blob: b84feb25a67c976cb2dc3c96008ee69df5930ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Tamas Hubai
`default_nettype none
// synapse and neuron primitives for building up the neural network layers
// synapse is an edge between two neurons with two-way propagation
// and an updatable weight
module synapse (
input clk,
input fp, // forward propagation
output reg fp_out,
input [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] a,
output reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] zc,
input bp, // backward propagation
output reg bp_out,
input [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] e,
output reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] tc,
input wu, // weight update
input [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] w_in,
output [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] w_out
reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] w;
assign w_out = w;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] zn;
mul_sat_comb i_mul_z (
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] tn;
mul_sat_comb i_mul_t (
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] cn;
mul_sat_comb i_mul_c (
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] wn;
sub_sat_comb i_sub_w (
.b($signed(cn) >>> `LEARN_SHIFT),
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (fp) begin
zc <= zn;
fp_out <= fp;
if (bp) begin
tc <= tn;
w <= wn;
bp_out <= bp;
if (wu) begin
w <= w_in;
// generic neuron with two-way propagation that needs to be connected to
// the respective activation function and its derivative to make
// either a ReLU or a softmax neuron
module neuron (
input clk,
input fp, // forward propagation
output reg fp_out,
input [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] z,
output reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] a,
input bp, // backward propagation
output reg bp_out,
input [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] t,
output reg [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] e,
output [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] to_act, // to activation function
input [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] from_act,
input [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] from_act_diff
assign to_act = z;
wire [`NUM_WIDTH-1:0] en;
mul_sat_comb i_mul_e (
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (fp) begin
a <= from_act;
fp_out <= fp;
if (bp) begin
e <= en;
bp_out <= bp;