blob: e65d5b1113a1af5e8ab3be5f4349a2e3c8f68541 [file] [log] [blame]
Luke Valenti's USB module, as adapted by Lawrie Griffiths.
This module was originally tinyfpga_bootloader.v in Luke's code.
It creates the endpoint modules and the protocol engine to run things. Whereas
the original creates a usb_spi_bridge, this one creates a usb_uart_bridge.
Instanciation template
usb_uart uart (
.clk_48mhz (clk_48mhz),
.reset (reset),
// pins - these must be connected properly to the outside world. See below.
// uart pipeline in
.uart_in_data( uart_in_data ),
.uart_in_valid( uart_in_valid ),
.uart_in_ready( uart_in_ready ),
// uart pipeline out
.uart_out_data( uart_out_data ),
.uart_out_valid( uart_out_valid ),
.uart_out_ready( uart_out_ready ),
.debug( debug )
Then, the actual physical pins need some special handling. Get some
help from the device.
assign usb_p_rx = usb_tx_en ? 1'b1 : usb_p_in;
assign usb_n_rx = usb_tx_en ? 1'b0 : usb_n_in;
SB_IO #(
.PULLUP(1'b 0)
SB_IO #(
.PULLUP(1'b 0)
It should be noted that there are no other invocations of usb stuff other than
usb_uart.v. Since it's the top, I'm going to put some doc in here.
General note: USB communications happen over endpoints. The OUT endpoints are out
with respect to the HOST, and IN endpoints are in with respect to the HOST.
usb_uart.v - top level module creates the end points clusters, (usb_serial_ctrl_ep,
usb_uart_bridge_ep) and the main protocol engine (usb_fs_pe - passing
in the in (3) and out (2) count, along with the actual usb signal
lines). Also, all the end point signals are connected to the protocol
engine in its invocation. The serial end point cluster and the control
end point cluster have two endpoints each - one in and one out.
usb_serial_ctrl_ep - serial control logic. Two end point interfaces are (one in one
out) passed in with their various signal lines. Contains all the
USB setup logic. Returns the configuration etc. Vendor 50 1D
Product 30 61. Two interfaces. Descriptors. Obviously the main
configuration file.
usb_uart_bridge.v - where the data action is for us. Is passed in the out endpoint
and the in endpoint, and also the (strange) UART interface signals
(uart_we, uart_re, uart_di, uart_do, uart_wait). So this translates
between endpoint talk and UART talk.
usb_fs_pe.v - full speed protocol engine - instanciates all the endpoints, making
arrays of in and out end point signals. Also is passed in are all
the actual interfaces to the end points.
Creates the in and out arbitors (usb_fs_in_arb, usb_fs_out_arb)
Creates the in protocol engine (usb_fs_in_pe), and the out protocol
engine (usb_fs_out_pe)
Creates the receiver and transmitter (usb_fs_rx, usb_fs_tx)
Creates the tx mux and the rx mux which permit the different engines
to talk.
usb_fs_in_pe.v - in protocol engine
usb_fs_out_pe.v - out protocol engine
usb_fs_rx.v - Actual rx logic
usb_fs_tx.v - Actual tx logic
edge_detect.v - rising and falling edge detectors
serial.v - width adapter (x widths to y widths)
module usb_uart (
input clk_48mhz,
input reset,
// USB lines. Split into input vs. output and oe control signal to maintain
// highest level of compatibility with synthesis tools.
