sdram control added
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d6dc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: ASYNC FIFO 
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):  Dinesh Annayya,                 
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+// async FIFO
+//`timescale  1ns/1ps
+module async_fifo (wr_clk,
+                   wr_reset_n,
+                   wr_en,
+                   wr_data,
+                   full,                 // sync'ed to wr_clk
+                   afull,                 // sync'ed to wr_clk
+                   rd_clk,
+                   rd_reset_n,
+                   rd_en,
+                   empty,                // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   aempty,                // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   rd_data);
+   parameter W = 4'd8;
+   parameter DP = 3'd4;
+   parameter WR_FAST = 1'b1;
+   parameter RD_FAST = 1'b1;
+   parameter FULL_DP = DP;
+   parameter EMPTY_DP = 1'b0;
+   parameter AW = (DP == 2)   ? 1 : 
+		  (DP == 4)   ? 2 :
+                  (DP == 8)   ? 3 :
+                  (DP == 16)  ? 4 :
+                  (DP == 32)  ? 5 :
+                  (DP == 64)  ? 6 :
+                  (DP == 128) ? 7 :
+                  (DP == 256) ? 8 : 0;
+   output [W-1 : 0]  rd_data;
+   input [W-1 : 0]   wr_data;
+   input             wr_clk, wr_reset_n, wr_en, rd_clk, rd_reset_n,
+                     rd_en;
+   output            full, empty;
+   output            afull, aempty;       // about full and about to empty
+   // synopsys translate_off
+   initial begin
+      if (AW == 0) begin
+         $display ("%m : ERROR!!! Fifo depth %d not in range 2 to 256", DP);
+      end // if (AW == 0)
+   end // initial begin
+   // synopsys translate_on
+   reg [W-1 : 0]    mem[DP-1 : 0];
+   /*********************** write side ************************/
+   reg [AW:0] sync_rd_ptr_0, sync_rd_ptr_1; 
+   wire [AW:0] sync_rd_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] wr_ptr, grey_wr_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] grey_rd_ptr;
+   reg full_q;
+   wire full_c;
+   wire afull_c;
+   wire [AW:0] wr_ptr_inc = wr_ptr + 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] wr_cnt = get_cnt(wr_ptr, sync_rd_ptr);
+   assign full_c  = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign afull_c = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP-1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   always @(posedge wr_clk or negedge wr_reset_n) begin
+	if (!wr_reset_n) begin
+		wr_ptr <= 0;
+		grey_wr_ptr <= 0;
+		full_q <= 0;	
+	end
+	else if (wr_en) begin
+		wr_ptr <= wr_ptr_inc;
+		grey_wr_ptr <= bin2grey(wr_ptr_inc);
+		if (wr_cnt == (FULL_DP-1)) begin
+			full_q <= 1'b1;
+		end
+	end
+	else begin
+	    	if (full_q && (wr_cnt<FULL_DP)) begin
+			full_q <= 1'b0;
+	     	end
+	end
+    end
+    assign full  = (WR_FAST == 1) ? full_c : full_q;
+    assign afull = afull_c;
+    always @(posedge wr_clk) begin
+	if (wr_en) begin
+		mem[wr_ptr[AW-1:0]] <= wr_data;
+	end
+    end
+    wire [AW:0] grey_rd_ptr_dly ;
+    assign #1 grey_rd_ptr_dly = grey_rd_ptr;
+    // read pointer synchronizer
+    always @(posedge wr_clk or negedge wr_reset_n) begin
+	if (!wr_reset_n) begin
+		sync_rd_ptr_0 <= 0;
+		sync_rd_ptr_1 <= 0;
+	end
+	else begin
+		sync_rd_ptr_0 <= grey_rd_ptr_dly;		
+		sync_rd_ptr_1 <= sync_rd_ptr_0;
+	end
+    end
+    assign sync_rd_ptr = grey2bin(sync_rd_ptr_1);
+   /************************ read side *****************************/
+   reg [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr_0, sync_wr_ptr_1; 
+   wire [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] rd_ptr;
+   reg empty_q;
+   wire empty_c;
+   wire aempty_c;
+   wire [AW:0] rd_ptr_inc = rd_ptr + 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr_dec = sync_wr_ptr - 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] rd_cnt = get_cnt(sync_wr_ptr, rd_ptr);
+   assign empty_c  = (rd_cnt == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign aempty_c = (rd_cnt == 1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   always @(posedge rd_clk or negedge rd_reset_n) begin
+      if (!rd_reset_n) begin
+         rd_ptr <= 0;
+	 grey_rd_ptr <= 0;
+	 empty_q <= 1'b1;
+      end
+      else begin
+         if (rd_en) begin
+            rd_ptr <= rd_ptr_inc;
+            grey_rd_ptr <= bin2grey(rd_ptr_inc);
+            if (rd_cnt==(EMPTY_DP+1)) begin
+               empty_q <= 1'b1;
+            end
+         end
+         else begin
+            if (empty_q && (rd_cnt!=EMPTY_DP)) begin
+	      empty_q <= 1'b0;
+	    end
+         end
+       end
+    end
+    assign empty  = (RD_FAST == 1) ? empty_c : empty_q;
+    assign aempty = aempty_c;
+    reg [W-1 : 0]  rd_data_q;
+   wire [W-1 : 0] rd_data_c = mem[rd_ptr[AW-1:0]];
+   always @(posedge rd_clk) begin
+	rd_data_q <= rd_data_c;
+   end
+   assign rd_data  = (RD_FAST == 1) ? rd_data_c : rd_data_q;
+    wire [AW:0] grey_wr_ptr_dly ;
+    assign #1 grey_wr_ptr_dly =  grey_wr_ptr;
+    // write pointer synchronizer
+    always @(posedge rd_clk or negedge rd_reset_n) begin
+	if (!rd_reset_n) begin
+	   sync_wr_ptr_0 <= 0;
+	   sync_wr_ptr_1 <= 0;
+	end
+	else begin
+	   sync_wr_ptr_0 <= grey_wr_ptr_dly;		
+	   sync_wr_ptr_1 <= sync_wr_ptr_0;
+	end
+    end
+    assign sync_wr_ptr = grey2bin(sync_wr_ptr_1);
+/************************ functions ******************************/
+function [AW:0] bin2grey;
+input [AW:0] bin;
+reg [8:0] bin_8;
+reg [8:0] grey_8;
+	bin_8 = bin;
+	grey_8[1:0] = do_grey(bin_8[2:0]);
+	grey_8[3:2] = do_grey(bin_8[4:2]);
+	grey_8[5:4] = do_grey(bin_8[6:4]);
+	grey_8[7:6] = do_grey(bin_8[8:6]);
+	grey_8[8] = bin_8[8];
+	bin2grey = grey_8;
+function [AW:0] grey2bin;
+input [AW:0] grey;
+reg [8:0] grey_8;
+reg [8:0] bin_8;
+	grey_8 = grey;
+	bin_8[8] = grey_8[8];
+	bin_8[7:6] = do_bin({bin_8[8], grey_8[7:6]});
+	bin_8[5:4] = do_bin({bin_8[6], grey_8[5:4]});
+	bin_8[3:2] = do_bin({bin_8[4], grey_8[3:2]});
+	bin_8[1:0] = do_bin({bin_8[2], grey_8[1:0]});
+	grey2bin = bin_8;
+function [1:0] do_grey;
+input [2:0] bin;
+	if (bin[2]) begin  // do reverse grey
+		case (bin[1:0]) 
+			2'b00: do_grey = 2'b10;
+			2'b01: do_grey = 2'b11;
+			2'b10: do_grey = 2'b01;
+			2'b11: do_grey = 2'b00;
+		endcase
+	end
+	else begin
+		case (bin[1:0]) 
+			2'b00: do_grey = 2'b00;
+			2'b01: do_grey = 2'b01;
+			2'b10: do_grey = 2'b11;
+			2'b11: do_grey = 2'b10;
+		endcase
+	end
+function [1:0] do_bin;
+input [2:0] grey;
+	if (grey[2]) begin	// actually bin[2]
+		case (grey[1:0])
+			2'b10: do_bin = 2'b00;
+			2'b11: do_bin = 2'b01;
+			2'b01: do_bin = 2'b10;
+			2'b00: do_bin = 2'b11;
+		endcase
+	end
+	else begin
+		case (grey[1:0])
+			2'b00: do_bin = 2'b00;
+			2'b01: do_bin = 2'b01;
+			2'b11: do_bin = 2'b10;
+			2'b10: do_bin = 2'b11;
+		endcase
+	end
+function [AW:0] get_cnt;
+input [AW:0] wr_ptr, rd_ptr;
+	if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr) begin
+		get_cnt = (wr_ptr - rd_ptr);	
+	end
+	else begin
+		get_cnt = DP*2 - (rd_ptr - wr_ptr);
+	end
+// synopsys translate_off
+always @(posedge wr_clk) begin
+   if (wr_en && full) begin
+      $display($time, "%m Error! afifo overflow!");
+      $stop;
+   end
+always @(posedge rd_clk) begin
+   if (rd_en && empty) begin
+      $display($time, "%m error! afifo underflow!");
+      $stop;
+   end
+// synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
index fb934a2..2b96bfc 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/lib/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -1,142 +1,148 @@
-////                                                              ////
-////  YiFive cores common library Module                          ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
-////                      ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Description                                                 ////
-////     Sync Fifo with full and empty                            ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  To Do:                                                      ////
-////    nothing                                                   ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Author(s):                                                  ////
-////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-////  Revision : June 7, 2021                                     //// 
-////                                                              ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
-//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
-//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
-//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
-//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
-//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
-//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
-//// later version.                                               ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
-//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
-//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
-//// details.                                                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
-//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
-//// from                     ////
-////                                                              ////
-module sync_fifo #(
-      parameter  DATA_WIDTH  = 32, // Data Width
-      parameter  ADDR_WIDTH   = 1,  // Address Width
-      parameter  FIFO_DEPTH   = 2 // FIFO DEPTH
-       output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout,
-       input                    rstn,
-       input                    clk,
-       input                    wr_en, // Write
-       input                    rd_en, // Read
-       input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]  din,
-       output                  full,
-       output                  empty
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: SYNC FIFO 
+  Parameters:
+      W : Width (integer)
+      D : Depth (integer, power of 2, 4 to 256)
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):  Dinesh Annayya,                 
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
-reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]  ram [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0];
-reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]  wptr; // write ptr
-reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]  rptr; // write ptr
-reg [ADDR_WIDTH:0]    status_cnt; // status counter
-reg                   empty;
-reg                   full;
+module sync_fifo (clk,
+	          reset_n,
+		  wr_en,
+		  wr_data,
+		  full,
+		  empty,
+		  rd_en,
+		  rd_data);
- //-----------Code Start---------------------------
- always @ (negedge rstn or posedge clk)
-   if (rstn==1'b0) begin
-     wptr <= 0;
-   end else if (wr_en ) begin
-     wptr <= wptr + 1;
+   parameter W = 8;
+   parameter D = 4;
+   parameter AW = (D == 4)   ? 2 :
+		  (D == 8)   ? 3 :
+		  (D == 16)  ? 4 :
+		  (D == 32)  ? 5 :
+		  (D == 64)  ? 6 :
+		  (D == 128) ? 7 :
+		  (D == 256) ? 8 : 0;
+   output [W-1 : 0]  rd_data;
+   input [W-1 : 0]   wr_data;
+   input 	     clk, reset_n, wr_en, rd_en;
+   output 	     full, empty;
+   // synopsys translate_off
+   initial begin
+      if (AW == 0) begin
+	 $display ("%m : ERROR!!! Fifo depth %d not in range 4 to 256", D);
+      end // if (AW == 0)
+   end // initial begin
+   // synopsys translate_on
+   reg [W-1 : 0]    mem[D-1 : 0];
+   reg [AW-1 : 0]   rd_ptr, wr_ptr;
+   reg	 	    full, empty;
+   wire [W-1 : 0]   rd_data;
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         wr_ptr <= {AW{1'b0}} ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         if (wr_en & !full) begin
+            wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + 1'b1 ;
+         end
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         rd_ptr <= {AW{1'b0}} ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         if (rd_en & !empty) begin
+            rd_ptr <= rd_ptr + 1'b1 ;
+         end
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         empty <= 1'b1 ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         empty <= (((wr_ptr - rd_ptr) == {{(AW-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1}) & rd_en & ~wr_en) ? 1'b1 : 
+                   ((wr_ptr == rd_ptr) & ~rd_en & wr_en) ? 1'b0 : empty ;
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         full <= 1'b0 ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         full <= (((wr_ptr - rd_ptr) == {{(AW-1){1'b1}}, 1'b0}) & ~rd_en & wr_en) ? 1'b1 : 
+                 (((wr_ptr - rd_ptr) == {AW{1'b1}}) & rd_en & ~wr_en) ? 1'b0 : full ;
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk) 
+      if (wr_en)
+	 mem[wr_ptr] <= wr_data;
+assign  rd_data = mem[rd_ptr];
+// synopsys translate_off
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+      if (wr_en && full) begin
+         $display("%m : Error! sfifo overflow!");
+      end
- end
-always @ (negedge rstn or posedge clk)
-  if (rstn==1'b0) begin
-    rptr <= 0;
-  end else if (rd_en) begin
-    rptr <= rptr + 1;
-  end
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+      if (rd_en && empty) begin
+         $display("%m : error! sfifo underflow!");
+      end
+   end
-always @ (negedge rstn or posedge clk)
-  if (rstn==1'b0) begin
-       status_cnt <= 0;
-  // Read but no write.
-  end else if (rd_en &&   (!wr_en) && (status_cnt  != 0)) begin
-    status_cnt <= status_cnt - 1;
-  // Write but no read.
-  end else if (wr_en &&  (!rd_en) && (status_cnt  != FIFO_DEPTH)) begin
-    status_cnt <= status_cnt + 1;
-  end
-// underflow is not handled
-always @ (negedge rstn or posedge clk)
-begin : EMPTY_FLAG
-  if (rstn==1'b0) begin
-       empty <= 1;
-  // Read but no write.
-  end else if (rd_en &&   (!wr_en) && (status_cnt  == 1)) begin
-    empty <= 1;
-  // Write 
-  end else if (wr_en) begin
-    empty <= 0;
-  end else if (status_cnt  == 0) begin
-     empty <= 1;
-  end
-// overflow is not handled
-always @ (negedge rstn or posedge clk)
-begin : FULL_FLAG
-  if (rstn==1'b0) begin
-       full <= 0;
-  // Write but no read.
-  end else if (wr_en &&  (!rd_en) && (status_cnt  == (FIFO_DEPTH-1))) begin
-    full <= 1;
-  // Read 
-  end else if (rd_en &&  (!wr_en) ) begin
-    full <= 0;
-  end else if (status_cnt  == FIFO_DEPTH) begin
-     full <= 1;
-  end
-assign dout = ram[rptr];
-always @ (posedge clk)
-  if (wr_en) ram[wptr] <= din;
+// synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bank_ctl.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bank_ctl.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2206db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bank_ctl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+  SDRAM Controller Bank Controller
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: 
+    This module takes requests from sdrc_req_gen, checks for page hit/miss and
+    issues precharge/activate commands and then passes the request to sdrc_xfr_ctl. 
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):                                                  
+      - Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  :  1.0  - 8th Jan 2012
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+`include "sdrc_define.v"
+module sdrc_bank_ctl (clk,
+		     reset_n,
+		     a2b_req_depth,  // Number of requests we can buffer
+		     /* Req from req_gen */
+		     r2b_req,	   // request
+		     r2b_req_id,   // ID
+		     r2b_start,	   // First chunk of burst
+		     r2b_last,	   // Last chunk of burst
+		     r2b_wrap,
+		     r2b_ba,	   // bank address
+		     r2b_raddr,	   // row address
+		     r2b_caddr,	   // col address
+		     r2b_len,	   // length
+		     r2b_write,	   // write request
+		     b2r_arb_ok,   // OK to arbitrate for next xfr
+		     b2r_ack,
+		     /* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
+		     b2x_idle,	   // All banks are idle
+		     b2x_req,	   // Request to xfr_ctl
+		     b2x_start,	   // first chunk of transfer
+		     b2x_last,	   // last chunk of transfer
+		     b2x_wrap,
+		     b2x_id,	   // Transfer ID
+		     b2x_ba,	   // bank address
+		     b2x_addr,	   // row/col address
+		     b2x_len,	   // transfer length
+		     b2x_cmd,	   // transfer command
+		     x2b_ack,	   // command accepted
+		     /* Status to/from xfr_ctl */
+		     b2x_tras_ok,  // TRAS OK for all banks
+		     x2b_refresh,  // We did a refresh
+		     x2b_pre_ok,   // OK to do a precharge (per bank)
+		     x2b_act_ok,   // OK to do an activate
+		     x2b_rdok,	   // OK to do a read
+		     x2b_wrok,	   // OK to do a write
+		     /* xfr msb address */
+		     xfr_bank_sel,
+                     sdr_req_norm_dma_last,
+		     /* SDRAM Timing */
+		     tras_delay,   // Active to precharge delay
+		     trp_delay,	   // Precharge to active delay
+		     trcd_delay);  // Active to R/W delay
+parameter  SDR_DW   = 16;  // SDR Data Width 
+parameter  SDR_BW   = 2;   // SDR Byte Width
+   input                        clk, reset_n;
+   input [1:0] 			a2b_req_depth;
+   /* Req from bank_ctl */
+   input 			r2b_req, r2b_start, r2b_last,
+				r2b_write, r2b_wrap;
+   input [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	r2b_req_id;
+   input [1:0] 			r2b_ba;
+   input [12:0] 		r2b_raddr;
+   input [12:0] 		r2b_caddr;
+   input [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	        r2b_len;
+   output 			b2r_arb_ok, b2r_ack;
+   input                        sdr_req_norm_dma_last;
+   /* Req to xfr_ctl */
+   output 			b2x_idle, b2x_req, b2x_start, b2x_last,
+				b2x_tras_ok, b2x_wrap;
+   output [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	b2x_id;
+   output [1:0] 		b2x_ba;
+   output [12:0] 		b2x_addr;
+   output [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	b2x_len;
+   output [1:0] 		b2x_cmd;
+   input 			x2b_ack;
+   /* Status from xfr_ctl */
+   input [3:0] 			x2b_pre_ok;
+   input 			x2b_refresh, x2b_act_ok, x2b_rdok,
+				x2b_wrok;
+   input [3:0] 			tras_delay, trp_delay, trcd_delay;
+   input [1:0] xfr_bank_sel;
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Internal Nets
+   wire [3:0] 			r2i_req, i2r_ack, i2x_req, 
+				i2x_start, i2x_last, i2x_wrap, tras_ok;
+   wire [12:0] 			i2x_addr0, i2x_addr1, i2x_addr2, i2x_addr3;
+   wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	i2x_len0, i2x_len1, i2x_len2, i2x_len3;
+   wire [1:0] 			i2x_cmd0, i2x_cmd1, i2x_cmd2, i2x_cmd3;
+   wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	i2x_id0, i2x_id1, i2x_id2, i2x_id3;
+   reg 				b2x_req;
+   wire 			b2x_idle, b2x_start, b2x_last, b2x_wrap;
+   wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	b2x_id;
+   wire [12:0] 			b2x_addr;
+   wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	b2x_len;
+   wire [1:0] 			b2x_cmd;
+   wire [3:0] 			x2i_ack;
+   reg [1:0] 			b2x_ba;
+   reg [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	curr_id;
+   wire [1:0] 			xfr_ba;
+   wire  			xfr_ba_last;
+   wire [3:0] 			xfr_ok;
+   // This 8 bit register stores the bank addresses for upto 4 requests.
