blob: 469d4c6fcabf2c0daa931433c9271cdeedd55d25 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
//// ////
//// Digital core ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the riscduino cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// This is digital core and integrate all the main block ////
//// here. Following block are integrated here ////
//// 1. Risc V Core ////
//// 2. Quad SPI Master ////
//// 3. Wishbone Cross Bar ////
//// 4. UART ////
//// 5, USB 1.1 ////
//// 6. SPI Master (Single) ////
//// 7. TCM SRAM 2KB ////
//// 8. 2KB icache and 2KB dcache ////
//// 8. 6 Channel ADC ////
//// 9. Pinmux with GPIO and 6 PWM ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// Revision : ////
//// 0.1 - 16th Feb 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Initial integration with Risc-V core + ////
//// Wishbone Cross Bar + SPI Master ////
//// 0.2 - 17th June 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. In risc core, wishbone and core domain is ////
//// created ////
//// 2. cpu and rtc clock are generated in glbl reg block ////
//// 3. in wishbone interconnect:- Stagging flop are added ////
//// at interface to break wishbone timing path ////
//// 4. buswidth warning are fixed inside spi_master ////
//// modified rtl files are ////
//// verilog/rtl/digital_core/src/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/digital_core/src/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/lib/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/user_project_wrapper.v ////
//// verilog/rtl/wb_interconnect/src/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ ////
//// verilog/rtl/spi_master/src/ ////
//// 0.3 - 20th June 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. uart core is integrated ////
//// 2. 3rd Slave ported added to wishbone interconnect ////
//// 0.4 - 25th June 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Moved the pad logic inside sdram,spi,uart block to ////
//// avoid logic at digital core level ////
//// 0.5 - 25th June 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Since carvel gives only 16MB address space for user ////
//// space, we have implemented indirect address select ////
//// with 8 bit bank select given inside wb_host ////
//// core Address = {Bank_Sel[7:0], Wb_Address[23:0] ////
//// caravel user address space is ////
//// 0x3000_0000 to 0x30FF_FFFF ////
//// 0.6 - 27th June 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Digital core level tie are moved inside IP to avoid ////
//// power hook up at core level ////
//// u_risc_top - test_mode & test_rst_n ////
//// u_intercon - s*_wbd_err_i ////
//// unused wb_cti_i is removed from u_sdram_ctrl ////
//// 0.7 - 28th June 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// wb_interconnect master port are interchanged for ////
//// better physical placement. ////
//// m0 - External HOST ////
//// m1 - RISC IMEM ////
//// m2 - RISC DMEM ////
//// 0.8 - 6th July 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// For Better SDRAM Interface timing we have taping ////
//// sdram_clock goint to io_out[29] directly from ////
//// global register block, this help in better SDRAM ////
//// interface timing control ////
//// 0.9 - 7th July 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Removed 2 Unused port connection io_in[31:30] to ////
//// spi_master to avoid lvs issue ////
//// 1.0 - 28th July 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// i2cm integrated part of uart_i2cm module, ////
//// due to number of IO pin limitation, ////
//// Only UART OR I2C selected based on config mode ////
//// 1.1 - 1st Aug 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// usb1.1 host integrated part of uart_i2cm_usb module,////
//// due to number of IO pin limitation, ////
//// Only UART/I2C/USB selected based on config mode ////
//// 1.2 - 29th Sept 2021, Dinesh.A ////
//// 1. copied the repo from yifive and renames as ////
//// riscdunino ////
//// 2. Removed the SDRAM controlled ////
//// 3. Added PinMux ////
//// 4. Added SAR ADC for 6 channel ////
//// 1.3 - 30th Sept 2021, Dinesh.A ////
//// 2KB SRAM Interface added to RISC Core ////
//// 1.4 - 13th Oct 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Basic verification and Synthesis cleanup ////
//// 1.5 - 6th Nov 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Clock Skew block moved inside respective block due ////
//// to top-level power hook-up challenges for small IP ////
//// 1.6 Nov 14, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Major bug, clock divider inside the wb_host reset ////
//// connectivity open is fixed ////
//// 1.7 Nov 15, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Bug fix in clk_ctrl High/Low counter width ////
//// Removed sram_clock ////
//// 1.8 Nov 23, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Three Chip Specific Signature added at PinMux Reg ////
//// reg_22,reg_23,reg_24 ////
