blob: 293e04b9529dd535e8f556c7b3806dd7dc3f6fcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Verilated -*- C++ -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator output: Primary model header
// This header should be included by all source files instantiating the design.
// The class here is then constructed to instantiate the design.
// See the Verilator manual for examples.
#define VERILATED_VDECODER_H_ // guard
#include "verilated.h"
class Vdecoder__Syms;
class Vdecoder___024root;
// This class is the main interface to the Verilated model
class Vdecoder VL_NOT_FINAL {
// Symbol table holding complete model state (owned by this class)
Vdecoder__Syms* const vlSymsp;
// The application code writes and reads these signals to
// propagate new values into/out from the Verilated model.
// Public to allow access to /* verilator public */ items.
// Otherwise the application code can consider these internals.
// Root instance pointer to allow access to model internals,
// including inlined /* verilator public_flat_* */ items.
Vdecoder___024root* const rootp;
/// Construct the model; called by application code
/// If contextp is null, then the model will use the default global context
/// If name is "", then makes a wrapper with a
/// single model invisible with respect to DPI scope names.
explicit Vdecoder(VerilatedContext* contextp, const char* name = "TOP");
explicit Vdecoder(const char* name = "TOP");
/// Destroy the model; called (often implicitly) by application code
virtual ~Vdecoder();
VL_UNCOPYABLE(Vdecoder); ///< Copying not allowed
/// Evaluate the model. Application must call when inputs change.
void eval() { eval_step(); }
/// Evaluate when calling multiple units/models per time step.
void eval_step();
/// Evaluate at end of a timestep for tracing, when using eval_step().
/// Application must call after all eval() and before time changes.
void eval_end_step() {}
/// Simulation complete, run final blocks. Application must call on completion.
void final();
/// Return current simulation context for this model.
/// Used to get to e.g. simulation time via contextp()->time()
VerilatedContext* contextp() const;
/// Retrieve name of this model instance (as passed to constructor).
const char* name() const;
#endif // guard