Added a simple flash interface controller.
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Flash/FlashBuffer.v b/verilog/rtl/Flash/FlashBuffer.v
index acaae31..29c2171 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/Flash/FlashBuffer.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Flash/FlashBuffer.v
@@ -4,18 +4,22 @@
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
- // Flash cache interface
- input wire flashCache_readEnable,
- input wire[23:0] flashCache_address,
- input wire[3:0] flashCache_byteSelect,
- output wire[31:0] flashCache_dataRead,
- output wire flashCache_busy,
+ // Peripheral Bus
+ input wire peripheralBus_we,
+ input wire peripheralBus_oe,
+ input wire[23:0] peripheralBus_address,
+ input wire[3:0] peripheralBus_byteSelect,
+ input wire[31:0] peripheralBus_dataWrite,
+ output reg[31:0] peripheralBus_dataRead,
+ output wire peripheralBus_busy,
// QSPI device
- output wire[23:0] dataRequest_address,
- output wire dataRequest_enable,
- input wire[31:0] dataRequest_data,
- input wire dataRequest_dataValid,
+ output wire qspi_enable,
+ output wire[23:0] qspi_address,
+ output wire qspi_changeAddress,
+ output reg qspi_requestData,
+ input wire[31:0] qspi_readData,
+ input wire qspi_readDataValid,
// Flash controller SRAM rw port
output wire sram_clk0,
@@ -32,39 +36,149 @@
output wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE-1:0] sram_addr1,
input wire[31:0] sram_dout1
- //TODO: Flash cache control
- assign dataRequest_address = flashCache_address;
- assign dataRequest_enable = 1'b0;
+ reg[23:0] cachedAddress;
+ reg[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE:0] cachedCount;
+ wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE:0] nextCachedCount = cachedCount + 1;
+ wire[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE:0] cachedCountFinal = { 1'b1, {(SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE){1'b0}} };
+ // Select
+ wire sramEnable = peripheralBus_address[23:SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+2] == {(22-SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE){1'b0}};
+ wire registersEnable = peripheralBus_address[23:12] == 12'h001;
+ wire[11:0] localAddress = peripheralBus_address[11:0];
+ // Register
+ // Configuration register Default 0x0
+ // b00: enable Default 0x0
+ wire[31:0] configurationRegisterOutputData;
+ wire configurationRegisterOutputRequest;
+ wire configuration;
+ ConfigurationRegister #(.WIDTH(1), .ADDRESS(12'h000), .DEFAULT(1'b0)) configurationRegister(
+ .clk(clk),
+ .rst(rst),
+ .enable(registersEnable),
+ .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
+ .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
+ .peripheralBus_address(localAddress),
+ .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
+ .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
+ .peripheralBus_dataRead(configurationRegisterOutputData),
+ .requestOutput(configurationRegisterOutputRequest),
+ .currentValue(configuration));
+ assign qspi_enable = configuration;
+ // Base address register Default 0x0
+ reg[23:0] baseAddress;
+ wire[31:0] baseAddressRegisterOutputData;
+ wire baseAddressRegisterOutputRequest;
+ wire baseAddressRegisterBusBusy_nc;
+ wire[23:0] baseAddressRegisterWriteData;
+ wire baseAddressRegisterWriteDataEnable;
+ wire baseAddressRegisterReadDataEnable_nc;
+ DataRegister #(.WIDTH(24), .ADDRESS(12'h004)) baseAddressRegister(
+ .clk(clk),
+ .rst(rst),
+ .enable(registersEnable),
+ .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
