blob: 3098be5809fe6d0529ae2ab2209c645e7cc414eb [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`default_nettype none
* chaos_automaton
* This chip is a pure asynchronous cellular automaton. Each cell has
* four inputs from N, S, E, W and generates four outputs to N, S, E, W.
* Each output can be configured for any boolean function of the four
* inputs (16 bits each).
* Outputs on the periphery (or some selection thereof) are passed to the
* chip GPIO. Inputs may also come from the chip periphery; choice of
* input or output is programmable like the cell boolean function.
* All periphery inputs and outputs may be channeled through the logic
* analyzer to apply input to or monitor output from the array.
* The wishbone bus may be used to program the cell functions.
* This can be used in a loop with an evolutionary algorithm to tune the
* chip functions to achieve a specific behavior.
* Most of the core circuitry is straightforward. The total number of
* cells is parameterized, so that the largest number of cells that will
* fit in the caravel user project space can be determined.
* Version v1: To avoid massive amounts of wiring (e.g., 16 or 32
* data wires + 10 address wires to every single cell), all of the
* LUT configuration memory is stored in a (very long) serial chain
* in a full loop. The scan chain is 64 bits longer than the number
* of cells and allows 64 bits to be transferred to and from the
* wishbone bus independently of the cells. Every cell has 64 latches
* in addition to the 64 flops so that the scan chain can be cycled
* without affecting ongoing operation of the automaton.
* Version v2: The logic analyzer is replaced by a local version that
* has the same number of bits as periphery I/O. There are two registers
* per signal, one for output, and one for input. All registers update
* simultaneously. Every periphery input is connected to three sources,
* XOR'd together: A periphery output, a GPIO input, and a register.
* Every periphery output is connected to three sinks: A periphery
* input, a GPIO output, and a register. The periphery output-to-input
* connections can be a loop-back or neighbor loop-back.
* Memory mapped address space:
* BASE_ADR + 7 to BASE_ADR + 0: Configuration data to read or write
* BASE_ADR + 11 to BASE_ADR + 8: Core cell address for read/write
* BASE_ADR + 12: Triggers
* BASE_ADR + 17 to BASE_ADR + 16: Per-side input configuration
* BASE_ADR + 18: GPIO input and output slice selection
* BASE_ADR + 19: GPIO direction
* BASE_ADR + ?? to BASE_ADR + 20: Operational data
* (BASE_ADR + 39 for 50x30 array)
* Trigger bits:
* bit 0: Shift by (address) cells (64 bits).
* bit 1: Finish cycle. Return shift register to run state, toggle "hold"
* (to be done:)
* bit 2: Capture data
* bit 3: Apply data
* All trigger bits are self-resetting. The trigger bit (as read) remains
* high until the transfer has completed. The trigger bit can be polled to
* determine when the cycle has completed.
* The shift cycle bit can be used to load the configuration of the array
* cell by cell. The typical case is to set address = 1 and apply or read
* each cell's configuration in turn. However, it can also be used piecemeal,
* for example, to read out a block of configurations, without having
* to loop a full cycle for each one. The counter tracks what the
* current offset is, and can return to the run-state position on
* application of bit 1, "Finish cycle". At the end of "Finish cycle"
* the hold bit is toggled to latch and apply any new configuration
* data.
* Reading and writing a single cell's configuration can be accomplished
* by a sequence of shift cycles and reads/writes. To change the
* configuration of a single cell: (1) Write the cell address, (2) Apply
* the shift cycle, (3) Write the configuration data, (4) Apply the
* finish cycle. To read the configuration of a single cell: (1) Write
* the cell address, (2) Apply the shift cycle, (3) Read the configuration
* data, (4) Apply the finish cycle.
* This version uses the chaos_subarray, which is intended to be
* prehardened as a macro and tiled in the top level.
* The user project wrapper is currently hard-coded to a specific
* array size due to the complexity of aligning the array inputs and
* outputs to the GPIO pins. The original version of this wrapper
* was hard-coded to a 30x50 array, and has been copied back to
* user_project_wrapper_30x50.v. The current version is hard-coded
* to a 30x30 array.
