blob: 983ccf6c40c503ac46c0e2593012ca83876dfcbc [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 100fs/100fs
`define default_netname none
// a small shim to get names lined up correctly.
// - tinytapeout expects all named "io_{in,out}"; this is possible in clash but annoying for grabbing clock and reset
// - tinytapeout expects unique name, here just prefixing with my github username
// this is written with the constraint as to be doing basically nothing.
module jleightcap_top( input wire [7:0] io_in
, output wire [7:0] io_out
top _top( .clk(io_in[0])
, .rst(io_in[1])
, .instr(io_in[7:2])
, .io_out(io_out)