| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <dinesha@opencores.org> |
| // |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //// //// |
| //// OMS8051 I2C Master Core Module //// |
| //// WISHBONE revB.2 compliant I2C Master controller Top-level //// |
| //// //// |
| //// This file is part of the OMS 8051 cores project //// |
| //// http://www.opencores.org/cores/oms8051mini/ //// |
| //// //// |
| //// Description //// |
| //// OMS 8051 definitions. //// |
| //// //// |
| //// To Do: //// |
| //// nothing //// |
| //// //// |
| //// Author(s): //// |
| //// -Richard Herveille , richard@asics.ws, www.asics.ws //// |
| //// -Dinesh Annayya, dinesha@opencores.org //// |
| //// //// |
| //// Revision : Jan 6, 2017 //// |
| //// //// |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // v0.0 - Dinesh A, 6th Jan 2017 |
| // 1. Initail version picked from |
| // http://www.opencores.org/projects/i2c/ |
| // 2. renaming of reset signal to aresetn and sresetn |
| // v0.1 - Dinesh A, 28th Aug 2022 |
| // Generated i2c_fsm_busy to identify fsm busy state |
| // |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| //// //// |
| //// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
| //// //// |
| //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
| //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
| //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
| //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
| //// //// |
| //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
| //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
| //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
| //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
| //// later version. //// |
| //// //// |
| //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
| //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
| //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
| //// details. //// |
| //// //// |
| //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
| //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
| //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
| //// //// |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| `include "i2cm_defines.v" |
| |
| module i2cm_top( |
| // wishbone signals |
| input wb_clk_i, // master clock input |
| input sresetn, // synchronous reset |
| input aresetn, // asynchronous reset |
| input [2:0] wb_adr_i, // lower address bits |
| input [7:0] wb_dat_i, // databus input |
| output reg [7:0] wb_dat_o, // databus output |
| input wb_we_i, // write enable input |
| input wb_stb_i, // stobe/core select signal |
| input wb_cyc_i, // valid bus cycle input |
| output reg wb_ack_o, // bus cycle acknowledge output |
| output reg wb_inta_o, // interrupt request signal output |
| |
| // I2C signals |
| // i2c clock line |
| input scl_pad_i, // SCL-line input |
| output scl_pad_o, // SCL-line output (always 1'b0) |
| output scl_padoen_o, // SCL-line output enable (active low) |
| |
| // i2c data line |
| input sda_pad_i, // SDA-line input |
| output sda_pad_o, // SDA-line output (always 1'b0) |
| output sda_padoen_o // SDA-line output enable (active low) |
| |
| ); |
| |
| |
| // |
| // variable declarations |
| // |
| |
| // registers |
| reg [15:0] prer; // clock prescale register |
| reg [ 7:0] ctr; // control register |
| reg [ 7:0] txr; // transmit register |
| wire [ 7:0] rxr; // receive register |
| reg [ 7:0] cr; // command register |
| wire [ 7:0] sr; // status register |
| |
| // done signal: command completed, clear command register |
| wire done; |
| |
| // core enable signal |
| wire core_en; |
| wire ien; |
| |
| // status register signals |
| wire irxack; |
| reg rxack; // received aknowledge from slave |
| reg tip; // transfer in progress |
| reg irq_flag; // interrupt pending flag |
| wire i2c_busy; // bus busy (start signal detected) |
| wire i2c_fsm_busy;// i2C FSM Busy |
| wire i2c_al; // i2c bus arbitration lost |
| reg al; // status register arbitration lost bit |
| |
| //################################### |
| // Application Reset Synchronization |
| //################################### |
| wire aresetn_ss; |
| reset_sync u_app_rst ( |
| .scan_mode (1'b0 ), |