output usb_p_tx,
output usb_n_tx,
input usb_p_rx,
input usb_n_rx,
output usb_tx_en,
// uart pipeline in (into the module, out of the device, into the host)
input [7:0] uart_in_data,
input uart_in_valid,
output uart_in_ready,
// uart pipeline out (out of the host, into the device, out of the module)
output [7:0] uart_out_data,
output uart_out_valid,
input uart_out_ready,
output [11:0] debug
//////// usb engine
wire [6:0] dev_addr;
wire [7:0] out_ep_data;
wire ctrl_out_ep_req;
wire ctrl_out_ep_grant;
wire ctrl_out_ep_data_avail;
wire ctrl_out_ep_setup;
wire ctrl_out_ep_data_get;
wire ctrl_out_ep_stall;
wire ctrl_out_ep_acked;
wire ctrl_in_ep_req;
wire ctrl_in_ep_grant;
wire ctrl_in_ep_data_free;
wire ctrl_in_ep_data_put;
wire [7:0] ctrl_in_ep_data;
wire ctrl_in_ep_data_done;
wire ctrl_in_ep_stall;
wire ctrl_in_ep_acked;
wire serial_out_ep_req;
wire serial_out_ep_grant;
wire serial_out_ep_data_avail;
wire serial_out_ep_setup;
wire serial_out_ep_data_get;
wire serial_out_ep_stall;
wire serial_out_ep_acked;
wire serial_in_ep_req;
wire serial_in_ep_grant;
wire serial_in_ep_data_free;
wire serial_in_ep_data_put;
wire [7:0] serial_in_ep_data;
wire serial_in_ep_data_done;
wire serial_in_ep_stall;
wire serial_in_ep_acked;
wire sof_valid;
wire [10:0] frame_index;
reg [31:0] host_presence_timer = 0;
reg host_presence_timeout = 0;
usb_serial_ctrl_ep ctrl_ep_inst (
// out endpoint interface
// in endpoint interface
usb_uart_bridge_ep usb_uart_bridge_ep_inst (
// out endpoint interface
// in endpoint interface
// uart pipeline in
.uart_in_data( uart_in_data ),
.uart_in_valid( uart_in_valid ),
.uart_in_ready( uart_in_ready ),
// uart pipeline out
.uart_out_data( uart_out_data ),
.uart_out_valid( uart_out_valid ),
.uart_out_ready( uart_out_ready ),
wire nak_in_ep_grant;
wire nak_in_ep_data_free;
wire nak_in_ep_acked;
usb_fs_pe #(
) usb_fs_pe_inst (
// out endpoint interfaces
.out_ep_req({serial_out_ep_req, ctrl_out_ep_req}),
.out_ep_grant({serial_out_ep_grant, ctrl_out_ep_grant}),
.out_ep_data_avail({serial_out_ep_data_avail, ctrl_out_ep_data_avail}),
.out_ep_setup({serial_out_ep_setup, ctrl_out_ep_setup}),
.out_ep_data_get({serial_out_ep_data_get, ctrl_out_ep_data_get}),
.out_ep_stall({serial_out_ep_stall, ctrl_out_ep_stall}),
.out_ep_acked({serial_out_ep_acked, ctrl_out_ep_acked}),
// in endpoint interfaces
.in_ep_req({1'b0, serial_in_ep_req, ctrl_in_ep_req}),
.in_ep_grant({nak_in_ep_grant, serial_in_ep_grant, ctrl_in_ep_grant}),
.in_ep_data_free({nak_in_ep_data_free, serial_in_ep_data_free, ctrl_in_ep_data_free}),
.in_ep_data_put({1'b0, serial_in_ep_data_put, ctrl_in_ep_data_put}),
.in_ep_data({8'b0, serial_in_ep_data[7:0], ctrl_in_ep_data[7:0]}),
.in_ep_data_done({1'b0, serial_in_ep_data_done, ctrl_in_ep_data_done}),
.in_ep_stall({1'b0, serial_in_ep_stall, ctrl_in_ep_stall}),
.in_ep_acked({nak_in_ep_acked, serial_in_ep_acked, ctrl_in_ep_acked}),
// sof interface
// Debug
// host presence detection
always @(posedge clk_48mhz) begin
if (sof_valid) begin
host_presence_timer <= 0;
host_presence_timeout <= 0;
end else begin
host_presence_timer <= host_presence_timer + 1;
if (host_presence_timer > 48000000) begin
host_presence_timeout <= 1;