Migrated to the latest DFFRAM
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM _4KB.v b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM _4KB.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70cbd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM _4KB.v
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+    A parameterized DFF based RAM for SKY130A
+    Use the COLS parameter to set the size
+    Valid sizes: 1 (default), 2 or 4
+    Author: Mohamed Shalan (mshalan@aucegypt.edu)
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+module DFFRAM_4KB #( parameter COLS=4, USE_LATCH=0)
+    CLK,
+    WE,
+    EN,
+    Di,
+    Do,
+    A
+    input           CLK;
+    input   [3:0]   WE;
+    input           EN;
+    input   [31:0]  Di;
+    output  [31:0]  Do;
+    input   [7+$clog2(COLS):0]   A;
+    wire [31:0]     DOUT [COLS-1:0];
+    wire [31:0]     Do_pre;
+    wire [COLS-1:0] EN_lines;
+    wire [9:8]      A_buf;
+    generate
+        genvar i;
+        for (i=0; i<COLS; i=i+1) begin : COLUMN
+            DFFRAM_COL4 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) 
+                        RAMCOLS (   .CLK(CLK), 
+                                    .WE(WE), 
+                                    .EN(EN_lines[i]), 
+                                    .Di(Di), 
+                                    .Do(DOUT[i]), 
+                                    .A(A[7:0]) 
+                                );    
+        end
+        if(COLS==4) begin
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 ABUF[1:0] (.X(A_buf[9:8]), .A(A[9:8]) );
+            MUX4x1_32 MUX ( .A0(DOUT[0]), .A1(DOUT[1]), .A2(DOUT[2]), .A3(DOUT[3]), .S(A_buf[9:8]), .X(Do_pre) );
+            DEC2x4 DEC ( .EN(EN), .A(A[9:8]), .SEL(EN_lines) );
+        end
+        else if(COLS==2) begin
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 ABUF[8:8] (.X(A_buf[8]), .A(A[8]) );
+            MUX2x1_32 MUX ( .A0(DOUT[0]), .A1(DOUT[1]), .S(A_buf[8]), .X(Do_pre) );
+            //sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_4 DEC0 ( .Y(EN_lines[0]), .A(A[8]) );
+            //sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 DEC1 (.X(EN_lines[1]), .A(A[8]) );
+            DEC1x2 DEC ( .EN(EN), .A(A[8]), .SEL(EN_lines[1:0]) );
+        end
+        else begin
+            PASS MUX ( .A(DOUT[0]), .X(Do_pre) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 ENBUF (.X(EN_lines[0]), .A(EN) );
+        end
+    endgenerate
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 DOBUF[31:0] (.X(Do), .A(Do_pre));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM-.v b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM-.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b80677f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM-.v
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`default_nettype none
+module DFFRAM(
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input CLK,
+    input [3:0] WE,
+    input EN,
+    input [31:0] Di,
+    output reg [31:0] Do,
+    input [7:0] A
+reg [31:0] mem [0:`MEM_WORDS-1];
+always @(posedge CLK) begin
+    if (EN == 1'b1) begin
+        Do <= mem[A];
+        if (WE[0]) mem[A][ 7: 0] <= Di[ 7: 0];
+        if (WE[1]) mem[A][15: 8] <= Di[15: 8];
+        if (WE[2]) mem[A][23:16] <= Di[23:16];
+        if (WE[3]) mem[A][31:24] <= Di[31:24];
+    end
+module DFFRAM #( parameter COLS=1)
+    VPWR,
+    VGND,
+    CLK,
+    WE,
+    EN,
+    Di,
+    Do,
+    A
+    input           CLK;
+    input   [3:0]   WE;
+    input           EN;
+    input   [31:0]  Di;
+    output  [31:0]  Do;
+    input   [7+$clog2(COLS):0]   A;
+    input VPWR;
+    input VGND;
+    wire [31:0]     DOUT [COLS-1:0];
+    wire [31:0]     Do_pre;
+    wire [COLS-1:0] EN_lines;
+    generate
+        genvar i;
+        for (i=0; i<COLS; i=i+1) begin : COLUMN
+            DFFRAM_COL4 RAMCOLS (
+                                `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                                    .VPWR(VPWR),
+                                    .VGND(VGND),
+                                `endif
+                                    .CLK(CLK), 
+                                    .WE(WE), 
+                                    .EN(EN_lines[i]), 
+                                    .Di(Di), 
+                                    .Do(DOUT[i]), 
+                                    .A(A[7:0]) 
+                                );    
+        end
+        if(COLS==4) begin
+            MUX4x1_32 MUX ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+            `endif
+                .A0(DOUT[0]),
+                .A1(DOUT[1]),
+                .A2(DOUT[2]),
+                .A3(DOUT[3]),
+                .S(A[9:8]),
+                .X(Do_pre)
+            );
+            DEC2x4 DEC (
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+            `endif 
+                .EN(EN),
+                .A(A[9:8]),
+                .SEL(EN_lines)
+            );
+        end
+        else if(COLS==2) begin
+            MUX2x1_32 MUX ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+            `endif 
+                .A0(DOUT[0]),
+                .A1(DOUT[1]),
+                .S(A[8]),
+                .X(Do_pre)
+            );
+            //sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_4 DEC0 ( .Y(EN_lines[0]), .A(A[8]) );
+            //sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 DEC1 (.X(EN_lines[1]), .A(A[8]) );
+            DEC1x2 DEC ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+            `endif 
+                .EN(EN),
+                .A(A[8]),
+                .SEL(EN_lines[1:0]) 
+            );
+        end
+        else begin
+            PASS MUX ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+            `endif 
