blob: 4edd4341985a788c73b1d6f579cd95881db5ab1e [file] [log] [blame]
module cchan_fp8_multiplier (
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
wire clk = io_in[0];
wire [2:0] ctrl = io_in[3:1];
wire [3:0] data = io_in[7:4];
// wire [6:0] led_out;
// assign io_out[6:0] = led_out;
// wire [5:0] seed_input = io_in[7:2];
reg [8:0] operand1;
reg [8:0] operand2;
// For now we're commenting this out and leaving the results unbuffered.
// reg [8:0] result_out;
// assign io_out = result_out;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (!ctrl[0]) begin // if first CTRL bit is off, we're in STORE mode
if (!ctrl[1]) begin // second CTRL bit controls whether it's the first or second operand
if (!ctrl[2]) begin // third CTRL bit controls whether it's the upper or lower half
operand1[3:0] <= data;
end else begin
operand1[7:4] <= data;
end else begin
if (!ctrl[2]) begin
operand2[3:0] <= data;
end else begin
operand2[7:4] <= data;
end else begin // if first CTRL bit is on, this is reserved.
// if (!ctrl[1] && !ctrl[2]) begin
// result_out[7:0] <= 0;
// end
// Compute result_out in terms of operand1, operand2
fp8mul mul1(
module fp8mul (
input sign1,
input [3:0] exp1,
input [2:0] mant1,
input sign2,
input [3:0] exp2,
input [2:0] mant2,
output sign_out,
output [3:0] exp_out,
output [2:0] mant_out
parameter EXP_BIAS = 7;
wire isnan = (sign1 == 1 && exp1 == 0 && mant1 == 0) || (sign2 == 1 && exp2 == 0 && mant2 == 0);
wire [7:0] full_mant = ({exp1 != 0, mant1} * {exp2 != 0, mant2});
wire overflow_mant = full_mant[7];
wire [6:0] shifted_mant = overflow_mant ? full_mant[6:0] : {full_mant[5:0], 1'b0};
// is the mantissa overflowing up to the next exponent?
wire roundup = (exp1 + exp2 + overflow_mant < 1 + EXP_BIAS) && (shifted_mant[6:0] != 0)
|| (shifted_mant[6:4] == 3'b111 && shifted_mant[3]);
wire underflow = (exp1 + exp2 + overflow_mant) < 1 - roundup + EXP_BIAS;
wire is_zero = exp1 == 0 || exp2 == 0 || isnan || underflow;
// note: you can't use negative numbers reliably. just keep things positive during compares.
wire [4:0] exp_out_tmp = (exp1 + exp2 + overflow_mant + roundup) < EXP_BIAS ? 0 : (exp1 + exp2 + overflow_mant + roundup - EXP_BIAS);
assign exp_out = exp_out_tmp > 15 ? 4'b1111 : (is_zero) ? 0 : exp_out_tmp[3:0]; // Exponent bias is 7
assign mant_out = exp_out_tmp > 15 ? 3'b111 : (is_zero || roundup) ? 0 : (shifted_mant[6:4] + (shifted_mant[3:0] > 8 || (shifted_mant[3:0] == 8 && shifted_mant[4])));
assign sign_out = ((sign1 ^ sign2) && !(is_zero)) || isnan;