initial version of mbist
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd59cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project
+  Description: ASYNC FIFO 
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):  Dinesh Annayya,                 
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+// async FIFO
+//`timescale  1ns/1ps
+module async_fifo (wr_clk,
+                   wr_reset_n,
+                   wr_en,
+                   wr_data,
+                   full,                 // sync'ed to wr_clk
+                   afull,                 // sync'ed to wr_clk
+                   rd_clk,
+                   rd_reset_n,
+                   rd_en,
+                   empty,                // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   aempty,                // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   rd_data);
+   parameter W = 4'd8;
+   parameter DP = 3'd4;
+   parameter WR_FAST = 1'b1;
+   parameter RD_FAST = 1'b1;
+   parameter FULL_DP = DP;
+   parameter EMPTY_DP = 1'b0;
+   parameter AW = (DP == 2)   ? 1 : 
+		  (DP == 4)   ? 2 :
+                  (DP == 8)   ? 3 :
+                  (DP == 16)  ? 4 :
+                  (DP == 32)  ? 5 :
+                  (DP == 64)  ? 6 :
+                  (DP == 128) ? 7 :
+                  (DP == 256) ? 8 : 0;
+   output [W-1 : 0]  rd_data;
+   input [W-1 : 0]   wr_data;
+   input             wr_clk, wr_reset_n, wr_en, rd_clk, rd_reset_n,
+                     rd_en;
+   output            full, empty;
+   output            afull, aempty;       // about full and about to empty
+   // synopsys translate_off
+   initial begin
+      if (AW == 0) begin
+         $display ("%m : ERROR!!! Fifo depth %d not in range 2 to 256", DP);
+      end // if (AW == 0)
+   end // initial begin
+   // synopsys translate_on
+   reg [W-1 : 0]    mem[DP-1 : 0];
+   /*********************** write side ************************/
+   reg [AW:0] sync_rd_ptr_0, sync_rd_ptr_1; 
+   wire [AW:0] sync_rd_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] wr_ptr, grey_wr_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] grey_rd_ptr;
+   reg full_q;
+   wire full_c;
+   wire afull_c;
+   wire [AW:0] wr_ptr_inc = wr_ptr + 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] wr_cnt = get_cnt(wr_ptr, sync_rd_ptr);
+   assign full_c  = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign afull_c = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP-1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   always @(posedge wr_clk or negedge wr_reset_n) begin
+	if (!wr_reset_n) begin
+		wr_ptr <= 0;
+		grey_wr_ptr <= 0;
+		full_q <= 0;	
+	end
+	else if (wr_en) begin
+		wr_ptr <= wr_ptr_inc;
+		grey_wr_ptr <= bin2grey(wr_ptr_inc);
+		if (wr_cnt == (FULL_DP-1)) begin
+			full_q <= 1'b1;
+		end
+	end
+	else begin
+	    	if (full_q && (wr_cnt<FULL_DP)) begin
+			full_q <= 1'b0;
+	     	end
+	end
+    end
+    assign full  = (WR_FAST == 1) ? full_c : full_q;
+    assign afull = afull_c;
+    always @(posedge wr_clk) begin
+	if (wr_en) begin
+		mem[wr_ptr[AW-1:0]] <= wr_data;
+	end
+    end
+    wire [AW:0] grey_rd_ptr_dly ;
+    assign #1 grey_rd_ptr_dly = grey_rd_ptr;
+    // read pointer synchronizer
+    always @(posedge wr_clk or negedge wr_reset_n) begin
+	if (!wr_reset_n) begin
+		sync_rd_ptr_0 <= 0;
+		sync_rd_ptr_1 <= 0;
+	end
+	else begin
+		sync_rd_ptr_0 <= grey_rd_ptr_dly;		
+		sync_rd_ptr_1 <= sync_rd_ptr_0;
+	end
+    end
+    assign sync_rd_ptr = grey2bin(sync_rd_ptr_1);
+   /************************ read side *****************************/
+   reg [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr_0, sync_wr_ptr_1; 
+   wire [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] rd_ptr;
+   reg empty_q;
+   wire empty_c;
+   wire aempty_c;
+   wire [AW:0] rd_ptr_inc = rd_ptr + 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr_dec = sync_wr_ptr - 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] rd_cnt = get_cnt(sync_wr_ptr, rd_ptr);
+   assign empty_c  = (rd_cnt == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign aempty_c = (rd_cnt == 1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   always @(posedge rd_clk or negedge rd_reset_n) begin
+      if (!rd_reset_n) begin
+         rd_ptr <= 0;
+	 grey_rd_ptr <= 0;
+	 empty_q <= 1'b1;
+      end
+      else begin
+         if (rd_en) begin
+            rd_ptr <= rd_ptr_inc;
+            grey_rd_ptr <= bin2grey(rd_ptr_inc);
+            if (rd_cnt==(EMPTY_DP+1)) begin
+               empty_q <= 1'b1;
+            end
+         end
+         else begin
+            if (empty_q && (rd_cnt!=EMPTY_DP)) begin
+	      empty_q <= 1'b0;
+	    end
+         end
+       end
+    end
+    assign empty  = (RD_FAST == 1) ? empty_c : empty_q;
+    assign aempty = aempty_c;
+    reg [W-1 : 0]  rd_data_q;
+   wire [W-1 : 0] rd_data_c = mem[rd_ptr[AW-1:0]];
+   always @(posedge rd_clk) begin
+	rd_data_q <= rd_data_c;
+   end
+   assign rd_data  = (RD_FAST == 1) ? rd_data_c : rd_data_q;
+    wire [AW:0] grey_wr_ptr_dly ;
+    assign #1 grey_wr_ptr_dly =  grey_wr_ptr;
+    // write pointer synchronizer
+    always @(posedge rd_clk or negedge rd_reset_n) begin
+	if (!rd_reset_n) begin
+	   sync_wr_ptr_0 <= 0;
+	   sync_wr_ptr_1 <= 0;
+	end
+	else begin
+	   sync_wr_ptr_0 <= grey_wr_ptr_dly;		
+	   sync_wr_ptr_1 <= sync_wr_ptr_0;
+	end
+    end
+    assign sync_wr_ptr = grey2bin(sync_wr_ptr_1);
+/************************ functions ******************************/
+function [AW:0] bin2grey;
+input [AW:0] bin;
+reg [8:0] bin_8;
+reg [8:0] grey_8;
+	bin_8 = bin;
+	grey_8[1:0] = do_grey(bin_8[2:0]);
+	grey_8[3:2] = do_grey(bin_8[4:2]);
+	grey_8[5:4] = do_grey(bin_8[6:4]);
+	grey_8[7:6] = do_grey(bin_8[8:6]);
+	grey_8[8] = bin_8[8];
+	bin2grey = grey_8;
+function [AW:0] grey2bin;
+input [AW:0] grey;
+reg [8:0] grey_8;
+reg [8:0] bin_8;
+	grey_8 = grey;
+	bin_8[8] = grey_8[8];
+	bin_8[7:6] = do_bin({bin_8[8], grey_8[7:6]});
+	bin_8[5:4] = do_bin({bin_8[6], grey_8[5:4]});
+	bin_8[3:2] = do_bin({bin_8[4], grey_8[3:2]});
+	bin_8[1:0] = do_bin({bin_8[2], grey_8[1:0]});
+	grey2bin = bin_8;
+function [1:0] do_grey;
+input [2:0] bin;
+	if (bin[2]) begin  // do reverse grey
+		case (bin[1:0]) 
+			2'b00: do_grey = 2'b10;
+			2'b01: do_grey = 2'b11;
+			2'b10: do_grey = 2'b01;
+			2'b11: do_grey = 2'b00;
+		endcase
+	end
+	else begin
+		case (bin[1:0]) 
+			2'b00: do_grey = 2'b00;
+			2'b01: do_grey = 2'b01;
+			2'b10: do_grey = 2'b11;
+			2'b11: do_grey = 2'b10;
+		endcase
+	end
+function [1:0] do_bin;
+input [2:0] grey;
+	if (grey[2]) begin	// actually bin[2]