+ .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
+ .peripheralBus_busy(baseAddressRegisterBusBusy_nc),
+ .peripheralBus_address(localAddress),
+ .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
+ .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
+ .peripheralBus_dataRead(baseAddressRegisterOutputData),
+ .requestOutput(baseAddressRegisterOutputRequest),
+ .writeData(baseAddressRegisterWriteData),
+ .writeData_en(baseAddressRegisterWriteDataEnable),
+ .writeData_busy(1'b0),
+ .readData(baseAddress),
+ .readData_en(baseAddressRegisterReadDataEnable_nc),
+ .readData_busy(1'b0));
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst) baseAddress <= 24'b0;
+ else if (baseAddressRegisterWriteDataEnable) baseAddress <= baseAddressRegisterWriteData;
+ end
+ // Cached address register
+ wire[31:0] cachedAddressRegisterOutputData;
+ wire cachedAddressRegisterOutputRequest;
+ wire cachedAddressRegisterBusBusy_nc;
+ wire[23:0] cachedAddressRegisterWriteData_nc;
+ wire cachedAddressRegisterWriteDataEnable_nc;
+ wire cachedAddressRegisterReadDataEnable_nc;
+ DataRegister #(.WIDTH(24), .ADDRESS(12'h008)) cachedAddressRegister(
+ .clk(clk),
+ .rst(rst),
+ .enable(registersEnable),
+ .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
+ .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
+ .peripheralBus_busy(cachedAddressRegisterBusBusy_nc),
+ .peripheralBus_address(localAddress),
+ .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
+ .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
+ .peripheralBus_dataRead(cachedAddressRegisterOutputData),
+ .requestOutput(cachedAddressRegisterOutputRequest),
+ .writeData(cachedAddressRegisterWriteData_nc),
+ .writeData_en(cachedAddressRegisterWriteDataEnable_nc),
+ .writeData_busy(1'b0),
+ .readData(cachedAddress),
+ .readData_en(cachedAddressRegisterReadDataEnable_nc),
+ .readData_busy(1'b0));
// Remember that the read data is only valid on the next clock cycle
reg flashCacheReadReady = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) flashCacheReadReady <= 1'b0;
- else if (flashCache_readEnable) flashCacheReadReady <= 1'b1;
+ else if (peripheralBus_oe && sramEnable) flashCacheReadReady <= 1'b1;
else flashCacheReadReady <= 1'b0;
- assign flashCache_dataRead = {
- flashCache_byteSelect[3] && flashCacheReadReady ? sram_dout1[31:24] : 8'h00,
- flashCache_byteSelect[2] && flashCacheReadReady ? sram_dout1[23:16] : 8'h00,
- flashCache_byteSelect[1] && flashCacheReadReady ? sram_dout1[15:8] : 8'h00,
- flashCache_byteSelect[0] && flashCacheReadReady ? sram_dout1[7:0] : 8'h00
- };
+ // Assign peripheral read
+ always @(*) begin
+ case (1'b1)
+ configurationRegisterOutputRequest: peripheralBus_dataRead <= configurationRegisterOutputData;
+ baseAddressRegisterOutputRequest: peripheralBus_dataRead <= baseAddressRegisterOutputData;
+ cachedAddressRegisterOutputRequest: peripheralBus_dataRead <= cachedAddressRegisterOutputData;
+ flashCacheReadReady: peripheralBus_dataRead <= sram_dout1;
+ default: peripheralBus_dataRead <= 32'b0;
+ endcase
+ end
- assign flashCache_busy = flashCache_readEnable && !flashCacheReadReady;
+ assign peripheralBus_busy = peripheralBus_oe && sramEnable && !flashCacheReadReady;
+ // QSPI interface
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst) begin
+ cachedAddress <= 32'b0;
+ cachedCount <= {SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE{1'b0}};
+ qspi_requestData <= 1'b0;
+ end else if (baseAddressRegisterWriteDataEnable) begin
+ cachedAddress <= baseAddressRegisterWriteData[23:2];
