blob: f2a1cfab4d90a80570c81516f6c5d92ee4b25441 [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 1ns / 100ps
`default_nettype none
module scan_controller #(
parameter integer NUM_DESIGNS = 498,
parameter integer NUM_IOS = 8,
// auto-set
parameter integer PL = NUM_IOS - 1
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire [8:0] active_select, // which design is connected to the inputs and outputs
input wire [PL:0] inputs, // inputs to the design (or external scan chain)
input wire set_clk_div, // set clock divider. See module below
output wire [PL:0] outputs, // outputs from the design (or external scan chain)
output wire ready, // debug output that goes high once per refresh
output wire slow_clk, // debug clock divider output
output reg scan_clk_out, // scan chain interface for the tiny designs, from perspective of this module
output reg scan_data_out, // see diagrams below for how the scan chain works
input wire scan_clk_in, // feedback clock after having done the whole round
input wire scan_data_in, // will be driven by internal driver, external gpio pins, or Caravel logic analyser
output reg scan_select, // external scan chain driver muxes with ins/outs, eg microcontroller outside the ASIC
output reg scan_latch_en,
input wire la_scan_clk_in, // logic analyser scan chain driver, driven by firmware running on Caravel's VexRisc
input wire la_scan_data_in, // signal names from perspective of this module toward scan chain
output wire la_scan_data_out,
input wire la_scan_select,
input wire la_scan_latch_en,
input wire [1:0] driver_sel, // 00 = external, 01 = logic analyzer, 1x = internal
output wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] oeb // caravel harness needs output enable bar set low to enable outputs
// Signals
// -------
assign ready = active && state == ST_IDLE;
// Reset
reg [2:0] rst_shift;
wire rst_i;
// Muxing
// _in / _out are from the perspecitve of this module toward the scan
// chain. So all _in are FROM the scan chain (and either input to this
// module from there, or output from this module to LA / External)
wire ext_scan_clk_in;
wire ext_scan_data_in;
wire ext_scan_clk_out;
wire ext_scan_data_out;
wire ext_scan_select;
wire ext_scan_latch_en;
wire int_scan_clk_in;
wire int_scan_data_in;
reg int_scan_clk_out;
reg int_scan_data_out;
reg int_scan_select;
reg int_scan_latch_en;
// FSM
localparam [3:0]
ST_IDLE = 0, // Idle
ST_IN_LOAD = 1, // Capture input
ST_IN_SHIFT_LO = 2, // Shift input to design: lo-clk
ST_IN_SHIFT_HI = 3, // Shift input to design: hi-clk
ST_IN_LATCH_WAIT = 4, // Wait before latching
ST_IN_LATCH = 5, // Latch
ST_OUT_LOAD_PRE = 6, // Prepare load
ST_OUT_LOAD = 7, // Clock once to load
ST_OUT_LOAD_POST = 8, // Wait for load to be done
ST_OUT_LOAD_CLR = 9, // Restore chain to shift mode
ST_OUT_SHIFT_LO = 10, // Shift output to us: lo-clk
ST_OUT_SHIFT_HI = 11, // Shift output to us: hi-clk
ST_OUT_CAP_WAIT = 12, // Wait for capture
ST_OUT_CAP = 13; // Capture to out local register
reg active;
reg [3:0] state;
reg [3:0] state_nxt;
// Scan progress
reg [$clog2(NUM_IOS)-1:0] bit_cnt;
wire bit_last;
reg [8:0] proj_cnt;
wire proj_sel;
wire proj_done;
// Auto IO
reg [PL:0] aio_input_sync;
reg [PL:0] aio_input_reg;
reg [PL:0] aio_input_shift;
