blob: 47c8112c67810b823e229c07d771ab574cc842c2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import yaml
from typing import List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import argparse, requests, base64, io, logging, pickle, shutil, sys, os, collections, subprocess
from git_utils import fetch_file_from_git, install_artifacts
import git
from project_urls import filler_project_url, test_project_urls, project_urls
# pipe handling
from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL
tmp_dir = '/tmp/tt'
class Projects():
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
# project urls are defined in project_urls module
# by default, this method will fill empty slots with the 'filler project'
if self.args.test:
self.project_urls = test_project_urls
project_dir = 'test_projects'
self.project_urls = project_urls
project_dir = 'projects'"loaded {len(self.project_urls)} projects")
if not os.path.exists(project_dir):
self.projects = []
filler = False
filler_id = 0
for index in range(args.limit_num_projects):
git_url = self.project_urls[index]
except IndexError as e:
if filler == False:
git_url = filler_project_url
filler_id = 0 # first project is always fill
filler = True
project = Project(index, git_url, project_dir, fill=filler, fill_id=filler_id)
# clone git repos locally & gds artifacts from action build
if args.clone_all:"cloning & fetching gds")
if filler == False:
# projects should now be installed, so load all the data from the yaml files"loading project yaml")
# fill projects will load from the fill project's directory
project.load_yaml()"copying files to caravel")
if filler == False:
def check_dupes(self):
from project_urls import project_urls
duplicates = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(project_urls).items() if count > 1]
if duplicates:
logging.error("duplicate projects: {}".format(duplicates))
class Project():
def __init__(self, index, git_url, project_dir, fill, fill_id=0):
self.git_url = git_url
self.index = index
self.fill = fill
self.project_dir = project_dir
self.local_dir = self.gen_local_dir(fill_id)
# if the project is a filler, then use the config from the first fill project
def gen_local_dir(self, fill_id):
if self.fill:
return os.path.join(os.path.join(self.project_dir, str(fill_id)))
return os.path.join(os.path.join(self.project_dir, str(self.index)))
def is_wokwi(self):
if self.wokwi_id != 0:
return True
def is_hdl(self):
return not self.is_wokwi()
def load_yaml(self):
with open(os.path.join(self.local_dir, 'info.yaml')) as fh:
self.yaml = yaml.safe_load(fh)
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.error(f"yaml file not found for {self} - do you need to --clone the project repos?")
self.wokwi_id = self.yaml['project']['wokwi_id']
if self.is_hdl():
self.top_module = self.yaml['project']['top_module']
self.src_files = self.yaml['project']['source_files']
self.top_verilog_file = self.find_top_verilog()
# top module name is defined in one of the source files, which one?
def find_top_verilog(self):
rgx_mod = re.compile(r"(?:^|[\W])module[\s]{1,}([\w]+)")
top_verilog = []
for src in self.src_files:
with open(os.path.join(self.local_dir, 'src', src)) as fh:
for line in fh.readlines():
for match in rgx_mod.finditer(line):
if == self.top_module:
assert len(top_verilog) == 1
return top_verilog[0]
def prep_src_file(self, src):
filename = os.path.basename(src)
# make filename unique
return f'{self.index}_{filename}'
def clone(self):
git.Repo.clone_from(self.git_url, self.local_dir)
except git.exc.GitCommandError as e:
if 'already exists' in str(e):"already exists")
def update(self):
# do a pull
def __str__(self):
return f"[{self.index:03} : {self.git_url} fill {self.fill} wokwi id {self.wokwi_id}]"
#return f"[{self.index:03} : {self.git_url}]"
def fetch_gds(self):
install_artifacts(self.git_url, self.local_dir)
def get_macro_name(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return self.top_module
return f"user_module_{self.wokwi_id}"
# instance name of the project, different for each id
def get_macro_instance(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return f"{self.top_module}_{self.index}"
return f"user_module_{self.wokwi_id}_{self.index}"
# instance name of the scanchain module, different for each id
def get_scanchain_instance(self):
return f"scanchain_{self.index}"
# unique id
def get_index(self):
