C4 updates
5 files changed
tree: 5a67fb2afcbea3b279eb8b587d47670bce9dfaf0
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. gds/
  4. mag/
  5. netgen/
  6. openlane/
  7. verilog/
  8. xschem/
  9. .gitignore
  11. Makefile
  12. README.md

Caravel Analog User

License CI Caravan Build

The focus of this tape-out is integrating analog synapses. Specifically, we are integrating ReRAM based synapse and FG-based synapse. ReRAM based array is a 1T-1R strucuture with the goal of increasing the size of the array. FG synapses is built using the high voltage transistors present on the SKY130 process.