+                .A(DOUT[0]),
+                .X(Do_pre)
+            );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 ENBUF (
+           `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+                .VPB(VPWR),
+                .VNB(VGND),
+            `endif 
+                .X(EN_lines[0]),
+                .A(EN)
+            );
+        end
+    endgenerate
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 DOBUF[31:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif 
+        .X(Do),
+        .A(Do_pre)
+    );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM.v b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM.v
index b80677f..73ad0ad 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM.v
@@ -1,56 +1,17 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+    A parameterized DFF based RAM for SKY130A
+    Use the COLS parameter to set the size
+    Valid sizes: 1 (default), 2 or 4
+    Author: Mohamed Shalan (mshalan@aucegypt.edu)
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
 `default_nettype none
-module DFFRAM(
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
-    input CLK,
-    input [3:0] WE,
-    input EN,
-    input [31:0] Di,
-    output reg [31:0] Do,
-    input [7:0] A
-reg [31:0] mem [0:`MEM_WORDS-1];
-always @(posedge CLK) begin
-    if (EN == 1'b1) begin
-        Do <= mem[A];
-        if (WE[0]) mem[A][ 7: 0] <= Di[ 7: 0];
-        if (WE[1]) mem[A][15: 8] <= Di[15: 8];
-        if (WE[2]) mem[A][23:16] <= Di[23:16];
-        if (WE[3]) mem[A][31:24] <= Di[31:24];
-    end
-module DFFRAM #( parameter COLS=1)
+module DFFRAM #( parameter COLS=4, USE_LATCH=0)
-    VPWR,
-    VGND,
@@ -66,24 +27,17 @@
     output  [31:0]  Do;
     input   [7+$clog2(COLS):0]   A;
-    input VPWR;
-    input VGND;
     wire [31:0]     DOUT [COLS-1:0];
     wire [31:0]     Do_pre;
     wire [COLS-1:0] EN_lines;
+    wire [9:8]      A_buf;
         genvar i;
         for (i=0; i<COLS; i=i+1) begin : COLUMN
-            DFFRAM_COL4 RAMCOLS (
-                                `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                                    .VPWR(VPWR),
-                                    .VGND(VGND),
-                                `endif
-                                    .CLK(CLK), 
+            DFFRAM_COL4 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) 
+                        RAMCOLS (   .CLK(CLK), 
@@ -92,85 +46,24 @@
         if(COLS==4) begin
-            MUX4x1_32 MUX ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-            `endif
-                .A0(DOUT[0]),
-                .A1(DOUT[1]),
-                .A2(DOUT[2]),
-                .A3(DOUT[3]),
-                .S(A[9:8]),
-                .X(Do_pre)
-            );
-            DEC2x4 DEC (
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-            `endif 
-                .EN(EN),
-                .A(A[9:8]),
-                .SEL(EN_lines)
-            );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 ABUF[1:0] (.X(A_buf[9:8]), .A(A[9:8]) );
+            MUX4x1_32 MUX ( .A0(DOUT[0]), .A1(DOUT[1]), .A2(DOUT[2]), .A3(DOUT[3]), .S(A_buf[9:8]), .X(Do_pre) );
+            DEC2x4 DEC ( .EN(EN), .A(A[9:8]), .SEL(EN_lines) );
         else if(COLS==2) begin
-            MUX2x1_32 MUX ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-            `endif 
-                .A0(DOUT[0]),
-                .A1(DOUT[1]),
-                .S(A[8]),
-                .X(Do_pre)
-            );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 ABUF[8:8] (.X(A_buf[8]), .A(A[8]) );
+            MUX2x1_32 MUX ( .A0(DOUT[0]), .A1(DOUT[1]), .S(A_buf[8]), .X(Do_pre) );
             //sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_4 DEC0 ( .Y(EN_lines[0]), .A(A[8]) );
             //sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 DEC1 (.X(EN_lines[1]), .A(A[8]) );
-            DEC1x2 DEC ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-            `endif 
-                .EN(EN),
-                .A(A[8]),
-                .SEL(EN_lines[1:0]) 
-            );
+            DEC1x2 DEC ( .EN(EN), .A(A[8]), .SEL(EN_lines[1:0]) );
         else begin
-            PASS MUX ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-            `endif 
-                .A(DOUT[0]),
-                .X(Do_pre)
-            );
-            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 ENBUF (
-           `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-                .VPB(VPWR),
-                .VNB(VGND),
-            `endif 
-                .X(EN_lines[0]),
-                .A(EN)
-            );
+            PASS MUX ( .A(DOUT[0]), .X(Do_pre) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 ENBUF (.X(EN_lines[0]), .A(EN) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 DOBUF[31:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif 
-        .X(Do),
-        .A(Do_pre)
-    );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 DOBUF[31:0] (.X(Do), .A(Do_pre));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAMBB-.v b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAMBB-.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2019be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAMBB-.v
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+    Building blocks for DFF based RAM compiler for SKY130A 
+    BYTE        :   8 memory cells used as a building block for WORD module
+    WORD        :   32-bit memory word with select and byte-level WE
+    DEC6x64     :   2x4 Binary Decoder
+    DEC6x64     :   6x64 Binary decoder
+    MUX4x1_32   :   32-bit 4x1 MUX
+    MUX2x1_32   :   32-bit 2x1 MUX
+    SRAM64x32   :   Tri-state buffers based 64x32 DFF RAM 