return self.index
# name of the gds file
def get_macro_gds_name(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return f"{self.top_module}.gds"
# return diff if fill
return f"user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.gds"
def get_macro_lef_name(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return f"{self.top_module}.lef"
# return diff if fill
return f"user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.lef"
# for black boxing when building GDS, just need module name and ports
def get_verilog_include(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return f'`include "{self.get_top_verilog_file()}"\n'
# return diff if fill
return f'`include "user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v"\n'
# for GL sims
def get_gl_verilog_names(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return [f"{self.top_module}.v"]
# return diff if fill
return [f'user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v']
def get_top_verilog_file(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return self.prep_src_file(self.top_verilog_file)
# return diff if fill
return [f'user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v']
# for the includes file for simulation
def get_verilog_names(self):
if self.is_hdl():
return [ self.prep_src_file(src) for src in self.src_files ]
# return diff if fill
return [f'user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v']
def get_giturl(self):
return self.git_url
def copy_files_to_caravel(self):
if self.is_hdl():
# this is going to fail if people use duplicate top module names
# and can't be fixed by changing the name as that will not match with the gds or lef
to_uniquify = []
files = [
(f"{self.index}/runs/wokwi/results/final/gds/{self.top_module}.gds", f"gds/{self.top_module}.gds"),
(f"{self.index}/runs/wokwi/results/final/lef/{self.top_module}.lef", f"lef/{self.top_module}.lef"),
(f"{self.index}/runs/wokwi/results/final/verilog/gl/{self.top_module}.v", f"verilog/gl/{self.top_module}.v"),
for src in self.src_files:
prepped = self.prep_src_file(src)
files.append((f"{self.index}/src/{src}", f"verilog/rtl/{prepped}"))
# copy all important files to the correct places. Everything is dependent on the id
files = [
(f"{self.index}/runs/wokwi/results/final/gds/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.gds", f"gds/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.gds"),
(f"{self.index}/runs/wokwi/results/final/lef/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.lef", f"lef/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.lef"),
(f"{self.index}/runs/wokwi/results/final/verilog/gl/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v", f"verilog/gl/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v"),
(f"{self.index}/src/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v", f"verilog/rtl/user_module_{self.wokwi_id}.v"),
logging.debug("copying files into position")
for from_path, to_path in files:
from_path = os.path.join(self.project_dir, from_path)
logging.debug(f"copy {from_path} to {to_path}")
shutil.copyfile(from_path, to_path)
# Uniquify the Verilog for this project
if self.is_hdl():
all_modules = self.uniquify_project(self.index, to_uniquify)
def uniquify_project(self, wokwi_id : str, rtl_files : List[str]) -> None:
Ensure all modules within a given subproject include the Wokwi ID, this
avoids collisions between names. This is a relatively simplistic function
for uniquification, it could probably be improved a lot.
:param wokwi_id: The unique ID for the project
:param rtl_files: List of paths to Verilog files to uniquify
# Identify all of the module names in this project
rgx_mod = re.compile(r"(?:^|[\W])module[\s]{1,}([\w]+)")
all_mod = set()
full_txt = {}
for path in rtl_files:
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
# Pull in full text
full_txt[path] = list(fh.readlines())
# Strip single and multi line comments
in_block = False
clean = []
for line in full_txt[path]:
if "/*" in line and "*/" in line:
line = line.split("/*")[0] + line.split("*/")[1]
elif "/*" in line:
line = line.split("/*")[0]
in_block = True
elif in_block and "*/" in line:
line = line.split("*/")[1]
in_block = False
# Join cleaned up lines together
flat_text = " ".join(clean)
# Search for 'module X' declarations
for match in rgx_mod.finditer(flat_text):
