| #line 1 "/home/dinesha/Arduino/ws281x_example1/ws281x_example1.ino" |
| |
| /* |
| |
| Analog input, analog output, serial output |
| |
| Reads an analog input pin, maps the result to a range from 0 to 255 and uses |
| |
| the result to set the pulse width modulation (PWM) of an output pin. |
| |
| Also prints the results to the Serial Monitor. |
| |
| The circuit: |
| |
| - potentiometer connected to analog pin 0. |
| |
| Center pin of the potentiometer goes to the analog pin. |
| |
| side pins of the potentiometer go to +5V and ground |
| |
| - LED connected from digital pin 9 to ground |
| |
| created 29 Dec. 2008 |
| |
| modified 9 Apr 2012 |
| |
| by Tom Igoe |
| |
| This example code is in the public domain. |
| |
| http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogInOutSerial |
| |
| */ |
| |
| #include"Arduino.h" |
| #include"WS281X.h" |
| // These constants won't change. They're used to give names to the pins used: |
| |
| //------------------- |
| // We have only 2 WS281X port |
| // Port 2 will using port-0 data |
| // Port 3 will using port-1 data |
| //------------------------ |
| int port0 = 2; |
| int port1 = 3; |
| int port2 = 5; |
| int port3 = 9; |
| |
| |
| void setup(); |
| void loop(); |
| void setup() { |
| |
| ws281x.begin(WS2811_HIGH_SPEED); |
| |
| // Enable WS_281X PORT-0 |
| ws281x.enable(port0); |
| ws281x.enable(port2); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x112233); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x223344); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x334455); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x445566); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x556677); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x667788); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x778899); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x8899AA); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x99AABB); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0xAABBCC); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0xBBCCDD); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0xCCDDEE); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0xDDEEFF); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0xEEFF00); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0xFF0011); |
| ws281x.write(port0, 0x001122); |
| |
| // Enable WS_281X PORT-1 |
| ws281x.enable(port1); |
| ws281x.enable(port3); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x010203); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x020304); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x030405); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x040506); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x050607); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x060708); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x070809); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x08090A); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x090A0B); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x0A0B0C); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x0B0C0D); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x0C0D0E); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x0D0E0F); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x0E0F00); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x0F0001); |
| ws281x.write(port1, 0x000102); |
| |
| } |
| |
| void loop() { |
| |
| delay(1); |
| } |
| |
| |
| |