+		case (grey[1:0])
+			2'b10: do_bin = 2'b00;
+			2'b11: do_bin = 2'b01;
+			2'b01: do_bin = 2'b10;
+			2'b00: do_bin = 2'b11;
+		endcase
+	end
+	else begin
+		case (grey[1:0])
+			2'b00: do_bin = 2'b00;
+			2'b01: do_bin = 2'b01;
+			2'b11: do_bin = 2'b10;
+			2'b10: do_bin = 2'b11;
+		endcase
+	end
+function [AW:0] get_cnt;
+input [AW:0] wr_ptr, rd_ptr;
+	if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr) begin
+		get_cnt = (wr_ptr - rd_ptr);	
+	end
+	else begin
+		get_cnt = DP*2 - (rd_ptr - wr_ptr);
+	end
+// synopsys translate_off
+always @(posedge wr_clk) begin
+   if (wr_en && full) begin
+      $display($time, "%m Error! afifo overflow!");
+      $stop;
+   end
+always @(posedge rd_clk) begin
+   if (rd_en && empty) begin
+      $display($time, "%m error! afifo underflow!");
+      $stop;
+   end
+// synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05860f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  OMS 8051 cores common library Module                        ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the OMS 8051 cores project             ////
+////              ////
+////                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////    Async Fifo with threshold tracking/status                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision : Nov 26, 2016                                      //// 
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+// async_fifo:: async FIFO
+//    Following two ports are newly added
+//        1. At write clock domain:
+//           wr_total_free_space -->  Indicate total free transfer available 
+//        2. At read clock domain:
+//           rd_total_aval       -->  Indicate total no of transfer available
+module async_fifo_th (
+	           wr_clk,
+                   wr_reset_n,
+                   wr_en,
+                   wr_data,
+                   full,                 // sync'ed to wr_clk
+                   afull,                 // sync'ed to wr_clk
+                   wr_total_free_space,
+                   rd_clk,
+                   rd_reset_n,
+                   rd_en,
+                   empty,                // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   aempty,                // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   rd_total_aval,
+                   rd_data);
+   parameter W = 4'd8;
+   parameter DP = 3'd4;
+   parameter WR_FAST = 1'b1;
+   parameter RD_FAST = 1'b1;
+   parameter FULL_DP = DP;
+   parameter EMPTY_DP = 1'b0;
+   parameter AW = (DP == 2)   ? 1 : 
+		  (DP == 4)   ? 2 :
+                  (DP == 8)   ? 3 :
+                  (DP == 16)  ? 4 :
+                  (DP == 32)  ? 5 :
+                  (DP == 64)  ? 6 :
+                  (DP == 128) ? 7 :
+                  (DP == 256) ? 8 : 0;
+   output [W-1 : 0]  rd_data;
+   input [W-1 : 0]   wr_data;
+   input             wr_clk, wr_reset_n, wr_en, rd_clk, rd_reset_n,
+                     rd_en;
+   output            full, empty;
+   output            afull, aempty; // about full and about to empty
+   output   [AW:0]   wr_total_free_space; // Total Number of free space aval 
+                                               // w.r.t write clk
+                                               // note: Without accounting byte enables
+   output   [AW:0]   rd_total_aval;       // Total Number of words avaialble 
+                                               // w.r.t rd clock, 
+                                              // note: Without accounting byte enables
+   // synopsys translate_off
+   initial begin
+      if (AW == 0) begin
+         $display ("%m : ERROR!!! Fifo depth %d not in range 2 to 256", DP);
+      end // if (AW == 0)
+   end // initial begin
+   // synopsys translate_on
+   reg [W-1 : 0]    mem[DP-1 : 0];
+   /*********************** write side ************************/
+   reg [AW:0] sync_rd_ptr_0, sync_rd_ptr_1; 
+   wire [AW:0] sync_rd_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] wr_ptr, grey_wr_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] grey_rd_ptr;
+   reg full_q;
+   wire full_c;
+   wire afull_c;
+   wire [AW:0] wr_ptr_inc = wr_ptr + 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] wr_cnt = get_cnt(wr_ptr, sync_rd_ptr);
+   assign full_c  = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign afull_c = (wr_cnt == FULL_DP-1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   //--------------------------
+   // Shows total number of words 
+   // of free space available w.r.t write clock
+   //--------------------------- 
+   assign wr_total_free_space = FULL_DP - wr_cnt;
+   always @(posedge wr_clk or negedge wr_reset_n) begin
+	if (!wr_reset_n) begin
+		wr_ptr <= 0;
+		grey_wr_ptr <= 0;
+		full_q <= 0;	
+	end
+	else if (wr_en) begin
+		wr_ptr <= wr_ptr_inc;
+		grey_wr_ptr <= bin2grey(wr_ptr_inc);
+		if (wr_cnt == (FULL_DP-1)) begin
+			full_q <= 1'b1;
+		end
+	end
+	else begin
+	    	if (full_q && (wr_cnt<FULL_DP)) begin
+			full_q <= 1'b0;
+	     	end
+	end
+    end
+    assign full  = (WR_FAST == 1) ? full_c : full_q;
+    assign afull = afull_c;
+    always @(posedge wr_clk) begin
+	if (wr_en) begin
+		mem[wr_ptr[AW-1:0]] <= wr_data;
+	end
+    end
+    wire [AW:0] grey_rd_ptr_dly ;
+    assign #1 grey_rd_ptr_dly = grey_rd_ptr;
+    // read pointer synchronizer
+    always @(posedge wr_clk or negedge wr_reset_n) begin
+	if (!wr_reset_n) begin
+		sync_rd_ptr_0 <= 0;
+		sync_rd_ptr_1 <= 0;
+	end
+	else begin
+		sync_rd_ptr_0 <= grey_rd_ptr_dly;		
+		sync_rd_ptr_1 <= sync_rd_ptr_0;
+	end
+    end
+    assign sync_rd_ptr = grey2bin(sync_rd_ptr_1);
+   /************************ read side *****************************/
+   reg [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr_0, sync_wr_ptr_1; 
+   wire [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr;
+   reg [AW:0] rd_ptr;
+   reg empty_q;
+   wire empty_c;
+   wire aempty_c;
+   wire [AW:0] rd_ptr_inc = rd_ptr + 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] sync_wr_ptr_dec = sync_wr_ptr - 1'b1;
+   wire [AW:0] rd_cnt = get_cnt(sync_wr_ptr, rd_ptr);
+   assign empty_c  = (rd_cnt == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   assign aempty_c = (rd_cnt == 1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+   //--------------------------
+   // Shows total number of words 
+   // space available w.r.t write clock
+   //--------------------------- 
+   assign rd_total_aval = rd_cnt;
+   always @(posedge rd_clk or negedge rd_reset_n) begin
+	if (!rd_reset_n) begin
+		rd_ptr <= 0;
+		grey_rd_ptr <= 0;
+		empty_q <= 1'b1;
+	end