# Replace just the names which don't contain the Wokwi ID
problems = { x for x in all_mod if str(wokwi_id) not in x }
if problems:
# Create regular expression to match uses of the module name
rgx_repl = re.compile(rf"\b({'|'.join(problems)})\b")
# Run through each Verilog file
for path, orig_txt in full_txt.items():
new_txt = []
for line in orig_txt:
# For every match, substitute with a safe module name
for match in list(rgx_repl.finditer(line))[::-1]:
m_start, m_end = match.span()
m_sub = f"{}_{wokwi_id}"
line = line[:m_start] + m_sub + line[m_end:]
# Some projects seem to have hardcoded RTL and forgotten
# to replace 'USER_MODULE_ID' with the Wokwi ID
if "_USER_MODULE_ID_" in line:
line = line.replace("_USER_MODULE_ID_", "_")
# Overwrite the file"Writing uniquified RTL for {path}")
with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
return all_mod
class CaravelConfig():
def __init__(self, projects, num_projects):
self.projects = projects
self.num_projects = num_projects
def unique(cls, duplist):
unique_list = []
# traverse for all elements
for x in duplist:
# check if exists in unique_list or not
if x not in unique_list:
return unique_list
# create macro file & positions, power hooks
def create_macro_config(self):
start_x = 80
start_y = 80
step_x = 145
step_y = 135
rows = 25
cols = 19
scanchain_w = 30
scanchain_spc = 6
module_w = 90
num_macros_placed = 0
# macro.cfg: where macros are placed"creating macro.cfg")
with open("openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro.cfg", 'w') as fh:
fh.write("scan_controller 80 80 N\n")
for row in range(rows):
if(row % 2 == 0):
col_order = range(cols)
orientation = 'N'
# reverse odd rows to place instances in a zig zag pattern, shortening the scan chain wires
col_order = range(cols - 1, -1, -1)
orientation = 'S'
for col in col_order:
# skip the space where the scan controller goes on the first row
if row == 0 and col <= 1:
if num_macros_placed < self.num_projects:
if orientation == 'N':
# scanchain first
# co-ords are bottom left corner
macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_scanchain_instance()
instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format(
macro_instance, start_x + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation
macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_macro_instance()
instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format(
macro_instance, start_x + scanchain_spc + scanchain_w + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation
# macro first
macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_macro_instance()
instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format(
macro_instance, start_x + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation
macro_instance = self.projects[num_macros_placed].get_scanchain_instance()
instance = "{} {:<4} {:<4} {}\n".format(
macro_instance, start_x + module_w + scanchain_spc + col * step_x, start_y + row * step_y, orientation
num_macros_placed += 1"total user macros placed: {num_macros_placed}")
# macro_power.tcl: extra file for macro power hooks"creating macro_power.tcl")
with open("openlane/user_project_wrapper/macro_power.tcl", 'w') as fh:
fh.write('set ::env(FP_PDN_MACRO_HOOKS) "\\\n')
fh.write(" ")
fh.write(" vccd1 vssd1 vccd1 vssd1")
fh.write(", \\\n")
for i in range(self.num_projects):
fh.write(" ")
fh.write(" vccd1 vssd1 vccd1 vssd1, \\\n")
fh.write(" ")
fh.write(" vccd1 vssd1 vccd1 vssd1")
if i != self.num_projects - 1:
fh.write(", \\\n")
# extra_lef_gds.tcl"creating extra_lef_gds.tcl")
lefs = []
gdss = []
for i in range(self.num_projects):
# can't have duplicates or OpenLane crashes at PDN
lefs = CaravelConfig.unique(lefs)
gdss = CaravelConfig.unique(gdss)
with open("openlane/user_project_wrapper/extra_lef_gds.tcl", 'w') as fh:
fh.write('set ::env(EXTRA_LEFS) "\\\n')
fh.write("$script_dir/../../lef/scan_controller.lef \\\n")
fh.write("$script_dir/../../lef/scanchain.lef \\\n")
for i, lef in enumerate(lefs):
if i != len(lefs) - 1:
fh.write(" \\\n")
fh.write('set ::env(EXTRA_GDS_FILES) "\\\n')
fh.write("$script_dir/../../gds/scan_controller.gds \\\n")
fh.write("$script_dir/../../gds/scanchain.gds \\\n")
for i, gds in enumerate(gdss):
if i != len(gdss) - 1:
fh.write(" \\\n")
# instantiate inside user_project_wrapper
def instantiate(self):"instantiating designs in user_project_wrapper.v")