+   reg [7:0] 			rank_ba;
+   reg [3:0] 			rank_ba_last;
+   // This 3 bit counter counts the number of requests we have
+   // buffered so far, legal values are 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
+   reg [2:0] 			rank_cnt;
+   wire [3:0] 			rank_req, rank_wr_sel;
+   wire 			rank_fifo_wr, rank_fifo_rd;
+   wire 			rank_fifo_full, rank_fifo_mt;
+   wire [12:0] bank0_row, bank1_row, bank2_row, bank3_row;
+   assign  b2x_tras_ok        = &tras_ok;
+   // Distribute the request from req_gen
+   assign r2i_req[0] = (r2b_ba == 2'b00) ? r2b_req & ~rank_fifo_full : 1'b0;
+   assign r2i_req[1] = (r2b_ba == 2'b01) ? r2b_req & ~rank_fifo_full : 1'b0;
+   assign r2i_req[2] = (r2b_ba == 2'b10) ? r2b_req & ~rank_fifo_full : 1'b0;
+   assign r2i_req[3] = (r2b_ba == 2'b11) ? r2b_req & ~rank_fifo_full : 1'b0;
+   /******************
+   Modified the Better FPGA Timing Purpose
+   assign b2r_ack = (r2b_ba == 2'b00) ? i2r_ack[0] :
+		    (r2b_ba == 2'b01) ? i2r_ack[1] :
+		    (r2b_ba == 2'b10) ? i2r_ack[2] :
+		    (r2b_ba == 2'b11) ? i2r_ack[3] : 1'b0;
+   ********************/
+   // Assumption: Only one Ack Will be asserted at a time.
+   assign b2r_ack  =|i2r_ack; 
+   assign b2r_arb_ok = ~rank_fifo_full;
+   // Put the requests from the 4 bank_fsms into a 4 deep shift
+   // register file. The earliest request is prioritized over the
+   // later requests. Also the number of requests we are allowed to
+   // buffer is limited by a 2 bit external input
+   // Mux the req/cmd to xfr_ctl. Allow RD/WR commands from the request in
+   // rank0, allow only PR/ACT commands from the requests in other ranks
+   // If the rank_fifo is empty, send the request from the bank addressed by
+   // r2b_ba 
+   // In FPGA Mode, to improve the timing, also send the rank_ba
+   assign xfr_ba = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? rank_ba[1:0]:
+	           ((rank_fifo_mt) ? r2b_ba : rank_ba[1:0]);
+   assign xfr_ba_last = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? rank_ba_last[0]:
+	                ((rank_fifo_mt) ? sdr_req_norm_dma_last : rank_ba_last[0]);
+   assign rank_req[0] = i2x_req[xfr_ba];     // each rank generates requests
+   assign rank_req[1] = (rank_cnt < 3'h2) ? 1'b0 :
+			(rank_ba[3:2] == 2'b00) ? i2x_req[0] & ~i2x_cmd0[1] :
+			(rank_ba[3:2] == 2'b01) ? i2x_req[1] & ~i2x_cmd1[1] :
+			(rank_ba[3:2] == 2'b10) ? i2x_req[2] & ~i2x_cmd2[1] : 
+			i2x_req[3] & ~i2x_cmd3[1];
+   assign rank_req[2] = (rank_cnt < 3'h3) ? 1'b0 :
+			(rank_ba[5:4] == 2'b00) ? i2x_req[0] & ~i2x_cmd0[1] :
+			(rank_ba[5:4] == 2'b01) ? i2x_req[1] & ~i2x_cmd1[1] :
+			(rank_ba[5:4] == 2'b10) ? i2x_req[2] & ~i2x_cmd2[1] : 
+			i2x_req[3] & ~i2x_cmd3[1];
+   assign rank_req[3] = (rank_cnt < 3'h4) ? 1'b0 :
+			(rank_ba[7:6] == 2'b00) ? i2x_req[0] & ~i2x_cmd0[1] :
+			(rank_ba[7:6] == 2'b01) ? i2x_req[1] & ~i2x_cmd1[1] :
+			(rank_ba[7:6] == 2'b10) ? i2x_req[2] & ~i2x_cmd2[1] : 
+			i2x_req[3] & ~i2x_cmd3[1];
+   always @ (*) begin
+      b2x_req = 1'b0;
+      b2x_ba =   xfr_ba;
+      if(`TARGET_DESIGN == `ASIC) begin // Support Multiple Rank request only on ASIC
+         if (rank_req[0]) begin 
+	    b2x_req = 1'b1;
+	    b2x_ba = xfr_ba;
+         end // if (rank_req[0])
+	 else if (rank_req[1]) begin 
+	   b2x_req = 1'b1;
+	   b2x_ba = rank_ba[3:2];
+        end // if (rank_req[1])
+        else if (rank_req[2]) begin 
+	  b2x_req = 1'b1;
+	  b2x_ba = rank_ba[5:4];
+        end // if (rank_req[2])
+        else if (rank_req[3]) begin 
+	  b2x_req = 1'b1;
+	  b2x_ba = rank_ba[7:6];
+        end // if (rank_req[3])
+      end else begin // If FPGA
+         if (rank_req[0]) begin 
+	    b2x_req = 1'b1;
+	 end
+      end
+  end // always @ (rank_req or rank_fifo_mt or r2b_ba or rank_ba)
+   assign b2x_idle = rank_fifo_mt;
+   assign b2x_start = i2x_start[b2x_ba];
+   assign b2x_last = i2x_last[b2x_ba];
+   assign b2x_wrap = i2x_wrap[b2x_ba];
+   assign b2x_addr = (b2x_ba == 2'b11) ? i2x_addr3 :
+		     (b2x_ba == 2'b10) ? i2x_addr2 :
+		     (b2x_ba == 2'b01) ? i2x_addr1 : i2x_addr0;
+   assign b2x_len = (b2x_ba == 2'b11) ? i2x_len3 :
+		    (b2x_ba == 2'b10) ? i2x_len2 :
+		    (b2x_ba == 2'b01) ? i2x_len1 : i2x_len0;
+   assign b2x_cmd = (b2x_ba == 2'b11) ? i2x_cmd3 :
+		    (b2x_ba == 2'b10) ? i2x_cmd2 :
+		    (b2x_ba == 2'b01) ? i2x_cmd1 : i2x_cmd0;
+   assign b2x_id = (b2x_ba == 2'b11) ? i2x_id3 :
+		   (b2x_ba == 2'b10) ? i2x_id2 :
+		   (b2x_ba == 2'b01) ? i2x_id1 : i2x_id0;
+   assign x2i_ack[0] = (b2x_ba == 2'b00) ? x2b_ack : 1'b0;
+   assign x2i_ack[1] = (b2x_ba == 2'b01) ? x2b_ack : 1'b0;
+   assign x2i_ack[2] = (b2x_ba == 2'b10) ? x2b_ack : 1'b0;
+   assign x2i_ack[3] = (b2x_ba == 2'b11) ? x2b_ack : 1'b0;
+   // Rank Fifo
+   // On a write write to selected rank and increment rank_cnt
+   // On a read shift rank_ba right 2 bits and decrement rank_cnt
+   assign rank_fifo_wr = b2r_ack;
+   assign rank_fifo_rd = b2x_req & b2x_cmd[1] & x2b_ack;
+   assign rank_wr_sel[0] = (rank_cnt == 3'h0) ? rank_fifo_wr : 
+			   (rank_cnt == 3'h1) ? rank_fifo_wr & rank_fifo_rd : 
+			   1'b0;
+   assign rank_wr_sel[1] = (rank_cnt == 3'h1) ? rank_fifo_wr & ~rank_fifo_rd :
+			   (rank_cnt == 3'h2) ? rank_fifo_wr & rank_fifo_rd :
+			   1'b0; 
+   assign rank_wr_sel[2] = (rank_cnt == 3'h2) ? rank_fifo_wr & ~rank_fifo_rd :
+			   (rank_cnt == 3'h3) ? rank_fifo_wr & rank_fifo_rd :
+			   1'b0; 
+   assign rank_wr_sel[3] = (rank_cnt == 3'h3) ? rank_fifo_wr & ~rank_fifo_rd :
+			   (rank_cnt == 3'h4) ? rank_fifo_wr & rank_fifo_rd :
+			   1'b0; 
+   assign rank_fifo_mt = (rank_cnt == 3'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign rank_fifo_full = (rank_cnt[2]) ? 1'b1 : 
+			   (rank_cnt[1:0] == a2b_req_depth) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; 
+   // FIFO Check
+   // synopsys translate_off
+   always @ (posedge clk) begin
+      if (~rank_fifo_wr & rank_fifo_rd && rank_cnt == 3'h0) begin
+	 $display ("%t: %m: ERROR!!! Read from empty Fifo", $time);
+	 $stop;
+      end // if (rank_fifo_rd && rank_cnt == 3'h0)
+      if (rank_fifo_wr && ~rank_fifo_rd && rank_cnt == 3'h4) begin
+	 $display ("%t: %m: ERROR!!! Write to full Fifo", $time);
+	 $stop;
+      end // if (rank_fifo_wr && ~rank_fifo_rd && rank_cnt == 3'h4)
+   end // always @ (posedge clk)
+   // synopsys translate_on
+   always @ (posedge clk)
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 rank_cnt <= 3'b0;
+	 rank_ba <= 8'b0;
+	 rank_ba_last <= 4'b0;
+      end // if (~reset_n)
+      else begin
+	 rank_cnt <= (rank_fifo_wr & ~rank_fifo_rd) ? rank_cnt + 3'b1 :
+		     (~rank_fifo_wr & rank_fifo_rd) ? rank_cnt - 3'b1 :
+		     rank_cnt;
+	 rank_ba[1:0] <= (rank_wr_sel[0]) ? r2b_ba :
+			 (rank_fifo_rd) ? rank_ba[3:2] : rank_ba[1:0];
+	 rank_ba[3:2] <= (rank_wr_sel[1]) ? r2b_ba :
+			 (rank_fifo_rd) ? rank_ba[5:4] : rank_ba[3:2];
+	 rank_ba[5:4] <= (rank_wr_sel[2]) ? r2b_ba :
+			 (rank_fifo_rd) ? rank_ba[7:6] : rank_ba[5:4];
+	 rank_ba[7:6] <= (rank_wr_sel[3]) ? r2b_ba :
+			 (rank_fifo_rd) ? 2'b00 : rank_ba[7:6];
+	 if(`TARGET_DESIGN == `ASIC) begin // This Logic is implemented for ASIC Only
+	    // Note: Currenly top-level does not generate the
+	    // sdr_req_norm_dma_last signal and can be tied zero at top-level
+            rank_ba_last[0] <= (rank_wr_sel[0]) ? sdr_req_norm_dma_last :
+                            (rank_fifo_rd) ?  rank_ba_last[1] : rank_ba_last[0];
+            rank_ba_last[1] <= (rank_wr_sel[1]) ? sdr_req_norm_dma_last :
+                               (rank_fifo_rd) ?  rank_ba_last[2] : rank_ba_last[1];
+            rank_ba_last[2] <= (rank_wr_sel[2]) ? sdr_req_norm_dma_last :
+                               (rank_fifo_rd) ?  rank_ba_last[3] : rank_ba_last[2];
+            rank_ba_last[3] <= (rank_wr_sel[3]) ? sdr_req_norm_dma_last :
+                               (rank_fifo_rd) ?  1'b0 : rank_ba_last[3];
+         end
+      end // else: !if(~reset_n)
+   assign xfr_ok[0] = (xfr_ba == 2'b00) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign xfr_ok[1] = (xfr_ba == 2'b01) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign xfr_ok[2] = (xfr_ba == 2'b10) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign xfr_ok[3] = (xfr_ba == 2'b11) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate Bank Ctl FSM 0
+   sdrc_bank_fsm bank0_fsm (.clk (clk),
+			   .reset_n (reset_n),
+			   /* Req from req_gen */
+			   .r2b_req (r2i_req[0]),
+			   .r2b_req_id (r2b_req_id),
+			   .r2b_start (r2b_start),
+			   .r2b_last (r2b_last),
+			   .r2b_wrap (r2b_wrap),
+			   .r2b_raddr (r2b_raddr),
+			   .r2b_caddr (r2b_caddr),
+			   .r2b_len (r2b_len),
+			   .r2b_write (r2b_write),
+			   .b2r_ack (i2r_ack[0]),
+                           .sdr_dma_last(rank_ba_last[0]),
+			   /* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
+			   .b2x_req (i2x_req[0]),
+			   .b2x_start (i2x_start[0]),
+			   .b2x_last (i2x_last[0]),
+			   .b2x_wrap (i2x_wrap[0]),
+			   .b2x_id (i2x_id0),
+			   .b2x_addr (i2x_addr0),
+			   .b2x_len (i2x_len0),
+			   .b2x_cmd (i2x_cmd0),
+			   .x2b_ack (x2i_ack[0]),
+			   /* Status to/from xfr_ctl */
+			   .tras_ok (tras_ok[0]),
+			   .xfr_ok (xfr_ok[0]),
+			   .x2b_refresh (x2b_refresh),
+			   .x2b_pre_ok (x2b_pre_ok[0]),
+			   .x2b_act_ok (x2b_act_ok),
+			   .x2b_rdok (x2b_rdok),
+			   .x2b_wrok (x2b_wrok),
+			   .bank_row(bank0_row),
+			   /* SDRAM Timing */
+			   .tras_delay (tras_delay),
+			   .trp_delay (trp_delay),
+			   .trcd_delay (trcd_delay));
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate Bank Ctl FSM 1
+   sdrc_bank_fsm bank1_fsm (.clk (clk),
+			   .reset_n (reset_n),
+			   /* Req from req_gen */
+			   .r2b_req (r2i_req[1]),
+			   .r2b_req_id (r2b_req_id),
+			   .r2b_start (r2b_start),
+			   .r2b_last (r2b_last),
+			   .r2b_wrap (r2b_wrap),
+			   .r2b_raddr (r2b_raddr),
+			   .r2b_caddr (r2b_caddr),
+			   .r2b_len (r2b_len),
+			   .r2b_write (r2b_write),
+			   .b2r_ack (i2r_ack[1]),
+                           .sdr_dma_last(rank_ba_last[1]),
+			   /* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
+			   .b2x_req (i2x_req[1]),
+			   .b2x_start (i2x_start[1]),
+			   .b2x_last (i2x_last[1]),
+			   .b2x_wrap (i2x_wrap[1]),
+			   .b2x_id (i2x_id1),
+			   .b2x_addr (i2x_addr1),
+			   .b2x_len (i2x_len1),
+			   .b2x_cmd (i2x_cmd1),
+			   .x2b_ack (x2i_ack[1]),
+			   /* Status to/from xfr_ctl */
+			   .tras_ok (tras_ok[1]),           
+			   .xfr_ok (xfr_ok[1]),
+			   .x2b_refresh (x2b_refresh),
+			   .x2b_pre_ok (x2b_pre_ok[1]),
+			   .x2b_act_ok (x2b_act_ok),
+			   .x2b_rdok (x2b_rdok),
+			   .x2b_wrok (x2b_wrok),
+			   .bank_row(bank1_row),
+			   /* SDRAM Timing */
+			   .tras_delay (tras_delay),
+			   .trp_delay (trp_delay),
+			   .trcd_delay (trcd_delay));
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate Bank Ctl FSM 2
+   sdrc_bank_fsm bank2_fsm (.clk (clk),
+			   .reset_n (reset_n),
+			   /* Req from req_gen */
+			   .r2b_req (r2i_req[2]),
+			   .r2b_req_id (r2b_req_id),
+			   .r2b_start (r2b_start),
+			   .r2b_last (r2b_last),
+			   .r2b_wrap (r2b_wrap),
+			   .r2b_raddr (r2b_raddr),
+			   .r2b_caddr (r2b_caddr),
+			   .r2b_len (r2b_len),
+			   .r2b_write (r2b_write),
+			   .b2r_ack (i2r_ack[2]),
+                           .sdr_dma_last(rank_ba_last[2]),
+			   /* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
+			   .b2x_req (i2x_req[2]),
+			   .b2x_start (i2x_start[2]),
+			   .b2x_last (i2x_last[2]),
+			   .b2x_wrap (i2x_wrap[2]),
+			   .b2x_id (i2x_id2),
+			   .b2x_addr (i2x_addr2),
+			   .b2x_len (i2x_len2),
+			   .b2x_cmd (i2x_cmd2),
+			   .x2b_ack (x2i_ack[2]),
+			   /* Status to/from xfr_ctl */
+			   .tras_ok (tras_ok[2]),           
+			   .xfr_ok (xfr_ok[2]),
+			   .x2b_refresh (x2b_refresh),
+			   .x2b_pre_ok (x2b_pre_ok[2]),
+			   .x2b_act_ok (x2b_act_ok),
+			   .x2b_rdok (x2b_rdok),
+			   .x2b_wrok (x2b_wrok),
+			   .bank_row(bank2_row),
+			   /* SDRAM Timing */
+			   .tras_delay (tras_delay),
+			   .trp_delay (trp_delay),
+			   .trcd_delay (trcd_delay));
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate Bank Ctl FSM 3
+   sdrc_bank_fsm bank3_fsm (.clk (clk),
+			   .reset_n (reset_n),
+			   /* Req from req_gen */
+			   .r2b_req (r2i_req[3]),
+			   .r2b_req_id (r2b_req_id),
+			   .r2b_start (r2b_start),
+			   .r2b_last (r2b_last),
+			   .r2b_wrap (r2b_wrap),
+			   .r2b_raddr (r2b_raddr),
+			   .r2b_caddr (r2b_caddr),
+			   .r2b_len (r2b_len),
+			   .r2b_write (r2b_write),
+			   .b2r_ack (i2r_ack[3]),
+                           .sdr_dma_last(rank_ba_last[3]),
+			   /* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
+			   .b2x_req (i2x_req[3]),
+			   .b2x_start (i2x_start[3]),
+			   .b2x_last (i2x_last[3]),
+			   .b2x_wrap (i2x_wrap[3]),
+			   .b2x_id (i2x_id3),
+			   .b2x_addr (i2x_addr3),
+			   .b2x_len (i2x_len3),
+			   .b2x_cmd (i2x_cmd3),
+			   .x2b_ack (x2i_ack[3]),
+			   /* Status to/from xfr_ctl */
+			   .tras_ok (tras_ok[3]),           
+			   .xfr_ok (xfr_ok[3]),
+			   .x2b_refresh (x2b_refresh),
+			   .x2b_pre_ok (x2b_pre_ok[3]),
+			   .x2b_act_ok (x2b_act_ok),
+			   .x2b_rdok (x2b_rdok),
+			   .x2b_wrok (x2b_wrok),
+			   .bank_row(bank3_row),
+			   /* SDRAM Timing */
+			   .tras_delay (tras_delay),
+			   .trp_delay (trp_delay),
+			   .trcd_delay (trcd_delay));
+/* address for current xfr, debug only */
+wire [12:0] cur_row = (xfr_bank_sel==3) ? bank3_row:
+			(xfr_bank_sel==2) ? bank2_row: 
+			(xfr_bank_sel==1) ? bank1_row: bank0_row; 
+endmodule // sdr_bank_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bank_fsm.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bank_fsm.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5eeb1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bank_fsm.v
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+  SDRAM Controller Bank Controller
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: 
+    This module takes requests from sdrc_req_gen, checks for page hit/miss and
+    issues precharge/activate commands and then passes the request to sdrc_xfr_ctl. 
