blob: b72cc1bfc3a61cc84567372370172a428ac9aba6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012, Homer Hsing <>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
module aes128(
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input clk,
input [127:0] state,
input [127:0] key,
output [127:0] out
reg [127:0] s0, k0;
wire [127:0] s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9,
k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9,
k0b, k1b, k2b, k3b, k4b, k5b, k6b, k7b, k8b, k9b;
always @ (posedge clk)
s0 <= state ^ key;
k0 <= key;
a1 (clk, k0, k1, k0b, 8'h1),
a2 (clk, k1, k2, k1b, 8'h2),
a3 (clk, k2, k3, k2b, 8'h4),
a4 (clk, k3, k4, k3b, 8'h8),
a5 (clk, k4, k5, k4b, 8'h10),
a6 (clk, k5, k6, k5b, 8'h20),
a7 (clk, k6, k7, k6b, 8'h40),
a8 (clk, k7, k8, k7b, 8'h80),
a9 (clk, k8, k9, k8b, 8'h1b),
a10 (clk, k9, , k9b, 8'h36);
r1 (clk, s0, k0b, s1),
r2 (clk, s1, k1b, s2),
r3 (clk, s2, k2b, s3),
r4 (clk, s3, k3b, s4),
r5 (clk, s4, k4b, s5),
r6 (clk, s5, k5b, s6),
r7 (clk, s6, k6b, s7),
r8 (clk, s7, k7b, s8),
r9 (clk, s8, k8b, s9);
rf (clk, s9, k9b, out);
module expand_key_128(clk, in, out_1, out_2, rcon);
input clk;
input [127:0] in;
input [7:0] rcon;
output reg [127:0] out_1;
output [127:0] out_2;
wire [31:0] k0, k1, k2, k3,
v0, v1, v2, v3;
reg [31:0] k0a, k1a, k2a, k3a;
wire [31:0] k0b, k1b, k2b, k3b, k4a;
assign {k0, k1, k2, k3} = in;
assign v0 = {k0[31:24] ^ rcon, k0[23:0]};
assign v1 = v0 ^ k1;
assign v2 = v1 ^ k2;
assign v3 = v2 ^ k3;
always @ (posedge clk)
{k0a, k1a, k2a, k3a} <= {v0, v1, v2, v3};
S4_0 (clk, {k3[23:0], k3[31:24]}, k4a);
assign k0b = k0a ^ k4a;
assign k1b = k1a ^ k4a;
assign k2b = k2a ^ k4a;
assign k3b = k3a ^ k4a;
always @ (posedge clk)
out_1 <= {k0b, k1b, k2b, k3b};
assign out_2 = {k0b, k1b, k2b, k3b};
/* one AES round for every two clock cycles */
module one_round (clk, state_in, key, state_out);
input clk;
input [127:0] state_in, key;
output reg [127:0] state_out;
wire [31:0] s0, s1, s2, s3,
z0, z1, z2, z3,
p00, p01, p02, p03,
p10, p11, p12, p13,
p20, p21, p22, p23,
p30, p31, p32, p33,
k0, k1, k2, k3;
assign {k0, k1, k2, k3} = key;
assign {s0, s1, s2, s3} = state_in;
t0 (clk, s0, p00, p01, p02, p03),
t1 (clk, s1, p10, p11, p12, p13),
t2 (clk, s2, p20, p21, p22, p23),
t3 (clk, s3, p30, p31, p32, p33);
assign z0 = p00 ^ p11 ^ p22 ^ p33 ^ k0;
assign z1 = p03 ^ p10 ^ p21 ^ p32 ^ k1;
