qspim cleanup
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_skew_adjust.gv b/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_skew_adjust.gv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc811c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_skew_adjust.gv
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <dinesha@opencores.org>
+////                                                              ////
+////  clock skew adjust                                          ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
+////  https://github.com/dineshannayya/yifive_r0.git              ////
+////  http://www.opencores.org/cores/yifive/                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////      This block is useful for global clock skew adjustment   ////
+////      logic implementation:                                   ////
+////        clk_out = (sel=0) ? clk_in :                          ////
+////                  (sel=1) ? clk_d1 :                          ////
+////                  (sel=1) ? clk_d2 :                          ////
+////                  .....                                       ////
+////                  (sel=15)? clk_d15 :clk_in                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////     Note: each d* indicate clk buf delay                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya, dinesha@opencores.org                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////    0.0 - 29th Feb 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          Initial version                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+// Clock-in is east pad direction
+// clock out give in other three direction for better placement
+module clk_skew_adjust(
+     vccd1,// User area 1 1.8V supply
+     vssd1,// User area 1 digital ground
+clk_in, sel, clk_out);
+     input vccd1;// User area 1 1.8V supply
+     input vssd1;// User area 1 digital ground
+  input  clk_in;
+  output clk_out;
+  input [3:0] sel;
+  wire in0;
+  wire in1;
+  wire in2;
+  wire in3;
+  wire in4;
+  wire in5;
+  wire in6;
+  wire in7;
+  wire in8;
+  wire in9;
+  wire in10;
+  wire in11;
+  wire in12;
+  wire in13;
+  wire in14;
+  wire in15;
+  wire clk_d1;
+  wire clk_d2;
+  wire clk_d3;
+  wire clk_d4;
+  wire clk_d5;
+  wire clk_d6;
+  wire clk_d7;
+  wire clk_d8;
+  wire clk_d9;
+  wire clk_d10;
+  wire clk_d11;
+  wire clk_d12;
+  wire clk_d13;
+  wire clk_d14;
+  wire clk_d15;
+  wire d00;
+  wire d01;
+  wire d02;
+  wire d03;
+  wire d04;
+  wire d05;
+  wire d06;
+  wire d07;
+  wire d10;
+  wire d11;
+  wire d12;
+  wire d13;
+  wire d20;
+  wire d21;
+  wire d30;
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_1  (.A(clk_in),    .X(clk_d1));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_2  (.A(clk_d1),    .X(clk_d2));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_3  (.A(clk_d2),    .X(clk_d3));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_4  (.A(clk_d3),    .X(clk_d4));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_5  (.A(clk_d4),    .X(clk_d5));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_6  (.A(clk_d5),    .X(clk_d6));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_7  (.A(clk_d6),    .X(clk_d7));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_8  (.A(clk_d7),    .X(clk_d8));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_9  (.A(clk_d8),    .X(clk_d9));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_10 (.A(clk_d9),    .X(clk_d10));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_11 (.A(clk_d10),   .X(clk_d11));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_12 (.A(clk_d11),   .X(clk_d12));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_13 (.A(clk_d12),   .X(clk_d13));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_14 (.A(clk_d13),   .X(clk_d14));
+  ctech_delay_clkbuf clkbuf_15 (.A(clk_d14),   .X(clk_d15));
+  // Tap point selection
+  assign in0  = clk_in;
+  assign in1  = clk_d1;
+  assign in2  = clk_d2;
+  assign in3  = clk_d3;
+  assign in4  = clk_d4;
+  assign in5  = clk_d5;
+  assign in6  = clk_d6;
+  assign in7  = clk_d7;
+  assign in8  = clk_d8;
+  assign in9  = clk_d9;
+  assign in10 = clk_d10;
+  assign in11 = clk_d11;
+  assign in12 = clk_d12;
+  assign in13 = clk_d13;
+  assign in14 = clk_d14;
+  assign in15 = clk_d15;
+  // first level mux - 8
