blob: 54ecdf41490f9208ffbf3c39bc411db47fd9263c [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
//// ////
//// strap control ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the riscduino cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// Manages all the strap related func ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// Revision : ////
//// 0.1 - 29th Aug 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// ////
This block control the system/soft/sticky strap generation
expected Reset removal sequence
_________ __________________________________________________
| |
e_reset_n |________________|
________ ________________________________________
p_reset_n XXXXXXXXX__________________________|
clk_enb XXXXXXXXX_____________________________________________|
s_reset_n XXXXXXXXX________________________________________________________|
pad_strap_in decoding
bit[1:0] - System Clock Source Selection for wbs/riscv
00 - User clock1 (Default)
01 - User clock2
10 - Internal PLL
11 - Xtal
bit[3:2] - Clock Division for wbs/riscv
00 - 0 Div (Default)
01 - 2 Div
10 - 4 Div
11 - 8 Div
bit [4] - Reserved
bit [5] - QSPI SRAM Mode Selection
1'b0 - Single
1'b1 - Quad (Default)
bit [7:6] - QSPI Fash Mode Selection
2'b00 - Single
2'b01 - Double
2'b10 - Quad (Default)
2'b11 - QDDR
bit [8] - Riscv Reset control
0 - Keep Riscv on Reset
1 - Removed Riscv on Power On Reset (Default)
bit [9] - Riscv Cache Bypass
0 - Cache Enable
1 - Bypass cache (Default
bit [10] - Riscv SRAM clock edge selection
0 - Normal
1 - Invert (Default)
bit [12:11] - Skew selection
2'b00 - Default value (Default
2'b01 - Default value + 2
2'b10 - Default value + 4
2'b11 - Default value - 4
bit [4:13] - uart master config control
2'b00 - Auto Detect (Default)
2'b01 - constant value based on system clock-50Mhz
2'b10 - constant value based on system clock-4Mhz
2'b11 - load from LA
bit [14:13] - Reserved
bit [15] - Strap Mode
0 - Normal
1 - Pick Default Value
system strap decoding
bit[1:0] - System Clock Source Selection for wbs
00 - User clock1
01 - User clock2
10 - Internal PLL
11 - Xtal
bit[3:2] - Clock Division for wbs
00 - 0 Div
01 - 2 Div
10 - 4 Div
11 - 8 Div
bit[5:4] - System Clock Source Selection for riscv
00 - User clock1
01 - User clock2
10 - Internal PLL
11 - Xtal
bit[7:6] - Clock Division for riscv
00 - 0 Div
01 - 2 Div
10 - 4 Div
11 - 8 Div
bit [8] - uart master config control
0 - load from LA
1 - constant value based on system clock selection
bit [9] - QSPI SRAM Mode Selection CS#2
1'b0 - Single
1'b1 - Quad
bit [11:10] - QSPI FLASH Mode Selection CS#0
2'b00 - Single
2'b01 - Double
2'b10 - Quad
2'b11 - QDDR
bit [12] - Riscv Reset control
0 - Keep Riscv on Reset
1 - Removed Riscv on Power On Reset
bit [13] - Riscv Cache Bypass
1 - Cache Enable
0 - Bypass cache
bit [14] - Riscv SRAM clock edge selection
0 - Normal
1 - Invert
bit [15] - Soft Reboot Request
bit [17:16] - cfg_cska_wi Skew selection
bit [19:18] - cfg_cska_wh Skew selection
bit [21:20] - cfg_cska_riscv Skew selection
bit [23:22] - cfg_cska_qspi Skew selection
bit [25:24] - cfg_cska_uart Skew selection
bit [27:26] - cfg_cska_pinmux Skew selection
bit [29:28] - cfg_cska_qspi_co Skew selection
module strap_ctrl (
input logic clk ,
input logic e_reset_n , // external reset
input logic p_reset_n , // power-on reset
input logic s_reset_n , // soft reset
input logic [15:0] pad_strap_in , // strap from pad
//List of Inputs
input logic cs ,
input logic [3:0] we ,
input logic [31:0] data_in ,
//List of Outs
output logic [15:0] strap_latch ,
output logic [31:0] strap_sticky ,
output logic [1:0] strap_uartm // Uart Master Strap Config
// Strap Mapping
logic [31:0] strap_map;
logic [14:0] pstrap_select;
// Pad Strap selection based on strap mode
assign pstrap_select = (strap_latch[15] == 1'b1) ? PSTRAP_DEFAULT_VALUE : strap_latch[14:0];
assign strap_map = {
1'b0 , // bit[31] - Soft Reboot Request - Need to double sync to local clock
1'b0 , // bit[30] - reserved
pstrap_select[12:11] , // bit[29:28] - cfg_cska_qspi_co Skew selection
pstrap_select[12:11] , // bit[27:26] - cfg_cska_pinmux Skew selection
pstrap_select[12:11] , // bit[25:24] - cfg_cska_uart Skew selection
pstrap_select[12:11] , // bit[23:22] - cfg_cska_qspi Skew selection
pstrap_select[12:11] , // bit[21:20] - cfg_cska_riscv Skew selection
pstrap_select[12:11] , // bit[19:18] - cfg_cska_wh Skew selection
pstrap_select[12:11] , // bit[17:16] - cfg_cska_wi Skew selection
1'b0 , // bit[15] - Reserved
pstrap_select[10] , // bit[14] - Riscv SRAM clock edge selection
pstrap_select[9] , // bit[13] - Riscv Cache Bypass
pstrap_select[8] , // bit[12] - Riscv Reset control
pstrap_select[7:6] , // bit[11:10] - QSPI FLASH Mode Selection CS#0
pstrap_select[5] , // bit[9] - QSPI SRAM Mode Selection CS#2
pstrap_select[4] , // bit[8] - Reserved
pstrap_select[3:2] , // bit[7:6] - riscv clock div
pstrap_select[1:0] , // bit[5:4] - riscv clock source sel
pstrap_select[3:2] , // bit[3:2] - wbs clock division
pstrap_select[1:0] // bit[1:0] - wbs clock source sel
assign strap_uartm = strap_latch[`PSTRAP_UARTM_CFG];
// Generating strap latch
always_latch begin
if ( ~e_reset_n )
strap_latch = pad_strap_in[15:0];
// Software controller Strap Register
always @ (posedge clk or negedge e_reset_n) begin
if(e_reset_n == 1'b0) begin
strap_sticky <= 'h0 ;
end else if (p_reset_n == 1'b0) begin
strap_sticky <= strap_map ;
end else if(s_reset_n == 1'b0) begin
strap_sticky[`STRAP_SOFT_REBOOT_REQ] <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if(cs && we[0]) strap_sticky[7:0] <= data_in[7:0];
if(cs && we[1]) strap_sticky[15:8] <= data_in[15:8];
if(cs && we[2]) strap_sticky[23:16] <= data_in[23:16];
if(cs && we[3]) strap_sticky[31:24] <= data_in[31:24];