assign z2 = p02 ^ p13 ^ p20 ^ p31 ^ k2;
assign z3 = p01 ^ p12 ^ p23 ^ p30 ^ k3;
always @ (posedge clk)
state_out <= {z0, z1, z2, z3};
/* AES final round for every two clock cycles */
module final_round (clk, state_in, key_in, state_out);
input clk;
input [127:0] state_in;
input [127:0] key_in;
output reg [127:0] state_out;
wire [31:0] s0, s1, s2, s3,
z0, z1, z2, z3,
k0, k1, k2, k3;
wire [7:0] p00, p01, p02, p03,
p10, p11, p12, p13,
p20, p21, p22, p23,
p30, p31, p32, p33;
assign {k0, k1, k2, k3} = key_in;
assign {s0, s1, s2, s3} = state_in;
S4_1 (clk, s0, {p00, p01, p02, p03}),
S4_2 (clk, s1, {p10, p11, p12, p13}),
S4_3 (clk, s2, {p20, p21, p22, p23}),
S4_4 (clk, s3, {p30, p31, p32, p33});
assign z0 = {p00, p11, p22, p33} ^ k0;
assign z1 = {p10, p21, p32, p03} ^ k1;
assign z2 = {p20, p31, p02, p13} ^ k2;
assign z3 = {p30, p01, p12, p23} ^ k3;
always @ (posedge clk)
state_out <= {z0, z1, z2, z3};
module S(
input clk,
input [7:0] in,
output reg [7:0] out
wire[0:7] s, x;
assign x = in;
always @ (posedge clk)
out <= s;
wire [21:0] y;
wire [67:0] t;
wire [17:0] z;
assign y[14] = x[3] ^ x[5];
assign y[13] = x[0] ^ x[6];
assign y[9] = x[0] ^ x[3];
assign y[8] = x[0] ^ x[5];
assign t[0] = x[1] ^ x[2];
assign y[1] = t[0] ^ x[7];
assign y[4] = y[1] ^ x[3];
assign y[12] = y[13] ^ y[14];
assign y[2] = y[1] ^ x[0];
assign y[5] = y[1] ^ x[6];
assign y[3] = y[5] ^ y[8];
assign t[1] = x[4] ^ y[12];
assign y[15] = t[1] ^ x[5];
assign y[20] = t[1] ^ x[1];
assign y[6] = y[15] ^ x[7];
assign y[10] = y[15] ^ t[0];
assign y[11] = y[20] ^ y[9];
assign y[7] = x[7] ^ y[11];
assign y[17] = y[10] ^ y[11];
assign y[19] = y[10] ^ y[8];
assign y[16] = t[0] ^ y[11];
assign y[21] = y[13] ^ y[16];
assign y[18] = x[0] ^ y[16];
assign t[2] = y[12] & y[15];
assign t[3] = y[3] & y[6];
assign t[4] = t[3] ^ t[2];
assign t[5] = y[4] & x[7];
assign t[6] = t[5] ^ t[2];
assign t[7] = y[13] & y[16];
assign t[8] = y[5] & y[1];
assign t[9] = t[8] ^ t[7];
assign t[10] = y[2] & y[7];
assign t[11] = t[10] ^ t[7];
assign t[12] = y[9] & y[11];
assign t[13] = y[14] & y[17];
assign t[14] = t[13] ^ t[12];
assign t[15] = y[8] & y[10];
assign t[16] = t[15] ^ t[12];
assign t[17] = t[4] ^ t[14];
assign t[18] = t[6] ^ t[16];
assign t[19] = t[9] ^ t[14];
assign t[20] = t[11] ^ t[16];
assign t[21] = t[17] ^ y[20];
assign t[22] = t[18] ^ y[19];
assign t[23] = t[19] ^ y[21];
assign t[24] = t[20] ^ y[18];