// NOTE: Uncomment the following lines for syntax checking
// `define MPRJ_IO_PADS 38
// `include "chaos_subarray.v"
* User project top level
module user_project_wrapper #(
parameter XSIZE = 30, // Total number of cells left to right
parameter YSIZE = 30, // Total number of cells top to bottom
parameter XTOP = 3, // Number of sub-arrays left to right
parameter YTOP = 5, // Number of sub-arrays top to bottom
parameter ASIZE = 11, // Enough bits to count XSIZE * YSIZE
parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h 3000_0000 // Wishbone base address
inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
// Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
input wb_clk_i,
input wb_rst_i,
input wbs_stb_i,
input wbs_cyc_i,
input wbs_we_i,
input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
output wbs_ack_o,
output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
// Logic Analyzer Signals (unused)
input [127:0] la_data_in,
output [127:0] la_data_out,
input [127:0] la_oenb,
// IOs
input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
// Analog (direct connection to GPIO pad---use with caution)
// Note that analog I/O is not available on the 7 lowest-numbered
// GPIO pads, and so the analog_io indexing is offset from the
// GPIO indexing by 7 (also upper 2 GPIOs do not have analog_io).
inout [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-10:0] analog_io,
// Independent clock
input user_clock2,
// IRQ
output [2:0] user_irq
`define IDLE 3'b000
`define START 3'b001
`define FINISH 3'b010
`define XDATAS 3'b011
`define XDATAF 3'b100
`define LOAD 3'b101
`define CONFIGL 8'h00 /* Address offset of configuration data low word */
`define CONFIGH 8'h01 /* Address offset of configuration data high word */
`define ADDRESS 8'h02 /* Address offset of cell address value */
`define XFER 8'h03 /* Address offset of transfer bits */
`define DIRECT 8'h04 /* Address offset of GPIO directions */
`define SOURCE 8'h05 /* Address offset of GPIO source selection */
`define DATATOP 8'h06 /* Address offset of start of data section */
`define MAXADDR (XSIZE * YSIZE) /* Highest cell address plus one */
reg clk; /* serial clock to transfer data */
reg hold; /* trigger to hold transferred data */
reg [2:0] xfer_state; /* state of the data transfer */
reg [1:0] xfer_ctrl; /* Configuration transfer trigger bits */
reg [63:0] config_data; /* 64 bits to read or write configuration */
reg local_reset; /* Reset applied from a register */
reg [ASIZE - 1:0] cell_addr; /* Core cell to address */
reg [ASIZE - 1:0] cell_offset; /* Current offset of shift register */
reg [ASIZE + 6:0] bit_count; /* Full count (cell address + bits) */
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
wire [1:0] config_sel;
wire address_sel;
wire xfer_sel;
wire direct_sel;
wire source_sel;
// NOTE: This should be parameterized.
// For the 30x30 array, there are 30+30+30+30 = 120 periphery bits =
// 4 words of 32 bits. This is hard-coded for convenience. If the
// array size changes, this needs to be changed as well. Needs to be
// converted to a "generate" block.
