| |
| Magic 8.3 revision 340 - Compiled on Thu Nov 17 13:45:26 UTC 2022. |
| Starting magic under Tcl interpreter |
| Using the terminal as the console. |
| Using NULL graphics device. |
| Processing system .magicrc file |
| Sourcing design .magicrc for technology sky130A ... |
| 2 Magic internal units = 1 Lambda |
| Error parsing "/opt/checks/tech-files/sky130A.magicrc": can't read "::env(PDK_PATH)": no such variable |
| Bad local startup file "/opt/checks/tech-files/sky130A.magicrc", continuing without. |
| Scaled tech values by 2 / 1 to match internal grid scaling |
| Loading "/opt/checks/drc_checks/magic/magic_drc_check.tcl" from command line. |
| Don't know how to read GDS-II: |
| Nothing in "cifinput" section of tech file. |
| [INFO]: Loading user_project_wrapper |
| |
| File user_project_wrapper.mag couldn't be read |
| No such file or directory |
| Creating new cell |
| "drc(full)" is not one of the DRC styles Magic knows. |
| The current style is "default". |
| The DRC styles are: default. |
| No errors found. |
| [INFO]: COUNT: 0 |
| [INFO]: Should be divided by 3 or 4 |
| [INFO]: DRC Checking DONE (/mnt/uffs/user/u6961_janjaya/design/hardened_alu/jobs/mpw_precheck/25dc1a18-f07e-4d56-8602-1eeb3ca10af6/outputs/reports/magic_drc_check.drc.report) |
| [INFO]: Saving mag view with DRC errors(/mnt/uffs/user/u6961_janjaya/design/hardened_alu/jobs/mpw_precheck/25dc1a18-f07e-4d56-8602-1eeb3ca10af6/outputs/user_project_wrapper.magic.drc.mag) |
| [INFO]: Saved |