blob: e2c80d166bffa691ceb9ac088b194ff2a0530caa [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Tamas Hubai
`default_nettype none
// numbers are represented as fixed-point fractions
// with an integral part of INT_WIDTH bits
// and a fractional part of FRAC_WIDTH bits
// (64 bits are an overkill here, but simulations were run on a 64-bit platform)
`define INT_WIDTH 40
`define FRAC_WIDTH 24
// multiplication is the main bottleneck in the circuit complexity
// so we recude integer & fractional widths for multiplications
// (this didn't significantly affect learning speed in our tests)
`define MUL_INT_WIDTH 6
// number of neurons in input, hidden 1, hidden 2 & output layers
`define INPUT_SIZE 1
`define HIDDEN1_SIZE 1
`define HIDDEN2_SIZE 1
`define OUTPUT_SIZE 1
// bits required to describe the sizes above
`define INDEX_WIDTH 10
// power of 1/2 used an the slope of leaky ReLU's negative part
`define LEAK_SHIFT 7
// power of 1/2 used as the learning rate
`define LEARN_SHIFT 7