+ cachedCount <= {SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE{1'b0}};
+ qspi_requestData <= 1'b1;
+ end else if (qspi_requestData && qspi_readDataValid) begin
+ cachedAddress <= cachedAddress + 4;
+ cachedCount <= nextCachedCount;
+ qspi_requestData <= nextCachedCount != cachedCountFinal;
+ end
+ end
+ assign qspi_address = baseAddressRegisterWriteData;
+ assign qspi_changeAddress = baseAddressRegisterWriteDataEnable;
+ // Assign sram port
+ // Read/write port
assign sram_clk0 = clk;
- assign sram_csb0 = 1'b1; // Active low chip enable
- assign sram_web0 = 1'b1; // Active low write enable (probably keep as always write)
+ assign sram_csb0 = !(qspi_requestData && qspi_readDataValid); // Active low chip enable
+ assign sram_web0 = 1'b0; // Active low write enable (probably keep as always write)
assign sram_wmask0 = 4'b1111;
- assign sram_addr0 = {SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE{1'b0}};
- assign sram_din0 = 32'b0;
+ assign sram_addr0 = cachedAddress[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+1:2];
+ assign sram_din0 = qspi_readData;
// Read port
- wire validAddress = flashCache_address[23:SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+1] == 'b0;
assign sram_clk1 = clk;
- assign sram_csb1 = !(validAddress && flashCache_readEnable);
- assign sram_addr1 = flashCache_address[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+1:2];
+ assign sram_csb1 = !(sramEnable && peripheralBus_oe);
+ assign sram_addr1 = peripheralBus_address[SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE+1:2];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Flash/Flash_top.v b/verilog/rtl/Flash/Flash_top.v
index 16370a2..d5f31a2 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/Flash/Flash_top.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Flash/Flash_top.v
@@ -52,13 +52,18 @@
localparam STATE_READ_CONTINUOUS = 2'b11;
// Wishbone interface
- wire flashCache_readEnable;
- wire[23:0] flashCache_address;
- wire[3:0] flashCache_byteSelect;
- wire[31:0] flashCache_dataRead;
- wire flashCache_busy;
- WBFlashInterface wbFlashInterface(
+ wire peripheralBus_we;
+ wire peripheralBus_oe;
+ wire peripheralBus_busy;
+ wire[23:0] peripheralBus_address;
+ wire[3:0] peripheralBus_byteSelect;
+ wire[31:0] peripheralBus_dataRead;
+ wire[31:0] peripheralBus_dataWrite;
+ WBPeripheralBusInterface wbPeripheralBusInterface(
+ .vccd1(vccd1), // User area 1 1.8V power
+ .vssd1(vssd1), // User area 1 digital ground
+ `endif
@@ -71,30 +76,38 @@
- .flashCache_readEnable(flashCache_readEnable),
- .flashCache_address(flashCache_address),
- .flashCache_byteSelect(flashCache_byteSelect),
- .flashCache_dataRead(flashCache_dataRead),
- .flashCache_busy(flashCache_busy));
+ .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
+ .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
+ .peripheralBus_address(peripheralBus_address),
+ .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
+ .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
+ .peripheralBus_dataRead(peripheralBus_dataRead),
+ .peripheralBus_busy(peripheralBus_busy));
// Flash cache
- wire[23:0] dataRequest_address;
- wire dataRequest_enable;
- wire[31:0] dataRequest_data;
- wire dataRequest_dataValid;
+ wire qspi_enable;
+ wire[23:0] qspi_address;
+ wire qspi_changeAddress;
+ wire qspi_requestData;
+ wire[31:0] qspi_readData;
+ wire qspi_readDataValid;
- FlashBuffer flashBuffer(
+ FlashBuffer #(.SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE(SRAM_ADDRESS_SIZE)) flashBuffer(