+	else begin
+		if (rd_en) begin
+			rd_ptr <= rd_ptr_inc;
+			grey_rd_ptr <= bin2grey(rd_ptr_inc);
+			if (rd_cnt==(EMPTY_DP+1)) begin
+				empty_q <= 1'b1;
+			end
+		end
+		else begin
+			if (empty_q && (rd_cnt!=EMPTY_DP)) begin
+				empty_q <= 1'b0;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+    end
+    assign empty  = (RD_FAST == 1) ? empty_c : empty_q;
+    assign aempty = aempty_c;
+    assign rd_data = mem[rd_ptr[AW-1:0]];
+    wire [AW:0] grey_wr_ptr_dly ;
+    assign #1 grey_wr_ptr_dly =  grey_wr_ptr;
+    // write pointer synchronizer
+    always @(posedge rd_clk or negedge rd_reset_n) begin
+	if (!rd_reset_n) begin
+		sync_wr_ptr_0 <= 0;
+		sync_wr_ptr_1 <= 0;
+	end
+	else begin
+		sync_wr_ptr_0 <= grey_wr_ptr_dly;		
+		sync_wr_ptr_1 <= sync_wr_ptr_0;
+	end
+    end
+    assign sync_wr_ptr = grey2bin(sync_wr_ptr_1);
+/************************ functions ******************************/
+function [AW:0] bin2grey;
+input [AW:0] bin;
+reg [8:0] bin_8;
+reg [8:0] grey_8;
+	bin_8 = bin;
+	grey_8[1:0] = do_grey(bin_8[2:0]);
+	grey_8[3:2] = do_grey(bin_8[4:2]);
+	grey_8[5:4] = do_grey(bin_8[6:4]);
+	grey_8[7:6] = do_grey(bin_8[8:6]);
+	grey_8[8] = bin_8[8];
+	bin2grey = grey_8;
+function [AW:0] grey2bin;
+input [AW:0] grey;
+reg [8:0] grey_8;
+reg [8:0] bin_8;
+	grey_8 = grey;
+	bin_8[8] = grey_8[8];
+	bin_8[7:6] = do_bin({bin_8[8], grey_8[7:6]});
+	bin_8[5:4] = do_bin({bin_8[6], grey_8[5:4]});
+	bin_8[3:2] = do_bin({bin_8[4], grey_8[3:2]});
+	bin_8[1:0] = do_bin({bin_8[2], grey_8[1:0]});
+	grey2bin = bin_8;
+function [1:0] do_grey;
+input [2:0] bin;
+	if (bin[2]) begin  // do reverse grey
+		case (bin[1:0]) 
+			2'b00: do_grey = 2'b10;
+			2'b01: do_grey = 2'b11;
+			2'b10: do_grey = 2'b01;
+			2'b11: do_grey = 2'b00;
+		endcase
+	end
+	else begin
+		case (bin[1:0]) 
+			2'b00: do_grey = 2'b00;
+			2'b01: do_grey = 2'b01;
+			2'b10: do_grey = 2'b11;
+			2'b11: do_grey = 2'b10;
+		endcase
+	end
+function [1:0] do_bin;
+input [2:0] grey;
+	if (grey[2]) begin	// actually bin[2]
+		case (grey[1:0])
+			2'b10: do_bin = 2'b00;
+			2'b11: do_bin = 2'b01;
+			2'b01: do_bin = 2'b10;
+			2'b00: do_bin = 2'b11;
+		endcase
+	end
+	else begin
+		case (grey[1:0])
+			2'b00: do_bin = 2'b00;
+			2'b01: do_bin = 2'b01;
+			2'b11: do_bin = 2'b10;
+			2'b10: do_bin = 2'b11;
+		endcase
+	end
+function [AW:0] get_cnt;
+input [AW:0] wr_ptr, rd_ptr;
+	if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr) begin
+		get_cnt = (wr_ptr - rd_ptr);	
+	end
+	else begin
+		get_cnt = DP*2 - (rd_ptr - wr_ptr);
+	end
+// synopsys translate_off
+always @(posedge wr_clk) begin
+   if (wr_en && full) begin
+      $display($time, "%m Error! afifo overflow!");
+      $stop;
+   end
+always @(posedge rd_clk) begin
+   if (rd_en && empty) begin
+      $display($time, "%m error! afifo underflow!");
+      $stop;
+   end
+// gray code monitor
+reg [AW:0] last_gwr_ptr;
+always @(posedge wr_clk or negedge wr_reset_n) begin
+   if (!wr_reset_n) begin
+      last_gwr_ptr <= #1 0;
+   end
+   else if (last_gwr_ptr !== grey_wr_ptr) begin
+      check_ptr_chg(last_gwr_ptr, grey_wr_ptr);
+      last_gwr_ptr <= #1 grey_wr_ptr;
+   end 	
+reg [AW:0] last_grd_ptr;
+always @(posedge rd_clk or negedge rd_reset_n) begin
+   if (!rd_reset_n) begin
+     last_grd_ptr <= #1 0;
+   end
+   else if (last_grd_ptr !== grey_rd_ptr) begin
+      check_ptr_chg(last_grd_ptr, grey_rd_ptr);
+      last_grd_ptr <= #1 grey_rd_ptr;
+   end 	
+task check_ptr_chg;
+input [AW:0] last_ptr;
+input [AW:0] cur_ptr;
+integer i;
+integer ptr_diff;
+   ptr_diff = 0;
+   for (i=0; i<= AW; i=i+ 1'b1) begin
+      if (last_ptr[i] != cur_ptr[i]) begin
+         ptr_diff = ptr_diff + 1'b1;
+      end
+   end
+   if (ptr_diff !== 1) begin
+      $display($time, "%m, ERROR! async fifo ptr has changed more than noe bit, last=%h, cur=%h",
+				last_ptr, cur_ptr);
+      $stop;
+   end
+   // synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e5d4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  Async Wishbone Interface                                    ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
+////                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////      This block does async Wishbone from one clock to other  ////
+////      clock domain
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////    0.1 - 25th Feb 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          initial version                                     ////
+////    0.2 - 28th Feb 2021, Dinesh A                             ////
+////          reduced the response FIFO path depth to 2 as        ////
+////          return path used by only read logic and read is     ////
+////          blocking request and expect only one location will  ////
+////          be used                                             ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module async_wb 
+     #(parameter AW  = 32,
+       parameter BW  = 4,
+       parameter DW  = 32)
+       (
+    // Master Port
+       input   logic               wbm_rst_n   ,  // Regular Reset signal
+       input   logic               wbm_clk_i   ,  // System clock
+       input   logic               wbm_cyc_i   ,  // strobe/request
+       input   logic               wbm_stb_i   ,  // strobe/request
+       input   logic [AW-1:0]      wbm_adr_i   ,  // address
+       input   logic               wbm_we_i    ,  // write
+       input   logic [DW-1:0]      wbm_dat_i   ,  // data output
+       input   logic [BW-1:0]      wbm_sel_i   ,  // byte enable
+       output  logic [DW-1:0]      wbm_dat_o   ,  // data input
+       output  logic               wbm_ack_o   ,  // acknowlegement
+       output  logic               wbm_err_o   ,  // error
+    // Slave Port
+       input   logic               wbs_rst_n   ,  // Regular Reset signal
+       input   logic               wbs_clk_i   ,  // System clock
+       output  logic               wbs_cyc_o   ,  // strobe/request
+       output  logic               wbs_stb_o   ,  // strobe/request
+       output  logic [AW-1:0]      wbs_adr_o   ,  // address
+       output  logic               wbs_we_o    ,  // write
+       output  logic [DW-1:0]      wbs_dat_o   ,  // data output
+       output  logic [BW-1:0]      wbs_sel_o   ,  // byte enable
+       input   logic [DW-1:0]      wbs_dat_i   ,  // data input
+       input   logic               wbs_ack_i   ,  // acknowlegement
+       input   logic               wbs_err_i      // error
+    );
+parameter CFW = AW+DW+BW+1 ; // COMMAND FIFO WIDTH
+//  Master Interface