| .dclk (wb_clk_i ), // Destination clock domain |
| .arst_n (aresetn ), // active low async reset |
| .srst_n (aresetn_ss ) |
| ); |
| |
| // |
| // module body |
| // |
| |
| |
| // generate wishbone signals |
| wire wb_wacc = wb_we_i & wb_ack_o; |
| |
| // generate acknowledge output signal |
| always @(posedge wb_clk_i) |
| wb_ack_o <= #1 wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & ~wb_ack_o; // because timing is always honored |
| |
| // assign DAT_O |
| always @(posedge wb_clk_i) |
| begin |
| case (wb_adr_i) // synopsys parallel_case |
| 3'b000: wb_dat_o <= #1 prer[ 7:0]; |
| 3'b001: wb_dat_o <= #1 prer[15:8]; |
| 3'b010: wb_dat_o <= #1 ctr; |
| 3'b011: wb_dat_o <= #1 rxr; // write is transmit register (txr) |
| 3'b100: wb_dat_o <= #1 sr; // write is command register (cr) |
| 3'b101: wb_dat_o <= #1 txr; |
| 3'b110: wb_dat_o <= #1 cr; |
| 3'b111: wb_dat_o <= #1 0; // reserved |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| // generate registers |
| always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge aresetn_ss) |
| if (!aresetn_ss) |
| begin |
| prer <= #1 16'hffff; |
| ctr <= #1 8'h0; |
| txr <= #1 8'h0; |
| end |
| else if (!sresetn) |
| begin |
| prer <= #1 16'hffff; |
| ctr <= #1 8'h0; |
| txr <= #1 8'h0; |
| end |
| else |
| if (wb_wacc) |
| case (wb_adr_i) // synopsys parallel_case |
| 3'b000 : prer [ 7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i; |
| 3'b001 : prer [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i; |
| 3'b010 : ctr <= #1 wb_dat_i; |
| 3'b011 : txr <= #1 wb_dat_i; |
| default: ; |
| endcase |
| |
| // generate command register (special case) |
| always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge aresetn_ss) |
| if (!aresetn_ss) |
| cr <= #1 8'h0; |
| else if (!sresetn) |
| cr <= #1 8'h0; |
| else if (wb_wacc) |
| begin |
| if (core_en & (wb_adr_i == 3'b100) ) |
| cr <= #1 wb_dat_i; |
| end |
| else |
| begin |
| if (done | i2c_al) |
| cr[7:4] <= #1 4'h0; // clear command bits when done |
| // or when aribitration lost |
| cr[2:1] <= #1 2'b0; // reserved bits |
| cr[0] <= #1 1'b0; // clear IRQ_ACK bit |
| end |
| |
| |
| // decode command register |
| wire sta = cr[7]; |
| wire sto = cr[6]; |
| wire rd = cr[5]; |
| wire wr = cr[4]; |
| wire ack = cr[3]; |
| wire iack = cr[0]; |
| |
| // decode control register |
| assign core_en = ctr[7]; |
| assign ien = ctr[6]; |
| |
| // hookup byte controller block |
| i2cm_byte_ctrl u_byte_ctrl ( |
| .clk ( wb_clk_i ), |
| .sresetn ( sresetn ), |
| .aresetn ( aresetn_ss ), |
| .ena ( core_en ), |
| .clk_cnt ( prer ), |
| .start ( sta ), |
| .stop ( sto ), |
| .read ( rd ), |
| .write ( wr ), |
| .ack_in ( ack ), |
| .din ( txr ), |
| .cmd_ack ( done ), |
| .ack_out ( irxack ), |
| .dout ( rxr ), |
| .i2c_busy ( i2c_busy ), |
| .i2c_fsm_busy ( i2c_fsm_busy ), |
| .i2c_al ( i2c_al ), |
| .scl_i ( scl_pad_i ), |
| .scl_o ( scl_pad_o ), |
| .scl_oen ( scl_padoen_o ), |
| .sda_i ( sda_pad_i ), |
| .sda_o ( sda_pad_o ), |
| .sda_oen ( sda_padoen_o ) |
| ); |
| |
| // status register block + interrupt request signal |
| always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge aresetn_ss) |
| if (!aresetn_ss) |
| begin |
| al <= #1 1'b0; |
| rxack <= #1 1'b0; |
| tip <= #1 1'b0; |
| irq_flag <= #1 1'b0; |
| end |
| else if (!sresetn) |
| begin |
| al <= #1 1'b0; |
| rxack <= #1 1'b0; |
| tip <= #1 1'b0; |
| irq_flag <= #1 1'b0; |
| end |
| else |
| begin |
| al <= #1 i2c_al | (al & ~sta); |
| rxack <= #1 irxack; |
| tip <= #1 (rd | wr); |
| irq_flag <= #1 (done | i2c_al | irq_flag) & ~iack; // interrupt request flag is always generated |
| end |
| |
| // generate interrupt request signals |
| always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge aresetn_ss) |
| if (!aresetn_ss) |
| wb_inta_o <= #1 1'b0; |
| else if (!sresetn) |
| wb_inta_o <= #1 1'b0; |
| else |
| wb_inta_o <= #1 irq_flag && ien; // interrupt signal is only generated when IEN (interrupt enable bit is set) |
| |
| // assign status register bits |
| assign sr[7] = rxack; |
| assign sr[6] = i2c_busy; |
| assign sr[5] = al; |
| assign sr[4] = i2c_fsm_busy; // I2C FSM Busy |
| assign sr[3:2] = 2'h0; // reserved |
| assign sr[1] = tip; |
| assign sr[0] = irq_flag; |
| |
| endmodule |