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_00 ( .X (d00) , .A0 (in0),  .A1(in1),  .S(sel[0]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_01 ( .X (d01) , .A0 (in2),  .A1(in3),  .S(sel[0]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_02 ( .X (d02) , .A0 (in4),  .A1(in5),  .S(sel[0]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_03 ( .X (d03) , .A0 (in6),  .A1(in7),  .S(sel[0]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_04 ( .X (d04) , .A0 (in8),  .A1(in9),  .S(sel[0]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_05 ( .X (d05) , .A0 (in10), .A1(in11), .S(sel[0]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_06 ( .X (d06) , .A0 (in12), .A1(in13), .S(sel[0]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_07 ( .X (d07) , .A0 (in14), .A1(in15), .S(sel[0]));
+  // second level mux - 4
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_10 ( .X (d10) , .A0 (d00), .A1(d01), .S(sel[1]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_11 ( .X (d11) , .A0 (d02), .A1(d03), .S(sel[1]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_12 ( .X (d12) , .A0 (d04), .A1(d05), .S(sel[1]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_13 ( .X (d13) , .A0 (d06), .A1(d07), .S(sel[1]));
+  // third level mux - 2
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_20 ( .X (d20) , .A0 (d10), .A1(d11), .S(sel[2]));
+  ctech_mux2x1_2 u_mux_level_21 ( .X (d21) , .A0 (d12), .A1(d13), .S(sel[2]));
+  // fourth level mux - 1
+  ctech_mux2x1_4 u_mux_level_30 ( .X (d30) , .A0 (d20), .A1(d21), .S(sel[3]));
+  assign clk_out = d30;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ctech_cells.sv b/verilog/rtl/lib/ctech_cells.sv
index 8e3b0de..c9528de 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/lib/ctech_cells.sv
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/ctech_cells.sv
@@ -13,6 +13,34 @@
+module ctech_mux2x1_2 (
+	input  logic A0,
+	input  logic A1,
+	input  logic S ,
+	output logic X);
+`ifndef SYNTHESIS
+assign X = (S) ? A1 : A0;
+sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_2 u_mux (.A0 (A0), .A1 (A1), .S  (S), .X (X));
+module ctech_mux2x1_4 (
+	input  logic A0,
+	input  logic A1,
+	input  logic S ,
+	output logic X);
+`ifndef SYNTHESIS
+assign X = (S) ? A1 : A0;
+sky130_fd_sc_hd__mux2_4 u_mux (.A0 (A0), .A1 (A1), .S  (S), .X (X));
 module ctech_buf (
 	input  logic A,
 	output logic X);
@@ -49,3 +77,14 @@
+module ctech_delay_clkbuf (
+	input  logic A,
+	output logic X);
+`ifndef SYNTHESIS
+    assign X = A;
+     sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkdlybuf4s15_2 u_dly (.X(X),.A(A));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/qspim_top.sv b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/qspim_top.sv
index ec7eb7c..a7c3a4b 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/qspim_top.sv
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/src/qspim_top.sv
@@ -236,18 +236,22 @@
 // ADDing Delay cells for Interface hold fix
+wire spi_sdo0_d1,spi_sdo0_d2;
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay1_sdio0 (.X(spi_sdo0_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[0]));
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay2_sdio0 (.X(spi_sdo0_d2),.A(spi_sdo0_d1));
 ctech_buf u_buf_sdio0    (.X(spi_sdo[0]),.A(spi_sdo0_d2));
+wire spi_sdo1_d1,spi_sdo1_d2;
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay1_sdio1 (.X(spi_sdo1_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[1]));
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay2_sdio1 (.X(spi_sdo1_d2),.A(spi_sdo1_d1));
 ctech_buf u_buf_sdio1    (.X(spi_sdo[1]),.A(spi_sdo1_d2));
+wire spi_sdo2_d1,spi_sdo2_d2;
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay1_sdio2 (.X(spi_sdo2_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[2]));
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay2_sdio2 (.X(spi_sdo2_d2),.A(spi_sdo2_d1));
 ctech_buf u_buf_sdio2    (.X(spi_sdo[2]),.A(spi_sdo2_d2));
+wire spi_sdo3_d1,spi_sdo3_d2;
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay1_sdio3 (.X(spi_sdo3_d1),.A(spi_sdo_int[3]));
 ctech_delay_buf u_delay2_sdio3 (.X(spi_sdo3_d2),.A(spi_sdo3_d1));
 ctech_buf u_buf_sdio3    (.X(spi_sdo[3]),.A(spi_sdo3_d2));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/Makefile b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/Makefile
index e69de29..dcf29dc 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/Makefile
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+# // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, Dinesh Annayya
+# // 
+# // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# // You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# //
+# //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# //
+# // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# // limitations under the License.
+# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# // SPDX-FileContributor: Dinesh Annayya <dinesha@opencores.org>
+# // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+# Makefile for Synthesis
+# Paths
+export ROOT_DIR := $(shell pwd)
+export REPORT_DIR  := $(ROOT_DIR)/reports
+export NETLIST_DIR  := $(ROOT_DIR)/netlist
+export TMP_DIR  := $(ROOT_DIR)/tmp
+# Targets
+.PHONY: clean create synth
+default: clean create synth
+synth: clean create 
+	yosys -g -c synth.tcl -l synth.log
+	mkdir -p ./tmp/synthesis; 
+	mkdir -p ./reports; 
+	mkdir -p ./netlist;
+	$(OPENLANE_ROOT)/scripts/libtrim.pl $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.tech/openlane/sky130_fd_sc_hd/no_synth.cells > ./tmp/trimmed.lib
+	#create No PG Pin library for hand instantiated cells
+	sed '/pg_pin.*/a \         direction : "inout";'  $(PDK_ROOT)/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/lib/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib  > ./tmp/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.no_pg.lib
+	sed -i 's/pg_pin/pin/' ./tmp/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.no_pg.lib
+	$(RM) -R synth.log
+	$(RM) -R $(REPORT_DIR)
+	$(RM) -R $(TMP_DIR)
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/synth.tcl b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/synth.tcl
index e69de29..0285cc5 100755
--- a/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/synth.tcl
+++ b/verilog/rtl/qspim/synth/synth.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+# // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, Dinesh Annayya
+# // 
+# // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# // You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# //
+# //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# //
+# // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# // limitations under the License.
+# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# // SPDX-FileContributor: Dinesh Annayya <dinesha@opencores.org>
+# // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+# inputs expected as env vars
+#set opt $::env(SYNTH_OPT)
+proc convert_pg_pins {lib_in lib_out} {
+	try_catch sed -E {s/^([[:space:]]+)pg_pin(.*)/\1pin\2\n\1    direction : "inout";/g} $lib_in > $lib_out
+########### config.tcl ##################
+# User config
+set ::env(DESIGN_NAME) qspim_top
+# Change if needed
+set ::env(VERILOG_FILES) [glob    \
+	../src/qspim_if.sv        \
+	../src/qspim_clkgen.sv    \
+        ../src/qspim_ctrl.sv      \
+	../src/qspim_fifo.sv      \
+	../src/qspim_regs.sv      \
+	../src/qspim_rx.sv        \
+	../src/qspim_top.sv       \
+	../src/qspim_tx.sv        \
+        ../lib/clk_skew_adjust.gv \
+        ../lib/ctech_cells.sv     \
+        ../lib/reset_sync.sv      \
+	]
+set ::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) [list SYNTHESIS ]
+set ::env(LIB_SYNTH)  ./tmp/trimmed.lib
+set ::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE_NO_PG) ./tmp/sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.no_pg.lib
+# Fill this
+set ::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) "10"
+set ::env(CLOCK_PORT) "mclk"
+set ::env(CLOCK_TREE_SYNTH) 0
+set ::env(SYNTH_BUFFERING) 0
+set ::env(SYNTH_SIZING) 0
+set ::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_8"
+set ::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD) "17.65"
+set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) "[expr {0.1*10.0}]"
+set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT) 6
+set ::env(FP_CORE_UTIL) 50
+set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) [ expr ($::env(FP_CORE_UTIL)+5) / 100.0 ]
+set ::env(CELL_PAD) 4
+set ::env(SYNTH_NO_FLAT) "0"