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):                                                  
+      - Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  :  1.0  - 8th Jan 2012
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+`include "sdrc_define.v"
+module sdrc_bank_fsm (clk,
+		     reset_n,
+		     /* Req from req_gen */
+		     r2b_req,	   // request
+		     r2b_req_id,   // ID
+		     r2b_start,	   // First chunk of burst
+		     r2b_last,	   // Last chunk of burst
+		     r2b_wrap,
+		     r2b_raddr,	   // row address
+		     r2b_caddr,	   // col address
+		     r2b_len,	   // length
+		     r2b_write,	   // write request
+		     b2r_ack,
+                     sdr_dma_last,
+		     /* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
+		     b2x_req,	   // Request to xfr_ctl
+		     b2x_start,	   // first chunk of transfer
+		     b2x_last,	   // last chunk of transfer
+		     b2x_wrap,
+		     b2x_id,	   // Transfer ID
+		     b2x_addr,	   // row/col address
+		     b2x_len,	   // transfer length
+		     b2x_cmd,	   // transfer command
+		     x2b_ack,	   // command accepted
+		     /* Status to/from xfr_ctl */
+		     tras_ok,      // TRAS OK for this bank
+		     xfr_ok,
+		     x2b_refresh,  // We did a refresh
+		     x2b_pre_ok,   // OK to do a precharge (per bank)
+		     x2b_act_ok,   // OK to do an activate
+		     x2b_rdok,	   // OK to do a read
+		     x2b_wrok,	   // OK to do a write
+		     /* current xfr row address of the bank */
+		     bank_row,
+		     /* SDRAM Timing */
+		     tras_delay,   // Active to precharge delay
+		     trp_delay,	   // Precharge to active delay
+		     trcd_delay);  // Active to R/W delay
+parameter  SDR_DW   = 16;  // SDR Data Width 
+parameter  SDR_BW   = 2;   // SDR Byte Width
+   input                        clk, reset_n;
+   /* Req from bank_ctl */
+   input 			r2b_req, r2b_start, r2b_last,
+				r2b_write, r2b_wrap;
+   input [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	r2b_req_id;
+   input [12:0] 		r2b_raddr;
+   input [12:0] 		r2b_caddr;
+   input [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	r2b_len;
+   output 			b2r_ack;
+   input                        sdr_dma_last;
+   /* Req to xfr_ctl */
+   output 			b2x_req, b2x_start, b2x_last,
+				tras_ok, b2x_wrap;
+   output [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	b2x_id;
+   output [12:0] 		b2x_addr;
+   output [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	b2x_len;
+   output [1:0] 		b2x_cmd;
+   input 			x2b_ack;
+   /* Status from xfr_ctl */
+   input 			x2b_refresh, x2b_act_ok, x2b_rdok,
+				x2b_wrok, x2b_pre_ok, xfr_ok;
+   input [3:0] 			tras_delay, trp_delay, trcd_delay;
+   output [12:0] 			bank_row;
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Internal Nets
+   `define BANK_IDLE         3'b000
+   `define BANK_PRE          3'b001
+   `define BANK_ACT          3'b010
+   `define BANK_XFR          3'b011
+   `define BANK_DMA_LAST_PRE 3'b100
+   reg [2:0] 			bank_st, next_bank_st;
+   wire 			b2x_start, b2x_last;
+   reg 				l_start, l_last;
+   reg 				b2x_req, b2r_ack;
+   wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	b2x_id;
+   reg [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	l_id;
+   reg [12:0] 			b2x_addr;
+   reg [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	l_len;
+   wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	b2x_len;
+   reg [1:0] 			b2x_cmd_t;
+   reg  			bank_valid;
+   reg [12:0] 			bank_row;
+   reg [3:0] 			tras_cntr, timer0;
+   reg 				l_wrap, l_write;
+   wire 			b2x_wrap;
+   reg [12:0] 			l_raddr;
+   reg [12:0] 			l_caddr;
+   reg                          l_sdr_dma_last;
+   reg                          bank_prech_page_closed;
+   wire  			tras_ok_internal, tras_ok, activate_bank;
+   wire 			page_hit, timer0_tc_t, ld_trp, ld_trcd;
+   /*** Timing Break Logic Added for FPGA - Start ****/
+   reg	x2b_wrok_r, xfr_ok_r , x2b_rdok_r;
+   reg [1:0] b2x_cmd_r,timer0_tc_r,tras_ok_r,x2b_pre_ok_r,x2b_act_ok_r;
+   always @ (posedge clk)
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 x2b_wrok_r <= 1'b0;
+	 xfr_ok_r   <= 1'b0;
+	 x2b_rdok_r <= 1'b0;
+	 b2x_cmd_r  <= 2'b0;
+	 timer0_tc_r  <= 1'b0;
+	 tras_ok_r    <= 1'b0;
+	 x2b_pre_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+	 x2b_act_ok_r <= 1'b0;
+      end
+      else begin
+	 x2b_wrok_r <= x2b_wrok;
+	 xfr_ok_r   <= xfr_ok;
+	 x2b_rdok_r <= x2b_rdok;
+	 b2x_cmd_r  <= b2x_cmd_t;
+	 timer0_tc_r <= (ld_trp | ld_trcd) ? 1'b0 : timer0_tc_t;
+	 tras_ok_r   <= tras_ok_internal;
+	 x2b_pre_ok_r  <= x2b_pre_ok;
+	 x2b_act_ok_r  <= x2b_act_ok;
+      end
+ wire  x2b_wrok_t     = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? x2b_wrok_r : x2b_wrok;
+ wire  xfr_ok_t       = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? xfr_ok_r : xfr_ok;
+ wire  x2b_rdok_t     = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? x2b_rdok_r : x2b_rdok;
+ wire [1:0] b2x_cmd   = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? b2x_cmd_r : b2x_cmd_t;
+ wire  timer0_tc      = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? timer0_tc_r : timer0_tc_t;
+ assign  tras_ok      = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? tras_ok_r : tras_ok_internal;
+ wire  x2b_pre_ok_t   = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? x2b_pre_ok_r : x2b_pre_ok;
+ wire  x2b_act_ok_t   = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? x2b_act_ok_r : x2b_act_ok;
+   /*** Timing Break Logic Added for FPGA - End****/
+   always @ (posedge clk)
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 bank_valid <= 1'b0;
+	 tras_cntr <= 4'b0;
+	 timer0 <= 4'b0;
+	 bank_st <= `BANK_IDLE;
+      end // if (~reset_n)
+      else begin
+	 bank_valid <= (x2b_refresh || bank_prech_page_closed) ? 1'b0 :  // force the bank status to be invalid
+		       (activate_bank) ? 1'b1 : bank_valid;
+	 tras_cntr <= (activate_bank) ? tras_delay :
+		      (~tras_ok_internal) ? tras_cntr - 4'b1 : 4'b0;
+	 timer0 <= (ld_trp) ? trp_delay :
+		   (ld_trcd) ? trcd_delay :
+		   (timer0 != 'h0) ? timer0 - 4'b1 : timer0;
+	 bank_st <= next_bank_st;
+      end // else: !if(~reset_n)
+   always @ (posedge clk) begin 
+      bank_row <= (bank_st == `BANK_ACT) ? b2x_addr : bank_row;
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 l_start <= 1'b0;
+	 l_last <= 1'b0;
+	 l_id <= 1'b0;
+	 l_len <= 1'b0;
+	 l_wrap <= 1'b0;
+	 l_write <= 1'b0;
+	 l_raddr <= 1'b0;
+	 l_caddr <= 1'b0;
+         l_sdr_dma_last <= 1'b0;
+      end
+      else begin
+        if (b2r_ack) begin
+  	   l_start <= r2b_start;
+  	   l_last <= r2b_last;
+  	   l_id <= r2b_req_id;
+  	   l_len <= r2b_len;
+  	   l_wrap <= r2b_wrap;
+  	   l_write <= r2b_write;
+  	   l_raddr <= r2b_raddr;
+  	   l_caddr <= r2b_caddr;
+           l_sdr_dma_last <= sdr_dma_last;
+        end // if (b2r_ack)
+      end
+   end // always @ (posedge clk)
+   assign tras_ok_internal = ~|tras_cntr;
+   assign activate_bank = (b2x_cmd == `OP_ACT) & x2b_ack;
+   assign page_hit = (r2b_raddr == bank_row) ? bank_valid : 1'b0;    // its a hit only if bank is valid
+   assign timer0_tc_t = ~|timer0;
+   assign ld_trp = (b2x_cmd == `OP_PRE) ? x2b_ack : 1'b0;
+   assign ld_trcd = (b2x_cmd == `OP_ACT) ? x2b_ack : 1'b0;
+   always @ (*) begin
+       bank_prech_page_closed = 1'b0;
+       b2x_req = 1'b0;
+       b2x_cmd_t = 2'bx;
+       b2r_ack = 1'b0;
+       b2x_addr = 13'bx;
+       next_bank_st = bank_st;
+      case (bank_st)
+	`BANK_IDLE : begin
+		if(`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) begin // To break the timing, b2x request are generated delayed
+	             if (~r2b_req) begin
+	                next_bank_st = `BANK_IDLE;
+	             end // if (~r2b_req)
+	             else if (page_hit) begin 
+	                b2r_ack = 1'b1;
+	                b2x_cmd_t = (r2b_write) ? `OP_WR : `OP_RD;
+	                next_bank_st = `BANK_XFR;  
+	             end // if (page_hit)
+	             else begin  // page_miss
+	                b2r_ack = 1'b1;
+	                b2x_cmd_t = `OP_PRE;
+	                next_bank_st = `BANK_PRE;  // bank was precharged on l_sdr_dma_last
+	             end // else: !if(page_hit)
+		end else begin // ASIC
+	             if (~r2b_req) begin
+                        bank_prech_page_closed = 1'b0;
+	                b2x_req = 1'b0;
+	                b2x_cmd_t = 2'bx;
+	                b2r_ack = 1'b0;
+	                b2x_addr = 13'bx;
+	                next_bank_st = `BANK_IDLE;
+	             end // if (~r2b_req)
+	             else if (page_hit) begin 
+	                b2x_req = (r2b_write) ? x2b_wrok_t & xfr_ok_t : 
+			                       x2b_rdok_t & xfr_ok_t;
+	                b2x_cmd_t = (r2b_write) ? `OP_WR : `OP_RD;
+	                b2r_ack = 1'b1;
+	                b2x_addr = r2b_caddr;
+	                next_bank_st = (x2b_ack) ? `BANK_IDLE : `BANK_XFR;  // in case of hit, stay here till xfr sm acks
+	             end // if (page_hit)
+	             else begin  // page_miss
+	                b2x_req = tras_ok & x2b_pre_ok_t;
+	                b2x_cmd_t = `OP_PRE;
+	                b2r_ack = 1'b1;
+	                b2x_addr = r2b_raddr & 13'hBFF;	   // Dont want to pre all banks!
+	                next_bank_st = (l_sdr_dma_last) ? `BANK_PRE : (x2b_ack) ? `BANK_ACT : `BANK_PRE;  // bank was precharged on l_sdr_dma_last
+	             end // else: !if(page_hit)
+	        end
+	end // case: `BANK_IDLE
+	`BANK_PRE : begin
+	   b2x_req = tras_ok & x2b_pre_ok_t;
+	   b2x_cmd_t = `OP_PRE;
+	   b2r_ack = 1'b0;
+	   b2x_addr = l_raddr & 13'hBFF;	   // Dont want to pre all banks!
+           bank_prech_page_closed = 1'b0;
+	   next_bank_st = (x2b_ack) ? `BANK_ACT : `BANK_PRE;
+	end // case: `BANK_PRE
+	`BANK_ACT : begin
+	   b2x_req = timer0_tc & x2b_act_ok_t;
+	   b2x_cmd_t = `OP_ACT;
+	   b2r_ack = 1'b0;
+	   b2x_addr = l_raddr;
+           bank_prech_page_closed = 1'b0;
+	   next_bank_st = (x2b_ack) ? `BANK_XFR : `BANK_ACT;
+	end // case: `BANK_ACT
+	`BANK_XFR : begin
+	   b2x_req = (l_write) ? timer0_tc & x2b_wrok_t & xfr_ok_t :
+		     timer0_tc & x2b_rdok_t & xfr_ok_t; 
+	   b2x_cmd_t = (l_write) ? `OP_WR : `OP_RD;
+	   b2r_ack = 1'b0;
+	   b2x_addr = l_caddr;
+           bank_prech_page_closed = 1'b0;
+	   next_bank_st = (x2b_refresh) ? `BANK_ACT : 
+                          (x2b_ack & l_sdr_dma_last) ? `BANK_DMA_LAST_PRE :
+			  (x2b_ack) ? `BANK_IDLE : `BANK_XFR;
+	end // case: `BANK_XFR
+        `BANK_DMA_LAST_PRE : begin
+	   b2x_req = tras_ok & x2b_pre_ok_t;
+	   b2x_cmd_t = `OP_PRE;
+	   b2r_ack = 1'b0;
+	   b2x_addr = l_raddr & 13'hBFF;	   // Dont want to pre all banks!
+           bank_prech_page_closed = 1'b1;
+	   next_bank_st = (x2b_ack) ? `BANK_IDLE : `BANK_DMA_LAST_PRE;
+	end // case: `BANK_DMA_LAST_PRE
+      endcase // case(bank_st)
+   end // always @ (bank_st or ...)
+   assign b2x_start = (bank_st == `BANK_IDLE) ? r2b_start : l_start;
+   assign b2x_last = (bank_st == `BANK_IDLE) ? r2b_last : l_last;
+   assign b2x_id = (bank_st == `BANK_IDLE) ? r2b_req_id : l_id;
+   assign b2x_len = (bank_st == `BANK_IDLE) ? r2b_len : l_len;
+   assign b2x_wrap = (bank_st == `BANK_IDLE) ? r2b_wrap : l_wrap;
+endmodule // sdr_bank_fsm
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bs_convert.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bs_convert.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..025e74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_bs_convert.v
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+  SDRAM Controller buswidth converter                                  
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: SDRAM Controller Buswidth converter
+  This module does write/read data transalation between
+     application data to SDRAM bus width
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):                                                  
+      - Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  :  0.0  - 8th Jan 2012 - Initial structure
+              0.2 - 2nd Feb 2012
+	         Improved the command pipe structure to accept up-to 4 command of different bank.