//// 1.9 Dec 11, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// 2 x 2K SRAM added into Wishbone Interface ////
//// Temporary ADC block removed ////
//// 2.0 Dec 14, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// Added two more 2K SRAM added into Wishbone Interface ////
//// 2.1 Dec 16, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// 1.4 MBIST controller changed to single one ////
//// 2.Added one more SRAM to TCM memory ////
//// 3.WishBone Interconnect chang to take care mbist changes////
//// 4.Pinmux change to take care of mbist changes ////
//// 2.2 Dec 20, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. MBIST design issue fix for yosys ////
//// 2. Full chip Timing and Transition clean-up ////
//// 2.3 Dec 24, 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// UART Master added with message handler at wb_host ////
//// 2.4 Jan 01, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// LA[0] is added as soft reset option at wb_port ////
//// 2.5 Jan 06, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// TCM RAM Bug fix inside syntacore ////
//// 2.6 Jan 08, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// Pinmux Interrupt Logic change ////
//// 3.0 Jan 14, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// Moving from riscv core from syntacore/scr1 to ////
//// yfive/ycr1 on sankranti 2022 (A Hindu New Year) ////
//// 3.1 Jan 15, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// Major changes in qspim logic to handle special mode ////
//// 3.2 Feb 02, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// Bug fix around icache/dcache and wishbone burst ////
//// access clean-up ////
//// 3.3 Feb 08, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// support added spisram support in qspim ip ////
//// There are 4 chip select available in qspim ////
//// CS#0/CS#1 targeted for SPI FLASH ////
//// CS#2/CS#3 targeted for SPI SRAM ////
//// 3.4 Feb 14, 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// burst mode supported added in imem buffer inside ////
//// riscv core ////
//// 3.5 Feb 22, 2022 Dinesh A ////
//// A. To create more space in die, we have removed mbist ////
//// controller and 4x 2KB RAM ////
//// B. Risc core will have core with common icache,dcache ////
//// TCM memory ////
//// C. Individual block reset are moved to pinmux to ////
//// support peripheral reset from Risc and WishBone ////
//// Host. ////
//// 3.6 Feb 19, Dinesh A ////
//// A. Changed Module: wb_host ////
//// wishbone slave clock generation config increase from ////
//// 3 to 4 bit support clock source selection ////
//// B. Changed Module: qspim ////
////// 1. Bug fix in spi rise and fall pulse relation w.r.t ////
//// spi_clk. Note: Previous version work only with ////
//// spi clock config = 0x2 ////
//// 2. spi_oen generation fix for different spi mode ////
//// 3. spi_csn de-assertion fix for different spi clk div ////
//// 3.7 Mar 2 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. qspi cs# port mapping changed from io 28:25 to 25:28////
//// 2. sspi, bug fix in reg access and endian support added////
//// 3. Wishbone interconnect now support cross-connect ////
//// feature ////
//// 3.8 Mar 10 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. usb chip select bug inside uart_* wrapper ////
//// 2. in wb_host, increased usb clk ctrl to 4 to 8 bit ////
//// 3.9 Mar 16 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. 3 Timer added ////
//// 2. Pinmux Register address movement ////
//// 3. Risc fuse_mhartid is removed and internal tied ////
//// inside risc core ////
//// 4. caravel wb addressing issue restrict to 0x300FFFFF////
//// 4.0 Mar 26 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. Four core risc v integration ////
//// 4.1 April 1 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. sram lanuch phase control added inside risc core ////
//// 4.2 April 6 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. SSPI CS# increased from 1 to 4 ////
//// 2. uart port increase to two ////
//// 4.3 May 24 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// Re targetted the design to mpw-6 tools set and risc ////
//// core logic are timing optimized to 100mhz ////
//// 4.4 May 29 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. Digital PLL integrated and clock debug signal add ////
//// @digitial io [33] port
//// 4.6 June 13 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// 1. icache and dcache bypass config addded ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module user_project_wrapper (
inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
input wire wb_clk_i , // System clock
input wire user_clock2 , // user Clock
input wire wb_rst_i , // Regular Reset signal
input wire wbs_cyc_i , // strobe/request
input wire wbs_stb_i , // strobe/request
input wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_adr_i , // address
input wire wbs_we_i , // write
input wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_i , // data output