assign t[25] = t[21] ^ t[22];
assign t[26] = t[21] & t[23];
assign t[27] = t[24] ^ t[26];
assign t[28] = t[25] & t[27];
assign t[29] = t[28] ^ t[22];
assign t[30] = t[23] ^ t[24];
assign t[31] = t[22] ^ t[26];
assign t[32] = t[31] & t[30];
assign t[33] = t[32] ^ t[24];
assign t[34] = t[23] ^ t[33];
assign t[35] = t[27] ^ t[33];
assign t[36] = t[24] & t[35];
assign t[37] = t[36] ^ t[34];
assign t[38] = t[27] ^ t[36];
assign t[39] = t[29] & t[38];
assign t[40] = t[25] ^ t[39];
assign t[41] = t[40] ^ t[37];
assign t[42] = t[29] ^ t[33];
assign t[43] = t[29] ^ t[40];
assign t[44] = t[33] ^ t[37];
assign t[45] = t[42] ^ t[41];
assign z[0] = t[44] & y[15];
assign z[1] = t[37] & y[6];
assign z[2] = t[33] & x[7];
assign z[3] = t[43] & y[16];
assign z[4] = t[40] & y[1];
assign z[5] = t[29] & y[7];
assign z[6] = t[42] & y[11];
assign z[7] = t[45] & y[17];
assign z[8] = t[41] & y[10];
assign z[9] = t[44] & y[12];
assign z[10] = t[37] & y[3];
assign z[11] = t[33] & y[4];
assign z[12] = t[43] & y[13];
assign z[13] = t[40] & y[5];
assign z[14] = t[29] & y[2];
assign z[15] = t[42] & y[9];
assign z[16] = t[45] & y[14];
assign z[17] = t[41] & y[8];
assign t[46] = z[15] ^ z[16];
assign t[47] = z[10] ^ z[11];
assign t[48] = z[5] ^ z[13];
assign t[49] = z[9] ^ z[10];
assign t[50] = z[2] ^ z[12];
assign t[51] = z[2] ^ z[5];
assign t[52] = z[7] ^ z[8];
assign t[53] = z[0] ^ z[3];
assign t[54] = z[6] ^ z[7];
assign t[55] = z[16] ^ z[17];
assign t[56] = z[12] ^ t[48];
assign t[57] = t[50] ^ t[53];
assign t[58] = z[4] ^ t[46];
assign t[59] = z[3] ^ t[54];
assign t[60] = t[46] ^ t[57];
assign t[61] = z[14] ^ t[57];
assign t[62] = t[52] ^ t[58];
assign t[63] = t[49] ^ t[58];
assign t[64] = z[4] ^ t[59];
assign t[65] = t[61] ^ t[62];
assign t[66] = z[1] ^ t[63];
assign s[0] = t[59] ^ t[63];
assign s[6] = ~t[56 ] ^ t[62];
assign s[7] = ~t[48 ] ^ t[60];
assign t[67] = t[64] ^ t[65];
assign s[3] = t[53] ^ t[66];
assign s[4] = t[51] ^ t[66];
assign s[5] = t[47] ^ t[65];
assign s[1] = ~t[64 ] ^ s[3];
assign s[2] = ~t[55 ] ^ t[67];
module xS (clk, in, out); //this is sbox times 2
input clk;
input [7:0] in;
output [7:0] out;
wire [7:0] out_2;
S S_(
wire dummy;
assign {dummy, out} = out_2[7]? {out_2, 1'b0}^9'h11b : {out_2, 1'b0}; //Finite Field Multiplication:
module table_lookup (clk, state, p0, p1, p2, p3);
input clk;
input [31:0] state;
output [31:0] p0, p1, p2, p3;