+	      0.3 - 6th Feb 2012
+	         Bug fix on read valid generation
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+`include "sdrc_define.v"
+module sdrc_bs_convert (
+                    clk                 ,
+                    reset_n             ,
+                    sdr_width           ,
+        /* Control Signal from xfr ctrl */
+                    x2a_rdstart         ,
+                    x2a_wrstart         ,
+                    x2a_rdlast          ,
+                    x2a_wrlast          ,
+                    x2a_rddt            ,
+                    x2a_rdok            ,
+                    a2x_wrdt            ,
+                    a2x_wren_n          ,
+                    x2a_wrnext          ,
+   /*  Control Signal from/to to application i/f  */
+                    app_wr_data         ,
+                    app_wr_en_n         ,
+                    app_wr_next         ,
+                    app_last_wr         ,
+                    app_rd_data         ,
+                    app_rd_valid        ,
+		    app_last_rd
+		);
+parameter  APP_AW   = 30;  // Application Address Width
+parameter  APP_DW   = 32;  // Application Data Width 
+parameter  APP_BW   = 4;   // Application Byte Width
+parameter  SDR_DW   = 16;  // SDR Data Width 
+parameter  SDR_BW   = 2;   // SDR Byte Width
+input                    clk              ;
+input                    reset_n          ;
+input [1:0]              sdr_width        ; // 2'b00 - 32 Bit SDR, 2'b01 - 16 Bit SDR, 2'b1x - 8 Bit
+/* Control Signal from xfr ctrl Read Transaction*/
+input                    x2a_rdstart      ; // read start indication
+input                    x2a_rdlast       ; //  read last burst access
+input [SDR_DW-1:0]       x2a_rddt         ;
+input                    x2a_rdok         ;
+/* Control Signal from xfr ctrl Write Transaction*/
+input                    x2a_wrstart      ; // writ start indication
+input                    x2a_wrlast       ; // write last transfer
+input                    x2a_wrnext       ;
+output [SDR_DW-1:0]      a2x_wrdt         ;
+output [SDR_BW-1:0]      a2x_wren_n       ;
+// Application Write Transaction
+input  [APP_DW-1:0]      app_wr_data      ;
+input  [APP_BW-1:0]      app_wr_en_n      ;
+output                   app_wr_next      ;
+output                   app_last_wr      ; // Indicate last Write Transfer for a given burst size
+// Application Read Transaction
+output [APP_DW-1:0]      app_rd_data      ;
+output                   app_rd_valid     ;
+output                   app_last_rd      ; // Indicate last Read Transfer for a given burst size
+// Local Decleration
+// ----------------------------------------
+reg [APP_DW-1:0]         app_rd_data      ;
+reg                      app_rd_valid     ;
+reg [SDR_DW-1:0]         a2x_wrdt         ;
+reg [SDR_BW-1:0]         a2x_wren_n       ;
+reg                      app_wr_next      ;
+reg [23:0]               saved_rd_data    ;
+reg [1:0]                rd_xfr_count     ;
+reg [1:0]                wr_xfr_count     ;
+assign  app_last_wr = x2a_wrlast;
+assign  app_last_rd = x2a_rdlast;
+always @(*) begin
+        if(sdr_width == 2'b00) // 32 Bit SDR Mode
+          begin
+            a2x_wrdt             = app_wr_data;
+            a2x_wren_n           = app_wr_en_n;
+            app_wr_next          = x2a_wrnext;
+            app_rd_data          = x2a_rddt;
+            app_rd_valid         = x2a_rdok;
+          end
+        else if(sdr_width == 2'b01) // 16 Bit SDR Mode
+        begin
+           // Changed the address and length to match the 16 bit SDR Mode
+            app_wr_next          = (x2a_wrnext & wr_xfr_count[0]);
+            app_rd_valid         = (x2a_rdok & rd_xfr_count[0]);
+            if(wr_xfr_count[0] == 1'b1)
+              begin
+                a2x_wren_n      = app_wr_en_n[3:2];
+                a2x_wrdt        = app_wr_data[31:16];
+              end
+            else
+              begin
+                a2x_wren_n      = app_wr_en_n[1:0];
+                a2x_wrdt        = app_wr_data[15:0];
+              end
+            app_rd_data = {x2a_rddt,saved_rd_data[15:0]};
+        end else  // 8 Bit SDR Mode
+        begin
+           // Changed the address and length to match the 16 bit SDR Mode
+            app_wr_next         = (x2a_wrnext & (wr_xfr_count[1:0]== 2'b11));
+            app_rd_valid        = (x2a_rdok &   (rd_xfr_count[1:0]== 2'b11));
+            if(wr_xfr_count[1:0] == 2'b11)
+            begin
+                a2x_wren_n      = app_wr_en_n[3];
+                a2x_wrdt        = app_wr_data[31:24];
+            end
+            else if(wr_xfr_count[1:0] == 2'b10)
+            begin
+                a2x_wren_n      = app_wr_en_n[2];
+                a2x_wrdt        = app_wr_data[23:16];
+            end
+            else if(wr_xfr_count[1:0] == 2'b01)
+            begin
+                a2x_wren_n      = app_wr_en_n[1];
+                a2x_wrdt        = app_wr_data[15:8];
+            end
+            else begin
+                a2x_wren_n      = app_wr_en_n[0];
+                a2x_wrdt        = app_wr_data[7:0];
+            end
+            app_rd_data         = {x2a_rddt,saved_rd_data[23:0]};
+          end
+     end
+always @(posedge clk)
+  begin
+    if(!reset_n)
+      begin
+        rd_xfr_count    <= 8'b0;
+        wr_xfr_count    <= 8'b0;
+	saved_rd_data   <= 24'h0;
+      end
+    else begin
+	// During Write Phase
+        if(x2a_wrlast) begin
+           wr_xfr_count    <= 0;
+        end
+        else if(x2a_wrnext) begin
+           wr_xfr_count <= wr_xfr_count + 1'b1;
+        end
+	// During Read Phase
+        if(x2a_rdlast) begin
+           rd_xfr_count    <= 0;
+        end
+        else if(x2a_rdok) begin
+           rd_xfr_count   <= rd_xfr_count + 1'b1;
+	end
+	// Save Previous Data
+        if(x2a_rdok) begin
+	   if(sdr_width == 2'b01) // 16 Bit SDR Mode
+	      saved_rd_data[15:0]  <= x2a_rddt;
+            else begin// 8 bit SDR Mode - 
+	       if(rd_xfr_count[1:0] == 2'b00)      saved_rd_data[7:0]   <= x2a_rddt[7:0];
+	       else if(rd_xfr_count[1:0] == 2'b01) saved_rd_data[15:8]  <= x2a_rddt[7:0];
+	       else if(rd_xfr_count[1:0] == 2'b10) saved_rd_data[23:16] <= x2a_rddt[7:0];
+	    end
+        end
+    end
+endmodule // sdr_bs_convert
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_core.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_core.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b9eacde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_core.v
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+  SDRAM Controller Core File                                  
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: SDRAM Controller Core Module
+    2 types of SDRAMs are supported, 1Mx16 2 bank, or 4Mx16 4 bank.
+    This block integrate following sub modules
+    sdrc_bs_convert   
+        convert the system side 32 bit into equvailent 8/16/32 SDR format
+    sdrc_req_gen    
+        This module takes requests from the app, chops them to burst booundaries
+        if wrap=0, decodes the bank and passe the request to bank_ctl
+   sdrc_xfr_ctl
+      This module takes requests from sdr_bank_ctl, runs the transfer and
+      controls data flow to/from the app. At the end of the transfer it issues a
+      burst terminate if not at the end of a burst and another command to this
+      bank is not available.
+   sdrc_bank_ctl
+      This module takes requests from sdr_req_gen, checks for page hit/miss and
+      issues precharge/activate commands and then passes the request to
+      sdr_xfr_ctl. 
+  Assumption: SDRAM Pads should be placed near to this module. else
+  user should add a FF near the pads
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):                                                  
+      - Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  : 0.0 - 8th Jan 2012
+                Initial version with 16/32 Bit SDRAM Support
+           : 0.1 - 24th Jan 2012
+	         8 Bit SDRAM Support is added
+             0.2 - 2nd Feb 2012
+	           Improved the command pipe structure to accept up-to 
+		   4 command of different bank.
+	     0.3 - 7th Feb 2012
+	           Bug fix for parameter defination for request length has changed from 9 to 12
+             0.4 - 26th April 2013
+                   SDRAM Address Bit is Extended by 12 bit to 13 bit to support higher SDRAM
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+`include "sdrc_define.v"
+module sdrc_core 
+           (
+		clk,
+                pad_clk,
+		reset_n,
+                sdr_width,
+		cfg_colbits,
+		/* Request from app */
+		app_req,	        // Transfer Request
+		app_req_addr,	        // SDRAM Address
+		app_req_len,	        // Burst Length (in 16 bit words)
+		app_req_wrap,	        // Wrap mode request (xfr_len = 4)
+		app_req_wr_n,	        // 0 => Write request, 1 => read req
+		app_req_ack,	        // Request has been accepted
+		cfg_req_depth,	        //how many req. buffer should hold
+		app_wr_data,
+                app_wr_en_n,
+		app_last_wr,
+		app_rd_data,
+		app_rd_valid,
+		app_last_rd,
+		app_wr_next_req,
+		sdr_init_done,
+		app_req_dma_last,
+		/* Interface to SDRAMs */
+		sdr_cs_n,
+		sdr_cke,
+		sdr_ras_n,
+		sdr_cas_n,
+		sdr_we_n,
+		sdr_dqm,
+		sdr_ba,
+		sdr_addr, 
+		pad_sdr_din,
+		sdr_dout,
+		sdr_den_n,
+		/* Parameters */
+		cfg_sdr_en,
+		cfg_sdr_mode_reg,
+		cfg_sdr_tras_d,
+		cfg_sdr_trp_d,
+		cfg_sdr_trcd_d,
+		cfg_sdr_cas,
+		cfg_sdr_trcar_d,
+		cfg_sdr_twr_d,
+		cfg_sdr_rfsh,
+		cfg_sdr_rfmax);
+parameter  APP_AW   = 26;  // Application Address Width
+parameter  APP_DW   = 32;  // Application Data Width 
+parameter  APP_BW   = 4;   // Application Byte Width
+parameter  APP_RW   = 9;   // Application Request Width
+parameter  SDR_DW   = 16;  // SDR Data Width 
+parameter  SDR_BW   = 2;   // SDR Byte Width
+// Global Variable
+// ----------------------------------------------
+input                   clk                 ; // SDRAM Clock 
+input                   pad_clk             ; // SDRAM Clock from Pad, used for registering Read Data
+input                   reset_n             ; // Reset Signal
+input [1:0]             sdr_width           ; // 2'b00 - 32 Bit SDR, 2'b01 - 16 Bit SDR, 2'b1x - 8 Bit
+input [1:0]             cfg_colbits         ; // 2'b00 - 8 Bit column address, 2'b01 - 9 Bit, 10 - 10 bit, 11 - 11Bits
+// Request from app
+input 			app_req             ; // Application Request
+input [APP_AW-1:0] 	app_req_addr        ; // Address 
+input 			app_req_wr_n        ; // 0 - Write, 1 - Read
+input                   app_req_wrap        ; // Address Wrap
+output                  app_req_ack         ; // Application Request Ack
+input [APP_DW-1:0] 	app_wr_data         ; // Write Data
+output 		        app_wr_next_req     ; // Next Write Data Request
+input [APP_BW-1:0] 	app_wr_en_n         ; // Byte wise Write Enable
+output                  app_last_wr         ; // Last Write trannsfer of a given Burst
+output [APP_DW-1:0] 	app_rd_data         ; // Read Data
+output                  app_rd_valid        ; // Read Valid
+output                  app_last_rd         ; // Last Read Transfer of a given Burst
+// Interface to SDRAMs
+output                  sdr_cke             ; // SDRAM CKE
+output 			sdr_cs_n            ; // SDRAM Chip Select
+output                  sdr_ras_n           ; // SDRAM ras
+output                  sdr_cas_n           ; // SDRAM cas
+output			sdr_we_n            ; // SDRAM write enable
+output [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_dqm             ; // SDRAM Data Mask
+output [1:0] 		sdr_ba              ; // SDRAM Bank Enable
+output [12:0] 		sdr_addr            ; // SDRAM Address
+input [SDR_DW-1:0] 	pad_sdr_din         ; // SDRA Data Input
+output [SDR_DW-1:0] 	sdr_dout            ; // SDRAM Data Output
+output [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_den_n           ; // SDRAM Data Output enable
+// Configuration Parameter
+output                  sdr_init_done       ; // Indicate SDRAM Initialisation Done
+input [3:0] 		cfg_sdr_tras_d      ; // Active to precharge delay
+input [3:0]             cfg_sdr_trp_d       ; // Precharge to active delay
+input [3:0]             cfg_sdr_trcd_d      ; // Active to R/W delay
+input 			cfg_sdr_en          ; // Enable SDRAM controller
+input [1:0] 		cfg_req_depth       ; // Maximum Request accepted by SDRAM controller
+input [APP_RW-1:0]	app_req_len         ; // Application Burst Request length in 32 bit 
+input [12:0] 		cfg_sdr_mode_reg    ;
+input [2:0] 		cfg_sdr_cas         ; // SDRAM CAS Latency
+input [3:0] 		cfg_sdr_trcar_d     ; // Auto-refresh period
+input [3:0]             cfg_sdr_twr_d       ; // Write recovery delay
+input [`SDR_RFSH_TIMER_W-1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfsh;
+input [`SDR_RFSH_ROW_CNT_W -1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfmax;
+input                   app_req_dma_last;    // this signal should close the bank
+// Internal Nets
+wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0]r2b_req_id;
+wire [1:0] 		r2b_ba;
+wire [12:0] 		r2b_raddr;
+wire [12:0] 		r2b_caddr;
+wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	r2b_len;
+wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0]b2x_id;
+wire [1:0] 		b2x_ba;
+wire [12:0] 		b2x_addr;
+wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	b2x_len;
+wire [1:0] 		b2x_cmd;
+wire [3:0] 		x2b_pre_ok;
+wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0]xfr_id;
+wire [APP_DW-1:0] 	app_rd_data;
+wire 			sdr_cs_n, sdr_cke, sdr_ras_n, sdr_cas_n, sdr_we_n; 
+wire [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_dqm;
+wire [1:0] 		sdr_ba;
+wire [12:0] 		sdr_addr;
+wire [SDR_DW-1:0] 	sdr_dout;
+wire [SDR_DW-1:0] 	sdr_dout_int;
+wire [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_den_n;
+wire [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_den_n_int;
+wire [1:0] 		xfr_bank_sel;
+wire [APP_AW-1:0]        app_req_addr;
+wire [APP_RW-1:0]        app_req_len;
+wire [APP_DW-1:0]        app_wr_data;
+wire [SDR_DW-1:0]        a2x_wrdt       ;
+wire [APP_BW-1:0]        app_wr_en_n;
+wire [SDR_BW-1:0]        a2x_wren_n;
+//wire [31:0] app_rd_data;
+wire [SDR_DW-1:0]        x2a_rddt;
+// synopsys translate_off 
+   wire [3:0]           sdr_cmd;
+   assign sdr_cmd = {sdr_cs_n, sdr_ras_n, sdr_cas_n, sdr_we_n}; 
+// synopsys translate_on 
+assign sdr_den_n = sdr_den_n_int ; 
+assign sdr_dout  = sdr_dout_int ;
+// To meet the timing at read path, read data is registered w.r.t pad_sdram_clock and register back to sdram_clk
+// assumption, pad_sdram_clk is synhronous and delayed clock of sdram_clk.
+// register w.r.t pad sdram clk
+reg [SDR_DW-1:0] pad_sdr_din1;
+reg [SDR_DW-1:0] pad_sdr_din2;
+always@(posedge pad_clk) begin
+   pad_sdr_din1 <= pad_sdr_din;
+always@(posedge clk) begin
+   pad_sdr_din2 <= pad_sdr_din1;
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate sdr_req_gen
+   // This module takes requests from the app, chops them to burst booundaries
+   // if wrap=0, decodes the bank and passe the request to bank_ctl
+sdrc_req_gen #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) , .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_req_gen (
+          .clk                (clk          ),
+          .reset_n            (reset_n            ),
+	  .cfg_colbits        (cfg_colbits        ),
+          .sdr_width          (sdr_width          ),
+	/* Req to xfr_ctl */
+          .r2x_idle           (r2x_idle           ),
+	/* Request from app */
+          .req                (app_req            ),
+          .req_id             (4'b0               ),
+          .req_addr           (app_req_addr       ),
+          .req_len            (app_req_len        ),
+          .req_wrap           (app_req_wrap       ),
+          .req_wr_n           (app_req_wr_n       ),
+          .req_ack            (app_req_ack        ),
+       /* Req to bank_ctl */
+          .r2b_req            (r2b_req            ),
+          .r2b_req_id         (r2b_req_id         ),
+          .r2b_start          (r2b_start          ),
+          .r2b_last           (r2b_last           ),
+          .r2b_wrap           (r2b_wrap           ),
+          .r2b_ba             (r2b_ba             ),
+          .r2b_raddr          (r2b_raddr          ),
+          .r2b_caddr          (r2b_caddr          ),
+          .r2b_len            (r2b_len            ),
+          .r2b_write          (r2b_write          ),
+          .b2r_ack            (b2r_ack            ),
+          .b2r_arb_ok         (b2r_arb_ok         )
+     );
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate sdr_bank_ctl
+   // This module takes requests from sdr_req_gen, checks for page hit/miss and
+   // issues precharge/activate commands and then passes the request to
+   // sdr_xfr_ctl. 
+sdrc_bank_ctl #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) ,  .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_bank_ctl (
+          .clk                (clk          ),
+          .reset_n            (reset_n            ),
+          .a2b_req_depth      (cfg_req_depth      ),
+      /* Req from req_gen */
+          .r2b_req            (r2b_req            ),
+          .r2b_req_id         (r2b_req_id         ),
+          .r2b_start          (r2b_start          ),
+          .r2b_last           (r2b_last           ),
+          .r2b_wrap           (r2b_wrap           ),
+          .r2b_ba             (r2b_ba             ),
+          .r2b_raddr          (r2b_raddr          ),
+          .r2b_caddr          (r2b_caddr          ),
+          .r2b_len            (r2b_len            ),
+          .r2b_write          (r2b_write          ),
+          .b2r_arb_ok         (b2r_arb_ok         ),
+          .b2r_ack            (b2r_ack            ),
+      /* Transfer request to xfr_ctl */
+          .b2x_idle           (b2x_idle           ),
+          .b2x_req            (b2x_req            ),
+          .b2x_start          (b2x_start          ),
+          .b2x_last           (b2x_last           ),
+          .b2x_wrap           (b2x_wrap           ),
+          .b2x_id             (b2x_id             ),
+          .b2x_ba             (b2x_ba             ),
+          .b2x_addr           (b2x_addr           ),
+          .b2x_len            (b2x_len            ),
+          .b2x_cmd            (b2x_cmd            ),
+          .x2b_ack            (x2b_ack            ),
+      /* Status from xfr_ctl */
+          .b2x_tras_ok        (b2x_tras_ok        ),
+          .x2b_refresh        (x2b_refresh        ),
+          .x2b_pre_ok         (x2b_pre_ok         ),
+          .x2b_act_ok         (x2b_act_ok         ),
+          .x2b_rdok           (x2b_rdok           ),
+          .x2b_wrok           (x2b_wrok           ),
+      /* for generate cuurent xfr address msb */
+          .sdr_req_norm_dma_last(app_req_dma_last),
+          .xfr_bank_sel       (xfr_bank_sel       ),
+       /* SDRAM Timing */
+          .tras_delay         (cfg_sdr_tras_d     ),
+          .trp_delay          (cfg_sdr_trp_d      ),
+          .trcd_delay         (cfg_sdr_trcd_d     )
+      );
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate sdr_xfr_ctl
+   // This module takes requests from sdr_bank_ctl, runs the transfer and
+   // controls data flow to/from the app. At the end of the transfer it issues a
+   // burst terminate if not at the end of a burst and another command to this
+   // bank is not available.