- .flashCache_readEnable(flashCache_readEnable),
- .flashCache_address(flashCache_address),
- .flashCache_byteSelect(flashCache_byteSelect),
- .flashCache_dataRead(flashCache_dataRead),
- .flashCache_busy(flashCache_busy),
- .dataRequest_address(dataRequest_address),
- .dataRequest_enable(dataRequest_enable),
- .dataRequest_data(dataRequest_data),
- .dataRequest_dataValid(dataRequest_dataValid),
+ .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
+ .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
+ .peripheralBus_address(peripheralBus_address),
+ .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
+ .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
+ .peripheralBus_dataRead(peripheralBus_dataRead),
+ .peripheralBus_busy(peripheralBus_busy),
+ .qspi_enable(qspi_enable),
+ .qspi_address(qspi_address),
+ .qspi_changeAddress(qspi_changeAddress),
+ .qspi_requestData(qspi_requestData),
+ .qspi_readData(qspi_readData),
+ .qspi_readDataValid(qspi_readDataValid),
@@ -108,13 +121,15 @@
// QSPI controller
- QSPIDevice #(.CLOCK_WIDTH(8)) qspiDevice (
+ QSPIDevice qspiDevice (
- .dataRequest_address(dataRequest_address),
- .dataRequest_enable(dataRequest_enable),
- .dataRequest_data(dataRequest_data),
- .dataRequest_dataValid(dataRequest_dataValid),
+ .qspi_enable(qspi_enable),
+ .qspi_address(qspi_address),
+ .qspi_changeAddress(qspi_changeAddress),
+ .qspi_requestData(qspi_requestData),
+ .qspi_readData(qspi_readData),
+ .qspi_readDataValid(qspi_readDataValid),
@@ -124,101 +139,4 @@
- // Flash controller
- // wire doneTransferByte = 1'b0;
- // reg[1:0] state = STATE_STARTUP;
- // reg[7:0] dataBuffer [0:3];
- // reg[1:0] bufferPointer = 2'h0;
- // wire[2:0] nextBufferPointer = bufferPointer + 1;
- // reg[31:0] currentAddress = 32'b0;
- // wire[31:0] nextAddress = currentAddress + 1;
- // reg[31:0] outputData;
- // always @(*) begin
- // case (bufferPointer)
- // 2'h0: outputData <= { dataBuffer[3], dataBuffer[2], dataBuffer[1], dataBuffer[0] };
- // 2'h1: outputData <= { dataBuffer[2], dataBuffer[1], dataBuffer[0], dataBuffer[3] };
- // 2'h2: outputData <= { dataBuffer[1], dataBuffer[0], dataBuffer[3], dataBuffer[2] };
- // 2'h3: outputData <= { dataBuffer[0], dataBuffer[3], dataBuffer[2], dataBuffer[1] };
- // endcase
- // end
- // // Parallel interface
- // wire writeEnable;
- // wire readEnable;
- // wire[7:0] writeData;
- // wire[7:0] readData;
- // wire busy;
- // always @(posedge clk) begin
- // if (rst) begin
- // state <= STATE_STARTUP;
- // bufferPointer <= 3'h0;
- // dataBuffer[0] <= 8'hFF;
- // dataBuffer[1] <= 8'hAB;
- // dataBuffer[2] <= 8'h03;
- // dataBuffer[3] <= 8'h00;
- // end else begin
- // case (state)
- // STATE_STARTUP: begin
- // if (doneTransferByte) begin
- // if (bufferPointer == 3'h1) begin
- // dataBuffer[0] <= 8'h03;
- // dataBuffer[1] <= 8'h00;
- // dataBuffer[2] <= 8'h00;
- // dataBuffer[3] <= 8'h00;
- // bufferPointer <= 3'h0;
- // end else begin
- // bufferPointer <= nextBufferPointer;
- // end
- // end
- // end
- // if (doneTransferByte) begin
- // dataBuffer[bufferPointer] <= readData;
- // bufferPointer <= nextBufferPointer;
- // currentAddress <= nextAddress;
- // end
- // end
- // if (doneTransferByte) begin
- // if (bufferPointer == 3'h1) begin
- // dataBuffer[0] <= 8'h00;
- // dataBuffer[1] <= 8'h00;
- // dataBuffer[2] <= 8'h00;
- // dataBuffer[3] <= 8'h00;
- // bufferPointer <= 3'h0;
- // end else begin
- // bufferPointer <= nextBufferPointer;
- // end
- // end
- // end
- // end
- // default: begin
- // state <= STATE_STARTUP;
- // bufferPointer <= 3'h0;
