blob: 3a7ae30cffdc422115fc5444bac8321ba2a4bac9 [file] [log] [blame]
module femto_top
parameter OPSIZE = 3, //Number of opcodes, power of 2 (3 => 2**3 = 8 opcodes)
parameter NUMRF = 2, //Number of registers in register file, power of 2 (2 => 2**2 = 4 registers)
parameter SIZE = 4 //Size of data in bits
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
wire clk=io_in[0];
wire[OPSIZE-1:0] op=io_in[1+:OPSIZE]; //opcode wire
wire [NUMRF-1:0] reg_0=io_in[1+OPSIZE+:NUMRF]; //register address 0 (Dest)
wire [NUMRF-1:0] reg_1=io_in[1+OPSIZE+NUMRF+:NUMRF]; //register address 1 (Src)
wire [(7-OPSIZE-2*NUMRF)-1:0] extra=io_in[7-:7-OPSIZE+2*NUMRF]; //Extra wires (if opcode and number of registers are small enough)
wire valid=(op=={(OPSIZE){1'b1}})?1:0;
wire rd=(op!=3'h6&&op!=3'h0&&op!=3'h1);
wire wr=(op==3'h6);
reg[3:0] value;
wire [SIZE-1:0] data_0,data_1,data_out;
reg_file #( .NUMRF(NUMRF), .SIZE(SIZE)) rf (.clk(clk), .rd(rd), .wr(wr), .reg_out(reg_1),.reg_in(reg_0),.data_in(data_0),.data_out(data_1));
alu_gen #(.OPSIZE(OPSIZE), .SIZE(SIZE)) alu (.clk(clk), .op(op),.inp(data_1),.outp(data_out));
assign data_0=data_out;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(valid==1) begin
seg7 seg(.value(value),.segments(io_out[6:0]));