+    DFFRAM_COL4 :   A single column of 4 SRAM64x32 blocks using 4x1 multiplexors
+    Author: Mohamed Shalan (mshalan@aucegypt.edu)
+module BYTE (
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input CLK,
+    input WE,
+    input SEL,
+    input [7:0] Di,
+    output [7:0] Do
+    wire [7:0]  q_wire;
+    wire        we_wire;
+    wire        SEL_B;
+    wire        GCLK;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 INV(
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .Y(SEL_B), .A(SEL));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_1 CGAND( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .A(SEL), .B(WE), .X(we_wire) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlclkp_1 CG( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK), .GCLK(GCLK), .GATE(we_wire) );
+    generate 
+        genvar i;
+        for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin : BIT
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+                .VPB(VPWR),
+                .VNB(VGND),
+             `endif
+                .D(Di[i]), .Q(q_wire[i]), .CLK(GCLK) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 OBUF ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+                .VPB(VPWR),
+                .VNB(VGND),
+            `endif
+                .A(q_wire[i]), .Z(Do[i]), .TE_B(SEL_B) );
+        end
+    endgenerate 
+module WORD32 (
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input CLK,
+    input [3:0] WE,
+    input SEL,
+    input [31:0] Di,
+    output [31:0] Do
+    BYTE B0 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[0]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[7:0]), .Do(Do[7:0]) );
+    BYTE B1 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[1]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[15:8]), .Do(Do[15:8]) );
+    BYTE B2 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[2]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[23:16]), .Do(Do[23:16]) );
+    BYTE B3 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[3]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[31:24]), .Do(Do[31:24]) );
+module DEC1x2 (
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input           EN,
+    input   [0:0]   A,
+    output  [1:0]   SEL
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2b_2    AND1 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[0]), .A_N(A), .B(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_2     AND3 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[1]), .A(A), .B(A[0]) );
+module DEC2x4 (
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input           EN,
+    input   [1:0]   A,
+    output  [3:0]   SEL
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__nor3b_4    AND0 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .Y(SEL[0]), .A(A[0]),   .B(A[1]), .C_N(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3b_4    AND1 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[1]), .A_N(A[1]), .B(A[0]), .C(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3b_4    AND2 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[2]), .A_N(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3_4     AND3 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[3]), .A(A[1]),   .B(A[0]), .C(EN) );
+module DEC3x8 (
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input           EN,
+    input [2:0]     A,
+    output [7:0]    SEL
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__nor4b_2   AND0 (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+         .Y(SEL[0])  , .A(A[0]), .B(A[1])  , .C(A[2]), .D_N(EN) ); // 000
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND1 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[1])  , .A_N(A[2]), .B_N(A[1]), .C(A[0])  , .D(EN) ); // 001
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND2 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[2])  , .A_N(A[2]), .B_N(A[0]), .C(A[1])  , .D(EN) ); // 010
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND3 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[3])  , .A_N(A[2]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[0])  , .D(EN) );   // 011
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND4 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[4])  , .A_N(A[0]), .B_N(A[1]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) ); // 100
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND5 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[5])  , .A_N(A[1]), .B(A[0]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) );   // 101
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND6 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[6])  , .A_N(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) );   // 110
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4_2     AND7 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(SEL[7])  , .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) ); // 111
+module DEC6x64 (
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input           EN,
+    input   [5:0]   A,
+    output  [63:0] SEL
+    wire [7:0] SEL0_w ;
+    wire [2:0] A_buf;
+    DEC3x8 DEC_L0 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .EN(EN), .A(A[5:3]), .SEL(SEL0_w) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 ABUF[2:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(A_buf), .A(A[2:0]));
+    generate
+        genvar i;
+        for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin : DEC_L1
+            DEC3x8 U ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+             `endif
+                .EN(SEL0_w[i]), .A(A_buf), .SEL(SEL[7+8*i: 8*i]) );
+        end
+    endgenerate
+module MUX2x1_32(
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input   [31:0]      A0, A1,
+    input   [0:0]       S,