+sdrc_xfr_ctl #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) ,  .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_xfr_ctl (
+          .clk                (clk          ),
+          .reset_n            (reset_n            ),
+      /* Transfer request from bank_ctl */
+          .r2x_idle           (r2x_idle           ),
+          .b2x_idle           (b2x_idle           ),
+          .b2x_req            (b2x_req            ),
+          .b2x_start          (b2x_start          ),
+          .b2x_last           (b2x_last           ),
+          .b2x_wrap           (b2x_wrap           ),
+          .b2x_id             (b2x_id             ),
+          .b2x_ba             (b2x_ba             ),
+          .b2x_addr           (b2x_addr           ),
+          .b2x_len            (b2x_len            ),
+          .b2x_cmd            (b2x_cmd            ),
+          .x2b_ack            (x2b_ack            ),
+       /* Status to bank_ctl, req_gen */
+          .b2x_tras_ok        (b2x_tras_ok        ),
+          .x2b_refresh        (x2b_refresh        ),
+          .x2b_pre_ok         (x2b_pre_ok         ),
+          .x2b_act_ok         (x2b_act_ok         ),
+          .x2b_rdok           (x2b_rdok           ),
+          .x2b_wrok           (x2b_wrok           ),
+       /* SDRAM I/O */
+          .sdr_cs_n           (sdr_cs_n           ),
+          .sdr_cke            (sdr_cke            ),
+          .sdr_ras_n          (sdr_ras_n          ),
+          .sdr_cas_n          (sdr_cas_n          ),
+          .sdr_we_n           (sdr_we_n           ),
+          .sdr_dqm            (sdr_dqm            ),
+          .sdr_ba             (sdr_ba             ),
+          .sdr_addr           (sdr_addr           ),
+          .sdr_din            (pad_sdr_din2       ),
+          .sdr_dout           (sdr_dout_int       ),
+          .sdr_den_n          (sdr_den_n_int      ),
+      /* Data Flow to the app */
+          .x2a_rdstart        (x2a_rdstart        ),
+          .x2a_wrstart        (x2a_wrstart        ),
+          .x2a_id             (xfr_id             ),
+          .x2a_rdlast         (x2a_rdlast         ),
+          .x2a_wrlast         (x2a_wrlast         ),
+          .a2x_wrdt           (a2x_wrdt           ),
+          .a2x_wren_n         (a2x_wren_n         ),
+          .x2a_wrnext         (x2a_wrnext         ),
+          .x2a_rddt           (x2a_rddt           ),
+          .x2a_rdok           (x2a_rdok           ),
+          .sdr_init_done      (sdr_init_done      ),
+      /* SDRAM Parameters */
+          .sdram_enable       (cfg_sdr_en         ),
+          .sdram_mode_reg     (cfg_sdr_mode_reg   ),
+      /* current xfr bank */
+          .xfr_bank_sel       (xfr_bank_sel       ),
+      /* SDRAM Timing */
+          .cas_latency        (cfg_sdr_cas        ),
+          .trp_delay          (cfg_sdr_trp_d      ),
+          .trcar_delay        (cfg_sdr_trcar_d    ),
+          .twr_delay          (cfg_sdr_twr_d      ),
+          .rfsh_time          (cfg_sdr_rfsh       ),
+          .rfsh_rmax          (cfg_sdr_rfmax      )
+    );
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Instantiate sdr_bs_convert
+   //    This model handle the bus with transaltion from application layer to
+   //       8/16/32 SDRAM Memory format
+   //     During Write Phase, this block split the data as per SDRAM Width
+   //     During Read Phase, This block does the re-packing based on SDRAM
+   //     Width
+   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sdrc_bs_convert #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) ,  .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_bs_convert (
+          .clk                (clk          ),
+          .reset_n            (reset_n            ),
+          .sdr_width          (sdr_width          ),
+   /* Control Signal from xfr ctrl */
+          // Read Interface Inputs
+          .x2a_rdstart        (x2a_rdstart        ),
+          .x2a_rdlast         (x2a_rdlast         ),
+          .x2a_rdok           (x2a_rdok           ),
+	  // Read Interface outputs
+          .x2a_rddt           (x2a_rddt           ),
+          // Write Interface, Inputs
+          .x2a_wrstart        (x2a_wrstart        ),
+          .x2a_wrlast         (x2a_wrlast         ),
+          .x2a_wrnext         (x2a_wrnext         ),
+          // Write Interface, Outputs
+          .a2x_wrdt           (a2x_wrdt           ),
+          .a2x_wren_n         (a2x_wren_n         ),
+   /* Control Signal from sdrc_bank_ctl  */
+   /*  Control Signal from/to to application i/f  */
+          .app_wr_data        (app_wr_data        ),
+          .app_wr_en_n        (app_wr_en_n        ),
+          .app_wr_next        (app_wr_next_req    ),
+	  .app_last_wr        (app_last_wr        ),
+          .app_rd_data        (app_rd_data        ),
+          .app_rd_valid       (app_rd_valid       ),
+	  .app_last_rd        (app_last_rd        )
+       );   
+endmodule // sdrc_core
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_req_gen.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_req_gen.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af7b506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_req_gen.v
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+  SDRAM Controller Request Generation                                  
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: SDRAM Controller Reguest Generation
+  Address Generation Based on cfg_colbits
+     cfg_colbits= 2'b00
+            Address[7:0]    - Column Address
+            Address[9:8]    - Bank Address
+            Address[22:10]  - Row Address
+     cfg_colbits= 2'b01
+            Address[8:0]    - Column Address
+            Address[10:9]   - Bank Address
+            Address[23:11]  - Row Address
+     cfg_colbits= 2'b10
+            Address[9:0]    - Column Address
+            Address[11:10]   - Bank Address
+            Address[24:12]  - Row Address
+     cfg_colbits= 2'b11
+            Address[10:0]    - Column Address
+            Address[12:11]   - Bank Address
+            Address[25:13]  - Row Address
+  The SDRAMs are operated in 4 beat burst mode.
+  If Wrap = 0; 
+      If the current burst cross the page boundary, then this block split the request 
+      into two coressponding change in address and request length
+  if the current burst cross the page boundar.
+  This module takes requests from the memory controller, 
+  chops them to page boundaries if wrap=0, 
+  and passes the request to bank_ctl
+  Note: With Wrap = 0, each request from Application layer will be splited into two request, 
+	if the current burst cross the page boundary. 
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):                                                  
+      - Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  : 0.0 - 8th Jan 2012
+             0.1 - 5th Feb 2012, column/row/bank address are register to improve the timing issue in FPGA synthesis
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+`include "sdrc_define.v"
+module sdrc_req_gen (clk,
+		    reset_n,
+		    cfg_colbits,
+		    sdr_width,
+		    /* Request from app */
+		    req,	        // Transfer Request
+		    req_id,	        // ID for this transfer
+		    req_addr,	        // SDRAM Address
+		    req_len,	        // Burst Length (in 32 bit words)
+		    req_wrap,	        // Wrap mode request (xfr_len = 4)
+		    req_wr_n,	        // 0 => Write request, 1 => read req
+		    req_ack,	        // Request has been accepted
+		    /* Req to xfr_ctl */
+		    r2x_idle,
+		    /* Req to bank_ctl */
+		    r2b_req,	        // request
+		    r2b_req_id,	        // ID
+		    r2b_start,	        // First chunk of burst
+		    r2b_last,	        // Last chunk of burst
+		    r2b_wrap,	        // Wrap Mode
+		    r2b_ba,	        // bank address
+		    r2b_raddr,	        // row address
+		    r2b_caddr,	        // col address
+		    r2b_len,	        // length
+		    r2b_write,	        // write request
+		    b2r_ack,
+		    b2r_arb_ok
+		    );
+parameter  APP_AW   = 26;  // Application Address Width
+parameter  APP_DW   = 32;  // Application Data Width 
+parameter  APP_BW   = 4;   // Application Byte Width
+parameter  APP_RW   = 9;   // Application Request Width
+parameter  SDR_DW   = 16;  // SDR Data Width 
+parameter  SDR_BW   = 2;   // SDR Byte Width
+input                   clk           ;
+input                   reset_n       ;
+input [1:0]             cfg_colbits   ; // 2'b00 - 8 Bit column address, 2'b01 - 9 Bit, 10 - 10 bit, 11 - 11Bits
+/* Request from app */
+input 			req           ; // Request 
+input [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] req_id      ; // Request ID
+input [APP_AW-1:0] 	req_addr      ; // Request Address
+input [APP_RW-1:0] 	req_len       ; // Request length
+input 			req_wr_n      ; // 0 -Write, 1 - Read
+input                   req_wrap      ; // 1 - Wrap the Address on page boundary
+output 			req_ack       ; // Request Ack
+/* Req to bank_ctl */
+output 			r2x_idle      ; 
+output                  r2b_req       ; // Request
+output                  r2b_start     ; // First Junk of the Burst Access
+output                  r2b_last      ; // Last Junk of the Burst Access
+output                  r2b_write     ; // 1 - Write, 0 - Read
+output                  r2b_wrap      ; // 1 - Wrap the Address at the page boundary.
+output [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	r2b_req_id;
+output [1:0] 		r2b_ba        ; // Bank Address
+output [12:0] 		r2b_raddr     ; // Row Address
+output [12:0] 		r2b_caddr     ; // Column Address
+output [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	r2b_len       ; // Burst Length
+input 			b2r_ack       ; // Request Ack
+input                   b2r_arb_ok    ; // Bank controller fifo is not full and ready to accept the command
+input [1:0] 	        sdr_width; // 2'b00 - 32 Bit, 2'b01 - 16 Bit, 2'b1x - 8Bit
+   /****************************************************************************/
+   // Internal Nets
+   `define REQ_IDLE        2'b00
+   `define REQ_ACTIVE      2'b01
+   `define REQ_PAGE_WRAP   2'b10
+   reg  [1:0]		req_st, next_req_st;
+   reg 			r2x_idle, req_ack, r2b_req, r2b_start, 
+			r2b_write, req_idle, req_ld, lcl_wrap;
+   reg [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	r2b_req_id;
+   reg [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	lcl_req_len;
+   wire 		r2b_last, page_ovflw;
+   reg page_ovflw_r;
+   wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	r2b_len, next_req_len;
+   wire [12:0] 	        max_r2b_len;
+   reg  [12:0] 	        max_r2b_len_r;
+   reg [1:0] 		r2b_ba;
+   reg [12:0] 		r2b_raddr;
+   reg [12:0] 		r2b_caddr;
+   reg [APP_AW-1:0] 	curr_sdr_addr ;
+   wire [APP_AW-1:0] 	next_sdr_addr ;
+// Generate the internal Adress and Burst length Based on sdram width
+reg [APP_AW:0]           req_addr_int;
+reg [APP_RW-1:0]         req_len_int;
+always @(*) begin
+   if(sdr_width == 2'b00) begin // 32 Bit SDR Mode
+      req_addr_int     = {1'b0,req_addr};
+      req_len_int      = req_len;
+   end else if(sdr_width == 2'b01) begin // 16 Bit SDR Mode
+      // Changed the address and length to match the 16 bit SDR Mode
+      req_addr_int     = {req_addr,1'b0};
+      req_len_int      = {req_len,1'b0};
+   end else  begin // 8 Bit SDR Mode
+      // Changed the address and length to match the 16 bit SDR Mode
+      req_addr_int    = {req_addr,2'b0};
+      req_len_int     = {req_len,2'b0};
+   end
+   //
+   // Identify the page over flow.
+   // Find the Maximum Burst length allowed from the selected column
+   // address, If the requested burst length is more than the allowed Maximum
+   // burst length, then we need to handle the bank cross over case and we
+   // need to split the reuest.
+   //
+   assign max_r2b_len = (cfg_colbits == 2'b00) ? (12'h100 - {4'b0, req_addr_int[7:0]}) :
+	                (cfg_colbits == 2'b01) ? (12'h200 - {3'b0, req_addr_int[8:0]}) :
+			(cfg_colbits == 2'b10) ? (12'h400 - {2'b0, req_addr_int[9:0]}) : (12'h800 - {1'b0, req_addr_int[10:0]});
+     // If the wrap = 0 and current application burst length is crossing the page boundary, 
+     // then request will be split into two with corresponding change in request address and request length.
+     //
+     // If the wrap = 0 and current burst length is not crossing the page boundary, 
+     // then request from application layer will be transparently passed on the bank control block.
+     //
+     // if the wrap = 1, then this block will not modify the request address and length. 
+     // The wrapping functionality will be handle by the bank control module and 
+     // column address will rewind back as follows XX -> FF ? 00 ? 1
+     //
+     // Note: With Wrap = 0, each request from Application layer will be spilited into two request, 
+     //	if the current burst cross the page boundary. 
+   assign page_ovflw = ({1'b0, req_len_int} > max_r2b_len) ? ~r2b_wrap : 1'b0;
+   assign r2b_len = r2b_start ? ((page_ovflw_r) ? max_r2b_len_r : lcl_req_len) :
+                      lcl_req_len;
+   assign next_req_len = lcl_req_len - r2b_len;
+   assign next_sdr_addr = curr_sdr_addr + r2b_len;
+   assign r2b_wrap = lcl_wrap;
+   assign r2b_last = (r2b_start & !page_ovflw_r) | (req_st == `REQ_PAGE_WRAP);
+   always @ (posedge clk) begin
+      page_ovflw_r   <= (req_ack) ? page_ovflw: 'h0;
+      max_r2b_len_r  <= (req_ack) ? max_r2b_len: 'h0;
+      r2b_start      <= (req_ack) ? 1'b1 :
+		        (b2r_ack) ? 1'b0 : r2b_start;
+      r2b_write      <= (req_ack) ? ~req_wr_n : r2b_write;
+      r2b_req_id     <= (req_ack) ? req_id : r2b_req_id;
+      lcl_wrap       <= (req_ack) ? req_wrap : lcl_wrap;
+      lcl_req_len    <= (req_ack) ? req_len_int  :
+		        (req_ld) ? next_req_len : lcl_req_len;
+      curr_sdr_addr  <= (req_ack) ? req_addr_int :
+		        (req_ld) ? next_sdr_addr : curr_sdr_addr;
+   end // always @ (posedge clk)
+   always @ (*) begin
+      r2x_idle    = 1'b0;
+      req_idle    = 1'b0;
+      req_ack     = 1'b0;
+      req_ld      = 1'b0;
+      r2b_req     = 1'b0;
+      next_req_st = `REQ_IDLE;
+      case (req_st)      // synopsys full_case parallel_case
+	`REQ_IDLE : begin
+	   r2x_idle = ~req;
+	   req_idle = 1'b1;
+	   req_ack = req & b2r_arb_ok;
+	   req_ld = 1'b0;
+	   r2b_req = 1'b0;
+	   next_req_st = (req & b2r_arb_ok) ? `REQ_ACTIVE : `REQ_IDLE;
+	end // case: `REQ_IDLE
+	`REQ_ACTIVE : begin
+	   r2x_idle = 1'b0;
+	   req_idle = 1'b0;
+	   req_ack = 1'b0;
+	   req_ld = b2r_ack;
+	   r2b_req = 1'b1;                       // req_gen to bank_req
+	   next_req_st = (b2r_ack ) ? ((page_ovflw_r) ? `REQ_PAGE_WRAP :`REQ_IDLE) : `REQ_ACTIVE;
+	end // case: `REQ_ACTIVE
+	`REQ_PAGE_WRAP : begin
+	   r2x_idle = 1'b0;
+	   req_idle = 1'b0;
+	   req_ack  = 1'b0;
+	   req_ld = b2r_ack;
+	   r2b_req = 1'b1;                       // req_gen to bank_req
+	   next_req_st = (b2r_ack) ? `REQ_IDLE : `REQ_PAGE_WRAP;
+	end // case: `REQ_ACTIVE
+      endcase // case(req_st)
+   end // always @ (req_st or ....)
+   always @ (posedge clk)
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 req_st <= `REQ_IDLE;
+      end // if (~reset_n)
+      else begin
+	 req_st <= next_req_st;
+      end // else: !if(~reset_n)
+// addrs bits for the bank, row and column
+// Register row/column/bank to improve fpga timing issue
+wire [APP_AW-1:0] 	map_address ;
+assign      map_address  = (req_ack) ? req_addr_int :
+		           (req_ld)  ? next_sdr_addr : curr_sdr_addr;
+always @ (posedge clk) begin
+// Bank Bits are always - 2 Bits
+    r2b_ba <= (cfg_colbits == 2'b00) ? {map_address[9:8]}   :
+	      (cfg_colbits == 2'b01) ? {map_address[10:9]}  :
+	      (cfg_colbits == 2'b10) ? {map_address[11:10]} : map_address[12:11];
+*  Colbits Mapping:
+*           2'b00 - 8 Bit
+*           2'b01 - 16 Bit
+*           2'b10 - 10 Bit
+*           2'b11 - 11 Bits
+    r2b_caddr <= (cfg_colbits == 2'b00) ? {5'b0, map_address[7:0]} :
+	         (cfg_colbits == 2'b01) ? {4'b0, map_address[8:0]} :
+	         (cfg_colbits == 2'b10) ? {3'b0, map_address[9:0]} : {2'b0, map_address[10:0]};
+    r2b_raddr <= (cfg_colbits == 2'b00)  ? map_address[22:10] :
+	         (cfg_colbits == 2'b01)  ? map_address[23:11] :
+	         (cfg_colbits == 2'b10)  ? map_address[24:12] : map_address[25:13];
+endmodule // sdr_req_gen
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_xfr_ctl.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_xfr_ctl.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd87d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/core/sdrc_xfr_ctl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+  SDRAM Controller Transfer control
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: SDRAM Controller Transfer control
+  This module takes requests from sdrc_bank_ctl and runs the
+  transfer. The input request is guaranteed to be in a bank that is
+  precharged and activated. This block runs the transfer until a
+  burst boundary is reached, then issues another read/write command
+  to sequentially step thru memory if wrap=0, until the transfer is
+  completed.
+  if a read transfer finishes and the caddr is not at a burst boundary 
+  a burst terminate command is issued unless another read/write or
+  precharge to the same bank is pending.
+  if a write transfer finishes and the caddr is not at a burst boundary 
+  a burst terminate command is issued unless a read/write is pending.
+   If a refresh request is made, the bank_ctl will be held off until
+   the number of refreshes requested are completed.
+   This block also handles SDRAM initialization.