wire [7:0] b0, b1, b2, b3;
assign {b0, b1, b2, b3} = state;
t0 (clk, b0, {p0[23:0], p0[31:24]}),
t1 (clk, b1, {p1[15:0], p1[31:16]}),
t2 (clk, b2, {p2[7:0], p2[31:8]} ),
t3 (clk, b3, p3);
/* substitue four bytes in a word */
module S4 (clk, in, out);
input clk;
input [31:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
S_0 (clk, in[31:24], out[31:24]),
S_1 (clk, in[23:16], out[23:16]),
S_2 (clk, in[15:8], out[15:8] ),
S_3 (clk, in[7:0], out[7:0] );
/* S_box, S_box, S_box*(x+1), S_box*x */
module T (clk, in, out);
input clk;
input [7:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
s0 (clk, in, out[31:24]);
assign out[23:16] = out[31:24];
s4 (clk, in, out[7:0]);
assign out[15:8] = out[23:16] ^ out[7:0];
/* S box */
module S_table (clk, in, out); //uses BRAM, implementation based on logic operations included in sbox.v
input clk;
input [7:0] in;
output reg [7:0] out;
always @ (posedge clk)
case (in)
8'h00: out <= 8'h63;
8'h01: out <= 8'h7c;
8'h02: out <= 8'h77;
8'h03: out <= 8'h7b;
8'h04: out <= 8'hf2;
8'h05: out <= 8'h6b;
8'h06: out <= 8'h6f;
8'h07: out <= 8'hc5;
8'h08: out <= 8'h30;
8'h09: out <= 8'h01;
8'h0a: out <= 8'h67;
8'h0b: out <= 8'h2b;
8'h0c: out <= 8'hfe;
8'h0d: out <= 8'hd7;
8'h0e: out <= 8'hab;
8'h0f: out <= 8'h76;
8'h10: out <= 8'hca;
8'h11: out <= 8'h82;
8'h12: out <= 8'hc9;
8'h13: out <= 8'h7d;
8'h14: out <= 8'hfa;
8'h15: out <= 8'h59;
8'h16: out <= 8'h47;
8'h17: out <= 8'hf0;
8'h18: out <= 8'had;
8'h19: out <= 8'hd4;
8'h1a: out <= 8'ha2;
8'h1b: out <= 8'haf;
8'h1c: out <= 8'h9c;
8'h1d: out <= 8'ha4;
8'h1e: out <= 8'h72;
8'h1f: out <= 8'hc0;
8'h20: out <= 8'hb7;
8'h21: out <= 8'hfd;
8'h22: out <= 8'h93;
8'h23: out <= 8'h26;
8'h24: out <= 8'h36;
8'h25: out <= 8'h3f;
8'h26: out <= 8'hf7;
8'h27: out <= 8'hcc;
8'h28: out <= 8'h34;
8'h29: out <= 8'ha5;
8'h2a: out <= 8'he5;
8'h2b: out <= 8'hf1;
8'h2c: out <= 8'h71;
8'h2d: out <= 8'hd8;
8'h2e: out <= 8'h31;
8'h2f: out <= 8'h15;
8'h30: out <= 8'h04;
8'h31: out <= 8'hc7;
8'h32: out <= 8'h23;
8'h33: out <= 8'hc3;
8'h34: out <= 8'h18;
8'h35: out <= 8'h96;
8'h36: out <= 8'h05;
8'h37: out <= 8'h9a;
8'h38: out <= 8'h07;
8'h39: out <= 8'h12;
8'h3a: out <= 8'h80;
8'h3b: out <= 8'he2;
8'h3c: out <= 8'heb;
8'h3d: out <= 8'h27;
8'h3e: out <= 8'hb2;
8'h3f: out <= 8'h75;
8'h40: out <= 8'h09;
8'h41: out <= 8'h83;
8'h42: out <= 8'h2c;
8'h43: out <= 8'h1a;
8'h44: out <= 8'h1b;
