blob: 620669a622f6251740a621b51c158fcb74d5a508 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Tamas Hubai
`default_nettype none
// testbenches for neuron.v
// synapse is an edge between two neurons with two-way propagation
// and an updatable weight
module synapse_tb ();
reg clk;
reg fp;
wire fp_out;
reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] a;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] zc;
reg bp;
wire bp_out;
reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] e;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] tc;
reg wu;
reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] w_in;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] w_out;
synapse dut (
initial begin
clk <= 0;
fp <= 0;
bp <= 0;
wu <= 0;
$monitor("time %4t fp %1b fp_out %1b a %16b zc %16b bp %1b bp_out %1b e %16b tc %16b wu %1b w_in %16b w_out %16b", $time, fp, fp_out, a[31:16], zc[31:16], bp, bp_out, e[31:16], tc[31:16], wu, w_in[31:16], w_out[31:16]);
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
wu <= 1;
w_in <= 3 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
wu <= 0;
w_in <= 5 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
a <= 7 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
fp <= 1;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
fp <= 0;
a <= 5 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
e <= 7 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
bp <= 1;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
bp <= 0;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
// generic neuron with two-way propagation that needs to be connected to
// the respective activation function and its derivative to make
// either a ReLU or a softmax neuron
module neuron_tb ();
reg clk;
reg fp;
wire fp_out;
reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] z;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] a;
reg bp;
wire bp_out;
reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] t;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] e;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] to_act;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] from_act;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] from_act_diff;
neuron dut (
assign from_act = to_act * 9;
assign from_act_diff = to_act * 17;
initial begin
clk <= 0;
fp <= 0;
bp <= 0;
$monitor("time %4t fp %1b fp_out %1b z %16b a %16b bp %1b bp_out %1b t %16b e %16b ta %16b fa %16b fad %16b", $time, fp, fp_out, z[35:20], a[35:20], bp, bp_out, t[35:20], e[35:20], to_act[35:20], from_act[35:20], from_act_diff[35:20]);
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
z <= 3 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
fp <= 1;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
fp <= 0;
z <= 5 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
t <= 7 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
bp <= 1;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;
bp <= 0;
t <= 9 << `FRAC_WIDTH;
#5 clk<=1; #5 clk<=0;