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):                                                  
+      - Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  : 1.0 - 8th Jan 2012
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+`include "sdrc_define.v"
+module sdrc_xfr_ctl (clk,
+		    reset_n,
+		    /* Transfer request from bank_ctl */
+		    r2x_idle,	   // Req is idle
+		    b2x_idle,      // All banks are idle
+		    b2x_req,	   // Req from bank_ctl
+		    b2x_start,	   // first chunk of transfer
+		    b2x_last,	   // last chunk of transfer
+		    b2x_id,	   // Transfer ID
+		    b2x_ba,	   // bank address
+		    b2x_addr,	   // row/col address
+		    b2x_len,	   // transfer length
+		    b2x_cmd,	   // transfer command
+		    b2x_wrap,	   // Wrap mode transfer
+		    x2b_ack,	   // command accepted
+		    /* Status to bank_ctl, req_gen */
+		    b2x_tras_ok,   // Tras for all banks expired
+		    x2b_refresh,   // We did a refresh
+		    x2b_pre_ok,	   // OK to do a precharge (per bank)
+		    x2b_act_ok,	   // OK to do an activate
+		    x2b_rdok,	   // OK to do a read
+		    x2b_wrok,	   // OK to do a write
+		    /* SDRAM I/O */
+		    sdr_cs_n,
+		    sdr_cke,
+		    sdr_ras_n,
+		    sdr_cas_n,
+		    sdr_we_n,
+		    sdr_dqm,
+		    sdr_ba,
+		    sdr_addr, 
+		    sdr_din,
+		    sdr_dout,
+		    sdr_den_n,
+		    /* Data Flow to the app */
+		    x2a_rdstart,
+		    x2a_wrstart,
+		    x2a_rdlast,
+		    x2a_wrlast,
+		    x2a_id,
+		    a2x_wrdt,
+		    a2x_wren_n,
+		    x2a_wrnext,
+		    x2a_rddt,
+		    x2a_rdok,
+		    sdr_init_done,
+		    /* SDRAM Parameters */
+		    sdram_enable,
+		    sdram_mode_reg,
+		    /* output for generate row address of the transfer */
+		    xfr_bank_sel,
+		    /* SDRAM Timing */
+		    cas_latency,
+		    trp_delay,	   // Precharge to refresh delay
+		    trcar_delay,   // Auto-refresh period
+		    twr_delay,	   // Write recovery delay
+		    rfsh_time,	   // time per row (31.25 or 15.6125 uS)
+		    rfsh_rmax);	   // Number of rows to rfsh at a time (<120uS)
+parameter  SDR_DW   = 16;  // SDR Data Width 
+parameter  SDR_BW   = 2;   // SDR Byte Width
+input            clk, reset_n; 
+   /* Req from bank_ctl */
+input 			b2x_req, b2x_start, b2x_last, b2x_tras_ok,
+				b2x_wrap, r2x_idle, b2x_idle; 
+input [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	b2x_id;
+input [1:0] 			b2x_ba;
+input [12:0] 		b2x_addr;
+input [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	b2x_len;
+input [1:0] 			b2x_cmd;
+output 			x2b_ack;
+/* Status to bank_ctl */
+output [3:0] 		x2b_pre_ok;
+output 			x2b_refresh, x2b_act_ok, x2b_rdok,
+				x2b_wrok;
+/* Data Flow to the app */
+output 			x2a_rdstart, x2a_wrstart, x2a_rdlast, x2a_wrlast;
+output [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	x2a_id;
+input [SDR_DW-1:0] 	a2x_wrdt;
+input [SDR_BW-1:0] 	a2x_wren_n;
+output [SDR_DW-1:0] 	x2a_rddt;
+output 			x2a_wrnext, x2a_rdok, sdr_init_done;
+/* Interface to SDRAMs */
+output 			sdr_cs_n, sdr_cke, sdr_ras_n, sdr_cas_n,
+				sdr_we_n; 
+output [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_dqm;
+output [1:0] 		sdr_ba;
+output [12:0] 		sdr_addr;
+input [SDR_DW-1:0] 	sdr_din;
+output [SDR_DW-1:0] 	sdr_dout;
+output [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_den_n;
+   output [1:0]			xfr_bank_sel;
+   input 			sdram_enable;
+   input [12:0] 		sdram_mode_reg;
+   input [2:0] 			cas_latency;
+   input [3:0] 			trp_delay, trcar_delay, twr_delay;
+   input [`SDR_RFSH_TIMER_W-1 : 0] rfsh_time;
+   input [`SDR_RFSH_ROW_CNT_W-1:0] rfsh_rmax;
+   /************************************************************************/
+   // Internal Nets
+   `define XFR_IDLE        2'b00
+   `define XFR_WRITE       2'b01
+   `define XFR_READ        2'b10
+   `define XFR_RDWT        2'b11
+   reg [1:0] 			xfr_st, next_xfr_st;
+   reg [12:0] 			xfr_caddr;
+   wire 			last_burst;
+   wire 			x2a_rdstart, x2a_wrstart, x2a_rdlast, x2a_wrlast;
+   reg 				l_start, l_last, l_wrap;
+   wire [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	x2a_id;
+   reg [`SDR_REQ_ID_W-1:0] 	l_id;
+   wire [1:0] 			xfr_ba;
+   reg [1:0] 			l_ba;
+   wire [12:0] 			xfr_addr;
+   wire [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	xfr_len, next_xfr_len;
+   reg [`REQ_BW-1:0] 	l_len;
+   reg 				mgmt_idle, mgmt_req;
+   reg [3:0] 			mgmt_cmd;
+   reg [12:0] 			mgmt_addr;
+   reg [1:0] 			mgmt_ba;
+   reg 				sel_mgmt, sel_b2x;
+   reg 				cb_pre_ok, rdok, wrok, wr_next,
+				rd_next, sdr_init_done, act_cmd, d_act_cmd;
+   wire [3:0] 			b2x_sdr_cmd, xfr_cmd;
+   reg [3:0] 			i_xfr_cmd;
+   wire 			mgmt_ack, x2b_ack, b2x_read, b2x_write, 
+				b2x_prechg, d_rd_next, dt_next, xfr_end,
+				rd_pipe_mt, ld_xfr, rd_last, d_rd_last, 
+				wr_last, l_xfr_end, rd_start, d_rd_start,
+				wr_start, page_hit, burst_bdry, xfr_wrap,
+				b2x_prechg_hit;
+   reg [6:0] 			l_rd_next, l_rd_start, l_rd_last;
+   assign b2x_read = (b2x_cmd == `OP_RD) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign b2x_write = (b2x_cmd == `OP_WR) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign b2x_prechg = (b2x_cmd == `OP_PRE) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign b2x_sdr_cmd = (b2x_cmd == `OP_PRE) ? `SDR_PRECHARGE :
+			(b2x_cmd == `OP_ACT) ? `SDR_ACTIVATE :
+			(b2x_cmd == `OP_RD) ? `SDR_READ :
+			(b2x_cmd == `OP_WR) ? `SDR_WRITE : `SDR_DESEL;
+   assign page_hit = (b2x_ba == l_ba) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign b2x_prechg_hit = b2x_prechg & page_hit;
+   assign xfr_cmd = (sel_mgmt) ? mgmt_cmd :
+		    (sel_b2x) ? b2x_sdr_cmd : i_xfr_cmd;
+   assign xfr_addr = (sel_mgmt) ? mgmt_addr : 
+		     (sel_b2x) ? b2x_addr : xfr_caddr+1;
+   assign mgmt_ack = sel_mgmt;
+   assign x2b_ack = sel_b2x;
+   assign ld_xfr = sel_b2x & (b2x_read | b2x_write);
+   assign xfr_len = (ld_xfr) ? b2x_len : l_len;
+   //assign next_xfr_len = (l_xfr_end && !ld_xfr) ? l_len : xfr_len - 1;
+   assign next_xfr_len = (ld_xfr) ? b2x_len : 
+	                 (l_xfr_end) ? l_len:  l_len - 1;
+   assign d_rd_next = (cas_latency == 3'b001) ? l_rd_next[2] :
+		      (cas_latency == 3'b010) ? l_rd_next[3] :
+		      (cas_latency == 3'b011) ? l_rd_next[4] :
+		      (cas_latency == 3'b100) ? l_rd_next[5] :
+		      l_rd_next[6];
+   assign d_rd_last = (cas_latency == 3'b001) ? l_rd_last[2] :
+		      (cas_latency == 3'b010) ? l_rd_last[3] :
+		      (cas_latency == 3'b011) ? l_rd_last[4] :
+		      (cas_latency == 3'b100) ? l_rd_last[5] :
+		      l_rd_last[6];
+   assign d_rd_start = (cas_latency == 3'b001) ? l_rd_start[2] :
+		       (cas_latency == 3'b010) ? l_rd_start[3] :
+		       (cas_latency == 3'b011) ? l_rd_start[4] :
+		       (cas_latency == 3'b100) ? l_rd_start[5] :
+		       l_rd_start[6];
+   assign rd_pipe_mt = (cas_latency == 3'b001) ? ~|l_rd_next[1:0] :
+		       (cas_latency == 3'b010) ? ~|l_rd_next[2:0] :
+		       (cas_latency == 3'b011) ? ~|l_rd_next[3:0] :
+		       (cas_latency == 3'b100) ? ~|l_rd_next[4:0] :
+		       ~|l_rd_next[5:0];
+   assign dt_next = wr_next | d_rd_next;
+   assign xfr_end = ~|xfr_len;
+   assign l_xfr_end = ~|(l_len-1);
+   assign rd_start = ld_xfr & b2x_read & b2x_start;
+   assign wr_start = ld_xfr & b2x_write & b2x_start;
+   assign rd_last = rd_next & last_burst & ~|xfr_len[`REQ_BW-1:1];
+   //assign wr_last = wr_next & last_burst & ~|xfr_len[APP_RW-1:1];
+   assign wr_last = last_burst & ~|xfr_len[`REQ_BW-1:1];
+   //assign xfr_ba = (ld_xfr) ? b2x_ba : l_ba;
+   assign xfr_ba = (sel_mgmt) ? mgmt_ba : 
+		   (sel_b2x) ? b2x_ba : l_ba;
+   assign xfr_wrap = (ld_xfr) ? b2x_wrap : l_wrap;
+//   assign burst_bdry = ~|xfr_caddr[2:0];
+   wire [1:0] xfr_caddr_lsb = (xfr_caddr[1:0]+1);
+   assign burst_bdry = ~|(xfr_caddr_lsb[1:0]);
+   always @ (posedge clk) begin
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 xfr_caddr <= 13'b0;
+	 l_start <= 1'b0;
+	 l_last <= 1'b0;
+	 l_wrap <= 1'b0;
+	 l_id <= 0;
+	 l_ba <= 0;
+	 l_len <= 0;
+	 l_rd_next <= 7'b0;
+	 l_rd_start <= 7'b0;
+	 l_rd_last <= 7'b0;
+	 act_cmd <= 1'b0;
+	 d_act_cmd <= 1'b0;
+	 xfr_st <= `XFR_IDLE;
+      end // if (~reset_n)
+      else begin
+	 xfr_caddr <= (ld_xfr) ? b2x_addr :
+		      (rd_next | wr_next) ? xfr_caddr + 1 : xfr_caddr; 
+	 l_start <= (dt_next) ? 1'b0 : 
+		   (ld_xfr) ? b2x_start : l_start;
+	 l_last <= (ld_xfr) ? b2x_last : l_last;
+	 l_wrap <= (ld_xfr) ? b2x_wrap : l_wrap;
+	 l_id <= (ld_xfr) ? b2x_id : l_id;
+	 l_ba <= (ld_xfr) ? b2x_ba : l_ba;
+	 l_len <= next_xfr_len;
+	 l_rd_next <= {l_rd_next[5:0], rd_next};
+	 l_rd_start <= {l_rd_start[5:0], rd_start};
+	 l_rd_last <= {l_rd_last[5:0], rd_last};
+	 act_cmd <= (xfr_cmd == `SDR_ACTIVATE) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+	 d_act_cmd <= act_cmd;
+	 xfr_st <= next_xfr_st;
+      end // else: !if(~reset_n)
+   end // always @ (posedge clk)
+   always @ (*) begin 
+      case (xfr_st)
+	`XFR_IDLE : begin
+	   sel_mgmt = mgmt_req;
+	   sel_b2x = ~mgmt_req & sdr_init_done & b2x_req;
+	   i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	   rd_next = ~mgmt_req & sdr_init_done & b2x_req & b2x_read;
+	   wr_next = ~mgmt_req & sdr_init_done & b2x_req & b2x_write;
+	   rdok = ~mgmt_req;
+	   cb_pre_ok = 1'b1;
+	   wrok = ~mgmt_req;
+	   next_xfr_st = (mgmt_req | ~sdr_init_done) ? `XFR_IDLE :
+			 (~b2x_req) ? `XFR_IDLE :
+			 (b2x_read) ? `XFR_READ :
+			 (b2x_write) ? `XFR_WRITE : `XFR_IDLE;
+	end // case: `XFR_IDLE
+	`XFR_READ : begin
+	   rd_next = ~l_xfr_end |
+		     l_xfr_end & ~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_read;
+	   wr_next = 1'b0;
+	   rdok = l_xfr_end & ~mgmt_req;
+	   // Break the timing path for FPGA Based Design
+	   cb_pre_ok = (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? 1'b0 : l_xfr_end;
+	   wrok = 1'b0;
+	   sel_mgmt = 1'b0;
+	   if (l_xfr_end) begin		  // end of transfer
+	      if (~l_wrap) begin
+		 // Current transfer was not wrap mode, may need BT
+		 // If next cmd is a R or W or PRE to same bank allow
+		 // it else issue BT 
+		 // This is a little pessimistic since BT is issued
+		 // for non-wrap mode transfers even if the transfer
+		 // ends on a burst boundary, but is felt to be of
+		 // minimal performance impact.
+		 i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_BT;
+		 sel_b2x = b2x_req & ~mgmt_req & (b2x_read | b2x_prechg_hit);
+	      end // if (~l_wrap)
+	      else begin
+		 // Wrap mode transfer, by definition is end of burst
+		 // boundary 
+		 i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+		 sel_b2x = b2x_req & ~mgmt_req & ~b2x_write;
+	      end // else: !if(~l_wrap)
+	      next_xfr_st = (sdr_init_done) ? ((b2x_req & ~mgmt_req & b2x_read) ? `XFR_READ : `XFR_RDWT) : `XFR_IDLE;
+	   end // if (l_xfr_end)
+	   else begin
+	      // Not end of transfer
+	      // If current transfer was not wrap mode and we are at
+	      // the start of a burst boundary issue another R cmd to
+	      // step sequemtially thru memory, ELSE,
+	      // issue precharge/activate commands from the bank control
+	      i_xfr_cmd = (burst_bdry & ~l_wrap) ? `SDR_READ : `SDR_DESEL;
+	      sel_b2x = ~(burst_bdry & ~l_wrap) & b2x_req;
+	      next_xfr_st = `XFR_READ;
+	   end // else: !if(l_xfr_end)
+	end // case: `XFR_READ
+	`XFR_RDWT : begin 
+	   rd_next = ~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_read;
+	   wr_next = rd_pipe_mt & ~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_write;
+	   rdok = ~mgmt_req;
+	   cb_pre_ok = 1'b1;
+	   wrok = rd_pipe_mt & ~mgmt_req;
+	   sel_mgmt = mgmt_req;
+	   sel_b2x = ~mgmt_req & b2x_req;
+	   i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	   next_xfr_st = (~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_read) ? `XFR_READ : 
+			 (~rd_pipe_mt) ? `XFR_RDWT :
+			 (~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_write) ? `XFR_WRITE : 
+			 `XFR_IDLE;
+	end // case: `XFR_RDWT
+	`XFR_WRITE : begin
+	   rd_next = l_xfr_end & ~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_read;
+	   wr_next = ~l_xfr_end |
+		     l_xfr_end & ~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_write;
+	   rdok = l_xfr_end & ~mgmt_req;
+	   cb_pre_ok = 1'b0;
+	   wrok = l_xfr_end & ~mgmt_req;
+	   sel_mgmt = 1'b0;
+	   if (l_xfr_end) begin		  // End of transfer
+	      if (~l_wrap) begin
+		 // Current transfer was not wrap mode, may need BT
+		 // If next cmd is a R or W allow it else issue BT 
+		 // This is a little pessimistic since BT is issued
+		 // for non-wrap mode transfers even if the transfer
+		 // ends on a burst boundary, but is felt to be of
+		 // minimal performance impact.
+		 sel_b2x = b2x_req & ~mgmt_req & (b2x_read | b2x_write);
+		 i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_BT;
+	      end // if (~l_wrap)
+	      else begin
+		 // Wrap mode transfer, by definition is end of burst
+		 // boundary 
+		 sel_b2x = b2x_req & ~mgmt_req & ~b2x_prechg_hit;
+		 i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	      end // else: !if(~l_wrap)
+	      next_xfr_st = (~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_read) ? `XFR_READ : 
+			    (~mgmt_req & b2x_req & b2x_write) ? `XFR_WRITE : 
+			    `XFR_IDLE;
+	   end // if (l_xfr_end)
+	   else begin
+	      // Not end of transfer
+	      // If current transfer was not wrap mode and we are at
+	      // the start of a burst boundary issue another R cmd to
+	      // step sequemtially thru memory, ELSE,
+	      // issue precharge/activate commands from the bank control
+	      if (burst_bdry & ~l_wrap) begin
+		 sel_b2x = 1'b0;
+		 i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_WRITE;
+	      end // if (burst_bdry & ~l_wrap)
+	      else begin
+		 sel_b2x = b2x_req & ~mgmt_req;
+		 i_xfr_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	      end // else: !if(burst_bdry & ~l_wrap)
+	      next_xfr_st = `XFR_WRITE;
+	   end // else: !if(l_xfr_end)
+	end // case: `XFR_WRITE
+      endcase // case(xfr_st)
+   end // always @ (xfr_st or ...)