8'h45: out <= 8'h6e;
8'h46: out <= 8'h5a;
8'h47: out <= 8'ha0;
8'h48: out <= 8'h52;
8'h49: out <= 8'h3b;
8'h4a: out <= 8'hd6;
8'h4b: out <= 8'hb3;
8'h4c: out <= 8'h29;
8'h4d: out <= 8'he3;
8'h4e: out <= 8'h2f;
8'h4f: out <= 8'h84;
8'h50: out <= 8'h53;
8'h51: out <= 8'hd1;
8'h52: out <= 8'h00;
8'h53: out <= 8'hed;
8'h54: out <= 8'h20;
8'h55: out <= 8'hfc;
8'h56: out <= 8'hb1;
8'h57: out <= 8'h5b;
8'h58: out <= 8'h6a;
8'h59: out <= 8'hcb;
8'h5a: out <= 8'hbe;
8'h5b: out <= 8'h39;
8'h5c: out <= 8'h4a;
8'h5d: out <= 8'h4c;
8'h5e: out <= 8'h58;
8'h5f: out <= 8'hcf;
8'h60: out <= 8'hd0;
8'h61: out <= 8'hef;
8'h62: out <= 8'haa;
8'h63: out <= 8'hfb;
8'h64: out <= 8'h43;
8'h65: out <= 8'h4d;
8'h66: out <= 8'h33;
8'h67: out <= 8'h85;
8'h68: out <= 8'h45;
8'h69: out <= 8'hf9;
8'h6a: out <= 8'h02;
8'h6b: out <= 8'h7f;
8'h6c: out <= 8'h50;
8'h6d: out <= 8'h3c;
8'h6e: out <= 8'h9f;
8'h6f: out <= 8'ha8;
8'h70: out <= 8'h51;
8'h71: out <= 8'ha3;
8'h72: out <= 8'h40;
8'h73: out <= 8'h8f;
8'h74: out <= 8'h92;
8'h75: out <= 8'h9d;
8'h76: out <= 8'h38;
8'h77: out <= 8'hf5;
8'h78: out <= 8'hbc;
8'h79: out <= 8'hb6;
8'h7a: out <= 8'hda;
8'h7b: out <= 8'h21;
8'h7c: out <= 8'h10;
8'h7d: out <= 8'hff;
8'h7e: out <= 8'hf3;
8'h7f: out <= 8'hd2;
8'h80: out <= 8'hcd;
8'h81: out <= 8'h0c;
8'h82: out <= 8'h13;
8'h83: out <= 8'hec;
8'h84: out <= 8'h5f;
8'h85: out <= 8'h97;
8'h86: out <= 8'h44;
8'h87: out <= 8'h17;
8'h88: out <= 8'hc4;
8'h89: out <= 8'ha7;
8'h8a: out <= 8'h7e;
8'h8b: out <= 8'h3d;
8'h8c: out <= 8'h64;
8'h8d: out <= 8'h5d;
8'h8e: out <= 8'h19;
8'h8f: out <= 8'h73;
8'h90: out <= 8'h60;
8'h91: out <= 8'h81;
8'h92: out <= 8'h4f;
8'h93: out <= 8'hdc;
8'h94: out <= 8'h22;
8'h95: out <= 8'h2a;
8'h96: out <= 8'h90;
8'h97: out <= 8'h88;
8'h98: out <= 8'h46;
8'h99: out <= 8'hee;
8'h9a: out <= 8'hb8;
8'h9b: out <= 8'h14;
8'h9c: out <= 8'hde;
8'h9d: out <= 8'h5e;
8'h9e: out <= 8'h0b;
8'h9f: out <= 8'hdb;
8'ha0: out <= 8'he0;
8'ha1: out <= 8'h32;
8'ha2: out <= 8'h3a;
8'ha3: out <= 8'h0a;
8'ha4: out <= 8'h49;
8'ha5: out <= 8'h06;
8'ha6: out <= 8'h24;
8'ha7: out <= 8'h5c;
8'ha8: out <= 8'hc2;
8'ha9: out <= 8'hd3;
8'haa: out <= 8'hac;
8'hab: out <= 8'h62;
8'hac: out <= 8'h91;
8'had: out <= 8'h95;
8'hae: out <= 8'he4;
8'haf: out <= 8'h79;
8'hb0: out <= 8'he7;
8'hb1: out <= 8'hc8;
8'hb2: out <= 8'h37;
8'hb3: out <= 8'h6d;
8'hb4: out <= 8'h8d;
8'hb5: out <= 8'hd5;
