blob: 949d50a078a8b7e32ef612e43cb7be7dfa773add [file] [log] [blame]
import re
import os
# We place a 40um halo around the macros, so if we place the macros 40um
# in from the edges we will allow some space for routing external I/Os on
# the periphery while still preventing any standard cells from being laid
# down
horizontal_margin = 40
vertical_margin = 40
horizontal_placement = 0.46
vertical_placement = 2.72
# Wrapper size
die_size = (2920, 3520)
r = re.compile('SIZE\s+([0-9\.]+) BY ([0-9\.]+) ;')
def get_macro_size(name):
lef_file = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../../../lef/' + name + '.lef'
with open(lef_file) as f:
for line in f:
m =
if m:
lx = float(
ly = float(
return (lx, ly)
def align(size, align_val):
multiple = int((size+align_val)/align_val)
return multiple*align_val
def align_down(size, align_val):
multiple = int(size/align_val)
return multiple*align_val
def align_h(size):
return align(size, horizontal_placement)
def align_v(size):
return align(size, vertical_placement)
def align_h_down(size):
return align_down(size, horizontal_placement)
def align_v_down(size):
return align_down(size, vertical_placement)
# Macro sizes
ram512 = get_macro_size('RAM512')
ram32_1rw1r = get_macro_size('RAM32_1RW1R')
multiply_add_64x64 = get_macro_size('multiply_add_64x64')
microwatt_fp_dffrfile = get_macro_size('Microwatt_FP_DFFRFile')
# Macro layout
# RAM at top
ram_l = (align_h((die_size[X]-ram512[X])/2), align_v_down(die_size[Y]-ram512[Y]-vertical_margin))
# cache RAMs at bottom - need a bigger margin because there are a lot of wires
icache_ram_1_l = (align_h(horizontal_margin), align_v(vertical_margin))
dcache_ram_1_l = (align_h_down(die_size[X]-ram32_1rw1r[X]-horizontal_margin), align_v(vertical_margin))
cache_end_y = icache_ram_1_l[Y]+ram32_1rw1r[Y]
middle_y = (ram_l[Y]-cache_end_y)/2 + cache_end_y
# Multipliers and regfile in middle
multiplier_l = (align_h(horizontal_margin), align_v(cache_end_y + 300))
multiplier_fpu_l = (align_h(horizontal_margin), align_v(ram_l[Y]-multiply_add_64x64[Y]-300))
regfile_l = (align_h_down(die_size[X]-microwatt_fp_dffrfile[X]-horizontal_margin), align_v(middle_y - microwatt_fp_dffrfile[Y]/2))
print('microwatt_0.soc0.bram_bram0.ram_0.memory_0 %8.3f %8.3f N' % ram_l)
print('microwatt_0.soc0.processor.dcache_0.rams_n1_way.cache_ram_0 %8.3f %8.3f N' % icache_ram_1_l)
print('microwatt_0.soc0.processor.icache_0.rams_n1_way.cache_ram_0 %8.3f %8.3f N' % dcache_ram_1_l)
print('microwatt_0.soc0.processor.execute1_0.multiply_0.multiplier %8.3f %8.3f N' % multiplier_l)
print('microwatt_0.soc0.processor.with_fpu_fpu_0.fpu_multiply_0.multiplier %8.3f %8.3f N' % multiplier_fpu_l)
print('microwatt_0.soc0.processor.register_file_0.register_file_0 %8.3f %8.3f N' % regfile_l)