wire [4:0] data_sel;
wire valid;
reg ready;
wire [3:0] iomem_we;
wire selected;
wire [1:0] busy;
reg [31:0] rdata_pre;
wire [63:0] rdata;
reg [31:0] wbs_dat_o;
reg [63:0] wdata;
reg write;
wire all_cell_reset;
// Direction for each GPIO (32 used)
reg [31:0] gpio_oeb;
// Data to and from array periphery I/O
wire [YSIZE-1: 0] data_in_east;
wire [YSIZE-1: 0] data_in_west;
wire [XSIZE-1: 0] data_in_north;
wire [XSIZE-1: 0] data_in_south;
wire [YSIZE-1: 0] data_out_east;
wire [YSIZE-1: 0] data_out_west;
wire [XSIZE-1: 0] data_out_north;
wire [XSIZE-1: 0] data_out_south;
// Latched output for wishbone read-back (to be done)
// TBD
// Latched input from wishbone (to do: Make shadow register)
wire [YSIZE-1: 0] latched_in_east;
wire [YSIZE-1: 0] latched_in_west;
wire [XSIZE-1: 0] latched_in_north;
wire [XSIZE-1: 0] latched_in_south;
// Shadow registers for wishbone input (to be done)
// TBD
// Register array mapping latched data to 32-bit sections for data
// transfer through the wishbone
reg [XSIZE*2 + YSIZE*2 - 1:0] latched_in;
// Wire array mapping output data to 32-bit sections for data
// transfer through the wishbone
wire [XSIZE*2 + YSIZE*2 - 1:0] data_out;
// Periphery output-to-input loop-back selection
reg [2:0] north_loopback;
reg [2:0] east_loopback;
reg [2:0] south_loopback;
reg [2:0] west_loopback;
// Loopback value definitions
`define INPUT_LOW 3'b000
`define INPUT_HIGH 3'b001
`define LOOPBACK 3'b010
`define NEIGHBOR_LEFT 3'b011
`define NEIGHBOR_RIGHT 3'b100
// GPIO slicing (because there are many fewer GPIO than array outputs)
// GPIOs can be clustered on either end or in the center of the array
// side, or distributed along the side (1 GPIO per 5 array cells)
reg [1:0] gpio_output_slice;
reg [2:0] gpio_input_slice;
// Registered GPIO directions go directly to io_oeb[37:6]. Leave the
// lower 6 GPIO to the management processor.
assign io_oeb = {gpio_oeb, 6'b1};
// Wishbone address select indicators
assign config_sel[0] = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == `CONFIGL);
assign config_sel[1] = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == `CONFIGH);
assign address_sel = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == `ADDRESS);
assign xfer_sel = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == `XFER);
assign direct_sel = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == `DIRECT);
assign source_sel = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == `SOURCE);
// Hard-coded to 4 words; see note above
assign data_sel[0] = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == (`DATATOP + 0));
assign data_sel[1] = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == (`DATATOP + 1));
assign data_sel[2] = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == (`DATATOP + 2));
assign data_sel[3] = (wbs_adr_i[7:2] == (`DATATOP + 3));
assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i;
assign wbs_ack_o = ready;
assign iomem_we = wbs_sel_i & {4{wbs_we_i}};
assign all_cell_reset = wb_rst_i | local_reset;
// IRQ
assign user_irq = 3'b000; // Unused
// Instantiate the chaos cell array
chaos_array #(
) chaos_array_inst (
// Wire definitions mapping the GPIO to the array periphery
wire [YSIZE-1:0] gpio_east, gpio_west;
wire [XSIZE-1:0] gpio_north, gpio_south;
// Wire definitions mapping the array periphery loop-back connections
wire [YSIZE-1:0] data_muxed_east, data_muxed_west;
wire [XSIZE-1:0] data_muxed_north, data_muxed_south;
// Hook up array inputs (data_in_*) to an XOR'd combination of
// (1) array outputs (data_out_*, muxed into data_muxed_*),
// (2) the GPIO pads (muxed into gpio_*), and
// (3) data from the wishbone bus (latched_in_*).
