docs/quickstart: simplify instructions

- use github template
- update links
diff --git a/docs/source/quickstart.rst b/docs/source/quickstart.rst
index 3ca86c0..099afe5 100644
--- a/docs/source/quickstart.rst
+++ b/docs/source/quickstart.rst
@@ -36,38 +36,21 @@
-#. To start the project you need to first create an empty Git project on Github and make sure your repo is public and includes a README
+#. To start the project you first need to create a new repository based on the `caravel_user_project <>`_ template and make sure your repo is public and includes a README.
-#.  Open your Terminal. Create an empty folder to use as your Caravel workspace, and navigate to it.
+   *   Follow to create a new repository.
+   *   Clone the reposity using the following command:
     .. code:: bash
-        # Create a directory and call it anything you want
-        mkdir -p caravel_tutorial
-        # navigate into the directory
-        cd caravel_tutorial
-#.  Clone caravel_user_project and setup the git environment as follows
-    .. code:: bash
-        # Make sure that "caravel_example" matches the empty github repo name in step 1
-        git clone -b mpw-6b caravel_example
-        cd caravel_example
-        git remote rename origin upstream
-        # You need to put your empty github repo URL from step 1
-        git remote add origin <your github repo URL>
-        # Create a new branch, you can name it anything 
-        git checkout -b <my_branch>
-        git push -u origin <my_branch>
+        git clone -b mpw-6c  <your github repo URL> caravel_example
 #.  Now that your git environment is setup, it's time to setup your local environment by running.
     .. code:: bash
+	cd caravel_example
     	# make sure to change <directory_name> with the directory you created in step 2
 	# in this case it is caravel_tutorial
 	export OPENLANE_ROOT=~/<directory_name>/openlane # you need to export this whenever you start a new shell
@@ -131,7 +114,7 @@
         make precheck
         make run-precheck
-#. You are done! now go to to submit your project!
+#. You are done! now go to to submit your project!
 .. |License| image::