blob: b83d140caf192d4587eca6a2f2b1cedecfa0bc98 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
// Top level io for this module should stay the same to fit into the scan_wrapper.
// The pin connections within the user_module are up to you,
// although (if one is present) it is recommended to place a clock on io_in[0].
// This allows use of the internal clock divider if you wish.
module user_module_341353780122485332(
input [7:0] io_in,
output [7:0] io_out
// Frame data shift register because we don't have enough pins to load a whole 17-bit config "frame"
wire frame_sr_clk = io_in[1];
reg [16:0] frame_sr;
always @(posedge frame_sr_clk)
frame_sr <= {frame_sr[15:0], io_in[2]};
lutram_341353780122485332 #(.K(4)) dut (
assign io_out[7:1] = 6'b0;
// Our test LUTRAM cell
module lutram_341353780122485332 #(parameter K=4) (
input wire frame_strobe,
input wire [2**K:0] frame_data, // {lut_mode[0], lut_init[W-1:0]}
input wire write_clk,
input wire write_en,
input wire [K-1:0] write_addr,
input wire write_data,
input wire [K-1:0] lut_i,
output wire lut_o
localparam W=2**K;
wire [W-1:0] lut_data;
wire lutram_mode, write_strobe;
// LUTRAM mode config and write pulse gen
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlxtp_1 mode_lat_i (
.VPWR(1'b1), .VGND(1'b0)
write_pulse_gen_341353780122485332 pulse_gen_i (
.en(write_en & lutram_mode),
// Storage array
genvar ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < W; ii = ii + 1'b1) begin: lut_loop
wire bit_sel = (write_addr == ii);
wire bit_strobe = (bit_sel & write_strobe) | frame_strobe;
wire bit_d = frame_strobe ? frame_data[ii] : write_data;
sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlxtp_1 bit_cell_i (
.VPWR(1'b1), .VGND(1'b0)
// LUT output mux
assign lut_o = lut_data[lut_i];
module buffer_chain_341353780122485332 ((* dont_touch *) input A, (* dont_touch *) output X);
localparam N = 3;
(* dont_touch *) wire [N:0] c;
assign c[0] = A;
assign X = c[N];
genvar ii;
for (ii = 1'b0; ii < N; ii = ii + 1'b1) begin : bufs
(* keep, dont_touch *) sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkdlybuf4s50_1 buf_i (.A(c[ii]), .X(c[ii + 1'b1]), .VPWR(1'b1), .VGND(1'b0));
module write_pulse_gen_341353780122485332 (input wire clk, input wire en, output wire q);
wire clk_del1, clk_del2, clk_strb;
(* keep, dont_touch *) buffer_chain_341353780122485332 dly0_i (.A(clk), .X(clk_del1));
(* keep, dont_touch *) buffer_chain_341353780122485332 dly1_i (.A(clk_del1), .X(clk_del2));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2b_1 cmp_i (.A_N(clk_del2), .B(clk), .X(clk_strb), .VPWR(1'b1), .VGND(1'b0));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__and2_2 gate_i (.A(clk_strb), .B(en), .X(q), .VPWR(1'b1), .VGND(1'b0));
reg clk_del, strb_out;
always @* clk_del = #3 clk;
always @* strb_out = #1 (en & (clk & ~clk_del));
assign q = strb_out;