assign data_in_west = latched_in_west ^ gpio_west ^ data_muxed_west;
assign data_in_east = latched_in_east ^ gpio_east ^ data_muxed_east;
assign data_in_south = latched_in_south ^ gpio_south ^ data_muxed_south;
assign data_in_north = latched_in_north ^ gpio_north ^ data_muxed_north;
`define INPUT_LOW 3'b000
`define INPUT_HIGH 3'b001
`define LOOPBACK 3'b010
`define NEIGHBOR_LEFT 3'b011
`define NEIGHBOR_RIGHT 3'b100
// Define loop-back inputs
assign data_muxed_west =
(west_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_LEFT) ? {data_out_west[YSIZE-2:0], 1'b0} :
(west_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_RIGHT) ? {1'b0, data_out_west[YSIZE-1:1]} :
(west_loopback == `LOOPBACK) ? data_out_west :
(west_loopback == `INPUT_HIGH) ? 'b1 : 'b0;
assign data_muxed_east =
(east_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_LEFT) ? {data_out_east[YSIZE-2:0], 1'b0} :
(east_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_RIGHT) ? {1'b0, data_out_east[YSIZE-1:1]} :
(east_loopback == `LOOPBACK) ? data_out_east :
(east_loopback == `INPUT_HIGH) ? 'b1 : 'b0;
assign data_muxed_south =
(south_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_LEFT) ? {data_out_south[XSIZE-2:0], 1'b0} :
(south_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_RIGHT) ? {1'b0, data_out_south[XSIZE-1:1]} :
(south_loopback == `LOOPBACK) ? data_out_south :
(south_loopback == `INPUT_HIGH) ? 'b1 : 'b0;
assign data_muxed_north =
(north_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_LEFT) ? {data_out_north[XSIZE-2:0], 1'b0} :
(north_loopback == `NEIGHBOR_RIGHT) ? {1'b0, data_out_north[XSIZE-1:1]} :
(north_loopback == `LOOPBACK) ? data_out_north :
(south_loopback == `INPUT_HIGH) ? 'b1 : 'b0;
// Define I/O input slices
// NOTE: This is hard-coded. There are 38 GPIOs. Assigning 32 of them
// (GPIO 37 to 6) to array inputs and outputs. These are arranged as
// 8 on the sides and 8 on the top and bottom. Depending on the selection,
// these can be injected into various places around the array.
// Another note: It probably makes more sense to define vectors for
// io_in_east, io_in_north, etc., and align them in the direction of
// the arrays (high to low index is top to bottom, or right to left).
assign gpio_east = // I/O 13 to 6
(gpio_input_slice == 0) ? 22'b0 : // No pad input
(gpio_input_slice == 1) ? // Distributed
{io_in[13], 3'b0, io_in[12], 3'b0, io_in[11], 3'b0,
io_in[10], 3'b0, io_in[9], 3'b0, io_in[8], 3'b0,
io_in[7], 3'b0, io_in[6], 1'b0} :
(gpio_input_slice == 2) ? {22'b0, io_in[15:6]} : // Bottom shifted
(gpio_input_slice == 3) ? {11'b0, io_in[15:6], 11'b0} : // Centered
{io_in[15:6], 22'b0}; // Top shifted
assign gpio_north = // I/O 21 to 14
(gpio_input_slice == 0) ? 22'b0 : // No pad input
(gpio_input_slice == 1) ? // Distributed
{io_in[14], 3'b0, io_in[15], 3'b0, io_in[16], 3'b0,
io_in[17], 3'b0, io_in[18], 3'b0, io_in[19], 3'b0,
io_in[20], 3'b0, io_in[21], 1'b0} :
(gpio_input_slice == 2) ? // Right shifted
{22'b0, io_in[14], io_in[15], io_in[16], io_in[17],
io_in[18], io_in[19], io_in[20], io_in[21]} :
(gpio_input_slice == 3) ? // Centered
{11'b0, io_in[14], io_in[15], io_in[16], io_in[17],
io_in[18], io_in[19], io_in[20], io_in[21], 11'b0} :
{io_in[14], io_in[15], io_in[16], io_in[17], io_in[18],
io_in[19], io_in[20], io_in[21], 22'b0}; // Left shifted
assign gpio_west = // I/O 22 to 29
(gpio_input_slice == 0) ? 22'b0 : // No pad input
(gpio_input_slice == 1) ? // Distributed
{io_in[22], 3'b0, io_in[23], 3'b0, io_in[24], 3'b0,
io_in[25], 3'b0, io_in[26], 3'b0, io_in[27], 3'b0,
io_in[28], 3'b0, io_in[29], 1'b0} :
(gpio_input_slice == 2) ? // Bottom shifted
{22'b0, io_in[22], io_in[23], io_in[24], io_in[25],
io_in[26], io_in[27], io_in[28], io_in[29]} :
(gpio_input_slice == 3) ? // Centered
{11'b0, io_in[22], io_in[23], io_in[24], io_in[25],
io_in[26], io_in[27], io_in[28], io_in[29], 11'b0} :
{io_in[22], io_in[23], io_in[24], io_in[25], io_in[26],
io_in[27], io_in[28], io_in[29], 22'b0}; // Top shifted
assign gpio_south = // I/O 30 to 37
(gpio_input_slice == 0) ? 22'b0 : // No pad input
(gpio_input_slice == 1) ? // Distributed
{io_in[37], 3'b0, io_in[36], 3'b0, io_in[35], 3'b0,
io_in[34], 3'b0, io_in[33], 3'b0, io_in[32], 3'b0,
io_in[31], 3'b0, io_in[30], 1'b0} :
(gpio_input_slice == 2) ? {22'b0, io_in[37:30]} : // Right shifted
(gpio_input_slice == 3) ? {11'b0, io_in[37:30], 11'b0} : // Centered
{io_in[37:30], 22'b0}; // Left shifted
// East side
assign io_out[6] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[0] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[11] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[22] : // Top
data_out_east[0]; // Bottom
assign io_out[7] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[4] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[12] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[23] : // Top
data_out_east[1]; // Bottom
assign io_out[8] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[8] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[13] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[24] : // Top
data_out_east[2]; // Bottom
assign io_out[9] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[12] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[14] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[25] : // Top
data_out_east[3]; // Bottom
assign io_out[10] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[16] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[15] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[26] : // Top
data_out_east[4]; // Bottom
assign io_out[11] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[20] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[16] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[27] : // Top
data_out_east[5]; // Bottom
assign io_out[12] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[24] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[17] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[28] : // Top