+    output  [31:0]      X
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_1 MUX[31:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .A0(A0), .A1(A1), .S(S[0]), .X(X) );
+module MUX4x1_32(
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input   [31:0]      A0, A1, A2, A3,
+    input   [1:0]       S,
+    output  [31:0]      X
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux4_1 MUX[31:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .A0(A0), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .S0(S[0]), .S1(S[1]), .X(X) );
+module PASS (
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input [31:0] A, output [31:0] X);
+    assign X = A;
+module SRAM64x32(
+    input VPWR,
+    input VGND,
+    input CLK,
+    input [3:0] WE,
+    input EN,
+    input [31:0] Di,
+    output [31:0] Do,
+    input [5:0] A
+    wire [63:0]     SEL;
+    wire [31:0]     Do_pre;
+    wire [31:0]     Di_buf;
+    wire            CLK_buf;
+    wire [3:0]      WE_buf;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 CLKBUF (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(CLK_buf), .A(CLK));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 WEBUF[3:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(WE_buf), .A(WE));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 DIBUF[31:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(Di_buf), .A(Di));
+    DEC6x64 DEC  ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .EN(EN), .A(A), .SEL(SEL) );
+    generate
+        genvar i;
+        for (i=0; i< 64; i=i+1) begin : WORD
+            WORD32 W ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+            `endif
+                .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .SEL(SEL[i]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_pre) );
+        end
+    endgenerate
+    // Ensure that the Do_pre lines are not floating when EN = 0
+    wire lo;
+    wire float_buf_en;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 FBUFENBUF( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(float_buf_en), .A(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 TIE (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .LO(lo), .HI());
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_4 FLOATBUF[31:0] ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .A( lo ), .Z(Do_pre), .TE_B(float_buf_en) );
+    generate 
+        //genvar i;
+        for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin : OUT
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( 
+            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+                .VPWR(VPWR),
+                .VGND(VGND),
+                .VPB(VPWR),
+                .VNB(VGND),
+            `endif
+                .D(Do_pre[i]), .Q(Do[i]), .CLK(CLK) );
+        end
+    endgenerate 
+module DFFRAM_COL4 
+    VPWR,
+    VGND,
+    CLK,
+    WE,
+    EN,
+    Di,
+    Do,
+    A
+   input VPWR;
+   input VGND;
+    input           CLK;
+    input   [3:0]   WE;
+    input           EN;
+    input   [31:0]  Di;
+    output  [31:0]  Do;
+    input   [7:0]   A;
+    wire [31:0]     Di_buf;
+    wire [31:0]     Do_pre;
+    wire            CLK_buf;
+    wire [3:0]      WE_buf;
+    wire [5:3]      A_buf;
+    wire [31:0]     Do_B_0_0;
+    wire [31:0]     Do_B_0_1;
+    wire [31:0]     Do_B_0_2;
+    wire [31:0]     Do_B_0_3;
+    wire [3:0]      row_sel;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 CLKBUF (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(CLK_buf), .A(CLK));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 WEBUF[3:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(WE_buf), .A(WE));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 DIBUF[31:0] (
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(Di_buf), .A(Di));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 ABUF[2:0] ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPWR),
+        .VNB(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .X(A_buf), .A(A[5:3]) );
+    DEC2x4 DEC ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .EN(EN), .A(A[7:6]), .SEL(row_sel) );
+    SRAM64x32 B_0_0 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[0]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_0), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
+    SRAM64x32 B_0_1 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[1]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_1), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
+    SRAM64x32 B_0_2 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[2]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_2), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
+    SRAM64x32 B_0_3 ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[3]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_3), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
+    MUX4x1_32 MUX ( 
+    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+    `endif
+        .A0(Do_B_0_0), .A1(Do_B_0_1), .A2(Do_B_0_2), .A3(Do_B_0_3), .S(A[7:6]), .X(Do) );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAMBB.v b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAMBB.v
index 2019be0..41da41d 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAMBB.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAMBB.v
@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
 module BYTE (
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
     input CLK,
     input WE,
     input SEL,
@@ -30,61 +26,50 @@
     wire        SEL_B;
     wire        GCLK;
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 INV(
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .Y(SEL_B), .A(SEL));