8'hb6: out <= 8'h4e;
8'hb7: out <= 8'ha9;
8'hb8: out <= 8'h6c;
8'hb9: out <= 8'h56;
8'hba: out <= 8'hf4;
8'hbb: out <= 8'hea;
8'hbc: out <= 8'h65;
8'hbd: out <= 8'h7a;
8'hbe: out <= 8'hae;
8'hbf: out <= 8'h08;
8'hc0: out <= 8'hba;
8'hc1: out <= 8'h78;
8'hc2: out <= 8'h25;
8'hc3: out <= 8'h2e;
8'hc4: out <= 8'h1c;
8'hc5: out <= 8'ha6;
8'hc6: out <= 8'hb4;
8'hc7: out <= 8'hc6;
8'hc8: out <= 8'he8;
8'hc9: out <= 8'hdd;
8'hca: out <= 8'h74;
8'hcb: out <= 8'h1f;
8'hcc: out <= 8'h4b;
8'hcd: out <= 8'hbd;
8'hce: out <= 8'h8b;
8'hcf: out <= 8'h8a;
8'hd0: out <= 8'h70;
8'hd1: out <= 8'h3e;
8'hd2: out <= 8'hb5;
8'hd3: out <= 8'h66;
8'hd4: out <= 8'h48;
8'hd5: out <= 8'h03;
8'hd6: out <= 8'hf6;
8'hd7: out <= 8'h0e;
8'hd8: out <= 8'h61;
8'hd9: out <= 8'h35;
8'hda: out <= 8'h57;
8'hdb: out <= 8'hb9;
8'hdc: out <= 8'h86;
8'hdd: out <= 8'hc1;
8'hde: out <= 8'h1d;
8'hdf: out <= 8'h9e;
8'he0: out <= 8'he1;
8'he1: out <= 8'hf8;
8'he2: out <= 8'h98;
8'he3: out <= 8'h11;
8'he4: out <= 8'h69;
8'he5: out <= 8'hd9;
8'he6: out <= 8'h8e;
8'he7: out <= 8'h94;
8'he8: out <= 8'h9b;
8'he9: out <= 8'h1e;
8'hea: out <= 8'h87;
8'heb: out <= 8'he9;
8'hec: out <= 8'hce;
8'hed: out <= 8'h55;
8'hee: out <= 8'h28;
8'hef: out <= 8'hdf;
8'hf0: out <= 8'h8c;
8'hf1: out <= 8'ha1;
8'hf2: out <= 8'h89;
8'hf3: out <= 8'h0d;
8'hf4: out <= 8'hbf;
8'hf5: out <= 8'he6;
8'hf6: out <= 8'h42;
8'hf7: out <= 8'h68;
8'hf8: out <= 8'h41;
8'hf9: out <= 8'h99;
8'hfa: out <= 8'h2d;
8'hfb: out <= 8'h0f;
8'hfc: out <= 8'hb0;
8'hfd: out <= 8'h54;
8'hfe: out <= 8'hbb;
8'hff: out <= 8'h16;
/* S box * x */
module xS_table (clk, in, out); //uses BRAM, implementation based on logic operations included in sbox.v
input clk;
input [7:0] in;
output reg [7:0] out;
always @ (posedge clk)
case (in)
8'h00: out <= 8'hc6;
8'h01: out <= 8'hf8;
8'h02: out <= 8'hee;
8'h03: out <= 8'hf6;
8'h04: out <= 8'hff;
8'h05: out <= 8'hd6;
8'h06: out <= 8'hde;
8'h07: out <= 8'h91;
8'h08: out <= 8'h60;
8'h09: out <= 8'h02;
8'h0a: out <= 8'hce;
8'h0b: out <= 8'h56;
8'h0c: out <= 8'he7;
8'h0d: out <= 8'hb5;
8'h0e: out <= 8'h4d;
8'h0f: out <= 8'hec;
8'h10: out <= 8'h8f;
8'h11: out <= 8'h1f;
8'h12: out <= 8'h89;
8'h13: out <= 8'hfa;
8'h14: out <= 8'hef;
8'h15: out <= 8'hb2;
8'h16: out <= 8'h8e;
8'h17: out <= 8'hfb;
8'h18: out <= 8'h41;
8'h19: out <= 8'hb3;
8'h1a: out <= 8'h5f;
8'h1b: out <= 8'h45;
8'h1c: out <= 8'h23;
8'h1d: out <= 8'h53;