- // dataBuffer[0] <= 8'hFF;
- // dataBuffer[1] <= 8'hAB;
- // dataBuffer[2] <= 8'h03;
- // dataBuffer[3] <= 8'h00;
- // end
- // endcase
- // end
- // end
- // assign writeData = dataBuffer[bufferPointer];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Flash/QSPIDevice.v b/verilog/rtl/Flash/QSPIDevice.v
index f1e3d7f..c59e366 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/Flash/QSPIDevice.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Flash/QSPIDevice.v
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-module QSPIDevice #(
- parameter CLOCK_WIDTH = 8
- )(
+module QSPIDevice (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
// Cache interface
- input wire[23:0] dataRequest_address,
- input wire dataRequest_enable,
- output wire[31:0] dataRequest_data,
- output wire dataRequest_dataValid,
+ input wire qspi_enable,
+ input wire[23:0] qspi_address,
+ input wire qspi_changeAddress,
+ input wire qspi_requestData,
+ output wire[31:0] qspi_readData,
+ output reg qspi_readDataValid,
// QSPI interface
output wire flash_csb,
- output wire flash_sck,
+ output reg flash_sck,
output wire flash_io0_we,
output wire flash_io0_write,
input wire flash_io0_read, // Unused
@@ -21,218 +21,129 @@
input wire flash_io1_read
- // Have this running at the system clock rate
- // This will probably be 40MHz
- assign flash_sck = clk;
+ localparam STATE_IDLE = 2'h0;
+ localparam STATE_SETUP = 2'h1;
+ localparam STATE_SHIFT = 2'h2;
+ localparam STATE_END = 2'h3;
- assign flash_csb = 1'b0;
+ localparam RESET_NONE = 2'h0;
+ localparam RESET_START = 2'h1;
+ localparam RESET_WAKE = 2'h2;
+ // Assign these as constants to be in a default spi mode
assign flash_io0_we = 1'b1;
- assign flash_io0_write = 1'b0;
assign flash_io1_we = 1'b0;
assign flash_io1_write = 1'b0;
- //assign in = flash_io1_read;
- assign dataRequest_data = 32'b0;
- assign dataRequest_dataValid = 1'b1;
+ // State control
+ reg[1:0] state = STATE_IDLE;
+ wire deviceBusy = state != STATE_IDLE;
+ reg[1:0] resetState = RESET_NONE;
+ wire resetDevice = resetState != RESET_NONE;
- // localparam CLOCK_BITS = $clog2(CLOCK_WIDTH);
- // localparam STATE_IDLE = 2'b00;
- // localparam STATE_SETUP = 2'b01;
- // localparam STATE_SHIFT = 2'b10;
- // localparam STATE_END = 2'b11;
- // // Device select
- // wire[11:0] localAddress;
- // wire deviceEnable;
- // DeviceSelect #(.ID(ID)) select(
- // .peripheralEnable(peripheralEnable),
- // .peripheralBus_address(peripheralBus_address),
- // .localAddress(localAddress),
- // .deviceEnable(deviceEnable));
- // // Register
- // // Configuration register Default 0x064
- // // b00-b02: clockScale Default 0x4
- // // b03-04: spiMode Default 0x0
- // // b05: msbFirst Default 0x1
- // // b06: useCS Default 0x1
- // // b07: activeHighCS Default 0x0
- // // b08: enable Default 0x0
- // wire[31:0] configurationRegisterOutputData;
- // wire configurationRegisterOutputRequest;
- // wire[8:0] configuration;
- // ConfigurationRegister #(.WIDTH(9), .ADDRESS(12'h000), .DEFAULT(9'h064)) configurationRegister(
- // .clk(clk),
- // .rst(rst),
- // .enable(deviceEnable),
- // .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
- // .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
- // .peripheralBus_address(localAddress),
- // .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
- // .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
- // .peripheralBus_dataRead(configurationRegisterOutputData),
- // .requestOutput(configurationRegisterOutputRequest),
- // .currentValue(configuration));
