blob: b65ba0a49f1cb1331c6ede3a8a091d23217b97ef [file] [log] [blame]
module azdle_binary_clock(
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
wire rst;
wire clk;
wire pps; // Pulse per second input
wire [4:0] hours_init; // value for hours to load when coming out of reset
wire [7:0] opins;
assign clk = io_in[0];
assign rst = io_in[1];
assign pps = io_in[2];
assign hours_init = io_in[7:3];
assign io_out = opins;
wire state;
wire d_roll; // rolls once per day
wire [4:0] hours;
wire h_roll; // rolls once per hour
wire [5:0] minutes;
wire m_roll; // rolls once per minute
wire [5:0] seconds;
wire s_roll; // rolls once per second
wire [6:0] centiseconds;
wire [11:0] pixels;
wire [6:0] disp_pins;
clock c(.rst, .clk, .pps, .hours_init,
.d_roll, .h_roll, .m_roll, .s_roll,
.hours, .minutes, .seconds, .centiseconds);
display disp(.rst, .clk, .pins(disp_pins), .pixels);
assign pixels = { hours, minutes, seconds[0] };
assign opins = rst ? 0 : {1'b0, disp_pins};
// pass (convenience to match `i` (invert))
function p;
input pixel;
p = pixel;
// invert
function i;
input pixel;
i = ~pixel;
module display (
input rst,
input clk,
input [11:0] pixels, // [row][column]
output [6:0] pins
wire [1:0] col;
wire [2:0] rows;
wire [3:0] cols;
rotor state_cycle(.rst(rst), .clk(clk), .val(rows));
assign pins = { rows, cols };
assign cols = rst ? 0 :
rows == 3'b110 ? { p(pixels[0+3]), p(pixels[0+2]), p(pixels[0+1]), p(pixels[0+0]) } :
rows == 3'b101 ? { p(pixels[4+3]), p(pixels[4+2]), p(pixels[4+1]), p(pixels[4+0]) } :
rows == 3'b011 ? { p(pixels[8+3]), p(pixels[8+2]), p(pixels[8+1]), p(pixels[8+0]) } :
module rotor #(parameter bits = 3, parameter pattern = 6) (
input rst,
input clk,
output reg [bits-1:0] val
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
val <= pattern;
val <= { val[bits-2:0], val[bits-1] };
module clock(
input rst,
input clk,
input pps,
input [4:0] hours_init,
output d_roll, // rolls once per day
output [4:0] hours,
output h_roll, // rolls once per hour
output [5:0] minutes,
output m_roll, // rolls once per minute
output [5:0] seconds,
output s_roll, // rolls once per second
output [6:0] centiseconds
reg pps_latch;
wire sec_source;
wire hclk;
always @*
if (rst)
pps_latch = pps;
else if (pps)
pps_latch = 1;
assign sec_source = pps_latch ? pps : s_roll;
overflow_counter #(.bits(5))
h_cnt(.rst(rst), .clk, .tick(h_roll), .cmp(5'd24), .cnt(hours), .roll(d_roll), .init(hours_init));
overflow_counter #(.bits(6))
m_cnt(.rst(rst), .clk, .tick(m_roll), .cmp(6'd60), .cnt(minutes), .roll(h_roll), .init(6'b0));
overflow_counter #(.bits(6))
s_cnt(.rst(rst), .clk, .tick(sec_source), .cmp(6'd60), .cnt(seconds), .roll(m_roll), .init(6'b0));
overflow_counter #(.bits(7))
ms_cnt(.rst(rst), .clk, .tick(hclk), .cmp(7'd100), .cnt(centiseconds), .roll(s_roll), .init(7'b0));
halfclock cd(.clk, .hclk);
module halfclock (
input clk,
output reg hclk
always @(posedge clk)
if (hclk)
hclk <= 0;
hclk <= 1;
module counter #(parameter bits = 8) (
input rst,
input clk,
output reg [bits-1:0] cnt
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
cnt <= 0;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
module overflow_counter #(parameter bits = 8) (
input rst, // reset
input clk, // the raw system clock, for rst only
input tick, // the counted input tick
input [bits-1:0] init, // value to start at coming out of reset, still wraps to 0
input [bits-1:0] cmp, // even numbers only, rolls over instead of reaching this number
output reg [bits-1:0] cnt, // the value of the counter
output reg roll // the output tick on overflow
reg newtick; // tick is much less frequent than clk, only do things (other than reset) once for each tick
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
cnt <= init;
roll <= 1;
newtick <= 0;
end else if (tick == 0) begin
newtick <= 1;
end else if (tick == 1 && newtick == 1) begin
newtick <= 0;
// wrap to zero instead of reaching cmp
if(cnt == cmp-1) begin
cnt <= 0;
roll <= 1;
else begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
// unset roll halfway through, odd values for cmp result in unbalanced roll segments
if (cnt == (cmp/2)-1)
roll <= 0;