reg [PL:0] aio_output_shift;
reg [PL:0] aio_output_reg;
wire aio_input_sh;
wire aio_input_ld;
wire aio_output_cap;
// Wait state config
reg [7:0] ws_cnt;
wire ws_cnt_done;
wire ws_cnt_run;
// Wait state config
reg [2:0] ws_set_sync;
reg ws_set_now;
reg [7:0] ws_cfg;
// Clock divider
wire slow_clk_ena;
// Misc
// ----
// Generate internal ties for the IO blocks
assign oeb = {`MPRJ_IO_PADS{1'b0}};
`ifdef FORMAL
`include "properties.v"
// Generate our own reset, with de-assertion
// synchronized to clock
always @(negedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
rst_shift <= 3'b111;
rst_shift <= { rst_shift[1:0], 1'b0 };
assign rst_i = rst_shift[2];
// Scan chain and IO muxing
// ------------------------
// To ensure we get something working, the scan chain can be driven
// three different ways. Automatic, from caravel LA and fully
// externally (see driver_sel input)
// External interface
assign ext_scan_clk_out = inputs[0];
assign ext_scan_data_out = inputs[1];
assign ext_scan_select = inputs[2];
assign ext_scan_latch_en = inputs[3];
assign ext_scan_clk_in = scan_clk_in;
assign ext_scan_data_in = scan_data_in;
// Internal interface
assign int_scan_clk_in = scan_clk_in;
assign int_scan_data_in = scan_data_in;
// LA interface
assign la_scan_data_out = scan_data_in;
// Mux toward scan-schain
always @(*)
casez (driver_sel)
// External
2'b00: begin
scan_clk_out = ext_scan_clk_out;
scan_data_out = ext_scan_data_out;
scan_select = ext_scan_select;
scan_latch_en = ext_scan_latch_en;
// Caravel LA
2'b01: begin
scan_clk_out = la_scan_clk_in;
scan_data_out = la_scan_data_in;
scan_select = la_scan_select;
scan_latch_en = la_scan_latch_en;
// Internal
2'b1z: begin
scan_clk_out = int_scan_clk_out;
scan_data_out = int_scan_data_out;
scan_select = int_scan_select;
scan_latch_en = int_scan_latch_en;
// Synchronizer for inputs
always @(posedge clk)
aio_input_sync <= inputs;
aio_input_reg <= driver_sel[1] ? aio_input_sync : 0;
// Mux for outputs
assign outputs = driver_sel[1] ? aio_output_reg : {6'b0, ext_scan_data_in, ext_scan_clk_in};
// FSM & control
// -------------
// Check if we're active
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_i)
if (rst_i)
active <= 1'b0;
active <= driver_sel[1];
// State register
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_i)
if (rst_i)
state <= ST_IDLE;
state <= state_nxt;
// State transitions
always @(*)
// Defaults
state_nxt = state;
// Transitions
case (state)
if (active)
state_nxt = ST_IN_LOAD;
state_nxt = ST_IN_SHIFT_LO;
state_nxt = ST_IN_SHIFT_HI;
state_nxt = (proj_sel & bit_last) ? ST_IN_LATCH_WAIT : ST_IN_SHIFT_LO;
if (ws_cnt_done)
state_nxt = ST_IN_LATCH;
state_nxt = ST_OUT_LOAD_PRE;
if (ws_cnt_done)
state_nxt = ST_OUT_LOAD;
state_nxt = ST_OUT_LOAD_POST;
if (ws_cnt_done)
state_nxt = ST_OUT_LOAD_CLR;
if (ws_cnt_done)
state_nxt = ST_OUT_SHIFT_LO;
state_nxt = ST_OUT_SHIFT_HI;
state_nxt = (proj_done & bit_last) ? ST_OUT_CAP_WAIT : ST_OUT_SHIFT_LO;
if (ws_cnt_done)
state_nxt = ST_OUT_CAP;
state_nxt = ST_IDLE;
// Scan progress tracking
// ----------------------
// Keep track of IO number
always @(posedge clk)
if (state == ST_IDLE)
bit_cnt <= 0;
else if ((state == ST_IN_SHIFT_HI) | (state == ST_OUT_SHIFT_HI))
bit_cnt <= bit_last ? 0 : (bit_cnt + 1);