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_1 CGAND( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .A(SEL), .B(WE), .X(we_wire) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlclkp_1 CG( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK), .GCLK(GCLK), .GATE(we_wire) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 INV(.Y(SEL_B), .A(SEL));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_1 CGAND( .A(SEL), .B(WE), .X(we_wire) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlclkp_1 CG( .CLK(CLK), .GCLK(GCLK), .GATE(we_wire) );
         genvar i;
         for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin : BIT
-            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-                .VPB(VPWR),
-                .VNB(VGND),
-             `endif
-                .D(Di[i]), .Q(q_wire[i]), .CLK(GCLK) );
-            sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 OBUF ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-                .VPB(VPWR),
-                .VNB(VGND),
-            `endif
-                .A(q_wire[i]), .Z(Do[i]), .TE_B(SEL_B) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( .D(Di[i]), .Q(q_wire[i]), .CLK(GCLK) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 OBUF ( .A(q_wire[i]), .Z(Do[i]), .TE_B(SEL_B) );
+module BYTE_LATCH (
+    input CLK,
+    input WE,
+    input SEL,
+    input [7:0] Di,
+    output [7:0] Do
-module WORD32 (
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
+    wire [7:0]  q_wire;
+    wire        we_wire;
+    wire        SEL_B;
+    wire        GCLK;
+    wire        CLK_B;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 SELINV(.Y(SEL_B), .A(SEL));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_1 CLKINV(.Y(CLK_B), .A(CLK));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_1 CGAND( .A(SEL), .B(WE), .X(we_wire) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlclkp_1 CG( .CLK(CLK_B), .GCLK(GCLK), .GATE(we_wire) );
+    generate 
+        genvar i;
+        for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin : BIT
+            //sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( .D(Di[i]), .Q(q_wire[i]), .CLK(GCLK) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlxtp_1 LATCH (.Q(q_wire[i]), .D(Di[i]), .GATE(GCLK) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 OBUF ( .A(q_wire[i]), .Z(Do[i]), .TE_B(SEL_B) );
+        end
+    endgenerate 
+module WORD32 #(parameter USE_LATCH=1)(
     input CLK,
     input [3:0] WE,
     input SEL,
@@ -92,186 +77,66 @@
     output [31:0] Do
-    BYTE B0 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[0]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[7:0]), .Do(Do[7:0]) );
-    BYTE B1 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[1]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[15:8]), .Do(Do[15:8]) );
-    BYTE B2 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[2]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[23:16]), .Do(Do[23:16]) );
-    BYTE B3 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[3]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[31:24]), .Do(Do[31:24]) );
+    generate
+        if(USE_LATCH == 1) begin
+            BYTE_LATCH B0 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[0]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[7:0]), .Do(Do[7:0]) );
+            BYTE_LATCH B1 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[1]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[15:8]), .Do(Do[15:8]) );
+            BYTE_LATCH B2 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[2]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[23:16]), .Do(Do[23:16]) );
+            BYTE_LATCH B3 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[3]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[31:24]), .Do(Do[31:24]) );
+        end else begin
+            BYTE B0 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[0]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[7:0]), .Do(Do[7:0]) );
+            BYTE B1 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[1]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[15:8]), .Do(Do[15:8]) );
+            BYTE B2 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[2]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[23:16]), .Do(Do[23:16]) );
+            BYTE B3 ( .CLK(CLK), .WE(WE[3]), .SEL(SEL), .Di(Di[31:24]), .Do(Do[31:24]) );
+        end
+    endgenerate
 module DEC1x2 (
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
     input           EN,
     input   [0:0]   A,
     output  [1:0]   SEL
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2b_2    AND1 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[0]), .A_N(A), .B(EN) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_2     AND3 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[1]), .A(A), .B(A[0]) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2b_2    AND1 ( .X(SEL[0]), .A_N(A), .B(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_2     AND3 ( .X(SEL[1]), .A(A), .B(A[0]) );
 module DEC2x4 (
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
     input           EN,
     input   [1:0]   A,
     output  [3:0]   SEL
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__nor3b_4    AND0 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .Y(SEL[0]), .A(A[0]),   .B(A[1]), .C_N(EN) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3b_4    AND1 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[1]), .A_N(A[1]), .B(A[0]), .C(EN) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3b_4    AND2 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[2]), .A_N(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(EN) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3_4     AND3 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[3]), .A(A[1]),   .B(A[0]), .C(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__nor3b_4    AND0 ( .Y(SEL[0]), .A(A[0]),   .B(A[1]), .C_N(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3b_4    AND1 ( .X(SEL[1]), .A_N(A[1]), .B(A[0]), .C(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3b_4    AND2 ( .X(SEL[2]), .A_N(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and3_4     AND3 ( .X(SEL[3]), .A(A[1]),   .B(A[0]), .C(EN) );