input wire [3:0] wbs_sel_i , // byte enable
output wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_o , // data input
output wire wbs_ack_o , // acknowlegement
// Analog (direct connection to GPIO pad---use with caution)
// Note that analog I/O is not available on the 7 lowest-numbered
// GPIO pads, and so the analog_io indexing is offset from the
// GPIO indexing by 7 (also upper 2 GPIOs do not have analog_io).
inout [28:0] analog_io,
// Logic Analyzer Signals
input wire [127:0] la_data_in ,
output wire [127:0] la_data_out ,
input wire [127:0] la_oenb ,
// IOs
input wire [37:0] io_in ,
output wire [37:0] io_out ,
output wire [37:0] io_oeb ,
output wire [2:0] user_irq
// Local Parameter Declaration
// --------------------------------------------------
parameter BIST_NO_SRAM = 4; // NO of MBIST MEMORY
parameter SDR_DW = 8; // SDR Data Width
parameter SDR_BW = 1; // SDR Byte Width
parameter BIST1_ADDR_WD = 11; // 512x32 SRAM
parameter BIST_DATA_WD = 32;
// Wishbone Risc V Dcache Memory Interface
wire wbd_riscv_dcache_stb_i ; // strobe/request
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dcache_adr_i ; // address
wire wbd_riscv_dcache_we_i ; // write
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dcache_dat_i ; // data output
wire [3:0] wbd_riscv_dcache_sel_i ; // byte enable
wire [9:0] wbd_riscv_dcache_bl_i ; // burst length
wire wbd_riscv_dcache_bry_i ; // burst ready
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dcache_dat_o ; // data input
wire wbd_riscv_dcache_ack_o ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_riscv_dcache_lack_o ; // last burst acknowlegement
wire wbd_riscv_dcache_err_o ; // error
// CACHE SRAM Memory I/F
wire dcache_mem_clk0 ; // CLK
wire dcache_mem_csb0 ; // CS#
wire dcache_mem_web0 ; // WE#
wire [8:0] dcache_mem_addr0 ; // Address
wire [3:0] dcache_mem_wmask0 ; // WMASK#
wire [31:0] dcache_mem_din0 ; // Write Data
wire [31:0] dcache_mem_dout0 ; // Read Data
wire dcache_mem_clk1 ; // CLK
wire dcache_mem_csb1 ; // CS#
wire [8:0] dcache_mem_addr1 ; // Address
wire [31:0] dcache_mem_dout1 ; // Read Data
// Wishbone Risc V Icache Memory Interface
wire wbd_riscv_icache_stb_i ; // strobe/request
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_icache_adr_i ; // address
wire wbd_riscv_icache_we_i ; // write
wire [3:0] wbd_riscv_icache_sel_i ; // byte enable
wire [9:0] wbd_riscv_icache_bl_i ; // burst length
wire wbd_riscv_icache_bry_i ; // burst ready
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_icache_dat_o ; // data input
wire wbd_riscv_icache_ack_o ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_riscv_icache_lack_o ; // last burst acknowlegement
wire wbd_riscv_icache_err_o ; // error
// CACHE SRAM Memory I/F
wire icache_mem_clk0 ; // CLK
wire icache_mem_csb0 ; // CS#
wire icache_mem_web0 ; // WE#
wire [8:0] icache_mem_addr0 ; // Address
wire [3:0] icache_mem_wmask0 ; // WMASK#
wire [31:0] icache_mem_din0 ; // Write Data
// wire [31:0] icache_mem_dout0 ; // Read Data
wire icache_mem_clk1 ; // CLK
wire icache_mem_csb1 ; // CS#
wire [8:0] icache_mem_addr1 ; // Address
wire [31:0] icache_mem_dout1 ; // Read Data
// RISC V Wishbone Data Memory Interface
wire wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i ; // strobe/request
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i ; // address
wire wbd_riscv_dmem_we_i ; // write
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_i ; // data output
wire [3:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_sel_i ; // byte enable
wire [2:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_bl_i ; // byte enable
wire wbd_riscv_dmem_bry_i ; // burst access ready
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_o ; // data input
wire wbd_riscv_dmem_ack_o ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_riscv_dmem_lack_o ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_riscv_dmem_err_o ; // error
// WB HOST Interface
wire wbd_int_cyc_i ; // strobe/request
wire wbd_int_stb_i ; // strobe/request
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_int_adr_i ; // address
wire wbd_int_we_i ; // write
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_int_dat_i ; // data output
wire [3:0] wbd_int_sel_i ; // byte enable
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_int_dat_o ; // data input
wire wbd_int_ack_o ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_int_err_o ; // error
// SPI Master Wishbone Interface
wire wbd_spim_stb_o ; // strobe/request
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_spim_adr_o ; // address
wire wbd_spim_we_o ; // write
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_spim_dat_o ; // data output
wire [3:0] wbd_spim_sel_o ; // byte enable
wire [9:0] wbd_spim_bl_o ; // Burst count
wire wbd_spim_bry_o ; // Busrt Ready
wire wbd_spim_cyc_o ;
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_spim_dat_i ; // data input