+set ::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY) "AREA 0"
+set ::env(SYNTH_TIELO_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 LO"
+set ::env(SYNTH_TIEHI_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__conb_1 HI"
+set ::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT) "sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_2 A X"
+set ::env(CLOCK_NET) $::env(CLOCK_PORT)
+set ::env(yosys_tmp_file_tag) "./tmp/"
+set ::env(TMP_DIR) "./tmp/"
+set ::env(yosys_netlist_dir) "./netlist"
+set ::env(yosys_report_file_tag) "./reports/yosys"
+set ::env(yosys_result_file_tag) "./reports/yosys.synthesis"
+set ::env(SAVE_NETLIST) $::env(yosys_netlist_dir)/$::env(DESIGN_NAME).gv
+########### End of config.tcl
+set buffering $::env(SYNTH_BUFFERING)
+set sizing $::env(SYNTH_SIZING)
+yosys -import
+set vtop $::env(DESIGN_NAME)
+#set sdc_file $::env(SDC_FILE)
+set sclib $::env(LIB_SYNTH)
+if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) ] } {
+	foreach define $::env(SYNTH_DEFINES) {
+		log "Defining $define"
+		verilog_defines -D$define
+	}
+set vIdirsArgs ""
+if {[info exist ::env(VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIRS)]} {
+	foreach dir $::env(VERILOG_INCLUDE_DIRS) {
+		log "Adding include file -I$dir "
+		lappend vIdirsArgs "-I$dir"
+	}
+	set vIdirsArgs [join $vIdirsArgs]
+if { $::env(SYNTH_READ_BLACKBOX_LIB) } {
+	log "Reading $::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE_NO_PG) as a blackbox"
+	read_liberty -lib -ignore_miss_dir -setattr blackbox $::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE_NO_PG)
+if { [info exists ::env(EXTRA_LIBS) ] } {
+	foreach lib $::env(EXTRA_LIBS) {
+		read_liberty {*}$vIdirsArgs -lib -ignore_miss_dir -setattr blackbox $lib
+	}
+# ns expected (in sdc as well)
+set clock_period [expr {$::env(CLOCK_PERIOD)*1000}]
+set driver  $::env(SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL)
+set cload   $::env(SYNTH_CAP_LOAD)
+# input pin cap of IN_3VX8
+set max_FO $::env(SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT)
+if {![info exist ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN)]} {
+	set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) [expr {0.1*$clock_period}]
+} else {
+	set ::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) [expr {$::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN) * 1000}]
+set max_Tran $::env(SYNTH_MAX_TRAN)
+# Mapping parameters
+set A_factor  0.00
+set B_factor  0.88
+set F_factor  0.00
+# Don't change these unless you know what you are doing
+set stat_ext    ".stat.rpt"
+set chk_ext    ".chk.rpt"
+set gl_ext      ".gl.v"
+set constr_ext  ".$clock_period.constr"
+set timing_ext  ".timing.txt"
+set abc_ext     ".abc"
+# get old sdc, add library specific stuff for abc scripts
+set sdc_file $::env(yosys_tmp_file_tag).sdc
+set outfile [open ${sdc_file} w]
+#puts $outfile $sdc_data
+puts $outfile "set_driving_cell ${driver}"
+puts $outfile "set_load ${cload}"
+close $outfile
+# ABC Scrips
+set abc_rs_K    "resub,-K,"
+set abc_rs      "resub"
+set abc_rsz     "resub,-z"
+set abc_rw_K    "rewrite,-K,"
+set abc_rw      "rewrite"
+set abc_rwz     "rewrite,-z"
+set abc_rf      "refactor"
+set abc_rfz     "refactor,-z"
+set abc_b       "balance"
+set abc_resyn2        "${abc_b}; ${abc_rw}; ${abc_rf}; ${abc_b}; ${abc_rw}; ${abc_rwz}; ${abc_b}; ${abc_rfz}; ${abc_rwz}; ${abc_b}"
+set abc_share         "strash; multi,-m; ${abc_resyn2}"
+set abc_resyn2a       "${abc_b};${abc_rw};${abc_b};${abc_rw};${abc_rwz};${abc_b};${abc_rwz};${abc_b}"
+set abc_resyn3        "balance;resub;resub,-K,6;balance;resub,-z;resub,-z,-K,6;balance;resub,-z,-K,5;balance"