+   // signals to bank_ctl (x2b_refresh, x2b_act_ok, x2b_rdok, x2b_wrok,
+   // x2b_pre_ok[3:0] 
+   assign x2b_refresh = (xfr_cmd == `SDR_REFRESH) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign x2b_act_ok = ~act_cmd & ~d_act_cmd;
+   assign x2b_rdok = rdok;
+   assign x2b_wrok = wrok;
+   //assign x2b_pre_ok[0] = (l_ba == 2'b00) ? cb_pre_ok : 1'b1;
+   //assign x2b_pre_ok[1] = (l_ba == 2'b01) ? cb_pre_ok : 1'b1;
+   //assign x2b_pre_ok[2] = (l_ba == 2'b10) ? cb_pre_ok : 1'b1;
+   //assign x2b_pre_ok[3] = (l_ba == 2'b11) ? cb_pre_ok : 1'b1;
+   assign x2b_pre_ok[0] = cb_pre_ok;
+   assign x2b_pre_ok[1] = cb_pre_ok;
+   assign x2b_pre_ok[2] = cb_pre_ok;
+   assign x2b_pre_ok[3] = cb_pre_ok;
+   assign last_burst = (ld_xfr) ? b2x_last : l_last;
+   /************************************************************************/
+   // APP Data I/F
+   wire [SDR_DW-1:0] 	x2a_rddt;
+   //assign x2a_start = (ld_xfr) ? b2x_start : l_start;
+   assign x2a_rdstart = d_rd_start;
+   assign x2a_wrstart = wr_start;
+   assign x2a_rdlast = d_rd_last;
+   assign x2a_wrlast = wr_last;
+   assign x2a_id = (ld_xfr) ? b2x_id : l_id;
+   assign x2a_rddt = sdr_din;
+   assign x2a_wrnext = wr_next;
+   assign x2a_rdok = d_rd_next;
+   /************************************************************************/
+   // SDRAM I/F
+   reg 				sdr_cs_n, sdr_cke, sdr_ras_n, sdr_cas_n,
+				sdr_we_n; 
+   reg [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_dqm;
+   reg [1:0] 			sdr_ba;
+   reg [12:0] 			sdr_addr;
+   reg [SDR_DW-1:0] 	sdr_dout;
+   reg [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_den_n;
+   always @ (posedge clk)
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 sdr_cs_n <= 1'b1;
+	 sdr_cke <= 1'b1;
+	 sdr_ras_n <= 1'b1;
+	 sdr_cas_n <= 1'b1;
+	 sdr_we_n <= 1'b1;
+	 sdr_dqm   <= {SDR_BW{1'b1}};
+	 sdr_den_n <= {SDR_BW{1'b1}};
+      end // if (~reset_n)
+      else begin
+	 sdr_cs_n <= xfr_cmd[3];
+	 sdr_ras_n <= xfr_cmd[2];
+	 sdr_cas_n <= xfr_cmd[1];
+	 sdr_we_n <= xfr_cmd[0];
+	 sdr_cke <= (xfr_st != `XFR_IDLE) ? 1'b1 : 
+		    ~(mgmt_idle & b2x_idle & r2x_idle);
+	 sdr_dqm <= (wr_next) ? a2x_wren_n : {SDR_BW{1'b0}};
+         sdr_den_n <= (wr_next) ? {SDR_BW{1'b0}} : {SDR_BW{1'b1}};
+      end // else: !if(~reset_n)
+   always @ (posedge clk) begin 
+      if (~xfr_cmd[3]) begin 
+	 sdr_addr <= xfr_addr;
+	 sdr_ba <= xfr_ba;
+      end // if (~xfr_cmd[3])
+      sdr_dout <= (wr_next) ? a2x_wrdt : sdr_dout;
+   end // always @ (posedge clk)
+   /************************************************************************/
+   // Refresh and Initialization
+   `define MGM_POWERUP         3'b000
+   `define MGM_PRECHARGE    3'b001
+   `define MGM_PCHWT        3'b010
+   `define MGM_REFRESH      3'b011
+   `define MGM_REFWT        3'b100
+   `define MGM_MODE_REG     3'b101
+   `define MGM_MODE_WT      3'b110
+   `define MGM_ACTIVE       3'b111
+   reg [2:0]       mgmt_st, next_mgmt_st;
+   reg [3:0] 	   tmr0, tmr0_d;
+   reg [3:0] 	   cntr1, cntr1_d;
+   wire 	   tmr0_tc, cntr1_tc, rfsh_timer_tc, ref_req, precharge_ok;
+   reg 		   ld_tmr0, ld_cntr1, dec_cntr1, set_sdr_init_done;
+   reg [`SDR_RFSH_TIMER_W-1 : 0]  rfsh_timer;
+   reg [`SDR_RFSH_ROW_CNT_W-1:0]  rfsh_row_cnt;
+   always @ (posedge clk) 
+      if (~reset_n) begin
+	 mgmt_st <= `MGM_POWERUP;
+	 tmr0 <= 4'b0;
+	 cntr1 <= 4'h7;
+	 rfsh_timer <= 0;
+	 rfsh_row_cnt <= 0;
+	 sdr_init_done <= 1'b0;
+      end // if (~reset_n)
+      else begin
+	 mgmt_st <= next_mgmt_st;
+	 tmr0 <= (ld_tmr0) ? tmr0_d :
+		  (~tmr0_tc) ? tmr0 - 1 : tmr0;
+	 cntr1 <= (ld_cntr1) ? cntr1_d :
+		  (dec_cntr1) ? cntr1 - 1 : cntr1;
+	 sdr_init_done <= (set_sdr_init_done | sdr_init_done) & sdram_enable;
+	 rfsh_timer <= (rfsh_timer_tc) ? 0 : rfsh_timer + 1;
+	 rfsh_row_cnt <= (~set_sdr_init_done) ? 0 :
+			 (rfsh_timer_tc) ? rfsh_row_cnt + 1 : rfsh_row_cnt;
+      end // else: !if(~reset_n)
+   assign tmr0_tc = ~|tmr0;
+   assign cntr1_tc = ~|cntr1;
+   assign rfsh_timer_tc = (rfsh_timer == rfsh_time) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign ref_req = (rfsh_row_cnt >= rfsh_rmax) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign precharge_ok = cb_pre_ok & b2x_tras_ok;
+   assign xfr_bank_sel = l_ba;
+   always @ (mgmt_st or sdram_enable or mgmt_ack or trp_delay or tmr0_tc or
+	     cntr1_tc or trcar_delay or rfsh_row_cnt or ref_req or sdr_init_done
+	     or precharge_ok or sdram_mode_reg) begin 
+      case (mgmt_st)          // synopsys full_case parallel_case
+	`MGM_POWERUP : begin
+	   mgmt_idle = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	   mgmt_ba = 2'b0;
+	   mgmt_addr = 13'h400;    // A10 = 1 => all banks
+	   ld_tmr0 = 1'b0;
+	   tmr0_d = 4'b0;
+	   dec_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   ld_cntr1 = 1'b1;
+	   cntr1_d = 4'hf; // changed for sdrams with higher refresh cycles during initialization
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b0;
+	   next_mgmt_st = (sdram_enable) ? `MGM_PRECHARGE : `MGM_POWERUP; 
+	end // case: `MGM_POWERUP
+	`MGM_PRECHARGE : begin	   // Precharge all banks
+	   mgmt_idle = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b1;
+	   mgmt_cmd = (precharge_ok) ? `SDR_PRECHARGE : `SDR_DESEL;
+	   mgmt_ba = 2'b0;
+	   mgmt_addr = 13'h400;	   // A10 = 1 => all banks
+	   ld_tmr0 = mgmt_ack;
+	   tmr0_d = trp_delay;
+	   ld_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   cntr1_d = 4'h7;
+	   dec_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b0;
+	   next_mgmt_st = (precharge_ok & mgmt_ack) ? `MGM_PCHWT : `MGM_PRECHARGE;
+	end // case: `MGM_PRECHARGE
+	`MGM_PCHWT : begin	   // Wait for Trp
+	   mgmt_idle = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b1;
+	   mgmt_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	   mgmt_ba = 2'b0;
+	   mgmt_addr = 13'h400;	   // A10 = 1 => all banks
+	   ld_tmr0 = 1'b0;
+	   tmr0_d = trp_delay;
+	   ld_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   cntr1_d = 4'b0;
+	   dec_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b0;
+	   next_mgmt_st = (tmr0_tc) ? `MGM_REFRESH : `MGM_PCHWT;
+	end // case: `MGM_PRECHARGE
+	`MGM_REFRESH : begin	   // Refresh
+	   mgmt_idle = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b1;
+	   mgmt_cmd = `SDR_REFRESH;
+	   mgmt_ba = 2'b0;
+	   mgmt_addr = 13'h400;	   // A10 = 1 => all banks
+	   ld_tmr0 = mgmt_ack;
+	   tmr0_d = trcar_delay;
+	   dec_cntr1 = mgmt_ack;
+	   ld_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   cntr1_d = 4'h7;
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b0;
+	   next_mgmt_st = (mgmt_ack) ? `MGM_REFWT : `MGM_REFRESH;
+	end // case: `MGM_REFRESH
+	`MGM_REFWT : begin	   // Wait for trcar
+	   mgmt_idle = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b1;
+	   mgmt_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	   mgmt_ba = 2'b0;
+	   mgmt_addr = 13'h400;	   // A10 = 1 => all banks
+	   ld_tmr0 = 1'b0;
+	   tmr0_d = trcar_delay;
+	   dec_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   ld_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   cntr1_d = 4'h7;
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b0;
+	   next_mgmt_st = (~tmr0_tc) ? `MGM_REFWT : 
+			  (~cntr1_tc) ? `MGM_REFRESH :
+			  (sdr_init_done) ? `MGM_ACTIVE : `MGM_MODE_REG;
+	end // case: `MGM_REFWT
+	`MGM_MODE_REG : begin	   // Program mode Register & wait for 
+	   mgmt_idle = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b1;
+	   mgmt_cmd = `SDR_MODE;
+	   mgmt_ba = {1'b0, sdram_mode_reg[11]};
+	   mgmt_addr = sdram_mode_reg;
+	   ld_tmr0 = mgmt_ack;
+	   tmr0_d = 4'h7;
+	   dec_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   ld_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   cntr1_d = 4'h7;
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b0;
+	   next_mgmt_st = (mgmt_ack) ? `MGM_MODE_WT : `MGM_MODE_REG;
+	end // case: `MGM_MODE_REG
+	`MGM_MODE_WT : begin	   // Wait for tMRD
+	   mgmt_idle = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b1;
+	   mgmt_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	   mgmt_ba = 2'bx;
+	   mgmt_addr = 13'bx;
+	   ld_tmr0 = 1'b0;
+	   tmr0_d = 4'h7;
+	   dec_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   ld_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   cntr1_d = 4'h7;
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b0;
+	   next_mgmt_st = (~tmr0_tc) ? `MGM_MODE_WT : `MGM_ACTIVE;
+	end // case: `MGM_MODE_WT
+	`MGM_ACTIVE : begin	   // Wait for ref_req
+	   mgmt_idle = ~ref_req;
+	   mgmt_req = 1'b0;
+	   mgmt_cmd = `SDR_DESEL;
+	   mgmt_ba = 2'bx;
+	   mgmt_addr = 13'bx;
+	   ld_tmr0 = 1'b0;
+	   tmr0_d = 4'h7;
+	   dec_cntr1 = 1'b0;
+	   ld_cntr1 = ref_req;
+	   cntr1_d = rfsh_row_cnt;
+	   set_sdr_init_done = 1'b1;
+	   next_mgmt_st =  (~sdram_enable) ? `MGM_POWERUP :
+                           (ref_req) ? `MGM_PRECHARGE : `MGM_ACTIVE;
+	end // case: `MGM_MODE_WT
+      endcase // case(mgmt_st)
+   end // always @ (mgmt_st or ....)
+endmodule // sdr_xfr_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/defs/sdrc_define.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/defs/sdrc_define.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10c10da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/defs/sdrc_define.v
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+`define SDR_REQ_ID_W       4
+`define SDR_RFSH_TIMER_W    12
+`define SDR_RFSH_ROW_CNT_W   3
+// B2X Command
+`define OP_PRE           2'b00
+`define OP_ACT           2'b01
+`define OP_RD            2'b10
+`define OP_WR            2'b11
+// SDRAM Commands (CS_N, RAS_N, CAS_N, WE_N)
+`define SDR_DESEL        4'b1111
+`define SDR_NOOP         4'b0111
+`define SDR_ACTIVATE     4'b0011
+`define SDR_READ         4'b0101
+`define SDR_WRITE        4'b0100
+`define SDR_BT           4'b0110
+`define SDR_PRECHARGE    4'b0010
+`define SDR_REFRESH      4'b0001
+`define SDR_MODE         4'b0000
+`define  ASIC            1'b1
+`define  FPGA            1'b0
+// 12 bit subtractor is not feasibile for FPGA, so changed to 6 bits
+`define  REQ_BW    (`TARGET_DESIGN == `FPGA) ? 6 : 12   //  Request Width
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/filelist_rtl.f b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/filelist_rtl.f
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..645eb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/filelist_rtl.f
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/run_modelsim b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/run_modelsim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..353a20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/run_modelsim
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+vlib work
+vlog -f filelist_rtl.f +incdir+./defs
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/top/sdrc_top.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/top/sdrc_top.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..077f688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/top/sdrc_top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+  SDRAM Controller top File                                  
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: SDRAM Controller Top Module.
+    Support 81/6/32 Bit SDRAM.
+    Column Address is Programmable
+    Bank Bit are 2 Bit
+    Row Bits are 12 Bits
+    This block integrate following sub modules
+    sdrc_core   
+        SDRAM Controller file
+    wb2sdrc    
+        This module transalate the bus protocl from wishbone to custome
+	sdram controller
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s): Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  : 0.0 - 8th Jan 2012
+                Initial version with 16/32 Bit SDRAM Support
+           : 0.1 - 24th Jan 2012
+	         8 Bit SDRAM Support is added
+	     0.2 - 31st Jan 2012
+	         sdram_dq and sdram_pad_clk are internally generated
+	     0.3 - 26th April 2013
+                  Sdram Address witdh is increased from 12 to 13bits
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+`include "sdrc_define.v"
+module sdrc_top 
+           (
+                    cfg_sdr_width       ,
+                    cfg_colbits         ,
+                // WB bus
+                    wb_rst_i            ,
+                    wb_clk_i            ,
+                    wb_stb_i            ,
+                    wb_ack_o            ,
+                    wb_addr_i           ,
+                    wb_we_i             ,
+                    wb_dat_i            ,
+                    wb_sel_i            ,
+                    wb_dat_o            ,
+                    wb_cyc_i            ,
+                    wb_cti_i            , 
+		/* Interface to SDRAMs */
+                    sdram_clk           ,
+                    sdram_resetn        ,
+                    sdr_cs_n            ,
+                    sdr_cke             ,
+                    sdr_ras_n           ,
+                    sdr_cas_n           ,
+                    sdr_we_n            ,
+                    sdr_dqm             ,
+                    sdr_ba              ,
+                    sdr_addr            , 
+                    sdr_dq              ,
+		/* Parameters */
+                    sdr_init_done       ,
+                    cfg_req_depth       ,	        //how many req. buffer should hold
+                    cfg_sdr_en          ,
+                    cfg_sdr_mode_reg    ,
+                    cfg_sdr_tras_d      ,
+                    cfg_sdr_trp_d       ,
+                    cfg_sdr_trcd_d      ,
+                    cfg_sdr_cas         ,
+                    cfg_sdr_trcar_d     ,
+                    cfg_sdr_twr_d       ,
+                    cfg_sdr_rfsh        ,
+	            cfg_sdr_rfmax
+	    );
+parameter      APP_AW   = 26;  // Application Address Width
+parameter      APP_DW   = 32;  // Application Data Width 
+parameter      APP_BW   = 4;   // Application Byte Width
+parameter      APP_RW   = 9;   // Application Request Width
+parameter      SDR_DW   = 16;  // SDR Data Width 
+parameter      SDR_BW   = 2;   // SDR Byte Width
+parameter      dw       = 32;  // data width
+parameter      tw       = 8;   // tag id width
+parameter      bl       = 9;   // burst_lenght_width 
+// Global Variable
+// ----------------------------------------------
+input                   sdram_clk          ; // SDRAM Clock 
+input                   sdram_resetn       ; // Reset Signal
+input [1:0]             cfg_sdr_width      ; // 2'b00 - 32 Bit SDR, 2'b01 - 16 Bit SDR, 2'b1x - 8 Bit
+input [1:0]             cfg_colbits        ; // 2'b00 - 8 Bit column address, 
+                                             // 2'b01 - 9 Bit, 10 - 10 bit, 11 - 11Bits
+// Wish Bone Interface
+// -------------------------------------      
+input                   wb_rst_i           ;
+input                   wb_clk_i           ;
+input                   wb_stb_i           ;
+output                  wb_ack_o           ;
+input [APP_AW-1:0]            wb_addr_i          ;
+input                   wb_we_i            ; // 1 - Write, 0 - Read
+input [dw-1:0]          wb_dat_i           ;
+input [dw/8-1:0]        wb_sel_i           ; // Byte enable
+output [dw-1:0]         wb_dat_o           ;
+input                   wb_cyc_i           ;
+input  [2:0]            wb_cti_i           ;
+// Interface to SDRAMs
+output                  sdr_cke             ; // SDRAM CKE
+output 			sdr_cs_n            ; // SDRAM Chip Select
+output                  sdr_ras_n           ; // SDRAM ras
+output                  sdr_cas_n           ; // SDRAM cas
+output			sdr_we_n            ; // SDRAM write enable
+output [SDR_BW-1:0] 	sdr_dqm             ; // SDRAM Data Mask
+output [1:0] 		sdr_ba              ; // SDRAM Bank Enable
+output [12:0] 		sdr_addr            ; // SDRAM Address
+inout [SDR_DW-1:0] 	sdr_dq              ; // SDRA Data Input/output
+// Configuration Parameter
+output                  sdr_init_done       ; // Indicate SDRAM Initialisation Done
+input [3:0] 		cfg_sdr_tras_d      ; // Active to precharge delay
+input [3:0]             cfg_sdr_trp_d       ; // Precharge to active delay
+input [3:0]             cfg_sdr_trcd_d      ; // Active to R/W delay
+input 			cfg_sdr_en          ; // Enable SDRAM controller
+input [1:0] 		cfg_req_depth       ; // Maximum Request accepted by SDRAM controller
+input [12:0] 		cfg_sdr_mode_reg    ;
+input [2:0] 		cfg_sdr_cas         ; // SDRAM CAS Latency
+input [3:0] 		cfg_sdr_trcar_d     ; // Auto-refresh period
+input [3:0]             cfg_sdr_twr_d       ; // Write recovery delay
+input [`SDR_RFSH_TIMER_W-1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfsh;
+input [`SDR_RFSH_ROW_CNT_W -1 : 0] cfg_sdr_rfmax;
+// SDRAM controller Interface 
+wire                  app_req            ; // SDRAM request
+wire [APP_AW-1:0]     app_req_addr       ; // SDRAM Request Address
+wire [bl-1:0]         app_req_len        ;
+wire                  app_req_wr_n       ; // 0 - Write, 1 -> Read
+wire                  app_req_ack        ; // SDRAM request Accepted
+wire                  app_busy_n         ; // 0 -> sdr busy
+wire [dw/8-1:0]       app_wr_en_n        ; // Active low sdr byte-wise write data valid
+wire                  app_wr_next_req    ; // Ready to accept the next write
+wire                  app_rd_valid       ; // sdr read valid
+wire                  app_last_rd        ; // Indicate last Read of Burst Transfer
+wire                  app_last_wr        ; // Indicate last Write of Burst Transfer
+wire [dw-1:0]         app_wr_data        ; // sdr write data
+wire  [dw-1:0]        app_rd_data        ; // sdr read data
+*  These logic has to be implemented using Pads
+*  **************************************/
+wire  [SDR_DW-1:0]    pad_sdr_din         ; // SDRA Data Input
+wire  [SDR_DW-1:0]    sdr_dout            ; // SDRAM Data Output
+wire  [SDR_BW-1:0]    sdr_den_n           ; // SDRAM Data Output enable
+assign   sdr_dq = (&sdr_den_n == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout :  {SDR_DW{1'bz}}; 
+assign   pad_sdr_din = sdr_dq;
+// sdram pad clock is routed back through pad
+// SDRAM Clock from Pad, used for registering Read Data
+wire #(1.0) sdram_pad_clk = sdram_clk;
+/************** Ends Here **************************/
+wb2sdrc #(.dw(dw),.tw(tw),.bl(bl)) u_wb2sdrc (
+      // WB bus
+          .wb_rst_i           (wb_rst_i           ) ,
+          .wb_clk_i           (wb_clk_i           ) ,
+          .wb_stb_i           (wb_stb_i           ) ,
+          .wb_ack_o           (wb_ack_o           ) ,
+          .wb_addr_i          (wb_addr_i          ) ,
+          .wb_we_i            (wb_we_i            ) ,
+          .wb_dat_i           (wb_dat_i           ) ,
+          .wb_sel_i           (wb_sel_i           ) ,
+          .wb_dat_o           (wb_dat_o           ) ,
