Re-added licence and CI badges to readme.
1 file changed
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- .gitignore
- Makefile

RISC-V SoC designed for the Efabless Open MPW Program. This project

- Dual RV32I cores
- Per core SRAM
- JTAG interface
- External flash controller
- Shared video SRAM
- Configurable VGA output
- 3x UART ports + 1 internal to caravel
- 1x SPI ports
- 4x PWM counters with 4x separate outputs (2 are internal read only)
Memory Map

Macro Layout
Build Status
- CaravelHost: Success
- ExperiarCore: Success (Seem to be missing much of the core from the gds)
- Flash: Success
- Peripherals: Success
- Video: Success
- WishboneInterconnect: Success
- user_project_wrapper: Success (Max slew violations)
verify-peripheralsGPIO-rtl: Success
verify-peripheralsUART-rtl: Not implemented
verify-peripheralsSPI-rtl: Not implemented
verify-peripheralsPWM-rtl: Not implemented
verify-memory-rtl: Not implemented
verify-video-rtl: Not implemented
verify-corePC-rtl: Not implemented
verify-coreMem-rtl: Not implemented
verify-coreArch-rtl: Not implemented
verify-peripheralsGPIO-gl: Failed
verify-peripheralsUART-gl: Not implemented
verify-peripheralsSPI-gl: Not implemented
verify-peripheralsPWM-gl: Not implemented
verify-memory-gl: Not implemented
verify-video-gl: Not implemented
verify-core-gl: Not implemented
Need to do
- Add gpio registers for set, clear, and toggle which use the write data as a mask
- Write remaining tests (and fix everything until they pass)
- Fix timing violations
- Fix precheck errors
Could do
- Flash controller
- JTAG core management controller
- CSRs
- More tests
- Tile map rendering
- Change peripheral bus design to have a read ready signal
- Fetch next instruction a clock cycle earlier so instructions only take 2 cycles
Reference work and inspiration
- Zero to ASIC Course: Complete course on ASIC design. Also has useful references and terminology definitions.
- Openlane Documentation: Reference for a lot of configuration. The Variables and Hardening Macros pages have been particularity useful.
- Caravel Documentation: Reference for caravel and configuration. This seems slightly out of date, but an alternate version can be found in the github repository.
- Riscduino: Used for inspiration and as a reference for using openlane. There are a number of similar aspects to this project, but all have been reimplemented rather than copied.