+set abc_resyn2rs      "${abc_b};${abc_rs_K},6;${abc_rw};${abc_rs_K},6,-N,2;${abc_rf};${abc_rs_K},8;${abc_rw};${abc_rs_K},10;${abc_rwz};${abc_rs_K},10,-N,2;${abc_b},${abc_rs_K},12;${abc_rfz};${abc_rs_K},12,-N,2;${abc_rwz};${abc_b}"
+set abc_choice        "fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; fraig_restore"
+set abc_choice2      "fraig_store; balance; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; ${abc_resyn2}; fraig_store; fraig_restore"
+set abc_map_old_cnt			"map,-p,-a,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
+set abc_map_old_dly         "map,-p,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
+set abc_retime_area         "retime,-D,{D},-M,5"
+set abc_retime_dly          "retime,-D,{D},-M,6"
+set abc_map_new_area        "amap,-m,-Q,0.1,-F,20,-A,20,-C,5000"
+set abc_area_recovery_1       "${abc_choice}; map;"
+set abc_area_recovery_2       "${abc_choice2}; map;"
+set map_old_cnt			    "map,-p,-a,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
+set map_old_dly			    "map,-p,-B,0.2,-A,0.9,-M,0"
+set abc_retime_area   	"retime,-D,{D},-M,5"
+set abc_retime_dly    	"retime,-D,{D},-M,6"
+set abc_map_new_area  	"amap,-m,-Q,0.1,-F,20,-A,20,-C,5000"
+if {$buffering==1} {
+	set abc_fine_tune		"buffer,-N,${max_FO},-S,${max_Tran};upsize,{D};dnsize,{D}"
+} elseif {$sizing} {
+	set abc_fine_tune       "upsize,{D};dnsize,{D}"
+} else {
+	set abc_fine_tune       ""
+set delay_scripts [list \
+	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_dly}; scleanup;${abc_map_old_dly};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
+	\
+	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_dly}; scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_old_dly};${abc_area_recovery_2}; retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
+	\
+	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_dly}; scleanup;${abc_choice};${abc_map_old_dly};${abc_area_recovery_1}; retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
+	\
+	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};${abc_choice2};${abc_map_old_dly};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
+	]
+set area_scripts [list \
+	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
+	\
+	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_resyn2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
+	\
+	"+read_constr,${sdc_file};fx;mfs;strash;refactor;${abc_choice2};${abc_retime_area};scleanup;${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};${abc_choice2};${abc_map_new_area};retime,-D,{D};${abc_fine_tune};stime,-p;print_stats -m" \
+	]
+set all_scripts [list {*}$delay_scripts {*}$area_scripts]
+set strategy_parts [split $::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY)]
+proc synth_strategy_format_err { } {
+	upvar area_scripts area_scripts
+	upvar delay_scripts delay_scripts
+	log -stderr "\[ERROR] Misformatted SYNTH_STRATEGY (\"$::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY)\")."
+	log -stderr "\[ERROR] Correct format is \"DELAY|AREA 0-[expr [llength $delay_scripts]-1]|0-[expr [llength $area_scripts]-1]\"."
+	exit 1
+if { [llength $strategy_parts] != 2 } {
+	synth_strategy_format_err
+set strategy_type [lindex $strategy_parts 0]
+set strategy_type_idx [lindex $strategy_parts 1]
+if { $strategy_type != "AREA" && $strategy_type != "DELAY" } {
+	log -stderr "\[ERROR] AREA|DELAY tokens not found. ($strategy_type)"
+	synth_strategy_format_err
+if { $strategy_type == "DELAY" && $strategy_type_idx >= [llength $delay_scripts] } {
+	log -stderr "\[ERROR] strategy index ($strategy_type_idx) is too high."
+	synth_strategy_format_err
+if { $strategy_type == "AREA" && $strategy_type_idx >= [llength $area_scripts] } {
+	log -stderr "\[ERROR] strategy index ($strategy_type_idx) is too high."