wire wbd_spim_ack_i ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_spim_lack_i ; // Last acknowlegement
wire wbd_spim_err_i ; // error
// SPI Master Wishbone Interface
wire wbd_adc_stb_o ;
wire [7:0] wbd_adc_adr_o ;
wire wbd_adc_we_o ; // 1 - Write, 0 - Read
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_adc_dat_o ;
wire [WB_WIDTH/8-1:0] wbd_adc_sel_o ; // Byte enable
wire wbd_adc_cyc_o ;
wire [2:0] wbd_adc_cti_o ;
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_adc_dat_i ;
wire wbd_adc_ack_i ;
// Global Register Wishbone Interface
wire wbd_glbl_stb_o ; // strobe/request
wire [7:0] wbd_glbl_adr_o ; // address
wire wbd_glbl_we_o ; // write
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_glbl_dat_o ; // data output
wire [3:0] wbd_glbl_sel_o ; // byte enable
wire wbd_glbl_cyc_o ;
wire [WB_WIDTH-1:0] wbd_glbl_dat_i ; // data input
wire wbd_glbl_ack_i ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_glbl_err_i ; // error
// Global Register Wishbone Interface
wire wbd_uart_stb_o ; // strobe/request
wire [8:0] wbd_uart_adr_o ; // address
wire wbd_uart_we_o ; // write
wire [31:0] wbd_uart_dat_o ; // data output
wire [3:0] wbd_uart_sel_o ; // byte enable
wire wbd_uart_cyc_o ;
wire [31:0] wbd_uart_dat_i ; // data input
wire wbd_uart_ack_i ; // acknowlegement
wire wbd_uart_err_i ; // error
// CPU Configuration
wire cpu_intf_rst_n ;
wire [3:0] cpu_core_rst_n ;
wire qspim_rst_n ;
wire sspim_rst_n ;
wire [1:0] uart_rst_n ; // uart reset
wire i2c_rst_n ; // i2c reset
wire usb_rst_n ; // i2c reset
wire bist_rst_n ; // i2c reset
wire cpu_clk ;
wire rtc_clk ;
wire usb_clk ;
wire wbd_clk_int ;
wire wbd_clk_wh ;
wire wbd_clk_spi ;
wire wbd_clk_pinmux ;
wire wbd_int_rst_n ;
wire wbd_pll_rst_n ;
wire [15:0] irq_lines ;
wire soft_irq ;
wire [7:0] cfg_glb_ctrl ;
wire [31:0] cfg_clk_ctrl1 ;
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_wi ; // clock skew adjust for wishbone interconnect
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_wh ; // clock skew adjust for web host
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_riscv ; // clock skew adjust for riscv
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_uart ; // clock skew adjust for uart
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_qspi ; // clock skew adjust for spi
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_pinmux ; // clock skew adjust for pinmux
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_qspi_co ; // clock skew adjust for global reg
// Bus Repeater Signals output from Wishbone Interface
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_riscv_rp ; // clock skew adjust for riscv
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_uart_rp ; // clock skew adjust for uart
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_qspi_rp ; // clock skew adjust for spi
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_pinmux_rp ; // clock skew adjust for pinmux
wire [3:0] cfg_cska_qspi_co_rp ; // clock skew adjust for global reg
wire [15:0] irq_lines_rp ; // Repeater
wire soft_irq_rp ; // Repeater
wire wbd_clk_risc_rp ;
wire wbd_clk_qspi_rp ;
wire wbd_clk_uart_rp ;
wire wbd_clk_pinmux_rp ;
wire wbd_clk_pinmux_skew ;
// Progammable Clock Skew inserted signals
wire wbd_clk_wi_skew ; // clock for wishbone interconnect with clock skew
wire wbd_clk_riscv_skew ; // clock for riscv with clock skew
wire wbd_clk_uart_skew ; // clock for uart with clock skew
wire wbd_clk_spi_skew ; // clock for spi with clock skew
wire wbd_clk_glbl_skew ; // clock for global reg with clock skew
wire wbd_clk_wh_skew ; // clock for global reg
wire [31:0] spi_debug ;
wire [31:0] pinmux_debug ;
wire dbg_clk_mon ; // clock monitoring port
wire [63:0] riscv_debug ;
wire sflash_sck ;
wire [3:0] sflash_ss ;
wire [3:0] sflash_oen ;
wire [3:0] sflash_do ;
wire [3:0] sflash_di ;
//wire ssram_sck ;
//wire ssram_ss ;
//wire ssram_oen ;
//wire [3:0] ssram_do ;
//wire [3:0] ssram_di ;
// USB I/F
wire usb_dp_o ;
wire usb_dn_o ;
wire usb_oen ;
wire usb_dp_i ;
wire usb_dn_i ;
wire [1:0] uart_txd ;
wire [1:0] uart_rxd ;
// I2CM I/F
wire i2cm_clk_o ;
wire i2cm_clk_i ;
wire i2cm_clk_oen ;
wire i2cm_data_oen ;
wire i2cm_data_o ;
wire i2cm_data_i ;
wire spim_sck ;
wire spim_ss ;
wire spim_miso ;
wire spim_mosi ;
wire [7:0] sar2dac ;
wire analog_dac_out ;
wire pulse1m_mclk ;
wire h_reset_n ;
`ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
wire sram0_clk0 ; // CLK
wire sram0_csb0 ; // CS#
wire sram0_web0 ; // WE#
wire [8:0] sram0_addr0 ; // Address
wire [3:0] sram0_wmask0 ; // WMASK#
wire [31:0] sram0_din0 ; // Write Data
wire [31:0] sram0_dout0 ; // Read Data
wire sram0_clk1 ; // CLK
wire sram0_csb1 ; // CS#
wire [8:0] sram0_addr1 ; // Address
wire [31:0] sram0_dout1 ; // Read Data
wire sram1_clk0 ; // CLK
wire sram1_csb0 ; // CS#
wire sram1_web0 ; // WE#
wire [8:0] sram1_addr0 ; // Address
wire [3:0] sram1_wmask0 ; // WMASK#
wire [31:0] sram1_din0 ; // Write Data
wire [31:0] sram1_dout0 ; // Read Data
wire sram1_clk1 ; // CLK
wire sram1_csb1 ; // CS#