+// -------------------------------------------------
+logic           PendingRd     ; // Pending Read Transaction
+logic           m_cmd_wr_en       ;
+logic [CFW-1:0] m_cmd_wr_data     ;
+logic           m_cmd_wr_full     ;
+logic           m_cmd_wr_afull    ;
+logic           m_resp_rd_empty    ;
+logic           m_resp_rd_aempty   ;
+logic           m_resp_rd_en       ;
+logic [DW:0]    m_resp_rd_data     ;
+// Master Write Interface
+assign m_cmd_wr_en = (!PendingRd) && wbm_stb_i && !m_cmd_wr_full && !m_cmd_wr_afull;
+assign m_cmd_wr_data = {wbm_adr_i,wbm_we_i,wbm_dat_i,wbm_sel_i};
+always@(negedge wbm_rst_n or posedge wbm_clk_i)
+   if(wbm_rst_n == 0) begin
+      PendingRd <= 1'b0;
+   end else begin
+      if((!PendingRd) && wbm_stb_i && (!wbm_we_i) && m_cmd_wr_en) begin
+      PendingRd <= 1'b1;
+      end else if(PendingRd && wbm_stb_i && (!wbm_we_i) && wbm_ack_o) begin
+         PendingRd <= 1'b0;
+      end
+   end
+// Master Read Interface
+// For Write is feed through, if there is space in fifo the ack
+// For Read, Wait for Response Path FIFO status
+assign wbm_ack_o = (wbm_stb_i && wbm_we_i)    ?  m_cmd_wr_en : // Write Logic
+	           (wbm_stb_i && (!wbm_we_i)) ? !m_resp_rd_empty : 1'b0; // Read Logic
+assign m_resp_rd_en   = !m_resp_rd_empty;
+assign wbm_dat_o      = m_resp_rd_data[DW-1:0];
+assign wbm_err_o      = m_resp_rd_data[DW];
+// Slave Interface
+logic [CFW-1:0] s_cmd_rd_data      ;
+logic        s_cmd_rd_empty     ;
+logic        s_cmd_rd_aempty    ;
+logic        s_cmd_rd_en        ;
+logic        s_resp_wr_en        ;
+logic [DW:0] s_resp_wr_data      ;
+logic        s_resp_wr_full      ;
+logic        s_resp_wr_afull     ;
+logic        wbs_ack_f          ;
+always@(negedge wbs_rst_n or posedge wbs_clk_i)
+   if(wbs_rst_n == 0) begin
+      wbs_ack_f <= 1'b0;
+   end else begin
+      wbs_ack_f <= wbs_ack_i;
+   end
+// Read Interface
+assign {wbs_adr_o,wbs_we_o,wbs_dat_o,wbs_sel_o} = (s_cmd_rd_empty) ? '0:  s_cmd_rd_data;
+// All the downstream logic expect Stobe is getting de-asserted 
+// atleast for 1 cycle after ack is generated
+assign wbs_stb_o = (wbs_ack_f) ? 1'b0 : (s_cmd_rd_empty) ? 1'b0: 1'b1;
+assign wbs_cyc_o = (wbs_ack_f) ? 1'b0 : (s_cmd_rd_empty) ? 1'b0: 1'b1;
+assign s_cmd_rd_en = wbs_ack_i;
+// Write Interface
+// response send only for read logic
+assign s_resp_wr_en   = wbs_stb_o & (!wbs_we_o) & wbs_ack_i & !s_resp_wr_full;
+assign s_resp_wr_data = {wbs_err_i,wbs_dat_i};
+async_fifo #(.W(CFW), .DP(4), .WR_FAST(1), .RD_FAST(1)) u_cmd_if (
+	           // Sync w.r.t WR clock
+	           .wr_clk        (wbm_clk_i         ),
+                   .wr_reset_n    (wbm_rst_n         ),
+                   .wr_en         (m_cmd_wr_en       ),
+                   .wr_data       (m_cmd_wr_data     ),
+                   .full          (m_cmd_wr_full     ),                 
+                   .afull         (m_cmd_wr_afull    ),                 
+		   // Sync w.r.t RD Clock
+                   .rd_clk        (wbs_clk_i         ),
+                   .rd_reset_n    (wbs_rst_n         ),
+                   .rd_en         (s_cmd_rd_en       ),
+                   .empty         (s_cmd_rd_empty    ), // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   .aempty        (s_cmd_rd_aempty   ), // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   .rd_data       (s_cmd_rd_data     )
+	     );
+// Response used only read path, read is blocking access, expect
+// only one location used in return path - reduced the depth to 2
+async_fifo #(.W(DW+1), .DP(2), .WR_FAST(1), .RD_FAST(1)) u_resp_if (
+	           // Sync w.r.t WR clock
+	           .wr_clk        (wbs_clk_i          ),
+                   .wr_reset_n    (wbs_rst_n          ),
+                   .wr_en         (s_resp_wr_en       ),
+                   .wr_data       (s_resp_wr_data     ),
+                   .full          (s_resp_wr_full     ),                 
+                   .afull         (s_resp_wr_afull    ),                 
+		   // Sync w.r.t RD Clock
+                   .rd_clk        (wbm_clk_i          ),
+                   .rd_reset_n    (wbm_rst_n          ),
+                   .rd_en         (m_resp_rd_en       ),
+                   .empty         (m_resp_rd_empty    ), // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   .aempty        (m_resp_rd_aempty   ), // sync'ed to rd_clk
+                   .rd_data       (m_resp_rd_data     )
+	     );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_buf.v b/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_buf.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad8fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_buf.v
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  Clk Buf                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
+////              ////
+////                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////     Adding clock buf for manual clock tree at SOC level      ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module clk_buf (
+   // Outputs
+       clk_o,
+   // Inputs
+       clk_i
+   );
+// All the input to this block are declared here
+// --------------------------------------------
+   input        clk_i          ;// 
+// All the output to this block are declared here
+// --------------------------------------------
+   output       clk_o             ; // clock out
+sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_buf  (.A(clk_i),.X(clk_o));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_ctl.v b/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_ctl.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f5989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/clk_ctl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  Tubo 8051 cores common library Module                       ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project           ////
+////              ////
+////                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////  Turbo 8051 definitions.                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision : Mar 2, 2011                                      //// 
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+// #################################################################
+// Module: clk_ctl
+// Description:  Generic clock control logic , clk-out = mclk/(2+clk_div_ratio)
+// #################################################################
+module clk_ctl (
+   // Outputs
+       clk_o,
+   // Inputs
+       mclk,
+       reset_n, 
+       clk_div_ratio 
+   );
+// CLOCK Default Divider value.