+	synth_strategy_format_err
+if { $strategy_type == "DELAY" } {
+	set strategy $strategy_type_idx
+} else {
+	set strategy [expr {[llength $delay_scripts]+$strategy_type_idx}]
+for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $::env(VERILOG_FILES)] } { incr i } {
+	read_verilog -sv {*}$vIdirsArgs [lindex $::env(VERILOG_FILES) $i]
+if { [info exists ::env(VERILOG_FILES_BLACKBOX)] } {
+	foreach verilog_file $::env(VERILOG_FILES_BLACKBOX) {
+		read_verilog -sv {*}$vIdirsArgs -lib $verilog_file
+	}
+select -module $vtop
+show -format dot -prefix $::env(TMP_DIR)/synthesis/hierarchy
+select -clear
+hierarchy -check -top $vtop
+# Infer tri-state buffers.
+set tbuf_map false
+if { [info exists ::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)] } {
+        if { [file exists $::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)] } {
+                set tbuf_map true
+                tribuf
+        } else {
+          log "WARNING: TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP is defined but could not be found: $::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)"
+        }
+if { $::env(SYNTH_NO_FLAT) } {
+	synth -top $vtop
+} else {
+	synth -top $vtop -flatten
+share -aggressive
+opt_clean -purge
+tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_pre.stat" stat
+# Map tri-state buffers.
+if { $tbuf_map } {
+        log {mapping tbuf}
+        techmap -map $::env(TRISTATE_BUFFER_MAP)
+        simplemap
+# handle technology mapping of 4-MUX, and tell Yosys to infer 4-muxes
+if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_MUX4_MAP)] && [file exists $::env(SYNTH_MUX4_MAP)] } {
+  muxcover -mux4 
+  techmap -map $::env(SYNTH_MUX4_MAP)
+  simplemap
+# handle technology mapping of 2-MUX
+if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_MUX_MAP)] && [file exists $::env(SYNTH_MUX_MAP)] } {
+  techmap -map $::env(SYNTH_MUX_MAP)
+  simplemap
+# handle technology mapping of latches
+if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_LATCH_MAP)] && [file exists $::env(SYNTH_LATCH_MAP)] } {
+	techmap -map $::env(SYNTH_LATCH_MAP)
+	simplemap
+dfflibmap -liberty $sclib
+tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_dff.stat" stat
+if { [info exists ::env(SYNTH_EXPLORE)] && $::env(SYNTH_EXPLORE) } {
+	design -save myDesign
+	for { set index 0 }  { $index < [llength $all_scripts] }  { incr index } {
+		log "\[INFO\]: ABC: WireLoad : S_$index"
+		design -load myDesign
+		abc -D $clock_period \
+			-constr "$sdc_file" \
+			-liberty $sclib  \
+			-script [lindex $all_scripts $index]
+		setundef -zero
+		hilomap -hicell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIEHI_PORT) -locell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIELO_PORT)
+		# get rid of the assignments that make verilog2def fail
+		splitnets
+		opt_clean -purge
+		insbuf -buf {*}$::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT)
+		tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_$index$chk_ext" check
+		write_verilog -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam "$::env(yosys_result_file_tag)_$index.v"
+		design -reset
+	}
+} else {
+	log "\[INFO\]: ABC: WireLoad : S_$strategy"
+	abc -D $clock_period \
+		-constr "$sdc_file" \
+		-liberty $sclib  \
+		-script [lindex $all_scripts $strategy] \
+		-showtmp;
+	setundef -zero
+	hilomap -hicell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIEHI_PORT) -locell {*}$::env(SYNTH_TIELO_PORT)
+	# get rid of the assignments that make verilog2def fail
+	splitnets
+	opt_clean -purge
+	insbuf -buf {*}$::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT)
+	tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_$strategy$chk_ext" check
+	write_verilog -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam "$::env(SAVE_NETLIST)"
+if { $::env(SYNTH_NO_FLAT) } {
+	design -reset
+	file copy -force $::env(SAVE_NETLIST) $::env(yosys_tmp_file_tag)_unflat.v
+	read_verilog -sv $::env(SAVE_NETLIST)
+	synth -top $vtop -flatten
+	splitnets
+	opt_clean -purge
+	insbuf -buf {*}$::env(SYNTH_MIN_BUF_PORT)
+	write_verilog -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam "$::env(SAVE_NETLIST)"
+	tee -o "$::env(yosys_report_file_tag)_$strategy$chk_ext" check