+          .wb_cyc_i           (wb_cyc_i           ) ,
+          .wb_cti_i           (wb_cti_i           ) , 
+      //SDRAM Controller Hand-Shake Signal 
+          .sdram_clk          (sdram_clk          ) ,
+          .sdram_resetn       (sdram_resetn       ) ,
+          .sdr_req            (app_req            ) ,
+          .sdr_req_addr       (app_req_addr       ) ,
+          .sdr_req_len        (app_req_len        ) ,
+          .sdr_req_wr_n       (app_req_wr_n       ) ,
+          .sdr_req_ack        (app_req_ack        ) ,
+          .sdr_busy_n         (app_busy_n         ) ,
+          .sdr_wr_en_n        (app_wr_en_n        ) ,
+          .sdr_wr_next        (app_wr_next_req    ) ,
+          .sdr_rd_valid       (app_rd_valid       ) ,
+          .sdr_last_rd        (app_last_rd        ) ,
+          .sdr_wr_data        (app_wr_data        ) ,
+          .sdr_rd_data        (app_rd_data        ) 
+      ); 
+sdrc_core #(.SDR_DW(SDR_DW) , .SDR_BW(SDR_BW)) u_sdrc_core (
+          .clk                (sdram_clk          ) ,
+          .pad_clk            (sdram_pad_clk      ) ,
+          .reset_n            (sdram_resetn       ) ,
+          .sdr_width          (cfg_sdr_width      ) ,
+          .cfg_colbits        (cfg_colbits        ) ,
+ 		/* Request from app */
+          .app_req            (app_req            ) ,// Transfer Request
+          .app_req_addr       (app_req_addr       ) ,// SDRAM Address
+          .app_req_len        (app_req_len        ) ,// Burst Length (in 16 bit words)
+          .app_req_wrap       (1'b0               ) ,// Wrap mode request 
+          .app_req_wr_n       (app_req_wr_n       ) ,// 0 => Write request, 1 => read req
+          .app_req_ack        (app_req_ack        ) ,// Request has been accepted
+          .cfg_req_depth      (cfg_req_depth      ) ,//how many req. buffer should hold
+          .app_wr_data        (app_wr_data        ) ,
+          .app_wr_en_n        (app_wr_en_n        ) ,
+          .app_rd_data        (app_rd_data        ) ,
+          .app_rd_valid       (app_rd_valid       ) ,
+	  .app_last_rd        (app_last_rd        ) ,
+          .app_last_wr        (app_last_wr        ) ,
+          .app_wr_next_req    (app_wr_next_req    ) ,
+          .sdr_init_done      (sdr_init_done      ) ,
+          .app_req_dma_last   (app_req            ) ,
+ 		/* Interface to SDRAMs */
+          .sdr_cs_n           (sdr_cs_n           ) ,
+          .sdr_cke            (sdr_cke            ) ,
+          .sdr_ras_n          (sdr_ras_n          ) ,
+          .sdr_cas_n          (sdr_cas_n          ) ,
+          .sdr_we_n           (sdr_we_n           ) ,
+          .sdr_dqm            (sdr_dqm            ) ,
+          .sdr_ba             (sdr_ba             ) ,
+          .sdr_addr           (sdr_addr           ) , 
+          .pad_sdr_din        (pad_sdr_din        ) ,
+          .sdr_dout           (sdr_dout           ) ,
+          .sdr_den_n          (sdr_den_n          ) ,
+ 		/* Parameters */
+          .cfg_sdr_en         (cfg_sdr_en         ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_mode_reg   (cfg_sdr_mode_reg   ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_tras_d     (cfg_sdr_tras_d     ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_trp_d      (cfg_sdr_trp_d      ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_trcd_d     (cfg_sdr_trcd_d     ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_cas        (cfg_sdr_cas        ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_trcar_d    (cfg_sdr_trcar_d    ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_twr_d      (cfg_sdr_twr_d      ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_rfsh       (cfg_sdr_rfsh       ) ,
+          .cfg_sdr_rfmax      (cfg_sdr_rfmax      ) 
+	       );
+endmodule // sdrc_core
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/wb2sdrc/wb2sdrc.v b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/wb2sdrc/wb2sdrc.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c585765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/sdram_ctrl/src/wb2sdrc/wb2sdrc.v
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: WISHBONE to SDRAM Controller Bus Transalator
+     1. This module translate the WISHBONE protocol to custom sdram controller i/f 
+     2. Also Handle the clock domain change from Application layer to Sdram layer
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):  Dinesh Annayya,                 
+  Version  : 0.0 - Initial Release
+             0.1 - 2nd Feb 2012
+	           Async Fifo towards the application layer is selected 
+		   with Registered Full Generation
+             0.2 - 2nd Feb 2012
+	           Pending Read generation bug fix done to handle backto back write 
+		   followed by read request
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+module wb2sdrc (
+      // WB bus
+                    wb_rst_i            ,
+                    wb_clk_i            ,
+                    wb_stb_i            ,
+                    wb_ack_o            ,
+                    wb_addr_i           ,
+                    wb_we_i             ,
+                    wb_dat_i            ,
+                    wb_sel_i            ,
+                    wb_dat_o            ,
+                    wb_cyc_i            ,
+                    wb_cti_i            , 
+      //SDRAM Controller Hand-Shake Signal 
+                    sdram_clk           ,
+                    sdram_resetn        ,
+                    sdr_req             ,
+                    sdr_req_addr        ,
+                    sdr_req_len         ,
+                    sdr_req_wr_n        ,
+                    sdr_req_ack         ,
+                    sdr_busy_n          ,
+                    sdr_wr_en_n         ,
+                    sdr_wr_next         ,
+                    sdr_rd_valid        ,
+                    sdr_last_rd         ,
+                    sdr_wr_data         ,
+                    sdr_rd_data        
+      ); 
+parameter      dw              = 32;  // data width
+parameter      tw              = 8;   // tag id width
+parameter      bl              = 9;   // burst_lenght_width 
+parameter      APP_AW          = 26;  // Application Address Width
+// Wish Bone Interface
+// -------------------------------------      
+input                   wb_rst_i           ;
+input                   wb_clk_i           ;
+input                   wb_stb_i           ;
+output                  wb_ack_o           ;
+input [APP_AW-1:0]      wb_addr_i          ;
+input                   wb_we_i            ; // 1 - Write , 0 - Read
+input [dw-1:0]          wb_dat_i           ;
+input [dw/8-1:0]        wb_sel_i           ; // Byte enable
+output [dw-1:0]         wb_dat_o           ;
+input                   wb_cyc_i           ;
+input  [2:0]            wb_cti_i           ;
+The Cycle Type Idenfier [CTI_IO()] Address Tag provides 
+additional information about the current cycle. 
+The MASTER sends this information to the SLAVE. The SLAVE can use this
+information to prepare the response for the next cycle.
+Table 4-2 Cycle Type Identifiers
+CTI_O(2:0) Description
+‘000’ Classic cycle.
+‘001’ Constant address burst cycle
+‘010’ Incrementing burst cycle
+‘011’ Reserved
+‘100’ Reserved
+‘101 Reserved
+‘110’ Reserved
+‘111’ End-of-Burst
+// SDRAM controller Interface 
+input                   sdram_clk          ; // sdram clock
+input                   sdram_resetn       ; // sdram reset
+output                  sdr_req            ; // SDRAM request
+output [APP_AW-1:0]           sdr_req_addr       ; // SDRAM Request Address
+output [bl-1:0]         sdr_req_len        ;
+output                  sdr_req_wr_n       ; // 0 - Write, 1 -> Read
+input                   sdr_req_ack        ; // SDRAM request Accepted
+input                   sdr_busy_n         ; // 0 -> sdr busy
+output [dw/8-1:0]       sdr_wr_en_n        ; // Active low sdr byte-wise write data valid
+input                   sdr_wr_next        ; // Ready to accept the next write
+input                   sdr_rd_valid       ; // sdr read valid
+input                   sdr_last_rd        ; // Indicate last Read of Burst Transfer
+output [dw-1:0]         sdr_wr_data        ; // sdr write data
+input  [dw-1:0]         sdr_rd_data        ; // sdr read data
+// Wire Decleration
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+wire                    cmdfifo_full       ;
+wire                    cmdfifo_empty      ;
+wire                    wrdatafifo_full    ;
+wire                    wrdatafifo_empty   ;
+wire                    tagfifo_full       ;
+wire                    tagfifo_empty      ;
+wire                    rddatafifo_empty   ;
+wire                    rddatafifo_full    ;
+reg                     pending_read       ;
+// Ack Generaltion Logic
+//  If Write Request - Acknowledge if the command and write FIFO are not full
+//  If Read Request  - Generate the Acknowledgment once read fifo has data
+//                     available
+assign wb_ack_o = (wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i && wb_we_i) ?  // Write Phase
+	                  ((!cmdfifo_full) && (!wrdatafifo_full)) :
+		  (wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i && !wb_we_i) ? // Read Phase 
+		           !rddatafifo_empty : 1'b0;
+// Command FIFO Write Generation
+//    If Write Request - Generate write, when Write fifo and command fifo is
+//                       not full
+//    If Read Request - Generate write, when command fifo not full and there
+//                      is no pending read request.
+wire           cmdfifo_wr   = (wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i && wb_we_i && (!cmdfifo_full) ) ? wb_ack_o :
+	                      (wb_stb_i && wb_cyc_i && !wb_we_i && (!cmdfifo_full)) ? !pending_read: 1'b0 ; 
+// command fifo read generation
+//    Command FIFo read will be generated, whenever SDRAM Controller
+//    Acknowldge the Request
+wire           cmdfifo_rd   = sdr_req_ack;
+// Application layer request is generated towards the controller, whenever
+// Command FIFO is not full
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+assign         sdr_req      = !cmdfifo_empty;
+// Since Burst length is not known at the start of the Burst, It's assumed as
+// Single Cycle Burst. We need to improvise this ...
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wire [bl-1:0]  burst_length  = 1;  // 0 Mean 1 Transfer
+// In Wish Bone Spec, For Read Request has to be acked along with data.
+// We need to identify the pending read request.
+// Once we accept the read request, we should not accept one more read
+// request, untill we have transmitted the read data.
+//  Pending Read will 
+//     set - with Read Request 
+//     reset - with Read Request + Ack
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+always @(posedge wb_rst_i or posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+   if(wb_rst_i) begin
+       pending_read <= 1'b0;
+   end else begin
+      //pending_read <=  wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & !wb_we_i & !wb_ack_o;
+      pending_read <=   (cmdfifo_wr && !wb_we_i) ? 1'b1:
+	                (wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & !wb_we_i & wb_ack_o) ? 1'b0: pending_read;
+   end
+// Async Command FIFO. This block handle the clock domain change from
+// Application layer to SDRAM Controller
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+   // Address + Burst Length + W/R Request 
+    async_fifo #(.W(APP_AW+bl+1),.DP(4),.WR_FAST(1'b0), .RD_FAST(1'b0)) u_cmdfifo (
+     // Write Path Sys CLock Domain
+          .wr_clk             (wb_clk_i           ),
+          .wr_reset_n         (!wb_rst_i          ),
+          .wr_en              (cmdfifo_wr         ),
+          .wr_data            ({burst_length, 
+	                        !wb_we_i, 
+				wb_addr_i}        ),
+          .afull              (                   ),
+          .full               (cmdfifo_full       ),
+     // Read Path, SDRAM clock domain
+          .rd_clk             (sdram_clk          ),
+          .rd_reset_n         (sdram_resetn       ),
+          .aempty             (                   ),
+          .empty              (cmdfifo_empty      ),
+          .rd_en              (cmdfifo_rd         ),
+          .rd_data            ({sdr_req_len,
+	                        sdr_req_wr_n,
+		                sdr_req_addr}     )
+     );
+// synopsys translate_off
+always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+  if (cmdfifo_full == 1'b1 && cmdfifo_wr == 1'b1)  begin
+  end 
+// synopsys translate_on
+// synopsys translate_off
+always @(posedge sdram_clk) begin
+   if (cmdfifo_empty == 1'b1 && cmdfifo_rd == 1'b1) begin
+   end
+// synopsys translate_on
+// Write Data FIFO Write Generation, when ever Acked + Write Request
+//   Note: Ack signal generation already taking account of FIFO full condition
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+wire  wrdatafifo_wr  = wb_ack_o & wb_we_i ;
+// Write Data FIFO Read Generation, When ever Next Write request generated
+// from SDRAM Controller
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wire  wrdatafifo_rd  = sdr_wr_next;
+// Async Write Data FIFO
+//    This block handle the clock domain change over + Write Data + Byte mask 
+//    From Application layer to SDRAM controller layer
+   // Write DATA + Data Mask FIFO
+    async_fifo #(.W(dw+(dw/8)), .DP(8), .WR_FAST(1'b0), .RD_FAST(1'b1)) u_wrdatafifo (
+       // Write Path , System clock domain
+          .wr_clk             (wb_clk_i           ),
+          .wr_reset_n         (!wb_rst_i          ),
+          .wr_en              (wrdatafifo_wr      ),
+          .wr_data            ({~wb_sel_i, 
+	                         wb_dat_i}        ),
+          .afull              (                   ),
+          .full               (wrdatafifo_full    ),
+       // Read Path , SDRAM clock domain
+          .rd_clk             (sdram_clk          ),
+          .rd_reset_n         (sdram_resetn       ),
+          .aempty             (                   ),
+          .empty              (wrdatafifo_empty   ),
+          .rd_en              (wrdatafifo_rd      ),
+          .rd_data            ({sdr_wr_en_n,
+                                sdr_wr_data}      )
+     );
+// synopsys translate_off
+always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+  if (wrdatafifo_full == 1'b1 && wrdatafifo_wr == 1'b1)  begin
+  end 
+always @(posedge sdram_clk) begin
+   if (wrdatafifo_empty == 1'b1 && wrdatafifo_rd == 1'b1) begin
+   end
+// synopsys translate_on
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
+wire    rd_eop; // last read indication
+// Read FIFO write generation, when ever SDRAM controller issues the read
+// valid signal
+wire    rddatafifo_wr = sdr_rd_valid;
+// Read FIFO read generation, when ever ack is generated along with read
+// request.
+// Note: Ack generation is already accounted the write FIFO Not Empty
+//       condition
+wire    rddatafifo_rd = wb_ack_o & !wb_we_i;
+// Async Read FIFO
+// This block handles the clock domain change over + Read data from SDRAM
+// controller to Application layer.
+//  Note: 
+//    1. READ DATA FIFO depth is kept small, assuming that Sys-CLock > SDRAM Clock
+//       READ DATA + EOP
+//    2. EOP indicate, last transfer of Burst Read Access. use-full for future
+//       Tag handling per burst
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    async_fifo #(.W(dw+1), .DP(4), .WR_FAST(1'b0), .RD_FAST(1'b1) ) u_rddatafifo (
+       // Write Path , SDRAM clock domain
+          .wr_clk             (sdram_clk          ),
+          .wr_reset_n         (sdram_resetn       ),
+          .wr_en              (rddatafifo_wr      ),
+          .wr_data            ({sdr_last_rd,
+	                        sdr_rd_data}      ),
+          .afull              (                   ),
+          .full               (rddatafifo_full    ),
+       // Read Path , SYS clock domain
+          .rd_clk             (wb_clk_i           ),
+          .rd_reset_n         (!wb_rst_i          ),
+          .empty              (rddatafifo_empty   ),
+          .aempty             (                   ),
+          .rd_en              (rddatafifo_rd      ),
+          .rd_data            ({rd_eop,
+                                wb_dat_o}         )
+     );
+// synopsys translate_off
+always @(posedge sdram_clk) begin
+  if (rddatafifo_full == 1'b1 && rddatafifo_wr == 1'b1)  begin
+  end 
+always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin
+   if (rddatafifo_empty == 1'b1 && rddatafifo_rd == 1'b1) begin
+   end
+// synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
index 9aa0b4d..abc7127 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
@@ -339,18 +339,17 @@
 wire [SCR1_WB_WIDTH+SCR1_WB_WIDTH+3+4:0] req_fifo_din = {hbel_in,hwrite_in,hwidth_in,haddr_in,hwdata_in};
  sync_fifo #(
-      .DATA_WIDTH(SCR1_WB_WIDTH+SCR1_WB_WIDTH+3+1+4), // Data Width
-      .ADDR_WIDTH(1),   // Address Width
-      .FIFO_DEPTH(2)    // FIFO DEPTH
+      .W(SCR1_WB_WIDTH+SCR1_WB_WIDTH+3+1+4), // Data Width
+      .D(2)    // FIFO DEPTH
      )   u_req_fifo(
-       .dout      (req_fifo_dout  ),
+       .rd_data      (req_fifo_dout  ),
-       .rstn      (rst_n          ),
+       .reset_n   (rst_n          ),
        .clk       (clk            ),
        .wr_en     (req_fifo_wr    ), // Write
        .rd_en     (req_fifo_rd    ), // Read
-       .din       (req_fifo_din   ),
+       .wr_data   (req_fifo_din   ),
        .full      (req_fifo_full  ),
        .empty     (req_fifo_empty )
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
index 1346b59..c2a5349 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
+++ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/top/
@@ -168,18 +168,17 @@
  sync_fifo #(
-      .DATA_WIDTH(SCR1_WB_WIDTH), // Data Width
-      .ADDR_WIDTH(1),   // Address Width
-      .FIFO_DEPTH(2)    // FIFO DEPTH
+      .W(SCR1_WB_WIDTH), // Data Width
+      .D(2)    // FIFO DEPTH
      )   u_req_fifo(
-       .dout      (req_fifo_dout  ),
+       .rd_data    (req_fifo_dout  ),
-       .rstn      (rst_n          ),
+       .reset_n   (rst_n          ),
        .clk       (clk            ),
        .wr_en     (req_fifo_wr    ), // Write
        .rd_en     (req_fifo_rd    ), // Read
-       .din       (imem_addr      ),
+       .wr_data   (imem_addr      ),
        .full      (req_fifo_full  ),
        .empty     (req_fifo_empty )
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/wb_top.files b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/wb_top.files
index 87dd341..1a3ba74 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/wb_top.files
+++ b/verilog/rtl/syntacore/scr1/src/wb_top.files
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@