+// This value will be change from outside
+parameter  WD = 'h1;
+// All the input to this block are declared here
+// --------------------------------------------
+   input        mclk          ;// 
+   input        reset_n       ;// primary reset signal
+   input [WD:0] clk_div_ratio ;// primary clock divide ratio
+                               // output clock = selected clock / (div_ratio+1)
+// All the output to this block are declared here
+// --------------------------------------------
+   output       clk_o             ; // clock out
+// Clock Divide func is done here
+reg  [WD-1:0]    high_count       ; // high level counter
+reg  [WD-1:0]    low_count        ; // low level counter
+reg              mclk_div         ; // divided clock
+assign clk_o  = mclk_div;
+always @ (posedge mclk or negedge reset_n)
+begin // {
+   if(reset_n == 1'b0) 
+   begin 
+      high_count  <= 'h0;
+      low_count   <= 'h0;
+      mclk_div    <= 'b0;
+   end   
+   else 
+   begin 
+      if(high_count != 0)
+      begin // {
+         high_count    <= high_count - 1;
+         mclk_div      <= 1'b1;
+      end   // }
+      else if(low_count != 0)
+      begin // {
+         low_count     <= low_count - 1;
+         mclk_div      <= 1'b0;
+      end   // }
+      else
+      begin // {
+         high_count    <= clk_div_ratio[WD:1] + clk_div_ratio[0];
+         low_count     <= clk_div_ratio[WD:1] + 1;
+         mclk_div      <= ~mclk_div;
+      end   // }
+   end   // }
+end   // }
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/double_sync_high.v b/verilog/rtl/lib/double_sync_high.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d1d2ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/double_sync_high.v
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  OMS 8051 cores common library Module                        ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the OMS 8051 cores project             ////
+////                 ////
+////            ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////  OMS 8051 definitions.                                       ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision : Nov 26, 2016                                     //// 
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+// Simple Double sync logic with Reset value = 0
+// This double signal should be used for signal transiting from low to high
+module double_sync_high   (
+              in_data    ,
+              out_clk    ,
+              out_rst_n  ,
+              out_data   
+          );
+parameter WIDTH = 1;
+input [WIDTH-1:0]    in_data    ; // Input from Different clock domain
+input                out_clk    ; // Output clock
+input                out_rst_n  ; // Active low Reset
+output[WIDTH-1:0]    out_data   ; // Output Data
+reg [WIDTH-1:0]     in_data_s  ; // One   Cycle sync 
+reg [WIDTH-1:0]     in_data_2s ; // two   Cycle sync 
+reg [WIDTH-1:0]     in_data_3s ; // three Cycle sync 
+assign out_data =  in_data_3s;
+always @(negedge out_rst_n or posedge out_clk)
+   if(out_rst_n == 1'b0)
+   begin
+      in_data_s  <= {WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      in_data_2s <= {WIDTH{1'b0}};
+      in_data_3s <= {WIDTH{1'b0}};
+   end
+   else
+   begin
+      in_data_s  <= in_data;
+      in_data_2s <= in_data_s;
+      in_data_3s <= in_data_2s;
+   end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/double_sync_low.v b/verilog/rtl/lib/double_sync_low.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..efd4269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/double_sync_low.v
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  OMS 8051 cores common library Module                        ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the OMS 8051 cores project             ////
+////                 ////
+////              ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////  OMS 8051 definitions.                                       ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision : Nov 26, 2016                                     //// 
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+// Simple Double sync logic with Reset value = 1
+// This double signal should be used for signal transiting from low to high
+module double_sync_low   (
+              in_data    ,
+              out_clk    ,
+              out_rst_n  ,
+              out_data   
+          );
+parameter WIDTH = 1;
+input [WIDTH-1:0]    in_data    ; // Input from Different clock domain
+input                out_clk    ; // Output clock
+input                out_rst_n  ; // Active low Reset
+output[WIDTH-1:0]    out_data   ; // Output Data
+reg [WIDTH-1:0]     in_data_s  ; // One   Cycle sync 
+reg [WIDTH-1:0]     in_data_2s ; // two   Cycle sync 
+reg [WIDTH-1:0]     in_data_3s ; // three Cycle sync 
+assign out_data =  in_data_3s;
+always @(negedge out_rst_n or posedge out_clk)
+   if(out_rst_n == 1'b0)
+   begin
+      in_data_s  <= {WIDTH{1'b1}};
+      in_data_2s <= {WIDTH{1'b1}};
+      in_data_3s <= {WIDTH{1'b1}};
+   end
+   else
+   begin
+      in_data_s  <= in_data;
+      in_data_2s <= in_data_s;
+      in_data_3s <= in_data_2s;
+   end
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b209ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+// This module is used to generate 1ms and 1sec pulse based on 1us trigger
+// pulse
+module pulse_gen_type1(
+	output logic clk_pulse,
+	input logic clk,
+        input logic reset_n,
+	input logic trigger
+parameter WD= 10;   // This will count from 0 to 1023
+parameter MAX_CNT = 999;
+logic [WD-1:0]  cnt;
+assign clk_pulse = (cnt == 0) && trigger;
+always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+   if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin 
+      cnt <= 'b0;
+   end else begin 
+      if(trigger) begin
+          if(cnt >= MAX_CNT)
+              cnt <= 0;
+          else
+              cnt <= cnt +1;
+      end
+   end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9bcae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+// This module is used to generate 1us based on config value
+module pulse_gen_type2 #(parameter WD = 10)
+    (
+	output logic           clk_pulse,
+	input logic            clk,
+        input logic            reset_n,
+	input logic [WD-1:0]   cfg_max_cnt
+logic [WD-1:0]  cnt;
+always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+   if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin 
+      cnt <= 'b0;
+      clk_pulse <= 'b0;
+   end else begin 
+      if(cnt == cfg_max_cnt) begin
+          cnt       <= 0;
+          clk_pulse <= 1'b1;
+      end else begin
+          cnt       <= cnt +1;
+          clk_pulse <= 1'b0;
+      end
+   end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/registers.v b/verilog/rtl/lib/registers.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4a87a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/registers.v
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  Tubo 8051 cores common library Module                       ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project           ////
+////                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////  Turbo 8051 definitions.                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision : Mar 2, 2011                                      //// 
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+** module: bit register
+** description: infers a register, make it modular
+ ***********************************************************************/
+module bit_register (
+		 //inputs
+		 we,		 
+		 clk,
+		 reset_n,
+		 data_in,
+		 //outputs
+		 data_out
+		 );
+// Reset Default value
+parameter  RESET_DEFAULT = 1'h0;
+  input	 we;
+  input	 clk;
+  input	 reset_n;
+  input	 data_in;
+  output data_out;
+  reg	 data_out;
+  //infer the register
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (!reset_n)
+	data_out <= RESET_DEFAULT;
+      else if (we)
+	data_out <= data_in;
+    end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+endmodule // register
+** module: req register.
+** description: This register is set by cpu writting 1 and reset by
+                harward req = 1
+ Note: When there is a clash between cpu and hardware, cpu is given higher
+       priority
+ ***********************************************************************/
+module req_register (
+		 //inputs
+		 clk,
+		 reset_n,
+		 cpu_we,		 
+		 cpu_req,
+		 hware_ack,
+		 //outputs
+		 data_out
+		 );
+// Reset Default value
+parameter  RESET_DEFAULT = 1'h0;
+  input	 clk      ;
+  input	 reset_n  ;
+  input	 cpu_we   ; // cpu write enable
+  input	 cpu_req  ; // CPU Request
+  input	 hware_ack; // Hardware Ack
+  output data_out ;
+  reg	 data_out;
+  //infer the register
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (!reset_n)
+	data_out <= RESET_DEFAULT;
+      else if (cpu_we & cpu_req) // Set on CPU Request
+	 data_out <= 1'b1;
+      else if (hware_ack)  // Reset the flag on Hardware ack
+	 data_out <= 1'b0;
+    end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+endmodule // register
+** module: req register.