 module DEC3x8 (
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
     input           EN,
     input [2:0]     A,
     output [7:0]    SEL
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__nor4b_2   AND0 (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-         .Y(SEL[0])  , .A(A[0]), .B(A[1])  , .C(A[2]), .D_N(EN) ); // 000
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND1 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[1])  , .A_N(A[2]), .B_N(A[1]), .C(A[0])  , .D(EN) ); // 001
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND2 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[2])  , .A_N(A[2]), .B_N(A[0]), .C(A[1])  , .D(EN) ); // 010
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND3 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[3])  , .A_N(A[2]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[0])  , .D(EN) );   // 011
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND4 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[4])  , .A_N(A[0]), .B_N(A[1]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) ); // 100
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND5 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[5])  , .A_N(A[1]), .B(A[0]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) );   // 101
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND6 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[6])  , .A_N(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) );   // 110
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4_2     AND7 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(SEL[7])  , .A(A[0]), .B(A[1]), .C(A[2])  , .D(EN) ); // 111
+    wire [2:0]  A_buf;
+    wire        EN_buf;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 ABUF[2:0] (.X(A_buf), .A(A));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 ENBUF (.X(EN_buf), .A(EN));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__nor4b_2   AND0 ( .Y(SEL[0])  , .A(A_buf[0]), .B(A_buf[1])  , .C(A_buf[2]), .D_N(EN_buf) ); // 000
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND1 ( .X(SEL[1])  , .A_N(A_buf[2]), .B_N(A_buf[1]), .C(A_buf[0])  , .D(EN_buf) ); // 001
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND2 ( .X(SEL[2])  , .A_N(A_buf[2]), .B_N(A_buf[0]), .C(A_buf[1])  , .D(EN_buf) ); // 010
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND3 ( .X(SEL[3])  , .A_N(A_buf[2]), .B(A_buf[1]), .C(A_buf[0])  , .D(EN_buf) );   // 011
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4bb_2   AND4 ( .X(SEL[4])  , .A_N(A_buf[0]), .B_N(A_buf[1]), .C(A_buf[2])  , .D(EN_buf) ); // 100
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND5 ( .X(SEL[5])  , .A_N(A_buf[1]), .B(A_buf[0]), .C(A_buf[2])  , .D(EN_buf) );   // 101
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4b_2    AND6 ( .X(SEL[6])  , .A_N(A_buf[0]), .B(A_buf[1]), .C(A_buf[2])  , .D(EN_buf) );   // 110
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__and4_2     AND7 ( .X(SEL[7])  , .A(A_buf[0]), .B(A_buf[1]), .C(A_buf[2])  , .D(EN_buf) ); // 111
 module DEC6x64 (
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
     input           EN,
     input   [5:0]   A,
     output  [63:0] SEL
@@ -279,87 +144,116 @@
     wire [7:0] SEL0_w ;
     wire [2:0] A_buf;
-    DEC3x8 DEC_L0 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .EN(EN), .A(A[5:3]), .SEL(SEL0_w) );
+    DEC3x8 DEC_L0 ( .EN(EN), .A(A[5:3]), .SEL(SEL0_w) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 ABUF[2:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(A_buf), .A(A[2:0]));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 ABUF[2:0] (.X(A_buf), .A(A[2:0]));
         genvar i;
         for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin : DEC_L1
-            DEC3x8 U ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-             `endif
-                .EN(SEL0_w[i]), .A(A_buf), .SEL(SEL[7+8*i: 8*i]) );
+            DEC3x8 U ( .EN(SEL0_w[i]), .A(A_buf), .SEL(SEL[7+8*i: 8*i]) );
 module MUX2x1_32(
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
     input   [31:0]      A0, A1,
     input   [0:0]       S,
     output  [31:0]      X
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_1 MUX[31:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .A0(A0), .A1(A1), .S(S[0]), .X(X) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_1 MUX[31:0] (.A0(A0), .A1(A1), .S(S[0]), .X(X) );
 module MUX4x1_32(
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
     input   [31:0]      A0, A1, A2, A3,
     input   [1:0]       S,
     output  [31:0]      X
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux4_1 MUX[31:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .A0(A0), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .S0(S[0]), .S1(S[1]), .X(X) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux4_1 MUX[31:0] (.A0(A0), .A1(A1), .A2(A2), .A3(A3), .S0(S[0]), .S1(S[1]), .X(X) );
-module PASS (
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
-    input [31:0] A, output [31:0] X);
+module PASS (input [31:0] A, output [31:0] X);
     assign X = A;
-module SRAM64x32(
-    input VPWR,
-    input VGND,
+module SRAM8x32 #(parameter USE_LATCH=0) (
+    input CLK,
+    input [3:0] WE,
+    input EN,
+    input [31:0] Di,
+    output [31:0] Do,
+    input [2:0] A
+    wire  [7:0] SEL, SEL_buf, CLK_buf;
+    wire [3:0] WE_buf[7:0]; // WE_buf!