data_out_east[6]; // Bottom
assign io_out[13] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_east[28] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_east[18] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_east[29] : // Top
data_out_east[7]; // Bottom
// North side
assign io_out[14] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[28] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[18] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[29] : // Top
data_out_north[7]; // Bottom
assign io_out[15] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[24] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[17] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[28] : // Top
data_out_north[6]; // Bottom
assign io_out[16] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[20] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[16] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[27] : // Right
data_out_north[5]; // Left
assign io_out[17] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[16] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[15] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[26] : // Right
data_out_north[4]; // Left
assign io_out[18] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[12] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[14] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[25] : // Right
data_out_north[3]; // Left
assign io_out[19] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[8] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[13] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[24] : // Right
data_out_north[2]; // Left
assign io_out[20] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[4] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[12] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[23] : // Right
data_out_north[1]; // Left
assign io_out[21] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_north[0] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_north[11] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_north[22] : // Right
data_out_north[0]; // Left
// West side
assign io_out[22] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[28] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[18] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[29] : // Top
data_out_west[7]; // Bottom
assign io_out[23] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[24] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[17] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[28] : // Top
data_out_west[6]; // Bottom
assign io_out[24] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[20] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[16] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[27] : // Top
data_out_west[5]; // Bottom
assign io_out[25] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[16] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[15] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[26] : // Top
data_out_west[4]; // Bottom
assign io_out[26] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[12] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[14] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[25] : // Top
data_out_west[3]; // Bottom
assign io_out[27] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[8] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[13] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[24] : // Top
data_out_west[2]; // Bottom
assign io_out[28] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[4] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[12] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[23] : // Top
data_out_west[1]; // Bottom
assign io_out[29] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_west[0] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_west[11] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_west[22] : // Top
data_out_west[0]; // Bottom
// South side
assign io_out[30] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[0] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[11] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[22] : // Top
data_out_south[0]; // Bottom
assign io_out[31] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[4] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[12] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[23] : // Top
data_out_south[1]; // Bottom
assign io_out[32] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[8] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[13] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[24] : // Right
data_out_south[2]; // Left
assign io_out[33] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[12] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[14] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[25] : // Right
data_out_south[3]; // Left
assign io_out[34] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[16] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[15] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[26] : // Right
data_out_south[4]; // Left
assign io_out[35] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[20] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[16] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[27] : // Right
data_out_south[5]; // Left
assign io_out[36] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[24] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[17] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[28] : // Right
data_out_south[6]; // Left
assign io_out[37] =
(gpio_output_slice == 0) ? data_out_south[28] : // Distributed
(gpio_output_slice == 1) ? data_out_south[18] : // Center
(gpio_output_slice == 2) ? data_out_south[29] : // Right
data_out_south[7]; // Left
// Map the output data from the sides to a single array that can be
// broken up into 32 bit segments for data transfer.