wire [8:0] sram1_addr1 ; // Address
wire [31:0] sram1_dout1 ; // Read Data
wire sspim_sck ; // clock out
wire sspim_so ; // serial data out
wire sspim_si ; // serial data in
wire [3:0] sspim_ssn ; // cs_n
wire usb_intr_o ;
wire i2cm_intr_o ;
// UART Master I/F
// -------------------------------------------------------------
wire uartm_rxd ;
wire uartm_txd ;
// Digital PLL I/F
// -------------------------------------------------------------
wire cfg_pll_enb ; // Enable PLL
wire [4:0] cfg_pll_fed_div ; // PLL feedback division ratio
wire cfg_dco_mode ; // Run PLL in DCO mode
wire [25:0] cfg_dc_trim ; // External trim for DCO mode
wire pll_ref_clk ; // Input oscillator to match
wire [1:0] pll_clk_out ; // Two 90 degree clock phases
wire [3:0] spi_csn ;
// Pinmux Risc core config
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [15:0] cfg_riscv_ctrl;
wire [3:0] cfg_riscv_sram_lphase = cfg_riscv_ctrl[3:0];
wire [2:0] cfg_riscv_cache_ctrl = cfg_riscv_ctrl[6:4];
wire [1:0] cfg_riscv_debug_sel = cfg_riscv_ctrl[9:8];
wire cfg_bypass_icache = cfg_riscv_ctrl[10];
wire cfg_bypass_dcache = cfg_riscv_ctrl[11];
// Clock Skew Ctrl
assign cfg_cska_wi = cfg_clk_ctrl1[3:0];
assign cfg_cska_wh = cfg_clk_ctrl1[7:4];
assign cfg_cska_riscv = cfg_clk_ctrl1[11:8];
assign cfg_cska_qspi = cfg_clk_ctrl1[15:12];
assign cfg_cska_uart = cfg_clk_ctrl1[19:16];
assign cfg_cska_pinmux = cfg_clk_ctrl1[23:20];
assign cfg_cska_qspi_co = cfg_clk_ctrl1[27:24];
assign la_data_out[127:0] = {pinmux_debug,spi_debug,riscv_debug};
wb_host u_wb_host(
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
.user_clock1 (wb_clk_i ),
.user_clock2 (user_clock2 ),
.cpu_clk (cpu_clk ),
.rtc_clk (rtc_clk ),
.usb_clk (usb_clk ),
.wbd_int_rst_n (wbd_int_rst_n ),
.wbd_pll_rst_n (wbd_pll_rst_n ),
// Master Port
.wbm_rst_i (wb_rst_i ),
.wbm_clk_i (wb_clk_i ),
.wbm_cyc_i (wbs_cyc_i ),
.wbm_stb_i (wbs_stb_i ),
.wbm_adr_i (wbs_adr_i ),
.wbm_we_i (wbs_we_i ),
.wbm_dat_i (wbs_dat_i ),
.wbm_sel_i (wbs_sel_i ),
.wbm_dat_o (wbs_dat_o ),
.wbm_ack_o (wbs_ack_o ),
.wbm_err_o ( ),
// Clock Skeq Adjust
.wbd_clk_int (wbd_clk_int ),
.wbd_clk_wh (wbd_clk_wh ),
.cfg_cska_wh (cfg_cska_wh ),
// Slave Port
.wbs_clk_out (wbd_clk_int ),
.wbs_clk_i (wbd_clk_wh ),
.wbs_cyc_o (wbd_int_cyc_i ),
.wbs_stb_o (wbd_int_stb_i ),
.wbs_adr_o (wbd_int_adr_i ),
.wbs_we_o (wbd_int_we_i ),
.wbs_dat_o (wbd_int_dat_i ),
.wbs_sel_o (wbd_int_sel_i ),
.wbs_dat_i (wbd_int_dat_o ),
.wbs_ack_i (wbd_int_ack_o ),
.wbs_err_i (wbd_int_err_o ),
.cfg_clk_ctrl1 (cfg_clk_ctrl1 ),
.cfg_pll_enb (cfg_pll_enb ),
.cfg_pll_fed_div (cfg_pll_fed_div ),
.cfg_dco_mode (cfg_dco_mode ),
.cfg_dc_trim (cfg_dc_trim ),
.pll_ref_clk (pll_ref_clk ),
.pll_clk_out (pll_clk_out ),
.la_data_in (la_data_in[17:0] ),
.uartm_rxd (uartm_rxd ),
.uartm_txd (uartm_txd ),
.dbg_clk_mon (dbg_clk_mon )
// This rtl/gds picked from efabless caravel project
digital_pll u_pll(
.VPWR (vccd1 ),
.VGND (vssd1 ),
.resetb (wbd_pll_rst_n ),
.enable (cfg_pll_enb ),
.div (cfg_pll_fed_div ),
.dco (cfg_dco_mode ),
.ext_trim (cfg_dc_trim ),
.osc (pll_ref_clk ),
.clockp (pll_clk_out )
// RISC V Core instance
ycr4_top_wb u_riscv_top (
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
.wbd_clk_int (wbd_clk_risc_rp ),
.cfg_cska_riscv (cfg_cska_riscv_rp ),
.wbd_clk_riscv (wbd_clk_riscv_skew ),
// Reset
.pwrup_rst_n (wbd_int_rst_n ),
.rst_n (wbd_int_rst_n ),
.cpu_intf_rst_n (cpu_intf_rst_n ),
.cpu_core_rst_n (cpu_core_rst_n ),
.riscv_debug (riscv_debug ),
.core_debug_sel (cfg_riscv_debug_sel ),
.cfg_sram_lphase (cfg_riscv_sram_lphase ),
.cfg_cache_ctrl (cfg_riscv_cache_ctrl ),
.cfg_bypass_icache (cfg_bypass_icache ),
.cfg_bypass_dcache (cfg_bypass_dcache ),
// Clock
.core_clk (cpu_clk ),
.rtc_clk (rtc_clk ),
// IRQ
.irq_lines (irq_lines_rp ),
.soft_irq (soft_irq_rp ), // TODO - Interrupts
// DFT
// .test_mode (1'b0 ), // Moved inside IP
// .test_rst_n (1'b1 ), // Moved inside IP
`ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
// SRAM-0 PORT-0
.sram0_clk0 (sram0_clk0 ),
.sram0_csb0 (sram0_csb0 ),
.sram0_web0 (sram0_web0 ),
.sram0_addr0 (sram0_addr0 ),
.sram0_wmask0 (sram0_wmask0 ),
.sram0_din0 (sram0_din0 ),
.sram0_dout0 (sram0_dout0 ),
// SRAM-0 PORT-0
.sram0_clk1 (sram0_clk1 ),
.sram0_csb1 (sram0_csb1 ),
.sram0_addr1 (sram0_addr1 ),
.sram0_dout1 (sram0_dout1 ),
// // SRAM-1 PORT-0
// .sram1_clk0 (sram1_clk0 ),
// .sram1_csb0 (sram1_csb0 ),
// .sram1_web0 (sram1_web0 ),
// .sram1_addr0 (sram1_addr0 ),
// .sram1_wmask0 (sram1_wmask0 ),
// .sram1_din0 (sram1_din0 ),
// .sram1_dout0 (sram1_dout0 ),
// // SRAM PORT-0
// .sram1_clk1 (sram1_clk1 ),
// .sram1_csb1 (sram1_csb1 ),
// .sram1_addr1 (sram1_addr1 ),
// .sram1_dout1 (sram1_dout1 ),
.wb_rst_n (wbd_int_rst_n ),
.wb_clk (wbd_clk_riscv_skew ),
// Instruction cache memory interface
.wb_icache_stb_o (wbd_riscv_icache_stb_i ),
.wb_icache_adr_o (wbd_riscv_icache_adr_i ),
.wb_icache_we_o (wbd_riscv_icache_we_i ),
.wb_icache_sel_o (wbd_riscv_icache_sel_i ),