- // wire[2:0] clockScale = configuration[2:0];
- // wire[1:0] spiMode = configuration[4:3];
- // wire msbFirst = configuration[5];
- // wire useCS = configuration[6];
- // wire activeHighCS = configuration[7];
- // assign spi_en = configuration[8];
- // wire spiClockPolarity = spiMode[1];
- // wire spiSampleMode = spiMode[0];
- // // Input and Output register
- // wire[31:0] dataRegisterOutputData;
- // wire dataRegisterOutputRequest;
- // wire[7:0] readData;
- // wire[7:0] writeData;
- // wire writeData_en;
- // wire dataRegisterBusBusy_nc;
- // wire dataRegisterReadDataEnable_nc;
- // DataRegister #(.WIDTH(8), .ADDRESS(12'h004)) dataRegister(
- // .clk(clk),
- // .rst(rst),
- // .enable(deviceEnable),
- // .peripheralBus_we(peripheralBus_we),
- // .peripheralBus_oe(peripheralBus_oe),
- // .peripheralBus_busy(dataRegisterBusBusy_nc),
- // .peripheralBus_address(localAddress),
- // .peripheralBus_byteSelect(peripheralBus_byteSelect),
- // .peripheralBus_dataWrite(peripheralBus_dataWrite),
- // .peripheralBus_dataRead(dataRegisterOutputData),
- // .requestOutput(dataRegisterOutputRequest),
- // .writeData(writeData),
- // .writeData_en(writeData_en),
- // .writeData_busy(1'b0),
- // .readData(readData),
- // .readData_en(dataRegisterReadDataEnable_nc),
- // .readData_busy(1'b0));
- // // State control
- // reg[1:0] state = STATE_IDLE;
- // wire busy = state != STATE_IDLE;
+ reg outputClock = 1'b0;
+ reg[4:0] bitCounter = 5'b0;
+ wire[4:0] nextBitCounter = bitCounter + 1;
- // reg[2:0] bitCounter = 3'b0;
- // wire[2:0] nextBitCounter = bitCounter + 1;
+ wire shiftInEnable = outputClock && deviceBusy;
+ wire shiftOutEnable = !outputClock && deviceBusy;
- // reg[CLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] clockCounter = {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
- // wire nextClockCounter = clockCounter + 1;
- // wire[CLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] clockScaleHalfMask = {(CLOCK_WIDTH-1){1'b0}, 1'b1} << clockScale;
- // wire[CLOCK_WIDTH-1:0] clockScaleMask = { clockScaleMask[CLOCK_WIDTH-2:0], 1'b0 };
- // wire spiHalfClock = clockCounter == (clockScaleHalfMask - 1);//|(clockCounter & clockScaleHalfMask);
- // wire spiClock = clockCounter == (clockScaleMask - 1);
+ reg[31:0] registerLoadData;
+ wire serialOut;
+ wire[31:0] flashData;
+ ShiftRegister #(.WIDTH(32)) register (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .rst(rst),
+ .loadEnable((!deviceBusy && qspi_changeAddress) || ((state == STATE_SETUP) && resetDevice)),
+ .shiftInEnable(shiftInEnable),
+ .shiftOutEnable(shiftOutEnable),
+ .msbFirst(1'b1),
+ .parallelIn(registerLoadData),
+ .parallelOut(flashData),
+ .serialIn(flash_io1_read),
+ .serialOut(serialOut));
- // reg spiClockRise = 1'b0;
- // reg spiClockFall = 1'b0;
+ // Reorder bytes
+ assign qspi_readData = { flashData[7:0], flashData[15:8], flashData[23:16], flashData[31:24] };
- // wire shiftInEnable = spiSampleMode ? spiClockFall : spiClockRise;
- // wire shiftOutEnable = spiSampleMode ? spiClockRise : spiClockFall;
+ always @(*) begin
+ case (1'b1)
+ resetState == RESET_START: registerLoadData <= { 8'hFF, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00 };
+ resetState == RESET_WAKE: registerLoadData <= { 8'hAB, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00 };
+ qspi_changeAddress: registerLoadData <= { 8'h03, qspi_address };
+ default: registerLoadData <= 32'b0;
+ endcase
+ end
- // reg loadEnable;
- // ShiftRegister #(.WIDTH(8)) register (
- // .clk(clk),
- // .rst(rst),
