blob: 4b0062f98809b5e5fa30d921ad52209926ed14bf [file] [log] [blame]
// vdp_layer_priority_select.v
// Copyright (C) 2020 Dan Rodrigues <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`default_nettype none
`include "layer_encoding.vh"
module vdp_layer_priority_select(
input clk,
input [4:0] layer_mask,
input [7:0] scroll0_pixel,
input [7:0] scroll1_pixel,
input [7:0] scroll2_pixel,
input [7:0] scroll3_pixel,
input [1:0] sprite_priority,
input [7:0] sprite_pixel,
output reg [4:0] prioritized_layer,
output reg [7:0] prioritized_pixel,
output reg [2:0] resolved_priority
wire sprite_opaque_r = layer_mask_r[`LAYER_SPRITES];
// 1a: Register inputs for output (2.)
reg [7:0] scroll_pixel_r [0:3];
reg [7:0] sprite_pixel_r;
reg [1:0] sprite_priority_r;
reg [4:0] layer_mask_r;
always @(posedge clk) begin
scroll_pixel_r[0] <= scroll0_pixel;
scroll_pixel_r[1] <= scroll1_pixel;
scroll_pixel_r[2] <= scroll2_pixel;
scroll_pixel_r[3] <= scroll3_pixel;
sprite_pixel_r <= sprite_pixel;
sprite_priority_r <= sprite_priority;
layer_mask_r <= layer_mask;
// 1b: Determine priority of layers / sprites
wire [2:0] sprite_priority_score = {sprite_priority_r, 1'b1};
wire [2:0] layer_priority_score = {layer_encoded_priority, 1'b0};
reg [1:0] layer_encoded_priority;
reg [3:0] layer_prioritized_ohe;
always @(posedge clk) begin
// if (layer_mask[3]) begin...
layer_encoded_priority <= 0;
layer_prioritized_ohe <= `LAYER_SCROLL3_OHE;
if (layer_mask[2]) begin
layer_encoded_priority <= 1;
layer_prioritized_ohe <= `LAYER_SCROLL2_OHE;
if (layer_mask[1]) begin
layer_encoded_priority <= 2;
layer_prioritized_ohe <= `LAYER_SCROLL1_OHE;
if (layer_mask[0]) begin
layer_encoded_priority <= 3;
layer_prioritized_ohe <= `LAYER_SCROLL0_OHE;
// 2a: Use above priorities to select the topmost pixel
always @* begin
if (sprite_opaque_r && (sprite_priority_score > layer_priority_score)) begin
prioritized_layer = `LAYER_SPRITES_OHE;
resolved_priority = sprite_priority_score;
end else if (|layer_mask_r[3:0]) begin
prioritized_layer = layer_prioritized_ohe;
resolved_priority = layer_priority_score;
end else begin
prioritized_layer = 0;
resolved_priority = 0;
// 2b: Output pixel according to topmost pixel using the outputs from above
always @* begin
// 0 at the end of this ternary is required to default to color 0 when no others are on screen
prioritized_pixel =
prioritized_layer[0] ? scroll_pixel_r[0] :
prioritized_layer[1] ? scroll_pixel_r[1] :
prioritized_layer[2] ? scroll_pixel_r[2] :
prioritized_layer[3] ? scroll_pixel_r[3] :
sprite_opaque_r ? sprite_pixel_r : 0;