blob: 96f7b19cf63254dd9f26d39828b7859c13cbf61d [file] [log] [blame]
* Aidan Good
* mccoy.v
* top level module for the McCoy microprocessor
`default_nettype none
module aidan_McCoy(
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out);
// map i/o to proper labels
wire clk = io_in[0];
wire reset = io_in[1];
wire [5:0] instr = io_in[7:2];
// decode signals
wire bez;
wire ja;
//wire aluFun;
wire op1Sel;
wire op2Sel;
wire writeReg;
wire writex8;
wire [1:0] x8Sel;
// Other wires
wire [7:0] pc;
wire [7:0] pc1;
wire [7:0] nextPC;
wire pcSel;
wire [7:0] aluOut;
wire [7:0] x8;
wire [7:0] newx8;
wire [7:0] op1;
wire [7:0] op2;
wire [7:0] regOut;
wire [7:0] imm;
wire [7:0] notx8;
/* Misc. blocks */
decoder decoderBlock( .opcode(instr[2:0]), .bez(bez), .ja(ja), /*.aluFun(aluFun),*/ .op1(op1Sel), .op2(op2Sel),
.writeReg(writeReg), .writex8(writex8), .x8Sel(x8Sel));
iSign signBlock( .imm(instr[5:3]), .out(imm));
/* PC related blocks */
mux2 pcMux( .in0(aluOut), .in1(pc1), .sel(pcSel), .out(nextPC));
pc pcBlock( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .nextPC(nextPC), .PC(pc));
add1 adder( .in(pc), .out(pc1));
branch branchBlock( .x8(x8), .bez(bez), .ja(ja), .reset(reset), .pcSel(pcSel));
/* ALU blocks */
mux2 op1Mux( .in0(regOut), .in1(x8), .sel(op1Sel), .out(op1));
mux2 op2Mux( .in0(regOut), .in1(pc), .sel(op2Sel), .out(op2));
alu aluBlock( .op1(op1), .op2(op2), /*.aluFun(aluFun),*/ .aluOut(aluOut));
/* x8 and other register blocks */
register regBlock( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .regAddr(instr[5:3]), .x8(x8), .writeReg(writeReg),
x8 x8Block( .clk(clk), .writex8(writex8), .newx8(newx8), .x8(x8));
notx8 nx8( .x8(x8), .out(notx8));
mux4 x8Mux( .in0(regOut), .in1(imm), .in2(aluOut), .in3(notx8), .sel(x8Sel), .out(newx8));
assign io_out = clk ? pc : x8;