blob: 8510d6bdd47b935c1c762cb81fd21d6834ac2918 [file] [log] [blame]
`timescale 1ns/10ps
//`define COCOTB_SIM
module rdffe(input clk,d,en,rst, output q);
reg rq;
assign #0.1 q = rq;
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
rq <= rst ? 1'b0 : ( en ? d : q);
wire b;
assign b = en ? d : q;
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfrtp_4 dfrtp(
module sdffe(input clk,d,en,pre, output q);
reg rq;
assign #0.1 q = rq;
always @(posedge clk or posedge pre)
rq <= pre ? 1'b1 : ( en ? d : q);
wire b;
assign b = en ? d : q;
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dfstp_4 dfstp(
module inv_with_delay(input A,output Y);
assign #0.02 Y = ~A; // pick a fairly quick delay from the tt_025C_1v80 liberty file
// the actualy delay per stage is going to be slower
sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_2 inv(.A(A),.Y(Y));
module nand2_with_delay(input A,input B,output Y);
assign #0.05 Y = ~(A & B);
sky130_fd_sc_hd__nand2_2 nand2(.A(A),.B(B),.Y(Y));
module ring_osc(input nrst,output osc);
// We count for 1 scan_clk period which expected at 166uS (6KHz).
// If the delay of one inverter is 20ps and the ring is 150 inverters long,
// then the ring period is 6nS (2*150inv*20pS/inv)
// This is 166MHz so expect a count of 166*166 nominally.
// For more time resolution make scan_clk slower but that requires more
// counter depth.
// scan clk slowing can be done externally to the TT IC or with the clk div.
localparam NUM_INVERTERS = 150; // must be an even number
// setup loop of inverters
wire [NUM_INVERTERS-1:0] delay_in, delay_out;
wire osc_out;
inv_with_delay idelay [NUM_INVERTERS-1:0] (
assign delay_in = {delay_out[NUM_INVERTERS-2:0], osc_out};
nand2_with_delay nand2_with_delay(.A(nrst),.B(delay_out[NUM_INVERTERS-1]),.Y(osc_out));
assign osc = osc_out;
module ring_with_counter #(parameter WIDTH=24) (input nrst, ring_en, count_en, output [WIDTH-1:0] count);
wire [WIDTH:0] value;
wire rst,count_en_s0,count_en_s1,osc,nosc_buf;
genvar i;
ring_osc ring_osc(.nrst(ring_en),.osc(osc));
inv_with_delay inv_r(.A(nrst),.Y(rst));
// logic in this module should minimize loading the ring, so buffer the ring output
inv_with_delay inv_b(.A(osc),.Y(nosc_buf));
// synchronize the counter enable time to the ring oscillator frequency
// so metastability doesnt corrupt the count. note: we count on the ring frequency domain
rdffe ds0(.clk(nosc_buf),.rst(rst),.en(1'b1), .d(count_en), .q(count_en_s0));
rdffe ds1(.clk(nosc_buf),.rst(rst),.en(1'b1), .d(count_en_s0), .q(count_en_s1));
// Count down toward zero from (signed)-1
assign value[0] = nosc_buf;
for (i = 1; i < WIDTH; i = i + 1)
sdffe dcg(.clk(value[i-1]),.pre(rst),.en(count_en_s1),.d(~value[i]),.q(value[i]));
// value[WIDTH] is the overflow bit. Make it sticky.
// This bit should never be cleared if the measurement is designed correctly.
sdffe dcg(.clk(value[WIDTH-1]),.pre(rst),.en(count_en_s1),.d(1'b0),.q(value[WIDTH]));
assign count[WIDTH-1:0] = value[WIDTH:1];
module ericsmi_speed_test(
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
parameter WIDTH=24;
localparam COUNTER_WIDTH = 23; // TinyTapeout is small, so find a value that fits by trial and error
wire force_trig, fired, count_en;
wire [2:0] sel;
wire [2:0] trig_q;
wire [1:0] ring_en;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] value0,value1;
wire [COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] count0,count1;
wire clk = io_in[0];
wire nrst = io_in[1];
wire trig = io_in[2];
assign sel[2:0] = io_in[5:3];
assign ring_en[1:0] = io_in[7:6];
assign force_trig = &sel; // force the oscillators and counters to run to test their operation
// not really a controlled measurement. Only for debug.
inv_with_delay inv_r(.A(nrst),.Y(rst));
// Enable the counters for one clk period upon trig rising edge.
// Asserting nrst arms the measurements. Clear nrst before fire.
rdffe dt0(.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.en(1'b1), .d(trig ), .q(trig_q[0]));
rdffe dt1(.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.en(1'b1), .d(trig_q[0]), .q(trig_q[1]));
rdffe dt2(
.d((trig_q[0] & ~trig_q[1])),
rdffe dt3(
.d(trig_q[2] | fired),
assign count_en = force_trig | trig_q[2];
ring_with_counter #(.WIDTH(COUNTER_WIDTH)) ring0(
assign value0[WIDTH-1:0] = {{WIDTH-COUNTER_WIDTH{count0[COUNTER_WIDTH-1]}},count0[COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]};
ring_with_counter #(.WIDTH(COUNTER_WIDTH)) ring1(
assign value1[WIDTH-1:0] = {{WIDTH-COUNTER_WIDTH{count1[COUNTER_WIDTH-1]}},count1[COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]};
wire [7:0] status;
// when force_trigger is asserted put the status byte on the output, everything is free running.
assign status[7:0] = {1'b1,
value1[COUNTER_WIDTH-1], // overflow
value0[COUNTER_WIDTH-1], // overflow
value1[16], // 16=Ceiling@Log2[166*166]+1
assign io_out[7:0] = sel[2:0] == 3'b000 ? 8'd0 :
sel[2:0] == 3'b001 ? {value0[7:0]} :
sel[2:0] == 3'b010 ? {value0[15:8]} :
sel[2:0] == 3'b011 ? {value0[23:16]} :
sel[2:0] == 3'b100 ? {value1[7:0]} :
sel[2:0] == 3'b101 ? {value1[15:8]} :
sel[2:0] == 3'b110 ? {value1[23:16]} :
status[7:0] ;