blob: 3f1cb1736955f32a7d58db19efe8db28c276d8f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Title: Top-level wrapper in SystemVerilog
// Author: Wallace Everest
// Date: 23-NOV-2022
// Description:
// The square-root of an unsigned 7-bit input is displayed on a 7-segment output.
// The decimal point is unused.
// Pipeline delay is 5 clocks.
// Implementation:
// TinyTapeout-02 constraints identify io_in[0] as a clock tree.
// FPGA synthesis reports 46 flip-flops
// Stye Guide:
`default_nettype none
localparam K_WIDTH = 8; // size must be even
module navray_top (
input wire [7:0] io_in,
output wire [7:0] io_out
logic clk;
logic [K_WIDTH-1:0] data_in;
logic [K_WIDTH/2-1:0] sqrt_val;
assign clk = io_in[0];
assign data_in = {1'b0, io_in[7:1]};
sqrt #(
) sqrt_inst (
.clk (clk),
.data_in (data_in),
seg7 seg7_inst (
.clk (clk),
.data_in (sqrt_val),