.wb_icache_bl_o (wbd_riscv_icache_bl_i ),
.wb_icache_bry_o (wbd_riscv_icache_bry_i ),
.wb_icache_dat_i (wbd_riscv_icache_dat_o ),
.wb_icache_ack_i (wbd_riscv_icache_ack_o ),
.wb_icache_lack_i (wbd_riscv_icache_lack_o ),
.wb_icache_err_i (wbd_riscv_icache_err_o ),
.icache_mem_clk0 (icache_mem_clk0 ), // CLK
.icache_mem_csb0 (icache_mem_csb0 ), // CS#
.icache_mem_web0 (icache_mem_web0 ), // WE#
.icache_mem_addr0 (icache_mem_addr0 ), // Address
.icache_mem_wmask0 (icache_mem_wmask0 ), // WMASK#
.icache_mem_din0 (icache_mem_din0 ), // Write Data
// .icache_mem_dout0 (icache_mem_dout0 ), // Read Data
.icache_mem_clk1 (icache_mem_clk1 ), // CLK
.icache_mem_csb1 (icache_mem_csb1 ), // CS#
.icache_mem_addr1 (icache_mem_addr1 ), // Address
.icache_mem_dout1 (icache_mem_dout1 ), // Read Data
// Data cache memory interface
.wb_dcache_stb_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_stb_i ),
.wb_dcache_adr_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_adr_i ),
.wb_dcache_we_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_we_i ),
.wb_dcache_dat_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_dat_i ),
.wb_dcache_sel_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_sel_i ),
.wb_dcache_bl_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_bl_i ),
.wb_dcache_bry_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_bry_i ),
.wb_dcache_dat_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_dat_o ),
.wb_dcache_ack_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_ack_o ),
.wb_dcache_lack_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_lack_o ),
.wb_dcache_err_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_err_o ),
.dcache_mem_clk0 (dcache_mem_clk0 ), // CLK
.dcache_mem_csb0 (dcache_mem_csb0 ), // CS#
.dcache_mem_web0 (dcache_mem_web0 ), // WE#
.dcache_mem_addr0 (dcache_mem_addr0 ), // Address
.dcache_mem_wmask0 (dcache_mem_wmask0 ), // WMASK#
.dcache_mem_din0 (dcache_mem_din0 ), // Write Data
.dcache_mem_dout0 (dcache_mem_dout0 ), // Read Data
.dcache_mem_clk1 (dcache_mem_clk1 ), // CLK
.dcache_mem_csb1 (dcache_mem_csb1 ), // CS#
.dcache_mem_addr1 (dcache_mem_addr1 ), // Address
.dcache_mem_dout1 (dcache_mem_dout1 ), // Read Data
// Data memory interface
.wbd_dmem_stb_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i ),
.wbd_dmem_adr_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i ),
.wbd_dmem_we_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_we_i ),
.wbd_dmem_dat_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_i ),
.wbd_dmem_sel_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_sel_i ),
.wbd_dmem_bl_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_bl_i ),
.wbd_dmem_bry_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_bry_i ),
.wbd_dmem_dat_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_o ),
.wbd_dmem_ack_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_ack_o ),
.wbd_dmem_lack_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_lack_o ),
.wbd_dmem_err_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_err_o )
`ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM
sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_tsram0_2kb(
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// area 1 digital ground
// Port 0: RW
.clk0 (sram0_clk0 ),
.csb0 (sram0_csb0 ),
.web0 (sram0_web0 ),
.wmask0 (sram0_wmask0 ),
.addr0 (sram0_addr0 ),
.din0 (sram0_din0 ),
.dout0 (sram0_dout0 ),
// Port 1: R
.clk1 (sram0_clk1 ),
.csb1 (sram0_csb1 ),
.addr1 (sram0_addr1 ),
.dout1 (sram0_dout1 )
sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_tsram1_2kb(
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
// Port 0: RW
.clk0 (sram1_clk0 ),
.csb0 (sram1_csb0 ),
.web0 (sram1_web0 ),
.wmask0 (sram1_wmask0 ),
.addr0 (sram1_addr0 ),
.din0 (sram1_din0 ),
.dout0 (sram1_dout0 ),
// Port 1: R
.clk1 (sram1_clk1 ),
.csb1 (sram1_csb1 ),
.addr1 (sram1_addr1 ),
.dout1 (sram1_dout1 )
sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_icache_2kb(
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
// Port 0: RW
.clk0 (icache_mem_clk0 ),
.csb0 (icache_mem_csb0 ),
.web0 (icache_mem_web0 ),
.wmask0 (icache_mem_wmask0 ),
.addr0 (icache_mem_addr0 ),
.din0 (icache_mem_din0 ),
.dout0 ( ),
// Port 1: R
.clk1 (icache_mem_clk1 ),
.csb1 (icache_mem_csb1 ),
.addr1 (icache_mem_addr1 ),
.dout1 (icache_mem_dout1 )
sky130_sram_2kbyte_1rw1r_32x512_8 u_dcache_2kb(
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
// Port 0: RW
.clk0 (dcache_mem_clk0 ),
.csb0 (dcache_mem_csb0 ),
.web0 (dcache_mem_web0 ),
.wmask0 (dcache_mem_wmask0 ),
.addr0 (dcache_mem_addr0 ),
.din0 (dcache_mem_din0 ),
.dout0 (dcache_mem_dout0 ),
// Port 1: R
.clk1 (dcache_mem_clk1 ),
.csb1 (dcache_mem_csb1 ),
.addr1 (dcache_mem_addr1 ),
.dout1 (dcache_mem_dout1 )
* SPI Master
* This is implementation of an SPI master that is controlled via an AXI bus .
* It has FIFOs for transmitting and receiving data.
* It supports both the normal SPI mode and QPI mode with 4 data lines.