- // .loadEnable(loadEnable),
- // .shiftInEnable(shiftInEnable),
- // .shiftOutEnable(shiftOutEnable),
- // .msbFirst(msbFirst),
- // .parallelIn(writeData),
- // .parallelOut(readData),
- // .serialIn(spi_miso),
- // .serialOut(spi_mosi));
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst) begin
+ state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ outputClock <= 1'b0;
+ bitCounter <= 5'b0;
+ resetState <= RESET_START;
+ qspi_readDataValid <= 1'b0;
+ end else begin
+ case (state)
+ STATE_IDLE: begin
+ outputClock <= 1'b0;
+ bitCounter <= 5'b0;
- // always @(posedge clk) begin
- // if (rst) begin
- // state <= STATE_IDLE;
- // bitCounter <= 3'b0;
- // clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
- // loadEnable <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
- // end else begin
- // case (state)
- // STATE_IDLE: begin
- // bitCounter <= 3'b0;
- // clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
- // loadEnable <= 1'b0;
+ if (qspi_enable) begin
+ if (resetDevice || qspi_changeAddress) state <= STATE_SETUP;
+ end
+ end
- // if (writeData_en && peripheralBus_byteSelect[0]) begin
- // state <= STATE_SETUP;
- // loadEnable <= 1'b1;
- // end
- // end
+ STATE_SETUP: begin
+ state <= STATE_SHIFT;
+ bitCounter <= 5'b0;
+ outputClock <= 1'b1;
+ qspi_readDataValid <= 1'b0;
+ end
- // STATE_SETUP: begin
- // loadEnable <= 1'b0;
+ STATE_SHIFT: begin
+ if (!outputClock) begin
+ if ((resetDevice && bitCounter == 5'h07) || (bitCounter == 5'h1F)) begin
+ state <= STATE_END;
+ qspi_readDataValid <= 1'b1;
+ end else begin
+ bitCounter <= nextBitCounter;
+ end
+ end
- // if (spiHalfClock) begin
- // clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
- // bitCounter <= 1'b0;
- // state <= STATE_SHIFT;
- // end else begin
- // clockCounter <= nextClockCounter;
- // end
- // end
+ outputClock <= !outputClock;
- // STATE_SHIFT: begin
- // if (spiClock) begin
- // if (spiClockPolarity) begin
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b1;
- // end else begin
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b1;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
- // end
+ if (qspi_changeAddress) state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ end
- // clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
- // if (bitCounter == 3'h7) state <= STATE_END;
- // else bitCounter <= nextBitCounter;
- // end else if (spiHalfClock) begin
- // if (spiClockPolarity) begin
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b1;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
- // end else begin
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b1;
- // end
- // end else begin
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
- // clockCounter <= nextClockCounter;
- // end
- // end
+ STATE_END: begin
+ if (qspi_requestData) state <= STATE_SETUP;
+ else state <= STATE_IDLE;
- // STATE_END: begin
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
+ outputClock <= 1'b0;
+ qspi_readDataValid <= 1'b0;
- // if (spiClock) state <= STATE_IDLE;
- // else clockCounter <= nextClockCounter;
- // end
+ if (resetState == RESET_START) resetState <= RESET_WAKE;
+ else resetState <= RESET_NONE;
+ end
- // default: begin
- // state <= STATE_IDLE;
- // bitCounter <= 3'b0;
- // clockCounter <= {CLOCK_WIDTH{1'b0}};
- // loadEnable <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockRise <= 1'b0;
- // spiClockFall <= 1'b0;
- // end
- // endcase
- // end
- // end
+ default: begin
+ state <= STATE_IDLE;
+ bitCounter <= 5'b0;
+ outputClock <= 1'b0;