8'h1e: out <= 8'he4;
8'h1f: out <= 8'h9b;
8'h20: out <= 8'h75;
8'h21: out <= 8'he1;
8'h22: out <= 8'h3d;
8'h23: out <= 8'h4c;
8'h24: out <= 8'h6c;
8'h25: out <= 8'h7e;
8'h26: out <= 8'hf5;
8'h27: out <= 8'h83;
8'h28: out <= 8'h68;
8'h29: out <= 8'h51;
8'h2a: out <= 8'hd1;
8'h2b: out <= 8'hf9;
8'h2c: out <= 8'he2;
8'h2d: out <= 8'hab;
8'h2e: out <= 8'h62;
8'h2f: out <= 8'h2a;
8'h30: out <= 8'h08;
8'h31: out <= 8'h95;
8'h32: out <= 8'h46;
8'h33: out <= 8'h9d;
8'h34: out <= 8'h30;
8'h35: out <= 8'h37;
8'h36: out <= 8'h0a;
8'h37: out <= 8'h2f;
8'h38: out <= 8'h0e;
8'h39: out <= 8'h24;
8'h3a: out <= 8'h1b;
8'h3b: out <= 8'hdf;
8'h3c: out <= 8'hcd;
8'h3d: out <= 8'h4e;
8'h3e: out <= 8'h7f;
8'h3f: out <= 8'hea;
8'h40: out <= 8'h12;
8'h41: out <= 8'h1d;
8'h42: out <= 8'h58;
8'h43: out <= 8'h34;
8'h44: out <= 8'h36;
8'h45: out <= 8'hdc;
8'h46: out <= 8'hb4;
8'h47: out <= 8'h5b;
8'h48: out <= 8'ha4;
8'h49: out <= 8'h76;
8'h4a: out <= 8'hb7;
8'h4b: out <= 8'h7d;
8'h4c: out <= 8'h52;
8'h4d: out <= 8'hdd;
8'h4e: out <= 8'h5e;
8'h4f: out <= 8'h13;
8'h50: out <= 8'ha6;
8'h51: out <= 8'hb9;
8'h52: out <= 8'h00;
8'h53: out <= 8'hc1;
8'h54: out <= 8'h40;
8'h55: out <= 8'he3;
8'h56: out <= 8'h79;
8'h57: out <= 8'hb6;
8'h58: out <= 8'hd4;
8'h59: out <= 8'h8d;
8'h5a: out <= 8'h67;
8'h5b: out <= 8'h72;
8'h5c: out <= 8'h94;
8'h5d: out <= 8'h98;
8'h5e: out <= 8'hb0;
8'h5f: out <= 8'h85;
8'h60: out <= 8'hbb;
8'h61: out <= 8'hc5;
8'h62: out <= 8'h4f;
8'h63: out <= 8'hed;
8'h64: out <= 8'h86;
8'h65: out <= 8'h9a;
8'h66: out <= 8'h66;
8'h67: out <= 8'h11;
8'h68: out <= 8'h8a;
8'h69: out <= 8'he9;
8'h6a: out <= 8'h04;
8'h6b: out <= 8'hfe;
8'h6c: out <= 8'ha0;
8'h6d: out <= 8'h78;
8'h6e: out <= 8'h25;
8'h6f: out <= 8'h4b;
8'h70: out <= 8'ha2;
8'h71: out <= 8'h5d;
8'h72: out <= 8'h80;
8'h73: out <= 8'h05;
8'h74: out <= 8'h3f;
8'h75: out <= 8'h21;
8'h76: out <= 8'h70;
8'h77: out <= 8'hf1;
8'h78: out <= 8'h63;
8'h79: out <= 8'h77;
8'h7a: out <= 8'haf;
8'h7b: out <= 8'h42;
8'h7c: out <= 8'h20;
8'h7d: out <= 8'he5;
8'h7e: out <= 8'hfd;
8'h7f: out <= 8'hbf;
8'h80: out <= 8'h81;
8'h81: out <= 8'h18;
8'h82: out <= 8'h26;
8'h83: out <= 8'hc3;
8'h84: out <= 8'hbe;
8'h85: out <= 8'h35;
8'h86: out <= 8'h88;
8'h87: out <= 8'h2e;
8'h88: out <= 8'h93;
8'h89: out <= 8'h55;
8'h8a: out <= 8'hfc;
8'h8b: out <= 8'h7a;
8'h8c: out <= 8'hc8;
8'h8d: out <= 8'hba;
8'h8e: out <= 8'h32;
