the data
// confirm request bus - this will hold the request up until we're done with it
in_ep_req_reg <= 1;
pipeline_in_state <= PipelineInState_CycleData;
PipelineInState_CycleData: begin
if (uart_in_valid ) begin
if ( ~in_ep_data_free ) begin
// back to idle
pipeline_in_state <= PipelineInState_Idle;
// release the bus
in_ep_req_reg <= 0;
end else begin
// No valid character. Let's just pause for a second to see if any more are forthcoming.
// clear the timeout counter
in_ep_timeout <= 0;
pipeline_in_state <= PipelineInState_WaitData;
PipelineInState_WaitData: begin
in_ep_timeout <= in_ep_timeout + 1;
if ( uart_in_valid ) begin
pipeline_in_state <= PipelineInState_CycleData;
end else begin
// check for a timeout
if ( in_ep_timeout[ TimeoutWidth ] ) begin
in_ep_data_done_reg <= 1;
pipeline_in_state <= PipelineInState_WaitEP;
PipelineInState_WaitEP: begin
// maybe done is ignored if putting?
in_ep_data_done_reg <= 0;
// back to idle
pipeline_in_state <= PipelineInState_Idle;
// release the bus
in_ep_req_reg <= 0;
assign debug = { in_ep_data_free, in_ep_data_done, pipeline_in_state[ 1 ], pipeline_in_state[ 0 ] };