blob: eb9522654ff0375dd58f8251a53a448507bb2810 [file] [log] [blame]
PWDD := $(shell pwd)
BLOCKS := $(shell basename $(PWDD))
# ---- Include Partitioned Makefiles ----
CONFIG = caravel_user_project
# Change this line if you want to use existing cocotb test modules:
#export PYTHONPATH := $(DESIGNS)/verilog/rtl/<your design python tests>
export LIBPYTHON_LOC=$(shell cocotb-config --libpython)
include $(MCW_ROOT)/verilog/dv/make/env.makefile
include $(MCW_ROOT)/verilog/dv/make/var.makefile
include $(MCW_ROOT)/verilog/dv/make/cpu.makefile
include $(MCW_ROOT)/verilog/dv/make/sim.makefile
# change the project.hex to your projects firmware file
coco_test: scan_controller.hex
rm -rf sim_build/
mkdir sim_build/
# change project_tb.v to match your testbench name
-f$(VERILOG_PATH)/includes/includes.rtl.caravel \
-f$(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/includes/includes.rtl.$(CONFIG) -o sim_build/sim.vvp scan_controller_tb.v
# change this line to choose the comma separated test cases and the name of your python test module
TESTCASE=test_start MODULE=test_scan_controller vvp -M $$(cocotb-config --prefix)/cocotb/libs -m libcocotbvpi_icarus sim_build/sim.vvp
! grep failure results.xml