+    DEC3x8 DEC (.EN(EN), .A(A), .SEL(SEL));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 SELBUF[7:0] (.X(SEL_buf), .A(SEL));
+    generate
+        genvar i;
+        for (i=0; i< 8; i=i+1) begin : WORD
+            WORD32 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) W ( .CLK(CLK_buf[i]), .WE(WE_buf[i]), .SEL(SEL_buf[i]), .Di(Di), .Do(Do) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 CLKBUF (.X(CLK_buf[i]), .A(CLK));
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 WEBUF[3:0] (.X(WE_buf[i]), .A(WE));
+        end
+    endgenerate
+module SRAM64x32 #(parameter USE_LATCH=0) (
+    input CLK,
+    input [3:0] WE,
+    input EN,
+    input [31:0] Di,
+    output [31:0] Do,
+    input [5:0] A
+    wire [7:0] SEL;
+    wire [2:0] A_buf;
+    wire CLK_buf;
+    wire [3:0] WE_buf;
+    wire [31:0]     Do_pre;
+    wire [31:0]     Di_buf;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 DIBUF[31:0] (.X(Di_buf), .A(Di));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 CLKBUF (.X(CLK_buf), .A(CLK));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_2 WEBUF[3:0] (.X(WE_buf), .A(WE));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_1 ABUF[2:0] (.X(A_buf), .A(A[2:0]));
+    DEC3x8 DEC (.EN(EN), .A(A[5:3]), .SEL(SEL));
+    generate
+        genvar i;
+        for (i=0; i< 8; i=i+1) begin : SLICE
+            SRAM8x32 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) RAM8x32 (.CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf),.EN(SEL[i]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_pre), .A(A_buf) ); 
+        end
+    endgenerate
+    // Ensure that the Do_pre lines are not floating when EN = 0
+    wire [3:0] lo;
+    wire [3:0] float_buf_en;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 FBUFENBUF [3:0] ( .X(float_buf_en), .A(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 TIE [3:0] (.LO(lo), .HI());
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 FLOATBUF_B0[7:0] ( .A( lo[0] ), .Z(Do_pre[7:0]), .TE_B(float_buf_en[0]) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 FLOATBUF_B1[15:8] ( .A( lo[1] ), .Z(Do_pre[15:8]), .TE_B(float_buf_en[1]) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 FLOATBUF_B2[23:16] ( .A( lo[2] ), .Z(Do_pre[23:16]), .TE_B(float_buf_en[2]) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_2 FLOATBUF_B3[31:24] ( .A( lo[3] ), .Z(Do_pre[31:24]), .TE_B(float_buf_en[3]) );
+    generate 
+        //genvar i;
+        for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin : OUT
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( .D(Do_pre[i]), .Q(Do[i]), .CLK(CLK) );
+        end
+    endgenerate 
+module SRAM64x32 #(parameter USE_LATCH=0) (
     input CLK,
     input [3:0] WE,
     input EN,
@@ -374,100 +268,37 @@
     wire            CLK_buf;
     wire [3:0]      WE_buf;
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 CLKBUF (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(CLK_buf), .A(CLK));
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 WEBUF[3:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(WE_buf), .A(WE));
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 DIBUF[31:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(Di_buf), .A(Di));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 CLKBUF (.X(CLK_buf), .A(CLK));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 WEBUF[3:0] (.X(WE_buf), .A(WE));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 DIBUF[31:0] (.X(Di_buf), .A(Di));
-    DEC6x64 DEC  ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .EN(EN), .A(A), .SEL(SEL) );
+    DEC6x64 DEC  ( .EN(EN), .A(A), .SEL(SEL) );
         genvar i;
         for (i=0; i< 64; i=i+1) begin : WORD
-            WORD32 W ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-            `endif
-                .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .SEL(SEL[i]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_pre) );
+            WORD32 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) W ( .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .SEL(SEL[i]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_pre) );
     // Ensure that the Do_pre lines are not floating when EN = 0
     wire lo;
     wire float_buf_en;
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 FBUFENBUF( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(float_buf_en), .A(EN) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 TIE (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .LO(lo), .HI());
