Merge branch 'mpw8' into main
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 295302d..ebea7fc 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -262,23 +262,18 @@
 export CUP_ROOT=$(shell pwd)
-export TIMING_ROOT?=$(shell pwd)/deps/timing-scripts
+export TIMING_ROOT?=$(shell pwd)/dependencies/timing-scripts
-	@mkdir -p $(CUP_ROOT)/deps
+	@mkdir -p $(CUP_ROOT)/dependencies
 	@git clone $(timing-scripts-repo) $(TIMING_ROOT)
 .PHONY: setup-timing-scripts
 setup-timing-scripts: $(TIMING_ROOT)
 	@( cd $(TIMING_ROOT) && git pull )
 	@#( cd $(TIMING_ROOT) && git fetch && git checkout $(MPW_TAG); )
-	@python3 -m venv ./venv 
-		. ./venv/bin/activate && \
-		python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && \
-		python3 -m pip install -r $(TIMING_ROOT)/requirements.txt && \
-		deactivate
 	$(error you don't have $@)
@@ -291,34 +286,58 @@
 .PHONY: create-spef-mapping
 create-spef-mapping: ./verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v
-	@. ./venv/bin/activate && \
+	docker run \
+		--rm \
+		-u $$(id -u $$USER):$$(id -g $$USER) \
+		-v $(PDK_ROOT):$(PDK_ROOT) \
+		-v $(CUP_ROOT):$(CUP_ROOT) \
+		-v $(MCW_ROOT):$(MCW_ROOT) \
+		-w $(shell pwd) \
+		efabless/timing-scripts:latest \
 		python3 $(TIMING_ROOT)/scripts/ \
 			-i ./verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v \
 			-o ./env/spef-mapping.tcl \
 			--pdk-path $(PDK_ROOT)/$(PDK) \
 			--macro-parent mprj \
-			--project-root "$(CUP_ROOT)" && \
-		deactivate
+			--project-root "$(CUP_ROOT)"
 .PHONY: extract-parasitics
 extract-parasitics: ./verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v
-	@. ./venv/bin/activate && \
+	docker run \
+		--rm \
+		-u $$(id -u $$USER):$$(id -g $$USER) \
+		-v $(PDK_ROOT):$(PDK_ROOT) \
+		-v $(CUP_ROOT):$(CUP_ROOT) \
+		-v $(MCW_ROOT):$(MCW_ROOT) \
+		-w $(shell pwd) \
+		efabless/timing-scripts:latest \
 		python3 $(TIMING_ROOT)/scripts/ \
-		-i ./verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v \
-		-o ./tmp-macros-list \
-		--project-root "$(CUP_ROOT)" \
-		--pdk-path $(PDK_ROOT)/$(PDK) && \
-		deactivate
-		@cat ./tmp-macros-list | cut -d " " -f2 \
-			| xargs -I % bash -c "$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) \
-				-f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ rcx-% || echo 'Cannot extract %. Probably no def for this macro'"
+			-i ./verilog/gl/user_project_wrapper.v \
+			-o ./tmp-macros-list \
+			--project-root "$(CUP_ROOT)" \
+			--pdk-path $(PDK_ROOT)/$(PDK)
+	@cat ./tmp-macros-list | cut -d " " -f2 \
+		| xargs -I % bash -c "$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) \
+			-f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ rcx-% || echo 'Cannot extract %. Probably no def for this macro'"
 	@$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) -f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ rcx-user_project_wrapper
 	@cat ./tmp-macros-list
 	@rm ./tmp-macros-list
 .PHONY: caravel-sta
 caravel-sta: ./env/spef-mapping.tcl
-	@$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) -f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ caravel-timing-typ
-	@$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) -f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ caravel-timing-fast
-	@$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) -f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ caravel-timing-slow
+	@$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) -f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ caravel-timing-typ -j3
+	@$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) -f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ caravel-timing-fast -j3
+	@$(MAKE) -C $(TIMING_ROOT) -f $(TIMING_ROOT)/ caravel-timing-slow -j3
+	@echo =============================================Summary=============================================
+	@find $(PROJECT_ROOT)/signoff/caravel/openlane-signoff/timing/*/ -name "summary.log" | head -n1 \
+		| xargs head -n5 | tail -n1
+	@find $(PROJECT_ROOT)/signoff/caravel/openlane-signoff/timing/*/ -name "summary.log" \
+		| xargs -I {} bash -c "head -n7 {} | tail -n1"
+	@echo =================================================================================================
 	@echo "You can find results for all corners in $(CUP_ROOT)/signoff/caravel/openlane-signoff/timing/"
+	@echo "Check summary.log of a specific corner to point to reports with reg2reg violations" 
+	@echo "Cap and slew violations are inside summary.log file itself"
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index de1083e..94931f4 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 	# export the PDK variant depending on your shuttle, if you don't know leave it to the default
 	# for sky130 MPW shuttles....
-	export PDK=sky130B
+	export PDK=sky130A
 	# for the gf180 GFMPW shuttles...
 	export PDK=gf180mcuC