blob: 9459455d5f3c5060eccf6bbfe9f958d48ac3248d [file] [log] [blame]
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`default_nettype none
* chaos_subarray
* This is a portion of the chaos_automaton array. The array
* has been broken up into smaller sub-arrays because the
* full design runs out of memory on a relatively ample 16GB
* machine. However, a 10x10 array could be synthesized, so
* the revised approach is to generate a macro out of the
* 10x10 array, and then tile that macro in the final design.
* For an example, the 10x10 array can be synthesized into a
* 900x900 micron area in Sky130, so there is room for a 3x3
* array of these macros, for a total cell count of 30x30.
* NOTE: The programming of each cell follows the same
* method used by the GPIO control block programming in
* caravel with respect to clock and data: The clock is
* propagated from cell to cell through the array so that
* each cell's clock has a (relatively) fixed timing relative
* to the data, and does not require a massive clock tree.
* The last data bit from the cell's shift register is
* reclocked on the clock's falling edge so that the timing
* of the clock to the following cell has a large margin.
* Reset and hold, however, are global signals because the
* data update needs to be as simultaneous as the synthesis
* tools can make it.
* Chaos automaton base cell definitions: Map directions to
* array indexes, in clockwise order
`define NORTH 3
`define EAST 2
`define SOUTH 1
`define WEST 0
* Chaos base cell (four 4-input LUTs + data load circuitry)
* NOTE: The last data bit out is clocked on the falling edge
* of the clock so that there is no possibility of a hold
* violation between cells.
module chaos_cell (
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input inorth, isouth, ieast, iwest,
output onorth, osouth, oeast, owest,
input iclk, /* Serial load clock (in) */
output oclk, /* Serial load clock (out) */
input reset, /* System reset */
input hold, /* Data latch signal */
input idata, /* Shift register input */
output odata /* Shift register output */
reg [15:0] lutfunc [3:0]; /* LUT configuration data */
reg [15:0] lutdata [3:0]; /* Latched LUT configuration data */
reg odata; /* Latched shift register output */
wire [3:0] inesw;
wire [3:0] ieswn;
wire [3:0] iswne;
wire [3:0] iwnes;
/* Gather inputs into arrays. There is one array per direction, so */
/* that the array is always oriented relative to the position of */
/* the output being generated. */
assign inesw = {inorth, ieast, isouth, iwest};
assign ieswn = {ieast, isouth, iwest, inorth};
assign iswne = {isouth, iwest, inorth, ieast};
assign iwnes = {iwest, inorth, ieast, isouth};
/* Core functions */
/* The four LUTs define each output as a function of the four inputs */
/* To do: Make everything rotationally symmetric */
/* NOTE: condition of zeroing on hold == 0 is needed to make */
/* simulation run; otherwise outputs are all X. The system will */
/* work without it. */
assign onorth = (!hold) ? 0 : lutdata[`NORTH][inesw];
assign oeast = (!hold) ? 0 : lutdata[`EAST][ieswn];
assign osouth = (!hold) ? 0 : lutdata[`SOUTH][iswne];
assign owest = (!hold) ? 0 : lutdata[`WEST][iwnes];
/* Inferred latches from shift register */
always @* begin
if (!hold) begin
lutdata[0] = lutfunc[0];
lutdata[1] = lutfunc[1];
lutdata[2] = lutfunc[2];
lutdata[3] = lutfunc[3];
/* Implement the shift register operation */
always @(posedge iclk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
lutfunc[`NORTH] <= 16'd0;
lutfunc[`SOUTH] <= 16'd0;
lutfunc[`EAST] <= 16'd0;
lutfunc[`WEST] <= 16'd0;
end else begin
lutfunc[`NORTH][15:1] <= lutfunc[`NORTH][14:0];
lutfunc[`EAST][15:1] <= lutfunc[`EAST][14:0];
lutfunc[`SOUTH][15:1] <= lutfunc[`SOUTH][14:0];
lutfunc[`WEST][15:1] <= lutfunc[`WEST][14:0];
lutfunc[`NORTH][0] <= idata;
lutfunc[`EAST][0] <= lutfunc[`NORTH][15];
lutfunc[`SOUTH][0] <= lutfunc[`EAST][15];
lutfunc[`WEST][0] <= lutfunc[`SOUTH][15];
always @(negedge iclk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
odata <= 1'b0;
end else begin
odata <= lutfunc[`WEST][15];
/* Propagate clock */
assign oclk = iclk;
* Chaos sub-array (XSIZE * YSIZE)
module chaos_subarray #(
parameter XSIZE = 10,
parameter YSIZE = 6
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input [XSIZE-1:0] inorth, isouth,
input [YSIZE-1:0] ieast, iwest,
output [XSIZE-1:0] onorth, osouth,
output [YSIZE-1:0] oeast, owest,
input iclk, /* Serial load clock (in) */
output oclk, /* Serial load clock (out) */
input reset, /* System reset */
input hold, /* Data latch signal */
input idata, /* Shift register input */
output odata /* Shift register output */
wire [XSIZE - 1: 0] uconn [YSIZE: 0];
wire [XSIZE - 1: 0] dconn [YSIZE: 0];
wire [YSIZE - 1: 0] rconn [XSIZE: 0];
wire [YSIZE - 1: 0] lconn [XSIZE: 0];
/* The shift register (data) and clock wind through the cells */
/* to maintain consistent timing. Hold and reset are applied */
/* simultaneously. */
wire [YSIZE - 1: 0] shiftreg [XSIZE: 0];
wire [YSIZE - 1: 0] clkarray [XSIZE: 0];
genvar i, j;
/* Connected array of cells */
for (j = 0; j < YSIZE; j=j+1) begin: celly
for (i = 0; i < XSIZE; i=i+1) begin: cellx
chaos_cell chaos_cell_inst (
/* NOTE: This would work better topologically if each */
/* row switched the direction of clock and data. */
for (j = 0; j < YSIZE - 1; j=j+1) begin: shifty
assign shiftreg[0][j+1] = shiftreg[XSIZE][j];
assign clkarray[0][j+1] = clkarray[XSIZE][j];
/* Connect the endpoints of the array to the inputs and outputs of the module */
for (j = 0; j < YSIZE; j=j+1) begin: conny
assign rconn[0][j] = iwest[j];
assign lconn[XSIZE][j] = ieast[j];
assign oeast[j] = rconn[XSIZE][j];
assign owest[j] = lconn[0][j];
for (i = 0; i < XSIZE; i=i+1) begin: connx
assign uconn[0][i] = isouth[i];
assign dconn[YSIZE][i] = inorth[i];
assign onorth[i] = uconn[YSIZE][i];
assign osouth[i] = dconn[0][i];
/* Connect the shift register endpoints to the input and output of the module */
assign shiftreg[0][0] = idata;
assign odata = shiftreg[XSIZE][YSIZE-1];
/* Do the same to the clock array endpoints */
assign clkarray[0][0] = iclk;
assign oclk = clkarray[XSIZE][YSIZE-1];
/* Propagate clock */
assign oclk = iclk;
`default_nettype wire