8'h8f: out <= 8'he6;
8'h90: out <= 8'hc0;
8'h91: out <= 8'h19;
8'h92: out <= 8'h9e;
8'h93: out <= 8'ha3;
8'h94: out <= 8'h44;
8'h95: out <= 8'h54;
8'h96: out <= 8'h3b;
8'h97: out <= 8'h0b;
8'h98: out <= 8'h8c;
8'h99: out <= 8'hc7;
8'h9a: out <= 8'h6b;
8'h9b: out <= 8'h28;
8'h9c: out <= 8'ha7;
8'h9d: out <= 8'hbc;
8'h9e: out <= 8'h16;
8'h9f: out <= 8'had;
8'ha0: out <= 8'hdb;
8'ha1: out <= 8'h64;
8'ha2: out <= 8'h74;
8'ha3: out <= 8'h14;
8'ha4: out <= 8'h92;
8'ha5: out <= 8'h0c;
8'ha6: out <= 8'h48;
8'ha7: out <= 8'hb8;
8'ha8: out <= 8'h9f;
8'ha9: out <= 8'hbd;
8'haa: out <= 8'h43;
8'hab: out <= 8'hc4;
8'hac: out <= 8'h39;
8'had: out <= 8'h31;
8'hae: out <= 8'hd3;
8'haf: out <= 8'hf2;
8'hb0: out <= 8'hd5;
8'hb1: out <= 8'h8b;
8'hb2: out <= 8'h6e;
8'hb3: out <= 8'hda;
8'hb4: out <= 8'h01;
8'hb5: out <= 8'hb1;
8'hb6: out <= 8'h9c;
8'hb7: out <= 8'h49;
8'hb8: out <= 8'hd8;
8'hb9: out <= 8'hac;
8'hba: out <= 8'hf3;
8'hbb: out <= 8'hcf;
8'hbc: out <= 8'hca;
8'hbd: out <= 8'hf4;
8'hbe: out <= 8'h47;
8'hbf: out <= 8'h10;
8'hc0: out <= 8'h6f;
8'hc1: out <= 8'hf0;
8'hc2: out <= 8'h4a;
8'hc3: out <= 8'h5c;
8'hc4: out <= 8'h38;
8'hc5: out <= 8'h57;
8'hc6: out <= 8'h73;
8'hc7: out <= 8'h97;
8'hc8: out <= 8'hcb;
8'hc9: out <= 8'ha1;
8'hca: out <= 8'he8;
8'hcb: out <= 8'h3e;
8'hcc: out <= 8'h96;
8'hcd: out <= 8'h61;
8'hce: out <= 8'h0d;
8'hcf: out <= 8'h0f;
8'hd0: out <= 8'he0;
8'hd1: out <= 8'h7c;
8'hd2: out <= 8'h71;
8'hd3: out <= 8'hcc;
8'hd4: out <= 8'h90;
8'hd5: out <= 8'h06;
8'hd6: out <= 8'hf7;
8'hd7: out <= 8'h1c;
8'hd8: out <= 8'hc2;
8'hd9: out <= 8'h6a;
8'hda: out <= 8'hae;
8'hdb: out <= 8'h69;
8'hdc: out <= 8'h17;
8'hdd: out <= 8'h99;
8'hde: out <= 8'h3a;
8'hdf: out <= 8'h27;
8'he0: out <= 8'hd9;
8'he1: out <= 8'heb;
8'he2: out <= 8'h2b;
8'he3: out <= 8'h22;
8'he4: out <= 8'hd2;
8'he5: out <= 8'ha9;
8'he6: out <= 8'h07;
8'he7: out <= 8'h33;
8'he8: out <= 8'h2d;
8'he9: out <= 8'h3c;
8'hea: out <= 8'h15;
8'heb: out <= 8'hc9;
8'hec: out <= 8'h87;
8'hed: out <= 8'haa;
8'hee: out <= 8'h50;
8'hef: out <= 8'ha5;
8'hf0: out <= 8'h03;
8'hf1: out <= 8'h59;
8'hf2: out <= 8'h09;
8'hf3: out <= 8'h1a;
8'hf4: out <= 8'h65;
8'hf5: out <= 8'hd7;
8'hf6: out <= 8'h84;
8'hf7: out <= 8'hd0;
8'hf8: out <= 8'h82;
8'hf9: out <= 8'h29;
8'hfa: out <= 8'h5a;
8'hfb: out <= 8'h1e;
8'hfc: out <= 8'h7b;
8'hfd: out <= 8'ha8;
8'hfe: out <= 8'h6d;
8'hff: out <= 8'h2c;