blob: ef6251f49db56f53bead1e6123412196c85121b2 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
module noahgaertner_cpu (
input logic [7:0] io_in,
output logic [7:0] io_out
logic clock, reset;
assign clock = io_in[0]; //clock
assign reset = io_in[1]; //reset to clear everything
typedef enum logic [3:0] {
LOAD = 4'd0, //loads a value from data file into operation register
STORE = 4'd1, //stores value from operation register to data file
ADD = 4'd2, //adds datac to operation register value
MUL = 4'd3, //multiples operation register value by datac
SUB = 4'd4, //subtracts datac from operation register value
SHIFTL = 4'd5, //shifts operation register value left by datac or 3,
//whichever is less
SHIFTR = 4'd6, //shifts operation register value right by datac or 3,
//whichever is less
JUMPTOIF = 4'd7, //jumps pc to data[value] if io_in[7] is a 1, else
//does nothing
LOGICAND = 4'd8,
//logical and between operation register value and datac
LOGICOR = 4'd9,
//logical or between operation register value and datac
EQUALS = 4'd10,
//equality check between operation register value and datac
NEQ = 4'd11,
//inequality check between operation register value and datac
BITAND = 4'd12,
//bitwise and between operation register value and datac
BITOR = 4'd13,
//bitwise or between operation register value and datac
LOGICNOT = 4'd14,
//logical not on operation register value
BITNOT = 4'd15
//bitwise not on operation register value
} prog_t;
//yosys doesn't like it if i enum directly instead of typedef w/ memories for
//some reason
prog_t prog[15:0]; //program storage "file"
logic [3:0] data[15:0]; //data storage :file
enum logic [1:0] {
LOADPROG = 2'd0, //loads a program into the program "file"
LOADDATA = 2'd1, //loads data into the data "file"
SETRUNPT = 2'd2, //designed to be used right before run, but can also be used to input additional data i guess
RUNPROG = 2'd3 //run the program
} instruction;
assign instruction = io_in[3:2]; //current instruction
logic [3:0] pc; //program counter
logic [3:0] datac;
prog_t progc;
assign progc = prog[pc]; //prog at pc
assign datac = data[pc]; //data at pc
logic [3:0] regval; //current value being operated on (accumulator)
assign io_out = {regval, pc};
logic [3:0] inputdata;
logic lastdata3; //input data
assign inputdata = io_in[7:4];
logic [3:0] npc;
assign npc = pc+1;
always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
if (!reset) begin
lastdata3 <= inputdata[3];
case (instruction)
LOADPROG: begin //loads a program into the program "file"
prog[pc] <= inputdata;
pc <= npc;
LOADDATA: begin //loads data into the data "file"
data[pc] <= inputdata;
pc <= npc;
SETRUNPT: begin //designed to be used right before run, but can also be used to input additional data i guess
pc <= inputdata;
RUNPROG: begin //run the program
case (progc)
LOAD: begin
//loads a value from the data file
regval <= datac;
pc <= npc;
STORE: begin
//stores a value into the data file
data[datac] <= regval;
pc <= npc;
ADD: begin
//adds the value at the appropriate data address to the register
regval <= regval + datac;
pc <= npc;
SUB: begin
//subtracts the value at the appropriate addr from the register
regval <= regval - datac;
pc <= npc;
MUL: begin
//multiplies the register by the value at the appropriate addr
pc <= npc;
regval <= regval * datac;
SHIFTL: begin
//shifts the register left by the value at the appropriate addr,
//or 3, whichever is less.
pc <= npc;
regval <= ((datac<4) ? regval<<datac : regval << 3);
SHIFTR: begin
//shifts the register right by the value at the appropriate addr,
//or 3, whichever is less
pc <= npc;
regval <= ((datac<4) ? regval>>datac : regval >> 3);
JUMPTOIF: //jumps to value if input pin 7 is a one
//not unconditional to avoid looping forever
//weird external condition because of single-register/stack
//design due to space limits & effective max of 16
//microinstructions, which is theoretically circumventable
//by serializing IO and reassembling, but that takes too much
pc <= (lastdata3) ? datac : npc;
regval <= regval;
//logical and between regval and datac
pc <= npc;
regval <= regval && datac;
LOGICOR: begin
//logical or between regval and datac
pc <= npc;
regval <= regval || datac;
EQUALS: begin
//equality check between regval and datac
pc <= npc;
regval <= (regval == datac);
NEQ: begin
//inequality check between regval and datac
pc <= npc;
regval <= (regval != datac);
BITAND: begin
//bitwise and between regval and datac
pc <= npc;
regval <= (regval & datac);
BITNOT: begin
//bitwise inversion on regval
pc<= npc;
regval <= ~(regval);
BITOR: begin
//bitwise or between regval and datac
pc<= npc;
regval <= (regval | datac);
//logical NOT on regval
pc <= npc;
regval <= !regval;
end else begin
pc <= 0;
regval <= 0;
data[0] <= 4'd0;
data[1] <= 4'd0;
data[2] <= 4'd0;
data[3] <= 4'd0;
data[4] <= 4'd0;
data[5] <= 4'd0;
data[6] <= 4'd0;
data[7] <= 4'd0;
data[8] <= 4'd0;
data[9] <= 4'd0;
data[10] <= 4'd0;
data[11] <= 4'd0;
data[12] <= 4'd0;
data[13] <= 4'd0;
data[14] <= 4'd0;
data[15] <= 4'd0;
prog[0] <= 4'd0;
prog[1] <= 4'd0;
prog[2] <= 4'd0;
prog[3] <= 4'd0;
prog[4] <= 4'd0;
prog[5] <= 4'd0;
prog[6] <= 4'd0;
prog[7] <= 4'd0;
prog[8] <= 4'd0;
prog[9] <= 4'd0;
prog[10] <= 4'd0;
prog[11] <= 4'd0;
prog[12] <= 4'd0;
prog[13] <= 4'd0;
prog[14] <= 4'd0;
prog[15] <= 4'd0;
lastdata3 <= 1'd0;