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_4 FLOATBUF[31:0] ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .A( lo ), .Z(Do_pre), .TE_B(float_buf_en) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 FBUFENBUF( .X(float_buf_en), .A(EN) );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 TIE (.LO(lo), .HI());
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__ebufn_4 FLOATBUF[31:0] ( .A( lo ), .Z(Do_pre), .TE_B(float_buf_en) );
         //genvar i;
         for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin : OUT
-            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( 
-            `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-                .VPWR(VPWR),
-                .VGND(VGND),
-                .VPB(VPWR),
-                .VNB(VGND),
-            `endif
-                .D(Do_pre[i]), .Q(Do[i]), .CLK(CLK) );
+            sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfxtp_1 FF ( .D(Do_pre[i]), .Q(Do[i]), .CLK(CLK) );
-module DFFRAM_COL4 
+module DFFRAM_COL4 #( parameter USE_LATCH=0 )
-    VPWR,
-    VGND,
@@ -475,11 +306,6 @@
-   input VPWR;
-   input VGND;
     input           CLK;
     input   [3:0]   WE;
     input           EN;
@@ -487,12 +313,11 @@
     output  [31:0]  Do;
     input   [7:0]   A;
     wire [31:0]     Di_buf;
     wire [31:0]     Do_pre;
     wire            CLK_buf;
     wire [3:0]      WE_buf;
-    wire [5:3]      A_buf;
+    wire [7:0]      A_buf;
     wire [31:0]     Do_B_0_0;
     wire [31:0]     Do_B_0_1;
@@ -501,79 +326,20 @@
     wire [3:0]      row_sel;
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 CLKBUF (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 CLKBUF (.X(CLK_buf), .A(CLK));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_4 WEBUF[3:0] (.X(WE_buf), .A(WE));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 DIBUF[31:0] (.X(Di_buf), .A(Di));
-        .X(CLK_buf), .A(CLK));
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 WEBUF[3:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(WE_buf), .A(WE));
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 DIBUF[31:0] (
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(Di_buf), .A(Di));
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 ABUF[7:0] ( .X(A_buf), .A(A[7:0]) );
+    DEC2x4 DEC ( .EN(EN), .A(A[7:6]), .SEL(row_sel) );
-    sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 ABUF[2:0] ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-        .VPB(VPWR),
-        .VNB(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .X(A_buf), .A(A[5:3]) );
-    DEC2x4 DEC ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .EN(EN), .A(A[7:6]), .SEL(row_sel) );
+    SRAM64x32 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) B_0_0 ( .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[0]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_0), .A(A_buf[5:0]) );
+    SRAM64x32 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) B_0_1 ( .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[1]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_1), .A(A_buf[5:0]) );
+    SRAM64x32 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) B_0_2 ( .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[2]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_2), .A(A_buf[5:0]) );
+    SRAM64x32 #(.USE_LATCH(USE_LATCH)) B_0_3 ( .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[3]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_3), .A(A_buf[5:0]) );
-    SRAM64x32 B_0_0 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[0]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_0), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
-    SRAM64x32 B_0_1 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[1]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_1), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
-    SRAM64x32 B_0_2 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[2]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_2), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
-    SRAM64x32 B_0_3 ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .CLK(CLK_buf), .WE(WE_buf), .EN(row_sel[3]), .Di(Di_buf), .Do(Do_B_0_3), .A({A_buf,A[2:0]}) );
-    MUX4x1_32 MUX ( 
-    `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS
-        .VPWR(VPWR),
-        .VGND(VGND),
-    `endif
-        .A0(Do_B_0_0), .A1(Do_B_0_1), .A2(Do_B_0_2), .A3(Do_B_0_3), .S(A[7:6]), .X(Do) );
+    MUX4x1_32 MUX ( .A0(Do_B_0_0), .A1(Do_B_0_1), .A2(Do_B_0_2), .A3(Do_B_0_3), .S(A_buf[7:6]), .X(Do) );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM_4KB.v b/verilog/rtl/DFFRAM_4KB-.v
similarity index 100%
rename from verilog/rtl/DFFRAM_4KB.v
rename to verilog/rtl/DFFRAM_4KB-.v