* *******************************************************/
) u_qspi_master
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
.mclk (wbd_clk_spi ),
.rst_n (qspim_rst_n ),
// Clock Skew Adjust
.cfg_cska_sp_co (cfg_cska_qspi_co_rp ),
.cfg_cska_spi (cfg_cska_qspi_rp ),
.wbd_clk_int (wbd_clk_qspi_rp ),
.wbd_clk_spi (wbd_clk_spi ),
.wbd_stb_i (wbd_spim_stb_o ),
.wbd_adr_i (wbd_spim_adr_o ),
.wbd_we_i (wbd_spim_we_o ),
.wbd_dat_i (wbd_spim_dat_o ),
.wbd_sel_i (wbd_spim_sel_o ),
.wbd_bl_i (wbd_spim_bl_o ),
.wbd_bry_i (wbd_spim_bry_o ),
.wbd_dat_o (wbd_spim_dat_i ),
.wbd_ack_o (wbd_spim_ack_i ),
.wbd_lack_o (wbd_spim_lack_i ),
.wbd_err_o (wbd_spim_err_i ),
.spi_debug (spi_debug ),
// Pad Interface
.spi_sdi (sflash_di ),
.spi_clk (sflash_sck ),
.spi_csn (spi_csn ),
.spi_sdo (sflash_do ),
.spi_oen (sflash_oen )
wb_interconnect #(
.CH_CLK_WD (4 ),
.CH_DATA_WD (37 )
) u_intercon (
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
.ch_clk_in ({
wbd_clk_int} ),
.ch_clk_out ({
wbd_clk_risc_rp} ),
.ch_data_in ({
} ),
.ch_data_out ({
} ),
// Clock Skew adjust
.wbd_clk_int (wbd_clk_int ),
.cfg_cska_wi (cfg_cska_wi ),
.wbd_clk_wi (wbd_clk_wi_skew ),
.clk_i (wbd_clk_wi_skew ),
.rst_n (wbd_int_rst_n ),
// Master 0 Interface
.m0_wbd_dat_i (wbd_int_dat_i ),
.m0_wbd_adr_i (wbd_int_adr_i ),
.m0_wbd_sel_i (wbd_int_sel_i ),
.m0_wbd_we_i (wbd_int_we_i ),
.m0_wbd_cyc_i (wbd_int_cyc_i ),
.m0_wbd_stb_i (wbd_int_stb_i ),
.m0_wbd_dat_o (wbd_int_dat_o ),
.m0_wbd_ack_o (wbd_int_ack_o ),
.m0_wbd_err_o (wbd_int_err_o ),
// Master 1 Interface
.m1_wbd_dat_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_i ),
.m1_wbd_adr_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_adr_i ),
.m1_wbd_sel_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_sel_i ),
.m1_wbd_bl_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_bl_i ),
.m1_wbd_bry_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_bry_i ),
.m1_wbd_we_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_we_i ),
.m1_wbd_cyc_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i ),
.m1_wbd_stb_i (wbd_riscv_dmem_stb_i ),
.m1_wbd_dat_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_dat_o ),
.m1_wbd_ack_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_ack_o ),
.m1_wbd_lack_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_lack_o ),
.m1_wbd_err_o (wbd_riscv_dmem_err_o ),
// Master 2 Interface
.m2_wbd_dat_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_dat_i ),
.m2_wbd_adr_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_adr_i ),
.m2_wbd_sel_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_sel_i ),
.m2_wbd_bl_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_bl_i ),
.m2_wbd_bry_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_bry_i ),
.m2_wbd_we_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_we_i ),
.m2_wbd_cyc_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_stb_i ),
.m2_wbd_stb_i (wbd_riscv_dcache_stb_i ),
.m2_wbd_dat_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_dat_o ),
.m2_wbd_ack_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_ack_o ),
.m2_wbd_lack_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_lack_o ),
.m2_wbd_err_o (wbd_riscv_dcache_err_o ),
// Master 3 Interface
.m3_wbd_adr_i (wbd_riscv_icache_adr_i ),
.m3_wbd_sel_i (wbd_riscv_icache_sel_i ),
.m3_wbd_bl_i (wbd_riscv_icache_bl_i ),
.m3_wbd_bry_i (wbd_riscv_icache_bry_i ),
.m3_wbd_we_i (wbd_riscv_icache_we_i ),
.m3_wbd_cyc_i (wbd_riscv_icache_stb_i ),
.m3_wbd_stb_i (wbd_riscv_icache_stb_i ),
.m3_wbd_dat_o (wbd_riscv_icache_dat_o ),
.m3_wbd_ack_o (wbd_riscv_icache_ack_o ),
.m3_wbd_lack_o (wbd_riscv_icache_lack_o ),
.m3_wbd_err_o (wbd_riscv_icache_err_o ),
// Slave 0 Interface
// .s0_wbd_err_i (1'b0 ), - Moved inside IP
.s0_wbd_dat_i (wbd_spim_dat_i ),
.s0_wbd_ack_i (wbd_spim_ack_i ),
.s0_wbd_lack_i (wbd_spim_lack_i ),
.s0_wbd_dat_o (wbd_spim_dat_o ),
.s0_wbd_adr_o (wbd_spim_adr_o ),
.s0_wbd_bry_o (wbd_spim_bry_o ),
.s0_wbd_bl_o (wbd_spim_bl_o ),
.s0_wbd_sel_o (wbd_spim_sel_o ),
.s0_wbd_we_o (wbd_spim_we_o ),
.s0_wbd_cyc_o (wbd_spim_cyc_o ),
.s0_wbd_stb_o (wbd_spim_stb_o ),
// Slave 1 Interface
// .s1_wbd_err_i (1'b0 ), - Moved inside IP
.s1_wbd_dat_i (wbd_uart_dat_i ),
.s1_wbd_ack_i (wbd_uart_ack_i ),
.s1_wbd_dat_o (wbd_uart_dat_o ),
.s1_wbd_adr_o (wbd_uart_adr_o ),
.s1_wbd_sel_o (wbd_uart_sel_o ),
