Edits and fixes to shift register layout

* Add shift register schematic
* LVS complete for shift register
* Edits to project top level:
  * power clamps connected
  * alternate data sources connected to pwr and gnd
4 files changed
tree: 1609f47b31df568ab723bdff8fd57b3375fd46ba
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. gds/
  4. mag/
  5. netgen/
  6. openlane/
  7. verilog/
  8. xschem/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .magicrc
  12. Makefile
  13. README.md

DDR3 SSTL Caravel Analog Project


A (possibly temporary) location for DDR3 SSTL test circuit project.

Refer to README for this sample project documentation.