assign data_out = {data_out_north, data_out_east, data_out_south, data_out_west};
/* Read data (only rdata is something that was not written by the processor) */
always @* begin
rdata_pre = 'b0;
if (xfer_sel) begin
rdata_pre = {30'b0, busy};
end else if (config_sel[0]) begin
rdata_pre = rdata[31:0];
end else if (config_sel[1]) begin
rdata_pre = rdata[63:32];
end else if (address_sel) begin
/* When ADDRESS is selected, pass back the existing cell */
/* count rather than what was written into cell_addr. */
rdata_pre = bit_count[ASIZE + 6: 7];
end else if (direct_sel) begin
rdata_pre = gpio_oeb;
end else if (source_sel) begin
rdata_pre = {9'b0, gpio_output_slice, 1'b0, gpio_input_slice,
1'b0, north_loopback, 1'b0, east_loopback,
1'b0, south_loopback, 1'b0, west_loopback};
end else if (data_sel[0]) begin
rdata_pre = data_out[31:0];
end else if (data_sel[1]) begin
rdata_pre = data_out[63:32];
end else if (data_sel[2]) begin
rdata_pre = data_out[95:64];
end else if (data_sel[3]) begin
rdata_pre = {8'b0, data_out[119:96]};
/* Read data */
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i) begin
wbs_dat_o <= 0;
ready <= 0;
end else begin
ready <= 0;
if (valid && !ready && (wbs_adr_i[31:8] == BASE_ADR[31:8])) begin
ready <= 1'b1;
wbs_dat_o <= rdata_pre;
// Map the latched data from the sides to a single array that can be
// broken up into 32 bit segments for data transfer.
assign latched_in_north = latched_in[2*XSIZE+2*YSIZE-1:2*XSIZE+YSIZE];
assign latched_in_east = latched_in[2*YSIZE+XSIZE-1:YSIZE+XSIZE];
assign latched_in_south = latched_in[YSIZE+XSIZE-1:YSIZE];
assign latched_in_west = latched_in[YSIZE-1:0];
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i) begin
cell_addr <= 0;
gpio_oeb <= 0;
xfer_ctrl <= 0;
local_reset <= 0;
west_loopback <= 0;
east_loopback <= 0;
north_loopback <= 0;
south_loopback <= 0;
gpio_input_slice <= 0;
gpio_output_slice <= 0;
latched_in <= 0;
wdata <= 0;
write <= 1'b0;
end else begin
write <= 1'b0;
if (valid && !ready && wbs_adr_i[31:8] == BASE_ADR[31:8]) begin
if (xfer_sel) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) begin
xfer_ctrl <= wbs_dat_i[1:0];
local_reset <= wbs_dat_i[2];
end else if (config_sel[0]) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) wdata[7:0] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) wdata[15:8] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (iomem_we[2]) wdata[23:16] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (iomem_we[3]) wdata[31:24] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
if (|iomem_we) write <= 1'b1;
end else if (config_sel[1]) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) wdata[39:32] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) wdata[47:40] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (iomem_we[2]) wdata[55:48] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (iomem_we[3]) wdata[63:56] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
if (|iomem_we) write <= 1'b1;
end else if (address_sel) begin
// NOTE: Assumes MAXADDR > 256 && MAXADDR < 65536
if (iomem_we[0]) cell_addr[7:0] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) cell_addr[ASIZE-1:8] <= wbs_dat_i[ASIZE-1:8];
end else if (direct_sel) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) gpio_oeb[7:0] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) gpio_oeb[15:8] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (iomem_we[2]) gpio_oeb[23:16] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (iomem_we[3]) gpio_oeb[31:24] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
end else if (source_sel) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) begin