+** description: This register is cleared by cpu writting 1 and set by
+                harward req = 1
+ Note: When there is a clash between cpu and hardware, 
+       hardware is given higher priority
+ ***********************************************************************/
+module stat_register (
+		 //inputs
+		 clk,
+		 reset_n,
+		 cpu_we,		 
+		 cpu_ack,
+		 hware_req,
+		 //outputs
+		 data_out
+		 );
+// Reset Default value
+parameter  RESET_DEFAULT = 1'h0;
+  input	 clk      ;
+  input	 reset_n  ;
+  input	 cpu_we   ; // cpu write enable
+  input	 cpu_ack  ; // CPU Ack
+  input	 hware_req; // Hardware Req
+  output data_out ;
+  reg	 data_out;
+  //infer the register
+  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+    begin
+      if (!reset_n)
+	data_out <= RESET_DEFAULT;
+      else if (hware_req)  // Set the flag on Hardware Req
+	 data_out <= 1'b1;
+      else if (cpu_we & cpu_ack) // Clear on CPU Ack
+	 data_out <= 1'b0;
+    end // always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+endmodule // register
+ module: generic register
+module  generic_register	(
+	      //List of Inputs
+	      we,		 
+	      data_in,
+	      reset_n,
+	      clk,
+	      //List of Outs
+	      data_out
+	      );
+  parameter   WD               = 1;  
+  parameter   RESET_DEFAULT    = 0;  
+  input [WD-1:0]     we;	
+  input [WD-1:0]     data_in;	
+  input              reset_n;
+  input		     clk;
+  output [WD-1:0]    data_out;
+  genvar i;
+  for (i = 0; i < WD; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bit_reg
+    bit_register #(RESET_DEFAULT[i]) u_bit_reg (   
+                .we         (we[i]),
+                .clk        (clk),
+                .reset_n    (reset_n),
+                .data_in    (data_in[i]),
+                .data_out   (data_out[i])
+            );
+  end
+ module: generic interrupt status
+module  generic_intr_stat_reg	(
+		 //inputs
+		 clk,
+		 reset_n,
+		 reg_we,		 
+		 reg_din,
+		 hware_req,
+		 //outputs
+		 data_out
+	      );
+  parameter   WD               = 1;  
+  parameter   RESET_DEFAULT    = 0;  
+  input [WD-1:0]     reg_we;	
+  input [WD-1:0]     reg_din;	
+  input [WD-1:0]     hware_req;	
+  input              reset_n;
+  input		     clk;
+  output [WD-1:0]    data_out;
+  genvar i;
+  for (i = 0; i < WD; i = i + 1) begin : gen_bit_reg
+    stat_register #(RESET_DEFAULT[i]) u_bit_reg (
+		 //inputs
+		 . clk        (clk           ),
+		 . reset_n    (reset_n       ),
+		 . cpu_we     (reg_we[i]     ),		 
+		 . cpu_ack    (reg_din[i]    ),
+		 . hware_req  (hware_req[i]  ),
+		 //outputs
+		 . data_out  (data_out[i]    )
+		 );
+  end
+ module: generic 32b register
+module  gen_32b_reg	(
+	      //List of Inputs
+	      cs,
+	      we,		 
+	      data_in,
+	      reset_n,
+	      clk,
+	      //List of Outs
+	      data_out
+	      );
+  parameter   RESET_DEFAULT    = 32'h0;  
+  input [3:0]      we;	
+  input            cs;
+  input [31:0]     data_in;	
+  input            reset_n;
+  input		   clk;
+  output [31:0]    data_out;
+  reg [31:0]    data_out;
+always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin 
+  if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+    data_out  <= RESET_DEFAULT ;
+  end
+  else begin
+    if(cs && we[0]) data_out[7:0]   <= data_in[7:0];
+    if(cs && we[1]) data_out[15:8]  <= data_in[15:8];
+    if(cs && we[2]) data_out[23:16] <= data_in[23:16];
+    if(cs && we[3]) data_out[31:24] <= data_in[31:24];
+  end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d96c719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  Active low reset synchronization                           ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the yifive cores project               ////
+////              ////
+////                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description:                                                ////
+////     Synchronize the active low reset to destination clock    ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////     v0:    June 17, 2021, Dinesh A                           ////
+////             Initial version                                  ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module reset_sync   (
+	      scan_mode  ,
+              dclk       , // Destination clock domain
+	      arst_n     , // active low async reset
+              srst_n 
+          );
+parameter WIDTH = 1;
+input    scan_mode  ; // test mode
+input    dclk       ; // Destination clock
+input    arst_n     ; // Async Reset
+output   srst_n     ; // Sync Reset w.r.t dclk
+reg      in_data_s  ; // One   Cycle sync 
+reg      in_data_2s ; // two   Cycle sync 
+assign srst_n =  (scan_mode) ? arst_n : in_data_2s;
+always @(negedge arst_n  or posedge dclk)
+   if(arst_n == 1'b0)
+   begin
+      in_data_s  <= 1'b0;
+      in_data_2s <= 1'b0;
+   end
+   else
+   begin
+      in_data_s  <= 1'b1;
+      in_data_2s <= in_data_s;
+   end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..464a26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+  This file is part of the sdram controller project           
+  Description: SYNC FIFO 
+  Parameters:
+      W : Width (integer)
+      D : Depth (integer, power of 2, 4 to 256)
+  To Do:                                                      
+    nothing                                                   
+  Author(s):  Dinesh Annayya,                 
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                
+ This source file may be used and distributed without         
+ restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    
+ removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  
+ the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. 
+ This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   
+ Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+ either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   
+later version.                                               
+ This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       
+ useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   
+ PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more 
+ details.                                                     
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    
+ Public License along with this source; if not, download it   
+ from                     
+module sync_fifo (clk,
+	          reset_n,
+		  wr_en,
+		  wr_data,
+		  full,
+		  empty,
+		  rd_en,
+		  rd_data);
+   parameter W = 8;
+   parameter D = 4;
+   parameter AW = (D == 2)   ? 1 :
+	          (D == 4)   ? 2 :
+		  (D == 8)   ? 3 :
+		  (D == 16)  ? 4 :
+		  (D == 32)  ? 5 :
+		  (D == 64)  ? 6 :
+		  (D == 128) ? 7 :
+		  (D == 256) ? 8 : 0;
+   output [W-1 : 0]  rd_data;
+   input [W-1 : 0]   wr_data;
+   input 	     clk, reset_n, wr_en, rd_en;
+   output 	     full, empty;
+   // synopsys translate_off
+   initial begin
+      if (AW == 0) begin
+	 $display ("%m : ERROR!!! Fifo depth %d not in range 4 to 256", D);
+      end // if (AW == 0)
+   end // initial begin
+   // synopsys translate_on
+   reg [W-1 : 0]    mem[D-1 : 0];
+   reg [AW-1 : 0]   rd_ptr, wr_ptr;
+   reg	 	    full, empty;
+   wire [W-1 : 0]   rd_data;
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         wr_ptr <= {AW{1'b0}} ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         if (wr_en & !full) begin
+            wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + 1'b1 ;
+         end
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         rd_ptr <= {AW{1'b0}} ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         if (rd_en & !empty) begin
+            rd_ptr <= rd_ptr + 1'b1 ;
+         end
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         empty <= 1'b1 ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         empty <= (((wr_ptr - rd_ptr) == {{(AW-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1}) & rd_en & ~wr_en) ? 1'b1 : 
+                   ((wr_ptr == rd_ptr) & ~rd_en & wr_en) ? 1'b0 : empty ;
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n) 
+      if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin
+         full <= 1'b0 ;
+      end
+      else begin
+         full <= (((wr_ptr - rd_ptr) == {{(AW-1){1'b1}}, 1'b0}) & ~rd_en & wr_en) ? 1'b1 : 
+                 (((wr_ptr - rd_ptr) == {AW{1'b1}}) & rd_en & ~wr_en) ? 1'b0 : full ;
+      end
+   always @ (posedge clk) 
+      if (wr_en)
+	 mem[wr_ptr] <= wr_data;
+assign  rd_data = mem[rd_ptr];
+// synopsys translate_off
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+      if (wr_en && full) begin
+         $display("%m : Error! sfifo overflow!");
+      end
+   end
+   always @(posedge clk) begin
+      if (rd_en && empty) begin
+         $display("%m : error! sfifo underflow!");
+      end
+   end
+// synopsys translate_on
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/wb_interface.v b/verilog/rtl/lib/wb_interface.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25b147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/wb_interface.v
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+////                                                              ////
+////  yifive common library Module                                ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the yifive cores project               ////
+////              ////
+////                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description:                                                ////