.s1_wbd_we_o (wbd_uart_we_o ),
.s1_wbd_cyc_o (wbd_uart_cyc_o ),
.s1_wbd_stb_o (wbd_uart_stb_o ),
// Slave 2 Interface
// .s2_wbd_err_i (1'b0 ), - Moved inside IP
.s2_wbd_dat_i (wbd_glbl_dat_i ),
.s2_wbd_ack_i (wbd_glbl_ack_i ),
.s2_wbd_dat_o (wbd_glbl_dat_o ),
.s2_wbd_adr_o (wbd_glbl_adr_o ),
.s2_wbd_sel_o (wbd_glbl_sel_o ),
.s2_wbd_we_o (wbd_glbl_we_o ),
.s2_wbd_cyc_o (wbd_glbl_cyc_o ),
.s2_wbd_stb_o (wbd_glbl_stb_o )
uart_i2c_usb_spi_top u_uart_i2c_usb_spi (
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
.wbd_clk_int (wbd_clk_uart_rp ),
.cfg_cska_uart (cfg_cska_uart_rp ),
.wbd_clk_uart (wbd_clk_uart_skew ),
.uart_rstn (uart_rst_n ), // uart reset
.i2c_rstn (i2c_rst_n ), // i2c reset
.usb_rstn (usb_rst_n ), // USB reset
.spi_rstn (sspim_rst_n ), // SPI reset
.app_clk (wbd_clk_uart_skew ),
.usb_clk (usb_clk ),
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
.reg_cs (wbd_uart_stb_o ),
.reg_wr (wbd_uart_we_o ),
.reg_addr (wbd_uart_adr_o[8:0] ),
.reg_wdata (wbd_uart_dat_o ),
.reg_be (wbd_uart_sel_o ),
// Outputs
.reg_rdata (wbd_uart_dat_i ),
.reg_ack (wbd_uart_ack_i ),
// Pad interface
.scl_pad_i (i2cm_clk_i ),
.scl_pad_o (i2cm_clk_o ),
.scl_pad_oen_o (i2cm_clk_oen ),
.sda_pad_i (i2cm_data_i ),
.sda_pad_o (i2cm_data_o ),
.sda_padoen_o (i2cm_data_oen ),
.i2cm_intr_o (i2cm_intr_o ),
.uart_rxd (uart_rxd ),
.uart_txd (uart_txd ),
.usb_in_dp (usb_dp_i ),
.usb_in_dn (usb_dn_i ),
.usb_out_dp (usb_dp_o ),
.usb_out_dn (usb_dn_o ),
.usb_out_tx_oen (usb_oen ),
.usb_intr_o (usb_intr_o ),
// SPIM Master
.sspim_sck (sspim_sck ),
.sspim_so (sspim_so ),
.sspim_si (sspim_si ),
.sspim_ssn (sspim_ssn )
pinmux u_pinmux(
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
//clk skew adjust
.cfg_cska_pinmux (cfg_cska_pinmux_rp ),
.wbd_clk_int (wbd_clk_pinmux_rp ),
.wbd_clk_pinmux (wbd_clk_pinmux_skew ),
// System Signals
// Inputs
.mclk (wbd_clk_pinmux_skew ),
.h_reset_n (wbd_int_rst_n ),
// Reset Control
.cpu_core_rst_n (cpu_core_rst_n ),
.cpu_intf_rst_n (cpu_intf_rst_n ),
.qspim_rst_n (qspim_rst_n ),
.sspim_rst_n (sspim_rst_n ),
.uart_rst_n (uart_rst_n ),
.i2cm_rst_n (i2c_rst_n ),
.usb_rst_n (usb_rst_n ),
.cfg_riscv_ctrl (cfg_riscv_ctrl ),
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
.reg_cs (wbd_glbl_stb_o ),
.reg_wr (wbd_glbl_we_o ),
.reg_addr (wbd_glbl_adr_o ),
.reg_wdata (wbd_glbl_dat_o ),
.reg_be (wbd_glbl_sel_o ),
// Outputs
.reg_rdata (wbd_glbl_dat_i ),
.reg_ack (wbd_glbl_ack_i ),
// Risc configuration
.irq_lines (irq_lines ),
.soft_irq (soft_irq ),
.user_irq (user_irq ),
.usb_intr (usb_intr_o ),
.i2cm_intr (i2cm_intr_o ),
// Digital IO
.digital_io_out (io_out ),
.digital_io_oen (io_oeb ),
.digital_io_in (io_in ),
.sflash_sck (sflash_sck ),
.sflash_ss (spi_csn ),
.sflash_oen (sflash_oen ),
.sflash_do (sflash_do ),
.sflash_di (sflash_di ),
// USB I/F
.usb_dp_o (usb_dp_o ),
.usb_dn_o (usb_dn_o ),
.usb_oen (usb_oen ),
.usb_dp_i (usb_dp_i ),
.usb_dn_i (usb_dn_i ),
.uart_txd (uart_txd ),
.uart_rxd (uart_rxd ),
// I2CM I/F
.i2cm_clk_o (i2cm_clk_o ),
.i2cm_clk_i (i2cm_clk_i ),
.i2cm_clk_oen (i2cm_clk_oen ),
.i2cm_data_oen (i2cm_data_oen ),
.i2cm_data_o (i2cm_data_o ),
.i2cm_data_i (i2cm_data_i ),
.spim_sck (sspim_sck ),
.spim_ssn (sspim_ssn ),
.spim_miso (sspim_so ),
.spim_mosi (sspim_si ),
.uartm_rxd (uartm_rxd ),
.uartm_txd (uartm_txd ),
.pulse1m_mclk (pulse1m_mclk ),
.pinmux_debug (pinmux_debug ),
.dbg_clk_mon (dbg_clk_mon )
sar_adc u_adc (
.vccd1 (vccd1),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1),// User area 1 digital ground
.vccd2 (vccd1), // (vccd2),// User area 2 1.8V supply (analog) - DOTO: Need Fix
.vssd2 (vssd1), // (vssd2),// User area 2 ground (analog) - DOTO: Need Fix
.clk (wbd_clk_adc_rp ),// The clock (digital)
.reset_n (wbd_int_rst_n ),// Active low reset (digital)
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
.reg_cs (wbd_adc_stb_o ),
.reg_wr (wbd_adc_we_o ),
.reg_addr (wbd_adc_adr_o[7:0] ),
.reg_wdata (wbd_adc_dat_o ),
.reg_be (wbd_adc_sel_o ),
// Outputs
.reg_rdata (wbd_adc_dat_i ),
.reg_ack (wbd_adc_ack_i ),
.pulse1m_mclk (pulse1m_mclk),
// DAC I/F
.sar2dac (sar2dac ),
//.analog_dac_out (analog_dac_out) , // TODO: Need to connect to DAC O/P
.analog_dac_out (analog_io[6]) ,
// ADC Input
.analog_din(analog_io[5:0]) // (Analog)
* TODO: Need to uncomment the DAC
DAC_8BIT u_dac (
endmodule : user_project_wrapper