module WBFlashInterface ( | |
// Wishbone Slave ports | |
input wire wb_clk_i, | |
input wire wb_rst_i, | |
input wire wb_stb_i, | |
input wire wb_cyc_i, | |
input wire wb_we_i, | |
input wire[3:0] wb_sel_i, | |
input wire[31:0] wb_data_i, | |
input wire[23:0] wb_adr_i, | |
output wire wb_ack_o, | |
output wire wb_stall_o, | |
output wire wb_error_o, | |
output wire[31:0] wb_data_o, | |
// Flash cache interface | |
output wire flashCache_readEnable, | |
output wire[23:0] flashCache_address, | |
output wire[3:0] flashCache_byteSelect, | |
input wire[31:0] flashCache_dataRead, | |
input wire flashCache_busy | |
); | |
localparam STATE_IDLE = 2'h0; | |
localparam STATE_WRITE_SINGLE = 2'h1; | |
localparam STATE_READ_SINGLE = 2'h2; | |
localparam STATE_FINISH = 2'h3; | |
reg[1:0] state = STATE_IDLE; | |
reg[23:0] currentAddress; | |
reg[3:0] currentByteSelect; | |
reg[31:0] currentDataIn; | |
reg stall = 1'b0; | |
reg acknowledge = 1'b0; | |
reg[31:0] dataRead_buffered; | |
always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin | |
if (wb_rst_i) begin | |
state <= STATE_IDLE; | |
stall <= 1'b0; | |
acknowledge <= 1'b0; | |
dataRead_buffered <= ~32'b0; | |
end else begin | |
case (state) | |
STATE_IDLE: begin | |
stall <= 1'b0; | |
acknowledge <= 1'b0; | |
dataRead_buffered <= ~32'b0; | |
if (wb_cyc_i) begin | |
if (wb_stb_i) begin | |
currentAddress <= wb_adr_i; | |
currentByteSelect <= wb_sel_i; | |
currentDataIn <= wb_data_i; | |
stall <= 1'b1; | |
if (wb_we_i) begin | |
state <= STATE_WRITE_SINGLE; | |
end else begin | |
state <= STATE_READ_SINGLE; | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
// Not allowed to write, so just acknowledge so the bus doesn't hang | |
state <= STATE_FINISH; | |
acknowledge <= 1'b1; | |
end | |
if (!flashCache_busy) begin | |
state <= STATE_FINISH; | |
acknowledge <= 1'b1; | |
dataRead_buffered <= flashCache_dataRead; | |
end | |
end | |
STATE_FINISH: begin | |
state <= STATE_IDLE; | |
stall <= 1'b0; | |
acknowledge <= 1'b0; | |
dataRead_buffered <= ~32'b0; | |
end | |
default: begin | |
state <= STATE_IDLE; | |
stall <= 1'b0; | |
acknowledge <= 1'b0; | |
end | |
endcase | |
end | |
end | |
// Connect wishbone bus signals | |
assign wb_ack_o = acknowledge; | |
assign wb_stall_o = stall; | |
assign wb_error_o = 1'b0; | |
// Connect peripheral bus signals | |
assign flashCache_readEnable = state == STATE_READ_SINGLE; | |
assign flashCache_address = state != STATE_IDLE ? currentAddress : 24'b0; | |
assign flashCache_byteSelect = state != STATE_IDLE ? currentByteSelect : 4'b0; | |
assign wb_data_o = dataRead_buffered; | |
endmodule |