+////     This module does the DMA to wishbone I/f                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////     v0:    Nov 26, 2016, Dinesh A                            ////
+////            This files copied from my open core               ////
+////             turbo8051 project                                ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module wb_interface (
+          rst          , 
+          clk          ,
+          dma_req_i    ,
+          dma_write_i  ,
+          dma_addr_i   ,
+          dma_length_i ,
+          dma_ack_o    ,
+          dma_done_o   ,
+          dma_start_o  ,
+          dma_wr_o     ,
+          dma_rd_o     ,
+          dma_last_o   ,
+          dma_wdata_i  ,
+          dma_rdata_o  ,
+    // external memory
+          wbd_dat_i    , 
+          wbd_dat_o    ,
+          wbd_adr_o    , 
+          wbd_be_o     , 
+          wbd_we_o     , 
+          wbd_ack_i    ,
+          wbd_stb_o    , 
+          wbd_cyc_o    , 
+          wbd_err_i    
+     );
+input            rst             ; 
+input            clk             ;
+input            dma_req_i       ;
+input            dma_write_i     ;
+input [25:0]     dma_addr_i      ;
+input [7:0]      dma_length_i    ;
+output           dma_ack_o       ;
+output           dma_done_o      ; // indicates end of DMA transaction
+output           dma_start_o     ;
+output           dma_wr_o        ;
+output           dma_rd_o        ;
+output           dma_last_o      ;
+input  [31:0]    dma_wdata_i     ;
+output [31:0]    dma_rdata_o     ;
+// WB interface
+input  [31:0]    wbd_dat_i       ; // data input
+output [31:0]    wbd_dat_o       ; // data output
+output [23:0]    wbd_adr_o       ; // address
+output  [3:0]    wbd_be_o        ; // byte enable
+output           wbd_we_o        ; // write 
+input            wbd_ack_i       ; // acknowlegement
+output           wbd_stb_o       ; // strobe/request
+output           wbd_cyc_o       ; // wb cycle
+input            wbd_err_i       ; // we error
+// Reg Declaration
+reg [2:0]        state           ;
+reg [2:0]        state_d         ;
+reg [7:0]        preq_len        ; // pending request length in bytes
+reg              wbd_we_o        ; // westbone write req
+reg [23:0]       wbd_adr_o       ; // westnone address
+reg              dma_ack_o       ; // dma ack
+reg [7:0]        twbtrans        ; // total westbone transaction
+reg              dma_wr_o        ; // dma write request
+reg              dma_rd_o        ; // dma read request
+reg [31:0]       temp_data       ; // temp holding data
+reg [1:0]        be_sof          ; // Byte enable starting alignment
+reg [31:0]       wbd_dat_o       ; // westbone data out
+reg [3:0]        wbd_be_o        ; // west bone byte enable 
+reg [31:0]       dma_rdata_o     ; // dma read data
+reg              wbd_stb_o       ; 
+reg              dma_start_o     ; // dma first transfer
+reg              dma_last_o      ; // dma last transfer
+parameter WB_IDLE           = 3'b000;
+parameter WB_REQ            = 3'b001;
+parameter WB_WR_PHASE       = 3'b010;
+parameter WB_RD_PHASE_SOF   = 3'b011;
+parameter WB_RD_PHASE_CONT  = 3'b100;
+assign dma_done_o = (state == WB_IDLE) && (state_d !=  WB_IDLE);
+always @(posedge rst or posedge clk)
+   if(rst) begin
+      state         <= WB_IDLE;
+      state_d       <= WB_IDLE;
+      wbd_we_o      <= 0;
+      wbd_adr_o     <= 0;
+      preq_len      <= 0;
+      dma_ack_o     <= 0;
+      twbtrans      <= 0;
+      dma_wr_o      <= 0;
+      dma_rd_o      <= 0;
+      temp_data     <= 0;
+      be_sof        <= 0;
+      wbd_dat_o     <= 0; 
+      wbd_be_o      <= 0; 
+      dma_rdata_o   <= 0;
+      wbd_stb_o     <= 0;
+      dma_start_o   <= 0;
+      dma_last_o    <= 0;
+   end
+   else begin
+      state_d       <= state;
+      case(state)
+      WB_IDLE : 
+         begin
+            if(dma_req_i)
+            begin
+               dma_ack_o  <= 1;
+               wbd_we_o   <= dma_write_i;
+               wbd_adr_o  <= dma_addr_i[25:2];
+               be_sof     <= dma_addr_i[1] << 1 + dma_addr_i[0];
+               preq_len   <= dma_length_i;
+               // total wb transfer
+               twbtrans   <= dma_length_i[7:2] + 
+                             |(dma_length_i[1:0]) + 
+                             |(dma_addr_i[1:0]);
+               state       <= WB_REQ;
+            end 
+            dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+            dma_rd_o   <= 0;
+            wbd_stb_o  <= 0;
+            dma_start_o  <= 0;
+         end
+      WB_REQ :
+         begin
+            dma_ack_o      <= 0;
+            wbd_stb_o      <= 1;
+            if(wbd_we_o) begin
+               dma_wr_o    <= 1;
+               dma_start_o <= 1;
+               temp_data   <= dma_wdata_i; 
+               if(be_sof == 0) begin
+                  wbd_dat_o  <= dma_wdata_i; 
+                  wbd_be_o   <= 4'b1111; 
+                  preq_len    <= preq_len - 4;
+               end 
+               else if(be_sof == 1) begin
+                  wbd_dat_o  <= {dma_wdata_i[23:0],8'h0}; 
+                  wbd_be_o   <= 4'b1110; 
+                  preq_len    <= preq_len - 3;
+               end
+               else if(be_sof == 2) begin
+                  wbd_dat_o  <= {dma_wdata_i[15:0],16'h0}; 
+                  wbd_be_o   <= 4'b1100; 
+                  preq_len    <= preq_len - 2;
+               end
+               else begin
+                  wbd_dat_o  <= {dma_wdata_i[7:0],23'h0}; 
+                  wbd_be_o   <= 4'b1000; 
+                  preq_len    <= preq_len - 1;
+               end
+               twbtrans   <= twbtrans -1;
+               state      <= WB_WR_PHASE;
+               if(twbtrans == 1) 
+                   dma_last_o <= 1;
+            end
+            else begin
+               state   <= WB_RD_PHASE_SOF;
+            end
+         end
+      WB_WR_PHASE :
+         begin
+            dma_start_o       <= 0;
+            if(wbd_ack_i) begin
+               if(twbtrans == 1) 
+                   dma_last_o <= 1;
+               else
+                   dma_last_o <= 0;
+               if(twbtrans > 0) begin
+                  temp_data   <= dma_wdata_i; 
+                  twbtrans    <= twbtrans -1;
+                  if(be_sof == 0) begin
+                     wbd_dat_o  <= dma_wdata_i; 
+                  end 
+                  else if(be_sof == 1) begin
+                     wbd_dat_o  <= {dma_wdata_i[23:0],temp_data[31:24]}; 
+                  end
+                  else if(be_sof == 2) begin
+                     wbd_dat_o  <= {dma_wdata_i[15:0],temp_data[31:16]}; 
+                  end
+                  else begin
+                     wbd_dat_o  <= {dma_wdata_i[7:0],temp_data[31:8]}; 
+                  end
+                  if(twbtrans > 1) begin // If the Pending Transfer is more than 1
+                     dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                     wbd_be_o   <= 4'b1111; 
+                     preq_len   <= preq_len - 4;
+                  end
+                  else begin // for last write access
+                     wbd_be_o   <= preq_len[1:0] == 2'b00 ? 4'b1111:
+                                   preq_len[1:0] == 2'b01 ? 4'b0001:
+                                   preq_len[1:0] == 2'b10 ? 4'b0011: 4'b0111;
+                     case({be_sof[1:0],preq_len[1:0]})
+                        // Start alignment = 0
+                        4'b0001 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        4'b0010 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        4'b0011 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        4'b0000 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        // Start alignment = 1
+                        4'b0101 : dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+                        4'b0110 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        4'b0111 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        4'b0100 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        // Start alignment = 2
+                        4'b1001 : dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+                        4'b1010 : dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+                        4'b1011 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        4'b1000 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                        // Start alignment = 3
+                        4'b1101 : dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+                        4'b1110 : dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+                        4'b1111 : dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+                        4'b1100 : dma_wr_o   <= 1;
+                     endcase
+                  end
+               end
+               else begin
+                  dma_wr_o  <= 0;
+                  wbd_stb_o <= 0;
+                  state     <= WB_IDLE;
+               end 
+            end
+            else begin
+               dma_last_o <= 0;
+               dma_wr_o   <= 0;
+            end
+         end
+      WB_RD_PHASE_SOF :
+         begin
+            if(wbd_ack_i) begin
+               twbtrans    <= twbtrans -1;
+               if(twbtrans == 1) begin // If the Pending Transfer is 1
+                   dma_rd_o   <= 1;
+                   dma_start_o<= 1;
+                   if(be_sof == 0) begin
+                       dma_rdata_o  <= wbd_dat_i; 
+                       preq_len     <= preq_len - 4;
+                   end 
+                   else if(be_sof == 1) begin