west_loopback <= wbs_dat_i[2:0];
south_loopback <= wbs_dat_i[6:4];
if (iomem_we[1]) begin
east_loopback <= wbs_dat_i[2:0];
north_loopback <= wbs_dat_i[6:4];
if (iomem_we[2]) begin
gpio_input_slice <= wbs_dat_i[2:0];
gpio_output_slice <= wbs_dat_i[6:4];
end else if (data_sel[0]) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) latched_in[7:0] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) latched_in[15:8] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (iomem_we[2]) latched_in[23:16] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (iomem_we[3]) latched_in[31:24] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
end else if (data_sel[1]) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) latched_in[39:32] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) latched_in[47:40] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (iomem_we[2]) latched_in[55:48] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (iomem_we[3]) latched_in[63:56] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
end else if (data_sel[2]) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) latched_in[71:64] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) latched_in[79:72] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (iomem_we[2]) latched_in[87:80] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
if (iomem_we[3]) latched_in[95:88] <= wbs_dat_i[31:24];
end else if (data_sel[3]) begin
if (iomem_we[0]) latched_in[103:96] <= wbs_dat_i[7:0];
if (iomem_we[1]) latched_in[111:104] <= wbs_dat_i[15:8];
if (iomem_we[2]) latched_in[119:112] <= wbs_dat_i[23:16];
end else begin
xfer_ctrl <= 0; // Immediately self-resetting
local_reset <= 0; // Immediately self-resetting
/* Transfer status */
assign busy[0] = (xfer_state == `START || xfer_state == `XDATAS);
assign busy[1] = (xfer_state == `FINISH || xfer_state == `XDATAF ||
xfer_state == `LOAD);
/* Transfer cycles */
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i == 1'b1) begin
xfer_state <= `IDLE;
bit_count <= 'd0;
cell_offset <= 'd0;
clk <= 1'b0;
hold <= 1'b1;
end else begin
clk <= 1'b0;
hold <= 1'b1;
if (xfer_state == `IDLE) begin
if (xfer_ctrl[0] == 1'b1) begin
xfer_state <= `START;
end else if (xfer_ctrl[1] == 1'b1) begin
xfer_state <= `FINISH;
end else if (xfer_state == `START) begin
bit_count[ASIZE + 6:7] <= cell_addr;
bit_count[6:0] <= 7'b1111110;
xfer_state <= `XDATAS;
end else if (xfer_state == `FINISH) begin
bit_count[ASIZE + 6:7] <= `MAXADDR - cell_offset;
bit_count[6:0] <= 7'b1111110;
xfer_state <= `XDATAF;
end else if (xfer_state == `XDATAS) begin
clk <= ~clk;
bit_count <= bit_count - 1;
if (bit_count[6:0] == 0) begin
cell_offset <= cell_offset + 1;
if (clk == 1'b0) begin
if (bit_count == 0) begin
xfer_state <= `IDLE;
end else if (xfer_state == `XDATAF) begin
clk <= ~clk;
bit_count <= bit_count - 1;
if (bit_count[6:0] == 0) begin
cell_offset <= cell_offset + 1;
if (clk == 1'b0) begin
if (bit_count == 0) begin
xfer_state <= `LOAD;
end else if (xfer_state == `LOAD) begin
hold <= 1'b0;
xfer_state <= `IDLE;
cell_offset <= 'd0;
* Chaos array (XSIZE * YSIZE)
module chaos_array #(
parameter XSIZE = 30, /* Total number of cells in X */
parameter YSIZE = 30, /* Total number of cells in Y */
parameter XTOP = 3, /* Number of sub-arrays in X */
parameter YTOP = 3, /* Number of sub-arrays in Y */
parameter BASE_ADR = 32'h3000_0000
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input clk,
input reset,
input hold,
input write,
input [63:0] wdata,
output [63:0] rdata,
input [YSIZE-1:0] data_in_east, // Perimeter input
input [YSIZE-1:0] data_in_west,
input [XSIZE-1:0] data_in_north,
input [XSIZE-1:0] data_in_south,
