blob: 6e43451a9cbdb166e8cc30c6bd70e8cd07d65652 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
module krasin_tt02_verilog_spi_7_channel_pwm_driver (
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
wire clk = io_in[0];
wire reset = io_in[1];
wire sclk = io_in[2];
wire cs = io_in[3];
wire mosi = io_in[4];
wire [6:0] pwm_out;
assign io_out[6:0] = pwm_out;
wire miso;
assign io_out[7] = miso;
// Previous value of sclk.
// This is to track SPI clock transitions within the main clock trigger.
reg prev_sclk;
// SPI counter that tracks 8 bit.
reg [2:0] spi_counter;
// is_writing is set if we received a write command.
reg is_writing;
reg is_reading;
reg [2:0] cur_addr;
// Buffer from mosi.
reg [7:0] in_buf;
// Buffer for miso.
reg [7:0] out_buf;
// out_buf is advanced on each falling sclk.
assign miso = out_buf[7];
// 8-bit PWM counter that goes from 0 to 254.
reg [7:0] counter;
// PWM levels for each channel.
// 0 means always off.
// 1 means that PWM will be on for just 1 clock cycle and then off for the other 254, giving 1/255 on average.
// 254 means 254/255 on.
// 255 means always on.
reg [7:0] pwm_level[6:0];
function is_on(input [7:0] level, input[7:0] counter);
is_on = (counter < level);
endfunction // is_on
assign pwm_out[0] = is_on(pwm_level[0], counter);
assign pwm_out[1] = is_on(pwm_level[1], counter);
assign pwm_out[2] = is_on(pwm_level[2], counter);
assign pwm_out[3] = is_on(pwm_level[3], counter);
assign pwm_out[4] = is_on(pwm_level[4], counter);
assign pwm_out[5] = is_on(pwm_level[5], counter);
assign pwm_out[6] = is_on(pwm_level[6], counter);
// external clock is 1000Hz.
// PWM logic.
always @(posedge clk) begin
// if reset, set counter and pwm levels to 0
if (reset) begin
counter <= 0;
pwm_level[0] <= 0;
pwm_level[1] <= 0;
pwm_level[2] <= 0;
pwm_level[3] <= 0;
pwm_level[4] <= 0;
pwm_level[5] <= 0;
pwm_level[6] <= 0;
end else begin // if (reset)
if (counter == 254) begin
// Roll over.
counter <= 0;
end else begin
// increment counter
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
end // if (reset)
// SPI reset logic.
if (reset || cs) begin
// The chip is not selected or we are being reset. Reset all SPI registers.
in_buf <= 0;
out_buf <= 0;
prev_sclk <= 0;
spi_counter <= 0;
is_writing <= 0;
is_reading <= 0;
cur_addr <= 0;
end // if (reset || cs)
// regular SPI logic.
if (~reset && ~cs && (prev_sclk != sclk)) begin
// The chip is selected and the SPI clock changed.
// On rising edge we read from mosi, on falling edge, we write to miso.
if (sclk) begin
// Rising SCLK edge: reading from mosi.
in_buf <= (in_buf << 1) | mosi;
spi_counter <= spi_counter + 1'b1;
end else begin // if (sclk)
// Falling SCLK edge
if ((spi_counter == 0) && is_writing) begin
// Writing. We saved the cur_addr after reading the first byte.
if (cur_addr <= 6) begin
pwm_level[cur_addr] <= in_buf;
is_writing <= 0;
is_reading <= 1;
end // if ((spi_counter == 0) && is_writing
if ((spi_counter == 0) && ~is_writing) begin
if (in_buf[7]) begin
// We're writing, but the value will come as the next byte.
is_writing <= 1;
end else begin
is_reading <= 1;
cur_addr <= in_buf[2:0];
end // ((spi_counter == 0) && ~is_writing)
if ((spi_counter == 1) && is_reading) begin
if (cur_addr <= 6) begin
out_buf <= pwm_level[cur_addr];
end else begin
out_buf <= 0;
is_reading <= 0;
cur_addr <= 0;
end else begin // if ((spi_counter == 1) && is_reading)
// Advancing out_buf, so that miso sees a new value.
out_buf <= out_buf << 1;
prev_sclk <= sclk;
end // if (~reset && ~cs && (prev_sclk != sclk))
end // always @ (posedge clk)