+                       dma_rdata_o  <= {8'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:24]}; 
+                       preq_len     <= preq_len - 3;
+                   end
+                   else if(be_sof == 2) begin
+                       dma_rdata_o  <= {16'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:16]}; 
+                       preq_len     <= preq_len - 2;
+                   end
+                   else begin
+                       dma_rdata_o  <= {23'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:8]}; 
+                       preq_len     <= preq_len - 0;
+                   end
+                   dma_last_o <= 1;
+                   state      <= WB_IDLE;
+               end
+               else begin // pending transction is more than 1
+                  if(be_sof == 0) begin
+                      dma_rdata_o  <= wbd_dat_i; 
+                      dma_rd_o     <= 1;
+                      dma_start_o  <= 1;
+                      preq_len     <= preq_len - 4;
+                  end 
+                  else if(be_sof == 1) begin
+                      temp_data    <= {8'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:24]}; 
+                      dma_rd_o     <= 0;
+                      preq_len     <= preq_len - 3;
+                  end
+                  else if(be_sof == 2) begin
+                      temp_data   <= {16'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:16]}; 
+                      preq_len    <= preq_len - 2;
+                  end
+                  else begin
+                      temp_data   <= {23'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:8]}; 
+                      preq_len    <= preq_len - 0;
+                  end
+                  state     <= WB_RD_PHASE_CONT;
+               end
+            end
+            else begin
+               dma_rd_o  <= 0;
+            end
+         end
+         begin
+            dma_start_o  <= 0;
+            if(wbd_ack_i) begin
+               dma_rd_o         <= 1;
+               twbtrans         <= twbtrans -1;
+               if(be_sof == 0) begin
+                  dma_rdata_o   <= wbd_dat_i; 
+                  preq_len      <= preq_len - 4;
+               end 
+               else if(be_sof == 1) begin
+                  dma_rdata_o   <= {wbd_dat_i[7:0],temp_data[23:0]}; 
+                  temp_data     <= {8'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:8]};
+                  preq_len      <= preq_len - 3;
+               end
+               else if(be_sof == 2) begin
+                  dma_rdata_o   <= {wbd_dat_i[15:0],temp_data[15:0]}; 
+                  temp_data     <= {16'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:16]};
+                  preq_len      <= preq_len - 2;
+               end
+               else begin
+                  dma_rdata_o   <= {wbd_dat_i[23:0],temp_data[7:0]}; 
+                  temp_data     <= {24'h0,wbd_dat_i[31:23]};
+                  preq_len      <= preq_len - 1;
+               end
+               if(twbtrans == 1) begin  // If the it's last transfer
+                  dma_last_o <= 1;
+                  state      <= WB_IDLE;
+               end
+            end
+            else begin
+               dma_last_o <= 0;
+               dma_rd_o   <= 0;
+            end
+         end
+      endcase
+   end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/lib/ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f54f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya                          
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
+// This logic create a holding register for Wishbone interface.
+// This is usefull to break timing issue at interconnect
+// Limitation: Due to stagging FF, Continous Burst of Wishbone will have one
+// cycle break between each transaction
+////                                                              ////
+////  Wishbone Stagging FF                                        ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  This file is part of the YIFive cores project               ////
+////              ////
+////                      ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Description                                                 ////
+////    This logic create a holding FF for Wishbone interface.    ////
+////    This is usefull to break timing issue at interconnect     ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Limitation: Due to stagging FF, Continous Burst of          ////
+////  Wishbone will have one cycle break between each transaction ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  To Do:                                                      ////
+////    nothing                                                   ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Author(s):                                                  ////
+////      - Dinesh Annayya,                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+////  Revision :                                                  ////
+////    0.1 - 12th June 2021, Dinesh A                            ////
+////                                                              ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG                 ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
+//// later version.                                               ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
+//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details.                                                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
+//// from                     ////
+////                                                              ////
+module wb_stagging (
+         input logic		clk_i, 
+         input logic            rst_n,
+         // WishBone Input master I/P
+         input   logic	[31:0]	m_wbd_dat_i,
+         input   logic  [31:0]	m_wbd_adr_i,
+         input   logic  [3:0]	m_wbd_sel_i,
+         input   logic  	m_wbd_we_i,
+         input   logic  	m_wbd_cyc_i,
+         input   logic  	m_wbd_stb_i,
+         input   logic  [3:0]	m_wbd_tid_i,
+         output  logic	[31:0]	m_wbd_dat_o,
+         output  logic		m_wbd_ack_o,
+         output  logic		m_wbd_err_o,
+         // Slave Interface
+         input	logic [31:0]	s_wbd_dat_i,
+         input	logic 	        s_wbd_ack_i,
+         input	logic 	        s_wbd_err_i,
+         output	logic [31:0]	s_wbd_dat_o,
+         output	logic [31:0]	s_wbd_adr_o,
+         output	logic [3:0]	s_wbd_sel_o,
+         output	logic 	        s_wbd_we_o,
+         output	logic 	        s_wbd_cyc_o,
+         output	logic 	        s_wbd_stb_o,
+         output	logic [3:0]	s_wbd_tid_o
+logic        holding_busy   ; // Indicate Stagging for Free or not
+logic [31:0] m_wbd_dat_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of m_wbd_dat_i
+logic [31:0] m_wbd_adr_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of m_wbd_adr_i
+logic [3:0]  m_wbd_sel_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of m_wbd_sel_i
+logic        m_wbd_we_i_ff  ; // Flopped vesion of m_wbd_we_i
+logic        m_wbd_cyc_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of m_wbd_cyc_i
+logic        m_wbd_stb_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of m_wbd_stb_i
+logic [3:0]  m_wbd_tid_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of m_wbd_tid_i
+logic [31:0] s_wbd_dat_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of s_wbd_dat_i
+logic        s_wbd_ack_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of s_wbd_ack_i
+logic        s_wbd_err_i_ff ; // Flopped vesion of s_wbd_err_i
+assign s_wbd_dat_o = m_wbd_dat_i_ff;
+assign s_wbd_adr_o = m_wbd_adr_i_ff;
+assign s_wbd_sel_o = m_wbd_sel_i_ff;
+assign s_wbd_we_o  = m_wbd_we_i_ff;
+assign s_wbd_cyc_o = m_wbd_cyc_i_ff;
+assign s_wbd_stb_o = m_wbd_stb_i_ff;
+assign s_wbd_tid_o = m_wbd_tid_i_ff;
+assign m_wbd_dat_o = s_wbd_dat_i_ff;
+assign m_wbd_ack_o = s_wbd_ack_i_ff;
+assign m_wbd_err_o = s_wbd_err_i_ff;
+always @(negedge rst_n or posedge clk_i)
+   if(rst_n == 1'b0) begin
+       holding_busy   <= 1'b0;
+       m_wbd_dat_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       m_wbd_adr_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       m_wbd_sel_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       m_wbd_we_i_ff  <= 'h0;
+       m_wbd_cyc_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       m_wbd_stb_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       m_wbd_tid_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       s_wbd_dat_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       s_wbd_ack_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       s_wbd_err_i_ff <= 'h0;
+   end else begin
+       s_wbd_dat_i_ff <= s_wbd_dat_i;
+       s_wbd_ack_i_ff <= s_wbd_ack_i;
+       s_wbd_err_i_ff <= s_wbd_err_i;
+       if(m_wbd_stb_i && holding_busy == 0 && m_wbd_ack_o == 0) begin
+          holding_busy   <= 1'b1;
+          m_wbd_dat_i_ff <= m_wbd_dat_i;
+          m_wbd_adr_i_ff <= m_wbd_adr_i;
+          m_wbd_sel_i_ff <= m_wbd_sel_i;
+          m_wbd_we_i_ff  <= m_wbd_we_i;
+          m_wbd_cyc_i_ff <= m_wbd_cyc_i;
+          m_wbd_stb_i_ff <= m_wbd_stb_i;
+          m_wbd_tid_i_ff <= m_wbd_tid_i;
+       end else if (holding_busy && s_wbd_ack_i) begin
+          holding_busy   <= 1'b0;
+          m_wbd_dat_i_ff <= 'h0;
+          m_wbd_adr_i_ff <= 'h0;
+          m_wbd_sel_i_ff <= 'h0;
+          m_wbd_we_i_ff  <= 'h0;
+          m_wbd_cyc_i_ff <= 'h0;
+          m_wbd_stb_i_ff <= 'h0;
+          m_wbd_tid_i_ff <= 'h0;
+       end
+   end