output [YSIZE-1:0] data_out_east, // Perimeter output
output [YSIZE-1:0] data_out_west,
output [XSIZE-1:0] data_out_north,
output [XSIZE-1:0] data_out_south
wire [XSIZE - 1: 0] uconn [YTOP: 0]; // Upward moving data
wire [XSIZE - 1: 0] dconn [YTOP: 0]; // Downward moving data
wire [YSIZE - 1: 0] rconn [XTOP: 0]; // Rightward moving data
wire [YSIZE - 1: 0] lconn [XTOP: 0]; // Leftward moving data
wire [YTOP - 1: 0] shiftreg [XTOP: 0];
wire [YTOP - 1: 0] clkarray [XTOP: 0];
wire io_data_sel; // wishbone select data
wire xfer_sel; // wishbone select transfer
assign clkarray[0][0] = clk;
// Sub-array architecture:
// dudu dudu dudu
// |^|^ |^|^ |^|^
// v|v| v|v| v|v|
// +------+ +------+ +------+
// r->| |->| |->| |->r
// l<-| |<-| |<-| |<-l
// r->| |->| |->| |->r
// l<-| |<-| |<-| |<-l
// +------+ +------+ +------+
// |^|^ |^|^ |^|^
// v|v| v|v| v|v|
// +------+ +------+ +------+
// r->| |->| |->| |->r
// l<-| |<-| |<-| |<-l
// r->| |->| |->| |->r
// l<-| |<-| |<-| |<-l
// +------+ +------+ +------+
// |^|^ |^|^ |^|^
// v|v| v|v| v|v|
// dudu dudu dudu
// Each box in the above diagram is a sub-array size 2x2.
// The top level has XSIZE = 6, YSIZE = 4 with XTOP = 3
// and YTOP = 2.
// The top-level inputs and outputs are the perimeter values
// on the four edges of the top level array.
// To represent all the connections among the sub-arrays, it
// can be seen from the above that d and u (dconn and uconn)
// are arrays of size (XSIZE, YTOP + 1), while l and r (lconn
// and rconn) are arrays of size (XTOP + 1, YSIZE).
// NOTE: For viewing internal signals in gtkwave,
// some 2D arrays may need to be copied into 1D arrays.
// See the original verilog for examples.
/* The perimeter inputs and outputs connect the array to the
* parent module. Note that this hides all the interior data,
* which could be an issue with understanding how the circuit
* works.
assign data_out_north = uconn[YTOP][XSIZE - 1:0];
assign data_out_south = dconn[0][XSIZE - 1:0];
assign data_out_east = rconn[XTOP][YSIZE - 1:0];
assign data_out_west = lconn[0][YSIZE - 1:0];
assign dconn[YTOP][XSIZE - 1:0] = data_in_north;
assign uconn[0][XSIZE - 1:0] = data_in_south;
assign rconn[0][YSIZE - 1:0] = data_in_west;
assign lconn[XTOP][YSIZE - 1:0] = data_in_east;
genvar i, j;
/* NOTE: To see the internal cell values in gtkwave, it is necessary
* to split out a few individual instances from the 2D array. Loop
* from j = 1 in 2D generate loop, then add a 1D generate loop for
* i = N to XSIZE with j set to zero, then add individual instances for
* i = 0 to N - 1 with j set to zero.
/* Connected array of subarrays */
for (j = 0; j < YTOP; j=j+1) begin: subarrayy
for (i = 0; i < XTOP; i=i+1) begin: subarrayx
chaos_subarray #(
) chaos_subarray_inst (
/* NOTE: This would work better topologically if each */
/* row switched the direction of the shift register. */
for (j = 0; j < YTOP - 1; j=j+1) begin: shifty
assign shiftreg[0][j+1] = shiftreg[XTOP][j];
assign clkarray[0][j+1] = clkarray[XTOP][j];
/* Storage for data transfers to and from the processor. This is */
/* 64 bits, so can hold the configuration data for one core cell. */
reg [63:0] lutdata;
/* Wire up the lutdata registers as a shift register and connect the */
/* ends to the array's shift register to form a loop. */
always @(posedge clk or posedge write) begin
if (write) begin
/* Copy data from wdata to lutdata on write */
lutdata <= wdata;
end else begin
/* Shift data on clock when "write" is not raised */
lutdata[63:1] <= lutdata[62:0];
lutdata[0] <= shiftreg[XTOP][YTOP-1];
assign shiftreg[0][0] = lutdata[63];
assign rdata = lutdata; /* Data to read back */
`default_nettype wire