+ qspi_readDataValid <= 1'b0;
+ resetState <= RESET_START;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
- // assign requestOutput = configurationRegisterOutputRequest || dataRegisterOutputRequest;
- // assign peripheralBus_dataRead = configurationRegisterOutputRequest ? configurationRegisterOutputData :
- // dataRegisterOutputRequest ? dataRegisterOutputData :
- // 32'b0;
- // assign peripheralBus_busy = busy;
+ // Buffer the spi clock by one cycle so that it lines up with when data is sampled
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rst) flash_sck <= 1'b0;
+ else flash_sck <= outputClock;
+ end
- // assign spi_clk = spiClockPolarity ? !(spiClock && busy) : spiClock && busy;
- // assign spi_cs = useCS ? (activeHighCS ? busy : !busy) : 1'b0;
+ assign flash_io0_write = serialOut & deviceBusy;
+ assign flash_csb = !deviceBusy;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Flash/WBFlashInterface.v b/verilog/rtl/Flash/WBFlashInterface.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ea02d..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/Flash/WBFlashInterface.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-module WBFlashInterface (
- // Wishbone Slave ports
- input wire wb_clk_i,
- input wire wb_rst_i,
- input wire wb_stb_i,
- input wire wb_cyc_i,
- input wire wb_we_i,
- input wire[3:0] wb_sel_i,
- input wire[31:0] wb_data_i,
- input wire[23:0] wb_adr_i,
- output wire wb_ack_o,
- output wire wb_stall_o,
- output wire wb_error_o,
- output wire[31:0] wb_data_o,
- // Flash cache interface
- output wire flashCache_readEnable,
- output wire[23:0] flashCache_address,
- output wire[3:0] flashCache_byteSelect,
- input wire[31:0] flashCache_dataRead,
- input wire flashCache_busy
- );
- localparam STATE_IDLE = 2'h0;
- localparam STATE_WRITE_SINGLE = 2'h1;
- localparam STATE_READ_SINGLE = 2'h2;
- localparam STATE_FINISH = 2'h3;
- reg[1:0] state = STATE_IDLE;
- reg[23:0] currentAddress;
- reg[3:0] currentByteSelect;
- reg[31:0] currentDataIn;
- reg stall = 1'b0;
- reg acknowledge = 1'b0;
- reg[31:0] dataRead_buffered;
- always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
- if (wb_rst_i) begin
- state <= STATE_IDLE;
- stall <= 1'b0;
- acknowledge <= 1'b0;
- dataRead_buffered <= ~32'b0;
- end else begin
- case (state)
- STATE_IDLE: begin
- stall <= 1'b0;
- acknowledge <= 1'b0;
- dataRead_buffered <= ~32'b0;
- if (wb_cyc_i) begin
- if (wb_stb_i) begin
- currentAddress <= wb_adr_i;
- currentByteSelect <= wb_sel_i;
- currentDataIn <= wb_data_i;
- stall <= 1'b1;
- if (wb_we_i) begin
- end else begin
- end
- end
- end
- end
- // Not allowed to write, so just acknowledge so the bus doesn't hang
- state <= STATE_FINISH;
- acknowledge <= 1'b1;
- end
- if (!flashCache_busy) begin
- state <= STATE_FINISH;
- acknowledge <= 1'b1;
- dataRead_buffered <= flashCache_dataRead;
- end
- end
- state <= STATE_IDLE;
- stall <= 1'b0;
- acknowledge <= 1'b0;
- dataRead_buffered <= ~32'b0;
- end
- default: begin
- state <= STATE_IDLE;
- stall <= 1'b0;
- acknowledge <= 1'b0;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- // Connect wishbone bus signals
- assign wb_ack_o = acknowledge;
- assign wb_stall_o = stall;
- assign wb_error_o = 1'b0;
- // Connect peripheral bus signals
- assign flashCache_readEnable = state == STATE_READ_SINGLE;
- assign flashCache_address = state != STATE_IDLE ? currentAddress : 24'b0;
- assign flashCache_byteSelect = state != STATE_IDLE ? currentByteSelect : 4'b0;
- assign wb_data_o = dataRead_buffered;
\ No newline at end of file