blob: 2a3da9147630278f290a40b1a888a02e19b458ab [file] [log] [blame]
`ifndef FETCH_V
`define FETCH_V
// `include "../params.vh"
module fetch #(
// parameter INS_BUFFER = 64,
parameter BTB_SIZE = 4,
parameter BTB_WIDTH = 2, //log2(up)
parameter GSHARE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter PHT_LEN = 16,
parameter INS_BUFFER_DATA = 96,
parameter INS_BUFFER_SIZE = 8, //need to set to 8
parameter INS_BUFFER_SIZE_WIDTH = 3 //log2 (up)
) (
//whole fetch
input clk,
input reset,
//btb from fu
input is_req_pc, //is branch or jump instr from fu
input [31:0] btb_req_pc,
input [31:0] btb_predict_target,
//gshare from fu
input [31:0] prev_pc,
input prev_branch_in,
input prev_taken,
//instruction buffer
input rd_en,
output [31:0] pc_out,
output [31:0] next_pc_out,
output [31:0] instruction_out,
// from fu
input valid_real_branch,
input [31:0] real_branch,
// from exception ctrl
input trap,
input mret,
input wfi,
// from csr
input [31:0] trap_vector,
input [31:0] mret_vector,
//from icache
input icache_req_ready,
input icache_resp_valid,
input [31:0] fetch_data,
input [31:0] icache_resp_address,
// to icache
output icache_resp_ready,
output reg icache_req_valid,
output [31:0] fetch_address,
//for test
output ins_empty,
// output reg [31:0] pc,
// output [31:0] ins_pc_in,
// output [31:0] ins_next_pc_in,
// output [31:0] instruction_in,
// output buffer_full,
// output is_exec_branch,
// output reg [31:0] fetch_data,
// exceptions
output exception_valid_o,
output [EXCEPTION_CODE_WIDTH - 1 : 0] ecause_o
reg [31:0] pc;
wire is_exec_branch;
reg rff_icache_resp; //to match misfetch signal, make sure the next response from icache after branch should be ignore
assign fetch_address = pc;
reg [31:0] next_pc;
wire judge_from_gshare;
wire btb_token;
// wire buffer_full;
wire [31:0] pc_from_btb;
assign is_exec_branch = valid_real_branch && (real_branch != pc_out);
wire flush = (is_exec_branch | trap | mret) & !ins_empty;
assign exception_valid_o = pc[1:0] != 2'b00;
assign ecause_o = (pc[1:0] != 2'b00) ? EXCEPTION_INSTR_ADDR_MISALIGNED : 0;
wire buffer_full;
reg [31:0] ins_pc_in;
wire [31:0] ins_next_pc_in;
wire [31:0] instruction_in;
reg rff_misfetch;
wire misfetch;
//next pc
always @(*) begin
if (trap) begin
next_pc = trap_vector;
end else if (mret) begin
next_pc = mret_vector;
end else if (is_exec_branch) begin
next_pc = real_branch;
end else if (btb_token && !judge_from_gshare && (icache_req_ready && icache_req_valid)) begin //need && judge_from_gshare
next_pc = pc_from_btb;
end else if (!wfi && !buffer_full && (icache_req_ready && icache_req_valid)) begin
next_pc = pc + 4;
end else begin
next_pc = pc;
//pc switch
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
end else begin
pc <= next_pc;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (wfi || buffer_full || reset) begin
icache_req_valid <= 0;
end else begin
icache_req_valid <= 1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
ins_pc_in <= RESET_VECTOR;
end else if (is_exec_branch | trap | mret) begin
ins_pc_in <= next_pc;
end else if(icache_req_ready & icache_req_valid) begin
ins_pc_in <= pc;
/* verilator lint_off LATCH */
// always @(*) begin
// if (is_exec_branch | trap | mret) begin
// rff_misfetch = 1;
// end else if (rff_icache_resp) begin
// rff_misfetch = 0;
// end
// end
/* verilator lint_on LATCH */
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
rff_misfetch <= 0;
end if (is_exec_branch | trap | mret) begin
rff_misfetch <= 1;
end else if (icache_resp_ready & icache_resp_valid) begin
rff_misfetch <= 0;
assign misfetch = rff_misfetch | is_exec_branch | trap | mret;
// always @(posedge clk) begin
// if (reset) begin
// rff_icache_resp <= 0;
// end else if (icache_resp_ready & icache_resp_valid) begin
// rff_icache_resp <= 1;
// end else begin
// rff_icache_resp <= 0;
// end
// end
assign ins_next_pc_in = ins_pc_in + 4;
assign instruction_in = fetch_data;
assign icache_resp_ready = !wfi && !buffer_full;
wire instr_buffer_wr_en = icache_resp_ready && icache_resp_valid && (icache_resp_address == ins_pc_in) && !rff_misfetch; // resp_address can equal both ins_next_pc_in and pc
btb #(
) btb_u(
gshare #(
) gshare_u(
ins_buffer #(
) buffer_u(
////////////////////////////////////fake icache
//need change fifo to fifo test in instruction_buffer
// fake_icache hello(
// .clk(clk),
// .reset(reset),
// .fetch_address(fetch_address),
// .instruction(fetch_data)
// );
`endif // FETCH_V