assign bit_last = (bit_cnt == (NUM_IOS - 1));
// Keep track of project number
always @(posedge clk)
if (state == ST_IDLE)
proj_cnt <= 0;
else if (((state == ST_IN_SHIFT_HI) | (state == ST_OUT_SHIFT_HI)) & bit_last)
proj_cnt <= proj_cnt + 1;
assign proj_sel = (proj_cnt == active_select);
assign proj_done = (proj_cnt == NUM_DESIGNS);
// Scan chain control
// ------------------
always @(posedge clk)
int_scan_clk_out <= (state == ST_IN_SHIFT_HI) | (state == ST_OUT_LOAD) | (state == ST_OUT_SHIFT_HI);
int_scan_data_out <= aio_input_shift[PL];
int_scan_select <= (state == ST_OUT_LOAD_PRE) | (state == ST_OUT_LOAD) | (state == ST_OUT_LOAD_POST);
int_scan_latch_en <= (state == ST_IN_LATCH);
// Shift registers
// ---------------
// Local control from FSM
assign aio_input_sh = (state == ST_IN_SHIFT_HI);
assign aio_input_ld = (state == ST_IN_LOAD);
assign aio_output_cap = (state == ST_OUT_CAP);
// Input
always @(posedge clk)
if (aio_input_ld)
aio_input_shift <= slow_clk_ena ? { aio_input_reg[PL:1], slow_clk } : aio_input_reg;
else if (aio_input_sh)
aio_input_shift <= { aio_input_shift[PL-1:0], 1'b0 };
// Output
always @(posedge int_scan_clk_in)
aio_output_shift <= { aio_output_shift[PL-1:0], int_scan_data_in };
always @(posedge clk)
if (aio_output_cap)
aio_output_reg <= aio_output_shift;
// Wait state counter
// ------------------
always @(posedge clk)
if (~ws_cnt_run | ws_cnt_done)
ws_cnt <= 0;
ws_cnt <= ws_cnt + 1;
assign ws_cnt_done = (ws_cnt == ws_cfg);
assign ws_cnt_run = (
(state == ST_IN_LATCH_WAIT) |
(state == ST_OUT_LOAD_PRE) |
(state == ST_OUT_LOAD_POST) |
(state == ST_OUT_LOAD_CLR) |
(state == ST_OUT_CAP_WAIT)
// Wait state config
// -----------------
// This dictates how many wait cycle we insert in various state
// of the load process. We have a sane default, but also allow
// override externally.
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_i)
if (rst_i)
ws_set_sync <= 3'b000;
ws_set_sync <= { ws_set_sync[1:0], (driver_sel == 2'b11) };
always @(posedge clk)
ws_set_now <= ~ws_set_sync[2] & ws_set_sync[1];
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_i)
if (rst_i)
ws_cfg <= 8'd10;
else if (ws_set_now)
ws_cfg <= inputs;
// Clock Divider
// -------------
clk_divider clk_divider_I (
.clk (clk),
.ce (aio_input_ld),
.set (set_clk_div),
.reset (rst_i),
.divider (inputs),
.active (slow_clk_ena),
.slow_clk (slow_clk)
endmodule // scan_controller
module clk_divider #(
parameter integer DIV_WIDTH = 8
input wire clk,
input wire ce,
input wire reset,
input wire set,
input wire [DIV_WIDTH-1:0] divider,
output wire active,
output reg slow_clk
reg [DIV_WIDTH-1:0] counter;
reg [DIV_WIDTH-1:0] compare;
wire match;
reg [2:0] set_sync;
reg set_now;
// Detect rising edge (with synchronizer)
always @(posedge clk)
set_sync <= { set_sync[1:0], set };
set_now <= ~set_sync[2] & set_sync[1];
assign active = set_sync[2];
// Latch divider
always @(posedge clk)
if (set_now)
compare <= divider;
// Compare
assign match = (counter == compare);
// Counter
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
counter <= 0;
else if (ce)
counter <= match ? 0 : (counter + 1);
// Clock gen
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
slow_clk <= 1'b0;
else if (ce)
slow_clk <= slow_clk ^ match;
endmodule // clk_divider