# NOTE: The user project wrapper initially used vectored signals for clk,
# scan, and latch signals. However, this leads to atrocious sim
# performance, as any change within the vectored signal is
# interpreted as a trigger condition for re-evaluating logic (at
# least this is the case under Icarus and Verilator). Therefore
# single bit signals are used between stages to limit the impact
# of any wire changing.
# Instance the scan controller
body = [
"wire sc_clk_out, sc_data_out, sc_latch_out, sc_scan_out;",
"wire sc_clk_in, sc_data_in;",
f"scan_controller #(.NUM_DESIGNS({self.num_projects})) scan_controller (",
" .clk (wb_clk_i),",
" .reset (wb_rst_i),",
" .active_select (io_in[20:12]),",
" .inputs (io_in[28:21]),",
" .outputs (io_out[36:29]),",
" .ready (io_out[37]),",
" .slow_clk (io_out[10]),",
" .set_clk_div (io_in[11]),",
" .scan_clk_out (sc_clk_out),",
" .scan_clk_in (sc_clk_in),",
" .scan_data_out (sc_data_out),",
" .scan_data_in (sc_data_in),",
" .scan_select (sc_scan_out),",
" .scan_latch_en (sc_latch_out),",
" .la_scan_clk_in (la_data_in[0]),",
" .la_scan_data_in (la_data_in[1]),",
" .la_scan_data_out (la_data_out[0]),",
" .la_scan_select (la_data_in[2]),",
" .la_scan_latch_en (la_data_in[3]),",
" .driver_sel (io_in[9:8]),",
" .oeb (io_oeb)",
# Instance every design on the scan chain
for idx in range(self.num_projects):
# First design driven by scan controller, all others are chained
pfx = f"sw_{idx:03d}"
prev_pfx = f"sw_{idx-1:03d}" if idx > 0 else "sc"
# Pickup the Wokwi design ID and github URL for the project
index = self.projects[idx].get_index()
giturl = self.projects[idx].get_giturl()
# Append the instance to the body
body += [
f"// [{idx:03d}] {giturl}",
f"wire {pfx}_clk_out, {pfx}_data_out, {pfx}_scan_out, {pfx}_latch_out;",
f"wire [7:0] {pfx}_module_data_in;",
f"wire [7:0] {pfx}_module_data_out;",
f"scanchain #(.NUM_IOS(8)) {self.projects[idx].get_scanchain_instance()} (",
f" .clk_in ({prev_pfx}_clk_out),",
f" .data_in ({prev_pfx}_data_out),",
f" .scan_select_in ({prev_pfx}_scan_out),",
f" .latch_enable_in ({prev_pfx}_latch_out),",
f" .clk_out ({pfx}_clk_out),",
f" .data_out ({pfx}_data_out),",
f" .scan_select_out ({pfx}_scan_out),",
f" .latch_enable_out({pfx}_latch_out),",
f" .module_data_in ({pfx}_module_data_in),",
f" .module_data_out ({pfx}_module_data_out)",
# Append the user module to the body
body += [
f"{self.projects[idx].get_macro_name()} {self.projects[idx].get_macro_instance()} (",
f" .io_in ({pfx}_module_data_in),",
f" .io_out ({pfx}_module_data_out)",
# Link the final design back to the scan controller
body += [
"// Connect final signals back to the scan controller",
f"assign sc_clk_in = sw_{idx:03d}_clk_out;",
f"assign sc_data_in = sw_{idx:03d}_data_out;",
# Write to file
with open('verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v', 'w') as fh:
# Insert the Caravel preamble
with open("upw_pre.v", "r") as fh_pre:
# Indent, join, and insert the module instances
fh.write("\n".join([(" " + x).rstrip() for x in body]))
# Insert the Caravel postamble
with open("upw_post.v", "r") as fh_post:
# build the user_project_includes.v file - used for blackboxing when building the GDS
verilogs = []
for i in range(self.num_projects):
verilogs = CaravelConfig.unique(verilogs)
with open('verilog/rtl/user_project_includes.v', 'w') as fh:
fh.write('`include "scan_controller/scan_controller.v"\n')
fh.write('`include "scanchain/scanchain.v"\n')
for verilog in verilogs:
# build complete list of filenames for sim
verilog_files = []
for i in range(self.num_projects):
verilog_files += self.projects[i].get_verilog_names()
verilog_files = CaravelConfig.unique(verilog_files)
with open('verilog/includes/includes.rtl.caravel_user_project', 'w') as fh:
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v\n')
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/scan_controller/scan_controller.v\n')
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/scanchain/scanchain.v\n')
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/cells.v\n')
for verilog in verilog_files:
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/rtl/{}\n'.format(verilog))
# build GL includes
verilog_files = []
for i in range(self.num_projects):
verilog_files += self.projects[i].get_gl_verilog_names()
verilog_files = CaravelConfig.unique(verilog_files)
with open('verilog/includes/', 'w') as fh:
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/user_project_wrapper.v\n')
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/scan_controller.v\n')
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/scanchain.v\n')
for verilog in verilog_files:
fh.write('-v $(USER_PROJECT_VERILOG)/gl/{}\n'.format(verilog))
def list(self):
for project in self.projects:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="TinyTapeout")
parser.add_argument('--list', help="list projects", action='store_const', const=True)
parser.add_argument('--clone-all', help="clone all projects", action="store_const", const=True)
parser.add_argument('--update-caravel', help='configure caravel for build', action='store_const', const=True)
parser.add_argument('--limit-num-projects', help='only configure for the first n projects', type=int, default=DEFAULT_NUM_PROJECTS)
parser.add_argument('--test', help='use test projects', action='store_const', const=True)
parser.add_argument('--debug', help="debug logging", action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
args = parser.parse_args()
# setup log
log_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s')
# configure the client logging
log = logging.getLogger('')
# has to be set to debug as is the root logger
# turn off debug logging for requests
# create console handler and set level to info
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# create formatter for console
projects = Projects(args)
# projects.check_dupes()
caravel = CaravelConfig(projects.projects, num_projects=args.limit_num_projects)
if args.list:
if args.update_caravel: