Integration Completed
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..190ed8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: AHB to AXI4 Bridge
+// Comments:
+module ahb_to_axi4
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+ TAG = 1,
+ `include "eb1_param.vh"
+// ,TAG = 1)
+ input clk,
+ input rst_l,
+ input scan_mode,
+ input bus_clk_en,
+ input clk_override,
+ // AXI signals
+ // AXI Write Channels
+ output logic axi_awvalid,
+ input logic axi_awready,
+ output logic [TAG-1:0] axi_awid,
+ output logic [31:0] axi_awaddr,
+ output logic [2:0] axi_awsize,
+ output logic [2:0] axi_awprot,
+ output logic [7:0] axi_awlen,
+ output logic [1:0] axi_awburst,
+ output logic axi_wvalid,
+ input logic axi_wready,
+ output logic [63:0] axi_wdata,
+ output logic [7:0] axi_wstrb,
+ output logic axi_wlast,
+ input logic axi_bvalid,
+ output logic axi_bready,
+ input logic [1:0] axi_bresp,
+ input logic [TAG-1:0] axi_bid,
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ output logic axi_arvalid,
+ input logic axi_arready,
+ output logic [TAG-1:0] axi_arid,
+ output logic [31:0] axi_araddr,
+ output logic [2:0] axi_arsize,
+ output logic [2:0] axi_arprot,
+ output logic [7:0] axi_arlen,
+ output logic [1:0] axi_arburst,
+ input logic axi_rvalid,
+ output logic axi_rready,
+ input logic [TAG-1:0] axi_rid,
+ input logic [63:0] axi_rdata,
+ input logic [1:0] axi_rresp,
+ // AHB-Lite signals
+ input logic [31:0] ahb_haddr, // ahb bus address
+ input logic [2:0] ahb_hburst, // tied to 0
+ input logic ahb_hmastlock, // tied to 0
+ input logic [3:0] ahb_hprot, // tied to 4'b0011
+ input logic [2:0] ahb_hsize, // size of bus transaction (possible values 0,1,2,3)
+ input logic [1:0] ahb_htrans, // Transaction type (possible values 0,2 only right now)
+ input logic ahb_hwrite, // ahb bus write
+ input logic [63:0] ahb_hwdata, // ahb bus write data
+ input logic ahb_hsel, // this slave was selected
+ input logic ahb_hreadyin, // previous hready was accepted or not
+ output logic [63:0] ahb_hrdata, // ahb bus read data
+ output logic ahb_hreadyout, // slave ready to accept transaction
+ output logic ahb_hresp // slave response (high indicates erro)
+ logic [7:0] master_wstrb;
+ typedef enum logic [1:0] { IDLE = 2'b00, // Nothing in the buffer. No commands yet recieved
+ WR = 2'b01, // Write Command recieved
+ RD = 2'b10, // Read Command recieved
+ PEND = 2'b11 // Waiting on Read Data from core
+ } state_t;
+ state_t buf_state, buf_nxtstate;
+ logic buf_state_en;
+ // Buffer signals (one entry buffer)
+ logic buf_read_error_in, buf_read_error;
+ logic [63:0] buf_rdata;
+ logic ahb_hready;
+ logic ahb_hready_q;
+ logic [1:0] ahb_htrans_in, ahb_htrans_q;
+ logic [2:0] ahb_hsize_q;
+ logic ahb_hwrite_q;
+ logic [31:0] ahb_haddr_q;
+ logic [63:0] ahb_hwdata_q;
+ logic ahb_hresp_q;
+ //Miscellaneous signals
+ logic ahb_addr_in_dccm, ahb_addr_in_iccm, ahb_addr_in_pic;
+ logic ahb_addr_in_dccm_region_nc, ahb_addr_in_iccm_region_nc, ahb_addr_in_pic_region_nc;
+ // signals needed for the read data coming back from the core and to block any further commands as AHB is a blocking bus
+ logic buf_rdata_en;
+ logic ahb_addr_clk_en, buf_rdata_clk_en;
+ logic bus_clk, ahb_addr_clk, buf_rdata_clk;
+ // Command buffer is the holding station where we convert to AXI and send to core
+ logic cmdbuf_wr_en, cmdbuf_rst;
+ logic cmdbuf_full;
+ logic cmdbuf_vld, cmdbuf_write;
+ logic [1:0] cmdbuf_size;
+ logic [7:0] cmdbuf_wstrb;
+ logic [31:0] cmdbuf_addr;
+ logic [63:0] cmdbuf_wdata;
+// FSM to control the bus states and when to block the hready and load the command buffer
+ always_comb begin
+ buf_nxtstate = IDLE;
+ buf_state_en = 1'b0;
+ buf_rdata_en = 1'b0; // signal to load the buffer when the core sends read data back
+ buf_read_error_in = 1'b0; // signal indicating that an error came back with the read from the core
+ cmdbuf_wr_en = 1'b0; // all clear from the gasket to load the buffer with the command for reads, command/dat for writes
+ case (buf_state)
+ IDLE: begin // No commands recieved
+ buf_nxtstate = ahb_hwrite ? WR : RD;
+ buf_state_en = ahb_hready & ahb_htrans[1] & ahb_hsel; // only transition on a valid hrtans
+ end
+ WR: begin // Write command recieved last cycle
+ buf_nxtstate = (ahb_hresp | (ahb_htrans[1:0] == 2'b0) | ~ahb_hsel) ? IDLE : ahb_hwrite ? WR : RD;
+ buf_state_en = (~cmdbuf_full | ahb_hresp) ;
+ cmdbuf_wr_en = ~cmdbuf_full & ~(ahb_hresp | ((ahb_htrans[1:0] == 2'b01) & ahb_hsel)); // Dont send command to the buffer in case of an error or when the master is not ready with the data now.
+ end
+ RD: begin // Read command recieved last cycle.
+ buf_nxtstate = ahb_hresp ? IDLE :PEND; // If error go to idle, else wait for read data
+ buf_state_en = (~cmdbuf_full | ahb_hresp); // only when command can go, or if its an error
+ cmdbuf_wr_en = ~ahb_hresp & ~cmdbuf_full; // send command only when no error
+ end
+ PEND: begin // Read Command has been sent. Waiting on Data.
+ buf_nxtstate = IDLE; // go back for next command and present data next cycle
+ buf_state_en = axi_rvalid & ~cmdbuf_write; // read data is back
+ buf_rdata_en = buf_state_en; // buffer the read data coming back from core
+ buf_read_error_in = buf_state_en & |axi_rresp[1:0]; // buffer error flag if return has Error ( ECC )
+ end
+ endcase
+ end // always_comb begin
+ rvdffs_fpga #($bits(state_t)) state_reg (.*, .din(buf_nxtstate), .dout({buf_state}), .en(buf_state_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk));
+ assign master_wstrb[7:0] = ({8{ahb_hsize_q[2:0] == 3'b0}} & (8'b1 << ahb_haddr_q[2:0])) |
+ ({8{ahb_hsize_q[2:0] == 3'b1}} & (8'b11 << ahb_haddr_q[2:0])) |
+ ({8{ahb_hsize_q[2:0] == 3'b10}} & (8'b1111 << ahb_haddr_q[2:0])) |
+ ({8{ahb_hsize_q[2:0] == 3'b11}} & 8'b1111_1111);
+ // AHB signals
+ assign ahb_hreadyout = ahb_hresp ? (ahb_hresp_q & ~ahb_hready_q) :
+ ((~cmdbuf_full | (buf_state == IDLE)) & ~(buf_state == RD | buf_state == PEND) & ~buf_read_error);
+ assign ahb_hready = ahb_hreadyout & ahb_hreadyin;
+ assign ahb_htrans_in[1:0] = {2{ahb_hsel}} & ahb_htrans[1:0];
+ assign ahb_hrdata[63:0] = buf_rdata[63:0];
+ assign ahb_hresp = ((ahb_htrans_q[1:0] != 2'b0) & (buf_state != IDLE) &
+ ((~(ahb_addr_in_dccm | ahb_addr_in_iccm)) | // request not for ICCM or DCCM
+ ((ahb_addr_in_iccm | (ahb_addr_in_dccm & ahb_hwrite_q)) & ~((ahb_hsize_q[1:0] == 2'b10) | (ahb_hsize_q[1:0] == 2'b11))) | // ICCM Rd/Wr OR DCCM Wr not the right size
+ ((ahb_hsize_q[2:0] == 3'h1) & ahb_haddr_q[0]) | // HW size but unaligned
+ ((ahb_hsize_q[2:0] == 3'h2) & (|ahb_haddr_q[1:0])) | // W size but unaligned
+ ((ahb_hsize_q[2:0] == 3'h3) & (|ahb_haddr_q[2:0])))) | // DW size but unaligned
+ buf_read_error | // Read ECC error
+ (ahb_hresp_q & ~ahb_hready_q);
+ // Buffer signals - needed for the read data and ECC error response
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(64)) buf_rdata_ff (.din(axi_rdata[63:0]), .dout(buf_rdata[63:0]), .clk(buf_rdata_clk), .clken(buf_rdata_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_read_error_ff(.din(buf_read_error_in), .dout(buf_read_error), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*); // buf_read_error will be high only one cycle
+ // All the Master signals are captured before presenting it to the command buffer. We check for Hresp before sending it to the cmd buffer.
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) hresp_ff (.din(ahb_hresp), .dout(ahb_hresp_q), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) hready_ff (.din(ahb_hready), .dout(ahb_hready_q), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) htrans_ff (.din(ahb_htrans_in[1:0]), .dout(ahb_htrans_q[1:0]), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(3)) hsize_ff (.din(ahb_hsize[2:0]), .dout(ahb_hsize_q[2:0]), .clk(ahb_addr_clk), .clken(ahb_addr_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) hwrite_ff (.din(ahb_hwrite), .dout(ahb_hwrite_q), .clk(ahb_addr_clk), .clken(ahb_addr_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(32)) haddr_ff (.din(ahb_haddr[31:0]), .dout(ahb_haddr_q[31:0]), .clk(ahb_addr_clk), .clken(ahb_addr_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ // Address check dccm
+ rvrangecheck #(.CCM_SADR(pt.DCCM_SADR),
+ .CCM_SIZE(pt.DCCM_SIZE)) addr_dccm_rangecheck (
+ .addr(ahb_haddr_q[31:0]),
+ .in_range(ahb_addr_in_dccm),
+ .in_region(ahb_addr_in_dccm_region_nc)
+ );
+ // Address check iccm
+ if (pt.ICCM_ENABLE == 1) begin: GenICCM
+ rvrangecheck #(.CCM_SADR(pt.ICCM_SADR),
+ .CCM_SIZE(pt.ICCM_SIZE)) addr_iccm_rangecheck (
+ .addr(ahb_haddr_q[31:0]),
+ .in_range(ahb_addr_in_iccm),
+ .in_region(ahb_addr_in_iccm_region_nc)
+ );
+ end else begin: GenNoICCM
+ assign ahb_addr_in_iccm = '0;
+ assign ahb_addr_in_iccm_region_nc = '0;
+ end
+ // PIC memory address check
+ rvrangecheck #(.CCM_SADR(pt.PIC_BASE_ADDR),
+ .CCM_SIZE(pt.PIC_SIZE)) addr_pic_rangecheck (
+ .addr(ahb_haddr_q[31:0]),
+ .in_range(ahb_addr_in_pic),
+ .in_region(ahb_addr_in_pic_region_nc)
+ );
+ // Command Buffer - Holding for the commands to be sent for the AXI. It will be converted to the AXI signals.
+ assign cmdbuf_rst = (((axi_awvalid & axi_awready) | (axi_arvalid & axi_arready)) & ~cmdbuf_wr_en) | (ahb_hresp & ~cmdbuf_write);
+ assign cmdbuf_full = (cmdbuf_vld & ~((axi_awvalid & axi_awready) | (axi_arvalid & axi_arready)));
+ rvdffsc_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) cmdbuf_vldff (.din(1'b1), .dout(cmdbuf_vld), .en(cmdbuf_wr_en), .clear(cmdbuf_rst), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) cmdbuf_writeff (.din(ahb_hwrite_q), .dout(cmdbuf_write), .en(cmdbuf_wr_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) cmdbuf_sizeff (.din(ahb_hsize_q[1:0]), .dout(cmdbuf_size[1:0]), .en(cmdbuf_wr_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(8)) cmdbuf_wstrbff (.din(master_wstrb[7:0]), .dout(cmdbuf_wstrb[7:0]), .en(cmdbuf_wr_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) cmdbuf_addrff (.din(ahb_haddr_q[31:0]), .dout(cmdbuf_addr[31:0]), .en(cmdbuf_wr_en & bus_clk_en), .clk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(64)) cmdbuf_wdataff (.din(ahb_hwdata[63:0]), .dout(cmdbuf_wdata[63:0]), .en(cmdbuf_wr_en & bus_clk_en), .clk(clk), .*);
+ // AXI Write Command Channel
+ assign axi_awvalid = cmdbuf_vld & cmdbuf_write;
+ assign axi_awid[TAG-1:0] = '0;
+ assign axi_awaddr[31:0] = cmdbuf_addr[31:0];
+ assign axi_awsize[2:0] = {1'b0, cmdbuf_size[1:0]};
+ assign axi_awprot[2:0] = 3'b0;
+ assign axi_awlen[7:0] = '0;
+ assign axi_awburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
+ // AXI Write Data Channel - This is tied to the command channel as we only write the command buffer once we have the data.
+ assign axi_wvalid = cmdbuf_vld & cmdbuf_write;
+ assign axi_wdata[63:0] = cmdbuf_wdata[63:0];
+ assign axi_wstrb[7:0] = cmdbuf_wstrb[7:0];
+ assign axi_wlast = 1'b1;
+ // AXI Write Response - Always ready. AHB does not require a write response.
+ assign axi_bready = 1'b1;
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ assign axi_arvalid = cmdbuf_vld & ~cmdbuf_write;
+ assign axi_arid[TAG-1:0] = '0;
+ assign axi_araddr[31:0] = cmdbuf_addr[31:0];
+ assign axi_arsize[2:0] = {1'b0, cmdbuf_size[1:0]};
+ assign axi_arprot = 3'b0;
+ assign axi_arlen[7:0] = '0;
+ assign axi_arburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
+ // AXI Read Response Channel - Always ready as AHB reads are blocking and the the buffer is available for the read coming back always.
+ assign axi_rready = 1'b1;
+ // Clock header logic
+ assign ahb_addr_clk_en = bus_clk_en & (ahb_hready & ahb_htrans[1]);
+ assign buf_rdata_clk_en = bus_clk_en & buf_rdata_en;
+ assign bus_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign ahb_addr_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign buf_rdata_clk = 1'b0;
+ rvclkhdr bus_cgc (.en(bus_clk_en), .l1clk(bus_clk), .*);
+ rvclkhdr ahb_addr_cgc (.en(ahb_addr_clk_en), .l1clk(ahb_addr_clk), .*);
+ rvclkhdr buf_rdata_cgc (.en(buf_rdata_clk_en), .l1clk(buf_rdata_clk), .*);
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ property ahb_error_protocol;
+ @(posedge bus_clk) (ahb_hready & ahb_hresp) |-> (~$past(ahb_hready) & $past(ahb_hresp));
+ endproperty
+ assert_ahb_error_protocol: assert property (ahb_error_protocol) else
+ $display("Bus Error with hReady isn't preceded with Bus Error without hready");
+endmodule // ahb_to_axi4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e5313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: AXI4 -> AHB Bridge
+// Comments:
+module axi4_to_ahb
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+,parameter TAG = 1) (
+ input clk,
+ input free_clk,
+ input rst_l,
+ input scan_mode,
+ input bus_clk_en,
+ input clk_override,
+ input dec_tlu_force_halt,
+ // AXI signals
+ // AXI Write Channels
+ input logic axi_awvalid,
+ output logic axi_awready,
+ input logic [TAG-1:0] axi_awid,
+ input logic [31:0] axi_awaddr,
+ input logic [2:0] axi_awsize,
+ input logic [2:0] axi_awprot,
+ input logic axi_wvalid,
+ output logic axi_wready,
+ input logic [63:0] axi_wdata,
+ input logic [7:0] axi_wstrb,
+ input logic axi_wlast,
+ output logic axi_bvalid,
+ input logic axi_bready,
+ output logic [1:0] axi_bresp,
+ output logic [TAG-1:0] axi_bid,
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ input logic axi_arvalid,
+ output logic axi_arready,
+ input logic [TAG-1:0] axi_arid,
+ input logic [31:0] axi_araddr,
+ input logic [2:0] axi_arsize,
+ input logic [2:0] axi_arprot,
+ output logic axi_rvalid,
+ input logic axi_rready,
+ output logic [TAG-1:0] axi_rid,
+ output logic [63:0] axi_rdata,
+ output logic [1:0] axi_rresp,
+ output logic axi_rlast,
+ // AHB-Lite signals
+ output logic [31:0] ahb_haddr, // ahb bus address
+ output logic [2:0] ahb_hburst, // tied to 0
+ output logic ahb_hmastlock, // tied to 0
+ output logic [3:0] ahb_hprot, // tied to 4'b0011
+ output logic [2:0] ahb_hsize, // size of bus transaction (possible values 0,1,2,3)
+ output logic [1:0] ahb_htrans, // Transaction type (possible values 0,2 only right now)
+ output logic ahb_hwrite, // ahb bus write
+ output logic [63:0] ahb_hwdata, // ahb bus write data
+ input logic [63:0] ahb_hrdata, // ahb bus read data
+ input logic ahb_hready, // slave ready to accept transaction
+ input logic ahb_hresp // slave response (high indicates erro)
+ localparam ID = 1;
+ localparam PRTY = 1;
+ typedef enum logic [2:0] {IDLE=3'b000, CMD_RD=3'b001, CMD_WR=3'b010, DATA_RD=3'b011, DATA_WR=3'b100, DONE=3'b101, STREAM_RD=3'b110, STREAM_ERR_RD=3'b111} state_t;
+ state_t buf_state, buf_nxtstate;
+ logic slave_valid;
+ logic slave_ready;
+ logic [TAG-1:0] slave_tag;
+ logic [63:0] slave_rdata;
+ logic [3:0] slave_opc;
+ logic wrbuf_en, wrbuf_data_en;
+ logic wrbuf_cmd_sent, wrbuf_rst;
+ logic wrbuf_vld;
+ logic wrbuf_data_vld;
+ logic [TAG-1:0] wrbuf_tag;
+ logic [2:0] wrbuf_size;
+ logic [31:0] wrbuf_addr;
+ logic [63:0] wrbuf_data;
+ logic [7:0] wrbuf_byteen;
+ logic master_valid;
+ logic master_ready;
+ logic [TAG-1:0] master_tag;
+ logic [31:0] master_addr;
+ logic [63:0] master_wdata;
+ logic [2:0] master_size;
+ logic [2:0] master_opc;
+ logic [7:0] master_byteen;
+ // Buffer signals (one entry buffer)
+ logic [31:0] buf_addr;
+ logic [1:0] buf_size;
+ logic buf_write;
+ logic [7:0] buf_byteen;
+ logic buf_aligned;
+ logic [63:0] buf_data;
+ logic [TAG-1:0] buf_tag;
+ //Miscellaneous signals
+ logic buf_rst;
+ logic [TAG-1:0] buf_tag_in;
+ logic [31:0] buf_addr_in;
+ logic [7:0] buf_byteen_in;
+ logic [63:0] buf_data_in;
+ logic buf_write_in;
+ logic buf_aligned_in;
+ logic [2:0] buf_size_in;
+ logic buf_state_en;
+ logic buf_wr_en;
+ logic buf_data_wr_en;
+ logic slvbuf_error_en;
+ logic wr_cmd_vld;
+ logic cmd_done_rst, cmd_done, cmd_doneQ;
+ logic trxn_done;
+ logic [2:0] buf_cmd_byte_ptr, buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ, buf_cmd_nxtbyte_ptr;
+ logic buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en;
+ logic found;
+ logic slave_valid_pre;
+ logic ahb_hready_q;
+ logic ahb_hresp_q;
+ logic [1:0] ahb_htrans_q;
+ logic ahb_hwrite_q;
+ logic [63:0] ahb_hrdata_q;
+ logic slvbuf_write;
+ logic slvbuf_error;
+ logic [TAG-1:0] slvbuf_tag;
+ logic slvbuf_error_in;
+ logic slvbuf_wr_en;
+ logic bypass_en;
+ logic rd_bypass_idle;
+ logic last_addr_en;
+ logic [31:0] last_bus_addr;
+ // Clocks
+ logic buf_clken;
+ logic ahbm_data_clken;
+ logic buf_clk;
+ logic bus_clk;
+ logic ahbm_data_clk;
+ logic dec_tlu_force_halt_bus, dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_ns, dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_q;
+ // Function to get the length from byte enable
+ function automatic logic [1:0] get_write_size;
+ input logic [7:0] byteen;
+ logic [1:0] size;
+ size[1:0] = (2'b11 & {2{(byteen[7:0] == 8'hff)}}) |
+ (2'b10 & {2{((byteen[7:0] == 8'hf0) | (byteen[7:0] == 8'h0f))}}) |
+ (2'b01 & {2{((byteen[7:0] == 8'hc0) | (byteen[7:0] == 8'h30) | (byteen[7:0] == 8'h0c) | (byteen[7:0] == 8'h03))}});
+ return size[1:0];
+ endfunction // get_write_size
+ // Function to get the length from byte enable
+ function automatic logic [2:0] get_write_addr;
+ input logic [7:0] byteen;
+ logic [2:0] addr;
+ addr[2:0] = (3'h0 & {3{((byteen[7:0] == 8'hff) | (byteen[7:0] == 8'h0f) | (byteen[7:0] == 8'h03))}}) |
+ (3'h2 & {3{(byteen[7:0] == 8'h0c)}}) |
+ (3'h4 & {3{((byteen[7:0] == 8'hf0) | (byteen[7:0] == 8'h03))}}) |
+ (3'h6 & {3{(byteen[7:0] == 8'hc0)}});
+ return addr[2:0];
+ endfunction // get_write_addr
+ // Function to get the next byte pointer
+ function automatic logic [2:0] get_nxtbyte_ptr (logic [2:0] current_byte_ptr, logic [7:0] byteen, logic get_next);
+ logic [2:0] start_ptr;
+ logic found;
+ found = '0;
+ //get_nxtbyte_ptr[2:0] = current_byte_ptr[2:0];
+ start_ptr[2:0] = get_next ? (current_byte_ptr[2:0] + 3'b1) : current_byte_ptr[2:0];
+ for (int j=0; j<8; j++) begin
+ if (~found) begin
+ get_nxtbyte_ptr[2:0] = 3'(j);
+ found |= (byteen[j] & (3'(j) >= start_ptr[2:0])) ;
+ end
+ end
+ endfunction // get_nextbyte_ptr
+ // Create bus synchronized version of force halt
+ assign dec_tlu_force_halt_bus = dec_tlu_force_halt | dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_q;
+ assign dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_ns = ~bus_clk_en & dec_tlu_force_halt_bus;
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) force_halt_busff(.din(dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_ns), .dout(dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_q), .clk(free_clk), .*);
+ // Write buffer
+ assign wrbuf_en = axi_awvalid & axi_awready & master_ready;
+ assign wrbuf_data_en = axi_wvalid & axi_wready & master_ready;
+ assign wrbuf_cmd_sent = master_valid & master_ready & (master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01);
+ assign wrbuf_rst = (wrbuf_cmd_sent & ~wrbuf_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt_bus;
+ assign axi_awready = ~(wrbuf_vld & ~wrbuf_cmd_sent) & master_ready;
+ assign axi_wready = ~(wrbuf_data_vld & ~wrbuf_cmd_sent) & master_ready;
+ assign axi_arready = ~(wrbuf_vld & wrbuf_data_vld) & master_ready;
+ assign axi_rlast = 1'b1;
+ assign wr_cmd_vld = (wrbuf_vld & wrbuf_data_vld);
+ assign master_valid = wr_cmd_vld | axi_arvalid;
+ assign master_tag[TAG-1:0] = wr_cmd_vld ? wrbuf_tag[TAG-1:0] : axi_arid[TAG-1:0];
+ assign master_opc[2:0] = wr_cmd_vld ? 3'b011 : 3'b0;
+ assign master_addr[31:0] = wr_cmd_vld ? wrbuf_addr[31:0] : axi_araddr[31:0];
+ assign master_size[2:0] = wr_cmd_vld ? wrbuf_size[2:0] : axi_arsize[2:0];
+ assign master_byteen[7:0] = wrbuf_byteen[7:0];
+ assign master_wdata[63:0] = wrbuf_data[63:0];
+ // AXI response channel signals
+ assign axi_bvalid = slave_valid & slave_ready & slave_opc[3];
+ assign axi_bresp[1:0] = slave_opc[0] ? 2'b10 : (slave_opc[1] ? 2'b11 : 2'b0);
+ assign axi_bid[TAG-1:0] = slave_tag[TAG-1:0];
+ assign axi_rvalid = slave_valid & slave_ready & (slave_opc[3:2] == 2'b0);
+ assign axi_rresp[1:0] = slave_opc[0] ? 2'b10 : (slave_opc[1] ? 2'b11 : 2'b0);
+ assign axi_rid[TAG-1:0] = slave_tag[TAG-1:0];
+ assign axi_rdata[63:0] = slave_rdata[63:0];
+ assign slave_ready = axi_bready & axi_rready;
+ // FIFO state machine
+ always_comb begin
+ buf_nxtstate = IDLE;
+ buf_state_en = 1'b0;
+ buf_wr_en = 1'b0;
+ buf_data_wr_en = 1'b0;
+ slvbuf_error_in = 1'b0;
+ slvbuf_error_en = 1'b0;
+ buf_write_in = 1'b0;
+ cmd_done = 1'b0;
+ trxn_done = 1'b0;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en = 1'b0;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr[2:0] = '0;
+ slave_valid_pre = 1'b0;
+ master_ready = 1'b0;
+ ahb_htrans[1:0] = 2'b0;
+ slvbuf_wr_en = 1'b0;
+ bypass_en = 1'b0;
+ rd_bypass_idle = 1'b0;
+ case (buf_state)
+ IDLE: begin
+ master_ready = 1'b1;
+ buf_write_in = (master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01);
+ buf_nxtstate = buf_write_in ? CMD_WR : CMD_RD;
+ buf_state_en = master_valid & master_ready;
+ buf_wr_en = buf_state_en;
+ buf_data_wr_en = buf_state_en & (buf_nxtstate == CMD_WR);
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en = buf_state_en;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr[2:0] = buf_write_in ? get_nxtbyte_ptr(3'b0,buf_byteen_in[7:0],1'b0) : master_addr[2:0];
+ bypass_en = buf_state_en;
+ rd_bypass_idle = bypass_en & (buf_nxtstate == CMD_RD);
+ ahb_htrans[1:0] = {2{bypass_en}} & 2'b10;
+ end
+ CMD_RD: begin
+ buf_nxtstate = (master_valid & (master_opc[2:0] == 3'b000))? STREAM_RD : DATA_RD;
+ buf_state_en = ahb_hready_q & (ahb_htrans_q[1:0] != 2'b0) & ~ahb_hwrite_q;
+ cmd_done = buf_state_en & ~master_valid;
+ slvbuf_wr_en = buf_state_en;
+ master_ready = buf_state_en & (buf_nxtstate == STREAM_RD);
+ buf_wr_en = master_ready;
+ bypass_en = master_ready & master_valid;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr[2:0] = bypass_en ? master_addr[2:0] : buf_addr[2:0];
+ ahb_htrans[1:0] = 2'b10 & {2{~buf_state_en | bypass_en}};
+ end
+ STREAM_RD: begin
+ master_ready = (ahb_hready_q & ~ahb_hresp_q) & ~(master_valid & master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01);
+ buf_wr_en = (master_valid & master_ready & (master_opc[2:0] == 3'b000)); // update the fifo if we are streaming the read commands
+ buf_nxtstate = ahb_hresp_q ? STREAM_ERR_RD : (buf_wr_en ? STREAM_RD : DATA_RD); // assuming that the master accpets the slave response right away.
+ buf_state_en = (ahb_hready_q | ahb_hresp_q);
+ buf_data_wr_en = buf_state_en;
+ slvbuf_error_in = ahb_hresp_q;
+ slvbuf_error_en = buf_state_en;
+ slave_valid_pre = buf_state_en & ~ahb_hresp_q; // send a response right away if we are not going through an error response.
+ cmd_done = buf_state_en & ~master_valid; // last one of the stream should not send a htrans
+ bypass_en = master_ready & master_valid & (buf_nxtstate == STREAM_RD) & buf_state_en;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr[2:0] = bypass_en ? master_addr[2:0] : buf_addr[2:0];
+ ahb_htrans[1:0] = 2'b10 & {2{~((buf_nxtstate != STREAM_RD) & buf_state_en)}};
+ slvbuf_wr_en = buf_wr_en; // shifting the contents from the buf to slv_buf for streaming cases
+ end // case: STREAM_RD
+ STREAM_ERR_RD: begin
+ buf_nxtstate = DATA_RD;
+ buf_state_en = ahb_hready_q & (ahb_htrans_q[1:0] != 2'b0) & ~ahb_hwrite_q;
+ slave_valid_pre = buf_state_en;
+ slvbuf_wr_en = buf_state_en; // Overwrite slvbuf with buffer
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr[2:0] = buf_addr[2:0];
+ ahb_htrans[1:0] = 2'b10 & {2{~buf_state_en}};
+ end
+ DATA_RD: begin
+ buf_nxtstate = DONE;
+ buf_state_en = (ahb_hready_q | ahb_hresp_q);
+ buf_data_wr_en = buf_state_en;
+ slvbuf_error_in= ahb_hresp_q;
+ slvbuf_error_en= buf_state_en;
+ slvbuf_wr_en = buf_state_en;
+ end
+ CMD_WR: begin
+ buf_nxtstate = DATA_WR;
+ trxn_done = ahb_hready_q & ahb_hwrite_q & (ahb_htrans_q[1:0] != 2'b0);
+ buf_state_en = trxn_done;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en = buf_state_en;
+ slvbuf_wr_en = buf_state_en;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr = trxn_done ? get_nxtbyte_ptr(buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ[2:0],buf_byteen[7:0],1'b1) : buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ;
+ cmd_done = trxn_done & (buf_aligned | (buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ == 3'b111) |
+ (buf_byteen[get_nxtbyte_ptr(buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ[2:0],buf_byteen[7:0],1'b1)] == 1'b0));
+ ahb_htrans[1:0] = {2{~(cmd_done | cmd_doneQ)}} & 2'b10;
+ end
+ DATA_WR: begin
+ buf_state_en = (cmd_doneQ & ahb_hready_q) | ahb_hresp_q;
+ master_ready = buf_state_en & ~ahb_hresp_q & slave_ready; // Ready to accept new command if current command done and no error
+ buf_nxtstate = (ahb_hresp_q | ~slave_ready) ? DONE :
+ ((master_valid & master_ready) ? ((master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01) ? CMD_WR : CMD_RD) : IDLE);
+ slvbuf_error_in = ahb_hresp_q;
+ slvbuf_error_en = buf_state_en;
+ buf_write_in = (master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01);
+ buf_wr_en = buf_state_en & ((buf_nxtstate == CMD_WR) | (buf_nxtstate == CMD_RD));
+ buf_data_wr_en = buf_wr_en;
+ cmd_done = (ahb_hresp_q | (ahb_hready_q & (ahb_htrans_q[1:0] != 2'b0) &
+ ((buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ == 3'b111) | (buf_byteen[get_nxtbyte_ptr(buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ[2:0],buf_byteen[7:0],1'b1)] == 1'b0))));
+ bypass_en = buf_state_en & buf_write_in & (buf_nxtstate == CMD_WR); // Only bypass for writes for the time being
+ ahb_htrans[1:0] = {2{(~(cmd_done | cmd_doneQ) | bypass_en)}} & 2'b10;
+ slave_valid_pre = buf_state_en & (buf_nxtstate != DONE);
+ trxn_done = ahb_hready_q & ahb_hwrite_q & (ahb_htrans_q[1:0] != 2'b0);
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en = trxn_done | bypass_en;
+ buf_cmd_byte_ptr = bypass_en ? get_nxtbyte_ptr(3'b0,buf_byteen_in[7:0],1'b0) :
+ trxn_done ? get_nxtbyte_ptr(buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ[2:0],buf_byteen[7:0],1'b1) : buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ;
+ end
+ DONE: begin
+ buf_nxtstate = IDLE;
+ buf_state_en = slave_ready;
+ slvbuf_error_en = 1'b1;
+ slave_valid_pre = 1'b1;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ assign buf_rst = dec_tlu_force_halt_bus;
+ assign cmd_done_rst = slave_valid_pre;
+ assign buf_addr_in[31:3] = master_addr[31:3];
+ assign buf_addr_in[2:0] = (buf_aligned_in & (master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01)) ? get_write_addr(master_byteen[7:0]) : master_addr[2:0];
+ assign buf_tag_in[TAG-1:0] = master_tag[TAG-1:0];
+ assign buf_byteen_in[7:0] = wrbuf_byteen[7:0];
+ assign buf_data_in[63:0] = (buf_state == DATA_RD) ? ahb_hrdata_q[63:0] : master_wdata[63:0];
+ assign buf_size_in[1:0] = (buf_aligned_in & (master_size[1:0] == 2'b11) & (master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01)) ? get_write_size(master_byteen[7:0]) : master_size[1:0];
+ assign buf_aligned_in = (master_opc[2:0] == 3'b0) | // reads are always aligned since they are either DW or sideeffects
+ (master_size[1:0] == 2'b0) | (master_size[1:0] == 2'b01) | (master_size[1:0] == 2'b10) | // Always aligned for Byte/HW/Word since they can be only for non-idempotent. IFU/SB are always aligned
+ ((master_size[1:0] == 2'b11) &
+ ((master_byteen[7:0] == 8'h3) | (master_byteen[7:0] == 8'hc) | (master_byteen[7:0] == 8'h30) | (master_byteen[7:0] == 8'hc0) |
+ (master_byteen[7:0] == 8'hf) | (master_byteen[7:0] == 8'hf0) | (master_byteen[7:0] == 8'hff)));
+ // Generate the ahb signals
+ assign ahb_haddr[31:3] = bypass_en ? master_addr[31:3] : buf_addr[31:3];
+ assign ahb_haddr[2:0] = {3{(ahb_htrans == 2'b10)}} & buf_cmd_byte_ptr[2:0]; // Trxn should be aligned during IDLE
+ assign ahb_hsize[2:0] = bypass_en ? {1'b0, ({2{buf_aligned_in}} & buf_size_in[1:0])} :
+ {1'b0, ({2{buf_aligned}} & buf_size[1:0])}; // Send the full size for aligned trxn
+ assign ahb_hburst[2:0] = 3'b0;
+ assign ahb_hmastlock = 1'b0;
+ assign ahb_hprot[3:0] = {3'b001,~axi_arprot[2]};
+ assign ahb_hwrite = bypass_en ? (master_opc[2:1] == 2'b01) : buf_write;
+ assign ahb_hwdata[63:0] = buf_data[63:0];
+ assign slave_valid = slave_valid_pre;// & (~slvbuf_posted_write | slvbuf_error);
+ assign slave_opc[3:2] = slvbuf_write ? 2'b11 : 2'b00;
+ assign slave_opc[1:0] = {2{slvbuf_error}} & 2'b10;
+ assign slave_rdata[63:0] = slvbuf_error ? {2{last_bus_addr[31:0]}} : ((buf_state == DONE) ? buf_data[63:0] : ahb_hrdata_q[63:0]);
+ assign slave_tag[TAG-1:0] = slvbuf_tag[TAG-1:0];
+ assign last_addr_en = (ahb_htrans[1:0] != 2'b0) & ahb_hready & ahb_hwrite ;
+ rvdffsc_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) wrbuf_vldff (.din(1'b1), .dout(wrbuf_vld), .en(wrbuf_en), .clear(wrbuf_rst), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffsc_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) wrbuf_data_vldff(.din(1'b1), .dout(wrbuf_data_vld), .en(wrbuf_data_en), .clear(wrbuf_rst), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(TAG)) wrbuf_tagff (.din(axi_awid[TAG-1:0]), .dout(wrbuf_tag[TAG-1:0]), .en(wrbuf_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(3)) wrbuf_sizeff (.din(axi_awsize[2:0]), .dout(wrbuf_size[2:0]), .en(wrbuf_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) wrbuf_addrff (.din(axi_awaddr[31:0]), .dout(wrbuf_addr[31:0]), .en(wrbuf_en & bus_clk_en), .clk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(64)) wrbuf_dataff (.din(axi_wdata[63:0]), .dout(wrbuf_data[63:0]), .en(wrbuf_data_en & bus_clk_en), .clk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(8)) wrbuf_byteenff (.din(axi_wstrb[7:0]), .dout(wrbuf_byteen[7:0]), .en(wrbuf_data_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(32)) last_bus_addrff (.din(ahb_haddr[31:0]), .dout(last_bus_addr[31:0]), .en(last_addr_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffsc_fpga #(.WIDTH($bits(state_t))) buf_state_ff (.din(buf_nxtstate), .dout({buf_state}), .en(buf_state_en), .clear(buf_rst), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_writeff (.din(buf_write_in), .dout(buf_write), .en(buf_wr_en), .clk(buf_clk), .clken(buf_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(TAG)) buf_tagff (.din(buf_tag_in[TAG-1:0]), .dout(buf_tag[TAG-1:0]), .en(buf_wr_en), .clk(buf_clk), .clken(buf_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) buf_addrff (.din(buf_addr_in[31:0]), .dout(buf_addr[31:0]), .en(buf_wr_en & bus_clk_en), .clk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) buf_sizeff (.din(buf_size_in[1:0]), .dout(buf_size[1:0]), .en(buf_wr_en), .clk(buf_clk), .clken(buf_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_alignedff (.din(buf_aligned_in), .dout(buf_aligned), .en(buf_wr_en), .clk(buf_clk), .clken(buf_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(8)) buf_byteenff (.din(buf_byteen_in[7:0]), .dout(buf_byteen[7:0]), .en(buf_wr_en), .clk(buf_clk), .clken(buf_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(64)) buf_dataff (.din(buf_data_in[63:0]), .dout(buf_data[63:0]), .en(buf_data_wr_en & bus_clk_en), .clk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) slvbuf_writeff (.din(buf_write), .dout(slvbuf_write), .en(slvbuf_wr_en), .clk(buf_clk), .clken(buf_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(TAG)) slvbuf_tagff (.din(buf_tag[TAG-1:0]), .dout(slvbuf_tag[TAG-1:0]), .en(slvbuf_wr_en), .clk(buf_clk), .clken(buf_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) slvbuf_errorff (.din(slvbuf_error_in), .dout(slvbuf_error), .en(slvbuf_error_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffsc_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_cmd_doneff (.din(1'b1), .dout(cmd_doneQ), .en(cmd_done), .clear(cmd_done_rst), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(3)) buf_cmd_byte_ptrff (.din(buf_cmd_byte_ptr[2:0]), .dout(buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ[2:0]), .en(buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) hready_ff (.din(ahb_hready), .dout(ahb_hready_q), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) htrans_ff (.din(ahb_htrans[1:0]), .dout(ahb_htrans_q[1:0]), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) hwrite_ff (.din(ahb_hwrite), .dout(ahb_hwrite_q), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) hresp_ff (.din(ahb_hresp), .dout(ahb_hresp_q), .clk(bus_clk), .clken(bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(64)) hrdata_ff (.din(ahb_hrdata[63:0]), .dout(ahb_hrdata_q[63:0]), .clk(ahbm_data_clk), .clken(ahbm_data_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ // Clock headers
+ // clock enables for ahbm addr/data
+ assign buf_clken = bus_clk_en & (buf_wr_en | slvbuf_wr_en | clk_override);
+ assign ahbm_data_clken = bus_clk_en & ((buf_state != IDLE) | clk_override);
+ assign bus_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign buf_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign ahbm_data_clk = 1'b0;
+ rvclkhdr bus_cgc (.en(bus_clk_en), .l1clk(bus_clk), .*);
+ rvclkhdr buf_cgc (.en(buf_clken), .l1clk(buf_clk), .*);
+ rvclkhdr ahbm_data_cgc (.en(ahbm_data_clken), .l1clk(ahbm_data_clk), .*);
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ property ahb_trxn_aligned;
+ @(posedge bus_clk) ahb_htrans[1] |-> ((ahb_hsize[2:0] == 3'h0) |
+ ((ahb_hsize[2:0] == 3'h1) & (ahb_haddr[0] == 1'b0)) |
+ ((ahb_hsize[2:0] == 3'h2) & (ahb_haddr[1:0] == 2'b0)) |
+ ((ahb_hsize[2:0] == 3'h3) & (ahb_haddr[2:0] == 3'b0)));
+ endproperty
+ assert_ahb_trxn_aligned: assert property (ahb_trxn_aligned) else
+ $display("Assertion ahb_trxn_aligned failed: ahb_htrans=2'h%h, ahb_hsize=3'h%h, ahb_haddr=32'h%h",ahb_htrans[1:0], ahb_hsize[2:0], ahb_haddr[31:0]);
+ property ahb_error_protocol;
+ @(posedge bus_clk) (ahb_hready & ahb_hresp) |-> (~$past(ahb_hready) & $past(ahb_hresp));
+ endproperty
+ assert_ahb_error_protocol: assert property (ahb_error_protocol) else
+ $display("Bus Error with hReady isn't preceded with Bus Error without hready");
+endmodule // axi4_to_ahb
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af6cd8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// all flops call the rvdff flop
+`include "common_defines.vh"
+module rvdff #( parameter WIDTH=1, SHORT=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+if (SHORT == 1) begin
+ assign dout = din;
+else begin
+ always @(posedge tb_top.clk) begin
+ #0 $strobe("CG: %0t %m din %x dout %x clk %b width %d",$time,din,dout,clk,WIDTH);
+ end
+ always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_l) begin
+ if (rst_l == 0)
+ dout[WIDTH-1:0] <= 0;
+ else
+ dout[WIDTH-1:0] <= din[WIDTH-1:0];
+ end
+// rvdff with 2:1 input mux to flop din iff sel==1
+module rvdffs #( parameter WIDTH=1, SHORT=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+if (SHORT == 1) begin : genblock
+ assign dout = din;
+else begin : genblock
+ rvdff #(WIDTH) dffs (.din((en) ? din[WIDTH-1:0] : dout[WIDTH-1:0]), .*);
+// rvdff with en and clear
+module rvdffsc #( parameter WIDTH=1, SHORT=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic clear,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic [WIDTH-1:0] din_new;
+if (SHORT == 1) begin
+ assign dout = din;
+else begin
+ assign din_new = {WIDTH{~clear}} & (en ? din[WIDTH-1:0] : dout[WIDTH-1:0]);
+ rvdff #(WIDTH) dffsc (.din(din_new[WIDTH-1:0]), .*);
+// _fpga versions
+module rvdff_fpga #( parameter WIDTH=1, SHORT=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic clken,
+ input logic rawclk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+if (SHORT == 1) begin
+ assign dout = din;
+else begin
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dffs (.clk(rawclk), .en(clken), .*);
+ rvdff #(WIDTH) dff (.*);
+// rvdff with 2:1 input mux to flop din iff sel==1
+module rvdffs_fpga #( parameter WIDTH=1, SHORT=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic clken,
+ input logic rawclk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+if (SHORT == 1) begin : genblock
+ assign dout = din;
+else begin : genblock
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dffs (.clk(rawclk), .en(clken & en), .*);
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dffs (.*);
+// rvdff with en and clear
+module rvdffsc_fpga #( parameter WIDTH=1, SHORT=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic clear,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic clken,
+ input logic rawclk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic [WIDTH-1:0] din_new;
+if (SHORT == 1) begin
+ assign dout = din;
+else begin
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dffs (.clk(rawclk), .din(din[WIDTH-1:0] & {WIDTH{~clear}}),.en((en | clear) & clken), .*);
+ rvdffsc #(WIDTH) dffsc (.*);
+module rvdffe #( parameter WIDTH=1, SHORT=0, OVERRIDE=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic l1clk;
+if (SHORT == 1) begin : genblock
+ if (1) begin : genblock
+ assign dout = din;
+ end
+else begin : genblock
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ if (WIDTH >= 8 || OVERRIDE==1) begin: genblock
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dff ( .* );
+ rvclkhdr clkhdr ( .* );
+ rvdff #(WIDTH) dff (.*, .clk(l1clk));
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ end
+ else
+ $error("%m: rvdffe must be WIDTH >= 8");
+end // else: !if(SHORT == 1)
+endmodule // rvdffe
+module rvdffpcie #( parameter WIDTH=31 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ if (WIDTH == 31) begin: genblock
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dff ( .* );
+ rvdfflie #(.WIDTH(WIDTH), .LEFT(19)) dff (.*);
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ end
+ else
+ $error("%m: rvdffpcie width must be 31");
+// format: { LEFT, EXTRA }
+// LEFT # of bits will be done with rvdffie, all else EXTRA with rvdffe
+module rvdfflie #( parameter WIDTH=16, LEFT=8 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ localparam EXTRA = WIDTH-LEFT;
+ localparam LMSB = WIDTH-1;
+ localparam LLSB = LMSB-LEFT+1;
+ localparam XMSB = LLSB-1;
+ localparam XLSB = LLSB-EXTRA;
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ if (WIDTH >= 16 && LEFT >= 8 && EXTRA >= 8) begin: genblock
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dff ( .* );
+ rvdffiee #(LEFT) dff_left (.*, .din(din[LMSB:LLSB]), .dout(dout[LMSB:LLSB]));
+ rvdffe #(EXTRA) dff_extra (.*, .din(din[XMSB:XLSB]), .dout(dout[XMSB:XLSB]));
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ end
+ else
+ $error("%m: rvdfflie musb be WIDTH >= 16 && LEFT >= 8 && EXTRA >= 8");
+// special power flop for predict packet
+// format: { LEFT, RIGHT==31 }
+// LEFT # of bits will be done with rvdffe; RIGHT is enabled by LEFT[LSB] & en
+module rvdffppe #( parameter WIDTH=32 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic en,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ localparam RIGHT = 31;
+ localparam LEFT = WIDTH - RIGHT;
+ localparam LMSB = WIDTH-1;
+ localparam LLSB = LMSB-LEFT+1;
+ localparam RMSB = LLSB-1;
+ localparam RLSB = LLSB-RIGHT;
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ if (WIDTH>=32 && LEFT>=8 && RIGHT>=8) begin: genblock
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dff ( .* );
+ rvdffe #(LEFT) dff_left (.*, .din(din[LMSB:LLSB]), .dout(dout[LMSB:LLSB]));
+ rvdffe #(RIGHT) dff_right (.*, .din(din[RMSB:RLSB]), .dout(dout[RMSB:RLSB]), .en(en & din[LLSB])); // qualify with pret
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ end
+ else
+ $error("%m: must be WIDTH>=32 && LEFT>=8 && RIGHT>=8");
+module rvdffie #( parameter WIDTH=1, OVERRIDE=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic l1clk;
+ logic en;
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ if (WIDTH >= 8 || OVERRIDE==1) begin: genblock
+ assign en = |(din ^ dout);
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dff ( .* );
+ rvclkhdr clkhdr ( .* );
+ rvdff #(WIDTH) dff (.*, .clk(l1clk));
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ end
+ else
+ $error("%m: rvdffie must be WIDTH >= 8");
+// ie flop but it has an .en input
+module rvdffiee #( parameter WIDTH=1, OVERRIDE=0 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ input logic en,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic l1clk;
+ logic final_en;
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ if (WIDTH >= 8 || OVERRIDE==1) begin: genblock
+ assign final_en = (|(din ^ dout)) & en;
+ rvdffs #(WIDTH) dff ( .*, .en(final_en) );
+ rvdffe #(WIDTH) dff (.*, .en(final_en));
+`ifndef RV_PHYSICAL
+ end
+ else
+ $error("%m: rvdffie width must be >= 8");
+module rvsyncss #(parameter WIDTH = 251)
+ (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic [WIDTH-1:0] din_ff1;
+ rvdff #(WIDTH) sync_ff1 (.*, .din (din[WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(din_ff1[WIDTH-1:0]));
+ rvdff #(WIDTH) sync_ff2 (.*, .din (din_ff1[WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(dout[WIDTH-1:0]));
+endmodule // rvsyncss
+module rvsyncss_fpga #(parameter WIDTH = 251)
+ (
+ input logic gw_clk,
+ input logic rawclk,
+ input logic clken,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic [WIDTH-1:0] din_ff1;
+ rvdff_fpga #(WIDTH) sync_ff1 (.*, .clk(gw_clk), .rawclk(rawclk), .clken(clken), .din (din[WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(din_ff1[WIDTH-1:0]));
+ rvdff_fpga #(WIDTH) sync_ff2 (.*, .clk(gw_clk), .rawclk(rawclk), .clken(clken), .din (din_ff1[WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(dout[WIDTH-1:0]));
+endmodule // rvsyncss
+module rvlsadder
+ (
+ input logic [31:0] rs1,
+ input logic [11:0] offset,
+ output logic [31:0] dout
+ );
+ logic cout;
+ logic sign;
+ logic [31:12] rs1_inc;
+ logic [31:12] rs1_dec;
+ assign {cout,dout[11:0]} = {1'b0,rs1[11:0]} + {1'b0,offset[11:0]};
+ assign rs1_inc[31:12] = rs1[31:12] + 1;
+ assign rs1_dec[31:12] = rs1[31:12] - 1;
+ assign sign = offset[11];
+ assign dout[31:12] = ({20{ sign ^~ cout}} & rs1[31:12]) |
+ ({20{ ~sign & cout}} & rs1_inc[31:12]) |
+ ({20{ sign & ~cout}} & rs1_dec[31:12]);
+endmodule // rvlsadder
+// assume we only maintain pc[31:1] in the pipe
+module rvbradder
+ (
+ input [31:1] pc,
+ input [12:1] offset,
+ output [31:1] dout
+ );
+ logic cout;
+ logic sign;
+ logic [31:13] pc_inc;
+ logic [31:13] pc_dec;
+ assign {cout,dout[12:1]} = {1'b0,pc[12:1]} + {1'b0,offset[12:1]};
+ assign pc_inc[31:13] = pc[31:13] + 1;
+ assign pc_dec[31:13] = pc[31:13] - 1;
+ assign sign = offset[12];
+ assign dout[31:13] = ({19{ sign ^~ cout}} & pc[31:13]) |
+ ({19{ ~sign & cout}} & pc_inc[31:13]) |
+ ({19{ sign & ~cout}} & pc_dec[31:13]);
+endmodule // rvbradder
+// 2s complement circuit
+module rvtwoscomp #( parameter WIDTH=32 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic [WIDTH-1:1] dout_temp; // holding for all other bits except for the lsb. LSB is always din
+ genvar i;
+ for ( i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ) begin : flip_after_first_one
+ assign dout_temp[i] = (|din[i-1:0]) ? ~din[i] : din[i];
+ end : flip_after_first_one
+ assign dout[WIDTH-1:0] = { dout_temp[WIDTH-1:1], din[0] };
+endmodule // 2'scomp
+// find first
+module rvfindfirst1 #( parameter WIDTH=32, SHIFT=$clog2(WIDTH) )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ output logic [SHIFT-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic done;
+ always_comb begin
+ dout[SHIFT-1:0] = {SHIFT{1'b0}};
+ done = 1'b0;
+ for ( int i = WIDTH-1; i > 0; i-- ) begin : find_first_one
+ done |= din[i];
+ dout[SHIFT-1:0] += done ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
+ end : find_first_one
+ end
+endmodule // rvfindfirst1
+module rvfindfirst1hot #( parameter WIDTH=32 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] din,
+ output logic [WIDTH-1:0] dout
+ );
+ logic done;
+ always_comb begin
+ dout[WIDTH-1:0] = {WIDTH{1'b0}};
+ done = 1'b0;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++ ) begin : find_first_one
+ dout[i] = ~done & din[i];
+ done |= din[i];
+ end : find_first_one
+ end
+endmodule // rvfindfirst1hot
+// mask and match function matches bits after finding the first 0 position
+// find first starting from LSB. Skip that location and match the rest of the bits
+module rvmaskandmatch #( parameter WIDTH=32 )
+ (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] mask, // this will have the mask in the lower bit positions
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] data, // this is what needs to be matched on the upper bits with the mask's upper bits
+ input logic masken, // when 1 : do mask. 0 : full match
+ output logic match
+ );
+ logic [WIDTH-1:0] matchvec;
+ logic masken_or_fullmask;
+ assign masken_or_fullmask = masken & ~(&mask[WIDTH-1:0]);
+ assign matchvec[0] = masken_or_fullmask | (mask[0] == data[0]);
+ genvar i;
+ for ( i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ) begin : match_after_first_zero
+ assign matchvec[i] = (&mask[i-1:0] & masken_or_fullmask) ? 1'b1 : (mask[i] == data[i]);
+ end : match_after_first_zero
+ assign match = &matchvec[WIDTH-1:0]; // all bits either matched or were masked off
+endmodule // rvmaskandmatch
+// Check if the S_ADDR <= addr < E_ADDR
+module rvrangecheck #(CCM_SADR = 32'h0,
+ CCM_SIZE = 128) (
+ input logic [31:0] addr, // Address to be checked for range
+ output logic in_range, // S_ADDR <= start_addr < E_ADDR
+ output logic in_region
+ localparam REGION_BITS = 4;
+ localparam MASK_BITS = 10 + $clog2(CCM_SIZE);
+ logic [31:0] start_addr;
+ logic [3:0] region;
+ assign start_addr[31:0] = CCM_SADR;
+ assign region[REGION_BITS-1:0] = start_addr[31:(32-REGION_BITS)];
+ assign in_region = (addr[31:(32-REGION_BITS)] == region[REGION_BITS-1:0]);
+ if (CCM_SIZE == 48)
+ assign in_range = (addr[31:MASK_BITS] == start_addr[31:MASK_BITS]) & ~(&addr[MASK_BITS-1 : MASK_BITS-2]);
+ else
+ assign in_range = (addr[31:MASK_BITS] == start_addr[31:MASK_BITS]);
+endmodule // rvrangechecker
+// 16 bit even parity generator
+module rveven_paritygen #(WIDTH = 16) (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] data_in, // Data
+ output logic parity_out // generated even parity
+ );
+ assign parity_out = ^(data_in[WIDTH-1:0]) ;
+endmodule // rveven_paritygen
+module rveven_paritycheck #(WIDTH = 16) (
+ input logic [WIDTH-1:0] data_in, // Data
+ input logic parity_in,
+ output logic parity_err // Parity error
+ );
+ assign parity_err = ^(data_in[WIDTH-1:0]) ^ parity_in ;
+endmodule // rveven_paritycheck
+module rvecc_encode (
+ input [31:0] din,
+ output [6:0] ecc_out
+ );
+logic [5:0] ecc_out_temp;
+ assign ecc_out_temp[0] = din[0]^din[1]^din[3]^din[4]^din[6]^din[8]^din[10]^din[11]^din[13]^din[15]^din[17]^din[19]^din[21]^din[23]^din[25]^din[26]^din[28]^din[30];
+ assign ecc_out_temp[1] = din[0]^din[2]^din[3]^din[5]^din[6]^din[9]^din[10]^din[12]^din[13]^din[16]^din[17]^din[20]^din[21]^din[24]^din[25]^din[27]^din[28]^din[31];
+ assign ecc_out_temp[2] = din[1]^din[2]^din[3]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ assign ecc_out_temp[3] = din[4]^din[5]^din[6]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ assign ecc_out_temp[4] = din[11]^din[12]^din[13]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ assign ecc_out_temp[5] = din[26]^din[27]^din[28]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ assign ecc_out[6:0] = {(^din[31:0])^(^ecc_out_temp[5:0]),ecc_out_temp[5:0]};
+endmodule // rvecc_encode
+module rvecc_decode (
+ input en,
+ input [31:0] din,
+ input [6:0] ecc_in,
+ input sed_ded, // only do detection and no correction. Used for the I$
+ output [31:0] dout,
+ output [6:0] ecc_out,
+ output single_ecc_error,
+ output double_ecc_error
+ );
+ logic [6:0] ecc_check;
+ logic [38:0] error_mask;
+ logic [38:0] din_plus_parity, dout_plus_parity;
+ // Generate the ecc bits
+ assign ecc_check[0] = ecc_in[0]^din[0]^din[1]^din[3]^din[4]^din[6]^din[8]^din[10]^din[11]^din[13]^din[15]^din[17]^din[19]^din[21]^din[23]^din[25]^din[26]^din[28]^din[30];
+ assign ecc_check[1] = ecc_in[1]^din[0]^din[2]^din[3]^din[5]^din[6]^din[9]^din[10]^din[12]^din[13]^din[16]^din[17]^din[20]^din[21]^din[24]^din[25]^din[27]^din[28]^din[31];
+ assign ecc_check[2] = ecc_in[2]^din[1]^din[2]^din[3]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ assign ecc_check[3] = ecc_in[3]^din[4]^din[5]^din[6]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ assign ecc_check[4] = ecc_in[4]^din[11]^din[12]^din[13]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25];
+ assign ecc_check[5] = ecc_in[5]^din[26]^din[27]^din[28]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31];
+ // This is the parity bit
+ assign ecc_check[6] = ((^din[31:0])^(^ecc_in[6:0])) & ~sed_ded;
+ assign single_ecc_error = en & (ecc_check[6:0] != 0) & ecc_check[6]; // this will never be on for sed_ded
+ assign double_ecc_error = en & (ecc_check[6:0] != 0) & ~ecc_check[6]; // all errors in the sed_ded case will be recorded as DE
+ // Generate the mask for error correctiong
+ for (genvar i=1; i<40; i++) begin
+ assign error_mask[i-1] = (ecc_check[5:0] == i);
+ end
+ // Generate the corrected data
+ assign din_plus_parity[38:0] = {ecc_in[6], din[31:26], ecc_in[5], din[25:11], ecc_in[4], din[10:4], ecc_in[3], din[3:1], ecc_in[2], din[0], ecc_in[1:0]};
+ assign dout_plus_parity[38:0] = single_ecc_error ? (error_mask[38:0] ^ din_plus_parity[38:0]) : din_plus_parity[38:0];
+ assign dout[31:0] = {dout_plus_parity[37:32], dout_plus_parity[30:16], dout_plus_parity[14:8], dout_plus_parity[6:4], dout_plus_parity[2]};
+ assign ecc_out[6:0] = {(dout_plus_parity[38] ^ (ecc_check[6:0] == 7'b1000000)), dout_plus_parity[31], dout_plus_parity[15], dout_plus_parity[7], dout_plus_parity[3], dout_plus_parity[1:0]};
+endmodule // rvecc_decode
+module rvecc_encode_64 (
+ input [63:0] din,
+ output [6:0] ecc_out
+ );
+ assign ecc_out[0] = din[0]^din[1]^din[3]^din[4]^din[6]^din[8]^din[10]^din[11]^din[13]^din[15]^din[17]^din[19]^din[21]^din[23]^din[25]^din[26]^din[28]^din[30]^din[32]^din[34]^din[36]^din[38]^din[40]^din[42]^din[44]^din[46]^din[48]^din[50]^din[52]^din[54]^din[56]^din[57]^din[59]^din[61]^din[63];
+ assign ecc_out[1] = din[0]^din[2]^din[3]^din[5]^din[6]^din[9]^din[10]^din[12]^din[13]^din[16]^din[17]^din[20]^din[21]^din[24]^din[25]^din[27]^din[28]^din[31]^din[32]^din[35]^din[36]^din[39]^din[40]^din[43]^din[44]^din[47]^din[48]^din[51]^din[52]^din[55]^din[56]^din[58]^din[59]^din[62]^din[63];
+ assign ecc_out[2] = din[1]^din[2]^din[3]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31]^din[32]^din[37]^din[38]^din[39]^din[40]^din[45]^din[46]^din[47]^din[48]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56]^din[60]^din[61]^din[62]^din[63];
+ assign ecc_out[3] = din[4]^din[5]^din[6]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[33]^din[34]^din[35]^din[36]^din[37]^din[38]^din[39]^din[40]^din[49]^din[50]^din[51]^din[52]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56];
+ assign ecc_out[4] = din[11]^din[12]^din[13]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[41]^din[42]^din[43]^din[44]^din[45]^din[46]^din[47]^din[48]^din[49]^din[50]^din[51]^din[52]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56];
+ assign ecc_out[5] = din[26]^din[27]^din[28]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31]^din[32]^din[33]^din[34]^din[35]^din[36]^din[37]^din[38]^din[39]^din[40]^din[41]^din[42]^din[43]^din[44]^din[45]^din[46]^din[47]^din[48]^din[49]^din[50]^din[51]^din[52]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56];
+ assign ecc_out[6] = din[57]^din[58]^din[59]^din[60]^din[61]^din[62]^din[63];
+endmodule // rvecc_encode_64
+module rvecc_decode_64 (
+ input en,
+ input [63:0] din,
+ input [6:0] ecc_in,
+ output ecc_error
+ );
+ logic [6:0] ecc_check;
+ // Generate the ecc bits
+ assign ecc_check[0] = ecc_in[0]^din[0]^din[1]^din[3]^din[4]^din[6]^din[8]^din[10]^din[11]^din[13]^din[15]^din[17]^din[19]^din[21]^din[23]^din[25]^din[26]^din[28]^din[30]^din[32]^din[34]^din[36]^din[38]^din[40]^din[42]^din[44]^din[46]^din[48]^din[50]^din[52]^din[54]^din[56]^din[57]^din[59]^din[61]^din[63];
+ assign ecc_check[1] = ecc_in[1]^din[0]^din[2]^din[3]^din[5]^din[6]^din[9]^din[10]^din[12]^din[13]^din[16]^din[17]^din[20]^din[21]^din[24]^din[25]^din[27]^din[28]^din[31]^din[32]^din[35]^din[36]^din[39]^din[40]^din[43]^din[44]^din[47]^din[48]^din[51]^din[52]^din[55]^din[56]^din[58]^din[59]^din[62]^din[63];
+ assign ecc_check[2] = ecc_in[2]^din[1]^din[2]^din[3]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31]^din[32]^din[37]^din[38]^din[39]^din[40]^din[45]^din[46]^din[47]^din[48]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56]^din[60]^din[61]^din[62]^din[63];
+ assign ecc_check[3] = ecc_in[3]^din[4]^din[5]^din[6]^din[7]^din[8]^din[9]^din[10]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[33]^din[34]^din[35]^din[36]^din[37]^din[38]^din[39]^din[40]^din[49]^din[50]^din[51]^din[52]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56];
+ assign ecc_check[4] = ecc_in[4]^din[11]^din[12]^din[13]^din[14]^din[15]^din[16]^din[17]^din[18]^din[19]^din[20]^din[21]^din[22]^din[23]^din[24]^din[25]^din[41]^din[42]^din[43]^din[44]^din[45]^din[46]^din[47]^din[48]^din[49]^din[50]^din[51]^din[52]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56];
+ assign ecc_check[5] = ecc_in[5]^din[26]^din[27]^din[28]^din[29]^din[30]^din[31]^din[32]^din[33]^din[34]^din[35]^din[36]^din[37]^din[38]^din[39]^din[40]^din[41]^din[42]^din[43]^din[44]^din[45]^din[46]^din[47]^din[48]^din[49]^din[50]^din[51]^din[52]^din[53]^din[54]^din[55]^din[56];
+ assign ecc_check[6] = ecc_in[6]^din[57]^din[58]^din[59]^din[60]^din[61]^din[62]^din[63];
+ assign ecc_error = en & (ecc_check[6:0] != 0); // all errors in the sed_ded case will be recorded as DE
+ endmodule // rvecc_decode_64
+// Skywater cell
+//sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlclkp_1 CG( .CLK(clk), .GCLK(l1clk), .GATE(en_i | test_en_i));
+/*module `TEC_RV_ICG
+ (
+ input logic SE, EN, CK,
+ output Q
+ );
+ logic en_ff;
+ logic enable;
+ assign enable = EN | SE;
+ always @(negedge CK) begin
+ en_ff <= enable;
+ end
+ always @(CK, enable) begin
+ if(!CK)
+ en_ff = enable;
+ end
+ assign Q = CK & en_ff;
+module rvclkhdr
+ (
+ input logic en,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ output logic l1clk
+ );
+ logic SE;
+ assign SE = 0;
+ `TEC_RV_ICG clkhdr( .CLK(clk), .GCLK(l1clk), .GATE(en)); /*clkhdr ( .*, .EN(en), .CK(clk), .Q(l1clk));*/
+endmodule // rvclkhdr
+module rvoclkhdr
+ (
+ input logic en,
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ output logic l1clk
+ );
+ logic SE;
+ assign SE = 0;
+ assign l1clk = clk;
+ `TEC_RV_ICG clkhdr( .CLK(clk), .GCLK(l1clk), .GATE(en)); //clkhdr ( .*, .EN(en), .CK(clk), .Q(l1clk));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/common_defines.vh b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/common_defines.vh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c9f8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/common_defines.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// This is an automatically generated file by hshabbir on و 08:16:54 PKT ت 08 جون 2021
+// cmd: brqrv -target=default -set build_axi4
+`define RV_ROOT "/home/hshabbir/caravel_BrqRV_EB1/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1"
+`define RV_RET_STACK_SIZE 8
+`define RV_EXT_ADDRWIDTH 32
+`define SDVT_AHB 0
+`define RV_EXT_DATAWIDTH 64
+`define CLOCK_PERIOD 100
+`define RV_ASSERT_ON
+`define RV_BUILD_AXI4 1
+`define TOP tb_top
+`define CPU_TOP `RV_TOP.brqrv
+`define RV_TOP `TOP.rvtop
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION2 'h70000000
+`define RV_EXTERNAL_DATA 'hd0580000
+`define RV_SERIALIO 'he0580000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION7 'h20000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION5 'h40000000
+`define RV_DEBUG_SB_MEM 'hb0580000
+`define RV_EXTERNAL_DATA_1 'hc0000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION0 'h90000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION3 'h60000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION9 'h00000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION8 'h10000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION6 'h30000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION1 'h80000000
+`define RV_UNUSED_REGION4 'h50000000
+`define RV_BHT_ADDR_LO 2
+`define RV_BHT_SIZE 256
+`define RV_BHT_GHR_HASH_1
+`define RV_BHT_GHR_SIZE 7
+`define RV_BHT_ADDR_HI 8
+`define RV_BHT_HASH_STRING {hashin[7+1:2]^ghr[7-1:0]}// cf2
+`define RV_BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH 128
+`define RV_BHT_GHR_RANGE 6:0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR5 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK3 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK7 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK0 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR6 'h00000000
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE3 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK6 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE6 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE5 1'h0
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE7 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE1 1'h0
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR0 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR3 'h00000000
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR7 'h00000000
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE0 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK5 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK4 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK2 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK1 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR2 'h00000000
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE2 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR1 'h00000000
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE4 1'h0
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR4 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR6 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE3 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK0 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK7 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK3 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR5 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK5 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE0 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR3 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR7 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE5 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE6 1'h0
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE1 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ENABLE7 1'h0
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR0 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK6 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK2 'hffffffff
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_MASK1 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_MASK4 'hffffffff
+`define RV_INST_ACCESS_ADDR4 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE4 1'h0
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR2 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ADDR1 'h00000000
+`define RV_DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE2 1'h0
+`define RV_ICCM_BITS 12
+`define RV_ICCM_OFFSET 10'h0ffff000
+`define RV_ICCM_SIZE_4
+`define RV_ICCM_BANK_BITS 2
+`define RV_ICCM_ENABLE 1
+`define RV_ICCM_SADR 32'haffff000
+`define RV_ICCM_DATA_CELL ram_256x39
+`define RV_ICCM_EADR 32'hafffffff
+`define RV_ICCM_RESERVED 'h400
+`define RV_ICCM_REGION 4'ha
+`define RV_ICCM_SIZE 4
+`define RV_ICCM_BANK_HI 3
+`define RV_ICCM_ROWS 256
+`define RV_ICCM_NUM_BANKS 4
+`define RV_ICCM_NUM_BANKS_4
+//`define TEC_RV_ICG clockhdr
+`define RV_LSU2DMA 0
+`define RV_ICCM_ONLY 1
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBC 0
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBS 0
+`define RV_LSU_NUM_NBLOAD 4
+`define RV_DIV_BIT 3
+`define RV_DIV_NEW 1
+`define RV_DMA_BUF_DEPTH 5
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBP 0
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBA 0
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBB 0
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBR 0
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBE 0
+`define RV_TIMER_LEGAL_EN 1
+`define RV_BITMANIP_ZBF 0
+`define REGWIDTH 32
+`define RV_CONFIG_KEY 32'hdeadbeef
+`define RV_BTB_INDEX1_HI 8
+`define RV_BTB_SIZE 256
+`define RV_BTB_BTAG_SIZE 6
+`define RV_BTB_INDEX3_LO 16
+`define RV_BTB_INDEX2_HI 15
+`define RV_BTB_ARRAY_DEPTH 128
+`define RV_BTB_INDEX1_LO 2
+`define RV_BTB_ADDR_LO 2
+`define RV_BTB_INDEX3_HI 22
+`define RV_BTB_ADDR_HI 8
+`define RV_BTB_INDEX2_LO 9
+`define RV_BTB_BTAG_FOLD 0
+`define RV_BTB_ENABLE 1
+`define RV_XLEN 32
+`define RV_IFU_BUS_TAG 3
+`define RV_LSU_BUS_ID 1
+`define RV_IFU_BUS_PRTY 2
+`define RV_LSU_BUS_TAG 3
+`define RV_IFU_BUS_ID 1
+`define RV_SB_BUS_PRTY 2
+`define RV_LSU_BUS_PRTY 2
+`define RV_DMA_BUS_ID 1
+`define RV_SB_BUS_ID 1
+`define RV_BUS_PRTY_DEFAULT 2'h3
+`define RV_DMA_BUS_PRTY 2
+`define RV_SB_BUS_TAG 1
+`define RV_DMA_BUS_TAG 1
+`define RV_ICACHE_TAG_LO 13
+`define RV_ICACHE_DATA_CELL ram_512x71
+`define RV_ICACHE_LN_SZ 64
+`define RV_ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH 128
+`define RV_ICACHE_TAG_CELL ram_128x25
+`define RV_ICACHE_NUM_LINES 256
+`define RV_ICACHE_2BANKS 1
+`define RV_ICACHE_BANK_LO 3
+`define RV_ICACHE_ECC 1
+`define RV_ICACHE_INDEX_HI 12
+`define RV_ICACHE_BANK_HI 3
+`define RV_ICACHE_SIZE 16
+`define RV_NMI_VEC 'h11110000
+`define RV_DCCM_EADR 32'hf0040fff
+`define RV_DCCM_SIZE 4
+`define RV_DCCM_REGION 4'hf
+`define RV_DCCM_RESERVED 'h400
+`define RV_DCCM_ROWS 256
+`define RV_DCCM_NUM_BANKS_4
+`define RV_DCCM_NUM_BANKS 4
+`define RV_DCCM_BITS 12
+`define RV_DCCM_DATA_WIDTH 32
+`define RV_DCCM_SIZE_4
+`define RV_DCCM_OFFSET 28'h40000
+`define RV_DCCM_ENABLE 1
+`define RV_DCCM_ECC_WIDTH 7
+`define RV_DCCM_BANK_BITS 2
+`define RV_DCCM_DATA_CELL ram_256x39
+`define RV_DCCM_SADR 32'hf0040000
+`define RV_LSU_SB_BITS 12
+`define RV_RESET_VEC 'haffff000
+`define RV_PIC_BITS 15
+`define RV_PIC_MEIGWCLR_OFFSET 'h5000
+`define RV_PIC_MEIE_MASK 'h1
+`define RV_PIC_MEIP_MASK 'h0
+`define RV_PIC_MEIPT_COUNT 31
+`define RV_PIC_MEIPL_COUNT 31
+`define RV_PIC_MEIPT_MASK 'h0
+`define RV_PIC_BASE_ADDR 32'hf00c0000
+`define RV_PIC_MEIPL_MASK 'hf
+`define RV_PIC_INT_WORDS 1
+`define RV_PIC_MPICCFG_MASK 'h1
+`define RV_PIC_MEIPT_OFFSET 'h3004
+`define RV_PIC_TOTAL_INT_PLUS1 32
+`define RV_PIC_MEIPL_OFFSET 'h0000
+`define RV_PIC_MEIE_COUNT 31
+`define RV_PIC_REGION 4'hf
+`define RV_PIC_SIZE 32
+`define RV_PIC_MEIE_OFFSET 'h2000
+`define RV_PIC_MPICCFG_OFFSET 'h3000
+`define RV_PIC_MEIP_OFFSET 'h1000
+`define RV_PIC_TOTAL_INT 31
+`define RV_PIC_OFFSET 10'hc0000
+`define RV_PIC_MEIP_COUNT 1
+`define RV_TARGET default
+`define RV_NUMIREGS 32
+`undef RV_ASSERT_ON
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi_jtag_to_core_sync.v b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi_jtag_to_core_sync.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25328ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi_jtag_to_core_sync.v
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2018 MERL Corporation or it's affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Copyright MERL, 2019
+// Owner : Alex Grobman
+// Description:
+// This module Synchronizes the signals between JTAG (TCK) and
+// processor (Core_clk)
+module dmi_jtag_to_core_sync (
+// JTAG signals
+input rd_en, // 1 bit Read Enable from JTAG
+input wr_en, // 1 bit Write enable from JTAG
+// Processor Signals
+input rst_n, // Core reset
+input clk, // Core clock
+output reg_en, // 1 bit Write interface bit to Processor
+output reg_wr_en // 1 bit Write enable to Processor
+wire c_rd_en;
+wire c_wr_en;
+reg [2:0] rden, wren;
+// Outputs
+assign reg_en = c_wr_en | c_rd_en;
+assign reg_wr_en = c_wr_en;
+// synchronizers
+always @ ( posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
+ if(!rst_n) begin
+ rden <= '0;
+ wren <= '0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ rden <= {rden[1:0], rd_en};
+ wren <= {wren[1:0], wr_en};
+ end
+assign c_rd_en = rden[1] & ~rden[2];
+assign c_wr_en = wren[1] & ~wren[2];
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi_wrapper.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f0682f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi_wrapper.v
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2018 MERL Corporation or it's affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Copyright MERL, 2018
+// Owner : Anusha Narayanamoorthy
+// Description:
+// Wrapper module for JTAG_TAP and DMI synchronizer
+module dmi_wrapper(
+ // JTAG signals
+ input trst_n, // JTAG reset
+ input tck, // JTAG clock
+ input tms, // Test mode select
+ input tdi, // Test Data Input
+ output tdo, // Test Data Output
+ output tdoEnable, // Test Data Output enable
+ // Processor Signals
+ input core_rst_n, // Core reset
+ input core_clk, // Core clock
+ input [31:1] jtag_id, // JTAG ID
+ input [31:0] rd_data, // 32 bit Read data from Processor
+ output [31:0] reg_wr_data, // 32 bit Write data to Processor
+ output [6:0] reg_wr_addr, // 7 bit reg address to Processor
+ output reg_en, // 1 bit Read enable to Processor
+ output reg_wr_en, // 1 bit Write enable to Processor
+ output dmi_hard_reset
+ //Wire Declaration
+ wire rd_en;
+ wire wr_en;
+ wire dmireset;
+ //jtag_tap instantiation
+ rvjtag_tap i_jtag_tap(
+ .trst(trst_n), // dedicated JTAG TRST (active low) pad signal or asynchronous active low power on reset
+ .tck(tck), // dedicated JTAG TCK pad signal
+ .tms(tms), // dedicated JTAG TMS pad signal
+ .tdi(tdi), // dedicated JTAG TDI pad signal
+ .tdo(tdo), // dedicated JTAG TDO pad signal
+ .tdoEnable(tdoEnable), // enable for TDO pad
+ .wr_data(reg_wr_data), // 32 bit Write data
+ .wr_addr(reg_wr_addr), // 7 bit Write address
+ .rd_en(rd_en), // 1 bit read enable
+ .wr_en(wr_en), // 1 bit Write enable
+ .rd_data(rd_data), // 32 bit Read data
+ .rd_status(2'b0),
+ .idle(3'h0), // no need to wait to sample data
+ .dmi_stat(2'b0), // no need to wait or error possible
+ .version(4'h1), // debug spec 0.13 compliant
+ .jtag_id(jtag_id),
+ .dmi_hard_reset(dmi_hard_reset),
+ .dmi_reset(dmireset)
+ // dmi_jtag_to_core_sync instantiation
+ dmi_jtag_to_core_sync i_dmi_jtag_to_core_sync(
+ .wr_en(wr_en), // 1 bit Write enable
+ .rd_en(rd_en), // 1 bit Read enable
+ .rst_n(core_rst_n),
+ .clk(core_clk),
+ .reg_en(reg_en), // 1 bit Write interface bit
+ .reg_wr_en(reg_wr_en) // 1 bit Write enable
+ );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dbg/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
similarity index 100%
rename from verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/dbg/
rename to verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c08145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// dec: decode unit - decode, bypassing, ARF, interrupts
+// $Id$
+// Function: Decode
+// Comments: Decode, dependency scoreboard, ARF
+// A -> D -> EX1 ... WB
+module eb1_dec
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic free_clk, // Clock always. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic free_l2clk, // Clock always. Through one clock header. For flops with second header built in.
+ input logic lsu_fastint_stall_any, // needed by lsu for 2nd pass of dma with ecc correction, stall next cycle
+ output logic dec_extint_stall, // Stall on external interrupt
+ output logic dec_i0_decode_d, // Valid instruction at D-stage and not blocked
+ output logic dec_pause_state_cg, // to top for active state clock gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_core_empty,
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic [31:1] rst_vec, // reset vector, from core pins
+ input logic nmi_int, // NMI pin
+ input logic [31:1] nmi_vec, // NMI vector, from pins
+ input logic i_cpu_halt_req, // Asynchronous Halt request to CPU
+ input logic i_cpu_run_req, // Asynchronous Restart request to CPU
+ output logic o_cpu_halt_status, // Halt status of core (pmu/fw)
+ output logic o_cpu_halt_ack, // Halt request ack
+ output logic o_cpu_run_ack, // Run request ack
+ output logic o_debug_mode_status, // Core to the PMU that core is in debug mode. When core is in debug mode, the PMU should refrain from sendng a halt or run request
+ input logic [31:4] core_id, // CORE ID
+ // external MPC halt/run interface
+ input logic mpc_debug_halt_req, // Async halt request
+ input logic mpc_debug_run_req, // Async run request
+ input logic mpc_reset_run_req, // Run/halt after reset
+ output logic mpc_debug_halt_ack, // Halt ack
+ output logic mpc_debug_run_ack, // Run ack
+ output logic debug_brkpt_status, // debug breakpoint
+ input logic exu_pmu_i0_br_misp, // slot 0 branch misp
+ input logic exu_pmu_i0_br_ataken, // slot 0 branch actual taken
+ input logic exu_pmu_i0_pc4, // slot 0 4 byte branch
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m, // valid nonblock load at m
+ input logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m, // -> corresponding tag
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r, // invalidate request for nonblock load r
+ input logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r, // -> corresponding tag
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid, // valid nonblock load data back
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_error, // nonblock load bus error
+ input logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag, // -> corresponding tag
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data, // nonblock load data
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_trxn, // D side bus transaction
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned, // D side bus misaligned
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_error, // D side bus error
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_busy, // D side bus busy
+ input logic lsu_pmu_misaligned_m, // D side load or store misaligned
+ input logic lsu_pmu_load_external_m, // D side bus load
+ input logic lsu_pmu_store_external_m, // D side bus store
+ input logic dma_pmu_dccm_read, // DMA DCCM read
+ input logic dma_pmu_dccm_write, // DMA DCCM write
+ input logic dma_pmu_any_read, // DMA read
+ input logic dma_pmu_any_write, // DMA write
+ input logic [31:1] lsu_fir_addr, // Fast int address
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_fir_error, // Fast int lookup error
+ input logic ifu_pmu_instr_aligned, // aligned instructions
+ input logic ifu_pmu_fetch_stall, // fetch unit stalled
+ input logic ifu_pmu_ic_miss, // icache miss
+ input logic ifu_pmu_ic_hit, // icache hit
+ input logic ifu_pmu_bus_error, // Instruction side bus error
+ input logic ifu_pmu_bus_busy, // Instruction side bus busy
+ input logic ifu_pmu_bus_trxn, // Instruction side bus transaction
+ input logic ifu_ic_error_start, // IC single bit error
+ input logic ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err, // ICCM single bit error
+ input logic [3:0] lsu_trigger_match_m,
+ input logic dbg_cmd_valid, // debugger abstract command valid
+ input logic dbg_cmd_write, // command is a write
+ input logic [1:0] dbg_cmd_type, // command type
+ input logic [31:0] dbg_cmd_addr, // command address
+ input logic [1:0] dbg_cmd_wrdata, // command write data, for fence/fence_i
+ input logic ifu_i0_icaf, // icache access fault
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_i0_icaf_type, // icache access fault type
+ input logic ifu_i0_icaf_second, // i0 has access fault on second 2B of 4B inst
+ input logic ifu_i0_dbecc, // icache/iccm double-bit error
+ input logic lsu_idle_any, // lsu idle for halting
+ input eb1_br_pkt_t i0_brp, // branch packet
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] ifu_i0_bp_index, // BP index
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_fghr, // BP FGHR
+ input logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_btag, // BP tag
+ input logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] ifu_i0_fa_index, // Fully associt btb index
+ input eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t lsu_error_pkt_r, // LSU exception/error packet
+ input logic lsu_single_ecc_error_incr, // LSU inc SB error counter
+ input logic lsu_imprecise_error_load_any, // LSU imprecise load bus error
+ input logic lsu_imprecise_error_store_any, // LSU imprecise store bus error
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any, // LSU imprecise bus error address
+ input logic [31:0] exu_div_result, // final div result
+ input logic exu_div_wren, // Divide write enable to GPR
+ input logic [31:0] exu_csr_rs1_x, // rs1 for csr instruction
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_result_m, // load result
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_result_corr_r, // load result - corrected load data
+ input logic lsu_load_stall_any, // This is for blocking loads
+ input logic lsu_store_stall_any, // This is for blocking stores
+ input logic dma_dccm_stall_any, // stall any load/store at decode, pmu event
+ input logic dma_iccm_stall_any, // iccm stalled, pmu event
+ input logic iccm_dma_sb_error, // ICCM DMA single bit error
+ input logic exu_flush_final, // slot0 flush
+ input logic [31:1] exu_npc_r, // next PC
+ input logic [31:0] exu_i0_result_x, // alu result x
+ input logic ifu_i0_valid, // fetch valids to instruction buffer
+ input logic [31:0] ifu_i0_instr, // fetch inst's to instruction buffer
+ input logic [31:1] ifu_i0_pc, // pc's for instruction buffer
+ input logic ifu_i0_pc4, // indication of 4B or 2B for corresponding inst
+ input logic [31:1] exu_i0_pc_x, // pc's for e1 from the alu's
+ input logic mexintpend, // External interrupt pending
+ input logic timer_int, // Timer interrupt pending (from pin)
+ input logic soft_int, // Software interrupt pending (from pin)
+ input logic [7:0] pic_claimid, // PIC claimid
+ input logic [3:0] pic_pl, // PIC priv level
+ input logic mhwakeup, // High priority wakeup
+ output logic [3:0] dec_tlu_meicurpl, // to PIC, Current priv level
+ output logic [3:0] dec_tlu_meipt, // to PIC
+ input logic [70:0] ifu_ic_debug_rd_data, // diagnostic icache read data
+ input logic ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid, // diagnostic icache read data valid
+ output eb1_cache_debug_pkt_t dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt, // packet of DICAWICS, DICAD0/1, DICAGO info for icache diagnostics
+// Debug start
+ input logic dbg_halt_req, // DM requests a halt
+ input logic dbg_resume_req, // DM requests a resume
+ input logic ifu_miss_state_idle, // I-side miss buffer empty
+ output logic dec_tlu_dbg_halted, // Core is halted and ready for debug command
+ output logic dec_tlu_debug_mode, // Core is in debug mode
+ output logic dec_tlu_resume_ack, // Resume acknowledge
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r, // Tell fetch to idle on this flush
+ output logic dec_tlu_mpc_halted_only, // Core is halted only due to MPC
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_r, // single step
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_err_r, // iside perr/ecc rfpc
+ output logic [31:2] dec_tlu_meihap, // Fast ext int base
+ output logic dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d, // insert debug write data into rs1 at decode
+ output logic [31:0] dec_dbg_rddata, // debug command read data
+ output logic dec_dbg_cmd_done, // abstract command is done
+ output logic dec_dbg_cmd_fail, // abstract command failed (illegal reg address)
+ output eb1_trigger_pkt_t [3:0] trigger_pkt_any, // info needed by debug trigger blocks
+ output logic dec_tlu_force_halt, // halt has been forced
+// Debug end
+ // branch info from pipe0 for errors or counter updates
+ input logic [1:0] exu_i0_br_hist_r, // history
+ input logic exu_i0_br_error_r, // error
+ input logic exu_i0_br_start_error_r, // start error
+ input logic exu_i0_br_valid_r, // valid
+ input logic exu_i0_br_mp_r, // mispredict
+ input logic exu_i0_br_middle_r, // middle of bank
+ // branch info from pipe1 for errors or counter updates
+ input logic exu_i0_br_way_r, // way hit or repl
+ output logic dec_i0_rs1_en_d, // Qualify GPR RS1 data
+ output logic dec_i0_rs2_en_d, // Qualify GPR RS2 data
+ output logic [31:0] gpr_i0_rs1_d, // gpr rs1 data
+ output logic [31:0] gpr_i0_rs2_d, // gpr rs2 data
+ output logic [31:0] dec_i0_immed_d, // immediate data
+ output logic [12:1] dec_i0_br_immed_d, // br immediate data
+ output eb1_alu_pkt_t i0_ap, // alu packet
+ output logic dec_i0_alu_decode_d, // schedule on D-stage alu
+ output logic dec_i0_branch_d, // Branch in D-stage
+ output logic dec_i0_select_pc_d, // select pc onto rs1 for jal's
+ output logic [31:1] dec_i0_pc_d, // pc's at decode
+ output logic [3:0] dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d, // rs1 bypass enable
+ output logic [3:0] dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d, // rs2 bypass enable
+ output logic [31:0] dec_i0_result_r, // Result R-stage
+ output eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_p, // lsu packet
+ output logic dec_qual_lsu_d, // LSU instruction at D. Use to quiet LSU operands
+ output eb1_mul_pkt_t mul_p, // mul packet
+ output eb1_div_pkt_t div_p, // div packet
+ output logic dec_div_cancel, // cancel divide operation
+ output logic [11:0] dec_lsu_offset_d, // 12b offset for load/store addresses
+ output logic dec_csr_ren_d, // CSR read enable
+ output logic [31:0] dec_csr_rddata_d, // CSR read data
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_r, // tlu flush due to late mp, exception, rfpc, or int
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb,
+ output logic [31:1] dec_tlu_flush_path_r, // tlu flush target
+ output logic dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r, // I0 is flushed, don't writeback any results to arch state
+ output logic dec_tlu_fence_i_r, // flush is a fence_i rfnpc, flush icache
+ output logic [31:1] pred_correct_npc_x, // npc if prediction is correct at e2 stage
+ output eb1_br_tlu_pkt_t dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt, // slot 0 branch predictor update packet
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt0, // toggles when slot0 perf counter 0 has an event inc
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt1, // toggles when slot0 perf counter 1 has an event inc
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt2, // toggles when slot0 perf counter 2 has an event inc
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt3, // toggles when slot0 perf counter 3 has an event inc
+ output eb1_predict_pkt_t dec_i0_predict_p_d, // prediction packet to alus
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] i0_predict_fghr_d, // DEC predict fghr
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] i0_predict_index_d, // DEC predict index
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] i0_predict_btag_d, // DEC predict branch tag
+ output logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] dec_fa_error_index, // Fully associt btb error index
+ output logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d,
+ output logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mrac_ff, // CSR for memory region control
+ output logic [1:0] dec_data_en, // clock-gate control logic
+ output logic [1:0] dec_ctl_en,
+ input logic [15:0] ifu_i0_cinst, // 16b compressed instruction
+ output eb1_trace_pkt_t trace_rv_trace_pkt, // trace packet
+ // feature disable from mfdc
+ output logic dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable, // disable external load forwarding
+ output logic dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable, // disable posted stores to side-effect address
+ output logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable, // disable core ECC
+ output logic dec_tlu_bpred_disable, // disable branch prediction
+ output logic dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable, // disable writebuffer coalescing
+ output logic [2:0] dec_tlu_dma_qos_prty, // DMA QoS priority coming from MFDC [18:16]
+ // clock gating overrides from mcgc
+ output logic dec_tlu_misc_clk_override, // override misc clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_ifu_clk_override, // override fetch clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_lsu_clk_override, // override load/store clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_bus_clk_override, // override bus clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_pic_clk_override, // override PIC clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_picio_clk_override, // override PICIO clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_dccm_clk_override, // override DCCM clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_icm_clk_override, // override ICCM clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt, // committed i0 instruction
+ input logic scan_mode // Flop scan mode control
+ );
+ logic dec_tlu_dec_clk_override; // to and from dec blocks
+ logic clk_override;
+ logic dec_ib0_valid_d;
+ logic dec_pmu_instr_decoded;
+ logic dec_pmu_decode_stall;
+ logic dec_pmu_presync_stall;
+ logic dec_pmu_postsync_stall;
+ logic dec_tlu_wr_pause_r; // CSR write to pause reg is at R.
+ logic [4:0] dec_i0_rs1_d;
+ logic [4:0] dec_i0_rs2_d;
+ logic [31:0] dec_i0_instr_d;
+ logic dec_tlu_trace_disable;
+ logic dec_tlu_pipelining_disable;
+ logic [4:0] dec_i0_waddr_r;
+ logic dec_i0_wen_r;
+ logic [31:0] dec_i0_wdata_r;
+ logic dec_csr_wen_r; // csr write enable at wb
+ logic [11:0] dec_csr_wraddr_r; // write address for csryes
+ logic [31:0] dec_csr_wrdata_r; // csr write data at wb
+ logic [11:0] dec_csr_rdaddr_d; // read address for csr
+ logic dec_csr_legal_d; // csr indicates legal operation
+ logic dec_csr_wen_unq_d; // valid csr with write - for csr legal
+ logic dec_csr_any_unq_d; // valid csr - for csr legal
+ logic dec_csr_stall_int_ff; // csr is mie/mstatus
+ eb1_trap_pkt_t dec_tlu_packet_r;
+ logic dec_i0_pc4_d;
+ logic dec_tlu_presync_d;
+ logic dec_tlu_postsync_d;
+ logic dec_tlu_debug_stall;
+ logic [31:0] dec_illegal_inst;
+ logic dec_i0_icaf_d;
+ logic dec_i0_dbecc_d;
+ logic dec_i0_icaf_second_d;
+ logic [3:0] dec_i0_trigger_match_d;
+ logic dec_debug_fence_d;
+ logic dec_nonblock_load_wen;
+ logic [4:0] dec_nonblock_load_waddr;
+ logic dec_tlu_flush_pause_r;
+ eb1_br_pkt_t dec_i0_brp;
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] dec_i0_bp_index;
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] dec_i0_bp_fghr;
+ logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] dec_i0_bp_btag;
+ logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] dec_i0_bp_fa_index; // Fully associt btb index
+ logic [31:1] dec_tlu_i0_pc_r;
+ logic dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_wb;
+ logic dec_tlu_i0_valid_r;
+ logic dec_pause_state;
+ logic [1:0] dec_i0_icaf_type_d; // i0 instruction access fault type
+ logic dec_tlu_flush_extint; // Fast ext int started
+ logic [31:0] dec_i0_inst_wb;
+ logic [31:1] dec_i0_pc_wb;
+ logic dec_tlu_i0_valid_wb1, dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1;
+ logic [4:0] dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1;
+ logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mtval_wb1;
+ logic dec_tlu_i0_exc_valid_wb1;
+ logic [4:0] div_waddr_wb;
+ logic dec_div_active;
+ logic dec_debug_valid_d;
+// Adding signals for vector
+ //logic stall_scalar;
+ assign clk_override = dec_tlu_dec_clk_override;
+ assign dec_dbg_rddata[31:0] = dec_i0_wdata_r[31:0];
+ eb1_dec_ib_ctl #(.pt(pt)) instbuff (.*);
+ eb1_dec_decode_ctl #(.pt(pt)) decode (.*);
+ eb1_dec_tlu_ctl #(.pt(pt)) tlu (.*);
+ eb1_dec_gpr_ctl #(.pt(pt)) arf (.*,
+ // inputs
+ .raddr0(dec_i0_rs1_d[4:0]),
+ .raddr1(dec_i0_rs2_d[4:0]),
+ .wen0(dec_i0_wen_r), .waddr0(dec_i0_waddr_r[4:0]), .wd0(dec_i0_wdata_r[31:0]),
+ .wen1(dec_nonblock_load_wen), .waddr1(dec_nonblock_load_waddr[4:0]), .wd1(lsu_nonblock_load_data[31:0]),
+ .wen2(exu_div_wren), .waddr2(div_waddr_wb), .wd2(exu_div_result[31:0]),
+ // outputs
+ .rd0(gpr_i0_rs1_d[31:0]), .rd1(gpr_i0_rs2_d[31:0])
+ );
+// Trigger
+ eb1_dec_trigger #(.pt(pt)) dec_trigger (.*);
+// trace
+ assign trace_rv_trace_pkt.trace_rv_i_insn_ip = dec_i0_inst_wb[31:0];
+ assign trace_rv_trace_pkt.trace_rv_i_address_ip = { dec_i0_pc_wb[31:1], 1'b0};
+ assign trace_rv_trace_pkt.trace_rv_i_valid_ip = dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1 | dec_tlu_i0_valid_wb1 | dec_tlu_i0_exc_valid_wb1;
+ assign trace_rv_trace_pkt.trace_rv_i_exception_ip = dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1 | dec_tlu_i0_exc_valid_wb1;
+ assign trace_rv_trace_pkt.trace_rv_i_ecause_ip = dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1[4:0]; // replicate across ports
+ assign trace_rv_trace_pkt.trace_rv_i_interrupt_ip = dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1;
+ assign trace_rv_trace_pkt.trace_rv_i_tval_ip = dec_tlu_mtval_wb1[31:0]; // replicate across ports
+// end trace
+endmodule // eb1_dec
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b663545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,1825 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_dec_decode_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic dec_tlu_trace_disable,
+ input logic dec_debug_valid_d,
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_extint, // Flush external interrupt
+ input logic dec_tlu_force_halt, // invalidate nonblock load cam on a force halt event
+ output logic dec_extint_stall, // Stall from external interrupt
+ input logic [15:0] ifu_i0_cinst, // 16b compressed instruction
+ output logic [31:0] dec_i0_inst_wb, // 32b instruction at wb+1 for trace encoder
+ output logic [31:1] dec_i0_pc_wb, // 31b pc at wb+1 for trace encoder
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m, // valid nonblock load at m
+ input logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m, // -> corresponding tag
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r, // invalidate request for nonblock load r
+ input logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r, // -> corresponding tag
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid, // valid nonblock load data back
+ input logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_error, // nonblock load bus error
+ input logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag, // -> corresponding tag
+ input logic [3:0] dec_i0_trigger_match_d, // i0 decode trigger matches
+ input logic dec_tlu_wr_pause_r, // pause instruction at r
+ input logic dec_tlu_pipelining_disable, // pipeline disable - presync, i0 decode only
+ input logic [3:0] lsu_trigger_match_m, // lsu trigger matches
+ input logic lsu_pmu_misaligned_m, // perf mon: load/store misalign
+ input logic dec_tlu_debug_stall, // debug stall decode
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_r, // leak1 instruction
+ input logic dec_debug_fence_d, // debug fence instruction
+ input logic [1:0] dbg_cmd_wrdata, // disambiguate fence, fence_i
+ input logic dec_i0_icaf_d, // icache access fault
+ input logic dec_i0_icaf_second_d, // i0 instruction access fault on second 2B of 4B inst
+ input logic [1:0] dec_i0_icaf_type_d, // i0 instruction access fault type
+ input logic dec_i0_dbecc_d, // icache/iccm double-bit error
+ input eb1_br_pkt_t dec_i0_brp, // branch packet
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] dec_i0_bp_index, // i0 branch index
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] dec_i0_bp_fghr, // BP FGHR
+ input logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] dec_i0_bp_btag, // BP tag
+ input logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] dec_i0_bp_fa_index, // Fully associt btb index
+ input logic lsu_idle_any, // lsu idle: if fence instr & ~lsu_idle then stall decode
+ input logic lsu_load_stall_any, // stall any load at decode
+ input logic lsu_store_stall_any, // stall any store at decode
+ input logic dma_dccm_stall_any, // stall any load/store at decode
+ input logic exu_div_wren, // nonblocking divide write enable to GPR.
+ input logic dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_wb, // I0 is flushed, don't writeback any results to arch state
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb, // trap lower flush
+ input logic dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r, // I0 is flushed, don't writeback any results to arch state
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_r, // trap lower flush
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_pause_r, // don't clear pause state on initial lower flush
+ input logic dec_tlu_presync_d, // CSR read needs to be presync'd
+ input logic dec_tlu_postsync_d, // CSR ops that need to be postsync'd
+ input logic dec_i0_pc4_d, // inst is 4B inst else 2B
+ input logic [31:0] dec_csr_rddata_d, // csr read data at wb
+ input logic dec_csr_legal_d, // csr indicates legal operation
+ input logic [31:0] exu_csr_rs1_x, // rs1 for csr instr
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_result_m, // load result
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_result_corr_r, // load result - corrected data for writing gpr's, not for bypassing
+ input logic exu_flush_final, // lower flush or i0 flush at X or D
+ input logic [31:1] exu_i0_pc_x, // pcs at e1
+ input logic [31:0] dec_i0_instr_d, // inst at decode
+ input logic dec_ib0_valid_d, // inst valid at decode
+ input logic [31:0] exu_i0_result_x, // from primary alu's
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic free_l2clk, // Clock always. Through one clock header. For flops with second header built in.
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic rst_l, // Flop reset
+ output logic dec_i0_rs1_en_d, // rs1 enable at decode
+ output logic dec_i0_rs2_en_d, // rs2 enable at decode
+ output logic [4:0] dec_i0_rs1_d, // rs1 logical source
+ output logic [4:0] dec_i0_rs2_d, // rs2 logical source
+ output logic [31:0] dec_i0_immed_d, // 32b immediate data decode
+ output logic [12:1] dec_i0_br_immed_d, // 12b branch immediate
+ output eb1_alu_pkt_t i0_ap, // alu packets
+ output logic dec_i0_decode_d, // i0 decode
+ output logic dec_i0_alu_decode_d, // decode to D-stage alu
+ output logic dec_i0_branch_d, // Branch in D-stage
+ output logic [4:0] dec_i0_waddr_r, // i0 logical source to write to gpr's
+ output logic dec_i0_wen_r, // i0 write enable
+ output logic [31:0] dec_i0_wdata_r, // i0 write data
+ output logic dec_i0_select_pc_d, // i0 select pc for rs1 - branches
+ output logic [3:0] dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d, // i0 rs1 bypass enable
+ output logic [3:0] dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d, // i0 rs2 bypass enable
+ output logic [31:0] dec_i0_result_r, // Result R-stage
+ output eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_p, // load/store packet
+ output logic dec_qual_lsu_d, // LSU instruction at D. Use to quiet LSU operands
+ output eb1_mul_pkt_t mul_p, // multiply packet
+ output eb1_div_pkt_t div_p, // divide packet
+ output logic [4:0] div_waddr_wb, // DIV write address to GPR
+ output logic dec_div_cancel, // cancel the divide operation
+ output logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d,
+ output logic [11:0] dec_lsu_offset_d,
+ output logic dec_csr_ren_d, // valid csr decode
+ output logic dec_csr_wen_unq_d, // valid csr with write - for csr legal
+ output logic dec_csr_any_unq_d, // valid csr - for csr legal
+ output logic [11:0] dec_csr_rdaddr_d, // read address for csr
+ output logic dec_csr_wen_r, // csr write enable at r
+ output logic [11:0] dec_csr_wraddr_r, // write address for csr
+ output logic [31:0] dec_csr_wrdata_r, // csr write data at r
+ output logic dec_csr_stall_int_ff, // csr is mie/mstatus
+ output dec_tlu_i0_valid_r, // i0 valid inst at c
+ output eb1_trap_pkt_t dec_tlu_packet_r, // trap packet
+ output logic [31:1] dec_tlu_i0_pc_r, // i0 trap pc
+ output logic [31:0] dec_illegal_inst, // illegal inst
+ output logic [31:1] pred_correct_npc_x, // npc e2 if the prediction is correct
+ output eb1_predict_pkt_t dec_i0_predict_p_d, // i0 predict packet decode
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] i0_predict_fghr_d, // i0 predict fghr
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] i0_predict_index_d, // i0 predict index
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] i0_predict_btag_d, // i0_predict branch tag
+ output logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] dec_fa_error_index, // Fully associt btb error index
+ output logic [1:0] dec_data_en, // clock-gating logic
+ output logic [1:0] dec_ctl_en,
+ output logic dec_pmu_instr_decoded, // number of instructions decode this cycle encoded
+ output logic dec_pmu_decode_stall, // decode is stalled
+ output logic dec_pmu_presync_stall, // decode has presync stall
+ output logic dec_pmu_postsync_stall, // decode has postsync stall
+ output logic dec_nonblock_load_wen, // write enable for nonblock load
+ output logic [4:0] dec_nonblock_load_waddr, // logical write addr for nonblock load
+ output logic dec_pause_state, // core in pause state
+ output logic dec_pause_state_cg, // pause state for clock-gating
+ output logic dec_div_active, // non-block divide is active
+ input logic scan_mode
+ );
+ eb1_dec_pkt_t i0_dp_raw, i0_dp;
+ logic [31:0] i0;
+ logic i0_valid_d;
+ logic [31:0] i0_result_r;
+ logic [2:0] i0_rs1bypass, i0_rs2bypass;
+ logic i0_jalimm20;
+ logic i0_uiimm20;
+ logic lsu_decode_d;
+ logic [31:0] i0_immed_d;
+ logic i0_presync;
+ logic i0_postsync;
+ logic postsync_stall;
+ logic ps_stall;
+ logic prior_inflight, prior_inflight_wb;
+ logic csr_clr_d, csr_set_d, csr_write_d;
+ logic csr_clr_x,csr_set_x,csr_write_x,csr_imm_x;
+ logic [31:0] csr_mask_x;
+ logic [31:0] write_csr_data_x;
+ logic [31:0] write_csr_data_in;
+ logic [31:0] write_csr_data;
+ logic csr_data_wen;
+ logic [4:0] csrimm_x;
+ logic [31:0] csr_rddata_x;
+ logic mul_decode_d;
+ logic div_decode_d;
+ logic div_e1_to_r;
+ logic div_flush;
+ logic div_active_in;
+ logic div_active;
+ logic i0_nonblock_div_stall;
+ logic i0_div_prior_div_stall;
+ logic nonblock_div_cancel;
+ logic i0_legal;
+ logic shift_illegal;
+ logic illegal_inst_en;
+ logic illegal_lockout_in, illegal_lockout;
+ logic i0_legal_decode_d;
+ logic i0_exulegal_decode_d, i0_exudecode_d, i0_exublock_d;
+ logic [12:1] last_br_immed_d;
+ logic i0_rs1_depend_i0_x, i0_rs1_depend_i0_r;
+ logic i0_rs2_depend_i0_x, i0_rs2_depend_i0_r;
+ logic i0_div_decode_d;
+ logic i0_load_block_d;
+ logic [1:0] i0_rs1_depth_d, i0_rs2_depth_d;
+ logic i0_load_stall_d;
+ logic i0_store_stall_d;
+ logic i0_predict_nt, i0_predict_t;
+ logic i0_notbr_error, i0_br_toffset_error;
+ logic i0_ret_error;
+ logic i0_br_error;
+ logic i0_br_error_all;
+ logic [11:0] i0_br_offset;
+ logic [20:1] i0_pcall_imm; // predicted jal's
+ logic i0_pcall_12b_offset;
+ logic i0_pcall_raw;
+ logic i0_pcall_case;
+ logic i0_pcall;
+ logic i0_pja_raw;
+ logic i0_pja_case;
+ logic i0_pja;
+ logic i0_pret_case;
+ logic i0_pret_raw, i0_pret;
+ logic i0_jal; // jal's that are not predicted
+ logic i0_predict_br;
+ logic store_data_bypass_d, store_data_bypass_m;
+ eb1_class_pkt_t i0_rs1_class_d, i0_rs2_class_d;
+ eb1_class_pkt_t i0_d_c, i0_x_c, i0_r_c;
+ logic i0_ap_pc2, i0_ap_pc4;
+ logic i0_rd_en_d;
+ logic load_ldst_bypass_d;
+ logic leak1_i0_stall_in, leak1_i0_stall;
+ logic leak1_i1_stall_in, leak1_i1_stall;
+ logic leak1_mode;
+ logic i0_csr_write_only_d;
+ logic prior_inflight_x, prior_inflight_eff;
+ logic any_csr_d;
+ logic prior_csr_write;
+ logic [3:0] i0_pipe_en;
+ logic i0_r_ctl_en, i0_x_ctl_en, i0_wb_ctl_en;
+ logic i0_x_data_en, i0_r_data_en, i0_wb_data_en;
+ logic debug_fence_i;
+ logic debug_fence;
+ logic i0_csr_write;
+ logic presync_stall;
+ logic i0_instr_error;
+ logic i0_icaf_d;
+ logic clear_pause;
+ logic pause_state_in, pause_state;
+ logic pause_stall;
+ logic i0_brp_valid;
+ logic nonblock_load_cancel;
+ logic lsu_idle;
+ logic lsu_pmu_misaligned_r;
+ logic csr_ren_qual_d;
+ logic csr_read_x;
+ logic i0_block_d;
+ logic i0_block_raw_d; // This is use to create the raw valid
+ logic ps_stall_in;
+ logic [31:0] i0_result_x;
+ eb1_dest_pkt_t d_d, x_d, r_d, wbd;
+ eb1_dest_pkt_t x_d_in, r_d_in;
+ eb1_trap_pkt_t d_t, x_t, x_t_in, r_t_in, r_t;
+ logic [3:0] lsu_trigger_match_r;
+ logic [31:1] dec_i0_pc_r;
+ logic csr_read, csr_write;
+ logic i0_br_unpred;
+ logic nonblock_load_valid_m_delay;
+ logic i0_wen_r;
+ logic tlu_wr_pause_r1;
+ logic tlu_wr_pause_r2;
+ logic flush_final_r;
+ logic bitmanip_zbb_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zbs_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zbe_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zbc_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zbp_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zbr_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zbf_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zba_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_zbb_zbp_legal;
+ logic bitmanip_legal;
+ logic data_gate_en;
+ logic data_gate_clk;
+ localparam NBLOAD_SIZE = pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD;
+ localparam NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB = int'(pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD)-1;
+ logic cam_write, cam_inv_reset, cam_data_reset;
+ logic [NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] cam_write_tag, cam_inv_reset_tag, cam_data_reset_tag;
+ logic [NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] cam_wen;
+ logic [NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] load_data_tag;
+ logic [NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] nonblock_load_write;
+ eb1_load_cam_pkt_t [NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] cam;
+ eb1_load_cam_pkt_t [NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] cam_in;
+ eb1_load_cam_pkt_t [NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] cam_raw;
+ logic [4:0] nonblock_load_rd;
+ logic i0_nonblock_load_stall;
+ logic i0_nonblock_boundary_stall;
+ logic i0_rs1_nonblock_load_bypass_en_d, i0_rs2_nonblock_load_bypass_en_d;
+ logic i0_load_kill_wen_r;
+ logic found;
+ logic [NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] cam_inv_reset_val, cam_data_reset_val;
+ logic debug_fence_raw;
+ logic [31:0] i0_result_r_raw;
+ logic [31:0] i0_result_corr_r;
+ logic [12:1] last_br_immed_x;
+ logic [31:0] i0_inst_d;
+ logic [31:0] i0_inst_x;
+ logic [31:0] i0_inst_r;
+ logic [31:0] i0_inst_wb_in;
+ logic [31:0] i0_inst_wb;
+ logic [31:1] i0_pc_wb;
+ logic i0_wb_en;
+ logic trace_enable;
+ logic debug_valid_x;
+ eb1_inst_pkt_t i0_itype;
+ eb1_reg_pkt_t i0r;
+ rvdffie #(8) misc1ff (.*,
+ .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din( {leak1_i1_stall_in,leak1_i0_stall_in,dec_tlu_flush_extint,pause_state_in ,dec_tlu_wr_pause_r, tlu_wr_pause_r1,illegal_lockout_in,ps_stall_in}),
+ .dout({leak1_i1_stall, leak1_i0_stall, dec_extint_stall, pause_state, tlu_wr_pause_r1,tlu_wr_pause_r2,illegal_lockout, ps_stall })
+ );
+ rvdffie #(8) misc2ff (.*,
+ .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din( {lsu_trigger_match_m[3:0],lsu_pmu_misaligned_m,div_active_in,exu_flush_final, dec_debug_valid_d}),
+ .dout({lsu_trigger_match_r[3:0],lsu_pmu_misaligned_r,div_active, flush_final_r, debug_valid_x})
+ );
+if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+// branch prediction
+ // in leak1_mode, ignore any predictions for i0, treat branch as if we haven't seen it before
+ // in leak1 mode, also ignore branch errors for i0
+ assign i0_brp_valid = dec_i0_brp.valid & ~leak1_mode & ~i0_icaf_d;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.misp = '0;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.ataken = '0;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.boffset = '0;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.pcall = i0_pcall; // don't mark as pcall if branch error
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.pja = i0_pja;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.pret = i0_pret;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.prett[31:1] = dec_i0_brp.prett[31:1];
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.pc4 = dec_i0_pc4_d;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.hist[1:0] = dec_i0_brp.hist[1:0];
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.valid = i0_brp_valid & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign i0_notbr_error = i0_brp_valid & ~(i0_dp_raw.condbr | i0_pcall_raw | i0_pja_raw | i0_pret_raw);
+ // no toffset error for a pret
+ assign i0_br_toffset_error = i0_brp_valid & dec_i0_brp.hist[1] & (dec_i0_brp.toffset[11:0] != i0_br_offset[11:0]) & ~i0_pret_raw;
+ assign i0_ret_error = i0_brp_valid & (dec_i0_brp.ret ^ i0_pret_raw);
+ assign i0_br_error = dec_i0_brp.br_error | i0_notbr_error | i0_br_toffset_error | i0_ret_error;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.br_error = i0_br_error & i0_legal_decode_d & ~leak1_mode;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.br_start_error = dec_i0_brp.br_start_error & i0_legal_decode_d & ~leak1_mode;
+ assign i0_predict_index_d[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = dec_i0_bp_index;
+ assign i0_predict_btag_d[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] = dec_i0_bp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign i0_br_error_all = (i0_br_error | dec_i0_brp.br_start_error) & ~leak1_mode;
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.toffset[11:0] = i0_br_offset[11:0];
+ assign i0_predict_fghr_d[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = dec_i0_bp_fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign dec_i0_predict_p_d.way = dec_i0_brp.way;
+ if(pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin
+ logic btb_error_found, btb_error_found_f;
+ logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] fa_error_index_ns;
+ assign btb_error_found = (i0_br_error_all | btb_error_found_f) & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r;
+ assign fa_error_index_ns = (i0_br_error_all & ~btb_error_found_f) ? dec_i0_bp_fa_index : dec_fa_error_index;
+ rvdff #($clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)+1) btberrorfa_f (.*, .clk(active_clk),
+ .din({btb_error_found, fa_error_index_ns}),
+ .dout({btb_error_found_f, dec_fa_error_index}));
+ end
+ else
+ assign dec_fa_error_index = 'b0;
+ // end
+end // if (pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+else begin
+ always_comb begin
+ dec_i0_predict_p_d = '0;
+ dec_i0_predict_p_d.pcall = i0_pcall; // don't mark as pcall if branch error
+ dec_i0_predict_p_d.pja = i0_pja;
+ dec_i0_predict_p_d.pret = i0_pret;
+ dec_i0_predict_p_d.pc4 = dec_i0_pc4_d;
+ end
+ assign i0_br_error_all = '0;
+ assign i0_predict_index_d = '0;
+ assign i0_predict_btag_d = '0;
+ assign i0_predict_fghr_d = '0;
+ assign i0_brp_valid = '0;
+end // else: !if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ // on br error turn anything into a nop
+ // on i0 instruction fetch access fault turn anything into a nop
+ // nop => alu rs1 imm12 rd lor
+ assign i0_icaf_d = dec_i0_icaf_d | dec_i0_dbecc_d;
+ assign i0_instr_error = i0_icaf_d;
+ always_comb begin
+ i0_dp = i0_dp_raw;
+ if (i0_br_error_all | i0_instr_error) begin
+ i0_dp = '0;
+ i0_dp.alu = 1'b1;
+ i0_dp.rs1 = 1'b1;
+ i0_dp.rs2 = 1'b1;
+ i0_dp.lor = 1'b1;
+ = 1'b1;
+ i0_dp.postsync = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ assign i0[31:0] = dec_i0_instr_d[31:0];
+ assign dec_i0_select_pc_d = i0_dp.pc;
+ // branches that can be predicted
+ assign i0_predict_br = i0_dp.condbr | i0_pcall | i0_pja | i0_pret;
+ assign i0_predict_nt = ~(dec_i0_brp.hist[1] & i0_brp_valid) & i0_predict_br;
+ assign i0_predict_t = (dec_i0_brp.hist[1] & i0_brp_valid) & i0_predict_br;
+ assign i0_ap.add = i0_dp.add;
+ assign i0_ap.sub = i0_dp.sub;
+ assign =;
+ assign i0_ap.lor = i0_dp.lor;
+ assign i0_ap.lxor = i0_dp.lxor;
+ assign i0_ap.sll = i0_dp.sll;
+ assign =;
+ assign i0_ap.sra = i0_dp.sra;
+ assign i0_ap.slt = i0_dp.slt;
+ assign i0_ap.unsign = i0_dp.unsign;
+ assign i0_ap.beq = i0_dp.beq;
+ assign i0_ap.bne = i0_dp.bne;
+ assign i0_ap.blt = i0_dp.blt;
+ assign i0_ap.bge = i0_dp.bge;
+ assign i0_ap.clz = i0_dp.clz;
+ assign i0_ap.ctz = i0_dp.ctz;
+ assign i0_ap.pcnt = i0_dp.pcnt;
+ assign i0_ap.sext_b = i0_dp.sext_b;
+ assign i0_ap.sext_h = i0_dp.sext_h;
+ assign i0_ap.sh1add = i0_dp.sh1add;
+ assign i0_ap.sh2add = i0_dp.sh2add;
+ assign i0_ap.sh3add = i0_dp.sh3add;
+ assign i0_ap.zba = i0_dp.zba;
+ assign i0_ap.slo = i0_dp.slo;
+ assign i0_ap.sro = i0_dp.sro;
+ assign i0_ap.min = i0_dp.min;
+ assign i0_ap.max = i0_dp.max;
+ assign i0_ap.pack = i0_dp.pack;
+ assign i0_ap.packu = i0_dp.packu;
+ assign i0_ap.packh = i0_dp.packh;
+ assign i0_ap.rol = i0_dp.rol;
+ assign i0_ap.ror = i0_dp.ror;
+ assign i0_ap.grev = i0_dp.grev;
+ assign i0_ap.gorc = i0_dp.gorc;
+ assign i0_ap.zbb = i0_dp.zbb;
+ assign i0_ap.sbset = i0_dp.sbset;
+ assign i0_ap.sbclr = i0_dp.sbclr;
+ assign i0_ap.sbinv = i0_dp.sbinv;
+ assign i0_ap.sbext = i0_dp.sbext;
+ assign i0_ap.csr_write = i0_csr_write_only_d;
+ assign i0_ap.csr_imm = i0_dp.csr_imm;
+ assign i0_ap.jal = i0_jal;
+ assign i0_ap_pc2 = ~dec_i0_pc4_d;
+ assign i0_ap_pc4 = dec_i0_pc4_d;
+ assign i0_ap.predict_nt = i0_predict_nt;
+ assign i0_ap.predict_t = i0_predict_t;
+// non block load cam logic
+ always_comb begin
+ found = 0;
+ cam_wen[NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] = '0;
+ for (int i=0; i<NBLOAD_SIZE; i++) begin
+ if (~found) begin
+ if (~cam[i].valid) begin
+ cam_wen[i] = cam_write;
+ found = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else begin
+ cam_wen[i] = 0;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ cam_wen[i] = 0;
+ end
+ end
+ assign cam_write = lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m;
+ assign cam_write_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] = lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0];
+ assign cam_inv_reset = lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r;
+ assign cam_inv_reset_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] = lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0];
+ assign cam_data_reset = lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid | lsu_nonblock_load_data_error;
+ assign cam_data_reset_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] = lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0];
+ assign nonblock_load_rd[4:0] = (x_d.i0load) ? x_d.i0rd[4:0] : 5'b0; // rd data
+ // checks
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ assert_dec_data_valid_data_error_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0({lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid,lsu_nonblock_load_data_error}));
+ assert_dec_cam_inv_reset_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(cam_inv_reset_val[NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0]));
+ assert_dec_cam_data_reset_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(cam_data_reset_val[NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0]));
+ // case of multiple loads to same dest ie. x1 ... you have to invalidate the older one
+ for (genvar i=0; i<NBLOAD_SIZE; i++) begin : cam_array
+ assign cam_inv_reset_val[i] = cam_inv_reset & (cam_inv_reset_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] == cam[i].tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0]) & cam[i].valid;
+ assign cam_data_reset_val[i] = cam_data_reset & (cam_data_reset_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] == cam_raw[i].tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0]) & cam_raw[i].valid;
+ always_comb begin
+ cam[i] = cam_raw[i];
+ if (cam_data_reset_val[i])
+ cam[i].valid = 1'b0;
+ cam_in[i] = '0;
+ if (cam_wen[i]) begin
+ cam_in[i].valid = 1'b1;
+ cam_in[i].wb = 1'b0;
+ cam_in[i].tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] = cam_write_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0];
+ cam_in[i].rd[4:0] = nonblock_load_rd[4:0];
+ end
+ else if ( (cam_inv_reset_val[i]) |
+ (i0_wen_r & (r_d_in.i0rd[4:0] == cam[i].rd[4:0]) & cam[i].wb) )
+ cam_in[i].valid = 1'b0;
+ else
+ cam_in[i] = cam[i];
+ if (nonblock_load_valid_m_delay & (lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0]==cam[i].tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0]) & cam[i].valid)
+ cam_in[i].wb = 1'b1;
+ // force debug halt forces cam valids to 0; highest priority
+ if (dec_tlu_force_halt)
+ cam_in[i].valid = 1'b0;
+ end
+ rvdffie #( $bits(eb1_load_cam_pkt_t) ) cam_ff (.*, .din(cam_in[i]), .dout(cam_raw[i]));
+ assign nonblock_load_write[i] = (load_data_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] == cam_raw[i].tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0]) & cam_raw[i].valid;
+end : cam_array
+ assign load_data_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0] = lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag[NBLOAD_TAG_MSB:0];
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ assert_dec_cam_nonblock_load_write_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(nonblock_load_write[NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0]));
+ assign nonblock_load_cancel = ((r_d_in.i0rd[4:0] == dec_nonblock_load_waddr[4:0]) & i0_wen_r); // cancel if any younger inst (including another nonblock) committing this cycle
+ assign dec_nonblock_load_wen = lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid & |nonblock_load_write[NBLOAD_SIZE_MSB:0] & ~nonblock_load_cancel;
+ always_comb begin
+ dec_nonblock_load_waddr[4:0] = '0;
+ i0_nonblock_load_stall = i0_nonblock_boundary_stall;
+ for (int i=0; i<NBLOAD_SIZE; i++) begin
+ dec_nonblock_load_waddr[4:0] |= ({5{nonblock_load_write[i]}} & cam[i].rd[4:0]);
+ i0_nonblock_load_stall |= dec_i0_rs1_en_d & cam[i].valid & (cam[i].rd[4:0] == i0r.rs1[4:0]);
+ i0_nonblock_load_stall |= dec_i0_rs2_en_d & cam[i].valid & (cam[i].rd[4:0] == i0r.rs2[4:0]);
+ end
+ end
+ assign i0_nonblock_boundary_stall = ((nonblock_load_rd[4:0]==i0r.rs1[4:0]) & lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m & dec_i0_rs1_en_d) |
+ ((nonblock_load_rd[4:0]==i0r.rs2[4:0]) & lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m & dec_i0_rs2_en_d);
+// don't writeback a nonblock load
+ rvdffs #(1) wbnbloaddelayff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(i0_r_ctl_en ), .din(lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m), .dout(nonblock_load_valid_m_delay) );
+ assign i0_load_kill_wen_r = nonblock_load_valid_m_delay & r_d.i0load;
+// end non block load cam logic
+// pmu start
+ assign csr_read = csr_ren_qual_d;
+ assign csr_write = dec_csr_wen_unq_d;
+ assign i0_br_unpred = i0_dp.jal & ~i0_predict_br;
+ // the classes must be mutually exclusive with one another
+ always_comb begin
+ i0_itype = NULL;
+ if (i0_legal_decode_d) begin
+ if (i0_dp.mul) i0_itype = MUL;
+ if (i0_dp.load) i0_itype = LOAD;
+ if ( i0_itype = STORE;
+ if (i0_dp.pm_alu) i0_itype = ALU;
+ if (i0_dp.zbb | i0_dp.zbs |
+ i0_dp.zbe | i0_dp.zbc |
+ i0_dp.zbp | i0_dp.zbr |
+ i0_dp.zbf | i0_dp.zba)
+ i0_itype = BITMANIPU;
+ if ( csr_read & ~csr_write) i0_itype = CSRREAD;
+ if (~csr_read & csr_write) i0_itype = CSRWRITE;
+ if ( csr_read & csr_write) i0_itype = CSRRW;
+ if (i0_dp.ebreak) i0_itype = EBREAK;
+ if (i0_dp.ecall) i0_itype = ECALL;
+ if (i0_dp.fence) i0_itype = FENCE;
+ if (i0_dp.fence_i) i0_itype = FENCEI; // fencei will set this even with fence attribute
+ if (i0_dp.mret) i0_itype = MRET;
+ if (i0_dp.condbr) i0_itype = CONDBR;
+ if (i0_dp.jal) i0_itype = JAL;
+ end
+ end
+// end pmu
+ eb1_dec_dec_ctl i0_dec (.inst(i0[31:0]),.out(i0_dp_raw));
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_idle_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(lsu_idle_any), .dout(lsu_idle));
+ assign leak1_i1_stall_in = (dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_r | (leak1_i1_stall & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r));
+ assign leak1_mode = leak1_i1_stall;
+ assign leak1_i0_stall_in = ((dec_i0_decode_d & leak1_i1_stall) | (leak1_i0_stall & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r));
+ // 12b jal's can be predicted - these are calls
+ assign i0_pcall_imm[20:1] = {i0[31],i0[19:12],i0[20],i0[30:21]};
+ assign i0_pcall_12b_offset = (i0_pcall_imm[12]) ? (i0_pcall_imm[20:13] == 8'hff) : (i0_pcall_imm[20:13] == 8'h0);
+ assign i0_pcall_case = i0_pcall_12b_offset & i0_dp_raw.imm20 & (i0r.rd[4:0] == 5'd1 | i0r.rd[4:0] == 5'd5);
+ assign i0_pja_case = i0_pcall_12b_offset & i0_dp_raw.imm20 & ~(i0r.rd[4:0] == 5'd1 | i0r.rd[4:0] == 5'd5);
+ assign i0_pcall_raw = i0_dp_raw.jal & i0_pcall_case; // this includes ja
+ assign i0_pcall = i0_dp.jal & i0_pcall_case;
+ assign i0_pja_raw = i0_dp_raw.jal & i0_pja_case;
+ assign i0_pja = i0_dp.jal & i0_pja_case;
+ assign i0_br_offset[11:0] = (i0_pcall_raw | i0_pja_raw) ? i0_pcall_imm[12:1] : {i0[31],i0[7],i0[30:25],i0[11:8]};
+ assign i0_pret_case = (i0_dp_raw.jal & i0_dp_raw.imm12 & (i0r.rd[4:0] == 5'b0) & (i0r.rs1[4:0] == 5'd1 | i0r.rs1[4:0] == 5'd5)); // jalr with rd==0, rs1==1 or rs1==5 is a ret
+ assign i0_pret_raw = i0_dp_raw.jal & i0_pret_case;
+ assign i0_pret = i0_dp.jal & i0_pret_case;
+ assign i0_jal = i0_dp.jal & ~i0_pcall_case & ~i0_pja_case & ~i0_pret_case;
+ // lsu stuff
+ // load/store mutually exclusive
+ assign dec_lsu_offset_d[11:0] = ({12{ ~dec_extint_stall & i0_dp.lsu & i0_dp.load}} & i0[31:20]) |
+ ({12{ ~dec_extint_stall & i0_dp.lsu &}} & {i0[31:25],i0[11:7]});
+ assign div_p.valid = div_decode_d;
+ assign div_p.unsign = i0_dp.unsign;
+ assign div_p.rem = i0_dp.rem;
+ assign mul_p.valid = mul_decode_d;
+ assign mul_p.rs1_sign = i0_dp.rs1_sign;
+ assign mul_p.rs2_sign = i0_dp.rs2_sign;
+ assign mul_p.low = i0_dp.low;
+ assign mul_p.bext = i0_dp.bext;
+ assign mul_p.bdep = i0_dp.bdep;
+ assign mul_p.clmul = i0_dp.clmul;
+ assign mul_p.clmulh = i0_dp.clmulh;
+ assign mul_p.clmulr = i0_dp.clmulr;
+ assign mul_p.grev = i0_dp.grev;
+ assign mul_p.gorc = i0_dp.gorc;
+ assign mul_p.shfl = i0_dp.shfl;
+ assign mul_p.unshfl = i0_dp.unshfl;
+ assign mul_p.crc32_b = i0_dp.crc32_b;
+ assign mul_p.crc32_h = i0_dp.crc32_h;
+ assign mul_p.crc32_w = i0_dp.crc32_w;
+ assign mul_p.crc32c_b = i0_dp.crc32c_b;
+ assign mul_p.crc32c_h = i0_dp.crc32c_h;
+ assign mul_p.crc32c_w = i0_dp.crc32c_w;
+ assign mul_p.bfp = i0_dp.bfp;
+ always_comb begin
+ lsu_p = '0;
+ if (dec_extint_stall) begin
+ lsu_p.load = 1'b1;
+ lsu_p.word = 1'b1;
+ lsu_p.fast_int = 1'b1;
+ lsu_p.valid = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else begin
+ lsu_p.valid = lsu_decode_d;
+ lsu_p.load = i0_dp.load ;
+ =;
+ = ;
+ lsu_p.half = i0_dp.half ;
+ lsu_p.word = i0_dp.word ;
+ lsu_p.stack = (i0r.rs1[4:0]==5'd2); // stack reference
+ lsu_p.load_ldst_bypass_d = load_ldst_bypass_d ;
+ lsu_p.store_data_bypass_d = store_data_bypass_d;
+ lsu_p.store_data_bypass_m = store_data_bypass_m;
+ lsu_p.unsign = i0_dp.unsign;
+ end
+ end
+ assign dec_lsu_valid_raw_d = (i0_valid_d & (i0_dp_raw.load | & ~dma_dccm_stall_any & ~i0_block_raw_d) | dec_extint_stall;
+ assign i0r.rs1[4:0] = i0[19:15];
+ assign i0r.rs2[4:0] = i0[24:20];
+ assign i0r.rd[4:0] = i0[11:7];
+ assign dec_i0_rs1_en_d = (i0_dp.rs1 & (i0r.rs1[4:0] != 5'd0)); // if rs1_en=0 then read will be all 0's
+ assign dec_i0_rs2_en_d = (i0_dp.rs2 & (i0r.rs2[4:0] != 5'd0));
+ assign i0_rd_en_d = (i0_dp.rd & (i0r.rd[4:0] != 5'd0));
+ assign dec_i0_rs1_d[4:0] = i0r.rs1[4:0];
+ assign dec_i0_rs2_d[4:0] = i0r.rs2[4:0];
+ assign i0_jalimm20 = i0_dp.jal & i0_dp.imm20; // jal
+ assign i0_uiimm20 = ~i0_dp.jal & i0_dp.imm20;
+ // csr logic
+ assign dec_csr_ren_d = i0_dp.csr_read & i0_valid_d;
+ assign csr_ren_qual_d = i0_dp.csr_read & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign csr_clr_d = i0_dp.csr_clr & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign csr_set_d = i0_dp.csr_set & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign csr_write_d = i0_csr_write & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign i0_csr_write_only_d = i0_csr_write & ~i0_dp.csr_read;
+ assign dec_csr_wen_unq_d = (i0_dp.csr_clr | i0_dp.csr_set | i0_csr_write) & i0_valid_d; // for csr legal, can't write read-only csr
+ assign dec_csr_any_unq_d = any_csr_d & i0_valid_d;
+ assign dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11:0] = {12{dec_csr_any_unq_d}} & i0[31:20];
+ assign dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] = {12{r_d.csrwen & r_d.i0valid}} & r_d.csrwaddr[11:0];
+ // make sure csr doesn't write same cycle as dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb
+ // also use valid so it's flushable
+ assign dec_csr_wen_r = r_d.csrwen & r_d.i0valid & ~dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r;
+ // If we are writing MIE or MSTATUS, hold off the external interrupt for a cycle on the write.
+ assign dec_csr_stall_int_ff = ((r_d.csrwaddr[11:0] == 12'h300) | (r_d.csrwaddr[11:0] == 12'h304)) & r_d.csrwen & r_d.i0valid & ~dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_wb;
+ rvdff #(5) csrmiscff (.*,
+ .clk (active_clk),
+ .din ({csr_ren_qual_d, csr_clr_d, csr_set_d, csr_write_d, i0_dp.csr_imm}),
+ .dout({csr_read_x, csr_clr_x, csr_set_x, csr_write_x, csr_imm_x})
+ );
+ // perform the update operation if any
+ rvdffe #(37) csr_rddata_x_ff (.*, .en(i0_x_data_en & any_csr_d), .din( {i0[19:15],dec_csr_rddata_d[31:0]}), .dout({csrimm_x[4:0],csr_rddata_x[31:0]}));
+ assign csr_mask_x[31:0] = ({32{ csr_imm_x}} & {27'b0,csrimm_x[4:0]}) |
+ ({32{~csr_imm_x}} & exu_csr_rs1_x[31:0] );
+ assign write_csr_data_x[31:0] = ({32{csr_clr_x}} & (csr_rddata_x[31:0] & ~csr_mask_x[31:0])) |
+ ({32{csr_set_x}} & (csr_rddata_x[31:0] | csr_mask_x[31:0])) |
+ ({32{csr_write_x}} & ( csr_mask_x[31:0]));
+// pause instruction
+ assign clear_pause = (dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & ~dec_tlu_flush_pause_r) |
+ (pause_state & (write_csr_data[31:1] == 31'b0)); // if 0 or 1 then exit pause state - 1 cycle pause
+ assign pause_state_in = (dec_tlu_wr_pause_r | pause_state) & ~clear_pause;
+ assign dec_pause_state = pause_state;
+ assign dec_pause_state_cg = pause_state & ~tlu_wr_pause_r1 & ~tlu_wr_pause_r2;
+// end pause
+ assign csr_data_wen = ((csr_clr_x | csr_set_x | csr_write_x) & csr_read_x) | dec_tlu_wr_pause_r | pause_state;
+ assign write_csr_data_in[31:0] = (pause_state) ? (write_csr_data[31:0] - 32'b1) :
+ (dec_tlu_wr_pause_r) ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : write_csr_data_x[31:0];
+ // will hold until write-back at which time the CSR will be updated while GPR is possibly written with prior CSR
+ rvdffe #(32) write_csr_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(csr_data_wen), .din(write_csr_data_in[31:0]), .dout(write_csr_data[31:0]));
+ assign pause_stall = pause_state;
+ // for csr write only data is produced by the alu
+ assign dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] = (r_d.csrwonly & r_d.i0valid) ? i0_result_corr_r[31:0] : write_csr_data[31:0];
+ assign dec_i0_immed_d[31:0] = i0_immed_d[31:0];
+ assign i0_immed_d[31:0] = ({32{i0_dp.imm12}} & { {20{i0[31]}},i0[31:20] }) | // jalr
+ ({32{i0_dp.shimm5}} & { 27'b0, i0[24:20] }) |
+ ({32{i0_jalimm20}} & { {12{i0[31]}},i0[19:12],i0[20],i0[30:21],1'b0}) |
+ ({32{i0_uiimm20}} & { i0[31:12],12'b0 }) |
+ ({32{i0_csr_write_only_d & i0_dp.csr_imm}} & { 27'b0, i0[19:15]}); // for csr's that only write csr, dont read csr
+ // all conditional branches are currently predict_nt
+ // change this to generate the sequential address for all other cases for NPC requirements at commit
+ assign dec_i0_br_immed_d[12:1] = (i0_ap.predict_nt & ~i0_dp.jal) ? i0_br_offset[11:0] : {10'b0,i0_ap_pc4,i0_ap_pc2};
+ assign last_br_immed_d[12:1] = ((i0_ap.predict_nt) ? {10'b0,i0_ap_pc4,i0_ap_pc2} : i0_br_offset[11:0] );
+ assign i0_valid_d = dec_ib0_valid_d;
+ // load_stall includes bus_barrier
+ assign i0_load_stall_d = (i0_dp.load ) & (lsu_load_stall_any | dma_dccm_stall_any);
+ assign i0_store_stall_d = & (lsu_store_stall_any | dma_dccm_stall_any);
+// some CSR reads need to be presync'd
+ assign i0_presync = i0_dp.presync | dec_tlu_presync_d | debug_fence_i | debug_fence_raw | dec_tlu_pipelining_disable; // both fence's presync
+// some CSR writes need to be postsync'd
+ assign i0_postsync = i0_dp.postsync | dec_tlu_postsync_d | debug_fence_i | // only fence_i postsync
+ (i0_csr_write_only_d & (i0[31:20] == 12'h7c2)); // wr_pause must postsync
+// debug fence csr
+ assign debug_fence_i = dec_debug_fence_d & dbg_cmd_wrdata[0];
+ assign debug_fence_raw = dec_debug_fence_d & dbg_cmd_wrdata[1];
+ assign debug_fence = debug_fence_raw | debug_fence_i; // fence_i causes a fence
+ assign i0_csr_write = i0_dp.csr_write & ~dec_debug_fence_d;
+// end debug
+ // lets make ebreak, ecall, mret postsync, so break sync into pre and post
+ assign presync_stall = (i0_presync & prior_inflight_eff);
+ assign prior_inflight_eff = (i0_dp.div) ? prior_inflight_x : prior_inflight;
+ assign i0_div_prior_div_stall = i0_dp.div & div_active;
+ // Raw block has everything excepts the stalls coming from the lsu
+ assign i0_block_raw_d = (i0_dp.csr_read & prior_csr_write) |
+ dec_extint_stall |
+ pause_stall |
+ leak1_i0_stall |
+ dec_tlu_debug_stall |
+ postsync_stall |
+ presync_stall |
+ ((i0_dp.fence | debug_fence) & ~lsu_idle) |
+ i0_nonblock_load_stall |
+ i0_load_block_d |
+ i0_nonblock_div_stall |
+ i0_div_prior_div_stall;
+ assign i0_block_d = i0_block_raw_d | i0_store_stall_d | i0_load_stall_d;
+ assign i0_exublock_d = i0_block_raw_d;
+ // block reads if there is a prior csr write in the pipeline
+ assign prior_csr_write = x_d.csrwonly |
+ r_d.csrwonly |
+ wbd.csrwonly;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBB == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zbb_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbb_legal = ~(i0_dp.zbb & ~i0_dp.zbp);
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBS == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zbs_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbs_legal = ~i0_dp.zbs;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBE == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zbe_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbe_legal = ~i0_dp.zbe;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBC == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zbc_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbc_legal = ~i0_dp.zbc;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBP == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zbp_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbp_legal = ~(i0_dp.zbp & ~i0_dp.zbb);
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBR == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zbr_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbr_legal = ~i0_dp.zbr;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBF == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zbf_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbf_legal = ~i0_dp.zbf;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBA == 1)
+ assign bitmanip_zba_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zba_legal = ~i0_dp.zba;
+ if ( (pt.BITMANIP_ZBB == 1) | (pt.BITMANIP_ZBP == 1) )
+ assign bitmanip_zbb_zbp_legal = 1'b1;
+ else
+ assign bitmanip_zbb_zbp_legal = ~(i0_dp.zbb & i0_dp.zbp);
+ assign any_csr_d = i0_dp.csr_read | i0_csr_write;
+ assign bitmanip_legal = bitmanip_zbb_legal & bitmanip_zbs_legal & bitmanip_zbe_legal & bitmanip_zbc_legal & bitmanip_zbp_legal & bitmanip_zbr_legal & bitmanip_zbf_legal & bitmanip_zba_legal & bitmanip_zbb_zbp_legal;
+ assign i0_legal = ( & (~any_csr_d | dec_csr_legal_d) & bitmanip_legal;
+ // illegal inst handling
+ assign shift_illegal = dec_i0_decode_d & ~i0_legal;
+ assign illegal_inst_en = shift_illegal & ~illegal_lockout;
+ rvdffe #(32) illegal_any_ff (.*, .en(illegal_inst_en), .din(i0_inst_d[31:0]), .dout(dec_illegal_inst[31:0]));
+ assign illegal_lockout_in = (shift_illegal | illegal_lockout) & ~flush_final_r;
+ // allow illegals to flow down the pipe
+ assign dec_i0_decode_d = i0_valid_d & ~i0_block_d & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & ~flush_final_r;
+ assign i0_exudecode_d = i0_valid_d & ~i0_exublock_d & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & ~flush_final_r;
+ // define i0 legal decode
+ assign i0_legal_decode_d = dec_i0_decode_d & i0_legal;
+ assign i0_exulegal_decode_d = i0_exudecode_d & i0_legal;
+ // performance monitor signals
+ assign dec_pmu_instr_decoded = dec_i0_decode_d;
+ assign dec_pmu_decode_stall = i0_valid_d & ~dec_i0_decode_d;
+ assign dec_pmu_postsync_stall = postsync_stall & i0_valid_d;
+ assign dec_pmu_presync_stall = presync_stall & i0_valid_d;
+ // illegals will postsync
+ assign ps_stall_in = ( dec_i0_decode_d & (i0_postsync | ~i0_legal) ) |
+ ( ps_stall & prior_inflight_x );
+ assign postsync_stall = ps_stall;
+ assign prior_inflight_x = x_d.i0valid;
+ assign prior_inflight_wb = r_d.i0valid;
+ assign prior_inflight = prior_inflight_x | prior_inflight_wb;
+ assign dec_i0_alu_decode_d = i0_exulegal_decode_d & i0_dp.alu;
+ assign dec_i0_branch_d = i0_dp.condbr | i0_dp.jal | i0_br_error_all;
+ assign lsu_decode_d = i0_legal_decode_d & i0_dp.lsu;
+ assign mul_decode_d = i0_exulegal_decode_d & i0_dp.mul;
+ assign div_decode_d = i0_exulegal_decode_d & i0_dp.div;
+ assign dec_qual_lsu_d = i0_dp.lsu;
+// scheduling logic for alu
+ assign i0_rs1_depend_i0_x = dec_i0_rs1_en_d & x_d.i0v & (x_d.i0rd[4:0] == i0r.rs1[4:0]);
+ assign i0_rs1_depend_i0_r = dec_i0_rs1_en_d & r_d.i0v & (r_d.i0rd[4:0] == i0r.rs1[4:0]);
+ assign i0_rs2_depend_i0_x = dec_i0_rs2_en_d & x_d.i0v & (x_d.i0rd[4:0] == i0r.rs2[4:0]);
+ assign i0_rs2_depend_i0_r = dec_i0_rs2_en_d & r_d.i0v & (r_d.i0rd[4:0] == i0r.rs2[4:0]);
+// order the producers as follows: , i0_x, i0_r, i0_wb
+ assign {i0_rs1_class_d, i0_rs1_depth_d[1:0]} = (i0_rs1_depend_i0_x ) ? { i0_x_c, 2'd1 } :
+ (i0_rs1_depend_i0_r ) ? { i0_r_c, 2'd2 } : '0;
+ assign {i0_rs2_class_d, i0_rs2_depth_d[1:0]} = (i0_rs2_depend_i0_x ) ? { i0_x_c, 2'd1 } :
+ (i0_rs2_depend_i0_r ) ? { i0_r_c, 2'd2 } : '0;
+// stores will bypass load data in the lsu pipe
+ if (pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1) begin : genblock
+ assign i0_load_block_d = (i0_rs1_class_d.load & i0_rs1_depth_d[0]) |
+ (i0_rs2_class_d.load & i0_rs2_depth_d[0] &;
+ assign load_ldst_bypass_d = (i0_dp.load | & i0_rs1_depth_d[1] & i0_rs1_class_d.load;
+ assign store_data_bypass_d = & i0_rs2_depth_d[1] & i0_rs2_class_d.load;
+ assign store_data_bypass_m = & i0_rs2_depth_d[0] & i0_rs2_class_d.load;
+ end
+ else begin : genblock
+ assign i0_load_block_d = 1'b0;
+ assign load_ldst_bypass_d = (i0_dp.load | & i0_rs1_depth_d[0] & i0_rs1_class_d.load;
+ assign store_data_bypass_d = & i0_rs2_depth_d[0] & i0_rs2_class_d.load;
+ assign store_data_bypass_m = 1'b0;
+ end
+ assign dec_tlu_i0_valid_r = r_d.i0valid & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb;
+ assign = i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign d_t.icaf = i0_icaf_d & i0_legal_decode_d; // dbecc is icaf exception
+ assign d_t.icaf_second = dec_i0_icaf_second_d & i0_legal_decode_d; // this includes icaf and dbecc
+ assign d_t.icaf_type[1:0] = dec_i0_icaf_type_d[1:0];
+ assign d_t.fence_i = (i0_dp.fence_i | debug_fence_i) & i0_legal_decode_d;
+// put pmu info into the trap packet
+ assign d_t.pmu_i0_itype = i0_itype;
+ assign d_t.pmu_i0_br_unpred = i0_br_unpred;
+ assign d_t.pmu_divide = 1'b0;
+ assign d_t.pmu_lsu_misaligned = 1'b0;
+ assign d_t.i0trigger[3:0] = dec_i0_trigger_match_d[3:0] & {4{dec_i0_decode_d}};
+ rvdfflie #( .WIDTH($bits(eb1_trap_pkt_t)),.LEFT(9) ) trap_xff (.*, .en(i0_x_ctl_en), .din(d_t), .dout(x_t));
+ always_comb begin
+ x_t_in = x_t;
+ x_t_in.i0trigger[3:0] = x_t.i0trigger & ~{4{dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb}};
+ end
+ rvdfflie #( .WIDTH($bits(eb1_trap_pkt_t)),.LEFT(9) ) trap_r_ff (.*, .en(i0_x_ctl_en), .din(x_t_in), .dout(r_t));
+ always_comb begin
+ r_t_in = r_t;
+ r_t_in.i0trigger[3:0] = ({4{(r_d.i0load | r_d.i0store)}} & lsu_trigger_match_r[3:0]) | r_t.i0trigger[3:0];
+ r_t_in.pmu_lsu_misaligned = lsu_pmu_misaligned_r; // only valid if a load/store is valid in DC3 stage
+ if (dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) r_t_in = '0 ;
+ end
+ always_comb begin
+ dec_tlu_packet_r = r_t_in;
+ dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_divide = r_d.i0div & r_d.i0valid;
+ end
+// end tlu stuff
+ assign i0_d_c.mul = i0_dp.mul & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign i0_d_c.load = i0_dp.load & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign i0_d_c.alu = i0_dp.alu & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ rvdffs #( $bits(eb1_class_pkt_t) ) i0_x_c_ff (.*, .en(i0_x_ctl_en), .clk(active_clk), .din(i0_d_c), .dout(i0_x_c));
+ rvdffs #( $bits(eb1_class_pkt_t) ) i0_r_c_ff (.*, .en(i0_r_ctl_en), .clk(active_clk), .din(i0_x_c), .dout(i0_r_c));
+ assign d_d.i0rd[4:0] = i0r.rd[4:0];
+ assign d_d.i0v = i0_rd_en_d & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign d_d.i0valid = dec_i0_decode_d; // has flush_final_r
+ assign d_d.i0load = i0_dp.load & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign d_d.i0store = & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign d_d.i0div = i0_dp.div & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign d_d.csrwen = dec_csr_wen_unq_d & i0_legal_decode_d;
+ assign d_d.csrwonly = i0_csr_write_only_d & dec_i0_decode_d;
+ assign d_d.csrwaddr[11:0] = (d_d.csrwen) ? i0[31:20] : '0; // csr write address for rd==0 case
+ rvdff #(3) i0cgff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(i0_pipe_en[3:1]), .dout(i0_pipe_en[2:0]));
+ assign i0_pipe_en[3] = dec_i0_decode_d;
+ assign i0_x_ctl_en = (|i0_pipe_en[3:2] | clk_override);
+ assign i0_r_ctl_en = (|i0_pipe_en[2:1] | clk_override);
+ assign i0_wb_ctl_en = (|i0_pipe_en[1:0] | clk_override);
+ assign i0_x_data_en = ( i0_pipe_en[3] | clk_override);
+ assign i0_r_data_en = ( i0_pipe_en[2] | clk_override);
+ assign i0_wb_data_en = ( i0_pipe_en[1] | clk_override);
+ assign dec_data_en[1:0] = {i0_x_data_en, i0_r_data_en};
+ assign dec_ctl_en[1:0] = {i0_x_ctl_en, i0_r_ctl_en};
+ rvdfflie #( .WIDTH($bits(eb1_dest_pkt_t)),.LEFT(15) ) e1ff (.*, .en(i0_x_ctl_en), .din(d_d), .dout(x_d));
+ always_comb begin
+ x_d_in = x_d;
+ x_d_in.i0v = x_d.i0v & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r;
+ x_d_in.i0valid = x_d.i0valid & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r;
+ end
+ rvdfflie #( .WIDTH($bits(eb1_dest_pkt_t)), .LEFT(15) ) r_d_ff (.*, .en(i0_r_ctl_en), .din(x_d_in), .dout(r_d));
+ always_comb begin
+ r_d_in = r_d;
+ // for the bench
+ r_d_in.i0rd[4:0] = r_d.i0rd[4:0];
+ r_d_in.i0v = (r_d.i0v & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb);
+ r_d_in.i0valid = (r_d.i0valid & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb);
+ r_d_in.i0load = r_d.i0load & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb;
+ r_d_in.i0store = r_d.i0store & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb;
+ end
+ rvdfflie #(.WIDTH($bits(eb1_dest_pkt_t)), .LEFT(15)) wbff (.*, .en(i0_wb_ctl_en), .din(r_d_in), .dout(wbd));
+ assign dec_i0_waddr_r[4:0] = r_d_in.i0rd[4:0];
+ assign i0_wen_r = r_d_in.i0v & ~dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r;
+ assign dec_i0_wen_r = i0_wen_r & ~r_d_in.i0div & ~i0_load_kill_wen_r; // don't write a nonblock load 1st time down the pipe
+ assign dec_i0_wdata_r[31:0] = i0_result_corr_r[31:0];
+ // divide stuff
+ assign div_e1_to_r = (x_d.i0div & x_d.i0valid) |
+ (r_d.i0div & r_d.i0valid);
+ assign div_active_in = i0_div_decode_d | (div_active & ~exu_div_wren & ~nonblock_div_cancel);
+ assign dec_div_active = div_active;
+ // nonblocking div scheme
+ assign i0_nonblock_div_stall = (dec_i0_rs1_en_d & div_active & (div_waddr_wb[4:0] == i0r.rs1[4:0])) |
+ (dec_i0_rs2_en_d & div_active & (div_waddr_wb[4:0] == i0r.rs2[4:0]));
+ assign div_flush = (x_d.i0div & x_d.i0valid & (x_d.i0rd[4:0]==5'b0) ) |
+ (x_d.i0div & x_d.i0valid & dec_tlu_flush_lower_r ) |
+ (r_d.i0div & r_d.i0valid & dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r);
+ // cancel if any younger inst committing this cycle to same dest as nonblock divide
+ assign nonblock_div_cancel = (div_active & div_flush) |
+ (div_active & ~div_e1_to_r & (r_d.i0rd[4:0] == div_waddr_wb[4:0]) & i0_wen_r);
+ assign dec_div_cancel = nonblock_div_cancel;
+ assign i0_div_decode_d = i0_legal_decode_d & i0_dp.div;
+// for load_to_use_plus1, the load result data is merged in R stage instead of D
+ if ( pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1 ) begin : genblock1
+ assign i0_result_x[31:0] = exu_i0_result_x[31:0];
+ assign i0_result_r[31:0] = (r_d.i0v & r_d.i0load) ? lsu_result_m[31:0] : i0_result_r_raw[31:0];
+ end
+ else begin : genblock1
+ assign i0_result_x[31:0] = (x_d.i0v & x_d.i0load) ? lsu_result_m[31:0] : exu_i0_result_x[31:0];
+ assign i0_result_r[31:0] = i0_result_r_raw[31:0];
+ end
+ rvdffe #(32) i0_result_r_ff (.*, .en(i0_r_data_en & (x_d.i0v | x_d.csrwen | debug_valid_x)), .din(i0_result_x[31:0]), .dout(i0_result_r_raw[31:0]));
+ // correct lsu load data - don't use for bypass, do pass down the pipe
+ assign i0_result_corr_r[31:0] = (r_d.i0v & r_d.i0load) ? lsu_result_corr_r[31:0] : i0_result_r_raw[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(12) e1brpcff (.*, .en(i0_x_data_en), .din(last_br_immed_d[12:1] ), .dout(last_br_immed_x[12:1]));
+ assign i0_wb_en = i0_wb_data_en;
+ assign i0_inst_wb_in[31:0] = i0_inst_r[31:0];
+ assign i0_inst_d[31:0] = (dec_i0_pc4_d) ? i0[31:0] : {16'b0, ifu_i0_cinst[15:0]};
+ assign trace_enable = ~dec_tlu_trace_disable;
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(5),.OVERRIDE(1)) i0rdff (.*, .en(i0_div_decode_d), .din(i0r.rd[4:0]), .dout(div_waddr_wb[4:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i0xinstff (.*, .en(i0_x_data_en & trace_enable), .din(i0_inst_d[31:0]), .dout(i0_inst_x[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i0cinstff (.*, .en(i0_r_data_en & trace_enable), .din(i0_inst_x[31:0]), .dout(i0_inst_r[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i0wbinstff (.*, .en(i0_wb_en & trace_enable), .din(i0_inst_wb_in[31:0]), .dout(i0_inst_wb[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(31) i0wbpcff (.*, .en(i0_wb_en & trace_enable), .din(dec_tlu_i0_pc_r[31:1]), .dout( i0_pc_wb[31:1]));
+ assign dec_i0_inst_wb[31:0] = i0_inst_wb[31:0];
+ assign dec_i0_pc_wb[31:1] = i0_pc_wb[31:1];
+ rvdffpcie #(31) i0_pc_r_ff (.*, .en(i0_r_data_en), .din(exu_i0_pc_x[31:1]), .dout(dec_i0_pc_r[31:1]));
+ assign dec_tlu_i0_pc_r[31:1] = dec_i0_pc_r[31:1];
+ rvbradder ibradder_correct (
+ .pc(exu_i0_pc_x[31:1]),
+ .offset(last_br_immed_x[12:1]),
+ .dout(pred_correct_npc_x[31:1]));
+ // add nonblock load rs1/rs2 bypass cases
+ assign i0_rs1_nonblock_load_bypass_en_d = dec_i0_rs1_en_d & dec_nonblock_load_wen & (dec_nonblock_load_waddr[4:0] == i0r.rs1[4:0]);
+ assign i0_rs2_nonblock_load_bypass_en_d = dec_i0_rs2_en_d & dec_nonblock_load_wen & (dec_nonblock_load_waddr[4:0] == i0r.rs2[4:0]);
+ // bit 2 is priority match, bit 0 lowest priority, i0_x, i0_r
+ assign i0_rs1bypass[2] = i0_rs1_depth_d[0] & (i0_rs1_class_d.alu | i0_rs1_class_d.mul );
+ assign i0_rs1bypass[1] = i0_rs1_depth_d[0] & ( i0_rs1_class_d.load);
+ assign i0_rs1bypass[0] = i0_rs1_depth_d[1] & (i0_rs1_class_d.alu | i0_rs1_class_d.mul | i0_rs1_class_d.load);
+ assign i0_rs2bypass[2] = i0_rs2_depth_d[0] & (i0_rs2_class_d.alu | i0_rs2_class_d.mul );
+ assign i0_rs2bypass[1] = i0_rs2_depth_d[0] & ( i0_rs2_class_d.load);
+ assign i0_rs2bypass[0] = i0_rs2_depth_d[1] & (i0_rs2_class_d.alu | i0_rs2_class_d.mul | i0_rs2_class_d.load);
+ assign dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[3] = i0_rs1_nonblock_load_bypass_en_d & ~i0_rs1bypass[0] & ~i0_rs1bypass[1] & ~i0_rs1bypass[2];
+ assign dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[2] = i0_rs1bypass[2];
+ assign dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[1] = i0_rs1bypass[1];
+ assign dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[0] = i0_rs1bypass[0];
+ assign dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[3] = i0_rs2_nonblock_load_bypass_en_d & ~i0_rs2bypass[0] & ~i0_rs2bypass[1] & ~i0_rs2bypass[2];
+ assign dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[2] = i0_rs2bypass[2];
+ assign dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[1] = i0_rs2bypass[1];
+ assign dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[0] = i0_rs2bypass[0];
+ assign dec_i0_result_r[31:0] = i0_result_r[31:0];
+endmodule // eb1_dec_decode_ctl
+// file "decode" is human readable file that has all of the instruction decodes defined and is part of git repo
+// modify this file as needed
+// to generate all the equations below from "decode" except legal equation:
+// 1) coredecode -in decode > coredecode.e
+// 2) espresso -Dso -oeqntott coredecode.e | addassign -pre out. > equations
+// to generate the legal (32b instruction is legal) equation below:
+// 1) coredecode -in decode -legal > legal.e
+// 2) espresso -Dso -oeqntott legal.e | addassign -pre out. > legal_equation
+module eb1_dec_dec_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+ (
+ input logic [31:0] inst,
+ output eb1_dec_pkt_t out
+ );
+ logic [31:0] i;
+ assign i[31:0] = inst[31:0];
+assign out.alu = (i[30]&i[24]&i[23]&!i[22]&!i[21]&!i[20]&i[14]&!i[5]&i[4]) | (i[29]
+ &!i[27]&!i[24]&i[4]) | (!i[25]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[4]) | (!i[30]&!i[25]
+ &i[13]&i[12]) | (i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&i[4]) | (i[29]&i[27]&!i[14]&i[4]) | (
+ i[29]&!i[14]&i[5]&i[4]) | (!i[27]&!i[25]&i[14]&i[4]) | (i[30]&!i[29]
+ &!i[13]&i[4]) | (!i[30]&!i[27]&!i[25]&i[4]) | (i[13]&!i[5]&i[4]) | (
+ !i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]) | (i[2]) | (i[6]) | (i[30]&i[24]&i[23]&i[22]&i[21]
+ &i[20]&!i[5]&i[4]) | (!i[30]&i[29]&!i[24]&!i[23]&i[22]&i[21]&i[20]
+ &!i[5]&i[4]) | (!i[30]&i[24]&!i[23]&!i[22]&!i[21]&!i[20]&!i[5]&i[4]);
+assign out.rs1 = (!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[2]) | (!i[13]&i[11]&!i[2]) | (i[19]&i[13]&!i[2]) | (
+ !i[13]&i[10]&!i[2]) | (i[18]&i[13]&!i[2]) | (!i[13]&i[9]&!i[2]) | (
+ i[17]&i[13]&!i[2]) | (!i[13]&i[8]&!i[2]) | (i[16]&i[13]&!i[2]) | (
+ !i[13]&i[7]&!i[2]) | (i[15]&i[13]&!i[2]) | (!i[4]&!i[3]) | (!i[6]
+ &!i[2]);
+assign out.rs2 = (i[5]&!i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.imm12 = (!i[4]&!i[3]&i[2]) | (i[13]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]
+ &i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.rd = (!i[5]&!i[2]) | (i[5]&i[2]) | (i[4]);
+assign out.shimm5 = (i[27]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[30]&!i[13]&i[12]
+ &!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.imm20 = (i[5]&i[3]) | (i[4]&i[2]);
+assign out.pc = (!i[5]&!i[3]&i[2]) | (i[5]&i[3]);
+assign out.load = (!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign = (!i[6]&i[5]&!i[4]);
+assign out.lsu = (!i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.add = (!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]) | (!i[5]&!i[3]&i[2]) | (!i[30]
+ &!i[25]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sub = (i[30]&!i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[29]&!i[25]&!i[14]
+ &i[13]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]) | (
+ !i[14]&i[13]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign = (!i[27]&!i[25]&i[14]&i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&!i[2]) | (i[14]&i[13]&i[12]
+ &!i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.lor = (!i[6]&i[3]) | (!i[29]&!i[27]&!i[25]&i[14]&i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&!i[2]) | (
+ i[5]&i[4]&i[2]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[14]&i[13]&!i[12]
+ &!i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.lxor = (!i[29]&!i[27]&!i[25]&i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[14]
+ &!i[13]&!i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sll = (!i[29]&!i[27]&!i[25]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sra = (i[30]&!i[29]&!i[27]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign = (!i[30]&!i[29]&!i[27]&!i[25]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.slt = (!i[29]&!i[25]&!i[14]&i[13]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[14]&i[13]&!i[5]
+ &i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.unsign = (!i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]) | (!i[14]&i[13]
+ &i[12]&!i[5]&!i[2]) | (i[13]&i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[14]&!i[5]&!i[4]) | (
+ !i[25]&!i[14]&i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&!i[2]) | (i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&i[13]
+ &!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.condbr = (i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.beq = (!i[14]&!i[12]&i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.bne = (!i[14]&i[12]&i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.bge = (i[14]&i[12]&i[5]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.blt = (i[14]&!i[12]&i[5]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.jal = (i[6]&i[2]);
+assign = (!i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.half = (i[12]&!i[6]&!i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.word = (i[13]&!i[6]&!i[4]);
+assign out.csr_read = (i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[7]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[8]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ i[9]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[10]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[11]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.csr_clr = (i[15]&i[13]&i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[16]&i[13]&i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ i[17]&i[13]&i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[18]&i[13]&i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ i[19]&i[13]&i[12]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.csr_set = (i[15]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[16]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[17]
+ &!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[18]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[19]&!i[12]&i[6]
+ &i[4]);
+assign out.csr_write = (!i[13]&i[12]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.csr_imm = (i[14]&!i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[15]&i[14]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[16]
+ &i[14]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[17]&i[14]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[18]&i[14]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ i[19]&i[14]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.presync = (!i[5]&i[3]) | (!i[13]&i[7]&i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[13]&i[8]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ !i[13]&i[9]&i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[13]&i[10]&i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[13]&i[11]
+ &i[6]&i[4]) | (i[15]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[16]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ i[17]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[18]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[19]&i[13]&i[6]
+ &i[4]);
+assign out.postsync = (i[12]&!i[5]&i[3]) | (!i[22]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ !i[13]&i[7]&i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[13]&i[8]&i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[13]&i[9]&i[6]
+ &i[4]) | (!i[13]&i[10]&i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[13]&i[11]&i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ i[15]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[16]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[17]&i[13]&i[6]
+ &i[4]) | (i[18]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]) | (i[19]&i[13]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.ebreak = (!i[22]&i[20]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.ecall = (!i[21]&!i[20]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.mret = (i[29]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[4]);
+assign out.mul = (!i[30]&i[27]&i[24]&i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (
+ i[29]&i[27]&!i[24]&i[23]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (
+ i[29]&i[27]&!i[24]&!i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (
+ i[27]&!i[25]&i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&i[27]&i[13]
+ &!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[29]&i[27]&i[22]&!i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]
+ &i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[29]&i[27]&!i[21]&i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]
+ &i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[29]&i[27]&!i[22]&i[21]&i[14]&!i[13]
+ &i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&i[29]&i[27]&!i[23]&i[14]&!i[13]
+ &i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[30]&i[27]&i[23]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]
+ &!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[30]&!i[29]&i[27]&!i[25]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]
+ &i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[25]&!i[14]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&!i[27]
+ &i[24]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[29]&i[27]&i[14]
+ &!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.rs1_sign = (!i[27]&i[25]&!i[14]&i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (
+ !i[27]&i[25]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.rs2_sign = (!i[27]&i[25]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.low = (i[25]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.div = (!i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.rem = (!i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&i[13]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.fence = (!i[5]&i[3]);
+assign out.fence_i = (i[12]&!i[5]&i[3]);
+assign out.clz = (i[30]&!i[27]&!i[24]&!i[22]&!i[21]&!i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]
+ &i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.ctz = (i[30]&!i[27]&!i[24]&!i[22]&i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]
+ &!i[2]);
+assign out.pcnt = (i[30]&!i[27]&!i[24]&i[21]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sext_b = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[22]&!i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sext_h = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[22]&i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.slo = (!i[30]&i[29]&!i[27]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sro = (!i[30]&i[29]&!i[27]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.min = (i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.max = (i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.pack = (!i[30]&i[27]&!i[25]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.packu = (i[30]&i[27]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.packh = (!i[30]&i[27]&!i[25]&i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.rol = (i[30]&!i[27]&!i[14]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.ror = (i[30]&i[29]&!i[27]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zbb = (i[30]&!i[27]&!i[24]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (
+ !i[30]&i[27]&i[14]&i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&i[29]&!i[27]
+ &i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[27]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]
+ &i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]) | (i[30]
+ &!i[27]&i[13]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&i[29]&!i[27]&!i[6]&i[5]
+ &i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&i[29]&i[24]&i[23]&i[22]&i[21]&i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]
+ &i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[30]&i[29]&i[27]&!i[24]&!i[23]&i[22]
+ &i[21]&i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[30]&i[27]
+ &i[24]&!i[23]&!i[22]&!i[21]&!i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (
+ i[30]&i[29]&i[24]&i[23]&!i[22]&!i[21]&!i[20]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]
+ &i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[27]&i[25]&i[14]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sbset = (!i[30]&i[29]&i[27]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sbclr = (i[30]&!i[29]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sbinv = (i[30]&i[29]&i[27]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sbext = (i[30]&!i[29]&i[27]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zbs = (i[29]&i[27]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&!i[29]
+ &i[27]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.bext = (!i[30]&i[27]&!i[25]&i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.bdep = (i[30]&i[27]&i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zbe = (i[27]&!i[25]&i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.clmul = (i[27]&i[25]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.clmulh = (i[27]&!i[14]&i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.clmulr = (i[27]&!i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zbc = (i[27]&i[25]&!i[14]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.grev = (i[30]&i[29]&i[27]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.gorc = (!i[30]&i[29]&i[27]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.shfl = (!i[30]&!i[29]&i[27]&!i[25]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.unshfl = (!i[30]&!i[29]&i[27]&!i[25]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zbp = (!i[30]&i[29]&!i[27]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[30]&!i[29]
+ &i[27]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[30]&!i[27]&i[13]&!i[6]
+ &i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[27]&!i[25]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (
+ i[30]&i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (i[29]&!i[27]&i[12]&!i[6]
+ &i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]) | (!i[30]&!i[29]&i[27]&!i[25]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]
+ &!i[2]) | (i[29]&i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.crc32_b = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[24]&!i[23]&!i[21]&!i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]
+ &!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.crc32_h = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[24]&!i[23]&i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]
+ &!i[2]);
+assign out.crc32_w = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[24]&!i[23]&i[21]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]
+ &!i[2]);
+assign out.crc32c_b = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[23]&!i[21]&!i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]
+ &i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.crc32c_h = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[23]&i[20]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.crc32c_w = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[23]&i[21]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zbr = (i[30]&!i[27]&i[24]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.bfp = (i[30]&i[27]&i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zbf = (i[30]&i[27]&i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sh1add = (i[29]&!i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sh2add = (i[29]&i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.sh3add = (i[29]&i[14]&i[13]&!i[6]&i[5]&!i[2]);
+assign out.zba = (i[29]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[2]);
+assign out.pm_alu = (i[28]&i[22]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[4]) | (!i[30]&!i[29]&!i[27]&!i[25]
+ &!i[6]&i[4]) | (!i[29]&!i[27]&!i[25]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]) | (
+ !i[29]&!i[27]&!i[25]&!i[14]&!i[6]&i[4]) | (i[13]&!i[5]&i[4]) | (i[4]
+ &i[2]) | (!i[12]&!i[5]&i[4]);
+assign = (!i[31]&!i[30]&!i[29]&i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[24]&!i[23]
+ &i[22]&!i[21]&i[20]&!i[19]&!i[18]&!i[17]&!i[16]&!i[15]&!i[14]&!i[11]
+ &!i[10]&!i[9]&!i[8]&!i[7]&i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[31]&!i[30]&i[29]&i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[24]&!i[23]&!i[22]
+ &i[21]&!i[20]&!i[19]&!i[18]&!i[17]&!i[16]&!i[15]&!i[14]&!i[11]&!i[10]
+ &!i[9]&!i[8]&!i[7]&i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]
+ &!i[30]&!i[29]&!i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[24]&!i[23]&!i[22]&!i[21]
+ &!i[19]&!i[18]&!i[17]&!i[16]&!i[15]&!i[14]&!i[11]&!i[10]&!i[9]&!i[8]
+ &!i[7]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&i[29]&!i[28]&!i[26]
+ &!i[25]&i[24]&!i[22]&!i[20]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[31]&i[29]&!i[28]&!i[26]&!i[25]&i[24]&!i[22]&!i[21]&!i[6]&!i[5]
+ &i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&i[29]&!i[28]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[23]
+ &!i[22]&!i[20]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&i[29]
+ &!i[28]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[24]&!i[23]&!i[21]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]
+ &i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[30]&!i[29]&!i[28]&!i[26]&i[25]&i[13]&!i[6]
+ &i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[30]&!i[28]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[24]
+ &!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[30]&!i[28]&!i[27]
+ &!i[26]&!i[25]&i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]
+ &!i[30]&!i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]&i[13]&!i[12]&!i[6]&i[4]&!i[3]
+ &i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[29]&!i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[13]&!i[12]
+ &!i[6]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]
+ &i[14]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[30]&!i[29]
+ &!i[28]&!i[26]&!i[13]&i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[31]&!i[30]&!i[29]&!i[28]&!i[26]&i[14]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]
+ &i[0]) | (!i[31]&i[30]&!i[28]&i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[6]
+ &i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&i[29]&!i[28]&i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]
+ &!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[30]&!i[28]&!i[27]
+ &!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[30]
+ &!i[29]&!i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[14]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[31]&!i[29]
+ &!i[28]&!i[26]&!i[25]&i[14]&!i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[31]&i[29]&!i[28]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[13]&i[12]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]
+ &i[1]&i[0]) | (i[14]&i[6]&i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[14]
+ &!i[13]&i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[12]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]
+ &!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[13]&i[12]&i[6]&i[5]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[31]&!i[30]&!i[29]&!i[28]&!i[27]&!i[26]&!i[25]&!i[24]&!i[23]&!i[22]
+ &!i[21]&!i[20]&!i[19]&!i[18]&!i[17]&!i[16]&!i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[11]
+ &!i[10]&!i[9]&!i[8]&!i[7]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&i[3]&i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[31]&!i[30]&!i[29]&!i[28]&!i[19]&!i[18]&!i[17]&!i[16]&!i[15]&!i[14]
+ &!i[13]&!i[12]&!i[11]&!i[10]&!i[9]&!i[8]&!i[7]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&i[3]
+ &i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (i[13]&i[6]&i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ i[6]&i[5]&!i[4]&i[3]&i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&!i[4]
+ &!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[13]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]
+ &i[0]) | (i[13]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[4]&!i[3]&i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[6]&i[4]&!i[3]
+ &i[2]&i[1]&i[0]);
+endmodule // eb1_dec_dec_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ddf2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_dec_gpr_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+ `include "eb1_param.vh"
+ ) (
+ input logic [4:0] raddr0, // logical read addresses
+ input logic [4:0] raddr1,
+ input logic wen0, // write enable
+ input logic [4:0] waddr0, // write address
+ input logic [31:0] wd0, // write data
+ input logic wen1, // write enable
+ input logic [4:0] waddr1, // write address
+ input logic [31:0] wd1, // write data
+ input logic wen2, // write enable
+ input logic [4:0] waddr2, // write address
+ input logic [31:0] wd2, // write data
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ output logic [31:0] rd0, // read data
+ output logic [31:0] rd1,
+ input logic scan_mode
+ logic [31:1] [31:0] gpr_out; // 31 x 32 bit GPRs
+ logic [31:1] [31:0] gpr_in;
+ logic [31:1] w0v,w1v,w2v;
+ logic [31:1] gpr_wr_en;
+ // GPR Write Enables
+ assign gpr_wr_en[31:1] = (w0v[31:1] | w1v[31:1] | w2v[31:1]);
+ for ( genvar j=1; j<32; j++ ) begin : gpr
+ rvdffe #(32) gprff (.*, .en(gpr_wr_en[j]), .din(gpr_in[j][31:0]), .dout(gpr_out[j][31:0]));
+ end : gpr
+ // the read out
+ always_comb begin
+ rd0[31:0] = 32'b0;
+ rd1[31:0] = 32'b0;
+ w0v[31:1] = 31'b0;
+ w1v[31:1] = 31'b0;
+ w2v[31:1] = 31'b0;
+ gpr_in[31:1] = '0;
+ // GPR Read logic
+ for (int j=1; j<32; j++ ) begin
+ rd0[31:0] |= ({32{(raddr0[4:0]== 5'(j))}} & gpr_out[j][31:0]);
+ rd1[31:0] |= ({32{(raddr1[4:0]== 5'(j))}} & gpr_out[j][31:0]);
+ end
+ // GPR Write logic
+ for (int j=1; j<32; j++ ) begin
+ w0v[j] = wen0 & (waddr0[4:0]== 5'(j) );
+ w1v[j] = wen1 & (waddr1[4:0]== 5'(j) );
+ w2v[j] = wen2 & (waddr2[4:0]== 5'(j) );
+ gpr_in[j] = ({32{w0v[j]}} & wd0[31:0]) |
+ ({32{w1v[j]}} & wd1[31:0]) |
+ ({32{w2v[j]}} & wd2[31:0]);
+ end
+ end // always_comb begin
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ logic write_collision_unused;
+ assign write_collision_unused = ( (w0v[31:1] == w1v[31:1]) & wen0 & wen1 ) |
+ ( (w0v[31:1] == w2v[31:1]) & wen0 & wen2 ) |
+ ( (w1v[31:1] == w2v[31:1]) & wen1 & wen2 );
+ // asserting that no 2 ports will write to the same gpr simultaneously
+ assert_multiple_wen_to_same_gpr: assert #0 (~( write_collision_unused ) );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eb95df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_dec_ib_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic dbg_cmd_valid, // valid dbg cmd
+ input logic dbg_cmd_write, // dbg cmd is write
+ input logic [1:0] dbg_cmd_type, // dbg type
+ input logic [31:0] dbg_cmd_addr, // expand to 31:0
+ input eb1_br_pkt_t i0_brp, // i0 branch packet from aligner
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] ifu_i0_bp_index, // BP index
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_fghr, // BP FGHR
+ input logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_btag, // BP tag
+ input logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] ifu_i0_fa_index, // Fully associt btb index
+ input logic ifu_i0_pc4, // i0 is 4B inst else 2B
+ input logic ifu_i0_valid, // i0 valid from ifu
+ input logic ifu_i0_icaf, // i0 instruction access fault
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_i0_icaf_type, // i0 instruction access fault type
+ input logic ifu_i0_icaf_second, // i0 has access fault on second 2B of 4B inst
+ input logic ifu_i0_dbecc, // i0 double-bit error
+ input logic [31:0] ifu_i0_instr, // i0 instruction from the aligner
+ input logic [31:1] ifu_i0_pc, // i0 pc from the aligner
+ output logic dec_ib0_valid_d, // ib0 valid
+ output logic dec_debug_valid_d, // Debug read or write at D-stage
+ output logic [31:0] dec_i0_instr_d, // i0 inst at decode
+ output logic [31:1] dec_i0_pc_d, // i0 pc at decode
+ output logic dec_i0_pc4_d, // i0 is 4B inst else 2B
+ output eb1_br_pkt_t dec_i0_brp, // i0 branch packet at decode
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] dec_i0_bp_index, // i0 branch index
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] dec_i0_bp_fghr, // BP FGHR
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] dec_i0_bp_btag, // BP tag
+ output logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] dec_i0_bp_fa_index, // Fully associt btb index
+ output logic dec_i0_icaf_d, // i0 instruction access fault at decode
+ output logic dec_i0_icaf_second_d, // i0 instruction access fault on second 2B of 4B inst
+ output logic [1:0] dec_i0_icaf_type_d, // i0 instruction access fault type
+ output logic dec_i0_dbecc_d, // i0 double-bit error at decode
+ output logic dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d, // put debug write data onto rs1 source: machine is halted
+ output logic dec_debug_fence_d // debug fence inst
+ );
+ logic debug_valid;
+ logic [4:0] dreg;
+ logic [11:0] dcsr;
+ logic [31:0] ib0, ib0_debug_in;
+ logic debug_read;
+ logic debug_write;
+ logic debug_read_gpr;
+ logic debug_write_gpr;
+ logic debug_read_csr;
+ logic debug_write_csr;
+ logic [34:0] ifu_i0_pcdata, pc0;
+ assign ifu_i0_pcdata[34:0] = { ifu_i0_icaf_second, ifu_i0_dbecc, ifu_i0_icaf,
+ ifu_i0_pc[31:1], ifu_i0_pc4 };
+ assign pc0[34:0] = ifu_i0_pcdata[34:0];
+ assign dec_i0_icaf_second_d = pc0[34]; // icaf's can only decode as i0
+ assign dec_i0_dbecc_d = pc0[33];
+ assign dec_i0_icaf_d = pc0[32];
+ assign dec_i0_pc_d[31:1] = pc0[31:1];
+ assign dec_i0_pc4_d = pc0[0];
+ assign dec_i0_icaf_type_d[1:0] = ifu_i0_icaf_type[1:0];
+// GPR accesses
+// put reg to read on rs1
+// read -> or %x0, %reg,%x0 {000000000000,reg[4:0],110000000110011}
+// put write date on rs1
+// write -> or %reg, %x0, %x0 {00000000000000000110,reg[4:0],0110011}
+// CSR accesses
+// csr is of form rd, csr, rs1
+// read -> csrrs %x0, %csr, %x0 {csr[11:0],00000010000001110011}
+// put write data on rs1
+// write -> csrrw %x0, %csr, %x0 {csr[11:0],00000001000001110011}
+// abstract memory command not done here
+ assign debug_valid = dbg_cmd_valid & (dbg_cmd_type[1:0] != 2'h2);
+ assign debug_read = debug_valid & ~dbg_cmd_write;
+ assign debug_write = debug_valid & dbg_cmd_write;
+ assign debug_read_gpr = debug_read & (dbg_cmd_type[1:0]==2'h0);
+ assign debug_write_gpr = debug_write & (dbg_cmd_type[1:0]==2'h0);
+ assign debug_read_csr = debug_read & (dbg_cmd_type[1:0]==2'h1);
+ assign debug_write_csr = debug_write & (dbg_cmd_type[1:0]==2'h1);
+ assign dreg[4:0] = dbg_cmd_addr[4:0];
+ assign dcsr[11:0] = dbg_cmd_addr[11:0];
+ assign ib0_debug_in[31:0] = ({32{debug_read_gpr}} & {12'b000000000000,dreg[4:0],15'b110000000110011}) |
+ ({32{debug_write_gpr}} & {20'b00000000000000000110,dreg[4:0],7'b0110011}) |
+ ({32{debug_read_csr}} & {dcsr[11:0],20'b00000010000001110011}) |
+ ({32{debug_write_csr}} & {dcsr[11:0],20'b00000001000001110011});
+ // machine is in halted state, pipe empty, write will always happen next cycle
+ assign dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d = debug_write_gpr | debug_write_csr;
+ // special fence csr for use only in debug mode
+ assign dec_debug_fence_d = debug_write_csr & (dcsr[11:0] == 12'h7c4);
+ assign ib0[31:0] = (debug_valid) ? ib0_debug_in[31:0] : ifu_i0_instr[31:0];
+ assign dec_ib0_valid_d = ifu_i0_valid | debug_valid;
+ assign dec_debug_valid_d = debug_valid;
+ assign dec_i0_instr_d[31:0] = ib0[31:0];
+ assign dec_i0_brp = i0_brp;
+ assign dec_i0_bp_index = ifu_i0_bp_index;
+ assign dec_i0_bp_fghr = ifu_i0_bp_fghr;
+ assign dec_i0_bp_btag = ifu_i0_bp_btag;
+ assign dec_i0_bp_fa_index = ifu_i0_fa_index;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f0a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,2947 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or it's affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Function: CSRs, Commit/WB, flushing, exceptions, interrupts
+// Comments:
+module eb1_dec_tlu_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic free_clk,
+ input logic free_l2clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic scan_mode,
+ input logic [31:1] rst_vec, // reset vector, from core pins
+ input logic nmi_int, // nmi pin
+ input logic [31:1] nmi_vec, // nmi vector
+ input logic i_cpu_halt_req, // Asynchronous Halt request to CPU
+ input logic i_cpu_run_req, // Asynchronous Restart request to CPU
+ input logic lsu_fastint_stall_any, // needed by lsu for 2nd pass of dma with ecc correction, stall next cycle
+ // perf counter inputs
+ input logic ifu_pmu_instr_aligned, // aligned instructions
+ input logic ifu_pmu_fetch_stall, // fetch unit stalled
+ input logic ifu_pmu_ic_miss, // icache miss
+ input logic ifu_pmu_ic_hit, // icache hit
+ input logic ifu_pmu_bus_error, // Instruction side bus error
+ input logic ifu_pmu_bus_busy, // Instruction side bus busy
+ input logic ifu_pmu_bus_trxn, // Instruction side bus transaction
+ input logic dec_pmu_instr_decoded, // decoded instructions
+ input logic dec_pmu_decode_stall, // decode stall
+ input logic dec_pmu_presync_stall, // decode stall due to presync'd inst
+ input logic dec_pmu_postsync_stall,// decode stall due to postsync'd inst
+ input logic lsu_store_stall_any, // SB or WB is full, stall decode
+ input logic dma_dccm_stall_any, // DMA stall of lsu
+ input logic dma_iccm_stall_any, // DMA stall of ifu
+ input logic exu_pmu_i0_br_misp, // pipe 0 branch misp
+ input logic exu_pmu_i0_br_ataken, // pipe 0 branch actual taken
+ input logic exu_pmu_i0_pc4, // pipe 0 4 byte branch
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_trxn, // D side bus transaction
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned, // D side bus misaligned
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_error, // D side bus error
+ input logic lsu_pmu_bus_busy, // D side bus busy
+ input logic lsu_pmu_load_external_m, // D side bus load
+ input logic lsu_pmu_store_external_m, // D side bus store
+ input logic dma_pmu_dccm_read, // DMA DCCM read
+ input logic dma_pmu_dccm_write, // DMA DCCM write
+ input logic dma_pmu_any_read, // DMA read
+ input logic dma_pmu_any_write, // DMA write
+ input logic [31:1] lsu_fir_addr, // Fast int address
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_fir_error, // Fast int lookup error
+ input logic iccm_dma_sb_error, // I side dma single bit error
+ input eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t lsu_error_pkt_r, // lsu precise exception/error packet
+ input logic lsu_single_ecc_error_incr, // LSU inc SB error counter
+ input logic dec_pause_state, // Pause counter not zero
+ input logic lsu_imprecise_error_store_any, // store bus error
+ input logic lsu_imprecise_error_load_any, // store bus error
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any, // store bus error address
+ input logic dec_csr_wen_unq_d, // valid csr with write - for csr legal
+ input logic dec_csr_any_unq_d, // valid csr - for csr legal
+ input logic [11:0] dec_csr_rdaddr_d, // read address for csr
+ input logic dec_csr_wen_r, // csr write enable at wb
+ input logic [11:0] dec_csr_wraddr_r, // write address for csr
+ input logic [31:0] dec_csr_wrdata_r, // csr write data at wb
+ input logic dec_csr_stall_int_ff, // csr is mie/mstatus
+ input logic dec_tlu_i0_valid_r, // pipe 0 op at e4 is valid
+ input logic [31:1] exu_npc_r, // for NPC tracking
+ input logic [31:1] dec_tlu_i0_pc_r, // for PC/NPC tracking
+ input eb1_trap_pkt_t dec_tlu_packet_r, // exceptions known at decode
+ input logic [31:0] dec_illegal_inst, // For mtval
+ input logic dec_i0_decode_d, // decode valid, used for clean icache diagnostics
+ // branch info from pipe0 for errors or counter updates
+ input logic [1:0] exu_i0_br_hist_r, // history
+ input logic exu_i0_br_error_r, // error
+ input logic exu_i0_br_start_error_r, // start error
+ input logic exu_i0_br_valid_r, // valid
+ input logic exu_i0_br_mp_r, // mispredict
+ input logic exu_i0_br_middle_r, // middle of bank
+ // branch info from pipe1 for errors or counter updates
+ input logic exu_i0_br_way_r, // way hit or repl
+ output logic dec_tlu_core_empty, // core is empty
+ // Debug start
+ output logic dec_dbg_cmd_done, // abstract command done
+ output logic dec_dbg_cmd_fail, // abstract command failed
+ output logic dec_tlu_dbg_halted, // Core is halted and ready for debug command
+ output logic dec_tlu_debug_mode, // Core is in debug mode
+ output logic dec_tlu_resume_ack, // Resume acknowledge
+ output logic dec_tlu_debug_stall, // stall decode while waiting on core to empty
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r , // Tell fetch to idle on this flush
+ output logic dec_tlu_mpc_halted_only, // Core is halted only due to MPC
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_r, // single step
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_err_r, // iside perr/ecc rfpc. This is the D stage of the error
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_extint, // fast ext int started
+ output logic [31:2] dec_tlu_meihap, // meihap for fast int
+ input logic dbg_halt_req, // DM requests a halt
+ input logic dbg_resume_req, // DM requests a resume
+ input logic ifu_miss_state_idle, // I-side miss buffer empty
+ input logic lsu_idle_any, // lsu is idle
+ input logic dec_div_active, // oop div is active
+ output eb1_trigger_pkt_t [3:0] trigger_pkt_any, // trigger info for trigger blocks
+ input logic ifu_ic_error_start, // IC single bit error
+ input logic ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err, // ICCM single bit error
+ input logic [70:0] ifu_ic_debug_rd_data, // diagnostic icache read data
+ input logic ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid, // diagnostic icache read data valid
+ output eb1_cache_debug_pkt_t dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt, // packet of DICAWICS, DICAD0/1, DICAGO info for icache diagnostics
+ // Debug end
+ input logic [7:0] pic_claimid, // pic claimid for csr
+ input logic [3:0] pic_pl, // pic priv level for csr
+ input logic mhwakeup, // high priority external int, wakeup if halted
+ input logic mexintpend, // external interrupt pending
+ input logic timer_int, // timer interrupt pending
+ input logic soft_int, // software interrupt pending
+ output logic o_cpu_halt_status, // PMU interface, halted
+ output logic o_cpu_halt_ack, // halt req ack
+ output logic o_cpu_run_ack, // run req ack
+ output logic o_debug_mode_status, // Core to the PMU that core is in debug mode. When core is in debug mode, the PMU should refrain from sendng a halt or run request
+ input logic [31:4] core_id, // Core ID
+ // external MPC halt/run interface
+ input logic mpc_debug_halt_req, // Async halt request
+ input logic mpc_debug_run_req, // Async run request
+ input logic mpc_reset_run_req, // Run/halt after reset
+ output logic mpc_debug_halt_ack, // Halt ack
+ output logic mpc_debug_run_ack, // Run ack
+ output logic debug_brkpt_status, // debug breakpoint
+ output logic [3:0] dec_tlu_meicurpl, // to PIC
+ output logic [3:0] dec_tlu_meipt, // to PIC
+ output logic [31:0] dec_csr_rddata_d, // csr read data at wb
+ output logic dec_csr_legal_d, // csr indicates legal operation
+ output eb1_br_tlu_pkt_t dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt, // branch pkt to bp
+ output logic dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_wb, // I0 is flushed, don't writeback any results to arch state
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb, // commit has a flush (exception, int, mispredict at e4)
+ output logic dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt, // committed an instruction
+ output logic dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r, // I0 is flushed, don't writeback any results to arch state
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_r, // commit has a flush (exception, int)
+ output logic [31:1] dec_tlu_flush_path_r, // flush pc
+ output logic dec_tlu_fence_i_r, // flush is a fence_i rfnpc, flush icache
+ output logic dec_tlu_wr_pause_r, // CSR write to pause reg is at R.
+ output logic dec_tlu_flush_pause_r, // Flush is due to pause
+ output logic dec_tlu_presync_d, // CSR read needs to be presync'd
+ output logic dec_tlu_postsync_d, // CSR needs to be presync'd
+ output logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mrac_ff, // CSR for memory region control
+ output logic dec_tlu_force_halt, // halt has been forced
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt0, // toggles when pipe0 perf counter 0 has an event inc
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt1, // toggles when pipe0 perf counter 1 has an event inc
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt2, // toggles when pipe0 perf counter 2 has an event inc
+ output logic dec_tlu_perfcnt3, // toggles when pipe0 perf counter 3 has an event inc
+ output logic dec_tlu_i0_exc_valid_wb1, // pipe 0 exception valid
+ output logic dec_tlu_i0_valid_wb1, // pipe 0 valid
+ output logic dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1, // pipe 2 int valid
+ output logic [4:0] dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1, // exception or int cause
+ output logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mtval_wb1, // MTVAL value
+ // feature disable from mfdc
+ output logic dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable, // disable external load forwarding
+ output logic dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable, // disable posted stores to side-effect address
+ output logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable, // disable core ECC
+ output logic dec_tlu_bpred_disable, // disable branch prediction
+ output logic dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable, // disable writebuffer coalescing
+ output logic dec_tlu_pipelining_disable, // disable pipelining
+ output logic dec_tlu_trace_disable, // disable trace
+ output logic [2:0] dec_tlu_dma_qos_prty, // DMA QoS priority coming from MFDC [18:16]
+ // clock gating overrides from mcgc
+ output logic dec_tlu_misc_clk_override, // override misc clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_dec_clk_override, // override decode clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_ifu_clk_override, // override fetch clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_lsu_clk_override, // override load/store clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_bus_clk_override, // override bus clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_pic_clk_override, // override PIC clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_picio_clk_override,// override PICIO clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_dccm_clk_override, // override DCCM clock domain gating
+ output logic dec_tlu_icm_clk_override // override ICCM clock domain gating
+ );
+ logic clk_override, e4e5_int_clk, nmi_fir_type, nmi_lsu_load_type, nmi_lsu_store_type, nmi_int_detected_f, nmi_lsu_load_type_f,
+ nmi_lsu_store_type_f, allow_dbg_halt_csr_write, dbg_cmd_done_ns, i_cpu_run_req_d1_raw, debug_mode_status, lsu_single_ecc_error_r_d1,
+ sel_npc_r, sel_npc_resume, ce_int,
+ nmi_in_debug_mode, dpc_capture_npc, dpc_capture_pc, tdata_load, tdata_opcode, tdata_action, perfcnt_halted, tdata_chain,
+ tdata_kill_write;
+ logic reset_delayed, reset_detect, reset_detected;
+ logic wr_mstatus_r, wr_mtvec_r, wr_mcyclel_r, wr_mcycleh_r,
+ wr_minstretl_r, wr_minstreth_r, wr_mscratch_r, wr_mepc_r, wr_mcause_r, wr_mscause_r, wr_mtval_r,
+ wr_mrac_r, wr_meihap_r, wr_meicurpl_r, wr_meipt_r, wr_dcsr_r,
+ wr_dpc_r, wr_meicidpl_r, wr_meivt_r, wr_meicpct_r, wr_micect_r, wr_miccmect_r, wr_mfdht_r, wr_mfdhs_r,
+ wr_mdccmect_r,wr_mhpme3_r, wr_mhpme4_r, wr_mhpme5_r, wr_mhpme6_r;
+ logic wr_mpmc_r;
+ logic [1:1] mpmc_b_ns, mpmc, mpmc_b;
+ logic set_mie_pmu_fw_halt, fw_halted_ns, fw_halted;
+ logic wr_mcountinhibit_r;
+ logic [6:0] mcountinhibit;
+ logic wr_mtsel_r, wr_mtdata1_t0_r, wr_mtdata1_t1_r, wr_mtdata1_t2_r, wr_mtdata1_t3_r, wr_mtdata2_t0_r, wr_mtdata2_t1_r, wr_mtdata2_t2_r, wr_mtdata2_t3_r;
+ logic [31:0] mtdata2_t0, mtdata2_t1, mtdata2_t2, mtdata2_t3, mtdata2_tsel_out, mtdata1_tsel_out;
+ logic [9:0] mtdata1_t0_ns, mtdata1_t0, mtdata1_t1_ns, mtdata1_t1, mtdata1_t2_ns, mtdata1_t2, mtdata1_t3_ns, mtdata1_t3;
+ logic [9:0] tdata_wrdata_r;
+ logic [1:0] mtsel_ns, mtsel;
+ logic tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r;
+ logic [1:0] mstatus_ns, mstatus;
+ logic [1:0] mfdhs_ns, mfdhs;
+ logic [31:0] force_halt_ctr, force_halt_ctr_f;
+ logic force_halt;
+ logic [5:0] mfdht, mfdht_ns;
+ logic mstatus_mie_ns;
+ logic [30:0] mtvec_ns, mtvec;
+ logic [15:2] dcsr_ns, dcsr;
+ logic [5:0] mip_ns, mip;
+ logic [5:0] mie_ns, mie;
+ logic [31:0] mcyclel_ns, mcyclel;
+ logic [31:0] mcycleh_ns, mcycleh;
+ logic [31:0] minstretl_ns, minstretl;
+ logic [31:0] minstreth_ns, minstreth;
+ logic [31:0] micect_ns, micect, miccmect_ns, miccmect, mdccmect_ns, mdccmect;
+ logic [26:0] micect_inc, miccmect_inc, mdccmect_inc;
+ logic [31:0] mscratch;
+ logic [31:0] mhpmc3, mhpmc3_ns, mhpmc4, mhpmc4_ns, mhpmc5, mhpmc5_ns, mhpmc6, mhpmc6_ns;
+ logic [31:0] mhpmc3h, mhpmc3h_ns, mhpmc4h, mhpmc4h_ns, mhpmc5h, mhpmc5h_ns, mhpmc6h, mhpmc6h_ns;
+ logic [9:0] mhpme3, mhpme4, mhpme5, mhpme6;
+ logic [31:0] mrac;
+ logic [9:2] meihap;
+ logic [31:10] meivt;
+ logic [3:0] meicurpl_ns, meicurpl;
+ logic [3:0] meicidpl_ns, meicidpl;
+ logic [3:0] meipt_ns, meipt;
+ logic [31:0] mdseac;
+ logic mdseac_locked_ns, mdseac_locked_f, mdseac_en, nmi_lsu_detected;
+ logic [31:1] mepc_ns, mepc;
+ logic [31:1] dpc_ns, dpc;
+ logic [31:0] mcause_ns, mcause;
+ logic [3:0] mscause_ns, mscause, mscause_type;
+ logic [31:0] mtval_ns, mtval;
+ logic dec_pause_state_f, dec_tlu_wr_pause_r_d1, pause_expired_r, pause_expired_wb;
+ logic tlu_flush_lower_r, tlu_flush_lower_r_d1;
+ logic [31:1] tlu_flush_path_r, tlu_flush_path_r_d1;
+ logic i0_valid_wb;
+ logic tlu_i0_commit_cmt;
+ logic [31:1] vectored_path, interrupt_path;
+ logic [16:0] dicawics_ns, dicawics;
+ logic wr_dicawics_r, wr_dicad0_r, wr_dicad1_r, wr_dicad0h_r;
+ logic [31:0] dicad0_ns, dicad0, dicad0h_ns, dicad0h;
+ logic [6:0] dicad1_ns, dicad1_raw;
+ logic [31:0] dicad1;
+ logic ebreak_r, ebreak_to_debug_mode_r, ecall_r, illegal_r, mret_r, inst_acc_r, fence_i_r,
+ ic_perr_r, iccm_sbecc_r, ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1, kill_ebreak_count_r, inst_acc_second_r;
+ logic ce_int_ready, ext_int_ready, timer_int_ready, soft_int_ready, int_timer0_int_ready, int_timer1_int_ready, mhwakeup_ready,
+ take_ext_int, take_ce_int, take_timer_int, take_soft_int, take_int_timer0_int, take_int_timer1_int, take_nmi, take_nmi_r_d1, int_timer0_int_possible, int_timer1_int_possible;
+ logic i0_exception_valid_r, interrupt_valid_r, i0_exception_valid_r_d1, interrupt_valid_r_d1, exc_or_int_valid_r, exc_or_int_valid_r_d1, mdccme_ce_req, miccme_ce_req, mice_ce_req;
+ logic synchronous_flush_r;
+ logic [4:0] exc_cause_r, exc_cause_wb;
+ logic mcyclel_cout, mcyclel_cout_f, mcyclela_cout;
+ logic [31:0] mcyclel_inc;
+ logic [31:0] mcycleh_inc;
+ logic minstretl_cout, minstretl_cout_f, minstret_enable, minstretl_cout_ns, minstretl_couta;
+ logic [31:0] minstretl_inc, minstretl_read;
+ logic [31:0] minstreth_inc, minstreth_read;
+ logic [31:1] pc_r, pc_r_d1, npc_r, npc_r_d1;
+ logic valid_csr;
+ logic rfpc_i0_r;
+ logic lsu_i0_rfnpc_r;
+ logic dec_tlu_br0_error_r, dec_tlu_br0_start_error_r, dec_tlu_br0_v_r;
+ logic lsu_i0_exc_r, lsu_i0_exc_r_raw, lsu_exc_ma_r, lsu_exc_acc_r, lsu_exc_st_r,
+ lsu_exc_valid_r, lsu_exc_valid_r_raw, lsu_exc_valid_r_d1, lsu_i0_exc_r_d1, block_interrupts;
+ logic i0_trigger_eval_r;
+ logic request_debug_mode_r, request_debug_mode_r_d1, request_debug_mode_done, request_debug_mode_done_f;
+ logic take_halt, halt_taken, halt_taken_f, internal_dbg_halt_mode, dbg_tlu_halted_f, take_reset,
+ dbg_tlu_halted, core_empty, lsu_idle_any_f, ifu_miss_state_idle_f, resume_ack_ns,
+ debug_halt_req_f, debug_resume_req_f_raw, debug_resume_req_f, enter_debug_halt_req, dcsr_single_step_done, dcsr_single_step_done_f,
+ debug_halt_req_d1, debug_halt_req_ns, dcsr_single_step_running, dcsr_single_step_running_f, internal_dbg_halt_timers;
+ logic [3:0] i0_trigger_r, trigger_action, trigger_enabled,
+ i0_trigger_chain_masked_r;
+ logic i0_trigger_hit_r, i0_trigger_hit_raw_r, i0_trigger_action_r,
+ trigger_hit_r_d1,
+ mepc_trigger_hit_sel_pc_r;
+ logic [3:0] update_hit_bit_r, i0_iside_trigger_has_pri_r,i0trigger_qual_r, i0_lsu_trigger_has_pri_r;
+ logic cpu_halt_status, cpu_halt_ack, cpu_run_ack, ext_halt_pulse, i_cpu_halt_req_d1, i_cpu_run_req_d1;
+ logic inst_acc_r_raw, trigger_hit_dmode_r, trigger_hit_dmode_r_d1;
+ logic [9:0] mcgc, mcgc_ns, mcgc_int;
+ logic [18:0] mfdc;
+ logic i_cpu_halt_req_sync_qual, i_cpu_run_req_sync_qual, pmu_fw_halt_req_ns, pmu_fw_halt_req_f, int_timer_stalled,
+ fw_halt_req, enter_pmu_fw_halt_req, pmu_fw_tlu_halted, pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f, internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode,
+ internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode_f, int_timer0_int_hold, int_timer1_int_hold, int_timer0_int_hold_f, int_timer1_int_hold_f;
+ logic nmi_int_delayed, nmi_int_detected;
+ logic [3:0] trigger_execute, trigger_data, trigger_store;
+ logic dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted;
+ logic mpc_run_state_ns, debug_brkpt_status_ns, mpc_debug_halt_ack_ns, mpc_debug_run_ack_ns, dbg_halt_state_ns, dbg_run_state_ns,
+ dbg_halt_state_f, mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_f, mpc_debug_run_req_sync_f, mpc_halt_state_f, mpc_halt_state_ns, mpc_run_state_f, debug_brkpt_status_f,
+ mpc_debug_halt_ack_f, mpc_debug_run_ack_f, dbg_run_state_f, mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_pulse,
+ mpc_debug_run_req_sync_pulse, debug_brkpt_valid, debug_halt_req, debug_resume_req, dec_tlu_mpc_halted_only_ns;
+ logic take_ext_int_start, ext_int_freeze, take_ext_int_start_d1, take_ext_int_start_d2,
+ take_ext_int_start_d3, ext_int_freeze_d1, csr_meicpct, ignore_ext_int_due_to_lsu_stall;
+ logic mcause_sel_nmi_store, mcause_sel_nmi_load, mcause_sel_nmi_ext, fast_int_meicpct;
+ logic [1:0] mcause_fir_error_type;
+ logic dbg_halt_req_held_ns, dbg_halt_req_held, dbg_halt_req_final;
+ logic iccm_repair_state_ns, iccm_repair_state_d1, iccm_repair_state_rfnpc;
+ // internal timer, isolated for size reasons
+ logic [31:0] dec_timer_rddata_d;
+ logic dec_timer_read_d, dec_timer_t0_pulse, dec_timer_t1_pulse;
+ logic csr_mitctl0;
+ logic csr_mitctl1;
+ logic csr_mitb0;
+ logic csr_mitb1;
+ logic csr_mitcnt0;
+ logic csr_mitcnt1;
+ logic nmi_int_sync, timer_int_sync, soft_int_sync, i_cpu_halt_req_sync, i_cpu_run_req_sync, mpc_debug_halt_req_sync, mpc_debug_run_req_sync, mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_raw;
+ logic csr_wr_clk;
+ logic e4e5_clk, e4_valid, e5_valid, e4e5_valid, internal_dbg_halt_mode_f, internal_dbg_halt_mode_f2;
+ logic lsu_pmu_load_external_r, lsu_pmu_store_external_r;
+ logic dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r_d1, dec_tlu_flush_pause_r_d1;
+ logic lsu_single_ecc_error_r;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_error_pkt_addr_r;
+ logic mcyclel_cout_in;
+ logic i0_valid_no_ebreak_ecall_r;
+ logic minstret_enable_f;
+ logic sel_exu_npc_r, sel_flush_npc_r, sel_hold_npc_r;
+ logic pc0_valid_r;
+ logic [15:0] mfdc_int, mfdc_ns;
+ logic [31:0] mrac_in;
+ logic [31:27] csr_sat;
+ logic [8:6] dcsr_cause;
+ logic enter_debug_halt_req_le, dcsr_cause_upgradeable;
+ logic icache_rd_valid, icache_wr_valid, icache_rd_valid_f, icache_wr_valid_f;
+ logic [3:0] mhpmc_inc_r, mhpmc_inc_r_d1;
+ logic [3:0][9:0] mhpme_vec;
+ logic mhpmc3_wr_en0, mhpmc3_wr_en1, mhpmc3_wr_en;
+ logic mhpmc4_wr_en0, mhpmc4_wr_en1, mhpmc4_wr_en;
+ logic mhpmc5_wr_en0, mhpmc5_wr_en1, mhpmc5_wr_en;
+ logic mhpmc6_wr_en0, mhpmc6_wr_en1, mhpmc6_wr_en;
+ logic mhpmc3h_wr_en0, mhpmc3h_wr_en;
+ logic mhpmc4h_wr_en0, mhpmc4h_wr_en;
+ logic mhpmc5h_wr_en0, mhpmc5h_wr_en;
+ logic mhpmc6h_wr_en0, mhpmc6h_wr_en;
+ logic [63:0] mhpmc3_incr, mhpmc4_incr, mhpmc5_incr, mhpmc6_incr;
+ logic perfcnt_halted_d1, zero_event_r;
+ logic [3:0] perfcnt_during_sleep;
+ logic [9:0] event_r;
+ eb1_inst_pkt_t pmu_i0_itype_qual;
+ logic csr_mfdht;
+ logic csr_mfdhs;
+ logic csr_misa;
+ logic csr_mvendorid;
+ logic csr_marchid;
+ logic csr_mimpid;
+ logic csr_mhartid;
+ logic csr_mstatus;
+ logic csr_mtvec;
+ logic csr_mip;
+ logic csr_mie;
+ logic csr_mcyclel;
+ logic csr_mcycleh;
+ logic csr_minstretl;
+ logic csr_minstreth;
+ logic csr_mscratch;
+ logic csr_mepc;
+ logic csr_mcause;
+ logic csr_mscause;
+ logic csr_mtval;
+ logic csr_mrac;
+ logic csr_dmst;
+ logic csr_mdseac;
+ logic csr_meihap;
+ logic csr_meivt;
+ logic csr_meipt;
+ logic csr_meicurpl;
+ logic csr_meicidpl;
+ logic csr_dcsr;
+ logic csr_mcgc;
+ logic csr_mfdc;
+ logic csr_dpc;
+ logic csr_mtsel;
+ logic csr_mtdata1;
+ logic csr_mtdata2;
+ logic csr_mhpmc3;
+ logic csr_mhpmc4;
+ logic csr_mhpmc5;
+ logic csr_mhpmc6;
+ logic csr_mhpmc3h;
+ logic csr_mhpmc4h;
+ logic csr_mhpmc5h;
+ logic csr_mhpmc6h;
+ logic csr_mhpme3;
+ logic csr_mhpme4;
+ logic csr_mhpme5;
+ logic csr_mhpme6;
+ logic csr_mcountinhibit;
+ logic csr_mpmc;
+ logic csr_micect;
+ logic csr_miccmect;
+ logic csr_mdccmect;
+ logic csr_dicawics;
+ logic csr_dicad0h;
+ logic csr_dicad0;
+ logic csr_dicad1;
+ logic csr_dicago;
+ logic presync;
+ logic postsync;
+ logic legal;
+ logic dec_csr_wen_r_mod;
+ logic flush_clkvalid;
+ logic sel_fir_addr;
+ logic wr_mie_r;
+ logic mtval_capture_pc_r;
+ logic mtval_capture_pc_plus2_r;
+ logic mtval_capture_inst_r;
+ logic mtval_capture_lsu_r;
+ logic mtval_clear_r;
+ logic wr_mcgc_r;
+ logic wr_mfdc_r;
+ logic wr_mdeau_r;
+ logic trigger_hit_for_dscr_cause_r_d1;
+ logic conditionally_illegal;
+ logic [3:0] ifu_mscause ;
+ logic ifu_ic_error_start_f, ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_f;
+ eb1_dec_timer_ctl #(.pt(pt)) int_timers(.*);
+ // end of internal timers
+ assign clk_override = dec_tlu_dec_clk_override;
+ // Async inputs to the core have to be sync'd to the core clock.
+ rvsyncss #(7) syncro_ff(.*,
+ .clk(free_clk),
+ .din ({nmi_int, timer_int, soft_int, i_cpu_halt_req, i_cpu_run_req, mpc_debug_halt_req, mpc_debug_run_req}),
+ .dout({nmi_int_sync, timer_int_sync, soft_int_sync, i_cpu_halt_req_sync, i_cpu_run_req_sync, mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_raw, mpc_debug_run_req_sync}));
+ // for CSRs that have inpipe writes only
+ rvoclkhdr csrwr_r_cgc ( .en(dec_csr_wen_r_mod | clk_override), .l1clk(csr_wr_clk), .* );
+ assign e4_valid = dec_tlu_i0_valid_r;
+ assign e4e5_valid = e4_valid | e5_valid;
+ assign flush_clkvalid = internal_dbg_halt_mode_f | i_cpu_run_req_d1 | interrupt_valid_r | interrupt_valid_r_d1 |
+ reset_delayed | pause_expired_r | pause_expired_wb | ic_perr_r | iccm_sbecc_r |
+ clk_override;
+ rvoclkhdr e4e5_cgc ( .en(e4e5_valid | clk_override), .l1clk(e4e5_clk), .* );
+ rvoclkhdr e4e5_int_cgc ( .en(e4e5_valid | flush_clkvalid), .l1clk(e4e5_int_clk), .* );
+ rvdffie #(11) freeff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din ({ifu_ic_error_start, ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err, iccm_repair_state_ns, e4_valid, internal_dbg_halt_mode,
+ lsu_pmu_load_external_m, lsu_pmu_store_external_m, tlu_flush_lower_r, tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r,
+ internal_dbg_halt_mode_f, force_halt}),
+ .dout({ifu_ic_error_start_f, ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_f, iccm_repair_state_d1, e5_valid, internal_dbg_halt_mode_f,
+ lsu_pmu_load_external_r, lsu_pmu_store_external_r, tlu_flush_lower_r_d1, dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_wb,
+ internal_dbg_halt_mode_f2, dec_tlu_force_halt}));
+ assign dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r = tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r;
+ assign nmi_int_detected = (nmi_int_sync & ~nmi_int_delayed) | nmi_lsu_detected | (nmi_int_detected_f & ~take_nmi_r_d1) | nmi_fir_type;
+ // if the first nmi is a lsu type, note it. If there's already an nmi pending, ignore. Simultaneous with FIR, drop.
+ assign nmi_lsu_load_type = (nmi_lsu_detected & lsu_imprecise_error_load_any & ~(nmi_int_detected_f & ~take_nmi_r_d1)) |
+ (nmi_lsu_load_type_f & ~take_nmi_r_d1);
+ assign nmi_lsu_store_type = (nmi_lsu_detected & lsu_imprecise_error_store_any & ~(nmi_int_detected_f & ~take_nmi_r_d1)) |
+ (nmi_lsu_store_type_f & ~take_nmi_r_d1);
+ assign nmi_fir_type = ~nmi_int_detected_f & take_ext_int_start_d3 & |lsu_fir_error[1:0];
+ // Filter subsequent bus errors after the first, until the lock on MDSEAC is cleared
+ assign nmi_lsu_detected = ~mdseac_locked_f & (lsu_imprecise_error_load_any | lsu_imprecise_error_store_any) & ~nmi_fir_type;
+localparam MSTATUS_MIE = 0;
+localparam MIP_MCEIP = 5;
+localparam MIP_MITIP0 = 4;
+localparam MIP_MITIP1 = 3;
+localparam MIP_MEIP = 2;
+localparam MIP_MTIP = 1;
+localparam MIP_MSIP = 0;
+localparam MIE_MCEIE = 5;
+localparam MIE_MITIE0 = 4;
+localparam MIE_MITIE1 = 3;
+localparam MIE_MEIE = 2;
+localparam MIE_MTIE = 1;
+localparam MIE_MSIE = 0;
+localparam DCSR_EBREAKM = 15;
+localparam DCSR_STEPIE = 11;
+localparam DCSR_STOPC = 10;
+localparam DCSR_STEP = 2;
+ assign reset_delayed = reset_detect ^ reset_detected;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MPC halt
+ // - can interact with debugger halt and v-v
+ // fast ints in progress have priority
+ assign mpc_debug_halt_req_sync = mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_raw & ~ext_int_freeze_d1;
+ rvdffie #(16) mpvhalt_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din({1'b1, reset_detect,
+ nmi_int_sync, nmi_int_detected, nmi_lsu_load_type, nmi_lsu_store_type,
+ mpc_debug_halt_req_sync, mpc_debug_run_req_sync,
+ mpc_halt_state_ns, mpc_run_state_ns, debug_brkpt_status_ns,
+ mpc_debug_halt_ack_ns, mpc_debug_run_ack_ns,
+ dbg_halt_state_ns, dbg_run_state_ns,
+ dec_tlu_mpc_halted_only_ns}),
+ .dout({reset_detect, reset_detected,
+ nmi_int_delayed, nmi_int_detected_f, nmi_lsu_load_type_f, nmi_lsu_store_type_f,
+ mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_f, mpc_debug_run_req_sync_f,
+ mpc_halt_state_f, mpc_run_state_f, debug_brkpt_status_f,
+ mpc_debug_halt_ack_f, mpc_debug_run_ack_f,
+ dbg_halt_state_f, dbg_run_state_f,
+ dec_tlu_mpc_halted_only}));
+ // turn level sensitive requests into pulses
+ assign mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_pulse = mpc_debug_halt_req_sync & ~mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_f;
+ assign mpc_debug_run_req_sync_pulse = mpc_debug_run_req_sync & ~mpc_debug_run_req_sync_f;
+ // states
+ assign mpc_halt_state_ns = (mpc_halt_state_f | mpc_debug_halt_req_sync_pulse | (reset_delayed & ~mpc_reset_run_req)) & ~mpc_debug_run_req_sync;
+ assign mpc_run_state_ns = (mpc_run_state_f | (mpc_debug_run_req_sync_pulse & ~mpc_debug_run_ack_f)) & (internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & ~dcsr_single_step_running_f);
+ // note, MPC halt can allow the jtag debugger to just start sending commands. When that happens, set the interal debugger halt state to prevent
+ // MPC run from starting the core.
+ assign dbg_halt_state_ns = (dbg_halt_state_f | (dbg_halt_req_final | dcsr_single_step_done_f | trigger_hit_dmode_r_d1 | ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1)) & ~dbg_resume_req;
+ assign dbg_run_state_ns = (dbg_run_state_f | dbg_resume_req) & (internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & ~dcsr_single_step_running_f);
+ // tell dbg we are only MPC halted
+ assign dec_tlu_mpc_halted_only_ns = ~dbg_halt_state_f & mpc_halt_state_f;
+ // this asserts from detection of bkpt until after we leave debug mode
+ assign debug_brkpt_valid = ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1 | trigger_hit_dmode_r_d1;
+ assign debug_brkpt_status_ns = (debug_brkpt_valid | debug_brkpt_status_f) & (internal_dbg_halt_mode & ~dcsr_single_step_running_f);
+ // acks back to interface
+ assign mpc_debug_halt_ack_ns = mpc_halt_state_f & internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & mpc_debug_halt_req_sync & core_empty;
+ assign mpc_debug_run_ack_ns = (mpc_debug_run_req_sync & ~dbg_halt_state_ns & ~mpc_debug_halt_req_sync) | (mpc_debug_run_ack_f & mpc_debug_run_req_sync) ;
+ // Pins
+ assign mpc_debug_halt_ack = mpc_debug_halt_ack_f;
+ assign mpc_debug_run_ack = mpc_debug_run_ack_f;
+ assign debug_brkpt_status = debug_brkpt_status_f;
+ // DBG halt req is a pulse, fast ext int in progress has priority
+ assign dbg_halt_req_held_ns = (dbg_halt_req | dbg_halt_req_held) & ext_int_freeze_d1;
+ assign dbg_halt_req_final = (dbg_halt_req | dbg_halt_req_held) & ~ext_int_freeze_d1;
+ // combine MPC and DBG halt requests
+ assign debug_halt_req = (dbg_halt_req_final | mpc_debug_halt_req_sync | (reset_delayed & ~mpc_reset_run_req)) & ~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & ~ext_int_freeze_d1;
+ assign debug_resume_req = ~debug_resume_req_f & // squash back to back resumes
+ ((mpc_run_state_ns & ~dbg_halt_state_ns) | // MPC run req
+ (dbg_run_state_ns & ~mpc_halt_state_ns)); // dbg request is a pulse
+ // HALT
+ // dbg/pmu/fw requests halt, service as soon as lsu is not blocking interrupts
+ assign take_halt = (debug_halt_req_f | pmu_fw_halt_req_f) & ~synchronous_flush_r & ~mret_r & ~halt_taken_f & ~dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r_d1 & ~take_reset;
+ // hold after we take a halt, so we don't keep taking halts
+ assign halt_taken = (dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r_d1 & ~dec_tlu_flush_pause_r_d1 & ~take_ext_int_start_d1) | (halt_taken_f & ~dbg_tlu_halted_f & ~pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f & ~interrupt_valid_r_d1);
+ // After doing halt flush (RFNPC) wait until core is idle before asserting a particular halt mode
+ // It takes a cycle for mb_empty to assert after a fetch, take_halt covers that cycle
+ assign core_empty = force_halt |
+ (lsu_idle_any & lsu_idle_any_f & ifu_miss_state_idle & ifu_miss_state_idle_f & ~debug_halt_req & ~debug_halt_req_d1 & ~dec_div_active);
+ assign dec_tlu_core_empty = core_empty;
+// Debug start
+ assign enter_debug_halt_req = (~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & debug_halt_req) | dcsr_single_step_done_f | trigger_hit_dmode_r_d1 | ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1;
+ // dbg halt state active from request until non-step resume
+ assign internal_dbg_halt_mode = debug_halt_req_ns | (internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & ~(debug_resume_req_f & ~dcsr[DCSR_STEP]));
+ // dbg halt can access csrs as long as we are not stepping
+ assign allow_dbg_halt_csr_write = internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & ~dcsr_single_step_running_f;
+ // hold debug_halt_req_ns high until we enter debug halt
+ assign debug_halt_req_ns = enter_debug_halt_req | (debug_halt_req_f & ~dbg_tlu_halted);
+ assign dbg_tlu_halted = (debug_halt_req_f & core_empty & halt_taken) | (dbg_tlu_halted_f & ~debug_resume_req_f);
+ assign resume_ack_ns = (debug_resume_req_f & dbg_tlu_halted_f & dbg_run_state_ns);
+ assign dcsr_single_step_done = dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~dec_tlu_dbg_halted & dcsr[DCSR_STEP] & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ assign dcsr_single_step_running = (debug_resume_req_f & dcsr[DCSR_STEP]) | (dcsr_single_step_running_f & ~dcsr_single_step_done_f);
+ assign dbg_cmd_done_ns = dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & dec_tlu_dbg_halted;
+ // used to hold off commits after an in-pipe debug mode request (triggers, DCSR)
+ assign request_debug_mode_r = (trigger_hit_dmode_r | ebreak_to_debug_mode_r) | (request_debug_mode_r_d1 & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb);
+ assign request_debug_mode_done = (request_debug_mode_r_d1 | request_debug_mode_done_f) & ~dbg_tlu_halted_f;
+ rvdffie #(18) halt_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din({dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r, halt_taken, lsu_idle_any, ifu_miss_state_idle, dbg_tlu_halted,
+ resume_ack_ns, debug_halt_req_ns, debug_resume_req, trigger_hit_dmode_r,
+ dcsr_single_step_done, debug_halt_req, dec_tlu_wr_pause_r, dec_pause_state,
+ request_debug_mode_r, request_debug_mode_done, dcsr_single_step_running, dec_tlu_flush_pause_r,
+ dbg_halt_req_held_ns}),
+ .dout({dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r_d1, halt_taken_f, lsu_idle_any_f, ifu_miss_state_idle_f, dbg_tlu_halted_f,
+ dec_tlu_resume_ack , debug_halt_req_f, debug_resume_req_f_raw, trigger_hit_dmode_r_d1,
+ dcsr_single_step_done_f, debug_halt_req_d1, dec_tlu_wr_pause_r_d1, dec_pause_state_f,
+ request_debug_mode_r_d1, request_debug_mode_done_f, dcsr_single_step_running_f, dec_tlu_flush_pause_r_d1,
+ dbg_halt_req_held}));
+ // MPC run collides with DBG halt, fix it here
+ assign debug_resume_req_f = debug_resume_req_f_raw & ~dbg_halt_req;
+ assign dec_tlu_debug_stall = debug_halt_req_f;
+ assign dec_tlu_dbg_halted = dbg_tlu_halted_f;
+ assign dec_tlu_debug_mode = internal_dbg_halt_mode_f;
+ assign dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted = pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f;
+ // kill fetch redirection on flush if going to halt, or if there's a fence during db-halt
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r = take_halt | (fence_i_r & internal_dbg_halt_mode) | dec_tlu_flush_pause_r | (i0_trigger_hit_r & trigger_hit_dmode_r) | take_ext_int_start;
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_extint = take_ext_int_start;
+ // 1 cycle after writing the PAUSE counter, flush with noredir to idle F1-D.
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_pause_r = dec_tlu_wr_pause_r_d1 & ~interrupt_valid_r & ~take_ext_int_start;
+ // detect end of pause counter and rfpc
+ assign pause_expired_r = ~dec_pause_state & dec_pause_state_f & ~(ext_int_ready | ce_int_ready | timer_int_ready | soft_int_ready | int_timer0_int_hold_f | int_timer1_int_hold_f | nmi_int_detected | ext_int_freeze_d1) & ~interrupt_valid_r_d1 & ~debug_halt_req_f & ~pmu_fw_halt_req_f & ~halt_taken_f;
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_r = dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & dcsr[DCSR_STEP] & (dec_tlu_resume_ack | dcsr_single_step_running) & ~dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r;
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_err_r = dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & (ic_perr_r | iccm_sbecc_r);
+ // If DM attempts to access an illegal CSR, send cmd_fail back
+ assign dec_dbg_cmd_done = dbg_cmd_done_ns;
+ assign dec_dbg_cmd_fail = illegal_r & dec_dbg_cmd_done;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Triggers
+ //
+localparam MTDATA1_DMODE = 9;
+localparam MTDATA1_SEL = 7;
+localparam MTDATA1_ACTION = 6;
+localparam MTDATA1_CHAIN = 5;
+localparam MTDATA1_MATCH = 4;
+localparam MTDATA1_M_ENABLED = 3;
+localparam MTDATA1_EXE = 2;
+localparam MTDATA1_ST = 1;
+localparam MTDATA1_LD = 0;
+ // Prioritize trigger hits with other exceptions.
+ //
+ // Trigger should have highest priority except:
+ // - trigger is an execute-data and there is an inst_access exception (lsu triggers won't fire, inst. is nop'd by decode)
+ // - trigger is a store-data and there is a lsu_acc_exc or lsu_ma_exc.
+ assign trigger_execute[3:0] = {mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_EXE], mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_EXE], mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_EXE], mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_EXE]};
+ assign trigger_data[3:0] = {mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_SEL], mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_SEL], mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_SEL], mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_SEL]};
+ assign trigger_store[3:0] = {mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_ST], mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_ST], mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_ST], mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_ST]};
+ // MSTATUS[MIE] needs to be on to take triggers unless the action is trigger to debug mode.
+ assign trigger_enabled[3:0] = {(mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_ACTION] | mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE]) & mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED],
+ (mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_ACTION] | mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE]) & mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED],
+ (mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_ACTION] | mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE]) & mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED],
+ (mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_ACTION] | mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE]) & mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED]};
+ // iside exceptions are always in i0
+ assign i0_iside_trigger_has_pri_r[3:0] = ~( (trigger_execute[3:0] & trigger_data[3:0] & {4{inst_acc_r_raw}}) | // exe-data with inst_acc
+ ({4{exu_i0_br_error_r | exu_i0_br_start_error_r}})); // branch error in i0
+ // lsu excs have to line up with their respective triggers since the lsu op can be i0
+ assign i0_lsu_trigger_has_pri_r[3:0] = ~(trigger_store[3:0] & trigger_data[3:0] & {4{lsu_i0_exc_r_raw}});
+ // trigger hits have to be eval'd to cancel side effect lsu ops even though the pipe is already frozen
+ assign i0_trigger_eval_r = dec_tlu_i0_valid_r;
+ assign i0trigger_qual_r[3:0] = {4{i0_trigger_eval_r}} & dec_tlu_packet_r.i0trigger[3:0] & i0_iside_trigger_has_pri_r[3:0] & i0_lsu_trigger_has_pri_r[3:0] & trigger_enabled[3:0];
+ // Qual trigger hits
+ assign i0_trigger_r[3:0] = ~{4{dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_dbg_halted}} & i0trigger_qual_r[3:0];
+ // chaining can mask raw trigger info
+ assign i0_trigger_chain_masked_r[3:0] = {i0_trigger_r[3] & (~mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_CHAIN] | i0_trigger_r[2]),
+ i0_trigger_r[2] & (~mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_CHAIN] | i0_trigger_r[3]),
+ i0_trigger_r[1] & (~mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_CHAIN] | i0_trigger_r[0]),
+ i0_trigger_r[0] & (~mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_CHAIN] | i0_trigger_r[1])};
+ // This is the highest priority by this point.
+ assign i0_trigger_hit_raw_r = |i0_trigger_chain_masked_r[3:0];
+ assign i0_trigger_hit_r = i0_trigger_hit_raw_r;
+ // Actions include breakpoint, or dmode. Dmode is only possible if the DMODE bit is set.
+ // Otherwise, take a breakpoint.
+ assign trigger_action[3:0] = {mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_ACTION] & mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_DMODE],
+ mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_ACTION] & mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_DMODE] & ~mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_CHAIN],
+ mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_ACTION] & mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_DMODE],
+ mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_ACTION] & mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_DMODE] & ~mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_CHAIN]};
+ // this is needed to set the HIT bit in the triggers
+ assign update_hit_bit_r[3:0] = ({4{|i0_trigger_r[3:0] & ~rfpc_i0_r}} & {i0_trigger_chain_masked_r[3], i0_trigger_r[2], i0_trigger_chain_masked_r[1], i0_trigger_r[0]});
+ // action, 1 means dmode. Simultaneous triggers with at least 1 set for dmode force entire action to dmode.
+ assign i0_trigger_action_r = |(i0_trigger_chain_masked_r[3:0] & trigger_action[3:0]);
+ assign trigger_hit_dmode_r = (i0_trigger_hit_r & i0_trigger_action_r);
+ assign mepc_trigger_hit_sel_pc_r = i0_trigger_hit_r & ~trigger_hit_dmode_r;
+// Debug end
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // Commit
+ //
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // External halt (not debug halt)
+ // - Fully interlocked handshake
+ // i_cpu_halt_req ____|--------------|_______________
+ // core_empty ---------------|___________
+ // o_cpu_halt_ack _________________|----|__________
+ // o_cpu_halt_status _______________|---------------------|_________
+ // i_cpu_run_req ______|----------|____
+ // o_cpu_run_ack ____________|------|________
+ //
+ // debug mode has priority, ignore PMU/FW halt/run while in debug mode
+ assign i_cpu_halt_req_sync_qual = i_cpu_halt_req_sync & ~dec_tlu_debug_mode & ~ext_int_freeze_d1;
+ assign i_cpu_run_req_sync_qual = i_cpu_run_req_sync & ~dec_tlu_debug_mode & pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f & ~ext_int_freeze_d1;
+ rvdffie #(10) exthaltff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .din({i_cpu_halt_req_sync_qual, i_cpu_run_req_sync_qual, cpu_halt_status,
+ cpu_halt_ack, cpu_run_ack, internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode,
+ pmu_fw_halt_req_ns, pmu_fw_tlu_halted,
+ int_timer0_int_hold, int_timer1_int_hold}),
+ .dout({i_cpu_halt_req_d1, i_cpu_run_req_d1_raw, o_cpu_halt_status,
+ o_cpu_halt_ack, o_cpu_run_ack, internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode_f,
+ pmu_fw_halt_req_f, pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f,
+ int_timer0_int_hold_f, int_timer1_int_hold_f}));
+ // only happens if we aren't in dgb_halt
+ assign ext_halt_pulse = i_cpu_halt_req_sync_qual & ~i_cpu_halt_req_d1;
+ assign enter_pmu_fw_halt_req = ext_halt_pulse | fw_halt_req;
+ assign pmu_fw_halt_req_ns = (enter_pmu_fw_halt_req | (pmu_fw_halt_req_f & ~pmu_fw_tlu_halted)) & ~debug_halt_req_f;
+ assign internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode = pmu_fw_halt_req_ns | (internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode_f & ~i_cpu_run_req_d1 & ~debug_halt_req_f);
+ // debug halt has priority
+ assign pmu_fw_tlu_halted = ((pmu_fw_halt_req_f & core_empty & halt_taken & ~enter_debug_halt_req) | (pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f & ~i_cpu_run_req_d1)) & ~debug_halt_req_f;
+ assign cpu_halt_ack = (i_cpu_halt_req_d1 & pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f) | (o_cpu_halt_ack & i_cpu_halt_req_sync);
+ assign cpu_halt_status = (pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f & ~i_cpu_run_req_d1) | (o_cpu_halt_status & ~i_cpu_run_req_d1 & ~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f);
+ assign cpu_run_ack = (~pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f & i_cpu_run_req_sync) | (o_cpu_halt_status & i_cpu_run_req_d1_raw) | (o_cpu_run_ack & i_cpu_run_req_sync);
+ assign debug_mode_status = internal_dbg_halt_mode_f;
+ assign o_debug_mode_status = debug_mode_status;
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ assert_commit_while_halted: assert #0 (~(tlu_i0_commit_cmt & o_cpu_halt_status)) else $display("ERROR: Commiting while cpu_halt_status asserted!");
+ assert_flush_while_fastint: assert #0 (~((take_ext_int_start_d1 | take_ext_int_start_d2) & dec_tlu_flush_lower_r)) else $display("ERROR: TLU Flushing inside fast interrupt procedure!");
+ // high priority interrupts can wakeup from external halt, so can unmasked timer interrupts
+ assign i_cpu_run_req_d1 = i_cpu_run_req_d1_raw | ((nmi_int_detected | timer_int_ready | soft_int_ready | int_timer0_int_hold_f | int_timer1_int_hold_f | (mhwakeup & mhwakeup_ready)) & o_cpu_halt_status & ~i_cpu_halt_req_d1);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assign lsu_single_ecc_error_r = lsu_single_ecc_error_incr;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_addr_r[31:0] = lsu_error_pkt_r.addr[31:0];
+ assign lsu_exc_valid_r_raw = lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_valid & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb;
+ assign lsu_i0_exc_r_raw = lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_valid;
+ assign lsu_i0_exc_r = lsu_i0_exc_r_raw & lsu_exc_valid_r_raw & ~i0_trigger_hit_r & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ assign lsu_exc_valid_r = lsu_i0_exc_r;
+ assign lsu_exc_ma_r = lsu_i0_exc_r & ~lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_type;
+ assign lsu_exc_acc_r = lsu_i0_exc_r & lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_type;
+ assign lsu_exc_st_r = lsu_i0_exc_r & lsu_error_pkt_r.inst_type;
+ // Single bit ECC errors on loads are RFNPC corrected, with the corrected data written to the GPR.
+ // LSU turns the load into a store and patches the data in the DCCM
+ assign lsu_i0_rfnpc_r = dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r &
+ (~lsu_error_pkt_r.inst_type & lsu_error_pkt_r.single_ecc_error);
+ // Final commit valids
+ assign tlu_i0_commit_cmt = dec_tlu_i0_valid_r &
+ ~rfpc_i0_r &
+ ~lsu_i0_exc_r &
+ ~inst_acc_r &
+ ~dec_tlu_dbg_halted &
+ ~request_debug_mode_r_d1 &
+ ~i0_trigger_hit_r;
+ // unified place to manage the killing of arch state writebacks
+ assign tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r = rfpc_i0_r | lsu_i0_exc_r | inst_acc_r | (illegal_r & dec_tlu_dbg_halted) | i0_trigger_hit_r;
+ assign dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt = tlu_i0_commit_cmt;
+ // refetch PC, microarch flush
+ // ic errors only in pipe0
+ assign rfpc_i0_r = ((dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~tlu_flush_lower_r_d1 & (exu_i0_br_error_r | exu_i0_br_start_error_r)) | // inst commit with rfpc
+ ((ic_perr_r | iccm_sbecc_r) & ~ext_int_freeze_d1)) & // ic/iccm without inst commit
+ ~i0_trigger_hit_r & // unless there's a trigger. Err signal to ic/iccm will assert anyway to clear the error.
+ ~lsu_i0_rfnpc_r;
+ // From the indication of a iccm single bit error until the first commit or flush, maintain a repair state. In the repair state, rfnpc i0 commits.
+ assign iccm_repair_state_ns = iccm_sbecc_r | (iccm_repair_state_d1 & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r);
+ localparam MCPC = 12'h7c2;
+ // this is a flush of last resort, meaning only assert it if there is no other flush happening.
+ assign iccm_repair_state_rfnpc = tlu_i0_commit_cmt & iccm_repair_state_d1 &
+ ~(ebreak_r | ecall_r | mret_r | take_reset | illegal_r | (dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MCPC)));
+if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+ // go ahead and repair the branch error on other flushes, doesn't have to be the rfpc flush
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_error_r = exu_i0_br_error_r & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~tlu_flush_lower_r_d1;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_start_error_r = exu_i0_br_start_error_r & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~tlu_flush_lower_r_d1;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_v_r = exu_i0_br_valid_r & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~tlu_flush_lower_r_d1 & (~exu_i0_br_mp_r | ~exu_pmu_i0_br_ataken);
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.hist[1:0] = exu_i0_br_hist_r[1:0];
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_error = dec_tlu_br0_error_r;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error = dec_tlu_br0_start_error_r;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.valid = dec_tlu_br0_v_r;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.way = exu_i0_br_way_r;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.middle = exu_i0_br_middle_r;
+end // if (pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+else begin
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_error_r = '0;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_start_error_r = '0;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_v_r = '0;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt = '0;
+end // else: !if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ // only expect these in pipe 0
+ assign ebreak_r = (dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_i0_itype == EBREAK) & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r & ~dcsr[DCSR_EBREAKM] & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ assign ecall_r = (dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_i0_itype == ECALL) & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ assign illegal_r = & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ assign mret_r = (dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_i0_itype == MRET) & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ // fence_i includes debug only fence_i's
+ assign fence_i_r = (dec_tlu_packet_r.fence_i & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r) & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ assign ic_perr_r = ifu_ic_error_start_f & ~ext_int_freeze_d1 & (~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f | dcsr_single_step_running) & ~internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode_f;
+ assign iccm_sbecc_r = ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_f & ~ext_int_freeze_d1 & (~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f | dcsr_single_step_running) & ~internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode_f;
+ assign inst_acc_r_raw = dec_tlu_packet_r.icaf & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r;
+ assign inst_acc_r = inst_acc_r_raw & ~rfpc_i0_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r;
+ assign inst_acc_second_r = dec_tlu_packet_r.icaf_second;
+ assign ebreak_to_debug_mode_r = (dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_i0_itype == EBREAK) & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r & dcsr[DCSR_EBREAKM] & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ rvdff #(1) exctype_wb_ff (.*, .clk(e4e5_clk),
+ .din (ebreak_to_debug_mode_r ),
+ .dout(ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1));
+ assign dec_tlu_fence_i_r = fence_i_r;
+ //
+ // Exceptions
+ //
+ // - MEPC <- PC
+ // - PC <- MTVEC, assert flush_lower
+ // - MCAUSE <- cause
+ // - MSCAUSE <- secondary cause
+ // - MTVAL <-
+ // - MPIE <- MIE
+ // - MIE <- 0
+ //
+ assign i0_exception_valid_r = (ebreak_r | ecall_r | illegal_r | inst_acc_r) & ~rfpc_i0_r & ~dec_tlu_dbg_halted;
+ // Cause:
+ //
+ // 0x2 : illegal
+ // 0x3 : breakpoint
+ // 0xb : Environment call M-mode
+ assign exc_cause_r[4:0] = ( ({5{take_ext_int}} & 5'h0b) |
+ ({5{take_timer_int}} & 5'h07) |
+ ({5{take_soft_int}} & 5'h03) |
+ ({5{take_int_timer0_int}} & 5'h1d) |
+ ({5{take_int_timer1_int}} & 5'h1c) |
+ ({5{take_ce_int}} & 5'h1e) |
+ ({5{illegal_r}} & 5'h02) |
+ ({5{ecall_r}} & 5'h0b) |
+ ({5{inst_acc_r}} & 5'h01) |
+ ({5{ebreak_r | i0_trigger_hit_r}} & 5'h03) |
+ ({5{lsu_exc_ma_r & ~lsu_exc_st_r}} & 5'h04) |
+ ({5{lsu_exc_acc_r & ~lsu_exc_st_r}} & 5'h05) |
+ ({5{lsu_exc_ma_r & lsu_exc_st_r}} & 5'h06) |
+ ({5{lsu_exc_acc_r & lsu_exc_st_r}} & 5'h07)
+ ) & ~{5{take_nmi}};
+ //
+ // Interrupts
+ //
+ // exceptions that are committed have already happened and will cause an int at E4 to wait a cycle
+ // or more if MSTATUS[MIE] is cleared.
+ //
+ // -in priority order, highest to lowest
+ // -single cycle window where a csr write to MIE/MSTATUS is at E4 when the other conditions for externals are met.
+ // Hold off externals for a cycle to make sure we are consistent with what was just written
+ assign mhwakeup_ready = ~dec_csr_stall_int_ff & mstatus_mie_ns & mip[MIP_MEIP] & mie_ns[MIE_MEIE];
+ assign ext_int_ready = ~dec_csr_stall_int_ff & mstatus_mie_ns & mip[MIP_MEIP] & mie_ns[MIE_MEIE] & ~ignore_ext_int_due_to_lsu_stall;
+ assign ce_int_ready = ~dec_csr_stall_int_ff & mstatus_mie_ns & mip[MIP_MCEIP] & mie_ns[MIE_MCEIE];
+ assign soft_int_ready = ~dec_csr_stall_int_ff & mstatus_mie_ns & mip[MIP_MSIP] & mie_ns[MIE_MSIE];
+ assign timer_int_ready = ~dec_csr_stall_int_ff & mstatus_mie_ns & mip[MIP_MTIP] & mie_ns[MIE_MTIE];
+ // MIP for internal timers pulses for 1 clock, resets the timer counter. Mip won't hold past the various stall conditions.
+ assign int_timer0_int_possible = mstatus_mie_ns & mie_ns[MIE_MITIE0];
+ assign int_timer0_int_ready = mip[MIP_MITIP0] & int_timer0_int_possible;
+ assign int_timer1_int_possible = mstatus_mie_ns & mie_ns[MIE_MITIE1];
+ assign int_timer1_int_ready = mip[MIP_MITIP1] & int_timer1_int_possible;
+ // Internal timers pulse and reset. If core is PMU/FW halted, the pulse will cause an exit from halt, but won't stick around
+ // Make it sticky, also for 1 cycle stall conditions.
+ assign int_timer_stalled = dec_csr_stall_int_ff | synchronous_flush_r | exc_or_int_valid_r_d1 | mret_r;
+ assign int_timer0_int_hold = (int_timer0_int_ready & (pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f | int_timer_stalled)) | (int_timer0_int_possible & int_timer0_int_hold_f & ~interrupt_valid_r & ~take_ext_int_start & ~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f);
+ assign int_timer1_int_hold = (int_timer1_int_ready & (pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f | int_timer_stalled)) | (int_timer1_int_possible & int_timer1_int_hold_f & ~interrupt_valid_r & ~take_ext_int_start & ~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f);
+ assign internal_dbg_halt_timers = internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & ~dcsr_single_step_running;
+ assign block_interrupts = ( (internal_dbg_halt_mode & (~dcsr_single_step_running | dec_tlu_i0_valid_r)) | // No ints in db-halt unless we are single stepping
+ internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode | i_cpu_halt_req_d1 |// No ints in PMU/FW halt. First we exit halt
+ take_nmi | // NMI is top priority
+ ebreak_to_debug_mode_r | // Heading to debug mode, hold off ints
+ synchronous_flush_r | // exception flush this cycle
+ exc_or_int_valid_r_d1 | // ext/int past cycle (need time for MIE to update)
+ mret_r | // mret in progress, for cases were ISR enables ints before mret
+ ext_int_freeze_d1 // Fast interrupt in progress (optional)
+ );
+ assign take_ext_int_start = ext_int_ready & ~block_interrupts;
+ assign ext_int_freeze = take_ext_int_start | take_ext_int_start_d1 | take_ext_int_start_d2 | take_ext_int_start_d3;
+ assign take_ext_int = take_ext_int_start_d3 & ~|lsu_fir_error[1:0];
+ assign fast_int_meicpct = csr_meicpct & dec_csr_any_unq_d; // MEICPCT becomes illegal if fast ints are enabled
+ assign ignore_ext_int_due_to_lsu_stall = lsu_fastint_stall_any;
+else begin
+ assign take_ext_int_start = 1'b0;
+ assign ext_int_freeze = 1'b0;
+ assign ext_int_freeze_d1 = 1'b0;
+ assign take_ext_int_start_d1 = 1'b0;
+ assign take_ext_int_start_d2 = 1'b0;
+ assign take_ext_int_start_d3 = 1'b0;
+ assign fast_int_meicpct = 1'b0;
+ assign ignore_ext_int_due_to_lsu_stall = 1'b0;
+ assign take_ext_int = ext_int_ready & ~block_interrupts;
+ assign take_ce_int = ce_int_ready & ~ext_int_ready & ~block_interrupts;
+ assign take_soft_int = soft_int_ready & ~ext_int_ready & ~ce_int_ready & ~block_interrupts;
+ assign take_timer_int = timer_int_ready & ~soft_int_ready & ~ext_int_ready & ~ce_int_ready & ~block_interrupts;
+ assign take_int_timer0_int = (int_timer0_int_ready | int_timer0_int_hold_f) & int_timer0_int_possible & ~dec_csr_stall_int_ff &
+ ~timer_int_ready & ~soft_int_ready & ~ext_int_ready & ~ce_int_ready & ~block_interrupts;
+ assign take_int_timer1_int = (int_timer1_int_ready | int_timer1_int_hold_f) & int_timer1_int_possible & ~dec_csr_stall_int_ff &
+ ~(int_timer0_int_ready | int_timer0_int_hold_f) & ~timer_int_ready & ~soft_int_ready & ~ext_int_ready & ~ce_int_ready & ~block_interrupts;
+ assign take_reset = reset_delayed & mpc_reset_run_req;
+ assign take_nmi = nmi_int_detected & ~internal_pmu_fw_halt_mode & (~internal_dbg_halt_mode | (dcsr_single_step_running_f & dcsr[DCSR_STEPIE] & ~dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~dcsr_single_step_done_f)) &
+ ~synchronous_flush_r & ~mret_r & ~take_reset & ~ebreak_to_debug_mode_r & (~ext_int_freeze_d1 | (take_ext_int_start_d3 & |lsu_fir_error[1:0]));
+ assign interrupt_valid_r = take_ext_int | take_timer_int | take_soft_int | take_nmi | take_ce_int | take_int_timer0_int | take_int_timer1_int;
+ // Compute interrupt path:
+ // If vectored async is set in mtvec, flush path for interrupts is MTVEC + (4 * CAUSE);
+ assign vectored_path[31:1] = {mtvec[30:1], 1'b0} + {25'b0, exc_cause_r[4:0], 1'b0};
+ assign interrupt_path[31:1] = take_nmi ? nmi_vec[31:1] : ((mtvec[0] == 1'b1) ? vectored_path[31:1] : {mtvec[30:1], 1'b0});
+ assign sel_npc_r = lsu_i0_rfnpc_r | fence_i_r | iccm_repair_state_rfnpc | (i_cpu_run_req_d1 & ~interrupt_valid_r) | (rfpc_i0_r & ~dec_tlu_i0_valid_r);
+ assign sel_npc_resume = (i_cpu_run_req_d1 & pmu_fw_tlu_halted_f) | pause_expired_r;
+ assign sel_fir_addr = take_ext_int_start_d3 & ~|lsu_fir_error[1:0];
+ assign synchronous_flush_r = i0_exception_valid_r | // exception
+ rfpc_i0_r | // rfpc
+ lsu_exc_valid_r | // lsu exception in either pipe 0 or pipe 1
+ fence_i_r | // fence, a rfnpc
+ lsu_i0_rfnpc_r | // lsu dccm sb ecc
+ iccm_repair_state_rfnpc | // Iccm sb ecc
+ debug_resume_req_f | // resume from debug halt, fetch the dpc
+ sel_npc_resume | // resume from pmu/fw halt, or from pause and fetch the NPC
+ dec_tlu_wr_pause_r_d1 | // flush at start of pause
+ i0_trigger_hit_r; // trigger hit, ebreak or goto debug mode
+ assign tlu_flush_lower_r = interrupt_valid_r | mret_r | synchronous_flush_r | take_halt | take_reset | take_ext_int_start;
+ assign tlu_flush_path_r[31:1] = take_reset ? rst_vec[31:1] :
+ ( ({31{sel_fir_addr}} & lsu_fir_addr[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~take_nmi & sel_npc_r}} & npc_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~take_nmi & rfpc_i0_r & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~sel_npc_r}} & dec_tlu_i0_pc_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{interrupt_valid_r & ~sel_fir_addr}} & interrupt_path[31:1]) |
+ ({31{(i0_exception_valid_r | lsu_exc_valid_r |
+ (i0_trigger_hit_r & ~trigger_hit_dmode_r)) & ~interrupt_valid_r & ~sel_fir_addr}} & {mtvec[30:1],1'b0}) |
+ ({31{~take_nmi & mret_r}} & mepc[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~take_nmi & debug_resume_req_f}} & dpc[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~take_nmi & sel_npc_resume}} & npc_r_d1[31:1]) );
+ rvdffpcie #(31) flush_lower_ff (.*, .en(tlu_flush_lower_r),
+ .din({tlu_flush_path_r[31:1]}),
+ .dout({tlu_flush_path_r_d1[31:1]}));
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb = tlu_flush_lower_r_d1;
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_lower_r = tlu_flush_lower_r;
+ assign dec_tlu_flush_path_r[31:1] = tlu_flush_path_r[31:1];
+ // this is used to capture mepc, etc.
+ assign exc_or_int_valid_r = lsu_exc_valid_r | i0_exception_valid_r | interrupt_valid_r | (i0_trigger_hit_r & ~trigger_hit_dmode_r);
+ rvdffie #(12) excinfo_wb_ff (.*,
+ .din({interrupt_valid_r, i0_exception_valid_r, exc_or_int_valid_r,
+ exc_cause_r[4:0], tlu_i0_commit_cmt & ~illegal_r, i0_trigger_hit_r,
+ take_nmi, pause_expired_r }),
+ .dout({interrupt_valid_r_d1, i0_exception_valid_r_d1, exc_or_int_valid_r_d1,
+ exc_cause_wb[4:0], i0_valid_wb, trigger_hit_r_d1,
+ take_nmi_r_d1, pause_expired_wb}));
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // CSRs
+ //
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MISA (RO)
+ // [31:30] XLEN - implementation width, 2'b01 - 32 bits
+ // [12] M - integer mul/div
+ // [8] I - RV32I
+ // [2] C - Compressed extension
+ localparam MISA = 12'h301;
+ localparam MVENDORID = 12'hf11;
+ localparam MARCHID = 12'hf12;
+ localparam MIMPID = 12'hf13;
+ localparam MHARTID = 12'hf14;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [12:11] MPP : Prior priv level, always 2'b11, not flopped
+ // [7] MPIE : Int enable previous [1]
+ // [3] MIE : Int enable [0]
+ localparam MSTATUS = 12'h300;
+ //When executing a MRET instruction, supposing MPP holds the value 3, MIE
+ //is set to MPIE; the privilege mode is changed to 3; MPIE is set to 1; and MPP is set to 3
+ assign dec_csr_wen_r_mod = dec_csr_wen_r & ~i0_trigger_hit_r & ~rfpc_i0_r;
+ assign wr_mstatus_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MSTATUS);
+ // set this even if we don't go to fwhalt due to debug halt. We committed the inst, so ...
+ assign set_mie_pmu_fw_halt = ~mpmc_b_ns[1] & fw_halt_req;
+ assign mstatus_ns[1:0] = ( ({2{~wr_mstatus_r & exc_or_int_valid_r}} & {mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE], 1'b0}) |
+ ({2{ wr_mstatus_r & exc_or_int_valid_r}} & {dec_csr_wrdata_r[3], 1'b0}) |
+ ({2{mret_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & {1'b1, mstatus[1]}) |
+ ({2{set_mie_pmu_fw_halt}} & {mstatus[1], 1'b1}) |
+ ({2{wr_mstatus_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & {dec_csr_wrdata_r[7], dec_csr_wrdata_r[3]}) |
+ ({2{~wr_mstatus_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r & ~mret_r & ~set_mie_pmu_fw_halt}} & mstatus[1:0]) );
+ // gate MIE if we are single stepping and DCSR[STEPIE] is off
+ assign mstatus_mie_ns = mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE] & (~dcsr_single_step_running_f | dcsr[DCSR_STEPIE]);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MTVEC (RW)
+ // [31:2] BASE : Trap vector base address
+ // [1] - Reserved, not implemented, reads zero
+ // [0] MODE : 0 = Direct, 1 = Asyncs are vectored to BASE + (4 * CAUSE)
+ localparam MTVEC = 12'h305;
+ assign wr_mtvec_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTVEC);
+ assign mtvec_ns[30:0] = {dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:2], dec_csr_wrdata_r[0]} ;
+ rvdffe #(31) mtvec_ff (.*, .en(wr_mtvec_r), .din(mtvec_ns[30:0]), .dout(mtvec[30:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MIP (RW)
+ //
+ // [30] MCEIP : (RO) M-Mode Correctable Error interrupt pending
+ // [29] MITIP0 : (RO) M-Mode Internal Timer0 interrupt pending
+ // [28] MITIP1 : (RO) M-Mode Internal Timer1 interrupt pending
+ // [11] MEIP : (RO) M-Mode external interrupt pending
+ // [7] MTIP : (RO) M-Mode timer interrupt pending
+ // [3] MSIP : (RO) M-Mode software interrupt pending
+ localparam MIP = 12'h344;
+ assign ce_int = (mdccme_ce_req | miccme_ce_req | mice_ce_req);
+ assign mip_ns[5:0] = {ce_int, dec_timer_t0_pulse, dec_timer_t1_pulse, mexintpend, timer_int_sync, soft_int_sync};
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MIE (RW)
+ // [30] MCEIE : (RO) M-Mode Correctable Error interrupt enable
+ // [29] MITIE0 : (RO) M-Mode Internal Timer0 interrupt enable
+ // [28] MITIE1 : (RO) M-Mode Internal Timer1 interrupt enable
+ // [11] MEIE : (RW) M-Mode external interrupt enable
+ // [7] MTIE : (RW) M-Mode timer interrupt enable
+ // [3] MSIE : (RW) M-Mode software interrupt enable
+ localparam MIE = 12'h304;
+ assign wr_mie_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MIE);
+ assign mie_ns[5:0] = wr_mie_r ? {dec_csr_wrdata_r[30:28], dec_csr_wrdata_r[11], dec_csr_wrdata_r[7], dec_csr_wrdata_r[3]} : mie[5:0];
+ rvdff #(6) mie_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .din(mie_ns[5:0]), .dout(mie[5:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [31:0] : Lower Cycle count
+ localparam MCYCLEL = 12'hb00;
+ assign kill_ebreak_count_r = ebreak_to_debug_mode_r & dcsr[DCSR_STOPC];
+ assign wr_mcyclel_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MCYCLEL);
+ assign mcyclel_cout_in = ~(kill_ebreak_count_r | (dec_tlu_dbg_halted & dcsr[DCSR_STOPC]) | dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted | mcountinhibit[0]);
+ // split for power
+ assign {mcyclela_cout, mcyclel_inc[7:0]} = mcyclel[7:0] + {7'b0, 1'b1};
+ assign {mcyclel_cout, mcyclel_inc[31:8]} = mcyclel[31:8] + {23'b0, mcyclela_cout};
+ assign mcyclel_ns[31:0] = wr_mcyclel_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mcyclel_inc[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(24) mcyclel_bff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mcyclel_r | (mcyclela_cout & mcyclel_cout_in)), .din(mcyclel_ns[31:8]), .dout(mcyclel[31:8]));
+ rvdffe #(8) mcyclel_aff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mcyclel_r | mcyclel_cout_in), .din(mcyclel_ns[7:0]), .dout(mcyclel[7:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [63:32] : Higher Cycle count
+ // Chained with mcyclel. Note: mcyclel overflow due to a mcycleh write gets ignored.
+ localparam MCYCLEH = 12'hb80;
+ assign wr_mcycleh_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MCYCLEH);
+ assign mcycleh_inc[31:0] = mcycleh[31:0] + {31'b0, mcyclel_cout_f};
+ assign mcycleh_ns[31:0] = wr_mcycleh_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mcycleh_inc[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(32) mcycleh_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mcycleh_r | mcyclel_cout_f), .din(mcycleh_ns[31:0]), .dout(mcycleh[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [31:0] : Lower Instruction retired count
+ // From the spec "Some CSRs, such as the instructions retired counter, instret, may be modified as side effects
+ // of instruction execution. In these cases, if a CSR access instruction reads a CSR, it reads the
+ // value prior to the execution of the instruction. If a CSR access instruction writes a CSR, the
+ // update occurs after the execution of the instruction. In particular, a value written to instret by
+ // one instruction will be the value read by the following instruction (i.e., the increment of instret
+ // caused by the first instruction retiring happens before the write of the new value)."
+ localparam MINSTRETL = 12'hb02;
+ assign i0_valid_no_ebreak_ecall_r = dec_tlu_i0_valid_r & ~(ebreak_r | ecall_r | ebreak_to_debug_mode_r | illegal_r | mcountinhibit[2]);
+ assign wr_minstretl_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MINSTRETL);
+ assign {minstretl_couta, minstretl_inc[7:0]} = minstretl[7:0] + {7'b0,1'b1};
+ assign {minstretl_cout, minstretl_inc[31:8]} = minstretl[31:8] + {23'b0, minstretl_couta};
+ assign minstret_enable = (i0_valid_no_ebreak_ecall_r & tlu_i0_commit_cmt) | wr_minstretl_r;
+ assign minstretl_cout_ns = minstretl_cout & ~wr_minstreth_r & i0_valid_no_ebreak_ecall_r & ~dec_tlu_dbg_halted;
+ assign minstretl_ns[31:0] = wr_minstretl_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : minstretl_inc[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(24) minstretl_bff (.*, .en(wr_minstretl_r | (minstretl_couta & minstret_enable)),
+ .din(minstretl_ns[31:8]), .dout(minstretl[31:8]));
+ rvdffe #(8) minstretl_aff (.*, .en(minstret_enable),
+ .din(minstretl_ns[7:0]), .dout(minstretl[7:0]));
+ assign minstretl_read[31:0] = minstretl[31:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [63:32] : Higher Instret count
+ // Chained with minstretl. Note: minstretl overflow due to a minstreth write gets ignored.
+ localparam MINSTRETH = 12'hb82;
+ assign wr_minstreth_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MINSTRETH);
+ assign minstreth_inc[31:0] = minstreth[31:0] + {31'b0, minstretl_cout_f};
+ assign minstreth_ns[31:0] = wr_minstreth_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : minstreth_inc[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(32) minstreth_ff (.*, .en((minstret_enable_f & minstretl_cout_f) | wr_minstreth_r), .din(minstreth_ns[31:0]), .dout(minstreth[31:0]));
+ assign minstreth_read[31:0] = minstreth_inc[31:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [31:0] : Scratch register
+ localparam MSCRATCH = 12'h340;
+ assign wr_mscratch_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MSCRATCH);
+ rvdffe #(32) mscratch_ff (.*, .en(wr_mscratch_r), .din(dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]), .dout(mscratch[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MEPC (RW)
+ // [31:1] : Exception PC
+ localparam MEPC = 12'h341;
+ // NPC
+ assign sel_exu_npc_r = ~dec_tlu_dbg_halted & ~tlu_flush_lower_r_d1 & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r;
+ assign sel_flush_npc_r = ~dec_tlu_dbg_halted & tlu_flush_lower_r_d1 & ~dec_tlu_flush_noredir_r_d1;
+ assign sel_hold_npc_r = ~sel_exu_npc_r & ~sel_flush_npc_r;
+ assign npc_r[31:1] = ( ({31{sel_exu_npc_r}} & exu_npc_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~mpc_reset_run_req & reset_delayed}} & rst_vec[31:1]) | // init to reset vector for mpc halt on reset case
+ ({31{(sel_flush_npc_r)}} & tlu_flush_path_r_d1[31:1]) |
+ ({31{(sel_hold_npc_r)}} & npc_r_d1[31:1]) );
+ rvdffpcie #(31) npwbc_ff (.*, .en(sel_exu_npc_r | sel_flush_npc_r | reset_delayed), .din(npc_r[31:1]), .dout(npc_r_d1[31:1]));
+ // PC has to be captured for exceptions and interrupts. For MRET, we could execute it and then take an
+ // interrupt before the next instruction.
+ assign pc0_valid_r = ~dec_tlu_dbg_halted & dec_tlu_i0_valid_r;
+ assign pc_r[31:1] = ( ({31{ pc0_valid_r}} & dec_tlu_i0_pc_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~pc0_valid_r}} & pc_r_d1[31:1]));
+ rvdffpcie #(31) pwbc_ff (.*, .en(pc0_valid_r), .din(pc_r[31:1]), .dout(pc_r_d1[31:1]));
+ assign wr_mepc_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MEPC);
+ assign mepc_ns[31:1] = ( ({31{i0_exception_valid_r | lsu_exc_valid_r | mepc_trigger_hit_sel_pc_r}} & pc_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{interrupt_valid_r}} & npc_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{wr_mepc_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~wr_mepc_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & mepc[31:1]) );
+ rvdffe #(31) mepc_ff (.*, .en(i0_exception_valid_r | lsu_exc_valid_r | mepc_trigger_hit_sel_pc_r | interrupt_valid_r | wr_mepc_r), .din(mepc_ns[31:1]), .dout(mepc[31:1]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MCAUSE (RW)
+ // [31:0] : Exception Cause
+ localparam MCAUSE = 12'h342;
+ assign wr_mcause_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MCAUSE);
+ assign mcause_sel_nmi_store = exc_or_int_valid_r & take_nmi & nmi_lsu_store_type;
+ assign mcause_sel_nmi_load = exc_or_int_valid_r & take_nmi & nmi_lsu_load_type;
+ assign mcause_sel_nmi_ext = exc_or_int_valid_r & take_nmi & take_ext_int_start_d3 & |lsu_fir_error[1:0] & ~nmi_int_detected_f;
+ // FIR value decoder
+ // 0 –no error
+ // 1 –uncorrectable ecc => f000_1000
+ // 2 –dccm region access error => f000_1001
+ // 3 –non dccm region access error => f000_1002
+ assign mcause_fir_error_type[1:0] = {&lsu_fir_error[1:0], lsu_fir_error[1] & ~lsu_fir_error[0]};
+ assign mcause_ns[31:0] = ( ({32{mcause_sel_nmi_store}} & {32'hf000_0000}) |
+ ({32{mcause_sel_nmi_load}} & {32'hf000_0001}) |
+ ({32{mcause_sel_nmi_ext}} & {28'hf000_100, 2'b0, mcause_fir_error_type[1:0]}) |
+ ({32{exc_or_int_valid_r & ~take_nmi}} & {interrupt_valid_r, 26'b0, exc_cause_r[4:0]}) |
+ ({32{wr_mcause_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]) |
+ ({32{~wr_mcause_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & mcause[31:0]) );
+ rvdffe #(32) mcause_ff (.*, .en(exc_or_int_valid_r | wr_mcause_r), .din(mcause_ns[31:0]), .dout(mcause[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [2:0] : Secondary exception Cause
+ localparam MSCAUSE = 12'h7ff;
+ assign wr_mscause_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MSCAUSE);
+ assign ifu_mscause[3:0] = (dec_tlu_packet_r.icaf_type[1:0] == 2'b00) ? 4'b1001 :
+ {2'b00 , dec_tlu_packet_r.icaf_type[1:0]} ;
+ assign mscause_type[3:0] = ( ({4{lsu_i0_exc_r}} & lsu_error_pkt_r.mscause[3:0]) |
+ ({4{i0_trigger_hit_r}} & 4'b0001) |
+ ({4{ebreak_r}} & 4'b0010) |
+ ({4{inst_acc_r}} & ifu_mscause[3:0])
+ );
+ assign mscause_ns[3:0] = ( ({4{exc_or_int_valid_r}} & mscause_type[3:0]) |
+ ({4{ wr_mscause_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & dec_csr_wrdata_r[3:0]) |
+ ({4{~wr_mscause_r & ~exc_or_int_valid_r}} & mscause[3:0])
+ );
+ rvdff #(4) mscause_ff (.*, .clk(e4e5_int_clk), .din(mscause_ns[3:0]), .dout(mscause[3:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MTVAL (RW)
+ // [31:0] : Exception address if relevant
+ localparam MTVAL = 12'h343;
+ assign wr_mtval_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTVAL);
+ assign mtval_capture_pc_r = exc_or_int_valid_r & (ebreak_r | (inst_acc_r & ~inst_acc_second_r) | mepc_trigger_hit_sel_pc_r) & ~take_nmi;
+ assign mtval_capture_pc_plus2_r = exc_or_int_valid_r & (inst_acc_r & inst_acc_second_r) & ~take_nmi;
+ assign mtval_capture_inst_r = exc_or_int_valid_r & illegal_r & ~take_nmi;
+ assign mtval_capture_lsu_r = exc_or_int_valid_r & lsu_exc_valid_r & ~take_nmi;
+ assign mtval_clear_r = exc_or_int_valid_r & ~mtval_capture_pc_r & ~mtval_capture_inst_r & ~mtval_capture_lsu_r & ~mepc_trigger_hit_sel_pc_r;
+ assign mtval_ns[31:0] = (({32{mtval_capture_pc_r}} & {pc_r[31:1], 1'b0}) |
+ ({32{mtval_capture_pc_plus2_r}} & {pc_r[31:1] + 31'b1, 1'b0}) |
+ ({32{mtval_capture_inst_r}} & dec_illegal_inst[31:0]) |
+ ({32{mtval_capture_lsu_r}} & lsu_error_pkt_addr_r[31:0]) |
+ ({32{wr_mtval_r & ~interrupt_valid_r}} & dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]) |
+ ({32{~take_nmi & ~wr_mtval_r & ~mtval_capture_pc_r & ~mtval_capture_inst_r & ~mtval_clear_r & ~mtval_capture_lsu_r}} & mtval[31:0]) );
+ rvdffe #(32) mtval_ff (.*, .en(tlu_flush_lower_r | wr_mtval_r), .din(mtval_ns[31:0]), .dout(mtval[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MCGC (RW) Clock gating control
+ // [31:10]: Reserved, reads 0x0
+ // [9] : picio_clk_override
+ // [7] : dec_clk_override
+ // [6] : Unused
+ // [5] : ifu_clk_override
+ // [4] : lsu_clk_override
+ // [3] : bus_clk_override
+ // [2] : pic_clk_override
+ // [1] : dccm_clk_override
+ // [0] : icm_clk_override
+ //
+ localparam MCGC = 12'h7f8;
+ assign wr_mcgc_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MCGC);
+ assign mcgc_ns[9:0] = wr_mcgc_r ? {~dec_csr_wrdata_r[9], dec_csr_wrdata_r[8:0]} : mcgc_int[9:0];
+ rvdffe #(10) mcgc_ff (.*, .en(wr_mcgc_r), .din(mcgc_ns[9:0]), .dout(mcgc_int[9:0]));
+ assign mcgc[9:0] = {~mcgc_int[9], mcgc_int[8:0]};
+ assign dec_tlu_picio_clk_override= mcgc[9];
+ assign dec_tlu_misc_clk_override = mcgc[8];
+ assign dec_tlu_dec_clk_override = mcgc[7];
+ //sign dec_tlu_exu_clk_override = mcgc[6];
+ assign dec_tlu_ifu_clk_override = mcgc[5];
+ assign dec_tlu_lsu_clk_override = mcgc[4];
+ assign dec_tlu_bus_clk_override = mcgc[3];
+ assign dec_tlu_pic_clk_override = mcgc[2];
+ assign dec_tlu_dccm_clk_override = mcgc[1];
+ assign dec_tlu_icm_clk_override = mcgc[0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MFDC (RW) Feature Disable Control
+ // [31:19] : Reserved, reads 0x0
+ // [18:16] : DMA QoS Prty
+ // [15:13] : Reserved, reads 0x0
+ // [12] : Disable trace
+ // [11] : Disable external load forwarding
+ // [10] : Disable dual issue
+ // [9] : Disable pic multiple ints
+ // [8] : Disable core ecc
+ // [7] : Disable secondary alu?s
+ // [6] : Unused, 0x0
+ // [5] : Disable non-blocking loads/divides
+ // [4] : Disable fast divide
+ // [3] : Disable branch prediction and return stack
+ // [2] : Disable write buffer coalescing
+ // [1] : Disable load misses that bypass the write buffer
+ // [0] : Disable pipelining - Enable single instruction execution
+ //
+ localparam MFDC = 12'h7f9;
+ assign wr_mfdc_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MFDC);
+ rvdffe #(16) mfdc_ff (.*, .en(wr_mfdc_r), .din({mfdc_ns[15:0]}), .dout(mfdc_int[15:0]));
+ // flip poweron value of bit 6 for AXI build
+ if(pt.BUILD_AXI4==1) begin : axi4
+ // flip poweron valid of bit 12
+ assign mfdc_ns[15:0] = {~dec_csr_wrdata_r[18:16], dec_csr_wrdata_r[12], dec_csr_wrdata_r[11:7], ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[6], dec_csr_wrdata_r[5:0]};
+ assign mfdc[18:0] = {~mfdc_int[15:13], 3'b0, mfdc_int[12], mfdc_int[11:7], ~mfdc_int[6], mfdc_int[5:0]};
+ end
+ else begin
+ // flip poweron valid of bit 12
+ assign mfdc_ns[15:0] = {~dec_csr_wrdata_r[18:16],dec_csr_wrdata_r[12:0]};
+ assign mfdc[18:0] = {~mfdc_int[15:13], 3'b0, mfdc_int[12:0]};
+ end
+ assign dec_tlu_dma_qos_prty[2:0] = mfdc[18:16];
+ assign dec_tlu_trace_disable = mfdc[12];
+ assign dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable = mfdc[11];
+ assign dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable = 1'b1;//mfdc[8];
+ assign dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable = mfdc[6];
+ assign dec_tlu_bpred_disable = mfdc[3];
+ assign dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable = mfdc[2];
+ assign dec_tlu_pipelining_disable = mfdc[0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MCPC (RW) Pause counter
+ // [31:0] : Reads 0x0, decs in the wb register in decode_ctl
+ assign dec_tlu_wr_pause_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MCPC) & ~interrupt_valid_r & ~take_ext_int_start;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MRAC (RW)
+ // [31:0] : Region Access Control Register, 16 regions, {side_effect, cachable} pairs
+ localparam MRAC = 12'h7c0;
+ assign wr_mrac_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MRAC);
+ // prevent pairs of 0x11, side_effect and cacheable
+ assign mrac_in[31:0] = {dec_csr_wrdata_r[31], dec_csr_wrdata_r[30] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[31],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[29], dec_csr_wrdata_r[28] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[29],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[27], dec_csr_wrdata_r[26] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[27],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[25], dec_csr_wrdata_r[24] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[25],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[23], dec_csr_wrdata_r[22] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[23],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[21], dec_csr_wrdata_r[20] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[21],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[19], dec_csr_wrdata_r[18] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[19],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[17], dec_csr_wrdata_r[16] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[17],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[15], dec_csr_wrdata_r[14] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[15],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[13], dec_csr_wrdata_r[12] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[13],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[11], dec_csr_wrdata_r[10] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[11],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[9], dec_csr_wrdata_r[8] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[9],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[7], dec_csr_wrdata_r[6] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[7],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[5], dec_csr_wrdata_r[4] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[5],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[3], dec_csr_wrdata_r[2] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[3],
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[1], dec_csr_wrdata_r[0] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[1]};
+ rvdffe #(32) mrac_ff (.*, .en(wr_mrac_r), .din(mrac_in[31:0]), .dout(mrac[31:0]));
+ // drive to LSU/IFU
+ assign dec_tlu_mrac_ff[31:0] = mrac[31:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MDEAU (WAR0)
+ // [31:0] : Dbus Error Address Unlock register
+ //
+ localparam MDEAU = 12'hbc0;
+ assign wr_mdeau_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MDEAU);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MDSEAC (R)
+ // [31:0] : Dbus Store Error Address Capture register
+ //
+ localparam MDSEAC = 12'hfc0;
+ // only capture error bus if the MDSEAC reg is not locked
+ assign mdseac_locked_ns = mdseac_en | (mdseac_locked_f & ~wr_mdeau_r);
+ assign mdseac_en = (lsu_imprecise_error_store_any | lsu_imprecise_error_load_any) & ~nmi_int_detected_f & ~mdseac_locked_f;
+ rvdffe #(32) mdseac_ff (.*, .en(mdseac_en), .din(lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any[31:0]), .dout(mdseac[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MPMC (R0W1)
+ // [0] : FW halt
+ // [1] : Set MSTATUS[MIE] on halt
+ localparam MPMC = 12'h7c6;
+ assign wr_mpmc_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MPMC);
+ // allow the cycle of the dbg halt flush that contains the wr_mpmc_r to
+ // set the mstatus bit potentially, use delayed version of internal dbg halt.
+ assign fw_halt_req = wr_mpmc_r & dec_csr_wrdata_r[0] & ~internal_dbg_halt_mode_f2 & ~ext_int_freeze_d1;
+ assign fw_halted_ns = (fw_halt_req | fw_halted) & ~set_mie_pmu_fw_halt;
+ assign mpmc_b_ns[1] = wr_mpmc_r ? ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[1] : ~mpmc[1];
+ rvdff #(1) mpmc_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .din(mpmc_b_ns[1]), .dout(mpmc_b[1]));
+ assign mpmc[1] = ~mpmc_b[1];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MICECT (I-Cache error counter/threshold)
+ // [31:27] : Icache parity error threshold
+ // [26:0] : Icache parity error count
+ localparam MICECT = 12'h7f0;
+ assign csr_sat[31:27] = (dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:27] > 5'd26) ? 5'd26 : dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:27];
+ assign wr_micect_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MICECT);
+ assign micect_inc[26:0] = micect[26:0] + {26'b0, ic_perr_r};
+ assign micect_ns = wr_micect_r ? {csr_sat[31:27], dec_csr_wrdata_r[26:0]} : {micect[31:27], micect_inc[26:0]};
+ rvdffe #(32) micect_ff (.*, .en(wr_micect_r | ic_perr_r), .din(micect_ns[31:0]), .dout(micect[31:0]));
+ assign mice_ce_req = |({32'hffffffff << micect[31:27]} & {5'b0, micect[26:0]});
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MICCMECT (ICCM error counter/threshold)
+ // [31:27] : ICCM parity error threshold
+ // [26:0] : ICCM parity error count
+ localparam MICCMECT = 12'h7f1;
+ assign wr_miccmect_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MICCMECT);
+ assign miccmect_inc[26:0] = miccmect[26:0] + {26'b0, iccm_sbecc_r | iccm_dma_sb_error};
+ assign miccmect_ns = wr_miccmect_r ? {csr_sat[31:27], dec_csr_wrdata_r[26:0]} : {miccmect[31:27], miccmect_inc[26:0]};
+ rvdffe #(32) miccmect_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_miccmect_r | iccm_sbecc_r | iccm_dma_sb_error), .din(miccmect_ns[31:0]), .dout(miccmect[31:0]));
+ assign miccme_ce_req = |({32'hffffffff << miccmect[31:27]} & {5'b0, miccmect[26:0]});
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MDCCMECT (DCCM error counter/threshold)
+ // [31:27] : DCCM parity error threshold
+ // [26:0] : DCCM parity error count
+ localparam MDCCMECT = 12'h7f2;
+ assign wr_mdccmect_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MDCCMECT);
+ assign mdccmect_inc[26:0] = mdccmect[26:0] + {26'b0, lsu_single_ecc_error_r_d1};
+ assign mdccmect_ns = wr_mdccmect_r ? {csr_sat[31:27], dec_csr_wrdata_r[26:0]} : {mdccmect[31:27], mdccmect_inc[26:0]};
+ rvdffe #(32) mdccmect_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mdccmect_r | lsu_single_ecc_error_r_d1), .din(mdccmect_ns[31:0]), .dout(mdccmect[31:0]));
+ assign mdccme_ce_req = |({32'hffffffff << mdccmect[31:27]} & {5'b0, mdccmect[26:0]});
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MFDHT (Force Debug Halt Threshold)
+ // [5:1] : Halt timeout threshold (power of 2)
+ // [0] : Halt timeout enabled
+ localparam MFDHT = 12'h7ce;
+ assign wr_mfdht_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MFDHT);
+ assign mfdht_ns[5:0] = wr_mfdht_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[5:0] : mfdht[5:0];
+ rvdffs #(6) mfdht_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .en(wr_mfdht_r), .din(mfdht_ns[5:0]), .dout(mfdht[5:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MFDHS(RW)
+ // [1] : LSU operation pending when debug halt threshold reached
+ // [0] : IFU operation pending when debug halt threshold reached
+ localparam MFDHS = 12'h7cf;
+ assign wr_mfdhs_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MFDHS);
+ assign mfdhs_ns[1:0] = wr_mfdhs_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[1:0] : ((dbg_tlu_halted & ~dbg_tlu_halted_f) ? {~lsu_idle_any_f, ~ifu_miss_state_idle_f} : mfdhs[1:0]);
+ rvdffs #(2) mfdhs_ff (.*, .clk(free_clk), .en(wr_mfdhs_r | dbg_tlu_halted), .din(mfdhs_ns[1:0]), .dout(mfdhs[1:0]));
+ assign force_halt_ctr[31:0] = debug_halt_req_f ? (force_halt_ctr_f[31:0] + 32'b1) : (dbg_tlu_halted_f ? 32'b0 : force_halt_ctr_f[31:0]);
+ rvdffe #(32) forcehaltctr_ff (.*, .en(mfdht[0]), .din(force_halt_ctr[31:0]), .dout(force_halt_ctr_f[31:0]));
+ assign force_halt = mfdht[0] & |(force_halt_ctr_f[31:0] & (32'hffffffff << mfdht[5:1]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MEIVT (External Interrupt Vector Table (R/W))
+ // [31:10]: Base address (R/W)
+ // [9:0] : Reserved, reads 0x0
+ localparam MEIVT = 12'hbc8;
+ assign wr_meivt_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MEIVT);
+ rvdffe #(22) meivt_ff (.*, .en(wr_meivt_r), .din(dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:10]), .dout(meivt[31:10]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MEIHAP (External Interrupt Handler Access Pointer (R))
+ // [31:10]: Base address (R/W)
+ // [9:2] : ClaimID (R)
+ // [1:0] : Reserved, 0x0
+ localparam MEIHAP = 12'hfc8;
+ assign wr_meihap_r = wr_meicpct_r;
+ rvdffe #(8) meihap_ff (.*, .en(wr_meihap_r), .din(pic_claimid[7:0]), .dout(meihap[9:2]));
+ assign dec_tlu_meihap[31:2] = {meivt[31:10], meihap[9:2]};
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [31:4] : Reserved (read 0x0)
+ // [3:0] : CURRPRI - Priority level of current interrupt service routine (R/W)
+ localparam MEICURPL = 12'hbcc;
+ assign wr_meicurpl_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MEICURPL);
+ assign meicurpl_ns[3:0] = wr_meicurpl_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[3:0] : meicurpl[3:0];
+ rvdff #(4) meicurpl_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .din(meicurpl_ns[3:0]), .dout(meicurpl[3:0]));
+ // PIC needs this reg
+ assign dec_tlu_meicurpl[3:0] = meicurpl[3:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [31:4] : Reserved (read 0x0)
+ // [3:0] : External Interrupt Claim ID's Priority Level Register
+ localparam MEICIDPL = 12'hbcb;
+ assign wr_meicidpl_r = (dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MEICIDPL)) | take_ext_int_start;
+ assign meicidpl_ns[3:0] = wr_meicpct_r ? pic_pl[3:0] : (wr_meicidpl_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[3:0] : meicidpl[3:0]);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [31:1] : Reserved (read 0x0)
+ // [0] : Capture (W1, Read 0)
+ localparam MEICPCT = 12'hbca;
+ assign wr_meicpct_r = (dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MEICPCT)) | take_ext_int_start;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MEIPT (External Interrupt Priority Threshold)
+ // [31:4] : Reserved (read 0x0)
+ // [3:0] : PRITHRESH
+ localparam MEIPT = 12'hbc9;
+ assign wr_meipt_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MEIPT);
+ assign meipt_ns[3:0] = wr_meipt_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[3:0] : meipt[3:0];
+ rvdff #(4) meipt_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .din(meipt_ns[3:0]), .dout(meipt[3:0]));
+ // to PIC
+ assign dec_tlu_meipt[3:0] = meipt[3:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DCSR (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ // [31:28] : xdebugver (hard coded to 0x4) RO
+ // [27:16] : 0x0, reserved
+ // [15] : ebreakm
+ // [14] : 0x0, reserved
+ // [13] : ebreaks (0x0 for this core)
+ // [12] : ebreaku (0x0 for this core)
+ // [11] : stepie
+ // [10] : stopcount
+ // [9] : 0x0 //stoptime
+ // [8:6] : cause (RO)
+ // [5:4] : 0x0, reserved
+ // [3] : nmip
+ // [2] : step
+ // [1:0] : prv (0x3 for this core)
+ //
+ localparam DCSR = 12'h7b0;
+ // RV has clarified that 'priority 4' in the spec means top priority.
+ // 4. single step. 3. Debugger request. 2. Ebreak. 1. Trigger.
+ // RV debug spec indicates a cause priority change for trigger hits during single step.
+ assign trigger_hit_for_dscr_cause_r_d1 = trigger_hit_dmode_r_d1 | (trigger_hit_r_d1 & dcsr_single_step_done_f);
+ assign dcsr_cause[8:6] = ( ({3{dcsr_single_step_done_f & ~ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1 & ~trigger_hit_for_dscr_cause_r_d1 & ~debug_halt_req}} & 3'b100) |
+ ({3{debug_halt_req & ~ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1 & ~trigger_hit_for_dscr_cause_r_d1}} & 3'b011) |
+ ({3{ebreak_to_debug_mode_r_d1 & ~trigger_hit_for_dscr_cause_r_d1}} & 3'b001) |
+ ({3{trigger_hit_for_dscr_cause_r_d1}} & 3'b010));
+ assign wr_dcsr_r = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DCSR);
+ // Multiple halt enter requests can happen before we are halted.
+ // We have to continue to upgrade based on dcsr_cause priority but we can't downgrade.
+ assign dcsr_cause_upgradeable = internal_dbg_halt_mode_f & (dcsr[8:6] == 3'b011);
+ assign enter_debug_halt_req_le = enter_debug_halt_req & (~dbg_tlu_halted | dcsr_cause_upgradeable);
+ assign nmi_in_debug_mode = nmi_int_detected_f & internal_dbg_halt_mode_f;
+ assign dcsr_ns[15:2] = enter_debug_halt_req_le ? {dcsr[15:9], dcsr_cause[8:6], dcsr[5:2]} :
+ (wr_dcsr_r ? {dec_csr_wrdata_r[15], 3'b0, dec_csr_wrdata_r[11:10], 1'b0, dcsr[8:6], 2'b00, nmi_in_debug_mode | dcsr[3], dec_csr_wrdata_r[2]} :
+ {dcsr[15:4], nmi_in_debug_mode, dcsr[2]});
+ rvdffe #(14) dcsr_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(enter_debug_halt_req_le | wr_dcsr_r | internal_dbg_halt_mode | take_nmi), .din(dcsr_ns[15:2]), .dout(dcsr[15:2]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DPC (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ // [31:0] : Debug PC
+ localparam DPC = 12'h7b1;
+ assign wr_dpc_r = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DPC);
+ assign dpc_capture_npc = dbg_tlu_halted & ~dbg_tlu_halted_f & ~request_debug_mode_done;
+ assign dpc_capture_pc = request_debug_mode_r;
+ assign dpc_ns[31:1] = ( ({31{~dpc_capture_pc & ~dpc_capture_npc & wr_dpc_r}} & dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{dpc_capture_pc}} & pc_r[31:1]) |
+ ({31{~dpc_capture_pc & dpc_capture_npc}} & npc_r[31:1]) );
+ rvdffe #(31) dpc_ff (.*, .en(wr_dpc_r | dpc_capture_pc | dpc_capture_npc), .din(dpc_ns[31:1]), .dout(dpc[31:1]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DICAWICS (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ // [31:25] : Reserved
+ // [24] : Array select, 0 is data, 1 is tag
+ // [23:22] : Reserved
+ // [21:20] : Way select
+ // [19:17] : Reserved
+ // [16:3] : Index
+ // [2:0] : Reserved
+ localparam DICAWICS = 12'h7c8;
+ assign dicawics_ns[16:0] = {dec_csr_wrdata_r[24], dec_csr_wrdata_r[21:20], dec_csr_wrdata_r[16:3]};
+ assign wr_dicawics_r = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DICAWICS);
+ rvdffe #(17) dicawics_ff (.*, .en(wr_dicawics_r), .din(dicawics_ns[16:0]), .dout(dicawics[16:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DICAD0 (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ //
+ // If dicawics[array] is 0
+ // [31:0] : inst data
+ //
+ // If dicawics[array] is 1
+ // [31:16] : Tag
+ // [15:7] : Reserved
+ // [6:4] : LRU
+ // [3:1] : Reserved
+ // [0] : Valid
+ localparam DICAD0 = 12'h7c9;
+ assign dicad0_ns[31:0] = wr_dicad0_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : ifu_ic_debug_rd_data[31:0];
+ assign wr_dicad0_r = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DICAD0);
+ rvdffe #(32) dicad0_ff (.*, .en(wr_dicad0_r | ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid), .din(dicad0_ns[31:0]), .dout(dicad0[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DICAD0H (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ //
+ // If dicawics[array] is 0
+ // [63:32] : inst data
+ //
+ localparam DICAD0H = 12'h7cc;
+ assign dicad0h_ns[31:0] = wr_dicad0h_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : ifu_ic_debug_rd_data[63:32];
+ assign wr_dicad0h_r = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DICAD0H);
+ rvdffe #(32) dicad0h_ff (.*, .en(wr_dicad0h_r | ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid), .din(dicad0h_ns[31:0]), .dout(dicad0h[31:0]));
+if (pt.ICACHE_ECC == 1) begin
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DICAD1 (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ // [6:0] : ECC
+ localparam DICAD1 = 12'h7ca;
+ assign dicad1_ns[6:0] = wr_dicad1_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[6:0] : ifu_ic_debug_rd_data[70:64];
+ assign wr_dicad1_r = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DICAD1);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(7), .OVERRIDE(1)) dicad1_ff (.*, .en(wr_dicad1_r | ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid), .din(dicad1_ns[6:0]), .dout(dicad1_raw[6:0]));
+ assign dicad1[31:0] = {25'b0, dicad1_raw[6:0]};
+else begin
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DICAD1 (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ // [3:0] : Parity
+ localparam DICAD1 = 12'h7ca;
+ assign dicad1_ns[3:0] = wr_dicad1_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[3:0] : ifu_ic_debug_rd_data[67:64];
+ assign wr_dicad1_r = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DICAD1);
+ rvdffs #(4) dicad1_ff (.*, .clk(free_clk), .en(wr_dicad1_r | ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid), .din(dicad1_ns[3:0]), .dout(dicad1_raw[3:0]));
+ assign dicad1[31:0] = {28'b0, dicad1_raw[3:0]};
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DICAGO (R/W) (Only accessible in debug mode)
+ // [0] : Go
+ localparam DICAGO = 12'h7cb;
+if (pt.ICACHE_ECC == 1)
+ assign dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_wrdata[70:0] = { dicad1[6:0], dicad0h[31:0], dicad0[31:0]};
+ assign dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_wrdata[70:0] = {3'b0, dicad1[3:0], dicad0h[31:0], dicad0[31:0]};
+ assign dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_dicawics[16:0] = dicawics[16:0];
+ assign icache_rd_valid = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_any_unq_d & dec_i0_decode_d & ~dec_csr_wen_unq_d & (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11:0] == DICAGO);
+ assign icache_wr_valid = allow_dbg_halt_csr_write & dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == DICAGO);
+ assign dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_rd_valid = icache_rd_valid_f;
+ assign dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_wr_valid = icache_wr_valid_f;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MTSEL (R/W)
+ // [1:0] : Trigger select : 00, 01, 10 are data/address triggers. 11 is inst count
+ localparam MTSEL = 12'h7a0;
+ assign wr_mtsel_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTSEL);
+ assign mtsel_ns[1:0] = wr_mtsel_r ? {dec_csr_wrdata_r[1:0]} : mtsel[1:0];
+ rvdff #(2) mtsel_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .din(mtsel_ns[1:0]), .dout(mtsel[1:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MTDATA1 (R/W)
+ // [31:0] : Trigger Data 1
+ localparam MTDATA1 = 12'h7a1;
+ // for triggers 0, 1, 2 and 3 aka Match Control
+ // [31:28] : type, hard coded to 0x2
+ // [27] : dmode
+ // [26:21] : hard coded to 0x1f
+ // [20] : hit
+ // [19] : select (0 - address, 1 - data)
+ // [18] : timing, always 'before', reads 0x0
+ // [17:12] : action, bits [17:13] not implemented and reads 0x0
+ // [11] : chain
+ // [10:7] : match, bits [10:8] not implemented and reads 0x0
+ // [6] : M
+ // [5:3] : not implemented, reads 0x0
+ // [2] : execute
+ // [1] : store
+ // [0] : load
+ //
+ // decoder ring
+ // [27] : => 9
+ // [20] : => 8
+ // [19] : => 7
+ // [12] : => 6
+ // [11] : => 5
+ // [7] : => 4
+ // [6] : => 3
+ // [2] : => 2
+ // [1] : => 1
+ // [0] : => 0
+ // don't allow setting load-data.
+ assign tdata_load = dec_csr_wrdata_r[0] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[19];
+ // don't allow setting execute-data.
+ assign tdata_opcode = dec_csr_wrdata_r[2] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[19];
+ // don't allow clearing DMODE and action=1
+ assign tdata_action = (dec_csr_wrdata_r[27] & dbg_tlu_halted_f) & dec_csr_wrdata_r[12];
+ // Chain bit has conditions: WARL for triggers without chains. Force to zero if dmode is 0 but next trigger dmode is 1.
+ assign tdata_chain = mtsel[0] ? 1'b0 : // triggers 1 and 3 chain bit is always zero
+ mtsel[1] ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[11] & ~(mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_DMODE] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[27]) : // trigger 2
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[11] & ~(mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_DMODE] & ~dec_csr_wrdata_r[27]); // trigger 0
+ // Kill mtdata1 write if dmode=1 but prior trigger has dmode=0/chain=1. Only applies to T1 and T3
+ assign tdata_kill_write = mtsel[1] ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[27] & (~mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_DMODE] & mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_CHAIN]) : // trigger 3
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[27] & (~mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_DMODE] & mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_CHAIN]) ; // trigger 1
+ assign tdata_wrdata_r[9:0] = {dec_csr_wrdata_r[27] & dbg_tlu_halted_f,
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[20:19],
+ tdata_action,
+ tdata_chain,
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[7:6],
+ tdata_opcode,
+ dec_csr_wrdata_r[1],
+ tdata_load};
+ // If the DMODE bit is set, tdata1 can only be updated in debug_mode
+ assign wr_mtdata1_t0_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA1) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b0) & (~mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f);
+ assign mtdata1_t0_ns[9:0] = wr_mtdata1_t0_r ? tdata_wrdata_r[9:0] :
+ {mtdata1_t0[9], update_hit_bit_r[0] | mtdata1_t0[8], mtdata1_t0[7:0]};
+ assign wr_mtdata1_t1_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA1) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b01) & (~mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f) & ~tdata_kill_write;
+ assign mtdata1_t1_ns[9:0] = wr_mtdata1_t1_r ? tdata_wrdata_r[9:0] :
+ {mtdata1_t1[9], update_hit_bit_r[1] | mtdata1_t1[8], mtdata1_t1[7:0]};
+ assign wr_mtdata1_t2_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA1) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b10) & (~mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f);
+ assign mtdata1_t2_ns[9:0] = wr_mtdata1_t2_r ? tdata_wrdata_r[9:0] :
+ {mtdata1_t2[9], update_hit_bit_r[2] | mtdata1_t2[8], mtdata1_t2[7:0]};
+ assign wr_mtdata1_t3_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA1) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b11) & (~mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f) & ~tdata_kill_write;
+ assign mtdata1_t3_ns[9:0] = wr_mtdata1_t3_r ? tdata_wrdata_r[9:0] :
+ {mtdata1_t3[9], update_hit_bit_r[3] | mtdata1_t3[8], mtdata1_t3[7:0]};
+ rvdffe #(10) mtdata1_t0_ff (.*, .en(trigger_enabled[0] | wr_mtdata1_t0_r), .din(mtdata1_t0_ns[9:0]), .dout(mtdata1_t0[9:0]));
+ rvdffe #(10) mtdata1_t1_ff (.*, .en(trigger_enabled[1] | wr_mtdata1_t1_r), .din(mtdata1_t1_ns[9:0]), .dout(mtdata1_t1[9:0]));
+ rvdffe #(10) mtdata1_t2_ff (.*, .en(trigger_enabled[2] | wr_mtdata1_t2_r), .din(mtdata1_t2_ns[9:0]), .dout(mtdata1_t2[9:0]));
+ rvdffe #(10) mtdata1_t3_ff (.*, .en(trigger_enabled[3] | wr_mtdata1_t3_r), .din(mtdata1_t3_ns[9:0]), .dout(mtdata1_t3[9:0]));
+ assign mtdata1_tsel_out[31:0] = ( ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b00)}} & {4'h2, mtdata1_t0[9], 6'b011111, mtdata1_t0[8:7], 6'b0, mtdata1_t0[6:5], 3'b0, mtdata1_t0[4:3], 3'b0, mtdata1_t0[2:0]}) |
+ ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b01)}} & {4'h2, mtdata1_t1[9], 6'b011111, mtdata1_t1[8:7], 6'b0, mtdata1_t1[6:5], 3'b0, mtdata1_t1[4:3], 3'b0, mtdata1_t1[2:0]}) |
+ ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b10)}} & {4'h2, mtdata1_t2[9], 6'b011111, mtdata1_t2[8:7], 6'b0, mtdata1_t2[6:5], 3'b0, mtdata1_t2[4:3], 3'b0, mtdata1_t2[2:0]}) |
+ ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b11)}} & {4'h2, mtdata1_t3[9], 6'b011111, mtdata1_t3[8:7], 6'b0, mtdata1_t3[6:5], 3'b0, mtdata1_t3[4:3], 3'b0, mtdata1_t3[2:0]}));
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[0].select = mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_SEL];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[0].match = mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_MATCH];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[0].store = mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_ST];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[0].load = mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_LD];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[0].execute = mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_EXE];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[0].m = mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[1].select = mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_SEL];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[1].match = mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_MATCH];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[1].store = mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_ST];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[1].load = mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_LD];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[1].execute = mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_EXE];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[1].m = mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[2].select = mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_SEL];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[2].match = mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_MATCH];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[2].store = mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_ST];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[2].load = mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_LD];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[2].execute = mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_EXE];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[2].m = mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[3].select = mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_SEL];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[3].match = mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_MATCH];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[3].store = mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_ST];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[3].load = mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_LD];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[3].execute = mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_EXE];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[3].m = mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_M_ENABLED];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MTDATA2 (R/W)
+ // [31:0] : Trigger Data 2
+ localparam MTDATA2 = 12'h7a2;
+ // If the DMODE bit is set, tdata2 can only be updated in debug_mode
+ assign wr_mtdata2_t0_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA2) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b0) & (~mtdata1_t0[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f);
+ assign wr_mtdata2_t1_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA2) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b01) & (~mtdata1_t1[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f);
+ assign wr_mtdata2_t2_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA2) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b10) & (~mtdata1_t2[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f);
+ assign wr_mtdata2_t3_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MTDATA2) & (mtsel[1:0] == 2'b11) & (~mtdata1_t3[MTDATA1_DMODE] | dbg_tlu_halted_f);
+ rvdffe #(32) mtdata2_t0_ff (.*, .en(wr_mtdata2_t0_r), .din(dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]), .dout(mtdata2_t0[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) mtdata2_t1_ff (.*, .en(wr_mtdata2_t1_r), .din(dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]), .dout(mtdata2_t1[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) mtdata2_t2_ff (.*, .en(wr_mtdata2_t2_r), .din(dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]), .dout(mtdata2_t2[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) mtdata2_t3_ff (.*, .en(wr_mtdata2_t3_r), .din(dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]), .dout(mtdata2_t3[31:0]));
+ assign mtdata2_tsel_out[31:0] = ( ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b00)}} & mtdata2_t0[31:0]) |
+ ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b01)}} & mtdata2_t1[31:0]) |
+ ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b10)}} & mtdata2_t2[31:0]) |
+ ({32{(mtsel[1:0] == 2'b11)}} & mtdata2_t3[31:0]));
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[0].tdata2[31:0] = mtdata2_t0[31:0];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[1].tdata2[31:0] = mtdata2_t1[31:0];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[2].tdata2[31:0] = mtdata2_t2[31:0];
+ assign trigger_pkt_any[3].tdata2[31:0] = mtdata2_t3[31:0];
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Performance Monitor Counters section starts
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ localparam MHPME_NOEVENT = 10'd0;
+ localparam MHPME_CLK_ACTIVE = 10'd1; // OOP - out of pipe
+ localparam MHPME_ICACHE_HIT = 10'd2; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_ICACHE_MISS = 10'd3; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_INST_COMMIT = 10'd4;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_COMMIT_16B = 10'd5;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_COMMIT_32B = 10'd6;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_ALIGNED = 10'd7; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_INST_DECODED = 10'd8; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_INST_MUL = 10'd9;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_DIV = 10'd10;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_LOAD = 10'd11;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_STORE = 10'd12;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_MALOAD = 10'd13;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_MASTORE = 10'd14;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_ALU = 10'd15;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_CSRREAD = 10'd16;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_CSRRW = 10'd17;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_CSRWRITE = 10'd18;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_EBREAK = 10'd19;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_ECALL = 10'd20;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_FENCE = 10'd21;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_FENCEI = 10'd22;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_MRET = 10'd23;
+ localparam MHPME_INST_BRANCH = 10'd24;
+ localparam MHPME_BRANCH_MP = 10'd25;
+ localparam MHPME_BRANCH_TAKEN = 10'd26;
+ localparam MHPME_BRANCH_NOTP = 10'd27;
+ localparam MHPME_FETCH_STALL = 10'd28; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DECODE_STALL = 10'd30; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_POSTSYNC_STALL = 10'd31; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_PRESYNC_STALL = 10'd32; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_LSU_SB_WB_STALL = 10'd34; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DMA_DCCM_STALL = 10'd35; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DMA_ICCM_STALL = 10'd36; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_EXC_TAKEN = 10'd37;
+ localparam MHPME_TIMER_INT_TAKEN = 10'd38;
+ localparam MHPME_EXT_INT_TAKEN = 10'd39;
+ localparam MHPME_FLUSH_LOWER = 10'd40;
+ localparam MHPME_BR_ERROR = 10'd41;
+ localparam MHPME_IBUS_TRANS = 10'd42; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DBUS_TRANS = 10'd43; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DBUS_MA_TRANS = 10'd44; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_IBUS_ERROR = 10'd45; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DBUS_ERROR = 10'd46; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_IBUS_STALL = 10'd47; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DBUS_STALL = 10'd48; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_INT_DISABLED = 10'd49; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_INT_STALLED = 10'd50; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_INST_BITMANIP = 10'd54;
+ localparam MHPME_DBUS_LOAD = 10'd55;
+ localparam MHPME_DBUS_STORE = 10'd56;
+ // Counts even during sleep state
+ localparam MHPME_SLEEP_CYC = 10'd512; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DMA_READ_ALL = 10'd513; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DMA_WRITE_ALL = 10'd514; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DMA_READ_DCCM = 10'd515; // OOP
+ localparam MHPME_DMA_WRITE_DCCM = 10'd516; // OOP
+ // Pack the event selects into a vector for genvar
+ assign mhpme_vec[0][9:0] = mhpme3[9:0];
+ assign mhpme_vec[1][9:0] = mhpme4[9:0];
+ assign mhpme_vec[2][9:0] = mhpme5[9:0];
+ assign mhpme_vec[3][9:0] = mhpme6[9:0];
+ // only consider committed itypes
+ //logic [3:0] pmu_i0_itype_qual;
+ assign pmu_i0_itype_qual[3:0] = dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_i0_itype[3:0] & {4{tlu_i0_commit_cmt}};
+ // Generate the muxed incs for all counters based on event type
+ for (genvar i=0 ; i < 4; i++) begin
+ assign mhpmc_inc_r[i] = {{~mcountinhibit[i+3]}} &
+ (
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_CLK_ACTIVE )}} & 1'b1) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_ICACHE_HIT )}} & {ifu_pmu_ic_hit}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_ICACHE_MISS )}} & {ifu_pmu_ic_miss}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_COMMIT )}} & {tlu_i0_commit_cmt & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_COMMIT_16B )}} & {tlu_i0_commit_cmt & ~exu_pmu_i0_pc4 & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_COMMIT_32B )}} & {tlu_i0_commit_cmt & exu_pmu_i0_pc4 & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_ALIGNED )}} & ifu_pmu_instr_aligned) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_DECODED )}} & dec_pmu_instr_decoded) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DECODE_STALL )}} & {dec_pmu_decode_stall}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_MUL )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == MUL)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_DIV )}} & {dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_divide & tlu_i0_commit_cmt & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_LOAD )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == LOAD)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_STORE )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == STORE)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_MALOAD )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == LOAD)} &
+ {1{dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_lsu_misaligned}}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_MASTORE )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == STORE)} &
+ {1{dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_lsu_misaligned}}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_ALU )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == ALU)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_CSRREAD )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == CSRREAD)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_CSRWRITE )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == CSRWRITE)})|
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_CSRRW )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == CSRRW)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_EBREAK )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == EBREAK)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_ECALL )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == ECALL)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_FENCE )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == FENCE)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_FENCEI )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == FENCEI)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_MRET )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == MRET)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_BRANCH )}} & {
+ ((pmu_i0_itype_qual == CONDBR) | (pmu_i0_itype_qual == JAL))}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_BRANCH_MP )}} & {exu_pmu_i0_br_misp & tlu_i0_commit_cmt & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_BRANCH_TAKEN )}} & {exu_pmu_i0_br_ataken & tlu_i0_commit_cmt & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_BRANCH_NOTP )}} & {dec_tlu_packet_r.pmu_i0_br_unpred & tlu_i0_commit_cmt & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_FETCH_STALL )}} & { ifu_pmu_fetch_stall}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DECODE_STALL )}} & { dec_pmu_decode_stall}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_POSTSYNC_STALL )}} & {dec_pmu_postsync_stall}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_PRESYNC_STALL )}} & {dec_pmu_presync_stall}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_LSU_SB_WB_STALL )}} & { lsu_store_stall_any}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DMA_DCCM_STALL )}} & { dma_dccm_stall_any}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DMA_ICCM_STALL )}} & { dma_iccm_stall_any}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_EXC_TAKEN )}} & { (i0_exception_valid_r | i0_trigger_hit_r | lsu_exc_valid_r)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_TIMER_INT_TAKEN )}} & { take_timer_int | take_int_timer0_int | take_int_timer1_int}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_EXT_INT_TAKEN )}} & { take_ext_int}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_FLUSH_LOWER )}} & { tlu_flush_lower_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_BR_ERROR )}} & {(dec_tlu_br0_error_r | dec_tlu_br0_start_error_r) & rfpc_i0_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_IBUS_TRANS )}} & {ifu_pmu_bus_trxn}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DBUS_TRANS )}} & {lsu_pmu_bus_trxn}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DBUS_MA_TRANS )}} & {lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_IBUS_ERROR )}} & {ifu_pmu_bus_error}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DBUS_ERROR )}} & {lsu_pmu_bus_error}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_IBUS_STALL )}} & {ifu_pmu_bus_busy}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DBUS_STALL )}} & {lsu_pmu_bus_busy}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INT_DISABLED )}} & {~mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE]}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INT_STALLED )}} & {~mstatus[MSTATUS_MIE] & |(mip[5:0] & mie[5:0])}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_INST_BITMANIP )}} & {(pmu_i0_itype_qual == BITMANIPU)}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DBUS_LOAD )}} & {tlu_i0_commit_cmt & lsu_pmu_load_external_r & ~illegal_r}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DBUS_STORE )}} & {tlu_i0_commit_cmt & lsu_pmu_store_external_r & ~illegal_r}) |
+ // These count even during sleep
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_SLEEP_CYC )}} & {dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DMA_READ_ALL )}} & {dma_pmu_any_read}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DMA_WRITE_ALL )}} & {dma_pmu_any_write}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DMA_READ_DCCM )}} & {dma_pmu_dccm_read}) |
+ ({1{(mhpme_vec[i][9:0] == MHPME_DMA_WRITE_DCCM )}} & {dma_pmu_dccm_write})
+ );
+ end
+ rvdffie #(31) mstatus_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din({mdseac_locked_ns, lsu_single_ecc_error_r, lsu_exc_valid_r, lsu_i0_exc_r,
+ take_ext_int_start, take_ext_int_start_d1, take_ext_int_start_d2, ext_int_freeze,
+ mip_ns[5:0], mcyclel_cout & ~wr_mcycleh_r & mcyclel_cout_in,
+ minstret_enable, minstretl_cout_ns, fw_halted_ns,
+ meicidpl_ns[3:0], icache_rd_valid, icache_wr_valid, mhpmc_inc_r[3:0], perfcnt_halted,
+ mstatus_ns[1:0]}),
+ .dout({mdseac_locked_f, lsu_single_ecc_error_r_d1, lsu_exc_valid_r_d1, lsu_i0_exc_r_d1,
+ take_ext_int_start_d1, take_ext_int_start_d2, take_ext_int_start_d3, ext_int_freeze_d1,
+ mip[5:0], mcyclel_cout_f, minstret_enable_f, minstretl_cout_f,
+ fw_halted, meicidpl[3:0], icache_rd_valid_f, icache_wr_valid_f,
+ mhpmc_inc_r_d1[3:0], perfcnt_halted_d1,
+ mstatus[1:0]}));
+ else
+ rvdffie #(27) mstatus_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din({mdseac_locked_ns, lsu_single_ecc_error_r, lsu_exc_valid_r, lsu_i0_exc_r,
+ mip_ns[5:0], mcyclel_cout & ~wr_mcycleh_r & mcyclel_cout_in,
+ minstret_enable, minstretl_cout_ns, fw_halted_ns,
+ meicidpl_ns[3:0], icache_rd_valid, icache_wr_valid, mhpmc_inc_r[3:0], perfcnt_halted,
+ mstatus_ns[1:0]}),
+ .dout({mdseac_locked_f, lsu_single_ecc_error_r_d1, lsu_exc_valid_r_d1, lsu_i0_exc_r_d1,
+ mip[5:0], mcyclel_cout_f, minstret_enable_f, minstretl_cout_f,
+ fw_halted, meicidpl[3:0], icache_rd_valid_f, icache_wr_valid_f,
+ mhpmc_inc_r_d1[3:0], perfcnt_halted_d1,
+ mstatus[1:0]}));
+ assign perfcnt_halted = ((dec_tlu_dbg_halted & dcsr[DCSR_STOPC]) | dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted);
+ assign perfcnt_during_sleep[3:0] = {4{~(dec_tlu_dbg_halted & dcsr[DCSR_STOPC])}} & {mhpme_vec[3][9],mhpme_vec[2][9],mhpme_vec[1][9],mhpme_vec[0][9]};
+ assign dec_tlu_perfcnt0 = mhpmc_inc_r_d1[0] & ~(perfcnt_halted_d1 & ~perfcnt_during_sleep[0]);
+ assign dec_tlu_perfcnt1 = mhpmc_inc_r_d1[1] & ~(perfcnt_halted_d1 & ~perfcnt_during_sleep[1]);
+ assign dec_tlu_perfcnt2 = mhpmc_inc_r_d1[2] & ~(perfcnt_halted_d1 & ~perfcnt_during_sleep[2]);
+ assign dec_tlu_perfcnt3 = mhpmc_inc_r_d1[3] & ~(perfcnt_halted_d1 & ~perfcnt_during_sleep[3]);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [63:32][31:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Counter 3
+ localparam MHPMC3 = 12'hB03;
+ localparam MHPMC3H = 12'hB83;
+ assign mhpmc3_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC3);
+ assign mhpmc3_wr_en1 = (~perfcnt_halted | perfcnt_during_sleep[0]) & (|(mhpmc_inc_r[0]));
+ assign mhpmc3_wr_en = mhpmc3_wr_en0 | mhpmc3_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc3_incr[63:0] = {mhpmc3h[31:0],mhpmc3[31:0]} + {63'b0, 1'b1};
+ assign mhpmc3_ns[31:0] = mhpmc3_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc3_incr[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc3_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc3_wr_en), .din(mhpmc3_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc3[31:0]));
+ assign mhpmc3h_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC3H);
+ assign mhpmc3h_wr_en = mhpmc3h_wr_en0 | mhpmc3_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc3h_ns[31:0] = mhpmc3h_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc3_incr[63:32];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc3h_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc3h_wr_en), .din(mhpmc3h_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc3h[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [63:32][31:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Counter 4
+ localparam MHPMC4 = 12'hB04;
+ localparam MHPMC4H = 12'hB84;
+ assign mhpmc4_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC4);
+ assign mhpmc4_wr_en1 = (~perfcnt_halted | perfcnt_during_sleep[1]) & (|(mhpmc_inc_r[1]));
+ assign mhpmc4_wr_en = mhpmc4_wr_en0 | mhpmc4_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc4_incr[63:0] = {mhpmc4h[31:0],mhpmc4[31:0]} + {63'b0,1'b1};
+ assign mhpmc4_ns[31:0] = mhpmc4_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc4_incr[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc4_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc4_wr_en), .din(mhpmc4_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc4[31:0]));
+ assign mhpmc4h_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC4H);
+ assign mhpmc4h_wr_en = mhpmc4h_wr_en0 | mhpmc4_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc4h_ns[31:0] = mhpmc4h_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc4_incr[63:32];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc4h_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc4h_wr_en), .din(mhpmc4h_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc4h[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [63:32][31:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Counter 5
+ localparam MHPMC5 = 12'hB05;
+ localparam MHPMC5H = 12'hB85;
+ assign mhpmc5_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC5);
+ assign mhpmc5_wr_en1 = (~perfcnt_halted | perfcnt_during_sleep[2]) & (|(mhpmc_inc_r[2]));
+ assign mhpmc5_wr_en = mhpmc5_wr_en0 | mhpmc5_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc5_incr[63:0] = {mhpmc5h[31:0],mhpmc5[31:0]} + {63'b0,1'b1};
+ assign mhpmc5_ns[31:0] = mhpmc5_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc5_incr[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc5_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc5_wr_en), .din(mhpmc5_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc5[31:0]));
+ assign mhpmc5h_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC5H);
+ assign mhpmc5h_wr_en = mhpmc5h_wr_en0 | mhpmc5_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc5h_ns[31:0] = mhpmc5h_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc5_incr[63:32];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc5h_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc5h_wr_en), .din(mhpmc5h_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc5h[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [63:32][31:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Counter 6
+ localparam MHPMC6 = 12'hB06;
+ localparam MHPMC6H = 12'hB86;
+ assign mhpmc6_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC6);
+ assign mhpmc6_wr_en1 = (~perfcnt_halted | perfcnt_during_sleep[3]) & (|(mhpmc_inc_r[3]));
+ assign mhpmc6_wr_en = mhpmc6_wr_en0 | mhpmc6_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc6_incr[63:0] = {mhpmc6h[31:0],mhpmc6[31:0]} + {63'b0,1'b1};
+ assign mhpmc6_ns[31:0] = mhpmc6_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc6_incr[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc6_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc6_wr_en), .din(mhpmc6_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc6[31:0]));
+ assign mhpmc6h_wr_en0 = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPMC6H);
+ assign mhpmc6h_wr_en = mhpmc6h_wr_en0 | mhpmc6_wr_en1;
+ assign mhpmc6h_ns[31:0] = mhpmc6h_wr_en0 ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mhpmc6_incr[63:32];
+ rvdffe #(32) mhpmc6h_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(mhpmc6h_wr_en), .din(mhpmc6h_ns[31:0]), .dout(mhpmc6h[31:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MHPME3(RW)
+ // [9:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Event 3
+ localparam MHPME3 = 12'h323;
+ // we only have events 0-56 with holes, 512-516, HPME* are WARL so zero otherwise.
+ assign zero_event_r = ( (dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0] > 10'd516) |
+ (|dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:10]) |
+ ((dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0] < 10'd512) & (dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0] > 10'd56)) |
+ ((dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0] < 10'd54) & (dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0] > 10'd50)) |
+ (dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0] == 10'd29) |
+ (dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0] == 10'd33)
+ );
+ assign event_r[9:0] = zero_event_r ? '0 : dec_csr_wrdata_r[9:0];
+ assign wr_mhpme3_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPME3);
+ rvdffe #(10) mhpme3_ff (.*, .en(wr_mhpme3_r), .din(event_r[9:0]), .dout(mhpme3[9:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MHPME4(RW)
+ // [9:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Event 4
+ localparam MHPME4 = 12'h324;
+ assign wr_mhpme4_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPME4);
+ rvdffe #(10) mhpme4_ff (.*, .en(wr_mhpme4_r), .din(event_r[9:0]), .dout(mhpme4[9:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MHPME5(RW)
+ // [9:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Event 5
+ localparam MHPME5 = 12'h325;
+ assign wr_mhpme5_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPME5);
+ rvdffe #(10) mhpme5_ff (.*, .en(wr_mhpme5_r), .din(event_r[9:0]), .dout(mhpme5[9:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MHPME6(RW)
+ // [9:0] : Hardware Performance Monitor Event 6
+ localparam MHPME6 = 12'h326;
+ assign wr_mhpme6_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MHPME6);
+ rvdffe #(10) mhpme6_ff (.*, .en(wr_mhpme6_r), .din(event_r[9:0]), .dout(mhpme6[9:0]));
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Performance Monitor Counters section ends
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // [31:7] : Reserved, read 0x0
+ // [6] : HPM6 disable
+ // [5] : HPM5 disable
+ // [4] : HPM4 disable
+ // [3] : HPM3 disable
+ // [2] : MINSTRET disable
+ // [1] : reserved, read 0x0
+ // [0] : MCYCLE disable
+ localparam MCOUNTINHIBIT = 12'h320;
+ assign wr_mcountinhibit_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MCOUNTINHIBIT);
+ rvdffs #(6) mcountinhibit_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .en(wr_mcountinhibit_r), .din({dec_csr_wrdata_r[6:2], dec_csr_wrdata_r[0]}), .dout({mcountinhibit[6:2], mcountinhibit[0]}));
+ assign mcountinhibit[1] = 1'b0;
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // trace
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ logic [4:0] dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1_raw, dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb2;
+ logic dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1_raw, dec_tlu_int_valid_wb2;
+ assign {dec_tlu_i0_valid_wb1,
+ dec_tlu_i0_exc_valid_wb1,
+ dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1_raw[4:0],
+ dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1_raw} = {8{~dec_tlu_trace_disable}} & {i0_valid_wb,
+ i0_exception_valid_r_d1 | lsu_i0_exc_r_d1 | (trigger_hit_r_d1 & ~trigger_hit_dmode_r_d1),
+ exc_cause_wb[4:0],
+ interrupt_valid_r_d1};
+ // skid buffer for ints, reduces trace port count by 1
+ rvdffie #(.WIDTH(6), .OVERRIDE(1)) traceskidff (.*, .clk(clk),
+ .din ({dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1_raw[4:0],
+ dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1_raw}),
+ .dout({dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb2[4:0],
+ dec_tlu_int_valid_wb2}));
+ //skid for ints
+ assign dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1[4:0] = dec_tlu_int_valid_wb2 ? dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb2[4:0] : dec_tlu_exc_cause_wb1_raw[4:0];
+ assign dec_tlu_int_valid_wb1 = dec_tlu_int_valid_wb2;
+ assign dec_tlu_mtval_wb1 = mtval[31:0];
+ // end trace
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // CSR read mux
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// file "csrdecode" is human readable file that has all of the CSR decodes defined and is part of git repo
+// modify this file as needed
+// to generate all the equations below from "csrdecode" except legal equation:
+// 1) coredecode -in csrdecode > corecsrdecode.e
+// 2) espresso -Dso -oeqntott corecsrdecode.e | addassign > csrequations
+// to generate the legal CSR equation below:
+// 1) coredecode -in csrdecode -legal > csrlegal.e
+// 2) espresso -Dso -oeqntott csrlegal.e | addassign > csrlegal_equation
+// coredecode -in csrdecode > corecsrdecode.e; espresso -Dso -oeqntott corecsrdecode.e | addassign > csrequations; coredecode -in csrdecode -legal > csrlegal.e; espresso -Dso -oeqntott csrlegal.e | addassign > csrlegal_equation
+assign csr_misa = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mvendorid = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_marchid = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mimpid = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhartid = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]);
+assign csr_mstatus = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mtvec = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mip = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]);
+assign csr_mie = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mcyclel = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign csr_mcycleh = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign csr_minstretl = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_minstreth = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mscratch = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mepc = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mcause = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mscause = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]);
+assign csr_mtval = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mrac = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign csr_dmst = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign csr_mdseac = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]);
+assign csr_meihap = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]);
+assign csr_meivt = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_meipt = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_meicurpl = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]);
+assign csr_meicidpl = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_dcsr = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mcgc = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mfdc = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_dpc = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mtsel = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mtdata1 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mtdata2 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign csr_mhpmc3 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpmc4 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpmc5 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpmc6 = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpmc3h = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpmc4h = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpmc5h = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpmc6h = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpme3 = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpme4 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpme5 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mhpme6 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mcountinhibit = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mitctl0 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mitctl1 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mitb0 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mitb1 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mitcnt0 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mitcnt1 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mpmc = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign csr_meicpct = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_micect = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_miccmect = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mdccmect = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mfdht = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_mfdhs = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_dicawics = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_dicad0h = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign csr_dicad0 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_dicad1 = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign csr_dicago = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]);
+assign presync = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign postsync = (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]);
+assign legal = (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (
+ dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]) | (
+ dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[2]) | (!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[1]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[0]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[3]) | (
+ !dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[7]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]
+ &dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]) | (dec_csr_rdaddr_d[11]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[10]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[9]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[8]
+ &!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[6]&!dec_csr_rdaddr_d[5]&dec_csr_rdaddr_d[4]);
+assign dec_tlu_presync_d = presync & dec_csr_any_unq_d & ~dec_csr_wen_unq_d;
+assign dec_tlu_postsync_d = postsync & dec_csr_any_unq_d;
+ // allow individual configuration of these features
+assign conditionally_illegal = ((csr_mitcnt0 | csr_mitcnt1 | csr_mitb0 | csr_mitb1 | csr_mitctl0 | csr_mitctl1) & !pt.TIMER_LEGAL_EN);
+assign valid_csr = ( legal & (~(csr_dcsr | csr_dpc | csr_dmst | csr_dicawics | csr_dicad0 | csr_dicad0h | csr_dicad1 | csr_dicago) | dbg_tlu_halted_f)
+ & ~fast_int_meicpct & ~conditionally_illegal);
+assign dec_csr_legal_d = ( dec_csr_any_unq_d &
+ valid_csr & // of a valid CSR
+ ~(dec_csr_wen_unq_d & (csr_mvendorid | csr_marchid | csr_mimpid | csr_mhartid | csr_mdseac | csr_meihap)) // that's not a write to a RO CSR
+ );
+ // CSR read mux
+assign dec_csr_rddata_d[31:0] = ( ({32{csr_misa}} & 32'h40201104) |
+ ({32{csr_mvendorid}} & 32'h00000045) |
+ ({32{csr_marchid}} & 32'h00000010) |
+ ({32{csr_mimpid}} & 32'h3) |
+ ({32{csr_mhartid}} & {core_id[31:4], 4'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_mstatus}} & {{15{1'b0}}, 2'b01, 2'b00, 2'b11, 3'b0, mstatus[1], 3'b0, mstatus[0], 3'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_mtvec}} & {mtvec[30:1], 1'b0, mtvec[0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mip}} & {1'b0, mip[5:3], 16'b0, mip[2], 3'b0, mip[1], 3'b0, mip[0], 3'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_mie}} & {1'b0, mie[5:3], 16'b0, mie[2], 3'b0, mie[1], 3'b0, mie[0], 3'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_mcyclel}} & mcyclel[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mcycleh}} & mcycleh_inc[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_minstretl}} & minstretl_read[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_minstreth}} & minstreth_read[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mscratch}} & mscratch[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mepc}} & {mepc[31:1], 1'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_mcause}} & mcause[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mscause}} & {28'b0, mscause[3:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mtval}} & mtval[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mrac}} & mrac[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mdseac}} & mdseac[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_meivt}} & {meivt[31:10], 10'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_meihap}} & {meivt[31:10], meihap[9:2], 2'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_meicurpl}} & {28'b0, meicurpl[3:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_meicidpl}} & {28'b0, meicidpl[3:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_meipt}} & {28'b0, meipt[3:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mcgc}} & {22'b0, mcgc[9:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mfdc}} & {13'b0, mfdc[18:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_dcsr}} & {16'h4000, dcsr[15:2], 2'b11}) |
+ ({32{csr_dpc}} & {dpc[31:1], 1'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_dicad0}} & dicad0[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_dicad0h}} & dicad0h[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_dicad1}} & dicad1[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_dicawics}} & {7'b0, dicawics[16], 2'b0, dicawics[15:14], 3'b0, dicawics[13:0], 3'b0}) |
+ ({32{csr_mtsel}} & {30'b0, mtsel[1:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mtdata1}} & {mtdata1_tsel_out[31:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mtdata2}} & {mtdata2_tsel_out[31:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_micect}} & {micect[31:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_miccmect}} & {miccmect[31:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mdccmect}} & {mdccmect[31:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc3}} & mhpmc3[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc4}} & mhpmc4[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc5}} & mhpmc5[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc6}} & mhpmc6[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc3h}} & mhpmc3h[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc4h}} & mhpmc4h[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc5h}} & mhpmc5h[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpmc6h}} & mhpmc6h[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mfdht}} & {26'b0, mfdht[5:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mfdhs}} & {30'b0, mfdhs[1:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpme3}} & {22'b0,mhpme3[9:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpme4}} & {22'b0,mhpme4[9:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpme5}} & {22'b0,mhpme5[9:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mhpme6}} & {22'b0,mhpme6[9:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mcountinhibit}} & {25'b0, mcountinhibit[6:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mpmc}} & {30'b0, mpmc[1], 1'b0}) |
+ ({32{dec_timer_read_d}} & dec_timer_rddata_d[31:0])
+ );
+endmodule // eb1_dec_tlu_ctl
+module eb1_dec_timer_ctl #(
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic free_l2clk,
+ input logic csr_wr_clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic dec_csr_wen_r_mod, // csr write enable at wb
+ input logic [11:0] dec_csr_wraddr_r, // write address for csr
+ input logic [31:0] dec_csr_wrdata_r, // csr write data at wb
+ input logic csr_mitctl0,
+ input logic csr_mitctl1,
+ input logic csr_mitb0,
+ input logic csr_mitb1,
+ input logic csr_mitcnt0,
+ input logic csr_mitcnt1,
+ input logic dec_pause_state, // Paused
+ input logic dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted, // pmu/fw halted
+ input logic internal_dbg_halt_timers, // debug halted
+ output logic [31:0] dec_timer_rddata_d, // timer CSR read data
+ output logic dec_timer_read_d, // timer CSR address match
+ output logic dec_timer_t0_pulse, // timer0 int
+ output logic dec_timer_t1_pulse, // timer1 int
+ input logic scan_mode
+ );
+ localparam MITCTL_ENABLE = 0;
+ localparam MITCTL_ENABLE_HALTED = 1;
+ localparam MITCTL_ENABLE_PAUSED = 2;
+ logic [31:0] mitcnt0_ns, mitcnt0, mitcnt1_ns, mitcnt1, mitb0, mitb1, mitb0_b, mitb1_b, mitcnt0_inc, mitcnt1_inc;
+ logic [2:0] mitctl0_ns, mitctl0;
+ logic [3:0] mitctl1_ns, mitctl1;
+ logic wr_mitcnt0_r, wr_mitcnt1_r, wr_mitb0_r, wr_mitb1_r, wr_mitctl0_r, wr_mitctl1_r;
+ logic mitcnt0_inc_ok, mitcnt1_inc_ok;
+ logic mitcnt0_inc_cout, mitcnt1_inc_cout;
+ logic mit0_match_ns;
+ logic mit1_match_ns;
+ logic mitctl0_0_b_ns;
+ logic mitctl0_0_b;
+ logic mitctl1_0_b_ns;
+ logic mitctl1_0_b;
+ assign mit0_match_ns = (mitcnt0[31:0] >= mitb0[31:0]);
+ assign mit1_match_ns = (mitcnt1[31:0] >= mitb1[31:0]);
+ assign dec_timer_t0_pulse = mit0_match_ns;
+ assign dec_timer_t1_pulse = mit1_match_ns;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MITCNT0 (RW)
+ // [31:0] : Internal Timer Counter 0
+ localparam MITCNT0 = 12'h7d2;
+ assign wr_mitcnt0_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MITCNT0);
+ assign mitcnt0_inc_ok = mitctl0[MITCTL_ENABLE] & (~dec_pause_state | mitctl0[MITCTL_ENABLE_PAUSED]) & (~dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted | mitctl0[MITCTL_ENABLE_HALTED]) & ~internal_dbg_halt_timers;
+ assign {mitcnt0_inc_cout, mitcnt0_inc[7:0]} = mitcnt0[7:0] + {7'b0, 1'b1};
+ assign mitcnt0_inc[31:8] = mitcnt0[31:8] + {23'b0, mitcnt0_inc_cout};
+ assign mitcnt0_ns[31:0] = wr_mitcnt0_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mit0_match_ns ? 'b0 : mitcnt0_inc[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(24) mitcnt0_ffb (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mitcnt0_r | (mitcnt0_inc_ok & mitcnt0_inc_cout) | mit0_match_ns), .din(mitcnt0_ns[31:8]), .dout(mitcnt0[31:8]));
+ rvdffe #(8) mitcnt0_ffa (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mitcnt0_r | mitcnt0_inc_ok | mit0_match_ns), .din(mitcnt0_ns[7:0]), .dout(mitcnt0[7:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MITCNT1 (RW)
+ // [31:0] : Internal Timer Counter 0
+ localparam MITCNT1 = 12'h7d5;
+ assign wr_mitcnt1_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MITCNT1);
+ assign mitcnt1_inc_ok = mitctl1[MITCTL_ENABLE] &
+ (~dec_pause_state | mitctl1[MITCTL_ENABLE_PAUSED]) &
+ (~dec_tlu_pmu_fw_halted | mitctl1[MITCTL_ENABLE_HALTED]) &
+ ~internal_dbg_halt_timers &
+ (~mitctl1[3] | mit0_match_ns);
+ // only inc MITCNT1 if not cascaded with 0, or if 0 overflows
+ assign {mitcnt1_inc_cout, mitcnt1_inc[7:0]} = mitcnt1[7:0] + {7'b0, 1'b1};
+ assign mitcnt1_inc[31:8] = mitcnt1[31:8] + {23'b0, mitcnt1_inc_cout};
+ assign mitcnt1_ns[31:0] = wr_mitcnt1_r ? dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0] : mit1_match_ns ? 'b0 : mitcnt1_inc[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(24) mitcnt1_ffb (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mitcnt1_r | (mitcnt1_inc_ok & mitcnt1_inc_cout) | mit1_match_ns), .din(mitcnt1_ns[31:8]), .dout(mitcnt1[31:8]));
+ rvdffe #(8) mitcnt1_ffa (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .en(wr_mitcnt1_r | mitcnt1_inc_ok | mit1_match_ns), .din(mitcnt1_ns[7:0]), .dout(mitcnt1[7:0]));
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MITB0 (RW)
+ // [31:0] : Internal Timer Bound 0
+ localparam MITB0 = 12'h7d3;
+ assign wr_mitb0_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MITB0);
+ rvdffe #(32) mitb0_ff (.*, .en(wr_mitb0_r), .din(~dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]), .dout(mitb0_b[31:0]));
+ assign mitb0[31:0] = ~mitb0_b[31:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MITB1 (RW)
+ // [31:0] : Internal Timer Bound 1
+ localparam MITB1 = 12'h7d6;
+ assign wr_mitb1_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MITB1);
+ rvdffe #(32) mitb1_ff (.*, .en(wr_mitb1_r), .din(~dec_csr_wrdata_r[31:0]), .dout(mitb1_b[31:0]));
+ assign mitb1[31:0] = ~mitb1_b[31:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MITCTL0 (RW) Internal Timer Ctl 0
+ // [31:3] : Reserved, reads 0x0
+ // [2] : Enable while PAUSEd
+ // [1] : Enable while HALTed
+ // [0] : Enable (resets to 0x1)
+ localparam MITCTL0 = 12'h7d4;
+ assign wr_mitctl0_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MITCTL0);
+ assign mitctl0_ns[2:0] = wr_mitctl0_r ? {dec_csr_wrdata_r[2:0]} : {mitctl0[2:0]};
+ assign mitctl0_0_b_ns = ~mitctl0_ns[0];
+ rvdffs #(3) mitctl0_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .en(wr_mitctl0_r), .din({mitctl0_ns[2:1], mitctl0_0_b_ns}), .dout({mitctl0[2:1], mitctl0_0_b}));
+ assign mitctl0[0] = ~mitctl0_0_b;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // MITCTL1 (RW) Internal Timer Ctl 1
+ // [31:4] : Reserved, reads 0x0
+ // [3] : Cascade
+ // [2] : Enable while PAUSEd
+ // [1] : Enable while HALTed
+ // [0] : Enable (resets to 0x1)
+ localparam MITCTL1 = 12'h7d7;
+ assign wr_mitctl1_r = dec_csr_wen_r_mod & (dec_csr_wraddr_r[11:0] == MITCTL1);
+ assign mitctl1_ns[3:0] = wr_mitctl1_r ? {dec_csr_wrdata_r[3:0]} : {mitctl1[3:0]};
+ assign mitctl1_0_b_ns = ~mitctl1_ns[0];
+ rvdffs #(4) mitctl1_ff (.*, .clk(csr_wr_clk), .en(wr_mitctl1_r), .din({mitctl1_ns[3:1], mitctl1_0_b_ns}), .dout({mitctl1[3:1], mitctl1_0_b}));
+ assign mitctl1[0] = ~mitctl1_0_b;
+ assign dec_timer_read_d = csr_mitcnt1 | csr_mitcnt0 | csr_mitb1 | csr_mitb0 | csr_mitctl0 | csr_mitctl1;
+ assign dec_timer_rddata_d[31:0] = ( ({32{csr_mitcnt0}} & mitcnt0[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mitcnt1}} & mitcnt1[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mitb0}} & mitb0[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mitb1}} & mitb1[31:0]) |
+ ({32{csr_mitctl0}} & {29'b0, mitctl0[2:0]}) |
+ ({32{csr_mitctl1}} & {28'b0, mitctl1[3:0]})
+ );
+endmodule // dec_timer_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f9d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: DEC Trigger Logic
+// Comments:
+module eb1_dec_trigger
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input eb1_trigger_pkt_t [3:0] trigger_pkt_any, // Packet from tlu. 'select':0-pc,1-Opcode 'Execute' needs to be set for dec triggers to fire. 'match'-1 do mask, 0: full match
+ input logic [31:1] dec_i0_pc_d, // i0 pc
+ output logic [3:0] dec_i0_trigger_match_d // Trigger match
+ logic [3:0][31:0] dec_i0_match_data;
+ logic [3:0] dec_i0_trigger_data_match;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign dec_i0_match_data[i][31:0] = ({32{~trigger_pkt_any[i].select & trigger_pkt_any[i].execute}} & {dec_i0_pc_d[31:1], trigger_pkt_any[i].tdata2[0]}); // select=0; do a PC match
+ rvmaskandmatch trigger_i0_match (.mask(trigger_pkt_any[i].tdata2[31:0]), .data(dec_i0_match_data[i][31:0]), .masken(trigger_pkt_any[i].match), .match(dec_i0_trigger_data_match[i]));
+ assign dec_i0_trigger_match_d[i] = trigger_pkt_any[i].execute & trigger_pkt_any[i].m & dec_i0_trigger_data_match[i];
+ end
+endmodule // eb1_dec_trigger
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15df549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+// performance monitor stuff
+//`ifndef eb1_DEF_SV
+//`define eb1_DEF_SV
+package eb1_pkg;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic trace_rv_i_valid_ip;
+ logic [31:0] trace_rv_i_insn_ip;
+ logic [31:0] trace_rv_i_address_ip;
+ logic trace_rv_i_exception_ip;
+ logic [4:0] trace_rv_i_ecause_ip;
+ logic trace_rv_i_interrupt_ip;
+ logic [31:0] trace_rv_i_tval_ip;
+ } eb1_trace_pkt_t;
+typedef enum logic [3:0] {
+ NULL = 4'b0000,
+ MUL = 4'b0001,
+ LOAD = 4'b0010,
+ STORE = 4'b0011,
+ ALU = 4'b0100,
+ CSRREAD = 4'b0101,
+ CSRWRITE = 4'b0110,
+ CSRRW = 4'b0111,
+ EBREAK = 4'b1000,
+ ECALL = 4'b1001,
+ FENCE = 4'b1010,
+ FENCEI = 4'b1011,
+ MRET = 4'b1100,
+ CONDBR = 4'b1101,
+ JAL = 4'b1110,
+ BITMANIPU = 4'b1111
+ } eb1_inst_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic valid;
+ logic wb;
+ logic [2:0] tag;
+ logic [4:0] rd;
+ } eb1_load_cam_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic pc0_call;
+ logic pc0_ret;
+ logic pc0_pc4;
+ } eb1_rets_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic valid;
+ logic [11:0] toffset;
+ logic [1:0] hist;
+ logic br_error;
+ logic br_start_error;
+ logic bank;
+ logic [31:1] prett; // predicted ret target
+ logic way;
+ logic ret;
+ } eb1_br_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic valid;
+ logic [1:0] hist;
+ logic br_error;
+ logic br_start_error;
+ logic way;
+ logic middle;
+ } eb1_br_tlu_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic misp;
+ logic ataken;
+ logic boffset;
+ logic pc4;
+ logic [1:0] hist;
+ logic [11:0] toffset;
+ logic valid;
+ logic br_error;
+ logic br_start_error;
+ logic pcall;
+ logic pja;
+ logic way;
+ logic pret;
+ // for power use the pret bit to clock the prett field
+ logic [31:1] prett;
+ } eb1_predict_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ // unlikely to change
+ logic icaf;
+ logic icaf_second;
+ logic [1:0] icaf_type;
+ logic fence_i;
+ logic [3:0] i0trigger;
+ logic pmu_i0_br_unpred; // pmu
+ logic pmu_divide;
+ // likely to change
+ logic legal;
+ logic pmu_lsu_misaligned;
+ eb1_inst_pkt_t pmu_i0_itype; // pmu - instruction type
+ } eb1_trap_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ // unlikely to change
+ logic i0div;
+ logic csrwen;
+ logic csrwonly;
+ logic [11:0] csrwaddr;
+ // likely to change
+ logic [4:0] i0rd;
+ logic i0load;
+ logic i0store;
+ logic i0v;
+ logic i0valid;
+ } eb1_dest_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic mul;
+ logic load;
+ logic alu;
+ } eb1_class_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic [4:0] rs1;
+ logic [4:0] rs2;
+ logic [4:0] rd;
+ } eb1_reg_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic clz;
+ logic ctz;
+ logic pcnt;
+ logic sext_b;
+ logic sext_h;
+ logic slo;
+ logic sro;
+ logic min;
+ logic max;
+ logic pack;
+ logic packu;
+ logic packh;
+ logic rol;
+ logic ror;
+ logic grev;
+ logic gorc;
+ logic zbb;
+ logic sbset;
+ logic sbclr;
+ logic sbinv;
+ logic sbext;
+ logic sh1add;
+ logic sh2add;
+ logic sh3add;
+ logic zba;
+ logic land;
+ logic lor;
+ logic lxor;
+ logic sll;
+ logic srl;
+ logic sra;
+ logic beq;
+ logic bne;
+ logic blt;
+ logic bge;
+ logic add;
+ logic sub;
+ logic slt;
+ logic unsign;
+ logic jal;
+ logic predict_t;
+ logic predict_nt;
+ logic csr_write;
+ logic csr_imm;
+ } eb1_alu_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic fast_int;
+/* verilator lint_off SYMRSVDWORD */
+ logic stack;
+/* verilator lint_on SYMRSVDWORD */
+ logic by;
+ logic half;
+ logic word;
+ logic dword; // for dma
+ logic load;
+ logic store;
+ logic unsign;
+ logic dma; // dma pkt
+ logic store_data_bypass_d;
+ logic load_ldst_bypass_d;
+ logic store_data_bypass_m;
+ logic valid;
+ } eb1_lsu_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic inst_type; //0: Load, 1: Store
+ //logic dma_valid;
+ logic exc_type; //0: MisAligned, 1: Access Fault
+ logic [3:0] mscause;
+ logic [31:0] addr;
+ logic single_ecc_error;
+ logic exc_valid;
+ } eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic clz;
+ logic ctz;
+ logic pcnt;
+ logic sext_b;
+ logic sext_h;
+ logic slo;
+ logic sro;
+ logic min;
+ logic max;
+ logic pack;
+ logic packu;
+ logic packh;
+ logic rol;
+ logic ror;
+ logic grev;
+ logic gorc;
+ logic zbb;
+ logic sbset;
+ logic sbclr;
+ logic sbinv;
+ logic sbext;
+ logic zbs;
+ logic bext;
+ logic bdep;
+ logic zbe;
+ logic clmul;
+ logic clmulh;
+ logic clmulr;
+ logic zbc;
+ logic shfl;
+ logic unshfl;
+ logic zbp;
+ logic crc32_b;
+ logic crc32_h;
+ logic crc32_w;
+ logic crc32c_b;
+ logic crc32c_h;
+ logic crc32c_w;
+ logic zbr;
+ logic bfp;
+ logic zbf;
+ logic sh1add;
+ logic sh2add;
+ logic sh3add;
+ logic zba;
+ logic alu;
+ logic rs1;
+ logic rs2;
+ logic imm12;
+ logic rd;
+ logic shimm5;
+ logic imm20;
+ logic pc;
+ logic load;
+ logic store;
+ logic lsu;
+ logic add;
+ logic sub;
+ logic land;
+ logic lor;
+ logic lxor;
+ logic sll;
+ logic sra;
+ logic srl;
+ logic slt;
+ logic unsign;
+ logic condbr;
+ logic beq;
+ logic bne;
+ logic bge;
+ logic blt;
+ logic jal;
+ logic by;
+ logic half;
+ logic word;
+ logic csr_read;
+ logic csr_clr;
+ logic csr_set;
+ logic csr_write;
+ logic csr_imm;
+ logic presync;
+ logic postsync;
+ logic ebreak;
+ logic ecall;
+ logic mret;
+ logic mul;
+ logic rs1_sign;
+ logic rs2_sign;
+ logic low;
+ logic div;
+ logic rem;
+ logic fence;
+ logic fence_i;
+ logic pm_alu;
+ logic legal;
+ } eb1_dec_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic valid;
+ logic rs1_sign;
+ logic rs2_sign;
+ logic low;
+ logic bext;
+ logic bdep;
+ logic clmul;
+ logic clmulh;
+ logic clmulr;
+ logic grev;
+ logic gorc;
+ logic shfl;
+ logic unshfl;
+ logic crc32_b;
+ logic crc32_h;
+ logic crc32_w;
+ logic crc32c_b;
+ logic crc32c_h;
+ logic crc32c_w;
+ logic bfp;
+ } eb1_mul_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic valid;
+ logic unsign;
+ logic rem;
+ } eb1_div_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic TEST1;
+ logic RME;
+ logic [3:0] RM;
+ logic LS;
+ logic DS;
+ logic SD;
+ logic TEST_RNM;
+ logic BC1;
+ logic BC2;
+ } eb1_ccm_ext_in_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic TEST1;
+ logic RME;
+ logic [3:0] RM;
+ logic LS;
+ logic DS;
+ logic SD;
+ logic TEST_RNM;
+ logic BC1;
+ logic BC2;
+ } eb1_dccm_ext_in_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic TEST1;
+ logic RME;
+ logic [3:0] RM;
+ logic LS;
+ logic DS;
+ logic SD;
+ logic TEST_RNM;
+ logic BC1;
+ logic BC2;
+ } eb1_ic_data_ext_in_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic TEST1;
+ logic RME;
+ logic [3:0] RM;
+ logic LS;
+ logic DS;
+ logic SD;
+ logic TEST_RNM;
+ logic BC1;
+ logic BC2;
+ } eb1_ic_tag_ext_in_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic select;
+ logic match;
+ logic store;
+ logic load;
+ logic execute;
+ logic m;
+ logic [31:0] tdata2;
+ } eb1_trigger_pkt_t;
+typedef struct packed {
+ logic [70:0] icache_wrdata; // {dicad1[1:0], dicad0h[31:0], dicad0[31:0]}
+ logic [16:0] icache_dicawics; // Arraysel:24, Waysel:21:20, Index:16:3
+ logic icache_rd_valid;
+ logic icache_wr_valid;
+ } eb1_cache_debug_pkt_t;
+endpackage // eb1_pkg
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df586a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_exu
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan control
+ input logic [1:0] dec_data_en, // Clock enable {x,r}, one cycle pulse
+ input logic [1:0] dec_ctl_en, // Clock enable {x,r}, two cycle pulse
+ input logic [31:0] dbg_cmd_wrdata, // Debug data to primary I0 RS1
+ input eb1_alu_pkt_t i0_ap, // DEC alu {valid,predecodes}
+ input logic dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d, // Debug select to primary I0 RS1
+ input eb1_predict_pkt_t dec_i0_predict_p_d, // DEC branch predict packet
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] i0_predict_fghr_d, // DEC predict fghr
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] i0_predict_index_d, // DEC predict index
+ input logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] i0_predict_btag_d, // DEC predict branch tag
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_result_m, // Load result M-stage
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data, // nonblock load data
+ input logic dec_i0_rs1_en_d, // Qualify GPR RS1 data
+ input logic dec_i0_rs2_en_d, // Qualify GPR RS2 data
+ input logic [31:0] gpr_i0_rs1_d, // DEC data gpr
+ input logic [31:0] gpr_i0_rs2_d, // DEC data gpr
+ input logic [31:0] dec_i0_immed_d, // DEC data immediate
+ input logic [31:0] dec_i0_result_r, // DEC result in R-stage
+ input logic [12:1] dec_i0_br_immed_d, // Branch immediate
+ input logic dec_i0_alu_decode_d, // Valid to X-stage ALU
+ input logic dec_i0_branch_d, // Branch in D-stage
+ input logic dec_i0_select_pc_d, // PC select to RS1
+ input logic [31:1] dec_i0_pc_d, // Instruction PC
+ input logic [3:0] dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d, // DEC bypass select 1 - X-stage, 0 - dec bypass data
+ input logic [3:0] dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d, // DEC bypass select 1 - X-stage, 0 - dec bypass data
+ input logic dec_csr_ren_d, // CSR read select
+ input logic [31:0] dec_csr_rddata_d, // CSR read data
+ input logic dec_qual_lsu_d, // LSU instruction at D. Use to quiet LSU operands
+ input eb1_mul_pkt_t mul_p, // DEC {valid, operand signs, low, operand bypass}
+ input eb1_div_pkt_t div_p, // DEC {valid, unsigned, rem}
+ input logic dec_div_cancel, // Cancel the divide operation
+ input logic [31:1] pred_correct_npc_x, // DEC NPC for correctly predicted branch
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_r, // Flush divide and secondary ALUs
+ input logic [31:1] dec_tlu_flush_path_r, // Redirect target
+ input logic dec_extint_stall, // External stall mux select
+ input logic [31:2] dec_tlu_meihap, // External stall mux data
+ output logic [31:0] exu_lsu_rs1_d, // LSU operand
+ output logic [31:0] exu_lsu_rs2_d, // LSU operand
+ output logic exu_flush_final, // Pipe is being flushed this cycle
+ output logic [31:1] exu_flush_path_final, // Target for the oldest flush source
+ output logic [31:0] exu_i0_result_x, // Primary ALU result to DEC
+ output logic [31:1] exu_i0_pc_x, // Primary PC result to DEC
+ output logic [31:0] exu_csr_rs1_x, // RS1 source for a CSR instruction
+ output logic [31:1] exu_npc_r, // Divide NPC
+ output logic [1:0] exu_i0_br_hist_r, // to DEC I0 branch history
+ output logic exu_i0_br_error_r, // to DEC I0 branch error
+ output logic exu_i0_br_start_error_r, // to DEC I0 branch start error
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_i0_br_index_r, // to DEC I0 branch index
+ output logic exu_i0_br_valid_r, // to DEC I0 branch valid
+ output logic exu_i0_br_mp_r, // to DEC I0 branch mispredict
+ output logic exu_i0_br_middle_r, // to DEC I0 branch middle
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_i0_br_fghr_r, // to DEC I0 branch fghr
+ output logic exu_i0_br_way_r, // to DEC I0 branch way
+ output eb1_predict_pkt_t exu_mp_pkt, // Mispredict branch packet
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_eghr, // Mispredict global history
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_fghr, // Mispredict fghr
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_mp_index, // Mispredict index
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_btag, // Mispredict btag
+ output logic exu_pmu_i0_br_misp, // to PMU - I0 E4 branch mispredict
+ output logic exu_pmu_i0_br_ataken, // to PMU - I0 E4 taken
+ output logic exu_pmu_i0_pc4, // to PMU - I0 E4 PC
+ output logic [31:0] exu_div_result, // Divide result
+ output logic exu_div_wren // Divide write enable to GPR
+ );
+ logic [31:0] i0_rs1_bypass_data_d;
+ logic [31:0] i0_rs2_bypass_data_d;
+ logic i0_rs1_bypass_en_d;
+ logic i0_rs2_bypass_en_d;
+ logic [31:0] i0_rs1_d, i0_rs2_d;
+ logic [31:0] muldiv_rs1_d;
+ logic [31:1] pred_correct_npc_r;
+ logic i0_pred_correct_upper_r;
+ logic [31:1] i0_flush_path_upper_r;
+ logic x_data_en, x_data_en_q1, x_data_en_q2, r_data_en, r_data_en_q2;
+ logic x_ctl_en, r_ctl_en;
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ghr_d_ns, ghr_d;
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ghr_x_ns, ghr_x;
+ logic i0_taken_d;
+ logic i0_taken_x;
+ logic i0_valid_d;
+ logic i0_valid_x;
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] after_flush_eghr;
+ eb1_predict_pkt_t final_predict_mp;
+ eb1_predict_pkt_t i0_predict_newp_d;
+ logic flush_in_d;
+ logic [31:0] alu_result_x;
+ logic mul_valid_x;
+ logic [31:0] mul_result_x;
+ eb1_predict_pkt_t i0_pp_r;
+ logic i0_flush_upper_d;
+ logic [31:1] i0_flush_path_d;
+ eb1_predict_pkt_t i0_predict_p_d;
+ logic i0_pred_correct_upper_d;
+ logic i0_flush_upper_x;
+ logic [31:1] i0_flush_path_x;
+ eb1_predict_pkt_t i0_predict_p_x;
+ logic i0_pred_correct_upper_x;
+ logic i0_branch_x;
+ logic [PREDPIPESIZE-1:0] predpipe_d, predpipe_x, predpipe_r, final_predpipe_mp;
+ rvdffpcie #(31) i_flush_path_x_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( x_data_en ), .din ( i0_flush_path_d[31:1] ), .dout( i0_flush_path_x[31:1] ) );
+ rvdffe #(32) i_csr_rs1_x_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( x_data_en_q1 ), .din ( i0_rs1_d[31:0] ), .dout( exu_csr_rs1_x[31:0] ) );
+ rvdffppe #($bits(eb1_predict_pkt_t)) i_predictpacket_x_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( x_data_en ), .din ( i0_predict_p_d ), .dout( i0_predict_p_x ) );
+ rvdffe #(PREDPIPESIZE) i_predpipe_x_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( x_data_en_q2 ), .din ( predpipe_d ), .dout( predpipe_x ) );
+ rvdffe #(PREDPIPESIZE) i_predpipe_r_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( r_data_en_q2 ), .din ( predpipe_x ), .dout( predpipe_r ) );
+ rvdffe #(4+pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE) i_x_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( x_ctl_en ), .din ({i0_valid_d,i0_taken_d,i0_flush_upper_d,i0_pred_correct_upper_d,ghr_x_ns[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]} ),
+ .dout({i0_valid_x,i0_taken_x,i0_flush_upper_x,i0_pred_correct_upper_x,ghr_x[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]} ) );
+ rvdffppe #($bits(eb1_predict_pkt_t)+1) i_r_ff0 (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( r_ctl_en ), .din ({i0_pred_correct_upper_x, i0_predict_p_x}),
+ .dout({i0_pred_correct_upper_r, i0_pp_r }) );
+ rvdffpcie #(31) i_flush_r_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( r_data_en ), .din ( i0_flush_path_x[31:1] ), .dout( i0_flush_path_upper_r[31:1]) );
+ rvdffpcie #(31) i_npc_r_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en ( r_data_en ), .din ( pred_correct_npc_x[31:1] ), .dout( pred_correct_npc_r[31:1] ) );
+ rvdffie #(pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE+2,1) i_misc_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .din ({ghr_d_ns[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0], mul_p.valid, dec_i0_branch_d}),
+ .dout({ghr_d[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] , mul_valid_x, i0_branch_x}) );
+ assign predpipe_d[PREDPIPESIZE-1:0]
+ = {i0_predict_fghr_d, i0_predict_index_d, i0_predict_btag_d};
+ assign i0_rs1_bypass_en_d = dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[0] | dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[1] | dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[2] | dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[3];
+ assign i0_rs2_bypass_en_d = dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[0] | dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[1] | dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[2] | dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[3];
+ assign i0_rs1_bypass_data_d[31:0]=({32{dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[0]}} & dec_i0_result_r[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[1]}} & lsu_result_m[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[2]}} & exu_i0_result_x[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{dec_i0_rs1_bypass_en_d[3]}} & lsu_nonblock_load_data[31:0]);
+ assign i0_rs2_bypass_data_d[31:0]=({32{dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[0]}} & dec_i0_result_r[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[1]}} & lsu_result_m[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[2]}} & exu_i0_result_x[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{dec_i0_rs2_bypass_en_d[3]}} & lsu_nonblock_load_data[31:0]);
+ assign i0_rs1_d[31:0] = ({32{ i0_rs1_bypass_en_d }} & i0_rs1_bypass_data_d[31:0]) |
+ ({32{~i0_rs1_bypass_en_d & dec_i0_select_pc_d }} & {dec_i0_pc_d[31:1],1'b0} ) | // for jal's
+ ({32{~i0_rs1_bypass_en_d & dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d }} & dbg_cmd_wrdata[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{~i0_rs1_bypass_en_d & ~dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d & dec_i0_rs1_en_d}} & gpr_i0_rs1_d[31:0] );
+ assign i0_rs2_d[31:0] = ({32{~i0_rs2_bypass_en_d & dec_i0_rs2_en_d}} & gpr_i0_rs2_d[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{~i0_rs2_bypass_en_d }} & dec_i0_immed_d[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{ i0_rs2_bypass_en_d }} & i0_rs2_bypass_data_d[31:0]);
+ assign exu_lsu_rs1_d[31:0] = ({32{~i0_rs1_bypass_en_d & ~dec_extint_stall & dec_i0_rs1_en_d & dec_qual_lsu_d}} & gpr_i0_rs1_d[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{ i0_rs1_bypass_en_d & ~dec_extint_stall & dec_qual_lsu_d}} & i0_rs1_bypass_data_d[31:0]) |
+ ({32{ dec_extint_stall & dec_qual_lsu_d}} & {dec_tlu_meihap[31:2],2'b0});
+ assign exu_lsu_rs2_d[31:0] = ({32{~i0_rs2_bypass_en_d & ~dec_extint_stall & dec_i0_rs2_en_d & dec_qual_lsu_d}} & gpr_i0_rs2_d[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{ i0_rs2_bypass_en_d & ~dec_extint_stall & dec_qual_lsu_d}} & i0_rs2_bypass_data_d[31:0]);
+ assign muldiv_rs1_d[31:0] = ({32{~i0_rs1_bypass_en_d & dec_i0_rs1_en_d}} & gpr_i0_rs1_d[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{ i0_rs1_bypass_en_d }} & i0_rs1_bypass_data_d[31:0]);
+ assign x_data_en = dec_data_en[1];
+ assign x_data_en_q1 = dec_data_en[1] & dec_csr_ren_d;
+ assign x_data_en_q2 = dec_data_en[1] & dec_i0_branch_d;
+ assign r_data_en = dec_data_en[0];
+ assign r_data_en_q2 = dec_data_en[0] & i0_branch_x;
+ assign x_ctl_en = dec_ctl_en[1];
+ assign r_ctl_en = dec_ctl_en[0];
+ eb1_exu_alu_ctl #(.pt(pt)) i_alu (.*,
+ .enable ( x_data_en ), // I
+ .pp_in ( i0_predict_newp_d ), // I
+ .valid_in ( dec_i0_alu_decode_d ), // I
+ .flush_upper_x ( i0_flush_upper_x ), // I
+ .flush_lower_r ( dec_tlu_flush_lower_r ), // I
+ .a_in ( i0_rs1_d[31:0] ), // I
+ .b_in ( i0_rs2_d[31:0] ), // I
+ .pc_in ( dec_i0_pc_d[31:1] ), // I
+ .brimm_in ( dec_i0_br_immed_d[12:1] ), // I
+ .ap ( i0_ap ), // I
+ .csr_ren_in ( dec_csr_ren_d ), // I
+ .csr_rddata_in ( dec_csr_rddata_d[31:0] ), // I
+ .result_ff ( alu_result_x[31:0] ), // O
+ .flush_upper_out ( i0_flush_upper_d ), // O
+ .flush_final_out ( exu_flush_final ), // O
+ .flush_path_out ( i0_flush_path_d[31:1] ), // O
+ .predict_p_out ( i0_predict_p_d ), // O
+ .pred_correct_out ( i0_pred_correct_upper_d ), // O
+ .pc_ff ( exu_i0_pc_x[31:1] )); // O
+ eb1_exu_mul_ctl #(.pt(pt)) i_mul (.*,
+ .mul_p ( mul_p & {$bits(eb1_mul_pkt_t){mul_p.valid}} ), // I
+ .rs1_in ( muldiv_rs1_d[31:0] & {32{mul_p.valid}} ), // I
+ .rs2_in ( i0_rs2_d[31:0] & {32{mul_p.valid}} ), // I
+ .result_x ( mul_result_x[31:0] )); // O
+ eb1_exu_div_ctl #(.pt(pt)) i_div (.*,
+ .cancel ( dec_div_cancel ), // I
+ .dp ( div_p ), // I
+ .dividend ( muldiv_rs1_d[31:0] ), // I
+ .divisor ( i0_rs2_d[31:0] ), // I
+ .finish_dly ( exu_div_wren ), // O
+ .out ( exu_div_result[31:0] )); // O
+ assign exu_i0_result_x[31:0] = (mul_valid_x) ? mul_result_x[31:0] : alu_result_x[31:0];
+ always_comb begin
+ i0_predict_newp_d = dec_i0_predict_p_d;
+ i0_predict_newp_d.boffset = dec_i0_pc_d[1]; // from the start of inst
+ end
+ assign exu_pmu_i0_br_misp = i0_pp_r.misp;
+ assign exu_pmu_i0_br_ataken = i0_pp_r.ataken;
+ assign exu_pmu_i0_pc4 = i0_pp_r.pc4;
+ assign i0_valid_d = i0_predict_p_d.valid & dec_i0_alu_decode_d & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r;
+ assign i0_taken_d = (i0_predict_p_d.ataken & dec_i0_alu_decode_d);
+if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+ // maintain GHR at D
+ assign ghr_d_ns[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]
+ = ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & i0_valid_d}} & {ghr_d[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-2:0], i0_taken_d}) |
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & ~i0_valid_d}} & ghr_d[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ) |
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{ dec_tlu_flush_lower_r }} & ghr_x[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] );
+ // maintain GHR at X
+ assign ghr_x_ns[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]
+ = ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{ i0_valid_x}} & {ghr_x[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-2:0], i0_taken_x}) |
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{~i0_valid_x}} & ghr_x[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ) ;
+ assign exu_i0_br_valid_r = i0_pp_r.valid;
+ assign exu_i0_br_mp_r = i0_pp_r.misp;
+ assign exu_i0_br_way_r = i0_pp_r.way;
+ assign exu_i0_br_hist_r[1:0] = {2{i0_pp_r.valid}} & i0_pp_r.hist[1:0];
+ assign exu_i0_br_error_r = i0_pp_r.br_error;
+ assign exu_i0_br_middle_r = i0_pp_r.pc4 ^ i0_pp_r.boffset;
+ assign exu_i0_br_start_error_r = i0_pp_r.br_start_error;
+ assign {exu_i0_br_fghr_r[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0],
+ exu_i0_br_index_r[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]}= predpipe_r[PREDPIPESIZE-1:pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE];
+ assign final_predict_mp = (i0_flush_upper_x) ? i0_predict_p_x : '0;
+ assign final_predpipe_mp[PREDPIPESIZE-1:0] = (i0_flush_upper_x) ? predpipe_x : '0;
+ assign after_flush_eghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = (i0_flush_upper_x & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r) ? ghr_d[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] : ghr_x[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.valid = final_predict_mp.valid;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.way = final_predict_mp.way;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.misp = final_predict_mp.misp;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.pcall = final_predict_mp.pcall;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.pja = final_predict_mp.pja;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.pret = final_predict_mp.pret;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.ataken = final_predict_mp.ataken;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.boffset = final_predict_mp.boffset;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.pc4 = final_predict_mp.pc4;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.hist[1:0] = final_predict_mp.hist[1:0];
+ assign exu_mp_pkt.toffset[11:0] = final_predict_mp.toffset[11:0];
+ assign exu_mp_fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = after_flush_eghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign {exu_mp_index[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO],
+ exu_mp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]} = final_predpipe_mp[PREDPIPESIZE-pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign exu_mp_eghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = final_predpipe_mp[PREDPIPESIZE-1:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI-pt.BTB_ADDR_LO+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+1]; // mp ghr for bht write
+end // if (pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+else begin
+ assign ghr_d_ns = '0;
+ assign ghr_x_ns = '0;
+ assign exu_mp_pkt = '0;
+ assign exu_mp_eghr = '0;
+ assign exu_mp_fghr = '0;
+ assign exu_mp_index = '0;
+ assign exu_mp_btag = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_hist_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_error_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_start_error_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_index_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_valid_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_mp_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_middle_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_fghr_r = '0;
+ assign exu_i0_br_way_r = '0;
+end // else: !if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ assign exu_flush_path_final[31:1] = ( {31{ dec_tlu_flush_lower_r }} & dec_tlu_flush_path_r[31:1] ) |
+ ( {31{~dec_tlu_flush_lower_r & i0_flush_upper_d}} & i0_flush_path_d[31:1] );
+ assign exu_npc_r[31:1] = (i0_pred_correct_upper_r) ? pred_correct_npc_r[31:1] : i0_flush_path_upper_r[31:1];
+endmodule // eb1_exu
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d05f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_exu_alu_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan control
+ input logic flush_upper_x, // Branch flush from previous cycle
+ input logic flush_lower_r, // Master flush of entire pipeline
+ input logic enable, // Clock enable
+ input logic valid_in, // Valid
+ input eb1_alu_pkt_t ap, // predecodes
+ input logic csr_ren_in, // CSR select
+ input logic [31:0] csr_rddata_in, // CSR data
+ input logic signed [31:0] a_in, // A operand
+ input logic [31:0] b_in, // B operand
+ input logic [31:1] pc_in, // for pc=pc+2,4 calculations
+ input eb1_predict_pkt_t pp_in, // Predicted branch structure
+ input logic [12:1] brimm_in, // Branch offset
+ output logic [31:0] result_ff, // final result
+ output logic flush_upper_out, // Branch flush
+ output logic flush_final_out, // Branch flush or flush entire pipeline
+ output logic [31:1] flush_path_out, // Branch flush PC
+ output logic [31:1] pc_ff, // flopped PC
+ output logic pred_correct_out, // NPC control
+ output eb1_predict_pkt_t predict_p_out // Predicted branch structure
+ );
+ logic [31:0] zba_a_in;
+ logic [31:0] aout;
+ logic cout,ov,neg;
+ logic [31:0] lout;
+ logic [31:0] sout;
+ logic sel_shift;
+ logic sel_adder;
+ logic slt_one;
+ logic actual_taken;
+ logic [31:1] pcout;
+ logic cond_mispredict;
+ logic target_mispredict;
+ logic eq, ne, lt, ge;
+ logic any_jal;
+ logic [1:0] newhist;
+ logic sel_pc;
+ logic [31:0] csr_write_data;
+ logic [31:0] result;
+ // *** Start - BitManip ***
+ // Zbb
+ logic ap_clz;
+ logic ap_ctz;
+ logic ap_pcnt;
+ logic ap_sext_b;
+ logic ap_sext_h;
+ logic ap_min;
+ logic ap_max;
+ logic ap_pack;
+ logic ap_packu;
+ logic ap_packh;
+ logic ap_rol;
+ logic ap_ror;
+ logic ap_rev;
+ logic ap_rev8;
+ logic ap_orc_b;
+ logic ap_orc16;
+ logic ap_zbb;
+ // Zbs
+ logic ap_sbset;
+ logic ap_sbclr;
+ logic ap_sbinv;
+ logic ap_sbext;
+ // Zbr
+ logic ap_slo;
+ logic ap_sro;
+ // Zba
+ logic ap_sh1add;
+ logic ap_sh2add;
+ logic ap_sh3add;
+ logic ap_zba;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBB == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_clz = ap.clz;
+ assign ap_ctz = ap.ctz;
+ assign ap_pcnt = ap.pcnt;
+ assign ap_sext_b = ap.sext_b;
+ assign ap_sext_h = ap.sext_h;
+ assign ap_min = ap.min;
+ assign ap_max = ap.max;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_clz = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_ctz = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_pcnt = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sext_b = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sext_h = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_min = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_max = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if ( (pt.BITMANIP_ZBB == 1) | (pt.BITMANIP_ZBP == 1) )
+ begin
+ assign ap_pack = ap.pack;
+ assign ap_packu = ap.packu;
+ assign ap_packh = ap.packh;
+ assign ap_rol = ap.rol;
+ assign ap_ror = ap.ror;
+ assign ap_rev = ap.grev & (b_in[4:0] == 5'b11111);
+ assign ap_rev8 = ap.grev & (b_in[4:0] == 5'b11000);
+ assign ap_orc_b = ap.gorc & (b_in[4:0] == 5'b00111);
+ assign ap_orc16 = ap.gorc & (b_in[4:0] == 5'b10000);
+ assign ap_zbb = ap.zbb;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_pack = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_packu = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_packh = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_rol = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_ror = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_rev = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_rev8 = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_orc_b = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_orc16 = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_zbb = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBS == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_sbset = ap.sbset;
+ assign ap_sbclr = ap.sbclr;
+ assign ap_sbinv = ap.sbinv;
+ assign ap_sbext = ap.sbext;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_sbset = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sbclr = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sbinv = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sbext = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBP == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_slo = ap.slo;
+ assign ap_sro = ap.sro;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_slo = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sro = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBA == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_sh1add = ap.sh1add;
+ assign ap_sh2add = ap.sh2add;
+ assign ap_sh3add = ap.sh3add;
+ assign ap_zba = ap.zba;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_sh1add = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sh2add = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_sh3add = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_zba = 1'b0;
+ end
+ // *** End - BitManip ***
+ rvdffpcie #(31) i_pc_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(enable), .din(pc_in[31:1]), .dout(pc_ff[31:1])); // any PC is run through here - doesn't have to be alu
+ rvdffe #(32) i_result_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(enable & valid_in), .din(result[31:0]), .dout(result_ff[31:0]));
+ // immediates are just muxed into rs2
+ // add => add=1;
+ // sub => add=1; sub=1;
+ // and => lctl=3
+ // or => lctl=2
+ // xor => lctl=1
+ // sll => sctl=3
+ // srl => sctl=2
+ // sra => sctl=1
+ // slt => slt
+ // lui => lctl=2; or x0, imm20 previously << 12
+ // auipc => add; add pc, imm20 previously << 12
+ // beq => bctl=4; add; add x0, pc, sext(offset[12:1])
+ // bne => bctl=3; add; add x0, pc, sext(offset[12:1])
+ // blt => bctl=2; add; add x0, pc, sext(offset[12:1])
+ // bge => bctl=1; add; add x0, pc, sext(offset[12:1])
+ // jal => rs1=pc {pc[31:1],1'b0}, rs2=sext(offset20:1]); rd=pc+[2,4]
+ // jalr => rs1=rs1, rs2=sext(offset20:1]); rd=pc+[2,4]
+ assign zba_a_in[31:0] = ( {32{ ap_sh1add}} & {a_in[30:0],1'b0} ) |
+ ( {32{ ap_sh2add}} & {a_in[29:0],2'b0} ) |
+ ( {32{ ap_sh3add}} & {a_in[28:0],3'b0} ) |
+ ( {32{~ap_zba }} & a_in[31:0] );
+ logic [31:0] bm;
+ assign bm[31:0] = ( ap.sub ) ? ~b_in[31:0] : b_in[31:0];
+ assign {cout, aout[31:0]} = {1'b0, zba_a_in[31:0]} + {1'b0, bm[31:0]} + {32'b0, ap.sub};
+ assign ov = (~a_in[31] & ~bm[31] & aout[31]) |
+ ( a_in[31] & bm[31] & ~aout[31] );
+ assign lt = (~ap.unsign & (neg ^ ov)) |
+ ( ap.unsign & ~cout);
+ assign eq = (a_in[31:0] == b_in[31:0]);
+ assign ne = ~eq;
+ assign neg = aout[31];
+ assign ge = ~lt;
+ assign lout[31:0] = ( {32{csr_ren_in }} & csr_rddata_in[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ & ~ap_zbb}} & a_in[31:0] & b_in[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap.lor & ~ap_zbb}} & (a_in[31:0] | b_in[31:0]) ) |
+ ( {32{ap.lxor & ~ap_zbb}} & (a_in[31:0] ^ b_in[31:0]) ) |
+ ( {32{ & ap_zbb}} & a_in[31:0] & ~b_in[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap.lor & ap_zbb}} & (a_in[31:0] | ~b_in[31:0]) ) |
+ ( {32{ap.lxor & ap_zbb}} & (a_in[31:0] ^ ~b_in[31:0]) );
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : SLO,SRO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : ROL,ROR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : ZBEXT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [5:0] shift_amount;
+ logic [31:0] shift_mask;
+ logic [62:0] shift_extend;
+ logic [62:0] shift_long;
+ assign shift_amount[5:0] = ( { 6{ap.sll}} & (6'd32 - {1'b0,b_in[4:0]}) ) | // [5] unused
+ ( { 6{}} & {1'b0,b_in[4:0]} ) |
+ ( { 6{ap.sra}} & {1'b0,b_in[4:0]} ) |
+ ( { 6{ap_rol}} & (6'd32 - {1'b0,b_in[4:0]}) ) |
+ ( { 6{ap_ror}} & {1'b0,b_in[4:0]} ) |
+ ( { 6{ap_slo}} & (6'd32 - {1'b0,b_in[4:0]}) ) |
+ ( { 6{ap_sro}} & {1'b0,b_in[4:0]} ) |
+ ( { 6{ap_sbext}} & {1'b0,b_in[4:0]} );
+ assign shift_mask[31:0] = ( 32'hffffffff << ({5{ap.sll | ap_slo}} & b_in[4:0]) );
+ assign shift_extend[31:0] = a_in[31:0];
+ assign shift_extend[62:32] = ( {31{ap.sra}} & {31{a_in[31]}} ) |
+ ( {31{ap.sll}} & a_in[30:0] ) |
+ ( {31{ap_rol}} & a_in[30:0] ) |
+ ( {31{ap_ror}} & a_in[30:0] ) |
+ ( {31{ap_slo}} & a_in[30:0] ) |
+ ( {31{ap_sro}} & {31{ 1'b1 }} );
+ assign shift_long[62:0] = ( shift_extend[62:0] >> shift_amount[4:0] ); // 62-32 unused
+ assign sout[31:0] = ( shift_long[31:0] & shift_mask[31:0] ) | ( {32{ap_slo}} & ~shift_mask[31:0] );
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : CLZ,CTZ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic bitmanip_clz_ctz_sel;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_a_reverse_ff;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_lzd_in;
+ logic [5:0] bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc;
+ logic [5:0] bitmanip_clz_ctz_result;
+ assign bitmanip_clz_ctz_sel = ap_clz | ap_ctz;
+ assign bitmanip_a_reverse_ff[31:0] = {a_in[0], a_in[1], a_in[2], a_in[3], a_in[4], a_in[5], a_in[6], a_in[7],
+ a_in[8], a_in[9], a_in[10], a_in[11], a_in[12], a_in[13], a_in[14], a_in[15],
+ a_in[16], a_in[17], a_in[18], a_in[19], a_in[20], a_in[21], a_in[22], a_in[23],
+ a_in[24], a_in[25], a_in[26], a_in[27], a_in[28], a_in[29], a_in[30], a_in[31]};
+ assign bitmanip_lzd_in[31:0] = ( {32{ap_clz}} & a_in[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_ctz}} & bitmanip_a_reverse_ff[31:0]);
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_lzd_os;
+ integer i;
+ logic found;
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ bitmanip_lzd_os[31:0] = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:0];
+ bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[5:0]= 6'b0;
+ found = 1'b0;
+ for (int i=0; i<32 && found==0; i++) begin
+ if (bitmanip_lzd_os[31] == 1'b0) begin
+ bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[5:0]= bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[5:0] + 6'b00_0001;
+ bitmanip_lzd_os[31:0] = bitmanip_lzd_os[31:0] << 1;
+ end
+ else
+ found=1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ assign bitmanip_clz_ctz_result[5:0] = {6{bitmanip_clz_ctz_sel}} & {bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[5],( {5{~bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[5]}} & bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[4:0] )};
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : PCNT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [5:0] bitmanip_pcnt;
+ logic [5:0] bitmanip_pcnt_result;
+ integer bitmanip_pcnt_i;
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ bitmanip_pcnt[5:0] = 6'b0;
+ for (bitmanip_pcnt_i=0; bitmanip_pcnt_i<32; bitmanip_pcnt_i++)
+ begin
+ bitmanip_pcnt[5:0] = bitmanip_pcnt[5:0] + {5'b0,a_in[bitmanip_pcnt_i]};
+ end // FOR bitmanip_pcnt_i
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ assign bitmanip_pcnt_result[5:0] = {6{ap_pcnt}} & bitmanip_pcnt[5:0];
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : SEXT_B,SEXT_H * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_sext_result;
+ assign bitmanip_sext_result[31:0] = ( {32{ap_sext_b}} & { {24{a_in[7]}} ,a_in[7:0] } ) |
+ ( {32{ap_sext_h}} & { {16{a_in[15]}},a_in[15:0] } );
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : MIN,MAX,MINU,MAXU * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic bitmanip_minmax_sel;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_minmax_result;
+ assign bitmanip_minmax_sel = ap_min | ap_max;
+ logic bitmanip_minmax_sel_a;
+ assign bitmanip_minmax_sel_a = ge ^ ap_min;
+ assign bitmanip_minmax_result[31:0] = ({32{bitmanip_minmax_sel & bitmanip_minmax_sel_a}} & a_in[31:0]) |
+ ({32{bitmanip_minmax_sel & ~bitmanip_minmax_sel_a}} & b_in[31:0]);
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : PACK, PACKU, PACKH * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_pack_result;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_packu_result;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_packh_result;
+ assign bitmanip_pack_result[31:0] = {32{ap_pack}} & {b_in[15:0], a_in[15:0]};
+ assign bitmanip_packu_result[31:0] = {32{ap_packu}} & {b_in[31:16],a_in[31:16]};
+ assign bitmanip_packh_result[31:0] = {32{ap_packh}} & {16'b0,b_in[7:0],a_in[7:0]};
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : REV, REV8, ORC_B * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_rev_result;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_rev8_result;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_orc_b_result;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_orc16_result;
+ assign bitmanip_rev_result[31:0] = {32{ap_rev}} &
+ {a_in[00],a_in[01],a_in[02],a_in[03],a_in[04],a_in[05],a_in[06],a_in[07],
+ a_in[08],a_in[09],a_in[10],a_in[11],a_in[12],a_in[13],a_in[14],a_in[15],
+ a_in[16],a_in[17],a_in[18],a_in[19],a_in[20],a_in[21],a_in[22],a_in[23],
+ a_in[24],a_in[25],a_in[26],a_in[27],a_in[28],a_in[29],a_in[30],a_in[31]};
+ assign bitmanip_rev8_result[31:0] = {32{ap_rev8}} & {a_in[7:0],a_in[15:8],a_in[23:16],a_in[31:24]};
+// uint32_t gorc32(uint32_t rs1, uint32_t rs2)
+// {
+// uint32_t x = rs1;
+// int shamt = rs2 & 31; ORC.B ORC16
+// if (shamt & 1) x |= ((x & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((x & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1); 1 0
+// if (shamt & 2) x |= ((x & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((x & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2); 1 0
+// if (shamt & 4) x |= ((x & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ((x & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4); 1 0
+// if (shamt & 8) x |= ((x & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ((x & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8); 0 0
+// if (shamt & 16) x |= ((x & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) | ((x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); 0 1
+// return x;
+// }
+// BEFORE 31 , 30 , 29 , 28 , 27 , 26, 25, 24
+// shamt[0] b = a31|a30,a31|a30,a29|a28,a29|a28, a27|a26,a27|a26,a25|a24,a25|a24
+// shamt[1] c = b31|b29,b30|b28,b31|b29,b30|b28, b27|b25,b26|b24,b27|b25,b26|b24
+// shamt[2] d = c31|c27,c30|c26,c29|c25,c28|c24, c31|c27,c30|c26,c29|c25,c28|c24
+// Expand d31 = c31 | c27;
+// = b31 | b29 | b27 | b25;
+// = a31|a30 | a29|a28 | a27|a26 | a25|a24
+ assign bitmanip_orc_b_result[31:0] = {32{ap_orc_b}} & { {8{| a_in[31:24]}}, {8{| a_in[23:16]}}, {8{| a_in[15:8]}}, {8{| a_in[7:0]}} };
+ assign bitmanip_orc16_result[31:0] = {32{ap_orc16}} & { {a_in[31:16] | a_in[15:0]}, {a_in[31:16] | a_in[15:0]} };
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : ZBSET, ZBCLR, ZBINV * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_sb_1hot;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_sb_data;
+ assign bitmanip_sb_1hot[31:0] = ( 32'h00000001 << b_in[4:0] );
+ assign bitmanip_sb_data[31:0] = ( {32{ap_sbset}} & ( a_in[31:0] | bitmanip_sb_1hot[31:0]) ) |
+ ( {32{ap_sbclr}} & ( a_in[31:0] & ~bitmanip_sb_1hot[31:0]) ) |
+ ( {32{ap_sbinv}} & ( a_in[31:0] ^ bitmanip_sb_1hot[31:0]) );
+ assign sel_shift = ap.sll | | ap.sra | ap_slo | ap_sro | ap_rol | ap_ror;
+ assign sel_adder = (ap.add | ap.sub | ap_zba) & ~ap.slt & ~ap_min & ~ap_max;
+ assign sel_pc = ap.jal | pp_in.pcall | pp_in.pja | pp_in.pret;
+ assign csr_write_data[31:0]= (ap.csr_imm) ? b_in[31:0] : a_in[31:0];
+ assign slt_one = ap.slt & lt;
+ assign result[31:0] = lout[31:0] |
+ ({32{sel_shift}} & sout[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{sel_adder}} & aout[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{sel_pc}} & {pcout[31:1],1'b0} ) |
+ ({32{ap.csr_write}} & csr_write_data[31:0] ) |
+ {31'b0, slt_one} |
+ ({32{ap_sbext}} & {31'b0, sout[0]} ) |
+ {26'b0, bitmanip_clz_ctz_result[5:0]} |
+ {26'b0, bitmanip_pcnt_result[5:0]} |
+ bitmanip_sext_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_minmax_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_pack_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_packu_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_packh_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_rev_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_rev8_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_orc_b_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_orc16_result[31:0] |
+ bitmanip_sb_data[31:0];
+ // *** branch handling ***
+ assign any_jal = ap.jal |
+ pp_in.pcall |
+ pp_in.pja |
+ pp_in.pret;
+ assign actual_taken = (ap.beq & eq) |
+ (ap.bne & ne) |
+ (ap.blt & lt) |
+ (ap.bge & ge) |
+ any_jal;
+ // for a conditional br pcout[] will be the opposite of the branch prediction
+ // for jal or pcall, it will be the link address pc+2 or pc+4
+ rvbradder ibradder (
+ .pc ( pc_in[31:1] ),
+ .offset ( brimm_in[12:1] ),
+ .dout ( pcout[31:1] ));
+ // pred_correct is for the npc logic
+ // pred_correct indicates not to use the flush_path
+ // for any_jal pred_correct==0
+ assign pred_correct_out = (valid_in & ap.predict_nt & ~actual_taken & ~any_jal) |
+ (valid_in & ap.predict_t & actual_taken & ~any_jal);
+ // for any_jal adder output is the flush path
+ assign flush_path_out[31:1]= (any_jal) ? aout[31:1] : pcout[31:1];
+ // pcall and pret are included here
+ assign cond_mispredict = (ap.predict_t & ~actual_taken) |
+ (ap.predict_nt & actual_taken);
+ // target mispredicts on ret's
+ assign target_mispredict = pp_in.pret & (pp_in.prett[31:1] != aout[31:1]);
+ assign flush_upper_out = (ap.jal | cond_mispredict | target_mispredict) & valid_in & ~flush_upper_x & ~flush_lower_r;
+ assign flush_final_out = ( (ap.jal | cond_mispredict | target_mispredict) & valid_in & ~flush_upper_x ) | flush_lower_r;
+ // .i 3
+ // .o 2
+ // .ilb hist[1] hist[0] taken
+ // .ob newhist[1] newhist[0]
+ // .type fd
+ //
+ // 00 0 01
+ // 01 0 01
+ // 10 0 00
+ // 11 0 10
+ // 00 1 10
+ // 01 1 00
+ // 10 1 11
+ // 11 1 11
+ assign newhist[1] = ( pp_in.hist[1] & pp_in.hist[0]) | (~pp_in.hist[0] & actual_taken);
+ assign newhist[0] = (~pp_in.hist[1] & ~actual_taken) | ( pp_in.hist[1] & actual_taken);
+ always_comb begin
+ predict_p_out = pp_in;
+ predict_p_out.misp = ~flush_upper_x & ~flush_lower_r & (cond_mispredict | target_mispredict);
+ predict_p_out.ataken = actual_taken;
+ predict_p_out.hist[1] = newhist[1];
+ predict_p_out.hist[0] = newhist[0];
+ end
+endmodule // eb1_exu_alu_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b438e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,1801 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_exu_div_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan mode
+ input eb1_div_pkt_t dp, // valid, sign, rem
+ input logic [31:0] dividend, // Numerator
+ input logic [31:0] divisor, // Denominator
+ input logic cancel, // Cancel divide
+ output logic finish_dly, // Finish to match data
+ output logic [31:0] out // Result
+ );
+ logic [31:0] out_raw;
+ assign out[31:0] = {32{finish_dly}} & out_raw[31:0]; // Qualification added to quiet result bus while divide is iterating
+ if (pt.DIV_NEW == 0)
+ begin
+ eb1_exu_div_existing_1bit_cheapshortq i_existing_1bit_div_cheapshortq (
+ .clk ( clk ), // I
+ .rst_l ( rst_l ), // I
+ .scan_mode ( scan_mode ), // I
+ .cancel ( cancel ), // I
+ .valid_in ( dp.valid ), // I
+ .signed_in (~dp.unsign ), // I
+ .rem_in ( dp.rem ), // I
+ .dividend_in ( dividend[31:0] ), // I
+ .divisor_in ( divisor[31:0] ), // I
+ .valid_out ( finish_dly ), // O
+ .data_out ( out_raw[31:0] )); // O
+ end
+ if ( (pt.DIV_NEW == 1) & (pt.DIV_BIT == 1) )
+ begin
+ eb1_exu_div_new_1bit_fullshortq i_new_1bit_div_fullshortq (
+ .clk ( clk ), // I
+ .rst_l ( rst_l ), // I
+ .scan_mode ( scan_mode ), // I
+ .cancel ( cancel ), // I
+ .valid_in ( dp.valid ), // I
+ .signed_in (~dp.unsign ), // I
+ .rem_in ( dp.rem ), // I
+ .dividend_in ( dividend[31:0] ), // I
+ .divisor_in ( divisor[31:0] ), // I
+ .valid_out ( finish_dly ), // O
+ .data_out ( out_raw[31:0] )); // O
+ end
+ if ( (pt.DIV_NEW == 1) & (pt.DIV_BIT == 2) )
+ begin
+ eb1_exu_div_new_2bit_fullshortq i_new_2bit_div_fullshortq (
+ .clk ( clk ), // I
+ .rst_l ( rst_l ), // I
+ .scan_mode ( scan_mode ), // I
+ .cancel ( cancel ), // I
+ .valid_in ( dp.valid ), // I
+ .signed_in (~dp.unsign ), // I
+ .rem_in ( dp.rem ), // I
+ .dividend_in ( dividend[31:0] ), // I
+ .divisor_in ( divisor[31:0] ), // I
+ .valid_out ( finish_dly ), // O
+ .data_out ( out_raw[31:0] )); // O
+ end
+ if ( (pt.DIV_NEW == 1) & (pt.DIV_BIT == 3) )
+ begin
+ eb1_exu_div_new_3bit_fullshortq i_new_3bit_div_fullshortq (
+ .clk ( clk ), // I
+ .rst_l ( rst_l ), // I
+ .scan_mode ( scan_mode ), // I
+ .cancel ( cancel ), // I
+ .valid_in ( dp.valid ), // I
+ .signed_in (~dp.unsign ), // I
+ .rem_in ( dp.rem ), // I
+ .dividend_in ( dividend[31:0] ), // I
+ .divisor_in ( divisor[31:0] ), // I
+ .valid_out ( finish_dly ), // O
+ .data_out ( out_raw[31:0] )); // O
+ end
+ if ( (pt.DIV_NEW == 1) & (pt.DIV_BIT == 4) )
+ begin
+ eb1_exu_div_new_4bit_fullshortq i_new_4bit_div_fullshortq (
+ .clk ( clk ), // I
+ .rst_l ( rst_l ), // I
+ .scan_mode ( scan_mode ), // I
+ .cancel ( cancel ), // I
+ .valid_in ( dp.valid ), // I
+ .signed_in (~dp.unsign ), // I
+ .rem_in ( dp.rem ), // I
+ .dividend_in ( dividend[31:0] ), // I
+ .divisor_in ( divisor[31:0] ), // I
+ .valid_out ( finish_dly ), // O
+ .data_out ( out_raw[31:0] )); // O
+ end
+endmodule // eb1_exu_div_ctl
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+module eb1_exu_div_existing_1bit_cheapshortq
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan mode
+ input logic cancel, // Flush pipeline
+ input logic valid_in,
+ input logic signed_in,
+ input logic rem_in,
+ input logic [31:0] dividend_in,
+ input logic [31:0] divisor_in,
+ output logic valid_out,
+ output logic [31:0] data_out
+ );
+ logic div_clken;
+ logic run_in, run_state;
+ logic [5:0] count_in, count;
+ logic [32:0] m_ff;
+ logic qff_enable;
+ logic aff_enable;
+ logic [32:0] q_in, q_ff;
+ logic [32:0] a_in, a_ff;
+ logic [32:0] m_eff;
+ logic [32:0] a_shift;
+ logic dividend_neg_ff, divisor_neg_ff;
+ logic [31:0] dividend_comp;
+ logic [31:0] dividend_eff;
+ logic [31:0] q_ff_comp;
+ logic [31:0] q_ff_eff;
+ logic [31:0] a_ff_comp;
+ logic [31:0] a_ff_eff;
+ logic sign_ff, sign_eff;
+ logic rem_ff;
+ logic add;
+ logic [32:0] a_eff;
+ logic [64:0] a_eff_shift;
+ logic rem_correct;
+ logic valid_ff_x;
+ logic valid_x;
+ logic finish;
+ logic finish_ff;
+ logic smallnum_case, smallnum_case_ff;
+ logic [3:0] smallnum, smallnum_ff;
+ logic m_already_comp;
+ logic [4:0] a_cls;
+ logic [4:0] b_cls;
+ logic [5:0] shortq_shift;
+ logic [5:0] shortq_shift_ff;
+ logic [5:0] shortq;
+ logic shortq_enable;
+ logic shortq_enable_ff;
+ logic [32:0] short_dividend;
+ logic [3:0] shortq_raw;
+ logic [3:0] shortq_shift_xx;
+ rvdffe #(23) i_misc_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(div_clken), .din ({valid_in & ~cancel,
+ finish & ~cancel,
+ run_in,
+ count_in[5:0],
+ (valid_in & dividend_in[31]) | (~valid_in & dividend_neg_ff),
+ (valid_in & divisor_in[31] ) | (~valid_in & divisor_neg_ff ),
+ (valid_in & sign_eff ) | (~valid_in & sign_ff ),
+ (valid_in & rem_in ) | (~valid_in & rem_ff ),
+ smallnum_case,
+ smallnum[3:0],
+ shortq_enable,
+ shortq_shift[3:0]}),
+ .dout({valid_ff_x,
+ finish_ff,
+ run_state,
+ count[5:0],
+ dividend_neg_ff,
+ divisor_neg_ff,
+ sign_ff,
+ rem_ff,
+ smallnum_case_ff,
+ smallnum_ff[3:0],
+ shortq_enable_ff,
+ shortq_shift_xx[3:0]}));
+ rvdffe #(33) mff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(valid_in), .din({signed_in & divisor_in[31], divisor_in[31:0]}), .dout(m_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) qff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qff_enable), .din(q_in[32:0]), .dout(q_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) aff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(aff_enable), .din(a_in[32:0]), .dout(a_ff[32:0]));
+ rvtwoscomp #(32) i_dividend_comp (.din(q_ff[31:0]), .dout(dividend_comp[31:0]));
+ rvtwoscomp #(32) i_q_ff_comp (.din(q_ff[31:0]), .dout(q_ff_comp[31:0]));
+ rvtwoscomp #(32) i_a_ff_comp (.din(a_ff[31:0]), .dout(a_ff_comp[31:0]));
+ assign valid_x = valid_ff_x & ~cancel;
+ // START - short circuit logic for small numbers {{
+ // small number divides - any 4b / 4b is done in 1 cycle (divisor != 0)
+ // to generate espresso equations:
+ // 1. smalldiv > smalldiv.e
+ // 2. espresso -Dso -oeqntott smalldiv.e | addassign > smalldiv
+ // smallnum case does not cover divide by 0
+ assign smallnum_case = ((q_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & (m_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & (m_ff[31:0] != 32'b0) & ~rem_ff & valid_x) |
+ ((q_ff[31:0] == 32'b0) & (m_ff[31:0] != 32'b0) & ~rem_ff & valid_x);
+ assign smallnum[3] = ( q_ff[3] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] );
+ assign smallnum[2] = ( q_ff[3] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[1] = ( q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[1] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & m_ff[1] & m_ff[0]) |
+ (~q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[0] = ( q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~q_ff[2] & q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[1] & m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[1] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ (~q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & ~q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & m_ff[1] & m_ff[0]) |
+ (~q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[2] & m_ff[1] ) |
+ (~q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ (~q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~q_ff[2] & ~q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[2] & m_ff[0]) |
+ ( ~q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ (~q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[2] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[1] & m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[2] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[2] & m_ff[1] & m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[0]) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[0] & m_ff[3] & ~m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & ~q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & ~m_ff[3] & m_ff[1] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[1] & q_ff[0] & ~m_ff[2] ) |
+ ( q_ff[3] & q_ff[2] & q_ff[1] & q_ff[0] & m_ff[3] );
+ // END - short circuit logic for small numbers }}
+ // *** Start Short Q *** {{
+ assign short_dividend[31:0] = q_ff[31:0];
+ assign short_dividend[32] = sign_ff & q_ff[31];
+ // A B
+ // 210 210 SH
+ // --- --- --
+ // 1xx 000 0
+ // 1xx 001 8
+ // 1xx 01x 16
+ // 1xx 1xx 24
+ // 01x 000 8
+ // 01x 001 16
+ // 01x 01x 24
+ // 01x 1xx 32
+ // 001 000 16
+ // 001 001 24
+ // 001 01x 32
+ // 001 1xx 32
+ // 000 000 24
+ // 000 001 32
+ // 000 01x 32
+ // 000 1xx 32
+ assign a_cls[4:3] = 2'b0;
+ assign a_cls[2] = (~short_dividend[32] & (short_dividend[31:24] != {8{1'b0}})) | ( short_dividend[32] & (short_dividend[31:23] != {9{1'b1}}));
+ assign a_cls[1] = (~short_dividend[32] & (short_dividend[23:16] != {8{1'b0}})) | ( short_dividend[32] & (short_dividend[22:15] != {8{1'b1}}));
+ assign a_cls[0] = (~short_dividend[32] & (short_dividend[15:08] != {8{1'b0}})) | ( short_dividend[32] & (short_dividend[14:07] != {8{1'b1}}));
+ assign b_cls[4:3] = 2'b0;
+ assign b_cls[2] = (~m_ff[32] & ( m_ff[31:24] != {8{1'b0}})) | ( m_ff[32] & ( m_ff[31:24] != {8{1'b1}}));
+ assign b_cls[1] = (~m_ff[32] & ( m_ff[23:16] != {8{1'b0}})) | ( m_ff[32] & ( m_ff[23:16] != {8{1'b1}}));
+ assign b_cls[0] = (~m_ff[32] & ( m_ff[15:08] != {8{1'b0}})) | ( m_ff[32] & ( m_ff[15:08] != {8{1'b1}}));
+ assign shortq_raw[3] = ( (a_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) & (b_cls[2] == 1'b1 ) ) | // Shift by 32
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) & (b_cls[2] == 1'b1 ) ) |
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b000) & (b_cls[2] == 1'b1 ) ) |
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) & (b_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) ) |
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b000) & (b_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) ) |
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b000) & (b_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) );
+ assign shortq_raw[2] = ( (a_cls[2] == 1'b1 ) & (b_cls[2] == 1'b1 ) ) | // Shift by 24
+ ( (a_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) & (b_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) ) |
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) & (b_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) ) |
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b000) & (b_cls[2:0] == 3'b000) );
+ assign shortq_raw[1] = ( (a_cls[2] == 1'b1 ) & (b_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) ) | // Shift by 16
+ ( (a_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) & (b_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) ) |
+ ( (a_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) & (b_cls[2:0] == 3'b000) );
+ assign shortq_raw[0] = ( (a_cls[2] == 1'b1 ) & (b_cls[2:0] == 3'b001) ) | // Shift by 8
+ ( (a_cls[2:1] == 2'b01 ) & (b_cls[2:0] == 3'b000) );
+ assign shortq_enable = valid_ff_x & (m_ff[31:0] != 32'b0) & (shortq_raw[3:0] != 4'b0);
+ assign shortq_shift[3:0] = ({4{shortq_enable}} & shortq_raw[3:0]);
+ assign shortq[5:0] = 6'b0;
+ assign shortq_shift[5:4] = 2'b0;
+ assign shortq_shift_ff[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign shortq_shift_ff[4:0] = ({5{shortq_shift_xx[3]}} & 5'b1_1111) | // 31
+ ({5{shortq_shift_xx[2]}} & 5'b1_1000) | // 24
+ ({5{shortq_shift_xx[1]}} & 5'b1_0000) | // 16
+ ({5{shortq_shift_xx[0]}} & 5'b0_1000); // 8
+ // *** End Short *** }}
+ assign div_clken = valid_in | run_state | finish | finish_ff;
+ assign run_in = (valid_in | run_state) & ~finish & ~cancel;
+ assign count_in[5:0] = {6{run_state & ~finish & ~cancel & ~shortq_enable}} & (count[5:0] + {1'b0,shortq_shift_ff[4:0]} + 6'd1);
+ assign finish = (smallnum_case | ((~rem_ff) ? (count[5:0] == 6'd32) : (count[5:0] == 6'd33)));
+ assign valid_out = finish_ff & ~cancel;
+ assign sign_eff = signed_in & (divisor_in[31:0] != 32'b0);
+ assign q_in[32:0] = ({33{~run_state }} & {1'b0,dividend_in[31:0]}) |
+ ({33{ run_state & (valid_ff_x | shortq_enable_ff)}} & ({dividend_eff[31:0], ~a_in[32]} << shortq_shift_ff[4:0])) |
+ ({33{ run_state & ~(valid_ff_x | shortq_enable_ff)}} & {q_ff[31:0], ~a_in[32]});
+ assign qff_enable = valid_in | (run_state & ~shortq_enable);
+ assign dividend_eff[31:0] = (sign_ff & dividend_neg_ff) ? dividend_comp[31:0] : q_ff[31:0];
+ assign m_eff[32:0] = ( add ) ? m_ff[32:0] : ~m_ff[32:0];
+ assign a_eff_shift[64:0] = {33'b0, dividend_eff[31:0]} << shortq_shift_ff[4:0];
+ assign a_eff[32:0] = ({33{ rem_correct }} & a_ff[32:0] ) |
+ ({33{~rem_correct & ~shortq_enable_ff}} & {a_ff[31:0], q_ff[32]} ) |
+ ({33{~rem_correct & shortq_enable_ff}} & a_eff_shift[64:32] );
+ assign a_shift[32:0] = {33{run_state}} & a_eff[32:0];
+ assign a_in[32:0] = {33{run_state}} & (a_shift[32:0] + m_eff[32:0] + {32'b0,~add});
+ assign aff_enable = valid_in | (run_state & ~shortq_enable & (count[5:0]!=6'd33)) | rem_correct;
+ assign m_already_comp = (divisor_neg_ff & sign_ff);
+ // if m already complemented, then invert operation add->sub, sub->add
+ assign add = (a_ff[32] | rem_correct) ^ m_already_comp;
+ assign rem_correct = (count[5:0] == 6'd33) & rem_ff & a_ff[32];
+ assign q_ff_eff[31:0] = (sign_ff & (dividend_neg_ff ^ divisor_neg_ff)) ? q_ff_comp[31:0] : q_ff[31:0];
+ assign a_ff_eff[31:0] = (sign_ff & dividend_neg_ff) ? a_ff_comp[31:0] : a_ff[31:0];
+ assign data_out[31:0] = ({32{ smallnum_case_ff }} & {28'b0, smallnum_ff[3:0]}) |
+ ({32{ rem_ff}} & a_ff_eff[31:0] ) |
+ ({32{~smallnum_case_ff & ~rem_ff}} & q_ff_eff[31:0] );
+endmodule // eb1_exu_div_existing_1bit_cheapshortq
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+module eb1_exu_div_new_1bit_fullshortq
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan mode
+ input logic cancel, // Flush pipeline
+ input logic valid_in,
+ input logic signed_in,
+ input logic rem_in,
+ input logic [31:0] dividend_in,
+ input logic [31:0] divisor_in,
+ output logic valid_out,
+ output logic [31:0] data_out
+ );
+ logic valid_ff_in, valid_ff;
+ logic finish_raw, finish, finish_ff;
+ logic running_state;
+ logic misc_enable;
+ logic [2:0] control_in, control_ff;
+ logic dividend_sign_ff, divisor_sign_ff, rem_ff;
+ logic count_enable;
+ logic [6:0] count_in, count_ff;
+ logic smallnum_case;
+ logic [3:0] smallnum;
+ logic a_enable, a_shift;
+ logic [31:0] a_in, a_ff;
+ logic b_enable, b_twos_comp;
+ logic [32:0] b_in, b_ff;
+ logic [31:0] q_in, q_ff;
+ logic rq_enable, r_sign_sel, r_restore_sel, r_adder_sel;
+ logic [31:0] r_in, r_ff;
+ logic twos_comp_q_sel, twos_comp_b_sel;
+ logic [31:0] twos_comp_in, twos_comp_out;
+ logic quotient_set;
+ logic [32:0] adder_out;
+ logic [63:0] ar_shifted;
+ logic [5:0] shortq;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_shift;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_shift_ff;
+ logic shortq_enable;
+ logic shortq_enable_ff;
+ logic [32:0] shortq_dividend;
+ logic by_zero_case;
+ logic by_zero_case_ff;
+ rvdffe #(19) i_misc_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(misc_enable), .din ({valid_ff_in, control_in[2:0], by_zero_case, shortq_enable, shortq_shift[4:0], finish, count_in[6:0]}),
+ .dout({valid_ff, control_ff[2:0], by_zero_case_ff, shortq_enable_ff, shortq_shift_ff[4:0], finish_ff, count_ff[6:0]}));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_a_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(a_enable), .din(a_in[31:0]), .dout(a_ff[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_b_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(b_enable), .din(b_in[32:0]), .dout(b_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_r_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(r_in[31:0]), .dout(r_ff[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_q_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(q_in[31:0]), .dout(q_ff[31:0]));
+ assign valid_ff_in = valid_in & ~cancel;
+ assign control_in[2] = (~valid_in & control_ff[2]) | (valid_in & signed_in & dividend_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[1] = (~valid_in & control_ff[1]) | (valid_in & signed_in & divisor_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[0] = (~valid_in & control_ff[0]) | (valid_in & rem_in);
+ assign dividend_sign_ff = control_ff[2];
+ assign divisor_sign_ff = control_ff[1];
+ assign rem_ff = control_ff[0];
+ assign by_zero_case = valid_ff & (b_ff[31:0] == 32'b0);
+ assign misc_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | cancel | running_state | finish_ff;
+ assign running_state = (| count_ff[6:0]) | shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign finish_raw = smallnum_case |
+ by_zero_case |
+ (count_ff[6:0] == 7'd32);
+ assign finish = finish_raw & ~cancel;
+ assign count_enable = (valid_ff | running_state) & ~finish & ~finish_ff & ~cancel & ~shortq_enable;
+ assign count_in[6:0] = {7{count_enable}} & (count_ff[6:0] + {6'b0,1'b1} + {2'b0,shortq_shift_ff[4:0]});
+ assign a_enable = valid_in | running_state;
+ assign a_shift = running_state & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign ar_shifted[63:0] = { {32{dividend_sign_ff}} , a_ff[31:0]} << shortq_shift_ff[4:0];
+ assign a_in[31:0] = ( {32{~a_shift & ~shortq_enable_ff}} & dividend_in[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ a_shift }} & {a_ff[30:0],1'b0} ) |
+ ( {32{ shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[31:0] );
+ assign b_enable = valid_in | b_twos_comp;
+ assign b_twos_comp = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign b_in[32:0] = ( {33{~b_twos_comp}} & { (signed_in & divisor_in[31]),divisor_in[31:0] } ) |
+ ( {33{ b_twos_comp}} & {~divisor_sign_ff,twos_comp_out[31:0] } );
+ assign rq_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | running_state;
+ assign r_sign_sel = valid_ff & dividend_sign_ff & ~by_zero_case;
+ assign r_restore_sel = running_state & ~quotient_set & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder_sel = running_state & quotient_set & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_in[31:0] = ( {32{r_sign_sel }} & 32'hffffffff ) |
+ ( {32{r_restore_sel }} & {r_ff[30:0] ,a_ff[31]} ) |
+ ( {32{r_adder_sel }} & adder_out[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[63:32] ) |
+ ( {32{by_zero_case }} & a_ff[31:0] );
+ assign q_in[31:0] = ( {32{~valid_ff }} & {q_ff[30:0], quotient_set} ) |
+ ( {32{ smallnum_case }} & {28'b0 , smallnum[3:0]} ) |
+ ( {32{ by_zero_case }} & {32{1'b1}} );
+ assign adder_out[32:0] = {r_ff[31:0],a_ff[31]} + {b_ff[32:0] };
+ assign quotient_set = (~adder_out[32] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[30:0] == 31'b0) & (adder_out[32:0] == 33'b0) );
+ assign twos_comp_b_sel = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign twos_comp_q_sel = ~valid_ff & ~rem_ff & (dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff) & ~by_zero_case_ff;
+ assign twos_comp_in[31:0] = ( {32{twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{twos_comp_b_sel}} & b_ff[31:0] );
+ rvtwoscomp #(32) i_twos_comp (.din(twos_comp_in[31:0]), .dout(twos_comp_out[31:0]));
+ assign valid_out = finish_ff & ~cancel;
+ assign data_out[31:0] = ( {32{~rem_ff & ~twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ rem_ff }} & r_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ twos_comp_q_sel}} & twos_comp_out[31:0] );
+ // *** *** *** START : SMALLNUM {{
+ assign smallnum_case = ( (a_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & (b_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel) |
+ ( (a_ff[31:0] == 32'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel);
+ assign smallnum[3] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] );
+ assign smallnum[2] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[1] = ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[0] = ( a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] );
+ // *** *** *** END : SMALLNUM }}
+ // *** *** *** Start : Short Q {{
+ assign shortq_dividend[32:0] = {dividend_sign_ff,a_ff[31:0]};
+ logic [5:0] dw_a_enc;
+ logic [5:0] dw_b_enc;
+ logic [6:0] dw_shortq_raw;
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_a_cls (
+ .operand ( shortq_dividend[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_a_enc[4:0] ));
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_b_cls (
+ .operand ( b_ff[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_b_enc[4:0] ));
+ assign dw_a_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_b_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_shortq_raw[6:0] = {1'b0,dw_b_enc[5:0]} - {1'b0,dw_a_enc[5:0]} + 7'd1;
+ assign shortq[5:0] = dw_shortq_raw[6] ? 6'd0 : dw_shortq_raw[5:0];
+ assign shortq_enable = valid_ff & ~shortq[5] & ~(shortq[4:1] == 4'b1111) & ~cancel;
+ assign shortq_shift[4:0] = ~shortq_enable ? 5'd0 : (5'b11111 - shortq[4:0]);
+ // *** *** *** End : Short Q }}
+endmodule // eb1_exu_div_new_1bit_fullshortq
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+module eb1_exu_div_new_2bit_fullshortq
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan mode
+ input logic cancel, // Flush pipeline
+ input logic valid_in,
+ input logic signed_in,
+ input logic rem_in,
+ input logic [31:0] dividend_in,
+ input logic [31:0] divisor_in,
+ output logic valid_out,
+ output logic [31:0] data_out
+ );
+ logic valid_ff_in, valid_ff;
+ logic finish_raw, finish, finish_ff;
+ logic running_state;
+ logic misc_enable;
+ logic [2:0] control_in, control_ff;
+ logic dividend_sign_ff, divisor_sign_ff, rem_ff;
+ logic count_enable;
+ logic [6:0] count_in, count_ff;
+ logic smallnum_case;
+ logic [3:0] smallnum;
+ logic a_enable, a_shift;
+ logic [31:0] a_in, a_ff;
+ logic b_enable, b_twos_comp;
+ logic [32:0] b_in;
+ logic [34:0] b_ff;
+ logic [31:0] q_in, q_ff;
+ logic rq_enable, r_sign_sel, r_restore_sel, r_adder1_sel, r_adder2_sel, r_adder3_sel;
+ logic [31:0] r_in, r_ff;
+ logic twos_comp_q_sel, twos_comp_b_sel;
+ logic [31:0] twos_comp_in, twos_comp_out;
+ logic [3:1] quotient_raw;
+ logic [1:0] quotient_new;
+ logic [32:0] adder1_out;
+ logic [33:0] adder2_out;
+ logic [34:0] adder3_out;
+ logic [63:0] ar_shifted;
+ logic [5:0] shortq;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_shift;
+ logic [4:1] shortq_shift_ff;
+ logic shortq_enable;
+ logic shortq_enable_ff;
+ logic [32:0] shortq_dividend;
+ logic by_zero_case;
+ logic by_zero_case_ff;
+ rvdffe #(18) i_misc_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(misc_enable), .din ({valid_ff_in, control_in[2:0], by_zero_case, shortq_enable, shortq_shift[4:1], finish, count_in[6:0]}),
+ .dout({valid_ff, control_ff[2:0], by_zero_case_ff, shortq_enable_ff, shortq_shift_ff[4:1], finish_ff, count_ff[6:0]}));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_a_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(a_enable), .din(a_in[31:0]), .dout(a_ff[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_b_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(b_enable), .din(b_in[32:0]), .dout(b_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_r_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(r_in[31:0]), .dout(r_ff[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_q_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(q_in[31:0]), .dout(q_ff[31:0]));
+ assign valid_ff_in = valid_in & ~cancel;
+ assign control_in[2] = (~valid_in & control_ff[2]) | (valid_in & signed_in & dividend_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[1] = (~valid_in & control_ff[1]) | (valid_in & signed_in & divisor_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[0] = (~valid_in & control_ff[0]) | (valid_in & rem_in);
+ assign dividend_sign_ff = control_ff[2];
+ assign divisor_sign_ff = control_ff[1];
+ assign rem_ff = control_ff[0];
+ assign by_zero_case = valid_ff & (b_ff[31:0] == 32'b0);
+ assign misc_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | cancel | running_state | finish_ff;
+ assign running_state = (| count_ff[6:0]) | shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign finish_raw = smallnum_case |
+ by_zero_case |
+ (count_ff[6:0] == 7'd32);
+ assign finish = finish_raw & ~cancel;
+ assign count_enable = (valid_ff | running_state) & ~finish & ~finish_ff & ~cancel & ~shortq_enable;
+ assign count_in[6:0] = {7{count_enable}} & (count_ff[6:0] + {5'b0,2'b10} + {2'b0,shortq_shift_ff[4:1],1'b0});
+ assign a_enable = valid_in | running_state;
+ assign a_shift = running_state & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign ar_shifted[63:0] = { {32{dividend_sign_ff}} , a_ff[31:0]} << {shortq_shift_ff[4:1],1'b0};
+ assign a_in[31:0] = ( {32{~a_shift & ~shortq_enable_ff}} & dividend_in[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ a_shift }} & {a_ff[29:0],2'b0} ) |
+ ( {32{ shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[31:0] );
+ assign b_enable = valid_in | b_twos_comp;
+ assign b_twos_comp = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign b_in[32:0] = ( {33{~b_twos_comp}} & { (signed_in & divisor_in[31]),divisor_in[31:0] } ) |
+ ( {33{ b_twos_comp}} & {~divisor_sign_ff,twos_comp_out[31:0] } );
+ assign rq_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | running_state;
+ assign r_sign_sel = valid_ff & dividend_sign_ff & ~by_zero_case;
+ assign r_restore_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[1:0] == 2'b00) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder1_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[1:0] == 2'b01) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder2_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[1:0] == 2'b10) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder3_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[1:0] == 2'b11) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_in[31:0] = ( {32{r_sign_sel }} & 32'hffffffff ) |
+ ( {32{r_restore_sel }} & {r_ff[29:0] ,a_ff[31:30]} ) |
+ ( {32{r_adder1_sel }} & adder1_out[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{r_adder2_sel }} & adder2_out[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{r_adder3_sel }} & adder3_out[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[63:32] ) |
+ ( {32{by_zero_case }} & a_ff[31:0] );
+ assign q_in[31:0] = ( {32{~valid_ff }} & {q_ff[29:0], quotient_new[1:0]} ) |
+ ( {32{ smallnum_case }} & {28'b0 , smallnum[3:0]} ) |
+ ( {32{ by_zero_case }} & {32{1'b1}} );
+ assign b_ff[34:33] = {b_ff[32],b_ff[32]};
+ assign adder1_out[32:0] = { r_ff[30:0],a_ff[31:30]} + b_ff[32:0];
+ assign adder2_out[33:0] = { r_ff[31:0],a_ff[31:30]} + {b_ff[32:0],1'b0};
+ assign adder3_out[34:0] = {r_ff[31],r_ff[31:0],a_ff[31:30]} + {b_ff[33:0],1'b0} + b_ff[34:0];
+ assign quotient_raw[1] = (~adder1_out[32] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder1_out[32:0] == 33'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[2] = (~adder2_out[33] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder2_out[33:0] == 34'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[3] = (~adder3_out[34] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder3_out[34:0] == 35'b0) );
+ assign quotient_new[1] = quotient_raw[3] | quotient_raw[2];
+ assign quotient_new[0] = quotient_raw[3] |(~quotient_raw[2] & quotient_raw[1]);
+ assign twos_comp_b_sel = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign twos_comp_q_sel = ~valid_ff & ~rem_ff & (dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff) & ~by_zero_case_ff;
+ assign twos_comp_in[31:0] = ( {32{twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{twos_comp_b_sel}} & b_ff[31:0] );
+ rvtwoscomp #(32) i_twos_comp (.din(twos_comp_in[31:0]), .dout(twos_comp_out[31:0]));
+ assign valid_out = finish_ff & ~cancel;
+ assign data_out[31:0] = ( {32{~rem_ff & ~twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ rem_ff }} & r_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ twos_comp_q_sel}} & twos_comp_out[31:0] );
+ // *** *** *** START : SMALLNUM {{
+ assign smallnum_case = ( (a_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & (b_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel) |
+ ( (a_ff[31:0] == 32'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel);
+ assign smallnum[3] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] );
+ assign smallnum[2] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[1] = ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[0] = ( a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] );
+ // *** *** *** END : SMALLNUM }}
+ // *** *** *** Start : Short Q {{
+ assign shortq_dividend[32:0] = {dividend_sign_ff,a_ff[31:0]};
+ logic [5:0] dw_a_enc;
+ logic [5:0] dw_b_enc;
+ logic [6:0] dw_shortq_raw;
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_a_cls (
+ .operand ( shortq_dividend[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_a_enc[4:0] ));
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_b_cls (
+ .operand ( b_ff[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_b_enc[4:0] ));
+ assign dw_a_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_b_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_shortq_raw[6:0] = {1'b0,dw_b_enc[5:0]} - {1'b0,dw_a_enc[5:0]} + 7'd1;
+ assign shortq[5:0] = dw_shortq_raw[6] ? 6'd0 : dw_shortq_raw[5:0];
+ assign shortq_enable = valid_ff & ~shortq[5] & ~(shortq[4:1] == 4'b1111) & ~cancel;
+ assign shortq_shift[4:0] = ~shortq_enable ? 5'd0 : (5'b11111 - shortq[4:0]); // [0] is unused
+ // *** *** *** End : Short Q }}
+endmodule // eb1_exu_div_new_2bit_fullshortq
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+module eb1_exu_div_new_3bit_fullshortq
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan mode
+ input logic cancel, // Flush pipeline
+ input logic valid_in,
+ input logic signed_in,
+ input logic rem_in,
+ input logic [31:0] dividend_in,
+ input logic [31:0] divisor_in,
+ output logic valid_out,
+ output logic [31:0] data_out
+ );
+ logic valid_ff_in, valid_ff;
+ logic finish_raw, finish, finish_ff;
+ logic running_state;
+ logic misc_enable;
+ logic [2:0] control_in, control_ff;
+ logic dividend_sign_ff, divisor_sign_ff, rem_ff;
+ logic count_enable;
+ logic [6:0] count_in, count_ff;
+ logic smallnum_case;
+ logic [3:0] smallnum;
+ logic a_enable, a_shift;
+ logic [32:0] a_in, a_ff;
+ logic b_enable, b_twos_comp;
+ logic [32:0] b_in;
+ logic [36:0] b_ff;
+ logic [31:0] q_in, q_ff;
+ logic rq_enable;
+ logic r_sign_sel;
+ logic r_restore_sel;
+ logic r_adder1_sel, r_adder2_sel, r_adder3_sel, r_adder4_sel, r_adder5_sel, r_adder6_sel, r_adder7_sel;
+ logic [32:0] r_in, r_ff;
+ logic twos_comp_q_sel, twos_comp_b_sel;
+ logic [31:0] twos_comp_in, twos_comp_out;
+ logic [7:1] quotient_raw;
+ logic [2:0] quotient_new;
+ logic [33:0] adder1_out;
+ logic [34:0] adder2_out;
+ logic [35:0] adder3_out;
+ logic [36:0] adder4_out;
+ logic [36:0] adder5_out;
+ logic [36:0] adder6_out;
+ logic [36:0] adder7_out;
+ logic [65:0] ar_shifted;
+ logic [5:0] shortq;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_shift;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_decode;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_shift_ff;
+ logic shortq_enable;
+ logic shortq_enable_ff;
+ logic [32:0] shortq_dividend;
+ logic by_zero_case;
+ logic by_zero_case_ff;
+ rvdffe #(19) i_misc_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(misc_enable), .din ({valid_ff_in, control_in[2:0], by_zero_case, shortq_enable, shortq_shift[4:0], finish, count_in[6:0]}),
+ .dout({valid_ff, control_ff[2:0], by_zero_case_ff, shortq_enable_ff, shortq_shift_ff[4:0], finish_ff, count_ff[6:0]}));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_a_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(a_enable), .din(a_in[32:0]), .dout(a_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_b_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(b_enable), .din(b_in[32:0]), .dout(b_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_r_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(r_in[32:0]), .dout(r_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_q_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(q_in[31:0]), .dout(q_ff[31:0]));
+ assign valid_ff_in = valid_in & ~cancel;
+ assign control_in[2] = (~valid_in & control_ff[2]) | (valid_in & signed_in & dividend_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[1] = (~valid_in & control_ff[1]) | (valid_in & signed_in & divisor_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[0] = (~valid_in & control_ff[0]) | (valid_in & rem_in);
+ assign dividend_sign_ff = control_ff[2];
+ assign divisor_sign_ff = control_ff[1];
+ assign rem_ff = control_ff[0];
+ assign by_zero_case = valid_ff & (b_ff[31:0] == 32'b0);
+ assign misc_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | cancel | running_state | finish_ff;
+ assign running_state = (| count_ff[6:0]) | shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign finish_raw = smallnum_case |
+ by_zero_case |
+ (count_ff[6:0] == 7'd33);
+ assign finish = finish_raw & ~cancel;
+ assign count_enable = (valid_ff | running_state) & ~finish & ~finish_ff & ~cancel & ~shortq_enable;
+ assign count_in[6:0] = {7{count_enable}} & (count_ff[6:0] + {5'b0,2'b11} + {2'b0,shortq_shift_ff[4:0]});
+ assign a_enable = valid_in | running_state;
+ assign a_shift = running_state & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign ar_shifted[65:0] = { {33{dividend_sign_ff}} , a_ff[32:0]} << {shortq_shift_ff[4:0]};
+ assign a_in[32:0] = ( {33{~a_shift & ~shortq_enable_ff}} & {signed_in & dividend_in[31],dividend_in[31:0]} ) |
+ ( {33{ a_shift }} & {a_ff[29:0],3'b0} ) |
+ ( {33{ shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[32:0] );
+ assign b_enable = valid_in | b_twos_comp;
+ assign b_twos_comp = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign b_in[32:0] = ( {33{~b_twos_comp}} & { (signed_in & divisor_in[31]),divisor_in[31:0] } ) |
+ ( {33{ b_twos_comp}} & {~divisor_sign_ff,twos_comp_out[31:0] } );
+ assign rq_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | running_state;
+ assign r_sign_sel = valid_ff & dividend_sign_ff & ~by_zero_case;
+ assign r_restore_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b000) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder1_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b001) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder2_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b010) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder3_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b011) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder4_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b100) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder5_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b101) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder6_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b110) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder7_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[2:0] == 3'b111) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_in[32:0] = ( {33{r_sign_sel }} & {33{1'b1}} ) |
+ ( {33{r_restore_sel }} & {r_ff[29:0] ,a_ff[32:30]} ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder1_sel }} & adder1_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder2_sel }} & adder2_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder3_sel }} & adder3_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder4_sel }} & adder4_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder5_sel }} & adder5_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder6_sel }} & adder6_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder7_sel }} & adder7_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[65:33] ) |
+ ( {33{by_zero_case }} & {1'b0,a_ff[31:0]} );
+ assign q_in[31:0] = ( {32{~valid_ff }} & {q_ff[28:0], quotient_new[2:0]} ) |
+ ( {32{ smallnum_case}} & {28'b0 , smallnum[3:0]} ) |
+ ( {32{ by_zero_case }} & {32{1'b1}} );
+ assign b_ff[36:33] = {b_ff[32],b_ff[32],b_ff[32],b_ff[32]};
+ assign adder1_out[33:0] = { r_ff[30:0],a_ff[32:30]} + b_ff[33:0];
+ assign adder2_out[34:0] = { r_ff[31:0],a_ff[32:30]} + {b_ff[33:0],1'b0};
+ assign adder3_out[35:0] = { r_ff[32:0],a_ff[32:30]} + {b_ff[34:0],1'b0} + b_ff[35:0];
+ assign adder4_out[36:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[32:30]} + {b_ff[34:0],2'b0};
+ assign adder5_out[36:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[32:30]} + {b_ff[34:0],2'b0} + b_ff[36:0];
+ assign adder6_out[36:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[32:30]} + {b_ff[34:0],2'b0} + {b_ff[35:0],1'b0};
+ assign adder7_out[36:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[32:30]} + {b_ff[34:0],2'b0} + {b_ff[35:0],1'b0} + b_ff[36:0];
+ assign quotient_raw[1] = (~adder1_out[33] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder1_out[33:0] == 34'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[2] = (~adder2_out[34] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder2_out[34:0] == 35'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[3] = (~adder3_out[35] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder3_out[35:0] == 36'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[4] = (~adder4_out[36] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder4_out[36:0] == 37'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[5] = (~adder5_out[36] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder5_out[36:0] == 37'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[6] = (~adder6_out[36] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder6_out[36:0] == 37'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[7] = (~adder7_out[36] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[29:0] == 30'b0) & (adder7_out[36:0] == 37'b0) );
+ assign quotient_new[2] = quotient_raw[7] | quotient_raw[6] | quotient_raw[5] | quotient_raw[4];
+ assign quotient_new[1] = quotient_raw[7] | quotient_raw[6] | (~quotient_raw[4] & quotient_raw[3]) | (~quotient_raw[3] & quotient_raw[2]);
+ assign quotient_new[0] = quotient_raw[7] | (~quotient_raw[6] & quotient_raw[5]) | (~quotient_raw[4] & quotient_raw[3]) | (~quotient_raw[2] & quotient_raw[1]);
+ assign twos_comp_b_sel = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign twos_comp_q_sel = ~valid_ff & ~rem_ff & (dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff) & ~by_zero_case_ff;
+ assign twos_comp_in[31:0] = ( {32{twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{twos_comp_b_sel}} & b_ff[31:0] );
+ rvtwoscomp #(32) i_twos_comp (.din(twos_comp_in[31:0]), .dout(twos_comp_out[31:0]));
+ assign valid_out = finish_ff & ~cancel;
+ assign data_out[31:0] = ( {32{~rem_ff & ~twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ rem_ff }} & r_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ twos_comp_q_sel}} & twos_comp_out[31:0] );
+ // *** *** *** START : SMALLNUM {{
+ assign smallnum_case = ( (a_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & (b_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel) |
+ ( (a_ff[31:0] == 32'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel);
+ assign smallnum[3] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] );
+ assign smallnum[2] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[1] = ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[0] = ( a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] );
+ // *** *** *** END : SMALLNUM }}
+ // *** *** *** Start : Short Q {{
+ assign shortq_dividend[32:0] = {dividend_sign_ff,a_ff[31:0]};
+ logic [5:0] dw_a_enc;
+ logic [5:0] dw_b_enc;
+ logic [6:0] dw_shortq_raw;
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_a_cls (
+ .operand ( shortq_dividend[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_a_enc[4:0] ));
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_b_cls (
+ .operand ( b_ff[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_b_enc[4:0] ));
+ assign dw_a_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_b_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_shortq_raw[6:0] = {1'b0,dw_b_enc[5:0]} - {1'b0,dw_a_enc[5:0]} + 7'd1;
+ assign shortq[5:0] = dw_shortq_raw[6] ? 6'd0 : dw_shortq_raw[5:0];
+ assign shortq_enable = valid_ff & ~shortq[5] & ~(shortq[4:2] == 3'b111) & ~cancel;
+ assign shortq_decode[4:0] = ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd31}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd30}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd29}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd28}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd27}} & 5'd03) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd26}} & 5'd06) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd25}} & 5'd06) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd24}} & 5'd06) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd23}} & 5'd09) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd22}} & 5'd09) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd21}} & 5'd09) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd20}} & 5'd12) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd19}} & 5'd12) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd18}} & 5'd12) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd17}} & 5'd15) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd16}} & 5'd15) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd15}} & 5'd15) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd14}} & 5'd18) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd13}} & 5'd18) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd12}} & 5'd18) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd11}} & 5'd21) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd10}} & 5'd21) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd09}} & 5'd21) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd08}} & 5'd24) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd07}} & 5'd24) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd06}} & 5'd24) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd05}} & 5'd27) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd04}} & 5'd27) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd03}} & 5'd27) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd02}} & 5'd27) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd01}} & 5'd27) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd00}} & 5'd27);
+ assign shortq_shift[4:0] = ~shortq_enable ? 5'd0 : shortq_decode[4:0];
+ // *** *** *** End : Short Q }}
+endmodule // eb1_exu_div_new_3bit_fullshortq
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+module eb1_exu_div_new_4bit_fullshortq
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan mode
+ input logic cancel, // Flush pipeline
+ input logic valid_in,
+ input logic signed_in,
+ input logic rem_in,
+ input logic [31:0] dividend_in,
+ input logic [31:0] divisor_in,
+ output logic valid_out,
+ output logic [31:0] data_out
+ );
+ logic valid_ff_in, valid_ff;
+ logic finish_raw, finish, finish_ff;
+ logic running_state;
+ logic misc_enable;
+ logic [2:0] control_in, control_ff;
+ logic dividend_sign_ff, divisor_sign_ff, rem_ff;
+ logic count_enable;
+ logic [6:0] count_in, count_ff;
+ logic smallnum_case;
+ logic [3:0] smallnum;
+ logic a_enable, a_shift;
+ logic [31:0] a_in, a_ff;
+ logic b_enable, b_twos_comp;
+ logic [32:0] b_in;
+ logic [37:0] b_ff;
+ logic [31:0] q_in, q_ff;
+ logic rq_enable;
+ logic r_sign_sel;
+ logic r_restore_sel;
+ logic r_adder01_sel, r_adder02_sel, r_adder03_sel;
+ logic r_adder04_sel, r_adder05_sel, r_adder06_sel, r_adder07_sel;
+ logic r_adder08_sel, r_adder09_sel, r_adder10_sel, r_adder11_sel;
+ logic r_adder12_sel, r_adder13_sel, r_adder14_sel, r_adder15_sel;
+ logic [32:0] r_in, r_ff;
+ logic twos_comp_q_sel, twos_comp_b_sel;
+ logic [31:0] twos_comp_in, twos_comp_out;
+ logic [15:1] quotient_raw;
+ logic [3:0] quotient_new;
+ logic [34:0] adder01_out;
+ logic [35:0] adder02_out;
+ logic [36:0] adder03_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder04_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder05_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder06_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder07_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder08_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder09_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder10_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder11_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder12_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder13_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder14_out;
+ logic [37:0] adder15_out;
+ logic [64:0] ar_shifted;
+ logic [5:0] shortq;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_shift;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_decode;
+ logic [4:0] shortq_shift_ff;
+ logic shortq_enable;
+ logic shortq_enable_ff;
+ logic [32:0] shortq_dividend;
+ logic by_zero_case;
+ logic by_zero_case_ff;
+ rvdffe #(19) i_misc_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(misc_enable), .din ({valid_ff_in, control_in[2:0], by_zero_case, shortq_enable, shortq_shift[4:0], finish, count_in[6:0]}),
+ .dout({valid_ff, control_ff[2:0], by_zero_case_ff, shortq_enable_ff, shortq_shift_ff[4:0], finish_ff, count_ff[6:0]}));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_a_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(a_enable), .din(a_in[31:0]), .dout(a_ff[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_b_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(b_enable), .din(b_in[32:0]), .dout(b_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_r_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(r_in[32:0]), .dout(r_ff[32:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) i_q_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(rq_enable), .din(q_in[31:0]), .dout(q_ff[31:0]));
+ assign valid_ff_in = valid_in & ~cancel;
+ assign control_in[2] = (~valid_in & control_ff[2]) | (valid_in & signed_in & dividend_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[1] = (~valid_in & control_ff[1]) | (valid_in & signed_in & divisor_in[31]);
+ assign control_in[0] = (~valid_in & control_ff[0]) | (valid_in & rem_in);
+ assign dividend_sign_ff = control_ff[2];
+ assign divisor_sign_ff = control_ff[1];
+ assign rem_ff = control_ff[0];
+ assign by_zero_case = valid_ff & (b_ff[31:0] == 32'b0);
+ assign misc_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | cancel | running_state | finish_ff;
+ assign running_state = (| count_ff[6:0]) | shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign finish_raw = smallnum_case |
+ by_zero_case |
+ (count_ff[6:0] == 7'd32);
+ assign finish = finish_raw & ~cancel;
+ assign count_enable = (valid_ff | running_state) & ~finish & ~finish_ff & ~cancel & ~shortq_enable;
+ assign count_in[6:0] = {7{count_enable}} & (count_ff[6:0] + 7'd4 + {2'b0,shortq_shift_ff[4:0]});
+ assign a_enable = valid_in | running_state;
+ assign a_shift = running_state & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign ar_shifted[64:0] = { {33{dividend_sign_ff}} , a_ff[31:0]} << {shortq_shift_ff[4:0]};
+ assign a_in[31:0] = ( {32{~a_shift & ~shortq_enable_ff}} & dividend_in[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ a_shift }} & {a_ff[27:0],4'b0} ) |
+ ( {32{ shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[31:0] );
+ assign b_enable = valid_in | b_twos_comp;
+ assign b_twos_comp = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign b_in[32:0] = ( {33{~b_twos_comp}} & { (signed_in & divisor_in[31]),divisor_in[31:0] } ) |
+ ( {33{ b_twos_comp}} & {~divisor_sign_ff,twos_comp_out[31:0] } );
+ assign rq_enable = valid_in | valid_ff | running_state;
+ assign r_sign_sel = valid_ff & dividend_sign_ff & ~by_zero_case;
+ assign r_restore_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd00) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder01_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd01) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder02_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd02) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder03_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd03) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder04_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd04) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder05_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd05) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder06_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd06) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder07_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd07) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder08_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd08) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder09_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd09) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder10_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd10) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder11_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd11) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder12_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd12) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder13_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd13) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder14_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd14) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_adder15_sel = running_state & (quotient_new[3:0] == 4'd15) & ~shortq_enable_ff;
+ assign r_in[32:0] = ( {33{r_sign_sel }} & {33{1'b1}} ) |
+ ( {33{r_restore_sel }} & {r_ff[28:0],a_ff[31:28]} ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder01_sel }} & adder01_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder02_sel }} & adder02_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder03_sel }} & adder03_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder04_sel }} & adder04_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder05_sel }} & adder05_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder06_sel }} & adder06_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder07_sel }} & adder07_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder08_sel }} & adder08_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder09_sel }} & adder09_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder10_sel }} & adder10_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder11_sel }} & adder11_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder12_sel }} & adder12_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder13_sel }} & adder13_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder14_sel }} & adder14_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{r_adder15_sel }} & adder15_out[32:0] ) |
+ ( {33{shortq_enable_ff}} & ar_shifted[64:32] ) |
+ ( {33{by_zero_case }} & {1'b0,a_ff[31:0]} );
+ assign q_in[31:0] = ( {32{~valid_ff }} & {q_ff[27:0], quotient_new[3:0]} ) |
+ ( {32{ smallnum_case}} & {28'b0 , smallnum[3:0]} ) |
+ ( {32{ by_zero_case }} & {32{1'b1}} );
+ assign b_ff[37:33] = {b_ff[32],b_ff[32],b_ff[32],b_ff[32],b_ff[32]};
+ assign adder01_out[34:0] = { r_ff[30:0],a_ff[31:28]} + b_ff[34:0];
+ assign adder02_out[35:0] = { r_ff[31:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],1'b0};
+ assign adder03_out[36:0] = { r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[35:0],1'b0} + b_ff[36:0];
+ assign adder04_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0};
+ assign adder05_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0} + b_ff[37:0];
+ assign adder06_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0} + {b_ff[36:0],1'b0};
+ assign adder07_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0} + {b_ff[36:0],1'b0} + b_ff[37:0];
+ assign adder08_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0};
+ assign adder09_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0} + b_ff[37:0];
+ assign adder10_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0} + {b_ff[36:0],1'b0};
+ assign adder11_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0} + {b_ff[36:0],1'b0} + b_ff[37:0];
+ assign adder12_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0};
+ assign adder13_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0} + b_ff[37:0];
+ assign adder14_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0} + {b_ff[36:0],1'b0};
+ assign adder15_out[37:0] = {r_ff[32],r_ff[32:0],a_ff[31:28]} + {b_ff[34:0],3'b0} + {b_ff[35:0],2'b0} + {b_ff[36:0],1'b0} + b_ff[37:0];
+ assign quotient_raw[01] = (~adder01_out[34] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder01_out[34:0] == 35'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[02] = (~adder02_out[35] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder02_out[35:0] == 36'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[03] = (~adder03_out[36] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder03_out[36:0] == 37'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[04] = (~adder04_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder04_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[05] = (~adder05_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder05_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[06] = (~adder06_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder06_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[07] = (~adder07_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder07_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[08] = (~adder08_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder08_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[09] = (~adder09_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder09_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[10] = (~adder10_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder10_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[11] = (~adder11_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder11_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[12] = (~adder12_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder12_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[13] = (~adder13_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder13_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[14] = (~adder14_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder14_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_raw[15] = (~adder15_out[37] ^ dividend_sign_ff) | ( (a_ff[27:0] == 28'b0) & (adder15_out[37:0] == 38'b0) );
+ assign quotient_new[0] = ( quotient_raw[15:01] == 15'b000_0000_0000_0001 ) | // 1
+ ( quotient_raw[15:03] == 13'b000_0000_0000_01 ) | // 3
+ ( quotient_raw[15:05] == 11'b000_0000_0001 ) | // 5
+ ( quotient_raw[15:07] == 9'b000_0000_01 ) | // 7
+ ( quotient_raw[15:09] == 7'b000_0001 ) | // 9
+ ( quotient_raw[15:11] == 5'b000_01 ) | // 11
+ ( quotient_raw[15:13] == 3'b001 ) | // 13
+ ( quotient_raw[ 15] == 1'b1 ); // 15
+ assign quotient_new[1] = ( quotient_raw[15:02] == 14'b000_0000_0000_001 ) | // 2
+ ( quotient_raw[15:03] == 13'b000_0000_0000_01 ) | // 3
+ ( quotient_raw[15:06] == 10'b000_0000_001 ) | // 6
+ ( quotient_raw[15:07] == 9'b000_0000_01 ) | // 7
+ ( quotient_raw[15:10] == 6'b000_001 ) | // 10
+ ( quotient_raw[15:11] == 5'b000_01 ) | // 11
+ ( quotient_raw[15:14] == 2'b01 ) | // 14
+ ( quotient_raw[ 15] == 1'b1 ); // 15
+ assign quotient_new[2] = ( quotient_raw[15:04] == 12'b000_0000_0000_1 ) | // 4
+ ( quotient_raw[15:05] == 11'b000_0000_0001 ) | // 5
+ ( quotient_raw[15:06] == 10'b000_0000_001 ) | // 6
+ ( quotient_raw[15:07] == 9'b000_0000_01 ) | // 7
+ ( quotient_raw[15:12] == 4'b000_1 ) | // 12
+ ( quotient_raw[15:13] == 3'b001 ) | // 13
+ ( quotient_raw[15:14] == 2'b01 ) | // 14
+ ( quotient_raw[ 15] == 1'b1 ); // 15
+ assign quotient_new[3] = ( quotient_raw[15:08] == 8'b000_0000_1 ) | // 8
+ ( quotient_raw[15:09] == 7'b000_0001 ) | // 9
+ ( quotient_raw[15:10] == 6'b000_001 ) | // 10
+ ( quotient_raw[15:11] == 5'b000_01 ) | // 11
+ ( quotient_raw[15:12] == 4'b000_1 ) | // 12
+ ( quotient_raw[15:13] == 3'b001 ) | // 13
+ ( quotient_raw[15:14] == 2'b01 ) | // 14
+ ( quotient_raw[ 15] == 1'b1 ); // 15
+ assign twos_comp_b_sel = valid_ff & ~(dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff);
+ assign twos_comp_q_sel = ~valid_ff & ~rem_ff & (dividend_sign_ff ^ divisor_sign_ff) & ~by_zero_case_ff;
+ assign twos_comp_in[31:0] = ( {32{twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{twos_comp_b_sel}} & b_ff[31:0] );
+ rvtwoscomp #(32) i_twos_comp (.din(twos_comp_in[31:0]), .dout(twos_comp_out[31:0]));
+ assign valid_out = finish_ff & ~cancel;
+ assign data_out[31:0] = ( {32{~rem_ff & ~twos_comp_q_sel}} & q_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ rem_ff }} & r_ff[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ twos_comp_q_sel}} & twos_comp_out[31:0] );
+ // *** *** *** START : SMALLNUM {{
+ assign smallnum_case = ( (a_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & (b_ff[31:4] == 28'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel) |
+ ( (a_ff[31:0] == 32'b0) & ~by_zero_case & ~rem_ff & valid_ff & ~cancel);
+ assign smallnum[3] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] );
+ assign smallnum[2] = ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[1] = ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] );
+ assign smallnum[0] = ( a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ (~a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[2] & b_ff[1] & b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[0]) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] & ~b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & ~a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & ~b_ff[3] & b_ff[1] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & ~b_ff[2] ) |
+ ( a_ff[3] & a_ff[2] & a_ff[1] & a_ff[0] & b_ff[3] );
+ // *** *** *** END : SMALLNUM }}
+ // *** *** *** Start : Short Q {{
+ assign shortq_dividend[32:0] = {dividend_sign_ff,a_ff[31:0]};
+ logic [5:0] dw_a_enc;
+ logic [5:0] dw_b_enc;
+ logic [6:0] dw_shortq_raw;
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_a_cls (
+ .operand ( shortq_dividend[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_a_enc[4:0] ));
+ eb1_exu_div_cls i_b_cls (
+ .operand ( b_ff[32:0] ),
+ .cls ( dw_b_enc[4:0] ));
+ assign dw_a_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_b_enc[5] = 1'b0;
+ assign dw_shortq_raw[6:0] = {1'b0,dw_b_enc[5:0]} - {1'b0,dw_a_enc[5:0]} + 7'd1;
+ assign shortq[5:0] = dw_shortq_raw[6] ? 6'd0 : dw_shortq_raw[5:0];
+ assign shortq_enable = valid_ff & ~shortq[5] & ~(shortq[4:2] == 3'b111) & ~cancel;
+ assign shortq_decode[4:0] = ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd31}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd30}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd29}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd28}} & 5'd00) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd27}} & 5'd04) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd26}} & 5'd04) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd25}} & 5'd04) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd24}} & 5'd04) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd23}} & 5'd08) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd22}} & 5'd08) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd21}} & 5'd08) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd20}} & 5'd08) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd19}} & 5'd12) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd18}} & 5'd12) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd17}} & 5'd12) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd16}} & 5'd12) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd15}} & 5'd16) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd14}} & 5'd16) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd13}} & 5'd16) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd12}} & 5'd16) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd11}} & 5'd20) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd10}} & 5'd20) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd09}} & 5'd20) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd08}} & 5'd20) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd07}} & 5'd24) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd06}} & 5'd24) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd05}} & 5'd24) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd04}} & 5'd24) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd03}} & 5'd28) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd02}} & 5'd28) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd01}} & 5'd28) |
+ ( {5{shortq[4:0] == 5'd00}} & 5'd28);
+ assign shortq_shift[4:0] = ~shortq_enable ? 5'd0 : shortq_decode[4:0];
+ // *** *** *** End : Short Q }}
+endmodule // eb1_exu_div_new_4bit_fullshortq
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+module eb1_exu_div_cls
+ (
+ input logic [32:0] operand,
+ output logic [4:0] cls // Count leading sign bits - "n" format ignoring [32]
+ );
+ logic [4:0] cls_zeros;
+ logic [4:0] cls_ones;
+assign cls_zeros[4:0] = ({5{operand[31] == { 1'b1} }} & 5'd00) |
+ ({5{operand[31:30] == {{ 1{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd01) |
+ ({5{operand[31:29] == {{ 2{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd02) |
+ ({5{operand[31:28] == {{ 3{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd03) |
+ ({5{operand[31:27] == {{ 4{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd04) |
+ ({5{operand[31:26] == {{ 5{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd05) |
+ ({5{operand[31:25] == {{ 6{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd06) |
+ ({5{operand[31:24] == {{ 7{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd07) |
+ ({5{operand[31:23] == {{ 8{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd08) |
+ ({5{operand[31:22] == {{ 9{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd09) |
+ ({5{operand[31:21] == {{10{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd10) |
+ ({5{operand[31:20] == {{11{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd11) |
+ ({5{operand[31:19] == {{12{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd12) |
+ ({5{operand[31:18] == {{13{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd13) |
+ ({5{operand[31:17] == {{14{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd14) |
+ ({5{operand[31:16] == {{15{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd15) |
+ ({5{operand[31:15] == {{16{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd16) |
+ ({5{operand[31:14] == {{17{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd17) |
+ ({5{operand[31:13] == {{18{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd18) |
+ ({5{operand[31:12] == {{19{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd19) |
+ ({5{operand[31:11] == {{20{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd20) |
+ ({5{operand[31:10] == {{21{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd21) |
+ ({5{operand[31:09] == {{22{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd22) |
+ ({5{operand[31:08] == {{23{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd23) |
+ ({5{operand[31:07] == {{24{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd24) |
+ ({5{operand[31:06] == {{25{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd25) |
+ ({5{operand[31:05] == {{26{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd26) |
+ ({5{operand[31:04] == {{27{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd27) |
+ ({5{operand[31:03] == {{28{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd28) |
+ ({5{operand[31:02] == {{29{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd29) |
+ ({5{operand[31:01] == {{30{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd30) |
+ ({5{operand[31:00] == {{31{1'b0}},1'b1} }} & 5'd31) |
+ ({5{operand[31:00] == {{32{1'b0}} } }} & 5'd00); // Don't care case as it will be handled as special case
+assign cls_ones[4:0] = ({5{operand[31:30] == {{ 1{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd00) |
+ ({5{operand[31:29] == {{ 2{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd01) |
+ ({5{operand[31:28] == {{ 3{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd02) |
+ ({5{operand[31:27] == {{ 4{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd03) |
+ ({5{operand[31:26] == {{ 5{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd04) |
+ ({5{operand[31:25] == {{ 6{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd05) |
+ ({5{operand[31:24] == {{ 7{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd06) |
+ ({5{operand[31:23] == {{ 8{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd07) |
+ ({5{operand[31:22] == {{ 9{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd08) |
+ ({5{operand[31:21] == {{10{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd09) |
+ ({5{operand[31:20] == {{11{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd10) |
+ ({5{operand[31:19] == {{12{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd11) |
+ ({5{operand[31:18] == {{13{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd12) |
+ ({5{operand[31:17] == {{14{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd13) |
+ ({5{operand[31:16] == {{15{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd14) |
+ ({5{operand[31:15] == {{16{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd15) |
+ ({5{operand[31:14] == {{17{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd16) |
+ ({5{operand[31:13] == {{18{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd17) |
+ ({5{operand[31:12] == {{19{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd18) |
+ ({5{operand[31:11] == {{20{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd19) |
+ ({5{operand[31:10] == {{21{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd20) |
+ ({5{operand[31:09] == {{22{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd21) |
+ ({5{operand[31:08] == {{23{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd22) |
+ ({5{operand[31:07] == {{24{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd23) |
+ ({5{operand[31:06] == {{25{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd24) |
+ ({5{operand[31:05] == {{26{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd25) |
+ ({5{operand[31:04] == {{27{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd26) |
+ ({5{operand[31:03] == {{28{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd27) |
+ ({5{operand[31:02] == {{29{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd28) |
+ ({5{operand[31:01] == {{30{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd29) |
+ ({5{operand[31:00] == {{31{1'b1}},1'b0} }} & 5'd30) |
+ ({5{operand[31:00] == {{32{1'b1}} } }} & 5'd31);
+assign cls[4:0] = operand[32] ? cls_ones[4:0] : cls_zeros[4:0];
+endmodule // eb1_exu_div_cls
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..345d5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_exu_mul_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Top level clock
+ input logic rst_l, // Reset
+ input logic scan_mode, // Scan mode
+ input eb1_mul_pkt_t mul_p, // {Valid, RS1 signed operand, RS2 signed operand, Select low 32-bits of result}
+ input logic [31:0] rs1_in, // A operand
+ input logic [31:0] rs2_in, // B operand
+ output logic [31:0] result_x // Result
+ );
+ logic mul_x_enable;
+ logic bit_x_enable;
+ logic signed [32:0] rs1_ext_in;
+ logic signed [32:0] rs2_ext_in;
+ logic [65:0] prod_x;
+ logic low_x;
+ // *** Start - BitManip ***
+ logic bitmanip_sel_d;
+ logic bitmanip_sel_x;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_d;
+ logic [31:0] bitmanip_x;
+ // ZBE
+ logic ap_bext;
+ logic ap_bdep;
+ // ZBC
+ logic ap_clmul;
+ logic ap_clmulh;
+ logic ap_clmulr;
+ // ZBP
+ logic ap_grev;
+ logic ap_gorc;
+ logic ap_shfl;
+ logic ap_unshfl;
+ // ZBR
+ logic ap_crc32_b;
+ logic ap_crc32_h;
+ logic ap_crc32_w;
+ logic ap_crc32c_b;
+ logic ap_crc32c_h;
+ logic ap_crc32c_w;
+ // ZBF
+ logic ap_bfp;
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBE == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_bext = mul_p.bext;
+ assign ap_bdep = mul_p.bdep;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_bext = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_bdep = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBC == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_clmul = mul_p.clmul;
+ assign ap_clmulh = mul_p.clmulh;
+ assign ap_clmulr = mul_p.clmulr;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_clmul = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_clmulh = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_clmulr = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBP == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_grev = mul_p.grev;
+ assign ap_gorc = mul_p.gorc;
+ assign ap_shfl = mul_p.shfl;
+ assign ap_unshfl = mul_p.unshfl;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_grev = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_gorc = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_shfl = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_unshfl = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBR == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_crc32_b = mul_p.crc32_b;
+ assign ap_crc32_h = mul_p.crc32_h;
+ assign ap_crc32_w = mul_p.crc32_w;
+ assign ap_crc32c_b = mul_p.crc32c_b;
+ assign ap_crc32c_h = mul_p.crc32c_h;
+ assign ap_crc32c_w = mul_p.crc32c_w;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_crc32_b = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_crc32_h = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_crc32_w = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_crc32c_b = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_crc32c_h = 1'b0;
+ assign ap_crc32c_w = 1'b0;
+ end
+ if (pt.BITMANIP_ZBF == 1)
+ begin
+ assign ap_bfp = mul_p.bfp;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ assign ap_bfp = 1'b0;
+ end
+ // *** End - BitManip ***
+ assign mul_x_enable = mul_p.valid;
+ assign bit_x_enable = mul_p.valid;
+ assign rs1_ext_in[32] = mul_p.rs1_sign & rs1_in[31];
+ assign rs2_ext_in[32] = mul_p.rs2_sign & rs2_in[31];
+ assign rs1_ext_in[31:0] = rs1_in[31:0];
+ assign rs2_ext_in[31:0] = rs2_in[31:0];
+ // --------------------------- Multiply ----------------------------------
+ logic signed [32:0] rs1_x;
+ logic signed [32:0] rs2_x;
+ rvdffe #(34) i_a_x_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .din({mul_p.low,rs1_ext_in[32:0]}), .dout({low_x,rs1_x[32:0]}), .en(mul_x_enable));
+ rvdffe #(33) i_b_x_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .din( rs2_ext_in[32:0] ), .dout( rs2_x[32:0] ), .en(mul_x_enable));
+ assign prod_x[65:0] = rs1_x * rs2_x;
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : BEXT, BDEP * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ // *** BEXT == "gather" ***
+ logic [31:0] bext_d;
+ logic bext_test_bit_d;
+ integer bext_i, bext_j;
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ bext_j = 0;
+ bext_test_bit_d = 1'b0;
+ bext_d[31:0] = 32'b0;
+ for (bext_i=0; bext_i<32; bext_i++)
+ begin
+ bext_test_bit_d = rs2_in[bext_i];
+ if (bext_test_bit_d)
+ begin
+ bext_d[bext_j] = rs1_in[bext_i];
+ bext_j = bext_j + 1;
+ end // IF bext_test_bit
+ end // FOR bext_i
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ // *** BDEP == "scatter" ***
+ logic [31:0] bdep_d;
+ logic bdep_test_bit_d;
+ integer bdep_i, bdep_j;
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ bdep_j = 0;
+ bdep_test_bit_d = 1'b0;
+ bdep_d[31:0] = 32'b0;
+ for (bdep_i=0; bdep_i<32; bdep_i++)
+ begin
+ bdep_test_bit_d = rs2_in[bdep_i];
+ if (bdep_test_bit_d)
+ begin
+ bdep_d[bdep_i] = rs1_in[bdep_j];
+ bdep_j = bdep_j + 1;
+ end // IF bdep_test_bit
+ end // FOR bdep_i
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : CLMUL, CLMULH, CLMULR * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [62:0] clmul_raw_d;
+ assign clmul_raw_d[62:0] = ( {63{rs2_in[00]}} & {31'b0,rs1_in[31:0] } ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[01]}} & {30'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 1'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[02]}} & {29'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 2'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[03]}} & {28'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 3'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[04]}} & {27'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 4'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[05]}} & {26'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 5'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[06]}} & {25'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 6'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[07]}} & {24'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 7'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[08]}} & {23'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 8'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[09]}} & {22'b0,rs1_in[31:0], 9'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[10]}} & {21'b0,rs1_in[31:0],10'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[11]}} & {20'b0,rs1_in[31:0],11'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[12]}} & {19'b0,rs1_in[31:0],12'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[13]}} & {18'b0,rs1_in[31:0],13'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[14]}} & {17'b0,rs1_in[31:0],14'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[15]}} & {16'b0,rs1_in[31:0],15'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[16]}} & {15'b0,rs1_in[31:0],16'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[17]}} & {14'b0,rs1_in[31:0],17'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[18]}} & {13'b0,rs1_in[31:0],18'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[19]}} & {12'b0,rs1_in[31:0],19'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[20]}} & {11'b0,rs1_in[31:0],20'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[21]}} & {10'b0,rs1_in[31:0],21'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[22]}} & { 9'b0,rs1_in[31:0],22'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[23]}} & { 8'b0,rs1_in[31:0],23'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[24]}} & { 7'b0,rs1_in[31:0],24'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[25]}} & { 6'b0,rs1_in[31:0],25'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[26]}} & { 5'b0,rs1_in[31:0],26'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[27]}} & { 4'b0,rs1_in[31:0],27'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[28]}} & { 3'b0,rs1_in[31:0],28'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[29]}} & { 2'b0,rs1_in[31:0],29'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[30]}} & { 1'b0,rs1_in[31:0],30'b0} ) ^
+ ( {63{rs2_in[31]}} & { rs1_in[31:0],31'b0} );
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : GREV * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ // uint32_t grev32(uint32_t rs1, uint32_t rs2)
+ // {
+ // uint32_t x = rs1;
+ // int shamt = rs2 & 31;
+ //
+ // if (shamt & 1) x = ( (x & 0x55555555) << 1) | ( (x & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1);
+ // if (shamt & 2) x = ( (x & 0x33333333) << 2) | ( (x & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2);
+ // if (shamt & 4) x = ( (x & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ( (x & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4);
+ // if (shamt & 8) x = ( (x & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ( (x & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8);
+ // if (shamt & 16) x = ( (x & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) | ( (x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
+ //
+ // return x;
+ // }
+ logic [31:0] grev1_d;
+ logic [31:0] grev2_d;
+ logic [31:0] grev4_d;
+ logic [31:0] grev8_d;
+ logic [31:0] grev_d;
+ assign grev1_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[0]) ? {rs1_in[30],rs1_in[31],rs1_in[28],rs1_in[29],rs1_in[26],rs1_in[27],rs1_in[24],rs1_in[25],
+ rs1_in[22],rs1_in[23],rs1_in[20],rs1_in[21],rs1_in[18],rs1_in[19],rs1_in[16],rs1_in[17],
+ rs1_in[14],rs1_in[15],rs1_in[12],rs1_in[13],rs1_in[10],rs1_in[11],rs1_in[08],rs1_in[09],
+ rs1_in[06],rs1_in[07],rs1_in[04],rs1_in[05],rs1_in[02],rs1_in[03],rs1_in[00],rs1_in[01]} : rs1_in[31:0];
+ assign grev2_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[1]) ? {grev1_d[29:28],grev1_d[31:30],grev1_d[25:24],grev1_d[27:26],
+ grev1_d[21:20],grev1_d[23:22],grev1_d[17:16],grev1_d[19:18],
+ grev1_d[13:12],grev1_d[15:14],grev1_d[09:08],grev1_d[11:10],
+ grev1_d[05:04],grev1_d[07:06],grev1_d[01:00],grev1_d[03:02]} : grev1_d[31:0];
+ assign grev4_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[2]) ? {grev2_d[27:24],grev2_d[31:28],grev2_d[19:16],grev2_d[23:20],
+ grev2_d[11:08],grev2_d[15:12],grev2_d[03:00],grev2_d[07:04]} : grev2_d[31:0];
+ assign grev8_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[3]) ? {grev4_d[23:16],grev4_d[31:24],grev4_d[07:00],grev4_d[15:08]} : grev4_d[31:0];
+ assign grev_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[4]) ? {grev8_d[15:00],grev8_d[31:16]} : grev8_d[31:0];
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : GORC * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ // uint32_t gorc32(uint32_t rs1, uint32_t rs2)
+ // {
+ // uint32_t x = rs1;
+ // int shamt = rs2 & 31;
+ //
+ // if (shamt & 1) x |= ( (x & 0x55555555) << 1) | ( (x & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1);
+ // if (shamt & 2) x |= ( (x & 0x33333333) << 2) | ( (x & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2);
+ // if (shamt & 4) x |= ( (x & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ( (x & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4);
+ // if (shamt & 8) x |= ( (x & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ( (x & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8);
+ // if (shamt & 16) x |= ( (x & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) | ( (x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
+ //
+ // return x;
+ // }
+ logic [31:0] gorc1_d;
+ logic [31:0] gorc2_d;
+ logic [31:0] gorc4_d;
+ logic [31:0] gorc8_d;
+ logic [31:0] gorc_d;
+ assign gorc1_d[31:0] = ( {32{rs2_in[0]}} & {rs1_in[30],rs1_in[31],rs1_in[28],rs1_in[29],rs1_in[26],rs1_in[27],rs1_in[24],rs1_in[25],
+ rs1_in[22],rs1_in[23],rs1_in[20],rs1_in[21],rs1_in[18],rs1_in[19],rs1_in[16],rs1_in[17],
+ rs1_in[14],rs1_in[15],rs1_in[12],rs1_in[13],rs1_in[10],rs1_in[11],rs1_in[08],rs1_in[09],
+ rs1_in[06],rs1_in[07],rs1_in[04],rs1_in[05],rs1_in[02],rs1_in[03],rs1_in[00],rs1_in[01]} ) | rs1_in[31:0];
+ assign gorc2_d[31:0] = ( {32{rs2_in[1]}} & {gorc1_d[29:28],gorc1_d[31:30],gorc1_d[25:24],gorc1_d[27:26],
+ gorc1_d[21:20],gorc1_d[23:22],gorc1_d[17:16],gorc1_d[19:18],
+ gorc1_d[13:12],gorc1_d[15:14],gorc1_d[09:08],gorc1_d[11:10],
+ gorc1_d[05:04],gorc1_d[07:06],gorc1_d[01:00],gorc1_d[03:02]} ) | gorc1_d[31:0];
+ assign gorc4_d[31:0] = ( {32{rs2_in[2]}} & {gorc2_d[27:24],gorc2_d[31:28],gorc2_d[19:16],gorc2_d[23:20],
+ gorc2_d[11:08],gorc2_d[15:12],gorc2_d[03:00],gorc2_d[07:04]} ) | gorc2_d[31:0];
+ assign gorc8_d[31:0] = ( {32{rs2_in[3]}} & {gorc4_d[23:16],gorc4_d[31:24],gorc4_d[07:00],gorc4_d[15:08]} ) | gorc4_d[31:0];
+ assign gorc_d[31:0] = ( {32{rs2_in[4]}} & {gorc8_d[15:00],gorc8_d[31:16]} ) | gorc8_d[31:0];
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : SHFL, UNSHLF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ // uint32_t shuffle32_stage (uint32_t src, uint32_t maskL, uint32_t maskR, int N)
+ // {
+ // uint32_t x = src & ~(maskL | maskR);
+ // x |= ((src << N) & maskL) | ((src >> N) & maskR);
+ // return x;
+ // }
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // uint32_t shfl32(uint32_t rs1, uint32_t rs2)
+ // {
+ // uint32_t x = rs1;
+ // int shamt = rs2 & 15
+ //
+ // if (shamt & 8) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 8);
+ // if (shamt & 4) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x0f000f00, 0x00f000f0, 4);
+ // if (shamt & 2) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x30303030, 0xc0c0c0c0, 2);
+ // if (shamt & 1) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x44444444, 0x22222222, 1);
+ //
+ // return x;
+ // }
+ logic [31:0] shfl8_d;
+ logic [31:0] shfl4_d;
+ logic [31:0] shfl2_d;
+ logic [31:0] shfl_d;
+ assign shfl8_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[3]) ? {rs1_in[31:24],rs1_in[15:08],rs1_in[23:16],rs1_in[07:00]} : rs1_in[31:0];
+ assign shfl4_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[2]) ? {shfl8_d[31:28],shfl8_d[23:20],shfl8_d[27:24],shfl8_d[19:16],
+ shfl8_d[15:12],shfl8_d[07:04],shfl8_d[11:08],shfl8_d[03:00]} : shfl8_d[31:0];
+ assign shfl2_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[1]) ? {shfl4_d[31:30],shfl4_d[27:26],shfl4_d[29:28],shfl4_d[25:24],
+ shfl4_d[23:22],shfl4_d[19:18],shfl4_d[21:20],shfl4_d[17:16],
+ shfl4_d[15:14],shfl4_d[11:10],shfl4_d[13:12],shfl4_d[09:08],
+ shfl4_d[07:06],shfl4_d[03:02],shfl4_d[05:04],shfl4_d[01:00]} : shfl4_d[31:0];
+ assign shfl_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[0]) ? {shfl2_d[31],shfl2_d[29],shfl2_d[30],shfl2_d[28],shfl2_d[27],shfl2_d[25],shfl2_d[26],shfl2_d[24],
+ shfl2_d[23],shfl2_d[21],shfl2_d[22],shfl2_d[20],shfl2_d[19],shfl2_d[17],shfl2_d[18],shfl2_d[16],
+ shfl2_d[15],shfl2_d[13],shfl2_d[14],shfl2_d[12],shfl2_d[11],shfl2_d[09],shfl2_d[10],shfl2_d[08],
+ shfl2_d[07],shfl2_d[05],shfl2_d[06],shfl2_d[04],shfl2_d[03],shfl2_d[01],shfl2_d[02],shfl2_d[00]} : shfl2_d[31:0];
+ // uint32_t unshfl32(uint32_t rs1, uint32_t rs2)
+ // {
+ // uint32_t x = rs1;
+ // int shamt = rs2 & 15
+ //
+ // if (shamt & 1) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x44444444, 0x22222222, 1);
+ // if (shamt & 2) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x30303030, 0xc0c0c0c0, 2);
+ // if (shamt & 4) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x0f000f00, 0x00f000f0, 4);
+ // if (shamt & 8) x = shuffle32_stage(x, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 8);
+ //
+ // return x;
+ // }
+ logic [31:0] unshfl1_d;
+ logic [31:0] unshfl2_d;
+ logic [31:0] unshfl4_d;
+ logic [31:0] unshfl_d;
+ assign unshfl1_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[0]) ? {rs1_in[31],rs1_in[29],rs1_in[30],rs1_in[28],rs1_in[27],rs1_in[25],rs1_in[26],rs1_in[24],
+ rs1_in[23],rs1_in[21],rs1_in[22],rs1_in[20],rs1_in[19],rs1_in[17],rs1_in[18],rs1_in[16],
+ rs1_in[15],rs1_in[13],rs1_in[14],rs1_in[12],rs1_in[11],rs1_in[09],rs1_in[10],rs1_in[08],
+ rs1_in[07],rs1_in[05],rs1_in[06],rs1_in[04],rs1_in[03],rs1_in[01],rs1_in[02],rs1_in[00]} : rs1_in[31:0];
+ assign unshfl2_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[1]) ? {unshfl1_d[31:30],unshfl1_d[27:26],unshfl1_d[29:28],unshfl1_d[25:24],
+ unshfl1_d[23:22],unshfl1_d[19:18],unshfl1_d[21:20],unshfl1_d[17:16],
+ unshfl1_d[15:14],unshfl1_d[11:10],unshfl1_d[13:12],unshfl1_d[09:08],
+ unshfl1_d[07:06],unshfl1_d[03:02],unshfl1_d[05:04],unshfl1_d[01:00]} : unshfl1_d[31:0];
+ assign unshfl4_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[2]) ? {unshfl2_d[31:28],unshfl2_d[23:20],unshfl2_d[27:24],unshfl2_d[19:16],
+ unshfl2_d[15:12],unshfl2_d[07:04],unshfl2_d[11:08],unshfl2_d[03:00]} : unshfl2_d[31:0];
+ assign unshfl_d[31:0] = (rs2_in[3]) ? {unshfl4_d[31:24],unshfl4_d[15:08],unshfl4_d[23:16],unshfl4_d[07:00]} : unshfl4_d[31:0];
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : CRC32, CRC32c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ // *** computed from https: // ***
+ //
+ // "a" is 8'h61 = 8'b0110_0001 (8'h61 ^ 8'hff = 8'h9e)
+ //
+ // Input must first be XORed with 32'hffff_ffff
+ //
+ //
+ // CRC32
+ //
+ // Input Output Input Output
+ // ----- -------- -------- --------
+ // "a" e8b7be43 ffffff9e 174841bc
+ // "aa" 078a19d7 ffff9e9e f875e628
+ // "aaaa" ad98e545 9e9e9e9e 5267a1ba
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // CRC32c
+ //
+ // Input Output Input Output
+ // ----- -------- -------- --------
+ // "a" c1d04330 ffffff9e 3e2fbccf
+ // "aa" f1f2dac2 ffff9e9e 0e0d253d
+ // "aaaa" 6a52eeb0 9e9e9e9e 95ad114f
+ logic crc32_all;
+ logic [31:0] crc32_poly_rev;
+ logic [31:0] crc32c_poly_rev;
+ integer crc32_bi, crc32_hi, crc32_wi, crc32c_bi, crc32c_hi, crc32c_wi;
+ logic [31:0] crc32_bd, crc32_hd, crc32_wd, crc32c_bd, crc32c_hd, crc32c_wd;
+ assign crc32_all = ap_crc32_b | ap_crc32_h | ap_crc32_w | ap_crc32c_b | ap_crc32c_h | ap_crc32c_w;
+ assign crc32_poly_rev[31:0] = 32'hEDB88320; // bit reverse of 32'h04C11DB7
+ assign crc32c_poly_rev[31:0] = 32'h82F63B78; // bit reverse of 32'h1EDC6F41
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ crc32_bd[31:0] = rs1_in[31:0];
+ for (crc32_bi=0; crc32_bi<8; crc32_bi++)
+ begin
+ crc32_bd[31:0] = (crc32_bd[31:0] >> 1) ^ (crc32_poly_rev[31:0] & {32{crc32_bd[0]}});
+ end // FOR crc32_bi
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ crc32_hd[31:0] = rs1_in[31:0];
+ for (crc32_hi=0; crc32_hi<16; crc32_hi++)
+ begin
+ crc32_hd[31:0] = (crc32_hd[31:0] >> 1) ^ (crc32_poly_rev[31:0] & {32{crc32_hd[0]}});
+ end // FOR crc32_hi
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ crc32_wd[31:0] = rs1_in[31:0];
+ for (crc32_wi=0; crc32_wi<32; crc32_wi++)
+ begin
+ crc32_wd[31:0] = (crc32_wd[31:0] >> 1) ^ (crc32_poly_rev[31:0] & {32{crc32_wd[0]}});
+ end // FOR crc32_wi
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ crc32c_bd[31:0] = rs1_in[31:0];
+ for (crc32c_bi=0; crc32c_bi<8; crc32c_bi++)
+ begin
+ crc32c_bd[31:0] = (crc32c_bd[31:0] >> 1) ^ (crc32c_poly_rev[31:0] & {32{crc32c_bd[0]}});
+ end // FOR crc32c_bi
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ crc32c_hd[31:0] = rs1_in[31:0];
+ for (crc32c_hi=0; crc32c_hi<16; crc32c_hi++)
+ begin
+ crc32c_hd[31:0] = (crc32c_hd[31:0] >> 1) ^ (crc32c_poly_rev[31:0] & {32{crc32c_hd[0]}});
+ end // FOR crc32c_hi
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ always_comb
+ begin
+ crc32c_wd[31:0] = rs1_in[31:0];
+ for (crc32c_wi=0; crc32c_wi<32; crc32c_wi++)
+ begin
+ crc32c_wd[31:0] = (crc32c_wd[31:0] >> 1) ^ (crc32c_poly_rev[31:0] & {32{crc32c_wd[0]}});
+ end // FOR crc32c_wi
+ end // ALWAYS_COMB
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : BFP * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ logic [4:0] bfp_len;
+ logic [4:0] bfp_off;
+ logic [31:0] bfp_len_mask_;
+ logic [15:0] bfp_preshift_data;
+ logic [63:0] bfp_shift_data;
+ logic [63:0] bfp_shift_mask;
+ logic [31:0] bfp_result_d;
+ assign bfp_len[3:0] = rs2_in[27:24];
+ assign bfp_len[4] = (bfp_len[3:0] == 4'b0); // If LEN field is zero, then LEN=16
+ assign bfp_off[4:0] = rs2_in[20:16];
+ assign bfp_len_mask_[31:0] = 32'hffff_ffff << bfp_len[4:0];
+ assign bfp_preshift_data[15:0]= rs2_in[15:0] & ~bfp_len_mask_[15:0];
+ assign bfp_shift_data[63:0] = {16'b0,bfp_preshift_data[15:0], 16'b0,bfp_preshift_data[15:0]} << bfp_off[4:0];
+ assign bfp_shift_mask[63:0] = {bfp_len_mask_[31:0], bfp_len_mask_[31:0]} << bfp_off[4:0];
+ assign bfp_result_d[31:0] = bfp_shift_data[63:32] | (rs1_in[31:0] & bfp_shift_mask[63:32]);
+ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BitManip : Common logic * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ assign bitmanip_sel_d = ap_bext | ap_bdep | ap_clmul | ap_clmulh | ap_clmulr | ap_grev | ap_gorc | ap_shfl | ap_unshfl | crc32_all | ap_bfp;
+ assign bitmanip_d[31:0] = ( {32{ap_bext}} & bext_d[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_bdep}} & bdep_d[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_clmul}} & clmul_raw_d[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_clmulh}} & {1'b0,clmul_raw_d[62:32]} ) |
+ ( {32{ap_clmulr}} & clmul_raw_d[62:31] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_grev}} & grev_d[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_gorc}} & gorc_d[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_shfl}} & shfl_d[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_unshfl}} & unshfl_d[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_crc32_b}} & crc32_bd[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_crc32_h}} & crc32_hd[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_crc32_w}} & crc32_wd[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_crc32c_b}} & crc32c_bd[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_crc32c_h}} & crc32c_hd[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_crc32c_w}} & crc32c_wd[31:0] ) |
+ ( {32{ap_bfp}} & bfp_result_d[31:0] );
+ rvdffe #(33) i_bitmanip_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .din({bitmanip_sel_d,bitmanip_d[31:0]}), .dout({bitmanip_sel_x,bitmanip_x[31:0]}), .en(bit_x_enable));
+ assign result_x[31:0] = ( {32{~bitmanip_sel_x & ~low_x}} & prod_x[63:32] ) |
+ ( {32{~bitmanip_sel_x & low_x}} & prod_x[31:0] ) |
+ bitmanip_x[31:0];
+endmodule // eb1_exu_mul_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6208094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Function: Top level file for Icache, Fetch, Branch prediction & Aligner
+// BFF -> F1 -> F2 -> A
+module eb1_ifu
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic free_l2clk, // Clock always. Through one clock header. For flops with second header built in.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic dec_i0_decode_d, // Valid instruction at D and not blocked
+ input logic exu_flush_final, // flush, includes upper and lower
+ input logic dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt , // committed i0
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_err_wb , // flush due to parity error.
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb, // don't fetch, validated with exu_flush_final
+ input logic [31:1] exu_flush_path_final, // flush fetch address
+ input logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mrac_ff ,// Side_effect , cacheable for each region
+ input logic dec_tlu_fence_i_wb, // fence.i, invalidate icache, validated with exu_flush_final
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb, // ignore bp for leak one fetches
+ input logic dec_tlu_bpred_disable, // disable all branch prediction
+ input logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable, // disable ecc checking and flagging
+ input logic dec_tlu_force_halt, // force halt
+ //-------------------------- IFU AXI signals--------------------------
+ // AXI Write Channels
+ output logic ifu_axi_awvalid,
+ output logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_awid,
+ output logic [31:0] ifu_axi_awaddr,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_awregion,
+ output logic [7:0] ifu_axi_awlen,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_awsize,
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_axi_awburst,
+ output logic ifu_axi_awlock,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_awcache,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_awprot,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_awqos,
+ output logic ifu_axi_wvalid,
+ output logic [63:0] ifu_axi_wdata,
+ output logic [7:0] ifu_axi_wstrb,
+ output logic ifu_axi_wlast,
+ output logic ifu_axi_bready,
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ output logic ifu_axi_arvalid,
+ input logic ifu_axi_arready,
+ output logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_arid,
+ output logic [31:0] ifu_axi_araddr,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_arregion,
+ output logic [7:0] ifu_axi_arlen,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_arsize,
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_axi_arburst,
+ output logic ifu_axi_arlock,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_arcache,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_arprot,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_arqos,
+ input logic ifu_axi_rvalid,
+ output logic ifu_axi_rready,
+ input logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_rid,
+ input logic [63:0] ifu_axi_rdata,
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_axi_rresp,
+ input logic ifu_bus_clk_en,
+ input logic dma_iccm_req,
+ input logic [31:0] dma_mem_addr,
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_sz,
+ input logic dma_mem_write,
+ input logic [63:0] dma_mem_wdata,
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_tag, // DMA Buffer entry number
+ input logic dma_iccm_stall_any,
+ output logic iccm_dma_ecc_error,
+ output logic iccm_dma_rvalid,
+ output logic [63:0] iccm_dma_rdata,
+ output logic [2:0] iccm_dma_rtag, // Tag of the DMA req
+ output logic iccm_ready,
+ output logic ifu_pmu_instr_aligned,
+ output logic ifu_pmu_fetch_stall,
+ output logic ifu_ic_error_start, // has all of the I$ ecc/parity for data/tag
+// I$ & ITAG Ports
+ output logic [31:1] ic_rw_addr, // Read/Write addresss to the Icache.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_wr_en, // Icache write enable, when filling the Icache.
+ output logic ic_rd_en, // Icache read enable.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][70:0] ic_wr_data, // Data to fill to the Icache. With ECC
+ input logic [63:0] ic_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ input logic [70:0] ic_debug_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ input logic [25:0] ictag_debug_rd_data,// Debug icache tag.
+ output logic [70:0] ic_debug_wr_data, // Debug wr cache.
+ output logic [70:0] ifu_ic_debug_rd_data,
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_eccerr, //
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_parerr,
+ output logic [63:0] ic_premux_data, // Premux data to be muxed with each way of the Icache.
+ output logic ic_sel_premux_data, // Select the premux data.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3] ic_debug_addr, // Read/Write addresss to the Icache.
+ output logic ic_debug_rd_en, // Icache debug rd
+ output logic ic_debug_wr_en, // Icache debug wr
+ output logic ic_debug_tag_array, // Debug tag array
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_way, // Debug way. Rd or Wr.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_valid, // Valid bits when accessing the Icache. One valid bit per way. F2 stage
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_rd_hit, // Compare hits from Icache tags. Per way. F2 stage
+ input logic ic_tag_perr, // Icache Tag parity error
+ // ICCM ports
+ output logic [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:1] iccm_rw_addr, // ICCM read/write address.
+ output logic iccm_wren, // ICCM write enable (through the DMA)
+ output logic iccm_rden, // ICCM read enable.
+ output logic [77:0] iccm_wr_data, // ICCM write data.
+ output logic [2:0] iccm_wr_size, // ICCM write location within DW.
+ input logic [63:0] iccm_rd_data, // Data read from ICCM.
+ input logic [77:0] iccm_rd_data_ecc, // Data + ECC read from ICCM.
+ output logic ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err, // This fetch has a single ICCM ecc error.
+// Perf counter sigs
+ output logic ifu_pmu_ic_miss, // ic miss
+ output logic ifu_pmu_ic_hit, // ic hit
+ output logic ifu_pmu_bus_error, // iside bus error
+ output logic ifu_pmu_bus_busy, // iside bus busy
+ output logic ifu_pmu_bus_trxn, // iside bus transactions
+ output logic ifu_i0_icaf, // Instruction 0 access fault. From Aligner to Decode
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_i0_icaf_type, // Instruction 0 access fault type
+ output logic ifu_i0_valid, // Instruction 0 valid. From Aligner to Decode
+ output logic ifu_i0_icaf_second, // Instruction 0 has access fault on second 2B of 4B inst
+ output logic ifu_i0_dbecc, // Instruction 0 has double bit ecc error
+ output logic iccm_dma_sb_error, // Single Bit ECC error from a DMA access
+ output logic[31:0] ifu_i0_instr, // Instruction 0 . From Aligner to Decode
+ output logic[31:1] ifu_i0_pc, // Instruction 0 pc. From Aligner to Decode
+ output logic ifu_i0_pc4, // Instruction 0 is 4 byte. From Aligner to Decode
+ output logic ifu_miss_state_idle, // There is no outstanding miss. Cache miss state is idle.
+ output eb1_br_pkt_t i0_brp, // Instruction 0 branch packet. From Aligner to Decode
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] ifu_i0_bp_index, // BP index
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_fghr, // BP FGHR
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_btag, // BP tag
+ output logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] ifu_i0_fa_index, // Fully associt btb index
+ input eb1_predict_pkt_t exu_mp_pkt, // mispredict packet
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_eghr, // execute ghr
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_fghr, // Mispredict fghr
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_mp_index, // Mispredict index
+ input logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_btag, // Mispredict btag
+ input eb1_br_tlu_pkt_t dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt, // slot0 update/error pkt
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_i0_br_fghr_r, // fghr to bp
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_i0_br_index_r, // bp index
+ input logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] dec_fa_error_index, // Fully associt btb error index
+ input dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb,
+ output logic [15:0] ifu_i0_cinst,
+/// Icache debug
+ input eb1_cache_debug_pkt_t dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt ,
+ output logic ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid,
+ output logic iccm_buf_correct_ecc,
+ output logic iccm_correction_state,
+ input logic scan_mode
+ );
+ localparam TAGWIDTH = 2 ;
+ localparam IDWIDTH = 2 ;
+ logic ifu_fb_consume1, ifu_fb_consume2;
+ logic [31:1] ifc_fetch_addr_f;
+ logic [31:1] ifc_fetch_addr_bf;
+ logic [1:0] ifu_fetch_val; // valids on a 2B boundary, left justified [7] implies valid fetch
+ logic [31:1] ifu_fetch_pc; // starting pc of fetch
+ logic iccm_rd_ecc_single_err, ic_error_start;
+ assign ifu_iccm_rd_ecc_single_err = iccm_rd_ecc_single_err;
+ assign ifu_ic_error_start = ic_error_start;
+ logic ic_write_stall;
+ logic ic_dma_active;
+ logic ifc_dma_access_ok;
+ logic [1:0] ic_access_fault_f;
+ logic [1:0] ic_access_fault_type_f;
+ logic ifu_ic_mb_empty;
+ logic ic_hit_f;
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bp_way_f; // way indication; right justified
+ logic ifu_bp_hit_taken_f; // kill next fetch; taken target found
+ logic [31:1] ifu_bp_btb_target_f; // predicted target PC
+ logic ifu_bp_inst_mask_f; // tell ic which valids to kill because of a taken branch; right justified
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist1_f; // history counters for all 4 potential branches; right justified
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist0_f; // history counters for all 4 potential branches; right justified
+ logic [11:0] ifu_bp_poffset_f; // predicted target
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bp_ret_f; // predicted ret ; right justified
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bp_pc4_f; // pc4 indication; right justified
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bp_valid_f; // branch valid, right justified
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_bp_fghr_f;
+ logic [1:0] [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] ifu_bp_fa_index_f;
+ // fetch control
+ eb1_ifu_ifc_ctl #(.pt(pt)) ifc (.*
+ );
+ // branch predictor
+ if (pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin : bpred
+ eb1_ifu_bp_ctl #(.pt(pt)) bp (.*);
+ end
+ else begin : bpred
+ assign ifu_bp_hit_taken_f = '0;
+ // verif wires
+ logic btb_wr_en_way0, btb_wr_en_way1,dec_tlu_error_wb;
+ logic [16+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:0] btb_wr_data;
+ assign btb_wr_en_way0 = '0;
+ assign btb_wr_en_way1 = '0;
+ assign btb_wr_data = '0;
+ assign dec_tlu_error_wb ='0;
+ assign ifu_bp_inst_mask_f = 1'b1;
+ end
+ logic [1:0] ic_fetch_val_f;
+ logic [31:0] ic_data_f;
+ logic [31:0] ifu_fetch_data_f;
+ logic ifc_fetch_req_f;
+ logic ifc_fetch_req_f_raw;
+ logic [1:0] iccm_rd_ecc_double_err; // This fetch has an iccm double error.
+ logic ifu_async_error_start;
+ assign ifu_fetch_data_f[31:0] = ic_data_f[31:0];
+ assign ifu_fetch_val[1:0] = ic_fetch_val_f[1:0];
+ assign ifu_fetch_pc[31:1] = ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:1];
+ logic ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf; // The fetch request is uncacheable space. BF stage
+ logic ifc_fetch_req_bf; // Fetch request. Comes with the address. BF stage
+ logic ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw; // Fetch request without some qualifications. Used for clock-gating. BF stage
+ logic ifc_iccm_access_bf; // This request is to the ICCM. Do not generate misses to the bus.
+ logic ifc_region_acc_fault_bf; // Access fault. in ICCM region but offset is outside defined ICCM.
+ // aligner
+ eb1_ifu_aln_ctl #(.pt(pt)) aln (
+ .*
+ );
+ // icache
+ eb1_ifu_mem_ctl #(.pt(pt)) mem_ctl
+ (.*,
+ .ic_data_f(ic_data_f[31:0])
+ );
+ // Performance debug info
+ //
+ //
+`ifdef DUMP_BTB_ON
+ logic exu_mp_valid; // conditional branch mispredict
+ logic exu_mp_way; // conditional branch mispredict
+ logic exu_mp_ataken; // direction is actual taken
+ logic exu_mp_boffset; // branch offsett
+ logic exu_mp_pc4; // branch is a 4B inst
+ logic exu_mp_call; // branch is a call inst
+ logic exu_mp_ret; // branch is a ret inst
+ logic exu_mp_ja; // branch is a jump always
+ logic [1:0] exu_mp_hist; // new history
+ logic [11:0] exu_mp_tgt; // target offset
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_mp_addr; // BTB/BHT address
+ assign exu_mp_valid = exu_mp_pkt.misp; // conditional branch mispredict
+ assign exu_mp_ataken = exu_mp_pkt.ataken; // direction is actual taken
+ assign exu_mp_boffset = exu_mp_pkt.boffset; // branch offset
+ assign exu_mp_pc4 = exu_mp_pkt.pc4; // branch is a 4B inst
+ assign exu_mp_call = exu_mp_pkt.pcall; // branch is a call inst
+ assign exu_mp_ret = exu_mp_pkt.pret; // branch is a ret inst
+ assign exu_mp_ja = exu_mp_pkt.pja; // branch is a jump always
+ assign exu_mp_way = exu_mp_pkt.way; // branch is a jump always
+ assign exu_mp_hist[1:0] = exu_mp_pkt.hist[1:0]; // new history
+ assign exu_mp_tgt[11:0] = exu_mp_pkt.toffset[11:0] ; // target offset
+ assign exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = exu_mp_index[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] ; // BTB/BHT address
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] btb_rd_addr_f;
+ `define DEC `CPU_TOP.dec
+ `define EXU `CPU_TOP.exu
+ eb1_btb_addr_hash f2hash(.pc(ifc_fetch_addr_f[pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO]), .hash(btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]));
+ logic [31:0] mppc_ns, mppc;
+ logic exu_flush_final_d1;
+ assign mppc_ns[31:1] = `EXU.i0_flush_upper_x ? `EXU.exu_i0_pc_x : `EXU.dec_i0_pc_d;
+ assign mppc_ns[0] = 1'b0;
+ rvdff #(33) junk_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din({mppc_ns[31:0], exu_flush_final}), .dout({mppc[31:0], exu_flush_final_d1}));
+ logic tmp_bnk;
+ assign tmp_bnk = bpred.bp.btb_sel_f[1];
+ always @(negedge clk) begin
+ if(`DEC.tlu.mcyclel[31:0] == 32'h0000_0010) begin
+ $display("BTB_CONFIG: %d",pt.BTB_SIZE);
+ `ifndef BP_NOGSHARE
+ $display("BHT_CONFIG: %d gshare: 1",pt.BHT_SIZE);
+ `else
+ $display("BHT_CONFIG: %d gshare: 0",pt.BHT_SIZE);
+ `endif
+ $display("RS_CONFIG: %d", pt.RET_STACK_SIZE);
+ end
+ if(exu_flush_final_d1 & ~(dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_error | dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error) & (exu_mp_pkt.misp | exu_mp_pkt.ataken))
+ $display("%7d BTB_MP : index: %0h bank: %0h call: %b ret: %b ataken: %b hist: %h valid: %b tag: %h targ: %h eghr: %b pred: %b ghr_index: %h brpc: %h way: %h", `DEC.tlu.mcyclel[31:0]+32'ha, exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO], 1'b0, exu_mp_call, exu_mp_ret, exu_mp_ataken, exu_mp_hist[1:0], exu_mp_valid, exu_mp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0], {exu_flush_path_final[31:1], 1'b0}, exu_mp_eghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0], exu_mp_valid, bpred.bp.bht_wr_addr0, mppc[31:0], exu_mp_pkt.way);
+ for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) begin
+ if(ifu_bp_valid_f[i] & ifc_fetch_req_f)
+ $display("%7d BTB_HIT : index: %0h bank: %0h call: %b ret: %b taken: %b strength: %b tag: %h targ: %0h ghr: %4b ghr_index: %h way: %h", `DEC.tlu.mcyclel[31:0]+32'ha,btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO],bpred.bp.btb_sel_f[1], bpred.bp.btb_rd_call_f, bpred.bp.btb_rd_ret_f, ifu_bp_hist1_f[tmp_bnk], ifu_bp_hist0_f[tmp_bnk], bpred.bp.fetch_rd_tag_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0], {ifu_bp_btb_target_f[31:1], 1'b0}, bpred.bp.fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0], bpred.bp.bht_rd_addr_f, ifu_bp_way_f[tmp_bnk]);
+ end
+ if(dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.valid & ~(dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_error | dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error))
+ $display("%7d BTB_UPD0: ghr_index: %0h bank: %0h hist: %h way: %h", `DEC.tlu.mcyclel[31:0]+32'ha,bpred.bp.br0_hashed_wb[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO],{dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.middle}, dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.hist, dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.way);
+ if(dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_error | dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error)
+ $display("%7d BTB_ERR0: index: %0h bank: %0h start: %b rfpc: %h way: %h", `DEC.tlu.mcyclel[31:0]+32'ha,exu_i0_br_index_r[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO],1'b0, dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error, {exu_flush_path_final[31:1], 1'b0}, dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.way);
+ end // always @ (negedge clk)
+ function [1:0] encode4_2;
+ input [3:0] in;
+ encode4_2[1] = in[3] | in[2];
+ encode4_2[0] = in[3] | in[1];
+ endfunction
+endmodule // eb1_ifu
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4e822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Function: Instruction aligner
+module eb1_ifu_aln_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic scan_mode, // Flop scan mode control
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic ifu_async_error_start, // ecc/parity related errors with current fetch - not sent down the pipe
+ input logic [1:0] iccm_rd_ecc_double_err, // This fetch has a double ICCM ecc error.
+ input logic [1:0] ic_access_fault_f, // Instruction access fault for the current fetch.
+ input logic [1:0] ic_access_fault_type_f, // Instruction access fault types
+ input logic exu_flush_final, // Flush from the pipeline.
+ input logic dec_i0_decode_d, // Valid instruction at D-stage and not blocked
+ input logic [31:0] ifu_fetch_data_f, // fetch data in memory format - not right justified
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_fetch_val, // valids on a 2B boundary, right justified
+ input logic [31:1] ifu_fetch_pc, // starting pc of fetch
+ output logic ifu_i0_valid, // Instruction 0 is valid
+ output logic ifu_i0_icaf, // Instruction 0 has access fault
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_i0_icaf_type, // Instruction 0 access fault type
+ output logic ifu_i0_icaf_second, // Instruction 0 has access fault on second 2B of 4B inst
+ output logic ifu_i0_dbecc, // Instruction 0 has double bit ecc error
+ output logic [31:0] ifu_i0_instr, // Instruction 0
+ output logic [31:1] ifu_i0_pc, // Instruction 0 PC
+ output logic ifu_i0_pc4,
+ output logic ifu_fb_consume1, // Consumed one buffer. To fetch control fetch for buffer mass balance
+ output logic ifu_fb_consume2, // Consumed two buffers.To fetch control fetch for buffer mass balance
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_bp_fghr_f, // fetch GHR
+ input logic [31:1] ifu_bp_btb_target_f, // predicted RET target
+ input logic [11:0] ifu_bp_poffset_f, // predicted target offset
+ input logic [1:0] [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] ifu_bp_fa_index_f, // predicted branch index (fully associative option)
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist0_f, // history counters for all 4 potential branches, bit 1, right justified
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist1_f, // history counters for all 4 potential branches, bit 1, right justified
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_pc4_f, // pc4 indication, right justified
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_way_f, // way indication, right justified
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_valid_f, // branch valid, right justified
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_ret_f, // predicted ret indication, right justified
+ output eb1_br_pkt_t i0_brp, // Branch packet for I0.
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] ifu_i0_bp_index, // BP index
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_fghr, // BP FGHR
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_btag, // BP tag
+ output logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] ifu_i0_fa_index, // Fully associt btb index
+ output logic ifu_pmu_instr_aligned, // number of inst aligned this cycle
+ output logic [15:0] ifu_i0_cinst // 16b compress inst for i0
+ );
+ logic ifvalid;
+ logic shift_f1_f0, shift_f2_f0, shift_f2_f1;
+ logic fetch_to_f0, fetch_to_f1, fetch_to_f2;
+ logic [1:0] f2val_in, f2val;
+ logic [1:0] f1val_in, f1val;
+ logic [1:0] f0val_in, f0val;
+ logic [1:0] sf1val, sf0val;
+ logic [31:0] aligndata;
+ logic first4B, first2B;
+ logic [31:0] uncompress0;
+ logic i0_shift;
+ logic shift_2B, shift_4B;
+ logic f1_shift_2B;
+ logic f2_valid, sf1_valid, sf0_valid;
+ logic [31:0] ifirst;
+ logic [1:0] alignval;
+ logic [31:1] firstpc, secondpc;
+ logic [11:0] f1poffset;
+ logic [11:0] f0poffset;
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] f1fghr;
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] f0fghr;
+ logic [1:0] f1hist1;
+ logic [1:0] f0hist1;
+ logic [1:0] f1hist0;
+ logic [1:0] f0hist0;
+ logic [1:0][$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] f0index, f1index, alignindex;
+ logic [1:0] f1ictype;
+ logic [1:0] f0ictype;
+ logic [1:0] f1pc4;
+ logic [1:0] f0pc4;
+ logic [1:0] f1ret;
+ logic [1:0] f0ret;
+ logic [1:0] f1way;
+ logic [1:0] f0way;
+ logic [1:0] f1brend;
+ logic [1:0] f0brend;
+ logic [1:0] alignbrend;
+ logic [1:0] alignpc4;
+ logic [1:0] alignret;
+ logic [1:0] alignway;
+ logic [1:0] alignhist1;
+ logic [1:0] alignhist0;
+ logic [1:1] alignfromf1;
+ logic i0_ends_f1;
+ logic i0_br_start_error;
+ logic [31:1] f1prett;
+ logic [31:1] f0prett;
+ logic [1:0] f1dbecc;
+ logic [1:0] f0dbecc;
+ logic [1:0] f1icaf;
+ logic [1:0] f0icaf;
+ logic [1:0] aligndbecc;
+ logic [1:0] alignicaf;
+ logic i0_brp_pc4;
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] firstpc_hash, secondpc_hash;
+ logic first_legal;
+ logic [1:0] wrptr, wrptr_in;
+ logic [1:0] rdptr, rdptr_in;
+ logic [2:0] qwen;
+ logic [31:0] q2,q1,q0;
+ logic q2off_in, q2off;
+ logic q1off_in, q1off;
+ logic q0off_in, q0off;
+ logic f0_shift_2B;
+ logic [31:0] q0eff;
+ logic [31:0] q0final;
+ logic q0ptr;
+ logic [1:0] q0sel;
+ logic [31:0] q1eff;
+ logic [15:0] q1final;
+ logic q1ptr;
+ logic [1:0] q1sel;
+ logic [2:0] qren;
+ logic consume_fb1, consume_fb0;
+ logic [1:0] icaf_eff;
+ localparam BRDATA_SIZE = pt.BTB_ENABLE ? 16+($clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)*2*pt.BTB_FULLYA) : 2;
+ localparam BRDATA_WIDTH = pt.BTB_ENABLE ? 8+($clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)*pt.BTB_FULLYA) : 1;
+ logic [BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] brdata_in, brdata2, brdata1, brdata0;
+ logic [BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] brdata1eff, brdata0eff;
+ logic [BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] brdata1final, brdata0final;
+ localparam MHI = 1+(pt.BTB_ENABLE * (43+pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE));
+ localparam MSIZE = 2+(pt.BTB_ENABLE * (43+pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE));
+ logic [MHI:0] misc_data_in, misc2, misc1, misc0;
+ logic [MHI:0] misc1eff, misc0eff;
+ logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] firstbrtag_hash, secondbrtag_hash;
+ logic error_stall_in, error_stall;
+ assign error_stall_in = (error_stall | ifu_async_error_start) & ~exu_flush_final;
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(7)) bundle1ff (.*,
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .din ({wrptr_in[1:0],rdptr_in[1:0],q2off_in,q1off_in,q0off_in}),
+ .dout({wrptr[1:0], rdptr[1:0], q2off, q1off, q0off})
+ );
+ rvdffie #(.WIDTH(7),.OVERRIDE(1)) bundle2ff (.*,
+ .din ({error_stall_in,f2val_in[1:0],f1val_in[1:0],f0val_in[1:0]}),
+ .dout({error_stall, f2val[1:0], f1val[1:0], f0val[1:0] })
+ );
+if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+ rvdffe #(BRDATA_SIZE) brdata2ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[2]), .din(brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]), .dout(brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]));
+ rvdffe #(BRDATA_SIZE) brdata1ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[1]), .din(brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]), .dout(brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]));
+ rvdffe #(BRDATA_SIZE) brdata0ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[0]), .din(brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]), .dout(brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]));
+ rvdffe #(MSIZE) misc2ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[2]), .din(misc_data_in[MHI:0]), .dout(misc2[MHI:0]));
+ rvdffe #(MSIZE) misc1ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[1]), .din(misc_data_in[MHI:0]), .dout(misc1[MHI:0]));
+ rvdffe #(MSIZE) misc0ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[0]), .din(misc_data_in[MHI:0]), .dout(misc0[MHI:0]));
+else begin
+ rvdffie #((MSIZE*3)+(BRDATA_SIZE*3)) miscff (.*,
+ .din({qwen[2] ? {misc_data_in[MHI:0], brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]} : {misc2[MHI:0], brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]},
+ qwen[1] ? {misc_data_in[MHI:0], brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]} : {misc1[MHI:0], brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]},
+ qwen[0] ? {misc_data_in[MHI:0], brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]} : {misc0[MHI:0], brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}}),
+ .dout({misc2[MHI:0],misc1[MHI:0],misc0[MHI:0],
+ brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0], brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0], brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]})
+ );
+ logic [31:1] q2pc, q1pc, q0pc;
+ rvdffe #(31) q2pcff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[2]), .din(ifu_fetch_pc[31:1]), .dout(q2pc[31:1]));
+ rvdffe #(31) q1pcff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[1]), .din(ifu_fetch_pc[31:1]), .dout(q1pc[31:1]));
+ rvdffe #(31) q0pcff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[0]), .din(ifu_fetch_pc[31:1]), .dout(q0pc[31:1]));
+ rvdffe #(32) q2ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[2]), .din(ifu_fetch_data_f[31:0]), .dout(q2[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) q1ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[1]), .din(ifu_fetch_data_f[31:0]), .dout(q1[31:0]));
+ rvdffe #(32) q0ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(qwen[0]), .din(ifu_fetch_data_f[31:0]), .dout(q0[31:0]));
+ // new queue control logic
+ assign qren[2:0] = { rdptr[1:0] == 2'b10,
+ rdptr[1:0] == 2'b01,
+ rdptr[1:0] == 2'b00 };
+ assign qwen[2:0] = { (wrptr[1:0] == 2'b10) & ifvalid,
+ (wrptr[1:0] == 2'b01) & ifvalid,
+ (wrptr[1:0] == 2'b00) & ifvalid };
+ assign rdptr_in[1:0] = ({2{ qren[0] & ifu_fb_consume1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b01 ) |
+ ({2{ qren[1] & ifu_fb_consume1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b10 ) |
+ ({2{ qren[2] & ifu_fb_consume1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b00 ) |
+ ({2{ qren[0] & ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b10 ) |
+ ({2{ qren[1] & ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b00 ) |
+ ({2{ qren[2] & ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b01 ) |
+ ({2{~ifu_fb_consume1 & ~ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & rdptr[1:0]);
+ assign wrptr_in[1:0] = ({2{ qwen[0] & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b01 ) |
+ ({2{ qwen[1] & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b10 ) |
+ ({2{ qwen[2] & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b00 ) |
+ ({2{~ifvalid & ~exu_flush_final}} & wrptr[1:0]);
+ assign q2off_in = ( ~qwen[2] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd2) & (q2off | f0_shift_2B) ) |
+ ( ~qwen[2] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd1) & (q2off | f1_shift_2B) ) |
+ ( ~qwen[2] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd0) & q2off );
+ assign q1off_in = ( ~qwen[1] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd1) & (q1off | f0_shift_2B) ) |
+ ( ~qwen[1] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd0) & (q1off | f1_shift_2B) ) |
+ ( ~qwen[1] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd2) & q1off );
+ assign q0off_in = ( ~qwen[0] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd0) & (q0off | f0_shift_2B) ) |
+ ( ~qwen[0] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd2) & (q0off | f1_shift_2B) ) |
+ ( ~qwen[0] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd1) & q0off );
+ assign q0ptr = ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b00) & q0off ) |
+ ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b01) & q1off ) |
+ ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b10) & q2off );
+ assign q1ptr = ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b00) & q1off ) |
+ ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b01) & q2off ) |
+ ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b10) & q0off );
+ assign q0sel[1:0] = {q0ptr,~q0ptr};
+ assign q1sel[1:0] = {q1ptr,~q1ptr};
+ // end new queue control logic
+ // misc data that is associated with each fetch buffer
+ if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ assign misc_data_in[MHI:0] = {
+ ic_access_fault_type_f[1:0],
+ ifu_bp_btb_target_f[31:1],
+ ifu_bp_poffset_f[11:0],
+ ifu_bp_fghr_f[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]
+ };
+ else
+ assign misc_data_in[MHI:0] = {
+ ic_access_fault_type_f[1:0]
+ };
+ assign {misc1eff[MHI:0],misc0eff[MHI:0]} = (({MSIZE*2{qren[0]}} & {misc1[MHI:0],misc0[MHI:0]}) |
+ ({MSIZE*2{qren[1]}} & {misc2[MHI:0],misc1[MHI:0]}) |
+ ({MSIZE*2{qren[2]}} & {misc0[MHI:0],misc2[MHI:0]}));
+ if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+ assign {
+ f1ictype[1:0],
+ f1prett[31:1],
+ f1poffset[11:0],
+ f1fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]
+ } = misc1eff[MHI:0];
+ assign {
+ f0ictype[1:0],
+ f0prett[31:1],
+ f0poffset[11:0],
+ f0fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]
+ } = misc0eff[MHI:0];
+ if(pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin
+ assign brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = {
+ ifu_bp_fa_index_f[1], iccm_rd_ecc_double_err[1],ic_access_fault_f[1],ifu_bp_hist1_f[1],ifu_bp_hist0_f[1],ifu_bp_pc4_f[1],ifu_bp_way_f[1],ifu_bp_valid_f[1],ifu_bp_ret_f[1],
+ ifu_bp_fa_index_f[0], iccm_rd_ecc_double_err[0],ic_access_fault_f[0],ifu_bp_hist1_f[0],ifu_bp_hist0_f[0],ifu_bp_pc4_f[0],ifu_bp_way_f[0],ifu_bp_valid_f[0],ifu_bp_ret_f[0]
+ };
+ assign {f0index[1],f0dbecc[1],f0icaf[1],f0hist1[1],f0hist0[1],f0pc4[1],f0way[1],f0brend[1],f0ret[1],
+ f0index[0],f0dbecc[0],f0icaf[0],f0hist1[0],f0hist0[0],f0pc4[0],f0way[0],f0brend[0],f0ret[0]} = brdata0final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign {f1index[1],f1dbecc[1],f1icaf[1],f1hist1[1],f1hist0[1],f1pc4[1],f1way[1],f1brend[1],f1ret[1],
+ f1index[0],f1dbecc[0],f1icaf[0],f1hist1[0],f1hist0[0],f1pc4[0],f1way[0],f1brend[0],f1ret[0]} = brdata1final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = {
+ iccm_rd_ecc_double_err[1],ic_access_fault_f[1],ifu_bp_hist1_f[1],ifu_bp_hist0_f[1],ifu_bp_pc4_f[1],ifu_bp_way_f[1],ifu_bp_valid_f[1],ifu_bp_ret_f[1],
+ iccm_rd_ecc_double_err[0],ic_access_fault_f[0],ifu_bp_hist1_f[0],ifu_bp_hist0_f[0],ifu_bp_pc4_f[0],ifu_bp_way_f[0],ifu_bp_valid_f[0],ifu_bp_ret_f[0]
+ };
+ assign {f0dbecc[1],f0icaf[1],f0hist1[1],f0hist0[1],f0pc4[1],f0way[1],f0brend[1],f0ret[1],
+ f0dbecc[0],f0icaf[0],f0hist1[0],f0hist0[0],f0pc4[0],f0way[0],f0brend[0],f0ret[0]} = brdata0final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign {f1dbecc[1],f1icaf[1],f1hist1[1],f1hist0[1],f1pc4[1],f1way[1],f1brend[1],f1ret[1],
+ f1dbecc[0],f1icaf[0],f1hist1[0],f1hist0[0],f1pc4[0],f1way[0],f1brend[0],f1ret[0]} = brdata1final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
+ end
+ assign {brdata1eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata0eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]} = (({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[0]}} & {brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[1]}} & {brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[2]}} & {brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}));
+ assign brdata0final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = (({BRDATA_SIZE{q0sel[0]}} & { brdata0eff[2*BRDATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE{q0sel[1]}} & {{BRDATA_WIDTH{1'b0}},brdata0eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:BRDATA_WIDTH]}));
+ assign brdata1final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = (({BRDATA_SIZE{q1sel[0]}} & { brdata1eff[2*BRDATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE{q1sel[1]}} & {{BRDATA_WIDTH{1'b0}},brdata1eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:BRDATA_WIDTH]}));
+ end // if (pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ else begin
+ assign {
+ f1ictype[1:0]
+ } = misc1eff[MHI:0];
+ assign {
+ f0ictype[1:0]
+ } = misc0eff[MHI:0];
+ assign brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = {
+ iccm_rd_ecc_double_err[1],ic_access_fault_f[1],
+ iccm_rd_ecc_double_err[0],ic_access_fault_f[0]
+ };
+ assign {f0dbecc[1],f0icaf[1],
+ f0dbecc[0],f0icaf[0]} = brdata0final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign {f1dbecc[1],f1icaf[1],
+ f1dbecc[0],f1icaf[0]} = brdata1final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign {brdata1eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata0eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]} = (({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[0]}} & {brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[1]}} & {brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[2]}} & {brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}));
+ assign brdata0final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = (({BRDATA_SIZE{q0sel[0]}} & { brdata0eff[2*BRDATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE{q0sel[1]}} & {{BRDATA_WIDTH{1'b0}},brdata0eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:BRDATA_WIDTH]}));
+ assign brdata1final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = (({BRDATA_SIZE{q1sel[0]}} & { brdata1eff[2*BRDATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) |
+ ({BRDATA_SIZE{q1sel[1]}} & {{BRDATA_WIDTH{1'b0}},brdata1eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:BRDATA_WIDTH]}));
+ end // else: !if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ // possible states of { sf0_valid, sf1_valid, f2_valid }
+ //
+ // 000 if->f0
+ // 100 if->f1
+ // 101 illegal
+ // 010 if->f1, f1->f0
+ // 110 if->f2
+ // 001 if->f1, f2->f0
+ // 011 if->f2, f2->f1, f1->f0
+ // 111 !if, no shift
+ assign f2_valid = f2val[0];
+ assign sf1_valid = sf1val[0];
+ assign sf0_valid = sf0val[0];
+ // interface to fetch
+ assign consume_fb0 = ~sf0val[0] & f0val[0];
+ assign consume_fb1 = ~sf1val[0] & f1val[0];
+ assign ifu_fb_consume1 = consume_fb0 & ~consume_fb1 & ~exu_flush_final;
+ assign ifu_fb_consume2 = consume_fb0 & consume_fb1 & ~exu_flush_final;
+ assign ifvalid = ifu_fetch_val[0];
+ assign shift_f1_f0 = ~sf0_valid & sf1_valid;
+ assign shift_f2_f0 = ~sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & f2_valid;
+ assign shift_f2_f1 = ~sf0_valid & sf1_valid & f2_valid;
+ assign fetch_to_f0 = ~sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid;
+ assign fetch_to_f1 = (~sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & f2_valid & ifvalid) |
+ (~sf0_valid & sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid) |
+ ( sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid);
+ assign fetch_to_f2 = (~sf0_valid & sf1_valid & f2_valid & ifvalid) |
+ ( sf0_valid & sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid);
+ assign f2val_in[1:0] = ({2{ fetch_to_f2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & ifu_fetch_val[1:0]) |
+ ({2{~fetch_to_f2 & ~shift_f2_f1 & ~shift_f2_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & f2val[1:0] );
+ assign sf1val[1:0] = ({2{ f1_shift_2B}} & {1'b0,f1val[1]}) |
+ ({2{~f1_shift_2B}} & f1val[1:0] );
+ assign f1val_in[1:0] = ({2{ fetch_to_f1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & ifu_fetch_val[1:0]) |
+ ({2{ shift_f2_f1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & f2val[1:0] ) |
+ ({2{~fetch_to_f1 & ~shift_f2_f1 & ~shift_f1_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & sf1val[1:0] );
+ assign sf0val[1:0] = ({2{ shift_2B }} & {1'b0,f0val[1]}) |
+ ({2{~shift_2B & ~shift_4B}} & f0val[1:0]);
+ assign f0val_in[1:0] = ({2{fetch_to_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & ifu_fetch_val[1:0]) |
+ ({2{ shift_f2_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & f2val[1:0] ) |
+ ({2{ shift_f1_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & sf1val[1:0] ) |
+ ({2{~fetch_to_f0 & ~shift_f2_f0 & ~shift_f1_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & sf0val[1:0] );
+ assign {q1eff[31:0],q0eff[31:0]} = (({64{qren[0]}} & {q1[31:0],q0[31:0]}) |
+ ({64{qren[1]}} & {q2[31:0],q1[31:0]}) |
+ ({64{qren[2]}} & {q0[31:0],q2[31:0]}));
+ assign q0final[31:0] = ({32{q0sel[0]}} & { q0eff[31:0]}) |
+ ({32{q0sel[1]}} & {16'b0,q0eff[31:16]});
+ assign q1final[15:0] = ({16{q1sel[0]}} & q1eff[15:0] ) |
+ ({16{q1sel[1]}} & q1eff[31:16]);
+ logic [31:1] q0pceff, q0pcfinal;
+ logic [31:1] q1pceff;
+ assign {q1pceff[31:1],q0pceff[31:1]} = (({62{qren[0]}} & {q1pc[31:1],q0pc[31:1]}) |
+ ({62{qren[1]}} & {q2pc[31:1],q1pc[31:1]}) |
+ ({62{qren[2]}} & {q0pc[31:1],q2pc[31:1]}));
+ assign q0pcfinal[31:1] = ({31{q0sel[0]}} & ( q0pceff[31:1])) |
+ ({31{q0sel[1]}} & ( q0pceff[31:1] + 31'd1));
+ assign aligndata[31:0] = ({32{ f0val[1] }} & {q0final[31:0]}) |
+ ({32{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {q1final[15:0],q0final[15:0]});
+ assign alignval[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & {2'b11}) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1val[0],1'b1});
+ assign alignicaf[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0icaf[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1icaf[0],f0icaf[0]});
+ assign aligndbecc[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0dbecc[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1dbecc[0],f0dbecc[0]});
+ if (pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+ // for branch prediction
+ assign alignbrend[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0brend[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1brend[0],f0brend[0]});
+ assign alignpc4[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0pc4[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1pc4[0],f0pc4[0]});
+ if(pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin
+ assign alignindex[0] = f0index[0];
+ assign alignindex[1] = f0val[1] ? f0index[1] : f1index[0];
+ end
+ assign alignret[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0ret[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1ret[0],f0ret[0]});
+ assign alignway[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0way[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1way[0],f0way[0]});
+ assign alignhist1[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0hist1[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1hist1[0],f0hist1[0]});
+ assign alignhist0[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0hist0[1:0] ) |
+ ({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1hist0[0],f0hist0[0]});
+ assign secondpc[31:1] = ({31{ f0val[1] }} & (q0pceff[31:1] + 31'd1)) |
+ // you need the base pc for 2nd one only (4B max, 2B for the 1st and 2B for the 2nd)
+ ({31{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & q1pceff[31:1] );
+ assign firstpc[31:1] = q0pcfinal[31:1];
+ end // if (pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ assign alignfromf1[1] = ~f0val[1] & f0val[0];
+ assign ifu_i0_pc[31:1] = q0pcfinal[31:1];
+ assign ifu_i0_pc4 = first4B;
+ assign ifu_i0_cinst[15:0] = aligndata[15:0];
+ assign first4B = (aligndata[1:0] == 2'b11);
+ assign first2B = ~first4B;
+ assign ifu_i0_valid = (first4B & alignval[1]) |
+ (first2B & alignval[0]);
+ // inst access fault on any byte of inst results in access fault for the inst
+ assign ifu_i0_icaf = (first4B & (|alignicaf[1:0])) |
+ (first2B & alignicaf[0] );
+ assign ifu_i0_icaf_type[1:0] = (first4B & ~f0val[1] & f0val[0] & ~alignicaf[0] & ~aligndbecc[0]) ? f1ictype[1:0] : f0ictype[1:0];
+ assign icaf_eff[1:0] = alignicaf[1:0] | aligndbecc[1:0];
+ assign ifu_i0_icaf_second = first4B & ~icaf_eff[0] & icaf_eff[1];
+ assign ifu_i0_dbecc = (first4B & (|aligndbecc[1:0])) |
+ (first2B & aligndbecc[0] );
+ assign ifirst[31:0] = aligndata[31:0];
+ assign ifu_i0_instr[31:0] = ({32{first4B & alignval[1]}} & ifirst[31:0]) |
+ ({32{first2B & alignval[0]}} & uncompress0[31:0]);
+if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+ // if you detect br does not start on instruction boundary
+ eb1_btb_addr_hash #(.pt(pt)) firsthash (.pc(firstpc [pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO]),
+ .hash(firstpc_hash [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]));
+ eb1_btb_addr_hash #(.pt(pt)) secondhash(.pc(secondpc[pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO]),
+ .hash(secondpc_hash[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]));
+ if(pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin
+ assign firstbrtag_hash = firstpc;
+ assign secondbrtag_hash = secondpc;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if(pt.BTB_BTAG_FOLD) begin : btbfold
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash_fold #(.pt(pt)) first_brhash (.pc(firstpc [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]),
+ .hash(firstbrtag_hash [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash_fold #(.pt(pt)) second_brhash(.pc(secondpc[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]),
+ .hash(secondbrtag_hash[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
+ end
+ else begin
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash #(.pt(pt)) first_brhash (.pc(firstpc [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]),
+ .hash(firstbrtag_hash [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash #(.pt(pt)) second_brhash(.pc(secondpc[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]),
+ .hash(secondbrtag_hash[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
+ end
+ end // else: !if(pt.BTB_FULLYA)
+ // start_indexing - you want pc to be based on where the end of branch is prediction
+ // normal indexing pc based that's incorrect now for pc4 cases it's pc4 + 2
+ always_comb begin
+ i0_brp = '0;
+ i0_br_start_error = (first4B & alignval[1] & alignbrend[0]);
+ i0_brp.valid = (first2B & alignbrend[0]) |
+ (first4B & alignbrend[1]) |
+ i0_br_start_error;
+ i0_brp_pc4 = (first2B & alignpc4[0]) |
+ (first4B & alignpc4[1]);
+ i0_brp.ret = (first2B & alignret[0]) |
+ (first4B & alignret[1]);
+ i0_brp.way = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? alignway[0] : alignway[1];
+ i0_brp.hist[1] = (first2B & alignhist1[0]) |
+ (first4B & alignhist1[1]);
+ i0_brp.hist[0] = (first2B & alignhist0[0]) |
+ (first4B & alignhist0[1]);
+ i0_ends_f1 = first4B & alignfromf1[1];
+ i0_brp.toffset[11:0] = (i0_ends_f1) ? f1poffset[11:0] : f0poffset[11:0];
+ i0_brp.prett[31:1] = (i0_ends_f1) ? f1prett[31:1] : f0prett[31:1];
+ i0_brp.br_start_error = i0_br_start_error;
+ = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? firstpc[1] : secondpc[1];
+ i0_brp.br_error = (i0_brp.valid & i0_brp_pc4 & first2B) |
+ (i0_brp.valid & ~i0_brp_pc4 & first4B);
+ if(pt.BTB_FULLYA)
+ ifu_i0_fa_index = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? alignindex[0] : alignindex[1];
+ else
+ ifu_i0_fa_index = '0;
+ end
+ assign ifu_i0_bp_index[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? firstpc_hash[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] :
+ secondpc_hash[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO];
+ assign ifu_i0_bp_fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = (i0_ends_f1) ? f1fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] :
+ f0fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign ifu_i0_bp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? firstbrtag_hash[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] :
+ secondbrtag_hash[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0];
+else begin
+ assign i0_brp = '0;
+ assign ifu_i0_bp_index = '0;
+ assign ifu_i0_bp_fghr = '0;
+ assign ifu_i0_bp_btag = '0;
+end // else: !if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1)
+ // decompress
+ // quiet inputs for 4B inst
+ eb1_ifu_compress_ctl compress0 (.din((first2B) ? aligndata[15:0] : '0), .dout(uncompress0[31:0]));
+ assign i0_shift = dec_i0_decode_d & ~error_stall;
+ assign ifu_pmu_instr_aligned = i0_shift;
+ // compute how many bytes are being shifted from f0
+ assign shift_2B = i0_shift & first2B;
+ assign shift_4B = i0_shift & first4B;
+ // exact equations for the queue logic
+ assign f0_shift_2B = (shift_2B & f0val[0] ) |
+ (shift_4B & f0val[0] & ~f0val[1]);
+ // f0 valid states
+ // 11
+ // 10
+ // 00
+ assign f1_shift_2B = f0val[0] & ~f0val[1] & shift_4B;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae8a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Function: Branch predictor
+// Comments:
+// Bank3 : Bank2 : Bank1 : Bank0
+// FA C 8 4 0
+module eb1_ifu_bp_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic ic_hit_f, // Icache hit, enables F address capture
+ input logic [31:1] ifc_fetch_addr_f, // look up btb address
+ input logic ifc_fetch_req_f, // F1 valid
+ input eb1_br_tlu_pkt_t dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt, // BP commit update packet, includes errors
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_i0_br_fghr_r, // fghr to bp
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_i0_br_index_r, // bp index
+ input logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] dec_fa_error_index, // Fully associative btb error index
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb, // used to move EX4 RS to EX1 and F
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb, // don't hit for leak one fetches
+ input logic dec_tlu_bpred_disable, // disable all branch prediction
+ input eb1_predict_pkt_t exu_mp_pkt, // mispredict packet
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_eghr, // execute ghr (for patching fghr)
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_fghr, // Mispredict fghr
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_mp_index, // Mispredict index
+ input logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] exu_mp_btag, // Mispredict btag
+ input logic exu_flush_final, // all flushes
+ output logic ifu_bp_hit_taken_f, // btb hit, select target
+ output logic [31:1] ifu_bp_btb_target_f, // predicted target PC
+ output logic ifu_bp_inst_mask_f, // tell ic which valids to kill because of a taken branch, right justified
+ output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_bp_fghr_f, // fetch ghr
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_bp_way_f, // way
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_bp_ret_f, // predicted ret
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist1_f, // history counters for all 4 potential branches, bit 1, right justified
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist0_f, // history counters for all 4 potential branches, bit 0, right justified
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_bp_pc4_f, // pc4 indication, right justified
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_bp_valid_f, // branch valid, right justified
+ output logic [11:0] ifu_bp_poffset_f, // predicted target
+ output logic [1:0] [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] ifu_bp_fa_index_f, // predicted branch index (fully associative option)
+ input logic scan_mode
+ );
+ localparam BTB_DWIDTH_TOP = int'(pt.BTB_TOFFSET_SIZE)+int'(pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE)+4;
+ localparam BTB_FA_INDEX = $clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1;
+ localparam FA_CMP_LOWER = $clog2(pt.ICACHE_LN_SZ);
+ localparam FA_TAG_END_UPPER= 5+int'(pt.BTB_TOFFSET_SIZE)+int'(FA_CMP_LOWER)-1; // must cast to int or vcs build fails
+ localparam FA_TAG_START_LOWER = 3+int'(pt.BTB_TOFFSET_SIZE)+int'(FA_CMP_LOWER);
+ localparam FA_TAG_END_LOWER = 5+int'(pt.BTB_TOFFSET_SIZE);
+ localparam TAG_START=BTB_DWIDTH-1;
+ localparam PC4=4;
+ localparam BOFF=3;
+ localparam CALL=2;
+ localparam RET=1;
+ localparam BV=0;
+ localparam LRU_SIZE=pt.BTB_ARRAY_DEPTH;
+ localparam NUM_BHT_LOOP = (pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH > 16 ) ? 16 : pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH;
+ localparam NUM_BHT_LOOP_INNER_HI = (pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH > 16 ) ?pt.BHT_ADDR_LO+3 : pt.BHT_ADDR_HI;
+ localparam NUM_BHT_LOOP_OUTER_LO = (pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH > 16 ) ?pt.BHT_ADDR_LO+4 : pt.BHT_ADDR_LO;
+ localparam BHT_NO_ADDR_MATCH = ( pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH <= 16 );
+ logic exu_mp_valid_write;
+ logic exu_mp_ataken;
+ logic exu_mp_valid; // conditional branch mispredict
+ logic exu_mp_boffset; // branch offsett
+ logic exu_mp_pc4; // branch is a 4B inst
+ logic exu_mp_call; // branch is a call inst
+ logic exu_mp_ret; // branch is a ret inst
+ logic exu_mp_ja; // branch is a jump always
+ logic [1:0] exu_mp_hist; // new history
+ logic [11:0] exu_mp_tgt; // target offset
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] exu_mp_addr; // BTB/BHT address
+ logic dec_tlu_br0_v_wb; // WB stage history update
+ logic [1:0] dec_tlu_br0_hist_wb; // new history
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] dec_tlu_br0_addr_wb; // addr
+ logic dec_tlu_br0_error_wb; // error; invalidate bank
+ logic dec_tlu_br0_start_error_wb; // error; invalidate all 4 banks in fg
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_i0_br_fghr_wb;
+ logic use_mp_way, use_mp_way_p1;
+ logic [pt.RET_STACK_SIZE-1:0][31:0] rets_out, rets_in;
+ logic [pt.RET_STACK_SIZE-1:0] rsenable;
+ logic [11:0] btb_rd_tgt_f;
+ logic btb_rd_pc4_f, btb_rd_call_f, btb_rd_ret_f;
+ logic [1:1] bp_total_branch_offset_f;
+ logic [31:1] bp_btb_target_adder_f;
+ logic [31:1] bp_rs_call_target_f;
+ logic rs_push, rs_pop, rs_hold;
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] btb_rd_addr_p1_f, btb_wr_addr, btb_rd_addr_f;
+ logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] btb_wr_tag, fetch_rd_tag_f, fetch_rd_tag_p1_f;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_wr_data;
+ logic btb_wr_en_way0, btb_wr_en_way1;
+ logic dec_tlu_error_wb, btb_valid, dec_tlu_br0_middle_wb;
+ logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] btb_error_addr_wb;
+ logic branch_error_collision_f, fetch_mp_collision_f, branch_error_collision_p1_f, fetch_mp_collision_p1_f;
+ logic branch_error_bank_conflict_f;
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] merged_ghr, fghr_ns, fghr;
+ logic [1:0] num_valids;
+ logic [LRU_SIZE-1:0] btb_lru_b0_f, btb_lru_b0_hold, btb_lru_b0_ns,
+ fetch_wrindex_dec, fetch_wrindex_p1_dec, fetch_wrlru_b0, fetch_wrlru_p1_b0,
+ mp_wrindex_dec, mp_wrlru_b0;
+ logic btb_lru_rd_f, btb_lru_rd_p1_f, lru_update_valid_f;
+ logic tag_match_way0_f, tag_match_way1_f;
+ logic [1:0] way_raw, bht_dir_f, btb_sel_f, wayhit_f, vwayhit_f, wayhit_p1_f;
+ logic [1:0] bht_valid_f, bht_force_taken_f;
+ logic leak_one_f, leak_one_f_d1;
+ logic [LRU_SIZE-1:0][BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_out ;
+ logic [LRU_SIZE-1:0][BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_out ;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f ;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f ;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f ;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f ;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_vbank0_rd_data_f, btb_vbank1_rd_data_f;
+ logic final_h;
+ logic btb_fg_crossing_f;
+ logic middle_of_bank;
+ logic [1:0] bht_vbank0_rd_data_f, bht_vbank1_rd_data_f;
+ logic branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f;
+ logic tag_match_way0_p1_f, tag_match_way1_p1_f;
+ logic [1:0] btb_vlru_rd_f, fetch_start_f, tag_match_vway1_expanded_f, tag_match_way0_expanded_p1_f, tag_match_way1_expanded_p1_f;
+ logic [31:2] fetch_addr_p1_f;
+ logic exu_mp_way, exu_mp_way_f, dec_tlu_br0_way_wb, dec_tlu_way_wb;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0e_rd_data_f, btb_bank0e_rd_data_p1_f;
+ logic [BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btb_bank0o_rd_data_f;
+ logic [1:0] tag_match_way0_expanded_f, tag_match_way1_expanded_f;
+ logic [1:0] bht_bank0_rd_data_f;
+ logic [1:0] bht_bank1_rd_data_f;
+ logic [1:0] bht_bank0_rd_data_p1_f;
+ genvar j, i;
+ assign exu_mp_valid = exu_mp_pkt.misp & ~leak_one_f; // conditional branch mispredict
+ assign exu_mp_boffset = exu_mp_pkt.boffset; // branch offset
+ assign exu_mp_pc4 = exu_mp_pkt.pc4; // branch is a 4B inst
+ assign exu_mp_call = exu_mp_pkt.pcall; // branch is a call inst
+ assign exu_mp_ret = exu_mp_pkt.pret; // branch is a ret inst
+ assign exu_mp_ja = exu_mp_pkt.pja; // branch is a jump always
+ assign exu_mp_way = exu_mp_pkt.way; // repl way
+ assign exu_mp_hist[1:0] = exu_mp_pkt.hist[1:0]; // new history
+ assign exu_mp_tgt[11:0] = exu_mp_pkt.toffset[11:0] ; // target offset
+ assign exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = exu_mp_index[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] ; // BTB/BHT address
+ assign exu_mp_ataken = exu_mp_pkt.ataken;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_v_wb = dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.valid;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_hist_wb[1:0] = dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.hist[1:0];
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_addr_wb[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = exu_i0_br_index_r[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO];
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_error_wb = dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_error;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_middle_wb = dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.middle;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_way_wb = dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.way;
+ assign dec_tlu_br0_start_error_wb = dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error;
+ assign exu_i0_br_fghr_wb[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = exu_i0_br_fghr_r[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // READ
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // hash the incoming fetch PC, first guess at hashing algorithm
+ eb1_btb_addr_hash #(.pt(pt)) f1hash(.pc(ifc_fetch_addr_f[pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO]), .hash(btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]));
+ assign fetch_addr_p1_f[31:2] = ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:2] + 30'b1;
+ eb1_btb_addr_hash #(.pt(pt)) f1hash_p1(.pc(fetch_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO]), .hash(btb_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]));
+ assign btb_sel_f[1] = ~bht_dir_f[0];
+ assign btb_sel_f[0] = bht_dir_f[0];
+ assign fetch_start_f[1:0] = {ifc_fetch_addr_f[1], ~ifc_fetch_addr_f[1]};
+ // Errors colliding with fetches must kill the btb/bht hit.
+ assign branch_error_collision_f = dec_tlu_error_wb & (btb_error_addr_wb[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]);
+ assign branch_error_collision_p1_f = dec_tlu_error_wb & (btb_error_addr_wb[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == btb_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]);
+ assign branch_error_bank_conflict_f = branch_error_collision_f & dec_tlu_error_wb;
+ assign branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f = branch_error_collision_p1_f & dec_tlu_error_wb;
+ // set on leak one, hold until next flush without leak one
+ assign leak_one_f = (dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb & dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) | (leak_one_f_d1 & ~dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb);
+logic exu_flush_final_d1;
+ if(!pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin
+ assign fetch_mp_collision_f = ( (exu_mp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] == fetch_rd_tag_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]) &
+ exu_mp_valid & ifc_fetch_req_f &
+ (exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO])
+ );
+ assign fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = ( (exu_mp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] == fetch_rd_tag_p1_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]) &
+ exu_mp_valid & ifc_fetch_req_f &
+ (exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == btb_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO])
+ );
+ // 2 -way SA, figure out the way hit and mux accordingly
+ assign tag_match_way0_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[BV] & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[TAG_START:17] == fetch_rd_tag_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]) &
+ ~(dec_tlu_way_wb & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f;
+ assign tag_match_way1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[BV] & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[TAG_START:17] == fetch_rd_tag_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]) &
+ ~(dec_tlu_way_wb & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f;
+ assign tag_match_way0_p1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[BV] & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[TAG_START:17] == fetch_rd_tag_p1_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]) &
+ ~(dec_tlu_way_wb & branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f) & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f;
+ assign tag_match_way1_p1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[BV] & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[TAG_START:17] == fetch_rd_tag_p1_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]) &
+ ~(dec_tlu_way_wb & branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f) & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f;
+ // Both ways could hit, use the offset bit to reorder
+ assign tag_match_way0_expanded_f[1:0] = {tag_match_way0_f & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[PC4]),
+ tag_match_way0_f & ~(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[PC4])};
+ assign tag_match_way1_expanded_f[1:0] = {tag_match_way1_f & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[PC4]),
+ tag_match_way1_f & ~(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[PC4])};
+ assign tag_match_way0_expanded_p1_f[1:0] = {tag_match_way0_p1_f & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[PC4]),
+ tag_match_way0_p1_f & ~(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[PC4])};
+ assign tag_match_way1_expanded_p1_f[1:0] = {tag_match_way1_p1_f & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[PC4]),
+ tag_match_way1_p1_f & ~(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[BOFF] ^ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[PC4])};
+ assign wayhit_f[1:0] = tag_match_way0_expanded_f[1:0] | tag_match_way1_expanded_f[1:0];
+ assign wayhit_p1_f[1:0] = tag_match_way0_expanded_p1_f[1:0] | tag_match_way1_expanded_p1_f[1:0];
+ assign btb_bank0o_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = ( ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{tag_match_way0_expanded_f[1]}} & btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) |
+ ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{tag_match_way1_expanded_f[1]}} & btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) );
+ assign btb_bank0e_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = ( ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{tag_match_way0_expanded_f[0]}} & btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) |
+ ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{tag_match_way1_expanded_f[0]}} & btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) );
+ assign btb_bank0e_rd_data_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = ( ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{tag_match_way0_expanded_p1_f[0]}} & btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) |
+ ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{tag_match_way1_expanded_p1_f[0]}} & btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) );
+ // virtual bank order
+ assign btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = ( ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{fetch_start_f[0]}} & btb_bank0e_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) |
+ ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{fetch_start_f[1]}} & btb_bank0o_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) );
+ assign btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = ( ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{fetch_start_f[0]}} & btb_bank0o_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) |
+ ({17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE{fetch_start_f[1]}} & btb_bank0e_rd_data_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]) );
+ assign way_raw[1:0] = tag_match_vway1_expanded_f[1:0] | (~vwayhit_f[1:0] & btb_vlru_rd_f[1:0]);
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // update lru
+ // mp
+ // create a onehot lru write vector
+ assign mp_wrindex_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = {{LRU_SIZE-1{1'b0}},1'b1} << exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO];
+ // fetch
+ assign fetch_wrindex_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = {{LRU_SIZE-1{1'b0}},1'b1} << btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO];
+ assign fetch_wrindex_p1_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = {{LRU_SIZE-1{1'b0}},1'b1} << btb_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO];
+ assign mp_wrlru_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = mp_wrindex_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & {LRU_SIZE{exu_mp_valid}};
+ assign btb_lru_b0_hold[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = ~mp_wrlru_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & ~fetch_wrlru_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0];
+ // Forward the mp lru information to the fetch, avoids multiple way hits later
+ assign use_mp_way = fetch_mp_collision_f;
+ assign use_mp_way_p1 = fetch_mp_collision_p1_f;
+ assign lru_update_valid_f = (vwayhit_f[0] | vwayhit_f[1]) & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f;
+ assign fetch_wrlru_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = fetch_wrindex_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] &
+ {LRU_SIZE{lru_update_valid_f}};
+ assign fetch_wrlru_p1_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = fetch_wrindex_p1_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] &
+ {LRU_SIZE{lru_update_valid_f}};
+ assign btb_lru_b0_ns[LRU_SIZE-1:0] = ( (btb_lru_b0_hold[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & btb_lru_b0_f[LRU_SIZE-1:0]) |
+ (mp_wrlru_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & {LRU_SIZE{~exu_mp_way}}) |
+ (fetch_wrlru_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & {LRU_SIZE{tag_match_way0_f}}) |
+ (fetch_wrlru_p1_b0[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & {LRU_SIZE{tag_match_way0_p1_f}}) );
+ assign btb_lru_rd_f = use_mp_way ? exu_mp_way_f : |(fetch_wrindex_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & btb_lru_b0_f[LRU_SIZE-1:0]);
+ assign btb_lru_rd_p1_f = use_mp_way_p1 ? exu_mp_way_f : |(fetch_wrindex_p1_dec[LRU_SIZE-1:0] & btb_lru_b0_f[LRU_SIZE-1:0]);
+ // rotated
+ assign btb_vlru_rd_f[1:0] = ( ({2{fetch_start_f[0]}} & {btb_lru_rd_f, btb_lru_rd_f}) |
+ ({2{fetch_start_f[1]}} & {btb_lru_rd_p1_f, btb_lru_rd_f}));
+ assign tag_match_vway1_expanded_f[1:0] = ( ({2{fetch_start_f[0]}} & {tag_match_way1_expanded_f[1:0]}) |
+ ({2{fetch_start_f[1]}} & {tag_match_way1_expanded_p1_f[0], tag_match_way1_expanded_f[1]}) );
+ rvdffe #(LRU_SIZE) btb_lru_ff (.*, .en(ifc_fetch_req_f | exu_mp_valid),
+ .din(btb_lru_b0_ns[(LRU_SIZE)-1:0]),
+ .dout(btb_lru_b0_f[(LRU_SIZE)-1:0]));
+ end // if (!pt.BTB_FULLYA)
+ // Detect end of cache line and mask as needed
+ logic eoc_near;
+ logic eoc_mask;
+ assign eoc_near = &ifc_fetch_addr_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3];
+ assign eoc_mask = ~eoc_near| (|(~ifc_fetch_addr_f[2:1]));
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // mux out critical hit bank for pc computation
+ // This is only useful for the first taken branch in the fetch group
+ logic [16:1] btb_sel_data_f;
+ assign btb_rd_tgt_f[11:0] = btb_sel_data_f[16:5];
+ assign btb_rd_pc4_f = btb_sel_data_f[4];
+ assign btb_rd_call_f = btb_sel_data_f[2];
+ assign btb_rd_ret_f = btb_sel_data_f[1];
+ assign btb_sel_data_f[16:1] = ( ({16{btb_sel_f[1]}} & btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[16:1]) |
+ ({16{btb_sel_f[0]}} & btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[16:1]) );
+ logic [1:0] hist0_raw, hist1_raw, pc4_raw, pret_raw;
+ // a valid taken target needs to kill the next fetch as we compute the target address
+ assign ifu_bp_hit_taken_f = |(vwayhit_f[1:0] & hist1_raw[1:0]) & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f_d1 & ~dec_tlu_bpred_disable;
+ // Don't put calls/rets/ja in the predictor, force the bht taken instead
+ assign bht_force_taken_f[1:0] = {(btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[CALL] | btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[RET]),
+ (btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[CALL] | btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[RET])};
+ // taken and valid, otherwise, branch errors must clear the bht
+ assign bht_valid_f[1:0] = vwayhit_f[1:0];
+ assign bht_vbank0_rd_data_f[1:0] = ( ({2{fetch_start_f[0]}} & bht_bank0_rd_data_f[1:0]) |
+ ({2{fetch_start_f[1]}} & bht_bank1_rd_data_f[1:0]) );
+ assign bht_vbank1_rd_data_f[1:0] = ( ({2{fetch_start_f[0]}} & bht_bank1_rd_data_f[1:0]) |
+ ({2{fetch_start_f[1]}} & bht_bank0_rd_data_p1_f[1:0]) );
+ assign bht_dir_f[1:0] = {(bht_force_taken_f[1] | bht_vbank1_rd_data_f[1]) & bht_valid_f[1],
+ (bht_force_taken_f[0] | bht_vbank0_rd_data_f[1]) & bht_valid_f[0]};
+ assign ifu_bp_inst_mask_f = (ifu_bp_hit_taken_f & btb_sel_f[1]) | ~ifu_bp_hit_taken_f;
+ // Branch prediction info is sent with the 2byte lane associated with the end of the branch.
+ // Cases
+ // BANK1 BANK0
+ // -------------------------------
+ // | : | : |
+ // -------------------------------
+ // <------------> : PC4 branch, offset, should be in B1 (indicated on [2])
+ // <------------> : PC4 branch, no offset, indicate PC4, VALID, HIST on [1]
+ // <------------> : PC4 branch, offset, indicate PC4, VALID, HIST on [0]
+ // <------> : PC2 branch, offset, indicate VALID, HIST on [1]
+ // <------> : PC2 branch, no offset, indicate VALID, HIST on [0]
+ //
+ assign hist1_raw[1:0] = bht_force_taken_f[1:0] | {bht_vbank1_rd_data_f[1],
+ bht_vbank0_rd_data_f[1]};
+ assign hist0_raw[1:0] = {bht_vbank1_rd_data_f[0],
+ bht_vbank0_rd_data_f[0]};
+ assign pc4_raw[1:0] = {vwayhit_f[1] & btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[PC4],
+ vwayhit_f[0] & btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[PC4]};
+ assign pret_raw[1:0] = {vwayhit_f[1] & ~btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[CALL] & btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[RET],
+ vwayhit_f[0] & ~btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[CALL] & btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[RET]};
+ // GHR
+ // count the valids with masking based on first taken
+ assign num_valids[1:0] = countones(bht_valid_f[1:0]);
+ // Note that the following property holds
+ // P: prior ghr, H: history bit of last valid branch in line (could be 1 or 0)
+ // Num valid branches What new GHR must be
+ // 2 0H
+ // 1 PH
+ // 0 PP
+ assign final_h = |(btb_sel_f[1:0] & bht_dir_f[1:0]);
+ assign merged_ghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = (
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{num_valids[1:0] == 2'h2}} & {fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-3:0], 1'b0, final_h}) | // 0H
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{num_valids[1:0] == 2'h1}} & {fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-2:0], final_h}) | // PH
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{num_valids[1:0] == 2'h0}} & {fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]}) ); // PP
+ logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] exu_flush_ghr;
+ assign exu_flush_ghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = exu_mp_fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign fghr_ns[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = ( ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{exu_flush_final_d1}} & exu_flush_ghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]) |
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{~exu_flush_final_d1 & ifc_fetch_req_f & ic_hit_f & ~leak_one_f_d1}} & merged_ghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]) |
+ ({pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE{~exu_flush_final_d1 & ~(ifc_fetch_req_f & ic_hit_f & ~leak_one_f_d1)}} & fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]));
+ rvdffie #(.WIDTH(pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE+3),.OVERRIDE(1)) fetchghr (.*,
+ .din ({exu_flush_final, exu_mp_way, leak_one_f, fghr_ns[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]}),
+ .dout({exu_flush_final_d1, exu_mp_way_f, leak_one_f_d1, fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]}));
+ assign ifu_bp_fghr_f[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign ifu_bp_way_f[1:0] = way_raw[1:0];
+ assign ifu_bp_hist1_f[1:0] = hist1_raw[1:0];
+ assign ifu_bp_hist0_f[1:0] = hist0_raw[1:0];
+ assign ifu_bp_pc4_f[1:0] = pc4_raw[1:0];
+ assign ifu_bp_valid_f[1:0] = vwayhit_f[1:0] & ~{2{dec_tlu_bpred_disable}};
+ assign ifu_bp_ret_f[1:0] = pret_raw[1:0];
+ // compute target
+ // Form the fetch group offset based on the btb hit location and the location of the branch within the 4 byte chunk
+// .i 5
+// .o 3
+// .ilb bht_dir_f[1] bht_dir_f[0] fetch_start_f[1] fetch_start_f[0] btb_rd_pc4_f
+// .ob bloc_f[1] bloc_f[0] use_fa_plus
+// .type fr
+// ## rotdir[1:0] fs pc4 off fapl
+// -1 01 - 01 0
+// 10 01 - 10 0
+// -1 10 - 10 0
+// 10 10 0 01 1
+// 10 10 1 01 0
+logic [1:0] bloc_f;
+logic use_fa_plus;
+assign bloc_f[1] = (bht_dir_f[0] & ~fetch_start_f[0]) | (~bht_dir_f[0]
+ & fetch_start_f[0]);
+assign bloc_f[0] = (bht_dir_f[0] & fetch_start_f[0]) | (~bht_dir_f[0]
+ & ~fetch_start_f[0]);
+assign use_fa_plus = (~bht_dir_f[0] & ~fetch_start_f[0] & ~btb_rd_pc4_f);
+ assign btb_fg_crossing_f = fetch_start_f[0] & btb_sel_f[0] & btb_rd_pc4_f;
+ assign bp_total_branch_offset_f = bloc_f[1] ^ btb_rd_pc4_f;
+ logic [31:2] adder_pc_in_f, ifc_fetch_adder_prior;
+ rvdfflie #(.WIDTH(30), .LEFT(19)) faddrf_ff (.*, .en(ifc_fetch_req_f & ~ifu_bp_hit_taken_f & ic_hit_f), .din(ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:2]), .dout(ifc_fetch_adder_prior[31:2]));
+ assign ifu_bp_poffset_f[11:0] = btb_rd_tgt_f[11:0];
+ assign adder_pc_in_f[31:2] = ( ({30{ use_fa_plus}} & fetch_addr_p1_f[31:2]) |
+ ({30{ btb_fg_crossing_f}} & ifc_fetch_adder_prior[31:2]) |
+ ({30{~btb_fg_crossing_f & ~use_fa_plus}} & ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:2]));
+ rvbradder predtgt_addr (.pc({adder_pc_in_f[31:2], bp_total_branch_offset_f}),
+ .offset(btb_rd_tgt_f[11:0]),
+ .dout(bp_btb_target_adder_f[31:1])
+ );
+ // mux in the return stack address here for a predicted return assuming the RS is valid, quite if no prediction
+ assign ifu_bp_btb_target_f[31:1] = (({31{btb_rd_ret_f & ~btb_rd_call_f & rets_out[0][0] & ifu_bp_hit_taken_f}} & rets_out[0][31:1]) |
+ ({31{~(btb_rd_ret_f & ~btb_rd_call_f & rets_out[0][0]) & ifu_bp_hit_taken_f}} & bp_btb_target_adder_f[31:1]) );
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Return Stack
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ rvbradder rs_addr (.pc({adder_pc_in_f[31:2], bp_total_branch_offset_f}),
+ .offset({11'b0, ~btb_rd_pc4_f}),
+ .dout(bp_rs_call_target_f[31:1])
+ );
+ assign rs_push = (btb_rd_call_f & ~btb_rd_ret_f & ifu_bp_hit_taken_f);
+ assign rs_pop = (btb_rd_ret_f & ~btb_rd_call_f & ifu_bp_hit_taken_f);
+ assign rs_hold = ~rs_push & ~rs_pop;
+ // Fetch based (bit 0 is a valid)
+ assign rets_in[0][31:0] = ( ({32{rs_push}} & {bp_rs_call_target_f[31:1], 1'b1}) | // target[31:1], valid
+ ({32{rs_pop}} & rets_out[1][31:0]) );
+ assign rsenable[0] = ~rs_hold;
+ for (i=0; i<pt.RET_STACK_SIZE; i++) begin : retstack
+ // for the last entry in the stack, we don't have a pop position
+ if(i==pt.RET_STACK_SIZE-1) begin
+ assign rets_in[i][31:0] = rets_out[i-1][31:0];
+ assign rsenable[i] = rs_push;
+ end
+ else if(i>0) begin
+ assign rets_in[i][31:0] = ( ({32{rs_push}} & rets_out[i-1][31:0]) |
+ ({32{rs_pop}} & rets_out[i+1][31:0]) );
+ assign rsenable[i] = rs_push | rs_pop;
+ end
+ rvdffe #(32) rets_ff (.*, .en(rsenable[i]), .din(rets_in[i][31:0]), .dout(rets_out[i][31:0]));
+ end : retstack
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // WRITE
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assign dec_tlu_error_wb = dec_tlu_br0_start_error_wb | dec_tlu_br0_error_wb;
+ assign btb_error_addr_wb[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = dec_tlu_br0_addr_wb[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO];
+ assign dec_tlu_way_wb = dec_tlu_br0_way_wb;
+ assign btb_valid = exu_mp_valid & ~dec_tlu_error_wb;
+ assign btb_wr_tag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] = exu_mp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0];
+ if(!pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin
+ if(pt.BTB_BTAG_FOLD) begin : btbfold
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash_fold #(.pt(pt)) rdtagf (.hash(fetch_rd_tag_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]),
+ .pc({ifc_fetch_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]}));
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash_fold #(.pt(pt)) rdtagp1f(.hash(fetch_rd_tag_p1_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]),
+ .pc({fetch_addr_p1_f[ pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]}));
+ end
+ else begin
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash #(.pt(pt)) rdtagf(.hash(fetch_rd_tag_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]),
+ .pc({ifc_fetch_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]}));
+ eb1_btb_tag_hash #(.pt(pt)) rdtagp1f(.hash(fetch_rd_tag_p1_f[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]),
+ .pc({fetch_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]}));
+ end
+ assign btb_wr_en_way0 = ( ({{~exu_mp_way & exu_mp_valid_write & ~dec_tlu_error_wb}}) |
+ ({{~dec_tlu_way_wb & dec_tlu_error_wb}}));
+ assign btb_wr_en_way1 = ( ({{exu_mp_way & exu_mp_valid_write & ~dec_tlu_error_wb}}) |
+ ({{dec_tlu_way_wb & dec_tlu_error_wb}}));
+ assign btb_wr_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = dec_tlu_error_wb ? btb_error_addr_wb[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] : exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO];
+ assign vwayhit_f[1:0] = ( ({2{fetch_start_f[0]}} & {wayhit_f[1:0]}) |
+ ({2{fetch_start_f[1]}} & {wayhit_p1_f[0], wayhit_f[1]})) & {eoc_mask, 1'b1};
+ end // if (!pt.BTB_FULLYA)
+ assign btb_wr_data[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = {btb_wr_tag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0], exu_mp_tgt[pt.BTB_TOFFSET_SIZE-1:0], exu_mp_pc4, exu_mp_boffset,
+ exu_mp_call | exu_mp_ja, exu_mp_ret | exu_mp_ja, btb_valid} ;
+ assign exu_mp_valid_write = exu_mp_valid & exu_mp_ataken & ~exu_mp_pkt.valid;
+ logic [1:0] bht_wr_data0, bht_wr_data2;
+ logic [1:0] bht_wr_en0, bht_wr_en2;
+ assign middle_of_bank = exu_mp_pc4 ^ exu_mp_boffset;
+ assign bht_wr_en0[1:0] = {2{exu_mp_valid & ~exu_mp_call & ~exu_mp_ret & ~exu_mp_ja}} & {middle_of_bank, ~middle_of_bank};
+ assign bht_wr_en2[1:0] = {2{dec_tlu_br0_v_wb}} & {dec_tlu_br0_middle_wb, ~dec_tlu_br0_middle_wb} ;
+ // Experiments show this is the best priority scheme for same bank/index writes at the same time.
+ assign bht_wr_data0[1:0] = exu_mp_hist[1:0]; // lowest priority
+ assign bht_wr_data2[1:0] = dec_tlu_br0_hist_wb[1:0]; // highest priority
+ logic [pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] bht_rd_addr_f, bht_rd_addr_p1_f, bht_wr_addr0, bht_wr_addr2;
+ logic [pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] mp_hashed, br0_hashed_wb, bht_rd_addr_hashed_f, bht_rd_addr_hashed_p1_f;
+ eb1_btb_ghr_hash #(.pt(pt)) mpghrhs (.hashin(exu_mp_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]), .ghr(exu_mp_eghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]), .hash(mp_hashed[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO]));
+ eb1_btb_ghr_hash #(.pt(pt)) br0ghrhs (.hashin(dec_tlu_br0_addr_wb[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]), .ghr(exu_i0_br_fghr_wb[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]), .hash(br0_hashed_wb[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO]));
+ eb1_btb_ghr_hash #(.pt(pt)) fghrhs (.hashin(btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]), .ghr(fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]), .hash(bht_rd_addr_hashed_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO]));
+ eb1_btb_ghr_hash #(.pt(pt)) fghrhs_p1 (.hashin(btb_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]), .ghr(fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]), .hash(bht_rd_addr_hashed_p1_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO]));
+ assign bht_wr_addr0[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] = mp_hashed[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO];
+ assign bht_wr_addr2[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] = br0_hashed_wb[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO];
+ assign bht_rd_addr_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] = bht_rd_addr_hashed_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO];
+ assign bht_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] = bht_rd_addr_hashed_p1_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Structures. Using FLOPS
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // BTB
+ // Entry -> tag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0], toffset[11:0], pc4, boffset, call, ret, valid
+ if(!pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin
+ for (j=0 ; j<LRU_SIZE ; j++) begin : BTB_FLOPS
+ // Way 0
+ rvdffe #(17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE) btb_bank0_way0 (.*,
+ .en(((btb_wr_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == j) & btb_wr_en_way0)),
+ .din (btb_wr_data[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .dout (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_out[j]));
+ // Way 1
+ rvdffe #(17+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE) btb_bank0_way1 (.*,
+ .en(((btb_wr_addr[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == j) & btb_wr_en_way1)),
+ .din (btb_wr_data[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .dout (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_out[j]));
+ end
+ always_comb begin : BTB_rd_mux
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = '0 ;
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = '0 ;
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = '0 ;
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = '0 ;
+ for (int j=0; j< LRU_SIZE; j++) begin
+ if (btb_rd_addr_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == (pt.BTB_ADDR_HI-pt.BTB_ADDR_LO+1)'(j)) begin
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_out[j];
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_out[j];
+ end
+ end
+ for (int j=0; j< LRU_SIZE; j++) begin
+ if (btb_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] == (pt.BTB_ADDR_HI-pt.BTB_ADDR_LO+1)'(j)) begin
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_out[j];
+ btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_out[j];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end // if (!pt.BTB_FULLYA)
+ if(pt.BTB_FULLYA) begin : fa
+ logic found1, hit0, hit1;
+ logic btb_used_reset, write_used;
+ logic [$clog2(pt.BTB_SIZE)-1:0] btb_fa_wr_addr0, hit0_index, hit1_index;
+ logic [pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0] btb_tag_hit, btb_offset_0, btb_offset_1, btb_used_ns, btb_used,
+ wr0_en, btb_upper_hit;
+ logic [pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0][BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] btbdata;
+ // Fully Associative tag hash uses bits 31:3. Bits 2:1 are the offset bits used for the 4 tag comp banks
+ // Full tag used to speed up lookup. There is one 31:3 cmp per entry, and 4 2:1 cmps per entry.
+ logic [FA_CMP_LOWER-1:1] ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f;
+ assign ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f[FA_CMP_LOWER-1:1] = ifc_fetch_addr_f[FA_CMP_LOWER-1:1] + 1'b1;
+ assign fetch_mp_collision_f = ( (exu_mp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] == ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:1]) &
+ exu_mp_valid & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~exu_mp_pkt.way);
+ assign fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = ( (exu_mp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] == {ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:FA_CMP_LOWER], ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f[FA_CMP_LOWER-1:1]}) &
+ exu_mp_valid & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~exu_mp_pkt.way);
+ always_comb begin
+ btb_vbank0_rd_data_f = '0;
+ btb_vbank1_rd_data_f = '0;
+ btb_tag_hit = '0;
+ btb_upper_hit = '0;
+ btb_offset_0 = '0;
+ btb_offset_1 = '0;
+ found1 = 1'b0;
+ hit0 = 1'b0;
+ hit1 = 1'b0;
+ hit0_index = '0;
+ hit1_index = '0;
+ btb_fa_wr_addr0 = '0;
+ for(int i=0; i<pt.BTB_SIZE; i++) begin
+ // Break the cmp into chunks for lower area.
+ // Chunk1: FA 31:6 or 31:5 depending on icache line size
+ // Chunk2: FA 5:1 or 4:1 depending on icache line size
+ btb_upper_hit[i] = (btbdata[i][BTB_DWIDTH_TOP:FA_TAG_END_UPPER] == ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:FA_CMP_LOWER]) & btbdata[i][0] & ~wr0_en[i];
+ btb_offset_0[i] = (btbdata[i][FA_TAG_START_LOWER:FA_TAG_END_LOWER] == ifc_fetch_addr_f[FA_CMP_LOWER-1:1]) & btb_upper_hit[i];
+ btb_offset_1[i] = (btbdata[i][FA_TAG_START_LOWER:FA_TAG_END_LOWER] == ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f[FA_CMP_LOWER-1:1]) & btb_upper_hit[i];
+ if(~hit0) begin
+ if(btb_offset_0[i]) begin
+ hit0_index[BTB_FA_INDEX:0] = (BTB_FA_INDEX+1)'(i);
+ // hit unless we are also writing this entry at the same time
+ hit0 = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ if(~hit1) begin
+ if(btb_offset_1[i]) begin
+ hit1_index[BTB_FA_INDEX:0] = (BTB_FA_INDEX+1)'(i);
+ hit1 = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ // Mux out the 2 potential branches
+ if(btb_offset_0[i] == 1'b1)
+ btb_vbank0_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = fetch_mp_collision_f ? btb_wr_data : btbdata[i];
+ if(btb_offset_1[i] == 1'b1)
+ btb_vbank1_rd_data_f[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0] = fetch_mp_collision_p1_f ? btb_wr_data : btbdata[i];
+ // find the first zero from bit zero in the used vector, this is the write address
+ if(~found1) begin
+ if(~btb_used[i]) begin
+ btb_fa_wr_addr0[BTB_FA_INDEX:0] = i[BTB_FA_INDEX:0];
+ found1 = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end // always_comb begin
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ btbhitonehot0: assert #0 ($onehot0(btb_offset_0));
+ btbhitonehot1: assert #0 ($onehot0(btb_offset_1));
+ assign vwayhit_f[1:0] = {hit1, hit0} & {eoc_mask, 1'b1};
+ // way bit is reused as the predicted bit
+ assign way_raw[1:0] = vwayhit_f[1:0] | {fetch_mp_collision_p1_f, fetch_mp_collision_f};
+ for (j=0 ; j<pt.BTB_SIZE ; j++) begin : BTB_FAFLOPS
+ assign wr0_en[j] = ((btb_fa_wr_addr0[BTB_FA_INDEX:0] == j) & (exu_mp_valid_write & ~exu_mp_pkt.way)) |
+ ((dec_fa_error_index == j) & dec_tlu_error_wb);
+ rvdffe #(BTB_DWIDTH) btb_fa (.*, .clk(clk),
+ .en (wr0_en[j]),
+ .din (btb_wr_data[BTB_DWIDTH-1:0]),
+ .dout(btbdata[j]));
+ end // block: BTB_FAFLOPS
+ assign ifu_bp_fa_index_f[1] = hit1 ? hit1_index : '0;
+ assign ifu_bp_fa_index_f[0] = hit0 ? hit0_index : '0;
+ assign btb_used_reset = &btb_used[pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0];
+ assign btb_used_ns[pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0] = ({pt.BTB_SIZE{vwayhit_f[1]}} & (32'b1 << hit1_index[BTB_FA_INDEX:0])) |
+ ({pt.BTB_SIZE{vwayhit_f[0]}} & (32'b1 << hit0_index[BTB_FA_INDEX:0])) |
+ ({pt.BTB_SIZE{exu_mp_valid_write & ~exu_mp_pkt.way & ~dec_tlu_error_wb}} & (32'b1 << btb_fa_wr_addr0[BTB_FA_INDEX:0])) |
+ ({pt.BTB_SIZE{btb_used_reset}} & {pt.BTB_SIZE{1'b0}}) |
+ ({pt.BTB_SIZE{~btb_used_reset & dec_tlu_error_wb}} & (btb_used[pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0] & ~(32'b1 << dec_fa_error_index[BTB_FA_INDEX:0]))) |
+ (~{pt.BTB_SIZE{btb_used_reset | dec_tlu_error_wb}} & btb_used[pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0]);
+ assign write_used = btb_used_reset | ifu_bp_hit_taken_f | exu_mp_valid_write | dec_tlu_error_wb;
+ rvdffe #(pt.BTB_SIZE) btb_usedf (.*, .clk(clk),
+ .en (write_used),
+ .din (btb_used_ns[pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0]),
+ .dout(btb_used[pt.BTB_SIZE-1:0]));
+end // block: fa
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // BHT
+ // 2 bit Entry -> direction, strength
+ //
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ logic [1:0] [(pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH/NUM_BHT_LOOP)-1:0][NUM_BHT_LOOP-1:0][1:0] bht_bank_wr_data ;
+ logic [1:0] [pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH-1:0] [1:0] bht_bank_rd_data_out ;
+ logic [1:0] [(pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH/NUM_BHT_LOOP)-1:0] bht_bank_clken ;
+ logic [1:0] [(pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH/NUM_BHT_LOOP)-1:0] bht_bank_clk ;
+ logic [1:0] [(pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH/NUM_BHT_LOOP)-1:0][NUM_BHT_LOOP-1:0] bht_bank_sel ;
+ for ( i=0; i<2; i++) begin : BANKS
+ for (genvar k=0 ; k < (pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH)/NUM_BHT_LOOP ; k++) begin : BHT_CLK_GROUP
+ assign bht_bank_clken[i][k] = (bht_wr_en0[i] & ((bht_wr_addr0[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI: NUM_BHT_LOOP_OUTER_LO]==k) | BHT_NO_ADDR_MATCH)) |
+ (bht_wr_en2[i] & ((bht_wr_addr2[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI: NUM_BHT_LOOP_OUTER_LO]==k) | BHT_NO_ADDR_MATCH));
+ rvclkhdr bht_bank_grp_cgc ( .en(bht_bank_clken[i][k]), .l1clk(bht_bank_clk[i][k]), .* ); // ifndef RV_FPGA_OPTIMIZE
+ for (j=0 ; j<NUM_BHT_LOOP ; j++) begin : BHT_FLOPS
+ assign bht_bank_sel[i][k][j] = (bht_wr_en0[i] & (bht_wr_addr0[NUM_BHT_LOOP_INNER_HI :pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] == j) & ((bht_wr_addr0[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI: NUM_BHT_LOOP_OUTER_LO]==k) | BHT_NO_ADDR_MATCH)) |
+ (bht_wr_en2[i] & (bht_wr_addr2[NUM_BHT_LOOP_INNER_HI :pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] == j) & ((bht_wr_addr2[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI: NUM_BHT_LOOP_OUTER_LO]==k) | BHT_NO_ADDR_MATCH)) ;
+ assign bht_bank_wr_data[i][k][j] = (bht_wr_en2[i] & (bht_wr_addr2[NUM_BHT_LOOP_INNER_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] == j) & ((bht_wr_addr2[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI: NUM_BHT_LOOP_OUTER_LO]==k) | BHT_NO_ADDR_MATCH)) ? bht_wr_data2[1:0] :
+ bht_wr_data0[1:0] ;
+ rvdffs_fpga #(2) bht_bank (.*,
+ .clk (bht_bank_clk[i][k]),
+ .en (bht_bank_sel[i][k][j]),
+ .rawclk (clk),
+ .clken (bht_bank_sel[i][k][j]),
+ .din (bht_bank_wr_data[i][k][j]),
+ .dout (bht_bank_rd_data_out[i][(16*k)+j]));
+ end // block: BHT_FLOPS
+ end // block: BHT_CLK_GROUP
+ end // block: BANKS
+ always_comb begin : BHT_rd_mux
+ bht_bank0_rd_data_f[1:0] = '0 ;
+ bht_bank1_rd_data_f[1:0] = '0 ;
+ bht_bank0_rd_data_p1_f[1:0] = '0 ;
+ for (int j=0; j< pt.BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH; j++) begin
+ if (bht_rd_addr_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] == (pt.BHT_ADDR_HI-pt.BHT_ADDR_LO+1)'(j)) begin
+ bht_bank0_rd_data_f[1:0] = bht_bank_rd_data_out[0][j];
+ bht_bank1_rd_data_f[1:0] = bht_bank_rd_data_out[1][j];
+ end
+ if (bht_rd_addr_p1_f[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] == (pt.BHT_ADDR_HI-pt.BHT_ADDR_LO+1)'(j)) begin
+ bht_bank0_rd_data_p1_f[1:0] = bht_bank_rd_data_out[0][j];
+ end
+ end
+ end // block: BHT_rd_mux
+function [1:0] countones;
+ input [1:0] valid;
+ begin
+countones[1:0] = {2'b0, valid[1]} +
+ {2'b0, valid[0]};
+ end
+ endfunction
+endmodule // eb1_ifu_bp_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a55e30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// purpose of this file is to convert 16b RISCV compressed instruction into 32b equivalent
+module eb1_ifu_compress_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic [15:0] din, // 16-bit compressed instruction
+ output logic [31:0] dout // 32-bit uncompressed instruction
+ );
+ logic legal;
+ logic [15:0] i;
+ logic [31:0] o,l1,l2,l3;
+ assign i[15:0] = din[15:0];
+ logic [4:0] rs2d,rdd,rdpd,rs2pd;
+ logic rdrd;
+ logic rdrs1;
+ logic rs2rs2;
+ logic rdprd;
+ logic rdprs1;
+ logic rs2prs2;
+ logic rs2prd;
+ logic uimm9_2;
+ logic ulwimm6_2;
+ logic ulwspimm7_2;
+ logic rdeq2;
+ logic rdeq1;
+ logic rs1eq2;
+ logic sbroffset8_1;
+ logic simm9_4;
+ logic simm5_0;
+ logic sjaloffset11_1;
+ logic sluimm17_12;
+ logic uimm5_0;
+ logic uswimm6_2;
+ logic uswspimm7_2;
+ // form the opcodes
+ // formats
+ //
+ // c.add rd 11:7 rs2 6:2
+ // c.and rdp 9:7 rs2p 4:2
+ //
+ // add rs2 24:20 rs1 19:15 rd 11:7
+ assign rs2d[4:0] = i[6:2];
+ assign rdd[4:0] = i[11:7];
+ assign rdpd[4:0] = {2'b01, i[9:7]};
+ assign rs2pd[4:0] = {2'b01, i[4:2]};
+ // merge in rd, rs1, rs2
+ // rd
+ assign l1[6:0] = o[6:0];
+ assign l1[11:7] = o[11:7] |
+ ({5{rdrd}} & rdd[4:0]) |
+ ({5{rdprd}} & rdpd[4:0]) |
+ ({5{rs2prd}} & rs2pd[4:0]) |
+ ({5{rdeq1}} & 5'd1) |
+ ({5{rdeq2}} & 5'd2);
+ // rs1
+ assign l1[14:12] = o[14:12];
+ assign l1[19:15] = o[19:15] |
+ ({5{rdrs1}} & rdd[4:0]) |
+ ({5{rdprs1}} & rdpd[4:0]) |
+ ({5{rs1eq2}} & 5'd2);
+ // rs2
+ assign l1[24:20] = o[24:20] |
+ ({5{rs2rs2}} & rs2d[4:0]) |
+ ({5{rs2prs2}} & rs2pd[4:0]);
+ assign l1[31:25] = o[31:25];
+ logic [5:0] simm5d;
+ logic [9:2] uimm9d;
+ logic [9:4] simm9d;
+ logic [6:2] ulwimm6d;
+ logic [7:2] ulwspimm7d;
+ logic [5:0] uimm5d;
+ logic [20:1] sjald;
+ logic [31:12] sluimmd;
+ // merge in immediates + jal offset
+ assign simm5d[5:0] = { i[12], i[6:2] };
+ assign uimm9d[9:2] = { i[10:7], i[12:11], i[5], i[6] };
+ assign simm9d[9:4] = { i[12], i[4:3], i[5], i[2], i[6] };
+ assign ulwimm6d[6:2] = { i[5], i[12:10], i[6] };
+ assign ulwspimm7d[7:2] = { i[3:2], i[12], i[6:4] };
+ assign uimm5d[5:0] = { i[12], i[6:2] };
+ assign sjald[11:1] = { i[12], i[8], i[10:9], i[6], i[7], i[2], i[11], i[5:4], i[3] };
+ assign sjald[20:12] = {9{i[12]}};
+ assign sluimmd[31:12] = { {15{i[12]}}, i[6:2] };
+ assign l2[31:20] = ( l1[31:20] ) |
+ ( {12{simm5_0}} & {{7{simm5d[5]}},simm5d[4:0]} ) |
+ ( {12{uimm9_2}} & {2'b0,uimm9d[9:2],2'b0} ) |
+ ( {12{simm9_4}} & {{3{simm9d[9]}},simm9d[8:4],4'b0} ) |
+ ( {12{ulwimm6_2}} & {5'b0,ulwimm6d[6:2],2'b0} ) |
+ ( {12{ulwspimm7_2}} & {4'b0,ulwspimm7d[7:2],2'b0} ) |
+ ( {12{uimm5_0}} & {6'b0,uimm5d[5:0]} ) |
+ ( {12{sjaloffset11_1}} & {sjald[20],sjald[10:1],sjald[11]} ) |
+ ( {12{sluimm17_12}} & sluimmd[31:20] );
+ assign l2[19:12] = ( l1[19:12] ) |
+ ( {8{sjaloffset11_1}} & sjald[19:12] ) |
+ ( {8{sluimm17_12}} & sluimmd[19:12] );
+ assign l2[11:0] = l1[11:0];
+ // merge in branch offset and store immediates
+ logic [8:1] sbr8d;
+ logic [6:2] uswimm6d;
+ logic [7:2] uswspimm7d;
+ assign sbr8d[8:1] = { i[12], i[6], i[5], i[2], i[11], i[10], i[4], i[3] };
+ assign uswimm6d[6:2] = { i[5], i[12:10], i[6] };
+ assign uswspimm7d[7:2] = { i[8:7], i[12:9] };
+ assign l3[31:25] = ( l2[31:25] ) |
+ ( {7{sbroffset8_1}} & { {4{sbr8d[8]}},sbr8d[7:5] } ) |
+ ( {7{uswimm6_2}} & { 5'b0, uswimm6d[6:5] } ) |
+ ( {7{uswspimm7_2}} & { 4'b0, uswspimm7d[7:5] } );
+ assign l3[24:12] = l2[24:12];
+ assign l3[11:7] = ( l2[11:7] ) |
+ ( {5{sbroffset8_1}} & { sbr8d[4:1], sbr8d[8] } ) |
+ ( {5{uswimm6_2}} & { uswimm6d[4:2], 2'b0 } ) |
+ ( {5{uswspimm7_2}} & { uswspimm7d[4:2], 2'b0 } );
+ assign l3[6:0] = l2[6:0];
+ assign dout[31:0] = l3[31:0] & {32{legal}};
+// file "cdecode" is human readable file that has all of the compressed instruction decodes defined and is part of git repo
+// modify this file as needed
+// to generate all the equations below from "cdecode" except legal equation:
+// 1) coredecode -in cdecode > cdecode.e
+// 2) espresso -Dso -oeqntott cdecode.e | addassign > compress_equations
+// to generate the legal (16b compressed instruction is legal) equation below:
+// 1) coredecode -in cdecode -legal > clegal.e
+// 2) espresso -Dso -oeqntott clegal.e | addassign > clegal_equation
+// espresso decodes
+assign rdrd = (!i[14]&i[6]&i[1]) | (!i[15]&i[14]&i[11]&i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[5]&i[1]) | (
+ !i[15]&i[14]&i[10]&i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[4]&i[1]) | (!i[15]&i[14]&i[9]
+ &i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[3]&i[1]) | (!i[15]&i[14]&!i[8]&i[0]) | (!i[14]
+ &i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[15]&i[14]&i[7]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&i[1]) | (!i[15]
+ &!i[13]&i[0]);
+assign rdrs1 = (!i[14]&i[12]&i[11]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[10]&i[1]) | (!i[14]
+ &i[12]&i[9]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[8]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[7]
+ &i[1]) | (!i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]
+ &i[12]&i[6]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[5]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[4]
+ &i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[3]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[2]&i[1]) | (
+ !i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[14]&i[1]);
+assign rs2rs2 = (i[15]&i[6]&i[1]) | (i[15]&i[5]&i[1]) | (i[15]&i[4]&i[1]) | (
+ i[15]&i[3]&i[1]) | (i[15]&i[2]&i[1]) | (i[15]&i[14]&i[1]);
+assign rdprd = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[0]);
+assign rdprs1 = (i[15]&!i[13]&i[0]) | (i[15]&i[14]&i[0]) | (i[14]&!i[1]&!i[0]);
+assign rs2prs2 = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[11]&i[10]&i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[1]&!i[0]);
+assign rs2prd = (!i[15]&!i[1]&!i[0]);
+assign uimm9_2 = (!i[14]&!i[1]&!i[0]);
+assign ulwimm6_2 = (!i[15]&i[14]&!i[1]&!i[0]);
+assign ulwspimm7_2 = (!i[15]&i[14]&i[1]);
+assign rdeq2 = (!i[15]&i[14]&i[13]&!i[11]&!i[10]&!i[9]&i[8]&!i[7]);
+assign rdeq1 = (!i[14]&i[12]&i[11]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]
+ &i[12]&i[10]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[9]
+ &!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[8]&!i[6]&!i[5]
+ &!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[7]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]
+ &!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[15]&!i[14]&i[13]);
+assign rs1eq2 = (!i[15]&i[14]&i[13]&!i[11]&!i[10]&!i[9]&i[8]&!i[7]) | (i[14]
+ &i[1]) | (!i[14]&!i[1]&!i[0]);
+assign sbroffset8_1 = (i[15]&i[14]&i[0]);
+assign simm9_4 = (!i[15]&i[14]&i[13]&!i[11]&!i[10]&!i[9]&i[8]&!i[7]);
+assign simm5_0 = (!i[14]&!i[13]&i[11]&!i[10]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&i[0]);
+assign sjaloffset11_1 = (!i[14]&i[13]);
+assign sluimm17_12 = (!i[15]&i[14]&i[13]&i[7]) | (!i[15]&i[14]&i[13]&!i[8]) | (
+ !i[15]&i[14]&i[13]&i[9]) | (!i[15]&i[14]&i[13]&i[10]) | (!i[15]&i[14]
+ &i[13]&i[11]);
+assign uimm5_0 = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[11]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[14]&i[1]);
+assign uswimm6_2 = (i[15]&!i[1]&!i[0]);
+assign uswspimm7_2 = (i[15]&i[14]&i[1]);
+assign o[31] = 1'b0;
+assign o[30] = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[10]&!i[6]&!i[5]&i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[14]
+ &!i[13]&!i[11]&i[10]&i[0]);
+assign o[29] = 1'b0;
+assign o[28] = 1'b0;
+assign o[27] = 1'b0;
+assign o[26] = 1'b0;
+assign o[25] = 1'b0;
+assign o[24] = 1'b0;
+assign o[23] = 1'b0;
+assign o[22] = 1'b0;
+assign o[21] = 1'b0;
+assign o[20] = (!i[14]&i[12]&!i[11]&!i[10]&!i[9]&!i[8]&!i[7]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]
+ &!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]);
+assign o[19] = 1'b0;
+assign o[18] = 1'b0;
+assign o[17] = 1'b0;
+assign o[16] = 1'b0;
+assign o[15] = 1'b0;
+assign o[14] = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[11]&i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[10]
+ &i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[6]&i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[5]
+ &i[0]);
+assign o[13] = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[11]&!i[10]&i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]
+ &i[11]&i[6]&i[0]) | (i[14]&!i[0]);
+assign o[12] = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&i[6]&i[5]&i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[11]
+ &i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[13]&!i[10]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[14]&i[1]) | (
+ i[15]&i[14]&i[13]);
+assign o[11] = 1'b0;
+assign o[10] = 1'b0;
+assign o[9] = 1'b0;
+assign o[8] = 1'b0;
+assign o[7] = 1'b0;
+assign o[6] = (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&!i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[13]) | (
+ i[15]&i[14]&i[0]);
+assign o[5] = (i[15]&!i[0]) | (i[15]&i[11]&i[10]) | (i[13]&!i[8]) | (i[13]&i[7]) | (
+ i[13]&i[9]) | (i[13]&i[10]) | (i[13]&i[11]) | (!i[14]&i[13]) | (
+ i[15]&i[14]);
+assign o[4] = (!i[14]&!i[11]&!i[10]&!i[9]&!i[8]&!i[7]&!i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[14]
+ &!i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[6]&!i[0]) | (!i[15]&i[14]&i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[5]
+ &!i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[4]&!i[0]) | (!i[14]&!i[13]&i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[3]
+ &!i[0]) | (!i[14]&i[2]&!i[0]);
+assign o[3] = (!i[14]&i[13]);
+assign o[2] = (!i[14]&i[12]&i[11]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]
+ &i[12]&i[10]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[9]
+ &!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[8]&!i[6]&!i[5]
+ &!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]&i[1]) | (!i[14]&i[12]&i[7]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]
+ &!i[2]&i[1]) | (i[15]&!i[14]&!i[12]&!i[6]&!i[5]&!i[4]&!i[3]&!i[2]
+ &!i[0]) | (!i[15]&i[13]&!i[8]) | (!i[15]&i[13]&i[7]) | (!i[15]&i[13]
+ &i[9]) | (!i[15]&i[13]&i[10]) | (!i[15]&i[13]&i[11]) | (!i[14]&i[13]);
+// 32b instruction has lower two bits 2'b11
+assign o[1] = 1'b1;
+assign o[0] = 1'b1;
+assign legal = (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[11]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[6]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (
+ !i[15]&!i[13]&i[11]&!i[1]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[5]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (
+ !i[13]&!i[12]&i[10]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&i[6]&!i[1]) | (
+ i[15]&!i[12]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[9]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (!i[12]
+ &i[6]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&i[5]&!i[1]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[8]
+ &i[1]&!i[0]) | (!i[12]&i[5]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&i[10]&!i[1]) | (
+ !i[13]&!i[12]&i[7]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (i[12]&i[11]&!i[10]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ !i[15]&!i[13]&i[9]&!i[1]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[4]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (i[13]
+ &i[12]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&i[8]&!i[1]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[3]
+ &i[1]&!i[0]) | (i[13]&i[4]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (!i[13]&!i[12]&i[2]&i[1]
+ &!i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&i[7]&!i[1]) | (i[13]&i[3]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (
+ i[13]&i[2]&!i[1]&i[0]) | (i[14]&!i[13]&!i[1]) | (!i[14]&!i[12]&!i[1]
+ &i[0]) | (i[15]&!i[13]&i[12]&i[1]&!i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&!i[12]&i[1]
+ &!i[0]) | (!i[15]&!i[13]&i[12]&!i[1]) | (i[14]&!i[13]&!i[0]);
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f849bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,1458 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+module eb1_ifu_ic_mem
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+ #(
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable, // Disable ECC checking
+ input logic [31:1] ic_rw_addr,
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_wr_en , // Which way to write
+ input logic ic_rd_en , // Read enable
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3] ic_debug_addr, // Read/Write addresss to the Icache.
+ input logic ic_debug_rd_en, // Icache debug rd
+ input logic ic_debug_wr_en, // Icache debug wr
+ input logic ic_debug_tag_array, // Debug tag array
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_way, // Debug way. Rd or Wr.
+ input logic [63:0] ic_premux_data, // Premux data to be muxed with each way of the Icache.
+ input logic ic_sel_premux_data, // Select the pre_muxed data
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][70:0] ic_wr_data, // Data to fill to the Icache. With ECC
+ output logic [63:0] ic_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ output logic [70:0] ic_debug_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ output logic [25:0] ictag_debug_rd_data,// Debug icache tag.
+ input logic [70:0] ic_debug_wr_data, // Debug wr cache.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_eccerr, // ecc error per bank
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_parerr, // ecc error per bank
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_valid, // Valid from the I$ tag valid outside (in flops).
+ input eb1_ic_data_ext_in_pkt_t [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_data_ext_in_pkt, // this is being driven by the top level for soc testing/etc
+ input eb1_ic_tag_ext_in_pkt_t [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_ext_in_pkt, // this is being driven by the top level for soc testing/etc
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_rd_hit, // ic_rd_hit[3:0]
+ output logic ic_tag_perr, // Tag Parity error
+ input logic scan_mode // Flop scan mode control
+ ) ;
+ eb1_IC_TAG #(.pt(pt)) ic_tag_inst
+ (
+ .*,
+ .ic_wr_en (ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]),
+ .ic_debug_addr(ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3]),
+ .ic_rw_addr (ic_rw_addr[31:3])
+ ) ;
+ eb1_IC_DATA #(.pt(pt)) ic_data_inst
+ (
+ .*,
+ .ic_wr_en (ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]),
+ .ic_debug_addr(ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3]),
+ .ic_rw_addr (ic_rw_addr[31:1])
+ ) ;
+ endmodule
+////// ICACHE DATA MODULE ////////////////////
+module eb1_IC_DATA
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic active_clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic clk_override,
+ input logic [31:1] ic_rw_addr,
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]ic_wr_en,
+ input logic ic_rd_en, // Read enable
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][70:0] ic_wr_data, // Data to fill to the Icache. With ECC
+ output logic [63:0] ic_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ input logic [70:0] ic_debug_wr_data, // Debug wr cache.
+ output logic [70:0] ic_debug_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_parerr,
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_eccerr, // ecc error per bank
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3] ic_debug_addr, // Read/Write addresss to the Icache.
+ input logic ic_debug_rd_en, // Icache debug rd
+ input logic ic_debug_wr_en, // Icache debug wr
+ input logic ic_debug_tag_array, // Debug tag array
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_way, // Debug way. Rd or Wr.
+ input logic [63:0] ic_premux_data, // Premux data to be muxed with each way of the Icache.
+ input logic ic_sel_premux_data, // Select the pre_muxed data
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]ic_rd_hit,
+ input eb1_ic_data_ext_in_pkt_t [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_data_ext_in_pkt, // this is being driven by the top level for soc testing/etc
+ input logic scan_mode
+ ) ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO-1:1] ic_rw_addr_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_b_sb_wren; //bank x ways
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_b_sb_rden; //bank x ways
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_rden; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_rden_ff; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_debug_sel_sb;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][70:0] wb_dout ; // ways x bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][70:0] ic_sb_wr_data, ic_bank_wr_data, wb_dout_ecc_bank;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [141:0] wb_dout_way_pre;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [63:0] wb_dout_way, wb_dout_way_with_premux;
+ logic [141:0] wb_dout_ecc;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] bank_check_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_bank_way_clken;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_bank_way_clken_final;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_bank_way_clken_final_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_rd_way_en; // debug wr_way
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_rd_way_en_ff; // debug wr_way
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_wr_way_en; // debug wr_way
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:1] ic_rw_addr_q;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] ic_rw_addr_bank_q;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO-1 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] ic_rw_addr_q_inc;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_rd_hit_q;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_sram_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_read_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_write_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [31 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] wb_index_hold;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en_ff; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] index_valid; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_clear_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_addr_match;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_addr_match_index_only;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_sram_en_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_read_en_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_b_write_en_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [31 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] wb_index_hold_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en_up; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en_ff_up; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] index_valid_up; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_clear_en_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_addr_match_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_addr_match_index_only_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [31 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] ic_b_rw_addr;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [31 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] ic_b_rw_addr_index_only;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [31 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] ic_b_rw_addr_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [31 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] ic_b_rw_addr_index_only_up;
+ logic ic_rd_en_with_debug;
+ logic ic_rw_addr_wrap, ic_cacheline_wrap_ff;
+ logic ic_debug_rd_en_ff;
+// ----------- Logic section starts here --------------------
+ assign ic_debug_rd_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_debug_rd_en & ~ic_debug_tag_array}} & ic_debug_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+ assign ic_debug_wr_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_debug_wr_en & ~ic_debug_tag_array}} & ic_debug_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+ logic end_of_cache_line;
+ assign end_of_cache_line = (pt.ICACHE_LN_SZ==7'h40) ? (&ic_rw_addr_q[5:4]) : ic_rw_addr_q[4];
+ always_comb begin : clkens
+ ic_bank_way_clken = '0;
+ for ( int i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY; i++) begin: wr_ens
+ ic_b_sb_wren[i] = ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] |
+ (ic_debug_wr_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI : pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO] == i}}) ;
+ ic_debug_sel_sb[i] = (ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI : pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO] == i );
+ ic_sb_wr_data[i] = (ic_debug_sel_sb[i] & ic_debug_wr_en) ? ic_debug_wr_data : ic_bank_wr_data[i] ;
+ ic_b_rden[i] = ic_rd_en_with_debug & ( ( ~ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI] & (i==0)) |
+ (( ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI] & ic_rw_addr_q[2:1] == 2'b11) & (i==0) & ~end_of_cache_line) |
+ ( ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI] & (i==1)) |
+ ((~ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI] & ic_rw_addr_q[2:1] == 2'b11) & (i==1)) ) ;
+ ic_b_sb_rden[i] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_b_rden[i]}} ;
+ for ( int j=0; j<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; j++) begin: way_clkens
+ ic_bank_way_clken[i][j] |= ic_b_sb_rden[i][j] | clk_override | ic_b_sb_wren[i][j];
+ end
+ end // block: wr_ens
+ end // block: clkens
+// bank read enables
+ assign ic_rd_en_with_debug = (ic_rd_en | ic_debug_rd_en ) & ~(|ic_wr_en);
+ assign ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:1] = (ic_debug_rd_en | ic_debug_wr_en) ?
+ {ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3],2'b0} :
+ ic_rw_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:1] ;
+ assign ic_rw_addr_q_inc[pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO-1:pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] = ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO-1 : pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] + 1 ;
+ assign ic_rw_addr_wrap = ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI] & (ic_rw_addr_q[2:1] == 2'b11) & ic_rd_en_with_debug & ~(|ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]);
+ assign ic_cacheline_wrap_ff = ic_rw_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO-1:pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO] == {(pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO - pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO){1'b1}};
+ assign ic_rw_addr_bank_q[0] = ~ic_rw_addr_wrap ? ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] : {ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI: pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] , ic_rw_addr_q_inc[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO-1: pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] } ;
+ assign ic_rw_addr_bank_q[1] = ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO];
+ (.*,
+ .din({ ic_b_rden[pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0], ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO-1:1], ic_debug_rd_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0], ic_debug_rd_en}),
+ .dout({ic_b_rden_ff[pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0],ic_rw_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO-1:1],ic_debug_rd_way_en_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0],ic_debug_rd_en_ff})
+ );
+ if (pt.ICACHE_WAYPACK == 0 ) begin : PACKED_0
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr_in_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass_ff_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][(71*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1:0] sel_bypass_data_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] any_bypass_up;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] any_addr_match_up;
+`define eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(depth,width) \
+ ram_``depth``x``width ic_bank_sb_way_data ( \
+ .ME(ic_bank_way_clken_final_up[i][k]), \
+ .WE (ic_b_sb_wren[k][i]), \
+ .D (ic_sb_wr_data[k][``width-1:0]), \
+ .ADR(ic_rw_addr_bank_q[k][pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO]), \
+ .Q (wb_dout_pre_up[i][k]), \
+ .CLK (clk), \
+ .ROP ( ), \
+ .TEST1(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].TEST1), \
+ .RME(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].RME), \
+ .RM(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].RM), \
+ \
+ .LS(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].LS), \
+ .DS(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].DS), \
+ .SD(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].SD), \
+ \
+ .TEST_RNM(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].TEST_RNM), \
+ .BC1(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].BC1), \
+ .BC2(ic_data_ext_in_pkt[i][k].BC2) \
+ ); \
+if (pt.ICACHE_BYPASS_ENABLE == 1) begin \
+ assign wrptr_in_up[i][k] = (wrptr_up[i][k] == (pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1)) ? '0 : (wrptr_up[i][k] + 1'd1); \
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH) wrptr_ff(.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(|write_bypass_en_up[i][k]), .din (wrptr_in_up[i][k]), .dout(wrptr_up[i][k])) ; \
+ assign ic_b_sram_en_up[i][k] = ic_bank_way_clken[k][i]; \
+ assign ic_b_read_en_up[i][k] = ic_b_sram_en_up[i][k] & ic_b_sb_rden[k][i]; \
+ assign ic_b_write_en_up[i][k] = ic_b_sram_en_up[i][k] & ic_b_sb_wren[k][i]; \
+ assign ic_bank_way_clken_final_up[i][k] = ic_b_sram_en_up[i][k] & ~(|sel_bypass_up[i][k]); \
+ assign ic_b_rw_addr_up[i][k] = {ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI+1],ic_rw_addr_bank_q[k]}; \
+ assign ic_b_rw_addr_index_only_up[i][k] = ic_rw_addr_bank_q[k]; \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_addr_match_up[i][k] = '0; \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_addr_match_up[i][k] |= ic_b_addr_match_up[i][k][l]; \
+ end \
+ end \
+ // it is an error to ever have 2 entries with the same index and both valid \
+ for (genvar l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin: BYPASS \
+ // full match up to bit 31 \
+ assign ic_b_addr_match_up[i][k][l] = (wb_index_hold_up[i][k][l] == ic_b_rw_addr_up[i][k]) & index_valid_up[i][k][l]; \
+ assign ic_b_addr_match_index_only_up[i][k][l] = (wb_index_hold_up[i][k][l][pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] == ic_b_rw_addr_index_only_up[i][k]) & index_valid_up[i][k][l]; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_clear_en_up[i][k][l] = ic_b_write_en_up[i][k] & ic_b_addr_match_index_only_up[i][k][l]; \
+ \
+ assign sel_bypass_up[i][k][l] = ic_b_read_en_up[i][k] & ic_b_addr_match_up[i][k][l] ; \
+ \
+ assign write_bypass_en_up[i][k][l] = ic_b_read_en_up[i][k] & ~any_addr_match_up[i][k] & (wrptr_up[i][k] == l); \
+ \
+ rvdff #(1) write_bypass_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(write_bypass_en_up[i][k][l]), .dout(write_bypass_en_ff_up[i][k][l])) ; \
+ rvdffs #(1) index_val_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(write_bypass_en_up[i][k][l] | ic_b_clear_en_up[i][k][l]), .din(~ic_b_clear_en_up[i][k][l]), .dout(index_valid_up[i][k][l])) ; \
+ rvdff #(1) sel_hold_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(sel_bypass_up[i][k][l]), .dout(sel_bypass_ff_up[i][k][l])) ; \
+ rvdffe #((31-pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO+1)) ic_addr_index (.*, .en(write_bypass_en_up[i][k][l]), .din (ic_b_rw_addr_up[i][k]), .dout(wb_index_hold_up[i][k][l])); \
+ rvdffe #(``width) rd_data_hold_ff (.*, .en(write_bypass_en_ff_up[i][k][l]), .din (wb_dout_pre_up[i][k]), .dout(wb_dout_hold_up[i][k][l])); \
+ end \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_bypass_up[i][k] = '0; \
+ sel_bypass_data_up[i][k] = '0; \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_bypass_up[i][k] |= sel_bypass_ff_up[i][k][l]; \
+ sel_bypass_data_up[i][k] |= (sel_bypass_ff_up[i][k][l]) ? wb_dout_hold_up[i][k][l] : '0; \
+ end \
+ wb_dout[i][k] = any_bypass_up[i][k] ? sel_bypass_data_up[i][k] : wb_dout_pre_up[i][k] ; \
+ end \
+ end \
+ else begin \
+ assign wb_dout[i][k] = wb_dout_pre_up[i][k] ; \
+ assign ic_bank_way_clken_final_up[i][k] = ic_bank_way_clken[i][k]; \
+ end
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: WAYS
+ for (genvar k=0; k<pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY; k++) begin: BANKS_WAY // 16B subbank
+ if (pt.ICACHE_ECC) begin : ECC1
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [71-1:0] wb_dout_pre_up; // data and its bit enables
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [71-1:0] wb_dout_hold_up;
+ if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 13 ) begin : size_8192
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(8192,71)
+ end
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 12 ) begin : size_4096
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(4096,71)
+ end
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 11 ) begin : size_2048
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(2048,71)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 10 ) begin : size_1024
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(1024,71)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 9 ) begin : size_512
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(512,71)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 8 ) begin : size_256
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(256,71)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 7 ) begin : size_128
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(128,71)
+ end
+ else begin : size_64
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(64,71)
+ end
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_ECC)
+ else begin : ECC0
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [68-1:0] wb_dout_pre_up; // data and its bit enables
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [68-1:0] wb_dout_hold_up;
+ if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 13 ) begin : size_8192
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(8192,68)
+ end
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 12 ) begin : size_4096
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(4096,68)
+ end
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 11 ) begin : size_2048
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(2048,68)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 10 ) begin : size_1024
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(1024,68)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 9 ) begin : size_512
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(512,68)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 8 ) begin : size_256
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(256,68)
+ end
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 7 ) begin : size_128
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(128,68)
+ end
+ else begin : size_64
+ `eb1_IC_DATA_SRAM(64,68)
+ end
+ end // else: !if(pt.ICACHE_ECC)
+ end // block: BANKS_WAY
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: PACKED_0
+ else begin : PACKED_1
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][(71*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1:0] sel_bypass_data;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] any_bypass;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] any_addr_match;
+// SRAM macros
+`define eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(depth,width,waywidth) \
+ ram_be_``depth``x``width ic_bank_sb_way_data ( \
+ .CLK (clk), \
+ .WE (|ic_b_sb_wren[k]), // OR of all the ways in the bank \
+ .WEM (ic_b_sb_bit_en_vec[k]), // 284 bits of bit enables \
+ .D ({pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_sb_wr_data[k][``waywidth-1:0]}}), \
+ .ADR (ic_rw_addr_bank_q[k][pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO]), \
+ .Q (wb_packeddout_pre[k]), \
+ .ME (|ic_bank_way_clken_final[k]), \
+ .ROP ( ), \
+ .TEST1 (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].TEST1), \
+ .RME (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].RME), \
+ .RM (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].RM), \
+ \
+ .LS (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].LS), \
+ .DS (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].DS), \
+ .SD (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].SD), \
+ \
+ .TEST_RNM (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].TEST_RNM), \
+ .BC1 (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].BC1), \
+ .BC2 (ic_data_ext_in_pkt[0][k].BC2) \
+ ); \
+ \
+ if (pt.ICACHE_BYPASS_ENABLE == 1) begin \
+ \
+ assign wrptr_in[k] = (wrptr[k] == (pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1)) ? '0 : (wrptr[k] + 1'd1); \
+ \
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH) wrptr_ff(.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(|write_bypass_en[k]), .din (wrptr_in[k]), .dout(wrptr[k])) ; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_sram_en[k] = |ic_bank_way_clken[k]; \
+ \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_read_en[k] = ic_b_sram_en[k] & (|ic_b_sb_rden[k]) ; \
+ assign ic_b_write_en[k] = ic_b_sram_en[k] & (|ic_b_sb_wren[k]); \
+ assign ic_bank_way_clken_final[k] = ic_b_sram_en[k] & ~(|sel_bypass[k]); \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_rw_addr[k] = {ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI+1],ic_rw_addr_bank_q[k]}; \
+ assign ic_b_rw_addr_index_only[k] = ic_rw_addr_bank_q[k]; \
+ \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_addr_match[k] = '0; \
+ \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_addr_match[k] |= ic_b_addr_match[k][l]; \
+ end \
+ end \
+ \
+ // it is an error to ever have 2 entries with the same index and both valid \
+ for (genvar l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin: BYPASS \
+ \
+ // full match up to bit 31 \
+ assign ic_b_addr_match[k][l] = (wb_index_hold[k][l] == ic_b_rw_addr[k]) & index_valid[k][l]; \
+ assign ic_b_addr_match_index_only[k][l] = (wb_index_hold[k][l][pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO] == ic_b_rw_addr_index_only[k]) & index_valid[k][l]; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_clear_en[k][l] = ic_b_write_en[k] & ic_b_addr_match_index_only[k][l]; \
+ \
+ assign sel_bypass[k][l] = ic_b_read_en[k] & ic_b_addr_match[k][l] ; \
+ \
+ assign write_bypass_en[k][l] = ic_b_read_en[k] & ~any_addr_match[k] & (wrptr[k] == l); \
+ \
+ rvdff #(1) write_bypass_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(write_bypass_en[k][l]), .dout(write_bypass_en_ff[k][l])) ; \
+ rvdffs #(1) index_val_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(write_bypass_en[k][l] | ic_b_clear_en[k][l]), .din(~ic_b_clear_en[k][l]), .dout(index_valid[k][l])) ; \
+ rvdff #(1) sel_hold_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(sel_bypass[k][l]), .dout(sel_bypass_ff[k][l])) ; \
+ \
+ rvdffe #((31-pt.ICACHE_DATA_INDEX_LO+1)) ic_addr_index (.*, .en(write_bypass_en[k][l]), .din (ic_b_rw_addr[k]), .dout(wb_index_hold[k][l])); \
+ rvdffe #((``waywidth*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)) rd_data_hold_ff (.*, .en(write_bypass_en_ff[k][l]), .din (wb_packeddout_pre[k]), .dout(wb_packeddout_hold[k][l])); \
+ \
+ end // block: BYPASS \
+ \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_bypass[k] = '0; \
+ sel_bypass_data[k] = '0; \
+ \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_bypass[k] |= sel_bypass_ff[k][l]; \
+ sel_bypass_data[k] |= (sel_bypass_ff[k][l]) ? wb_packeddout_hold[k][l] : '0; \
+ end \
+ \
+ wb_packeddout[k] = any_bypass[k] ? sel_bypass_data[k] : wb_packeddout_pre[k] ; \
+ end // always_comb begin \
+ \
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_BYPASS_ENABLE == 1) \
+ else begin \
+ assign wb_packeddout[k] = wb_packeddout_pre[k] ; \
+ assign ic_bank_way_clken_final[k] = |ic_bank_way_clken[k] ; \
+ end
+ // generate IC DATA PACKED SRAMS for 2/4 ways
+ for (genvar k=0; k<pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY; k++) begin: BANKS_WAY // 16B subbank
+ if (pt.ICACHE_ECC) begin : ECC1
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [(71*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1:0] wb_packeddout, ic_b_sb_bit_en_vec, wb_packeddout_pre; // data and its bit enables
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [(71*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1:0] wb_packeddout_hold;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: BITEN
+ assign ic_b_sb_bit_en_vec[k][(71*i)+70:71*i] = {71{ic_b_sb_wren[k][i]}};
+ end
+ // SRAMS with ECC (single/double detect; no correct)
+ if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 13 ) begin : size_8192
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(8192,284,71) // 64b data + 7b ecc
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(8192,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_8192
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 12 ) begin : size_4096
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(4096,284,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(4096,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_4096
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 11 ) begin : size_2048
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(2048,284,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(2048,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_2048
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 10 ) begin : size_1024
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(1024,284,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(1024,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_1024
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 9 ) begin : size_512
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(512,284,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(512,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_512
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 8 ) begin : size_256
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(256,284,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(256,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_256
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 7 ) begin : size_128
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(128,284,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(128,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_128
+ else begin : size_64
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(64,284,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(64,142,71)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_64
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: WAYS
+ assign wb_dout[i][k][70:0] = wb_packeddout[k][(71*i)+70:71*i];
+ end : WAYS
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_ECC)
+ else begin : ECC0
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [(68*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1:0] wb_packeddout, ic_b_sb_bit_en_vec, wb_packeddout_pre; // data and its bit enables
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [(68*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1:0] wb_packeddout_hold;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: BITEN
+ assign ic_b_sb_bit_en_vec[k][(68*i)+67:68*i] = {68{ic_b_sb_wren[k][i]}};
+ end
+ // SRAMs with parity
+ if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 13 ) begin : size_8192
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(8192,272,68) // 64b data + 4b parity
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(8192,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_8192
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 12 ) begin : size_4096
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(4096,272,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(4096,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_4096
+ else if ($clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 11 ) begin : size_2048
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(2048,272,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(2048,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_2048
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 10 ) begin : size_1024
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(1024,272,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(1024,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_1024
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 9 ) begin : size_512
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(512,272,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(512,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_512
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 8 ) begin : size_256
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(256,272,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(256,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_256
+ else if ( $clog2(pt.ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH) == 7 ) begin : size_128
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(128,272,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(128,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_128
+ else begin : size_64
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(64,272,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_PACKED_IC_DATA_SRAM(64,136,68)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_64
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: WAYS
+ assign wb_dout[i][k][67:0] = wb_packeddout[k][(68*i)+67:68*i];
+ end
+ end // block: ECC0
+ end // block: BANKS_WAY
+ end // block: PACKED_1
+ assign ic_rd_hit_q[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = ic_debug_rd_en_ff ? ic_debug_rd_way_en_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] : ic_rd_hit[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+ if ( pt.ICACHE_ECC ) begin : ECC1_MUX
+ assign ic_bank_wr_data[1] = ic_wr_data[1][70:0];
+ assign ic_bank_wr_data[0] = ic_wr_data[0][70:0];
+ always_comb begin : rd_mux
+ wb_dout_way_pre[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = '0;
+ for ( int i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : num_ways
+ for ( int j=0; j<pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY; j++) begin : banks
+ wb_dout_way_pre[i][70:0] |= ({71{(ic_rw_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI : pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO] == (pt.ICACHE_BANK_BITS)'(j))}} & wb_dout[i][j]);
+ wb_dout_way_pre[i][141 : 71] |= ({71{(ic_rw_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI : pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO] == (pt.ICACHE_BANK_BITS)'(j-1))}} & wb_dout[i][j]);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for ( genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : num_ways_mux1
+ assign wb_dout_way[i][63:0] = (ic_rw_addr_ff[2:1] == 2'b00) ? wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:0] :
+ (ic_rw_addr_ff[2:1] == 2'b01) ?{wb_dout_way_pre[i][86:71], wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:16]} :
+ (ic_rw_addr_ff[2:1] == 2'b10) ?{wb_dout_way_pre[i][102:71],wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:32]} :
+ {wb_dout_way_pre[i][119:71],wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:48]};
+ assign wb_dout_way_with_premux[i][63:0] = ic_sel_premux_data ? ic_premux_data[63:0] : wb_dout_way[i][63:0] ;
+ end
+ always_comb begin : rd_out
+ ic_debug_rd_data[70:0] = '0;
+ ic_rd_data[63:0] = '0;
+ wb_dout_ecc[141:0] = '0;
+ for ( int i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : num_ways_mux2
+ ic_rd_data[63:0] |= ({64{ic_rd_hit_q[i] | ic_sel_premux_data}}) & wb_dout_way_with_premux[i][63:0];
+ ic_debug_rd_data[70:0] |= ({71{ic_rd_hit_q[i]}}) & wb_dout_way_pre[i][70:0];
+ wb_dout_ecc[141:0] |= {142{ic_rd_hit_q[i]}} & wb_dout_way_pre[i];
+ end
+ end
+ for (genvar i=0; i < pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY ; i++) begin : ic_ecc_error
+ assign bank_check_en[i] = |ic_rd_hit[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & ((i==0) | (~ic_cacheline_wrap_ff & (ic_b_rden_ff[pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] == {pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY{1'b1}}))); // always check the lower address bank, and drop the upper address bank on a CL wrap
+ assign wb_dout_ecc_bank[i] = wb_dout_ecc[(71*i)+70:(71*i)];
+ rvecc_decode_64 ecc_decode_64 (
+ .en (bank_check_en[i]),
+ .din (wb_dout_ecc_bank[i][63 : 0]), // [134:71], [63:0]
+ .ecc_in (wb_dout_ecc_bank[i][70 : 64]), // [141:135] [70:64]
+ .ecc_error (ic_eccerr[i]));
+ // or the sb and db error detects into 1 signal called aligndataperr[i] where i corresponds to 2B position
+ assign ic_parerr[i] = '0 ;
+ end // block: ic_ecc_error
+end // if ( pt.ICACHE_ECC )
+else begin : ECC0_MUX
+ assign ic_bank_wr_data[1] = ic_wr_data[1][70:0];
+ assign ic_bank_wr_data[0] = ic_wr_data[0][70:0];
+ always_comb begin : rd_mux
+ wb_dout_way_pre[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = '0;
+ for ( int i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : num_ways
+ for ( int j=0; j<pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY; j++) begin : banks
+ wb_dout_way_pre[i][67:0] |= ({68{(ic_rw_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI : pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO] == (pt.ICACHE_BANK_BITS)'(j))}} & wb_dout[i][j][67:0]);
+ wb_dout_way_pre[i][135 : 68] |= ({68{(ic_rw_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_BANK_HI : pt.ICACHE_BANK_LO] == (pt.ICACHE_BANK_BITS)'(j-1))}} & wb_dout[i][j][67:0]);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // When we straddle the banks like this - the ECC we capture is not correct ??
+ for ( genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : num_ways_mux1
+ assign wb_dout_way[i][63:0] = (ic_rw_addr_ff[2:1] == 2'b00) ? wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:0] :
+ (ic_rw_addr_ff[2:1] == 2'b01) ?{wb_dout_way_pre[i][83:68], wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:16]} :
+ (ic_rw_addr_ff[2:1] == 2'b10) ?{wb_dout_way_pre[i][99:68], wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:32]} :
+ {wb_dout_way_pre[i][115:68], wb_dout_way_pre[i][63:48]};
+ assign wb_dout_way_with_premux[i][63:0] = ic_sel_premux_data ? ic_premux_data[63:0] : wb_dout_way[i][63:0] ;
+ end
+ always_comb begin : rd_out
+ ic_rd_data[63:0] = '0;
+ ic_debug_rd_data[70:0] = '0;
+ wb_dout_ecc[135:0] = '0;
+ for ( int i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : num_ways_mux2
+ ic_rd_data[63:0] |= ({64{ic_rd_hit_q[i] | ic_sel_premux_data}} & wb_dout_way_with_premux[i][63:0]);
+ ic_debug_rd_data[70:0] |= ({71{ic_rd_hit_q[i]}}) & {3'b0,wb_dout_way_pre[i][67:0]};
+ wb_dout_ecc[135:0] |= {136{ic_rd_hit_q[i]}} & wb_dout_way_pre[i][135:0];
+ end
+ end
+ assign wb_dout_ecc_bank[0] = wb_dout_ecc[67:0];
+ assign wb_dout_ecc_bank[1] = wb_dout_ecc[135:68];
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0][3:0] ic_parerr_bank;
+ for (genvar i=0; i < pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY ; i++) begin : ic_par_error
+ assign bank_check_en[i] = |ic_rd_hit[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & ((i==0) | (~ic_cacheline_wrap_ff & (ic_b_rden_ff[pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] == {pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY{1'b1}}))); // always check the lower address bank, and drop the upper address bank on a CL wrap
+ for (genvar j=0; j<4; j++) begin : parity
+ rveven_paritycheck pchk (
+ .data_in (wb_dout_ecc_bank[i][16*(j+1)-1: 16*j]),
+ .parity_in (wb_dout_ecc_bank[i][64+j]),
+ .parity_err(ic_parerr_bank[i][j] )
+ );
+ end
+ assign ic_eccerr [i] = '0 ;
+ end
+ assign ic_parerr[1] = (|ic_parerr_bank[1][3:0]) & bank_check_en[1];
+ assign ic_parerr[0] = (|ic_parerr_bank[0][3:0]) & bank_check_en[0];
+end // else: !if( pt.ICACHE_ECC )
+endmodule // eb1_IC_DATA
+///\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ END OF IC DATA MODULE \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
+////// ICACHE TAG MODULE ////////////////////
+module eb1_IC_TAG
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+ #(
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk,
+ input logic active_clk,
+ input logic rst_l,
+ input logic clk_override,
+ input logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable,
+ input logic [31:3] ic_rw_addr,
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_wr_en, // way
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_valid,
+ input logic ic_rd_en,
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3] ic_debug_addr, // Read/Write addresss to the Icache.
+ input logic ic_debug_rd_en, // Icache debug rd
+ input logic ic_debug_wr_en, // Icache debug wr
+ input logic ic_debug_tag_array, // Debug tag array
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_way, // Debug way. Rd or Wr.
+ input eb1_ic_tag_ext_in_pkt_t [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_ext_in_pkt,
+ output logic [25:0] ictag_debug_rd_data,
+ input logic [70:0] ic_debug_wr_data, // Debug wr cache.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_rd_hit,
+ output logic ic_tag_perr,
+ input logic scan_mode
+ ) ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [25:0] ic_tag_data_raw;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [25:0] ic_tag_data_raw_pre;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [36:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO] w_tout;
+ logic [25:0] ic_tag_wr_data ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [31:0] ic_tag_corrected_data_unc;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [06:0] ic_tag_corrected_ecc_unc;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_single_ecc_error;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_double_ecc_error;
+ logic [6:0] ic_tag_ecc;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_way_perr ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_rd_way_en ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_rd_way_en_ff ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI: pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ic_rw_addr_q;
+ logic [31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO] ic_rw_addr_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_rden_q; // way
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_wren; // way
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_wren_q; // way
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_clken;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_wr_way_en; // debug wr_way
+ logic ic_rd_en_ff;
+ logic ic_tag_parity;
+ assign ic_tag_wren [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{(ic_rw_addr[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:4] == {pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1{1'b1}})}} ;
+ assign ic_tag_clken[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_rd_en | clk_override}} | ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] | ic_debug_wr_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] | ic_debug_rd_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0];
+ rvdff #(1) rd_en_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk),
+ .din (ic_rd_en),
+ .dout(ic_rd_en_ff)) ;
+ rvdffie #(32-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO) adr_ff (.*,
+ .din ({ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]}),
+ .dout({ic_rw_addr_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]})
+ );
+ localparam PAD_BITS = 21 - (32 - pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO); // sizing for a max tag width.
+ // tags
+ assign ic_debug_rd_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_debug_rd_en & ic_debug_tag_array}} & ic_debug_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+ assign ic_debug_wr_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array}} & ic_debug_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+ assign ic_tag_wren_q[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = ic_tag_wren[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] |
+ ic_debug_wr_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+ assign ic_tag_rden_q[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = ({pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_rd_en }} | ic_debug_rd_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ) & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{~(|ic_wr_en) & ~ic_debug_wr_en}};
+if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO == 11) begin: SMALLEST
+ if (pt.ICACHE_ECC) begin : ECC1_W
+ rvecc_encode tag_ecc_encode (
+ .din ({{pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO{1'b0}}, ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]}),
+ .ecc_out({ ic_tag_ecc[6:0]}));
+ assign ic_tag_wr_data[25:0] = (ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array) ?
+ {ic_debug_wr_data[68:64], ic_debug_wr_data[31:11]} :
+ {ic_tag_ecc[4:0], ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]} ;
+ end
+ else begin : ECC0_W
+ rveven_paritygen #(32-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO) pargen (.data_in (ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]),
+ .parity_out(ic_tag_parity));
+ assign ic_tag_wr_data[21:0] = (ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array) ?
+ {ic_debug_wr_data[64], ic_debug_wr_data[31:11]} :
+ {ic_tag_parity, ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]} ;
+ end // else: !if(pt.ICACHE_ECC)
+end // block: SMALLEST
+else begin: OTHERS
+ if(pt.ICACHE_ECC) begin :ECC1_W
+ rvecc_encode tag_ecc_encode (
+ .din ({{pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO{1'b0}}, ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]}),
+ .ecc_out({ ic_tag_ecc[6:0]}));
+ assign ic_tag_wr_data[25:0] = (ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array) ?
+ {ic_debug_wr_data[68:64],ic_debug_wr_data[31:11]} :
+ {ic_tag_ecc[4:0], {PAD_BITS{1'b0}},ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]} ;
+ end
+ else begin :ECC0_W
+ logic ic_tag_parity ;
+ rveven_paritygen #(32-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO) pargen (.data_in (ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]),
+ .parity_out(ic_tag_parity));
+ assign ic_tag_wr_data[21:0] = (ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array) ?
+ {ic_debug_wr_data[64], ic_debug_wr_data[31:11]} :
+ {ic_tag_parity, {PAD_BITS{1'b0}},ic_rw_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]} ;
+ end // else: !if(pt.ICACHE_ECC)
+end // block: OTHERS
+ assign ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI: pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] = (ic_debug_rd_en | ic_debug_wr_en) ?
+ ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI: pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] :
+ ic_rw_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI: pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ;
+ rvdff #(pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS) tag_rd_wy_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk),
+ .din ({ic_debug_rd_way_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]}),
+ .dout({ic_debug_rd_way_en_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]}));
+ if (pt.ICACHE_WAYPACK == 0 ) begin : PACKED_0
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_b_sram_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_b_read_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_b_write_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI : pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] wb_index_hold;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI : pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ic_b_rw_addr;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en_ff; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] index_valid; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_clear_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_addr_match;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0][25:0] sel_bypass_data;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] any_bypass;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] any_addr_match;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_clken_final;
+ `define eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(depth,width) \
+ ram_``depth``x``width ic_way_tag ( \
+ .ME(ic_tag_clken_final[i]), \
+ .WE (ic_tag_wren_q[i]), \
+ .D (ic_tag_wr_data[``width-1:0]), \
+ .ADR(ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]), \
+ .Q (ic_tag_data_raw_pre[i][``width-1:0]), \
+ .CLK (clk), \
+ .ROP ( ), \
+ \
+ .TEST1(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1), \
+ .RME(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].RME), \
+ .RM(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].RM), \
+ \
+ .LS(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].LS), \
+ .DS(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].DS), \
+ .SD(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].SD), \
+ \
+ .TEST_RNM(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM), \
+ .BC1(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1), \
+ .BC2(ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2) \
+ \
+ ); \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_BYPASS_ENABLE == 1) begin \
+ \
+ assign wrptr_in[i] = (wrptr[i] == (pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1)) ? '0 : (wrptr[i] + 1'd1); \
+ \
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH) wrptr_ff(.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(|write_bypass_en[i]), .din (wrptr_in[i]), .dout(wrptr[i])) ; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_sram_en[i] = ic_tag_clken[i]; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_read_en[i] = ic_b_sram_en[i] & (ic_tag_rden_q[i]); \
+ assign ic_b_write_en[i] = ic_b_sram_en[i] & (ic_tag_wren_q[i]); \
+ assign ic_tag_clken_final[i] = ic_b_sram_en[i] & ~(|sel_bypass[i]); \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_rw_addr[i] = {ic_rw_addr_q}; \
+ \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_addr_match[i] = '0; \
+ \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_addr_match[i] |= (ic_b_addr_match[i][l] & index_valid[i][l]); \
+ end \
+ end \
+ \
+ // it is an error to ever have 2 entries with the same index and both valid \
+ for (genvar l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin: BYPASS \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_addr_match[i][l] = (wb_index_hold[i][l] == ic_b_rw_addr[i]) & index_valid[i][l]; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_clear_en[i][l] = ic_b_write_en[i] & ic_b_addr_match[i][l]; \
+ \
+ assign sel_bypass[i][l] = ic_b_read_en[i] & ic_b_addr_match[i][l] ; \
+ \
+ assign write_bypass_en[i][l] = ic_b_read_en[i] & ~any_addr_match[i] & (wrptr[i] == l); \
+ \
+ rvdff #(1) write_bypass_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(write_bypass_en[i][l]), .dout(write_bypass_en_ff[i][l])) ; \
+ rvdffs #(1) index_val_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(write_bypass_en[i][l] | ic_b_clear_en[i][l]), .din(~ic_b_clear_en[i][l]), .dout(index_valid[i][l])) ; \
+ rvdff #(1) sel_hold_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(sel_bypass[i][l]), .dout(sel_bypass_ff[i][l])) ; \
+ \
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI-pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+1),.OVERRIDE(1)) ic_addr_index (.*, .en(write_bypass_en[i][l]), .din (ic_b_rw_addr[i]), .dout(wb_index_hold[i][l])); \
+ rvdffe #(``width) rd_data_hold_ff (.*, .en(write_bypass_en_ff[i][l]), .din (ic_tag_data_raw_pre[i][``width-1:0]), .dout(wb_dout_hold[i][l])); \
+ \
+ end // block: BYPASS \
+ \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_bypass[i] = '0; \
+ sel_bypass_data[i] = '0; \
+ \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_bypass[i] |= sel_bypass_ff[i][l]; \
+ sel_bypass_data[i] |= (sel_bypass_ff[i][l]) ? wb_dout_hold[i][l] : '0; \
+ end \
+ \
+ ic_tag_data_raw[i] = any_bypass[i] ? sel_bypass_data[i] : ic_tag_data_raw_pre[i] ; \
+ end // always_comb begin \
+ \
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_BYPASS_ENABLE == 1) \
+ else begin \
+ assign ic_tag_data_raw[i] = ic_tag_data_raw_pre[i] ; \
+ assign ic_tag_clken_final[i] = ic_tag_clken[i]; \
+ end
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: WAYS
+ if (pt.ICACHE_ECC) begin : ECC1
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0][25 :0] wb_dout_hold;
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32) begin : size_32
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(32,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 64) begin : size_64
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(64,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 64)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 128) begin : size_128
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(128,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 128)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 256) begin : size_256
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(256,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 256)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 512) begin : size_512
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(512,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 512)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 1024) begin : size_1024
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(1024,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 1024)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 2048) begin : size_2048
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(2048,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 2048)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 4096) begin : size_4096
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(4096,26)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 4096)
+ assign w_tout[i][31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][31-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO:0] ;
+ assign w_tout[i][36:32] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][25:21] ;
+ rvecc_decode ecc_decode (
+ .en(~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable & ic_rd_en_ff),
+ .sed_ded ( 1'b1 ), // 1 : means only detection
+ .din({11'b0,ic_tag_data_raw[i][20:0]}),
+ .ecc_in({2'b0, ic_tag_data_raw[i][25:21]}),
+ .dout(ic_tag_corrected_data_unc[i][31:0]),
+ .ecc_out(ic_tag_corrected_ecc_unc[i][6:0]),
+ .single_ecc_error(ic_tag_single_ecc_error[i]),
+ .double_ecc_error(ic_tag_double_ecc_error[i]));
+ assign ic_tag_way_perr[i]= ic_tag_single_ecc_error[i] | ic_tag_double_ecc_error[i] ;
+ end
+ else begin : ECC0
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0][21 :0] wb_dout_hold;
+ assign ic_tag_data_raw_pre[i][25:22] = '0 ;
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32) begin : size_32
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(32,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 64) begin : size_64
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(64,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 64)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 128) begin : size_128
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(128,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 128)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 256) begin : size_256
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(256,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 256)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 512) begin : size_512
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(512,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 512)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 1024) begin : size_1024
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(1024,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 1024)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 2048) begin : size_2048
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(2048,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 2048)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 4096) begin : size_4096
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_SRAM(4096,22)
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 4096)
+ assign w_tout[i][31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][31-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO:0] ;
+ assign w_tout[i][32] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][21] ;
+ rveven_paritycheck #(32-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO) parcheck(.data_in (w_tout[i][31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]),
+ .parity_in (w_tout[i][32]),
+ .parity_err(ic_tag_way_perr[i]));
+ end // else: !if(pt.ICACHE_ECC)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: PACKED_0
+ else begin : PACKED_1
+ logic ic_b_sram_en;
+ logic ic_b_read_en;
+ logic ic_b_write_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI : pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] wb_index_hold;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI : pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ic_b_rw_addr;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] write_bypass_en_ff; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] index_valid; //bank
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_clear_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] ic_b_addr_match;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH-1:0] wrptr_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0] sel_bypass_ff;
+ logic [(26*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1:0] sel_bypass_data;
+ logic any_bypass;
+ logic any_addr_match;
+ logic ic_tag_clken_final;
+`define eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(depth,width) \
+ ram_be_``depth``x``width ic_way_tag ( \
+ .ME ( ic_tag_clken_final), \
+ .WE (|ic_tag_wren_q[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]), \
+ .WEM (ic_tag_wren_biten_vec[``width-1:0]), \
+ \
+ .D ({pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_tag_wr_data[``width/pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]}}), \
+ .ADR (ic_rw_addr_q[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]), \
+ .Q (ic_tag_data_raw_packed_pre[``width-1:0]), \
+ .CLK (clk), \
+ .ROP ( ), \
+ \
+ .TEST1 (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].TEST1), \
+ .RME (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].RME), \
+ .RM (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].RM), \
+ \
+ .LS (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].LS), \
+ .DS (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].DS), \
+ .SD (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].SD), \
+ \
+ .TEST_RNM (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].TEST_RNM), \
+ .BC1 (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].BC1), \
+ .BC2 (ic_tag_ext_in_pkt[0].BC2) \
+ \
+ ); \
+ \
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_BYPASS_ENABLE == 1) begin \
+ \
+ assign wrptr_in = (wrptr == (pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1)) ? '0 : (wrptr + 1'd1); \
+ \
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS_WIDTH) wrptr_ff(.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(|write_bypass_en), .din (wrptr_in), .dout(wrptr)) ; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_sram_en = |ic_tag_clken; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_read_en = ic_b_sram_en & (|ic_tag_rden_q); \
+ assign ic_b_write_en = ic_b_sram_en & (|ic_tag_wren_q); \
+ assign ic_tag_clken_final = ic_b_sram_en & ~(|sel_bypass); \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_rw_addr = {ic_rw_addr_q}; \
+ \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_addr_match = '0; \
+ \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_addr_match |= ic_b_addr_match[l]; \
+ end \
+ end \
+ \
+ // it is an error to ever have 2 entries with the same index and both valid \
+ for (genvar l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin: BYPASS \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_addr_match[l] = (wb_index_hold[l] == ic_b_rw_addr) & index_valid[l]; \
+ \
+ assign ic_b_clear_en[l] = ic_b_write_en & ic_b_addr_match[l]; \
+ \
+ assign sel_bypass[l] = ic_b_read_en & ic_b_addr_match[l] ; \
+ \
+ assign write_bypass_en[l] = ic_b_read_en & ~any_addr_match & (wrptr == l); \
+ \
+ rvdff #(1) write_bypass_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(write_bypass_en[l]), .dout(write_bypass_en_ff[l])) ; \
+ rvdffs #(1) index_val_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .en(write_bypass_en[l] | ic_b_clear_en[l]), .din(~ic_b_clear_en[l]), .dout(index_valid[l])) ; \
+ rvdff #(1) sel_hold_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(sel_bypass[l]), .dout(sel_bypass_ff[l])) ; \
+ \
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI-pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+1),.OVERRIDE(1)) ic_addr_index (.*, .en(write_bypass_en[l]), .din (ic_b_rw_addr), .dout(wb_index_hold[l])); \
+ rvdffe #(``width) rd_data_hold_ff (.*, .en(write_bypass_en_ff[l]), .din (ic_tag_data_raw_packed_pre[``width-1:0]), .dout(wb_packeddout_hold[l])); \
+ \
+ end // block: BYPASS \
+ \
+ always_comb begin \
+ any_bypass = '0; \
+ sel_bypass_data = '0; \
+ \
+ for (int l=0; l<pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS; l++) begin \
+ any_bypass |= sel_bypass_ff[l]; \
+ sel_bypass_data |= (sel_bypass_ff[l]) ? wb_packeddout_hold[l] : '0; \
+ end \
+ \
+ ic_tag_data_raw_packed = any_bypass ? sel_bypass_data : ic_tag_data_raw_packed_pre ; \
+ end // always_comb begin \
+ \
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_BYPASS_ENABLE == 1) \
+ else begin \
+ assign ic_tag_data_raw_packed = ic_tag_data_raw_packed_pre ; \
+ assign ic_tag_clken_final = |ic_tag_clken; \
+ end
+ if (pt.ICACHE_ECC) begin : ECC1
+ logic [(26*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1 :0] ic_tag_data_raw_packed, ic_tag_wren_biten_vec, ic_tag_data_raw_packed_pre; // data and its bit enables
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0][(26*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1 :0] wb_packeddout_hold;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: BITEN
+ assign ic_tag_wren_biten_vec[(26*i)+25:26*i] = {26{ic_tag_wren_q[i]}};
+ end
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32) begin : size_32
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(32,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(32,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 64) begin : size_64
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(64,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(64,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_64
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 128) begin : size_128
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(128,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(128,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_128
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 256) begin : size_256
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(256,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(256,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_256
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 512) begin : size_512
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(512,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(512,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_512
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 1024) begin : size_1024
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(1024,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(1024,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_1024
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 2048) begin : size_2048
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(2048,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(2048,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_2048
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 4096) begin : size_4096
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(4096,104)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(4096,52)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_4096
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin
+ assign ic_tag_data_raw[i] = ic_tag_data_raw_packed[(26*i)+25:26*i];
+ assign w_tout[i][31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][31-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO:0] ;
+ assign w_tout[i][36:32] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][25:21] ;
+ rvecc_decode ecc_decode (
+ .en(~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable & ic_rd_en_ff),
+ .sed_ded ( 1'b1 ), // 1 : means only detection
+ .din({11'b0,ic_tag_data_raw[i][20:0]}),
+ .ecc_in({2'b0, ic_tag_data_raw[i][25:21]}),
+ .dout(ic_tag_corrected_data_unc[i][31:0]),
+ .ecc_out(ic_tag_corrected_ecc_unc[i][6:0]),
+ .single_ecc_error(ic_tag_single_ecc_error[i]),
+ .double_ecc_error(ic_tag_double_ecc_error[i]));
+ assign ic_tag_way_perr[i]= ic_tag_single_ecc_error[i] | ic_tag_double_ecc_error[i] ;
+ end // for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++)
+ end // block: ECC1
+ else begin : ECC0
+ logic [(22*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1 :0] ic_tag_data_raw_packed, ic_tag_wren_biten_vec, ic_tag_data_raw_packed_pre; // data and its bit enables
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_NUM_BYPASS-1:0][(22*pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS)-1 :0] wb_packeddout_hold;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin: BITEN
+ assign ic_tag_wren_biten_vec[(22*i)+21:22*i] = {22{ic_tag_wren_q[i]}};
+ end
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32) begin : size_32
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(32,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(32,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 64) begin : size_64
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(64,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(64,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_64
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 128) begin : size_128
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(128,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(128,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_128
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 256) begin : size_256
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(256,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(256,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_256
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 512) begin : size_512
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(512,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(512,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_512
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 1024) begin : size_1024
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(1024,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(1024,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_1024
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 2048) begin : size_2048
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(2048,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(2048,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_2048
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 4096) begin : size_4096
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(4096,88)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ else begin : WAYS
+ `eb1_IC_TAG_PACKED_SRAM(4096,44)
+ end // block: WAYS
+ end // block: size_4096
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin
+ assign ic_tag_data_raw[i] = ic_tag_data_raw_packed[(22*i)+21:22*i];
+ assign w_tout[i][31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][31-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO:0] ;
+ assign w_tout[i][32] = ic_tag_data_raw[i][21] ;
+ assign w_tout[i][36:33] = '0 ;
+ rveven_paritycheck #(32-pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO) parcheck(.data_in (w_tout[i][31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]),
+ .parity_in (w_tout[i][32]),
+ .parity_err(ic_tag_way_perr[i]));
+ end
+ end // block: ECC0
+ end // block: PACKED_1
+ always_comb begin : tag_rd_out
+ ictag_debug_rd_data[25:0] = '0;
+ for ( int j=0; j<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; j++) begin: debug_rd_out
+ ictag_debug_rd_data[25:0] |= pt.ICACHE_ECC ? ({26{ic_debug_rd_way_en_ff[j]}} & ic_tag_data_raw[j] ) : {4'b0, ({22{ic_debug_rd_way_en_ff[j]}} & ic_tag_data_raw[j][21:0])};
+ end
+ end
+ for ( genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : ic_rd_hit_loop
+ assign ic_rd_hit[i] = (w_tout[i][31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO] == ic_rw_addr_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO]) & ic_tag_valid[i];
+ end
+ assign ic_tag_perr = | (ic_tag_way_perr[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & ic_tag_valid[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ) ;
+endmodule // eb1_IC_TAG
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38e24c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Icache closely coupled memory --- ICCM
+module eb1_ifu_iccm_mem
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic vccd1,
+ input logic vssd1,
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic iccm_wren, // ICCM write enable
+ input logic iccm_rden, // ICCM read enable
+ input logic [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:1] iccm_rw_addr, // ICCM read/write address
+ input logic iccm_buf_correct_ecc, // ICCM is doing a single bit error correct cycle
+ input logic iccm_correction_state, // ICCM under a correction - This is needed to guard replacements when hit
+ input logic [2:0] iccm_wr_size, // ICCM write size
+ input logic [77:0] iccm_wr_data, // ICCM write data
+ input eb1_ccm_ext_in_pkt_t [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] iccm_ext_in_pkt, // External packet
+ output logic [63:0] iccm_rd_data, // ICCM read data
+ output logic [77:0] iccm_rd_data_ecc, // ICCM read ecc
+ input logic scan_mode // Scan mode control
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] wren_bank;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] rden_bank;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] iccm_clken;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:pt.ICCM_BANK_INDEX_LO] addr_bank;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] [38:0] iccm_bank_dout, iccm_bank_dout_fn;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] [38:0] iccm_bank_wr_data;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:1] addr_bank_inc;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_BANK_HI : 2] iccm_rd_addr_hi_q;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_BANK_HI : 1] iccm_rd_addr_lo_q;
+ logic [63:0] iccm_rd_data_pre;
+ logic [63:0] iccm_data;
+ logic [1:0] addr_incr;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] [38:0] iccm_bank_wr_data_vec;
+ // logic to handle hard persisten faults
+ logic [1:0] [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] redundant_address;
+ logic [1:0] [38:0] redundant_data;
+ logic [1:0] redundant_valid;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] sel_red1, sel_red0, sel_red1_q, sel_red0_q;
+ logic [38:0] redundant_data0_in, redundant_data1_in;
+ logic redundant_lru, redundant_lru_in, redundant_lru_en;
+ logic redundant_data0_en;
+ logic redundant_data1_en;
+ logic r0_addr_en, r1_addr_en;
+ // Testing persistent flip
+ // logic [3:0] not_iccm_bank_dout;
+ // logic [15:3] ecc_insert_flip_in, ecc_insert_flip;
+ // logic flip_en, flip_match, flip_match_q;
+ //
+ // assign flip_in = (iccm_rw_addr[3:2] != 2'b00); // dont flip when bank0 - this is to make some progress in DMA streaming cases
+ // assign flip_en = iccm_rden;
+ //
+ // rvdffs #(1) flipmatch (.*,
+ // .clk(clk),
+ // .din(flip_in),
+ // .en(flip_en),
+ // .dout(flip_match_q));
+ //
+ // end of testing flip
+ assign addr_incr[1:0] = (iccm_wr_size[1:0] == 2'b11) ? 2'b10: 2'b01;
+ assign addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BITS-1 : 1] = iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1 : 1] + addr_incr[1:0];
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS/2; i++) begin: mem_bank_data
+ assign iccm_bank_wr_data_vec[(2*i)] = iccm_wr_data[38:0];
+ assign iccm_bank_wr_data_vec[(2*i)+1] = iccm_wr_data[77:39];
+ end
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS; i++) begin: mem_bank
+ assign wren_bank[i] = iccm_wren & ((iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2] == i) | (addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2] == i));
+ assign iccm_bank_wr_data[i] = iccm_bank_wr_data_vec[i];
+ assign rden_bank[i] = iccm_rden & ( (iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2] == i) | (addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2] == i));
+ assign iccm_clken[i] = wren_bank[i] | rden_bank[i] | clk_override;
+ assign addr_bank[i][pt.ICCM_BITS-1 : pt.ICCM_BANK_INDEX_LO] = wren_bank[i] ? iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1 : pt.ICCM_BANK_INDEX_LO] :
+ ((addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2] == i) ?
+ addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BITS-1 : pt.ICCM_BANK_INDEX_LO] :
+ iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1 : pt.ICCM_BANK_INDEX_LO]);
+ `ifdef VERILATOR
+ /*eb1_ram #(.depth(1<<pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS), .width(39)) iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );*/
+ sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8 sram(
+ .vccd1(vccd1),
+ .vssd1(vssd1),
+ `endif
+ .clk0(clk),
+ .csb0(~iccm_clken[i]),
+ .web0(~wren_bank[i]),
+ .wmask0(4'hf),
+ .addr0(addr_bank[i]),
+ .din0(iccm_bank_wr_data[i]),
+ .dout0(iccm_bank_dout[i]),
+ .clk1(clk),
+ .csb1(1'b1),
+ .addr1(10'h000),
+ .dout1()
+ );
+ `else
+ if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 6 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_64x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 7 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_128x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 8 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_256x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 9 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_512x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 10 ) begin : iccm
+ /* ram_1024x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );*/
+ sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8 sram(
+ .vccd1(vccd1),
+ .vssd1(vssd1),
+ `endif
+ .clk0(clk),
+ .csb0(~iccm_clken[i]),
+ .web0(~wren_bank[i]),
+ .wmask0(4'hf),
+ .addr0(addr_bank[i]),
+ .din0(iccm_bank_wr_data[i]),
+ .dout0(iccm_bank_dout[i]),
+ .clk1(clk),
+ .csb1(1'b1),
+ .addr1(10'h000),
+ .dout1()
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 11 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_2048x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 12 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_4096x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 13 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_8192x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else if (pt.ICCM_INDEX_BITS == 14 ) begin : iccm
+ ram_16384x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ else begin : iccm
+ ram_32768x39 iccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .ME(iccm_clken[i]),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(iccm_bank_wr_data[i][38:0]),
+ .Q(iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .TEST1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1),
+ .RME(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME),
+ .RM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM),
+ .LS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS),
+ .DS(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS),
+ .SD(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD) ,
+ .TEST_RNM(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM),
+ .BC1(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1),
+ .BC2(iccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2)
+ );
+ end // block: iccm
+ // match the redundant rows
+ assign sel_red1[i] = (redundant_valid[1] & (((iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] == redundant_address[1][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]) & (iccm_rw_addr[3:2] == i)) |
+ ((addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]== redundant_address[1][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]) & (addr_bank_inc[3:2] == i))));
+ assign sel_red0[i] = (redundant_valid[0] & (((iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] == redundant_address[0][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]) & (iccm_rw_addr[3:2] == i)) |
+ ((addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]== redundant_address[0][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]) & (addr_bank_inc[3:2] == i))));
+ rvdff #(1) selred0 (.*,
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .din(sel_red0[i]),
+ .dout(sel_red0_q[i]));
+ rvdff #(1) selred1 (.*,
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .din(sel_red1[i]),
+ .dout(sel_red1_q[i]));
+ // muxing out the memory data with the redundant data if the address matches
+ assign iccm_bank_dout_fn[i][38:0] = ({39{sel_red1_q[i]}} & redundant_data[1][38:0]) |
+ ({39{sel_red0_q[i]}} & redundant_data[0][38:0]) |
+ ({39{~sel_red0_q[i] & ~sel_red1_q[i]}} & iccm_bank_dout[i][38:0]);
+ end : mem_bank
+// This section does the redundancy for tolerating single bit errors
+// 2x 39 bit data values with address[hi:2] and a valid bit is needed to CAM and sub out the reads/writes to the particular locations
+// Also a LRU flop is kept to decide which of the redundant element to replace.
+ assign r0_addr_en = ~redundant_lru & iccm_buf_correct_ecc;
+ assign r1_addr_en = redundant_lru & iccm_buf_correct_ecc;
+ assign redundant_lru_en = iccm_buf_correct_ecc | (((|sel_red0[pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]) | (|sel_red1[pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0])) & iccm_rden & iccm_correction_state);
+ assign redundant_lru_in = iccm_buf_correct_ecc ? ~redundant_lru : (|sel_red0[pt.ICCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0]) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+ rvdffs #() red_lru (.*, // LRU flop for the redundant replacements
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .en(redundant_lru_en),
+ .din(redundant_lru_in),
+ .dout(redundant_lru));
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICCM_BITS-2) r0_address (.*, // Redundant Row 0 address
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .en(r0_addr_en),
+ .din(iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]),
+ .dout(redundant_address[0][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]));
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICCM_BITS-2) r1_address (.*, // Redundant Row 0 address
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .en(r1_addr_en),
+ .din(iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]),
+ .dout(redundant_address[1][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]));
+ rvdffs #(1) r0_valid (.*,
+ .clk(active_clk), // Redundant Row 0 Valid
+ .en(r0_addr_en),
+ .din(1'b1),
+ .dout(redundant_valid[0]));
+ rvdffs #(1) r1_valid (.*, // Redundant Row 1 Valid
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .en(r1_addr_en),
+ .din(1'b1),
+ .dout(redundant_valid[1]));
+ // We will have to update the Redundant copies in addition to the memory on subsequent writes to this memory location.
+ // The data gets updated on : 1) correction cycle, 2) Future writes - this could be W writes from DMA ( match up till addr[2]) or DW writes ( match till address[3])
+ // The data to pick also depends on the current address[2], size and the addr[2] stored in the address field of the redundant flop. Correction cycle is always W write and the data is splat on both legs, so choosing lower Word
+ assign redundant_data0_en = ((iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:3] == redundant_address[0][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:3]) & ((iccm_rw_addr[2] == redundant_address[0][2]) | (iccm_wr_size[1:0] == 2'b11)) & redundant_valid[0] & iccm_wren) |
+ (~redundant_lru & iccm_buf_correct_ecc);
+ assign redundant_data0_in[38:0] = (((iccm_rw_addr[2] == redundant_address[0][2]) & iccm_rw_addr[2]) | (redundant_address[0][2] & (iccm_wr_size[1:0] == 2'b11))) ? iccm_wr_data[77:39] : iccm_wr_data[38:0];
+ rvdffs #(39) r0_data (.*, // Redundant Row 1 data
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .en(redundant_data0_en),
+ .din(redundant_data0_in[38:0]),
+ .dout(redundant_data[0][38:0]));
+ assign redundant_data1_en = ((iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:3] == redundant_address[1][pt.ICCM_BITS-1:3]) & ((iccm_rw_addr[2] == redundant_address[1][2]) | (iccm_wr_size[1:0] == 2'b11)) & redundant_valid[1] & iccm_wren) |
+ (redundant_lru & iccm_buf_correct_ecc);
+ assign redundant_data1_in[38:0] = (((iccm_rw_addr[2] == redundant_address[1][2]) & iccm_rw_addr[2]) | (redundant_address[1][2] & (iccm_wr_size[1:0] == 2'b11))) ? iccm_wr_data[77:39] : iccm_wr_data[38:0];
+ rvdffs #(39) r1_data (.*, // Redundant Row 1 data
+ .clk(active_clk),
+ .en(redundant_data1_en),
+ .din(redundant_data1_in[38:0]),
+ .dout(redundant_data[1][38:0]));
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICCM_BANK_HI) rd_addr_lo_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(iccm_rw_addr [pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:1]), .dout(iccm_rd_addr_lo_q[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:1]), .en(1'b1)); // bit 0 of address is always 0
+ rvdffs #(pt.ICCM_BANK_BITS) rd_addr_hi_ff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(addr_bank_inc[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2]), .dout(iccm_rd_addr_hi_q[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2]), .en(1'b1));
+ assign iccm_rd_data_pre[63:0] = {iccm_bank_dout_fn[iccm_rd_addr_hi_q][31:0], iccm_bank_dout_fn[iccm_rd_addr_lo_q[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2]][31:0]};
+ assign iccm_data[63:0] = 64'({16'b0, (iccm_rd_data_pre[63:0] >> (16*iccm_rd_addr_lo_q[1]))});
+ assign iccm_rd_data[63:0] = {iccm_data[63:0]};
+ assign iccm_rd_data_ecc[77:0] = {iccm_bank_dout_fn[iccm_rd_addr_hi_q][38:0], iccm_bank_dout_fn[iccm_rd_addr_lo_q[pt.ICCM_BANK_HI:2]][38:0]};
+endmodule // eb1_ifu_iccm_mem
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5f59a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Function: Fetch pipe control
+// Comments:
+module eb1_ifu_ifc_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic free_l2clk, // Clock always. Through one clock header. For flops with second header built in.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset enable, from core pin
+ input logic scan_mode, // scan
+ input logic ic_hit_f, // Icache hit
+ input logic ifu_ic_mb_empty, // Miss buffer empty
+ input logic ifu_fb_consume1, // Aligner consumed 1 fetch buffer
+ input logic ifu_fb_consume2, // Aligner consumed 2 fetch buffers
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb, // Don't fetch on flush
+ input logic exu_flush_final, // FLush
+ input logic [31:1] exu_flush_path_final, // Flush path
+ input logic ifu_bp_hit_taken_f, // btb hit, select the target path
+ input logic [31:1] ifu_bp_btb_target_f, // predicted target PC
+ input logic ic_dma_active, // IC DMA active, stop fetching
+ input logic ic_write_stall, // IC is writing, stop fetching
+ input logic dma_iccm_stall_any, // force a stall in the fetch pipe for DMA ICCM access
+ input logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mrac_ff , // side_effect and cacheable for each region
+ output logic [31:1] ifc_fetch_addr_f, // fetch addr F
+ output logic [31:1] ifc_fetch_addr_bf, // fetch addr BF
+ output logic ifc_fetch_req_f, // fetch request valid F
+ output logic ifu_pmu_fetch_stall, // pmu event measuring fetch stall
+ output logic ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf, // The fetch request is uncacheable space. BF stage
+ output logic ifc_fetch_req_bf, // Fetch request. Comes with the address. BF stage
+ output logic ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw, // Fetch request without some qualifications. Used for clock-gating. BF stage
+ output logic ifc_iccm_access_bf, // This request is to the ICCM. Do not generate misses to the bus.
+ output logic ifc_region_acc_fault_bf, // Access fault. in ICCM region but offset is outside defined ICCM.
+ output logic ifc_dma_access_ok // fetch is not accessing the ICCM, DMA can proceed
+ );
+ logic [31:1] fetch_addr_bf;
+ logic [31:1] fetch_addr_next;
+ logic [3:0] fb_write_f, fb_write_ns;
+ logic fb_full_f_ns, fb_full_f;
+ logic fb_right, fb_right2, fb_left, wfm, idle;
+ logic sel_last_addr_bf, sel_next_addr_bf;
+ logic miss_f, miss_a;
+ logic flush_fb, dma_iccm_stall_any_f;
+ logic mb_empty_mod, goto_idle, leave_idle;
+ logic fetch_bf_en;
+ logic line_wrap;
+ logic fetch_addr_next_1;
+ // FSM assignment
+ typedef enum logic [1:0] { IDLE = 2'b00 ,
+ FETCH = 2'b01 ,
+ STALL = 2'b10 ,
+ WFM = 2'b11 } state_t ;
+ state_t state ;
+ state_t next_state ;
+ logic dma_stall;
+ assign dma_stall = ic_dma_active | dma_iccm_stall_any_f;
+ // Fetch address mux
+ // - flush
+ // - Miss *or* flush during WFM (icache miss buffer is blocking)
+ // - Sequential
+if(pt.BTB_ENABLE==1) begin
+ logic sel_btb_addr_bf;
+ assign sel_last_addr_bf = ~exu_flush_final & (~ifc_fetch_req_f | ~ic_hit_f);
+ assign sel_btb_addr_bf = ~exu_flush_final & ifc_fetch_req_f & ifu_bp_hit_taken_f & ic_hit_f;
+ assign sel_next_addr_bf = ~exu_flush_final & ifc_fetch_req_f & ~ifu_bp_hit_taken_f & ic_hit_f;
+ assign fetch_addr_bf[31:1] = ( ({31{exu_flush_final}} & exu_flush_path_final[31:1]) | // FLUSH path
+ ({31{sel_last_addr_bf}} & ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:1]) | // MISS path
+ ({31{sel_btb_addr_bf}} & {ifu_bp_btb_target_f[31:1]})| // BTB target
+ ({31{sel_next_addr_bf}} & {fetch_addr_next[31:1]})); // SEQ path
+end // if (pt.BTB_ENABLE=1)
+ else begin
+ assign sel_last_addr_bf = ~exu_flush_final & (~ifc_fetch_req_f | ~ic_hit_f);
+ assign sel_next_addr_bf = ~exu_flush_final & ifc_fetch_req_f & ic_hit_f;
+ assign fetch_addr_bf[31:1] = ( ({31{exu_flush_final}} & exu_flush_path_final[31:1]) | // FLUSH path
+ ({31{sel_last_addr_bf}} & ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:1]) | // MISS path
+ ({31{sel_next_addr_bf}} & {fetch_addr_next[31:1]})); // SEQ path
+ assign fetch_addr_next[31:1] = {({ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:2]} + 31'b1), fetch_addr_next_1 };
+ assign line_wrap = (fetch_addr_next[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ^ ifc_fetch_addr_f[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]);
+ assign fetch_addr_next_1 = line_wrap ? 1'b0 : ifc_fetch_addr_f[1];
+ assign ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw = ~idle;
+ assign ifc_fetch_req_bf = ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw &
+ ~(fb_full_f_ns & ~(ifu_fb_consume2 | ifu_fb_consume1)) &
+ ~dma_stall &
+ ~ic_write_stall &
+ ~dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb ;
+ assign fetch_bf_en = exu_flush_final | ifc_fetch_req_f;
+ assign miss_f = ifc_fetch_req_f & ~ic_hit_f & ~exu_flush_final;
+ assign mb_empty_mod = (ifu_ic_mb_empty | exu_flush_final) & ~dma_stall & ~miss_f & ~miss_a;
+ // Halt flushes and takes us to IDLE
+ assign goto_idle = exu_flush_final & dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb;
+ // If we're in IDLE, and we get a flush, goto FETCH
+ assign leave_idle = exu_flush_final & ~dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb & idle;
+//.i 7
+//.o 2
+//.ilb state[1] state[0] reset_delayed miss_f mb_empty_mod goto_idle leave_idle
+//.ob next_state[1] next_state[0]
+//.type fr
+//# fetch 01, stall 10, wfm 11, idle 00
+//-- 1---- 01
+//-- 0--1- 00
+//00 0--00 00
+//00 0--01 01
+//01 01-0- 11
+//01 00-0- 01
+//11 0-10- 01
+//11 0-00- 11
+ assign next_state[1] = (~state[1] & state[0] & miss_f & ~goto_idle) |
+ (state[1] & ~mb_empty_mod & ~goto_idle);
+ assign next_state[0] = (~goto_idle & leave_idle) | (state[0] & ~goto_idle);
+ assign flush_fb = exu_flush_final;
+ // model fb write logic to mass balance the fetch buffers
+ assign fb_right = ( ifu_fb_consume1 & ~ifu_fb_consume2 & (~ifc_fetch_req_f | miss_f)) | // Consumed and no new fetch
+ (ifu_fb_consume2 & ifc_fetch_req_f); // Consumed 2 and new fetch
+ assign fb_right2 = (ifu_fb_consume2 & (~ifc_fetch_req_f | miss_f)); // Consumed 2 and no new fetch
+ assign fb_left = ifc_fetch_req_f & ~(ifu_fb_consume1 | ifu_fb_consume2) & ~miss_f;
+// CBH
+ assign fb_write_ns[3:0] = ( ({4{(flush_fb)}} & 4'b0001) |
+ ({4{~flush_fb & fb_right }} & {1'b0, fb_write_f[3:1]}) |
+ ({4{~flush_fb & fb_right2}} & {2'b0, fb_write_f[3:2]}) |
+ ({4{~flush_fb & fb_left }} & {fb_write_f[2:0], 1'b0}) |
+ ({4{~flush_fb & ~fb_right & ~fb_right2 & ~fb_left}} & fb_write_f[3:0]));
+ assign fb_full_f_ns = fb_write_ns[3];
+ assign idle = state == IDLE ;
+ assign wfm = state == WFM ;
+ rvdffie #(10) fbwrite_ff (.*, .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din( {dma_iccm_stall_any, miss_f, ifc_fetch_req_bf, next_state[1:0], fb_full_f_ns, fb_write_ns[3:0]}),
+ .dout({dma_iccm_stall_any_f, miss_a, ifc_fetch_req_f, state[1:0], fb_full_f, fb_write_f[3:0]}));
+ assign ifu_pmu_fetch_stall = wfm |
+ (ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw & ( (fb_full_f & ~(ifu_fb_consume2 | ifu_fb_consume1 | exu_flush_final)) |
+ dma_stall));
+ assign ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1] = fetch_addr_bf[31:1];
+ rvdffpcie #(31) faddrf1_ff (.*, .en(fetch_bf_en), .din(fetch_addr_bf[31:1]), .dout(ifc_fetch_addr_f[31:1]));
+ if (pt.ICCM_ENABLE) begin
+ logic iccm_acc_in_region_bf;
+ logic iccm_acc_in_range_bf;
+ rvrangecheck #( .CCM_SADR (pt.ICCM_SADR),
+ .CCM_SIZE (pt.ICCM_SIZE) ) iccm_rangecheck (
+ .addr ({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0}) ,
+ .in_range (iccm_acc_in_range_bf) ,
+ .in_region(iccm_acc_in_region_bf)
+ );
+ assign ifc_iccm_access_bf = iccm_acc_in_range_bf ;
+ assign ifc_dma_access_ok = ( (~ifc_iccm_access_bf |
+ (fb_full_f & ~(ifu_fb_consume2 | ifu_fb_consume1)) |
+ (wfm & ~ifc_fetch_req_bf) |
+ idle ) & ~exu_flush_final) |
+ dma_iccm_stall_any_f;
+ assign ifc_region_acc_fault_bf = ~iccm_acc_in_range_bf & iccm_acc_in_region_bf ;
+ end
+ else begin
+ assign ifc_iccm_access_bf = 1'b0 ;
+ assign ifc_dma_access_ok = 1'b0 ;
+ assign ifc_region_acc_fault_bf = 1'b0 ;
+ end
+ assign ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf = ~dec_tlu_mrac_ff[{ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:28] , 1'b0 }] ; // bit 0 of each region description is the cacheable bit
+endmodule // eb1_ifu_ifc_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77c9ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,1672 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Function: Icache , iccm control
+// BFF -> F1 -> F2 -> A
+module eb1_ifu_mem_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic free_l2clk, // Clock always. Through one clock header. For flops with second header built in.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic exu_flush_final, // Flush from the pipeline., includes flush lower
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb, // Flush lower from the pipeline.
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_err_wb, // Flush from the pipeline due to perr.
+ input logic dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt, // committed i0 instruction
+ input logic dec_tlu_force_halt, // force halt.
+ input logic [31:1] ifc_fetch_addr_bf, // Fetch Address byte aligned always. F1 stage.
+ input logic ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf, // The fetch request is uncacheable space. F1 stage
+ input logic ifc_fetch_req_bf, // Fetch request. Comes with the address. F1 stage
+ input logic ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw, // Fetch request without some qualifications. Used for clock-gating. F1 stage
+ input logic ifc_iccm_access_bf, // This request is to the ICCM. Do not generate misses to the bus.
+ input logic ifc_region_acc_fault_bf, // Access fault. in ICCM region but offset is outside defined ICCM.
+ input logic ifc_dma_access_ok, // It is OK to give dma access to the ICCM. (ICCM is not busy this cycle).
+ input logic dec_tlu_fence_i_wb, // Fence.i instruction is committing. Clear all Icache valids.
+ input logic ifu_bp_hit_taken_f, // Branch is predicted taken. Kill the fetch next cycle.
+ input logic ifu_bp_inst_mask_f, // tell ic which valids to kill because of a taken branch, right justified
+ output logic ifu_miss_state_idle, // No icache misses are outstanding.
+ output logic ifu_ic_mb_empty, // Continue with normal fetching. This does not mean that miss is finished.
+ output logic ic_dma_active , // In the middle of servicing dma request to ICCM. Do not make any new requests.
+ output logic ic_write_stall, // Stall fetch the cycle we are writing the cache.
+/// PMU signals
+ output logic ifu_pmu_ic_miss, // IC miss event
+ output logic ifu_pmu_ic_hit, // IC hit event
+ output logic ifu_pmu_bus_error, // Bus error event
+ output logic ifu_pmu_bus_busy, // Bus busy event
+ output logic ifu_pmu_bus_trxn, // Bus transaction
+ //-------------------------- IFU AXI signals--------------------------
+ // AXI Write Channels
+ output logic ifu_axi_awvalid,
+ output logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_awid,
+ output logic [31:0] ifu_axi_awaddr,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_awregion,
+ output logic [7:0] ifu_axi_awlen,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_awsize,
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_axi_awburst,
+ output logic ifu_axi_awlock,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_awcache,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_awprot,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_awqos,
+ output logic ifu_axi_wvalid,
+ output logic [63:0] ifu_axi_wdata,
+ output logic [7:0] ifu_axi_wstrb,
+ output logic ifu_axi_wlast,
+ output logic ifu_axi_bready,
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ output logic ifu_axi_arvalid,
+ input logic ifu_axi_arready,
+ output logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_arid,
+ output logic [31:0] ifu_axi_araddr,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_arregion,
+ output logic [7:0] ifu_axi_arlen,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_arsize,
+ output logic [1:0] ifu_axi_arburst,
+ output logic ifu_axi_arlock,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_arcache,
+ output logic [2:0] ifu_axi_arprot,
+ output logic [3:0] ifu_axi_arqos,
+ input logic ifu_axi_rvalid,
+ output logic ifu_axi_rready,
+ input logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_rid,
+ input logic [63:0] ifu_axi_rdata,
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_axi_rresp,
+ input logic ifu_bus_clk_en,
+ input logic dma_iccm_req, // dma iccm command (read or write)
+ input logic [31:0] dma_mem_addr, // dma address
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_sz, // size
+ input logic dma_mem_write, // write
+ input logic [63:0] dma_mem_wdata, // write data
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_tag, // DMA Buffer entry number
+ output logic iccm_dma_ecc_error,// Data read from iccm has an ecc error
+ output logic iccm_dma_rvalid, // Data read from iccm is valid
+ output logic [63:0] iccm_dma_rdata, // dma data read from iccm
+ output logic [2:0] iccm_dma_rtag, // Tag of the DMA req
+ output logic iccm_ready, // iccm ready to accept new command.
+// I$ & ITAG Ports
+ output logic [31:1] ic_rw_addr, // Read/Write addresss to the Icache.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_wr_en, // Icache write enable, when filling the Icache.
+ output logic ic_rd_en, // Icache read enable.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] [70:0] ic_wr_data, // Data to fill to the Icache. With ECC
+ input logic [63:0] ic_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ input logic [70:0] ic_debug_rd_data , // Data read from Icache. 2x64bits + parity bits. F2 stage. With ECC
+ input logic [25:0] ictag_debug_rd_data, // Debug icache tag.
+ output logic [70:0] ic_debug_wr_data, // Debug wr cache.
+ output logic [70:0] ifu_ic_debug_rd_data, // debug data read
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_eccerr, //
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0] ic_parerr,
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3] ic_debug_addr, // Read/Write addresss to the Icache.
+ output logic ic_debug_rd_en, // Icache debug rd
+ output logic ic_debug_wr_en, // Icache debug wr
+ output logic ic_debug_tag_array, // Debug tag array
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_way, // Debug way. Rd or Wr.
+ output logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_valid, // Valid bits when accessing the Icache. One valid bit per way. F2 stage
+ input logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_rd_hit, // Compare hits from Icache tags. Per way. F2 stage
+ input logic ic_tag_perr, // Icache Tag parity error
+ // ICCM ports
+ output logic [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:1] iccm_rw_addr, // ICCM read/write address.
+ output logic iccm_wren, // ICCM write enable (through the DMA)
+ output logic iccm_rden, // ICCM read enable.
+ output logic [77:0] iccm_wr_data, // ICCM write data.
+ output logic [2:0] iccm_wr_size, // ICCM write location within DW.
+ input logic [63:0] iccm_rd_data, // Data read from ICCM.
+ input logic [77:0] iccm_rd_data_ecc, // Data + ECC read from ICCM.
+ input logic [1:0] ifu_fetch_val,
+ // IFU control signals
+ output logic ic_hit_f, // Hit in Icache(if Icache access) or ICCM access( ICCM always has ic_hit_f)
+ output logic [1:0] ic_access_fault_f, // Access fault (bus error or ICCM access in region but out of offset range).
+ output logic [1:0] ic_access_fault_type_f, // Access fault types
+ output logic iccm_rd_ecc_single_err, // This fetch has a single ICCM ecc error.
+ output logic [1:0] iccm_rd_ecc_double_err, // This fetch has a double ICCM ecc error.
+ output logic ic_error_start, // This has any I$ errors ( data/tag/ecc/parity )
+ output logic ifu_async_error_start, // Or of the sb iccm, and all the icache errors sent to aligner to stop
+ output logic iccm_dma_sb_error, // Single Bit ECC error from a DMA access
+ output logic [1:0] ic_fetch_val_f, // valid bytes for fetch. To the Aligner.
+ output logic [31:0] ic_data_f, // Data read from Icache or ICCM. To the Aligner.
+ output logic [63:0] ic_premux_data, // Premuxed data to be muxed with Icache data
+ output logic ic_sel_premux_data, // Select premux data.
+///// Debug
+ input eb1_cache_debug_pkt_t dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt , // Icache/tag debug read/write packet
+ input logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable, // disable the ecc checking and flagging
+ output logic ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid, // debug data valid.
+ output logic iccm_buf_correct_ecc,
+ output logic iccm_correction_state,
+ input logic scan_mode
+ );
+// Create different defines for ICACHE and ICCM enable combinations
+ localparam NUM_OF_BEATS = 8 ;
+ logic [31:3] ifu_ic_req_addr_f;
+ logic uncacheable_miss_in ;
+ logic uncacheable_miss_ff;
+ logic bus_ifu_wr_en ;
+ logic bus_ifu_wr_en_ff ;
+ logic bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_q ;
+ logic bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_wo_err ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] bus_ic_wr_en ;
+ logic reset_tag_valid_for_miss ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_mb_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_rep_new;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_mb_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_new;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_hit_new;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_new_w_debug;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] tagv_mb_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] tagv_mb_ff;
+ logic ifu_wr_data_comb_err ;
+ logic ifu_byp_data_err_new;
+ logic [1:0] ifu_byp_data_err_f;
+ logic ifu_wr_cumulative_err_data;
+ logic ifu_wr_cumulative_err;
+ logic ifu_wr_data_comb_err_ff;
+ logic scnd_miss_index_match ;
+ logic ifc_dma_access_q_ok;
+ logic ifc_iccm_access_f ;
+ logic ifc_region_acc_fault_f;
+ logic ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f;
+ logic [1:0] ifc_bus_acc_fault_f;
+ logic ic_act_miss_f;
+ logic ic_miss_under_miss_f;
+ logic ic_ignore_2nd_miss_f;
+ logic ic_act_hit_f;
+ logic miss_pending;
+ logic [31:1] imb_in , imb_ff ;
+ logic [31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] miss_addr_in , miss_addr ;
+ logic miss_wrap_f ;
+ logic flush_final_f;
+ logic ifc_fetch_req_f;
+ logic ifc_fetch_req_f_raw;
+ logic fetch_req_f_qual ;
+ logic ifc_fetch_req_qual_bf ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] replace_way_mb_any;
+ logic last_beat;
+ logic reset_beat_cnt ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] ic_req_addr_bits_hi_3 ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] ic_wr_addr_bits_hi_3 ;
+ logic [31:1] ifu_fetch_addr_int_f ;
+ logic [31:1] ifu_ic_rw_int_addr ;
+ logic crit_wd_byp_ok_ff ;
+ logic ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_ff;
+ logic [79:0] ic_byp_data_only_pre_new;
+ logic [79:0] ic_byp_data_only_new;
+ logic ic_byp_hit_f ;
+ logic ic_valid ;
+ logic ic_valid_ff;
+ logic reset_all_tags;
+ logic ic_valid_w_debug;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ifu_tag_wren,ifu_tag_wren_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_tag_wr_en;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ifu_tag_wren_w_debug;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_debug_way_ff;
+ logic ic_debug_rd_en_ff ;
+ logic fetch_bf_f_c1_clken ;
+ logic fetch_bf_f_c1_clk;
+ logic debug_c1_clken;
+ logic debug_c1_clk;
+ logic reset_ic_in ;
+ logic reset_ic_ff ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] vaddr_f ;
+ logic [31:1] ifu_status_wr_addr;
+ logic sel_mb_addr ;
+ logic sel_mb_addr_ff ;
+ logic sel_mb_status_addr ;
+ logic [63:0] ic_final_data;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_ff ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ifu_status_wr_addr_ff ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_w_debug ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ifu_status_wr_addr_w_debug ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_new_ff ;
+ logic way_status_wr_en_ff ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH-1:0][pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_out ;
+ logic [1:0] ic_debug_way_enc;
+ logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_bus_rid_ff;
+ logic fetch_req_icache_f;
+ logic fetch_req_iccm_f;
+ logic ic_iccm_hit_f;
+ logic fetch_uncacheable_ff;
+ logic way_status_wr_en;
+ logic sel_byp_data;
+ logic sel_ic_data;
+ logic sel_iccm_data;
+ logic ic_rd_parity_final_err;
+ logic ic_act_miss_f_delayed;
+ logic bus_ifu_wr_data_error;
+ logic bus_ifu_wr_data_error_ff;
+ logic way_status_wr_en_w_debug;
+ logic ic_debug_tag_val_rd_out;
+ logic ifu_pmu_ic_miss_in;
+ logic ifu_pmu_ic_hit_in;
+ logic ifu_pmu_bus_error_in;
+ logic ifu_pmu_bus_trxn_in;
+ logic ifu_pmu_bus_busy_in;
+ logic ic_debug_ict_array_sel_in;
+ logic ic_debug_ict_array_sel_ff;
+ logic debug_data_clken;
+ logic last_data_recieved_in ;
+ logic last_data_recieved_ff ;
+ logic ifu_bus_rvalid ;
+ logic ifu_bus_rvalid_ff ;
+ logic ifu_bus_rvalid_unq_ff ;
+ logic ifu_bus_arready_unq ;
+ logic ifu_bus_arready_unq_ff ;
+ logic ifu_bus_arvalid ;
+ logic ifu_bus_arvalid_ff ;
+ logic ifu_bus_arready ;
+ logic ifu_bus_arready_ff ;
+ logic [63:0] ifu_bus_rdata_ff ;
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bus_rresp_ff ;
+ logic ifu_bus_rsp_valid ;
+ logic ifu_bus_rsp_ready ;
+ logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_bus_rsp_tag;
+ logic [63:0] ifu_bus_rsp_rdata;
+ logic [1:0] ifu_bus_rsp_opc;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS-1:0] write_fill_data;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS-1:0] wr_data_c1_clk;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS-1:0] ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS-1:0] ic_miss_buff_data_valid;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS-1:0] ic_miss_buff_data_error_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS-1:0] ic_miss_buff_data_error;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] byp_fetch_index;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] byp_fetch_index_0;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] byp_fetch_index_1;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] byp_fetch_index_inc;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] byp_fetch_index_inc_0;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] byp_fetch_index_inc_1;
+ logic miss_buff_hit_unq_f ;
+ logic stream_hit_f ;
+ logic stream_miss_f ;
+ logic stream_eol_f ;
+ logic crit_byp_hit_f ;
+ logic [pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] other_tag ;
+ logic [(2*pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS)-1:0] [31:0] ic_miss_buff_data;
+ logic [63:0] ic_miss_buff_half;
+ logic scnd_miss_req, scnd_miss_req_q;
+ logic scnd_miss_req_in;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] iccm_ecc_corr_index_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] iccm_ecc_corr_index_in;
+ logic [38:0] iccm_ecc_corr_data_ff;
+ logic iccm_ecc_write_status ;
+ logic iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_ff ;
+ logic iccm_error_start; // start the error fsm
+ logic perr_state_en;
+ logic miss_state_en;
+ logic busclk;
+ logic busclk_force;
+ logic busclk_reset;
+ logic bus_ifu_bus_clk_en_ff;
+ logic bus_ifu_bus_clk_en ;
+ logic ifc_bus_ic_req_ff_in;
+ logic ifu_bus_cmd_valid ;
+ logic ifu_bus_cmd_ready ;
+ logic bus_inc_data_beat_cnt ;
+ logic bus_reset_data_beat_cnt ;
+ logic bus_hold_data_beat_cnt ;
+ logic bus_inc_cmd_beat_cnt ;
+ logic bus_reset_cmd_beat_cnt_0 ;
+ logic bus_reset_cmd_beat_cnt_secondlast ;
+ logic bus_hold_cmd_beat_cnt ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] bus_new_data_beat_count ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] bus_data_beat_count ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] bus_new_cmd_beat_count ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] bus_cmd_beat_count ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] bus_new_rd_addr_count;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] bus_rd_addr_count;
+ logic bus_cmd_sent ;
+ logic bus_last_data_beat ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] bus_wren ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] bus_wren_last ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] wren_reset_miss ;
+ logic ifc_dma_access_ok_d;
+ logic ifc_dma_access_ok_prev;
+ logic bus_cmd_req_in ;
+ logic bus_cmd_req_hold ;
+ logic second_half_available ;
+ logic write_ic_16_bytes ;
+ logic ifc_region_acc_fault_final_bf;
+ logic ifc_region_acc_fault_memory_bf;
+ logic ifc_region_acc_fault_memory_f;
+ logic ifc_region_acc_okay;
+ logic iccm_correct_ecc;
+ logic dma_sb_err_state, dma_sb_err_state_ff;
+ logic two_byte_instr;
+ typedef enum logic [2:0] {IDLE=3'b000, CRIT_BYP_OK=3'b001, HIT_U_MISS=3'b010, MISS_WAIT=3'b011,CRIT_WRD_RDY=3'b100,SCND_MISS=3'b101,STREAM=3'b110 , STALL_SCND_MISS=3'b111} miss_state_t;
+ miss_state_t miss_state, miss_nxtstate;
+ typedef enum logic [1:0] {ERR_STOP_IDLE=2'b00, ERR_FETCH1=2'b01 , ERR_FETCH2=2'b10 , ERR_STOP_FETCH=2'b11} err_stop_state_t;
+ err_stop_state_t err_stop_state, err_stop_nxtstate;
+ logic err_stop_state_en ;
+ logic err_stop_fetch ;
+ logic ic_crit_wd_rdy; // Critical fetch is ready to be bypassed.
+ logic ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f;
+ logic ifu_bus_rvalid_unq;
+ logic bus_cmd_beat_en;
+// ---- Clock gating section -----
+// c1 clock enables
+ assign fetch_bf_f_c1_clken = ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw | ifc_fetch_req_f | miss_pending | exu_flush_final | scnd_miss_req;
+ assign debug_c1_clken = ic_debug_rd_en | ic_debug_wr_en ;
+ // C1 - 1 clock pulse for data
+ assign fetch_bf_f_c1_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign debug_c1_clk = 1'b0;
+ rvclkhdr fetch_bf_f_c1_cgc ( .en(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .l1clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .* );
+ rvclkhdr debug_c1_cgc ( .en(debug_c1_clken), .l1clk(debug_c1_clk), .* );
+// ------ end clock gating section ------------------------
+ logic [1:0] iccm_single_ecc_error;
+ logic dma_iccm_req_f ;
+ assign iccm_dma_sb_error = (|iccm_single_ecc_error[1:0] ) & dma_iccm_req_f ;
+ assign ifu_async_error_start = iccm_rd_ecc_single_err | ic_error_start;
+ typedef enum logic [2:0] {ERR_IDLE=3'b000, IC_WFF=3'b001 , ECC_WFF=3'b010 , ECC_CORR=3'b011, DMA_SB_ERR=3'b100} perr_state_t;
+ perr_state_t perr_state, perr_nxtstate;
+ assign ic_dma_active = iccm_correct_ecc | (perr_state == DMA_SB_ERR) | (err_stop_state == ERR_STOP_FETCH) | err_stop_fetch |
+ dec_tlu_flush_err_wb; // The last term is to give a error-correction a chance to finish before refetch starts
+ assign scnd_miss_req_in = ifu_bus_rsp_valid & bus_ifu_bus_clk_en & ifu_bus_rsp_ready &
+ (&bus_new_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]) &
+ ~uncacheable_miss_ff & ((miss_state == SCND_MISS) | (miss_nxtstate == SCND_MISS)) & ~exu_flush_final;
+ assign ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f = ifu_bp_hit_taken_f & ic_hit_f ;
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create Miss State Machine ///////////////////////
+ // Create Miss State Machine //
+ // Create Miss State Machine //
+ // Create Miss State Machine //
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create Miss State Machine ///////////////////////
+ // FIFO state machine
+ always_comb begin : MISS_SM
+ miss_nxtstate = IDLE;
+ miss_state_en = 1'b0;
+ case (miss_state)
+ IDLE: begin : idle
+ miss_nxtstate = (ic_act_miss_f & ~exu_flush_final) ? CRIT_BYP_OK : HIT_U_MISS ;
+ miss_state_en = ic_act_miss_f & ~dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ end
+ CRIT_BYP_OK: begin : crit_byp_ok
+ miss_nxtstate = (dec_tlu_force_halt ) ? IDLE :
+ ( ic_byp_hit_f & (last_data_recieved_ff | (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat)) & uncacheable_miss_ff) ? IDLE :
+ ( ic_byp_hit_f & ~last_data_recieved_ff & uncacheable_miss_ff) ? MISS_WAIT :
+ (~ic_byp_hit_f & ~exu_flush_final & (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & uncacheable_miss_ff) ? CRIT_WRD_RDY :
+ ( (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~uncacheable_miss_ff) ? IDLE :
+ ( ic_byp_hit_f & ~exu_flush_final & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f & ~uncacheable_miss_ff) ? STREAM :
+ ( bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & ~exu_flush_final & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f & ~uncacheable_miss_ff) ? STREAM :
+ (~ic_byp_hit_f & ~exu_flush_final & (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~uncacheable_miss_ff) ? IDLE :
+ ( (exu_flush_final | ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f) & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) ) ? HIT_U_MISS : IDLE;
+ miss_state_en = dec_tlu_force_halt | exu_flush_final | ic_byp_hit_f | ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f | (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) | (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & ~uncacheable_miss_ff) ;
+ end
+ CRIT_WRD_RDY: begin : crit_wrd_rdy
+ miss_nxtstate = IDLE ;
+ miss_state_en = exu_flush_final | flush_final_f | ic_byp_hit_f | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ end
+ STREAM: begin : stream
+ miss_nxtstate = ((exu_flush_final | ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f | stream_eol_f ) & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt) ? HIT_U_MISS : IDLE ;
+ miss_state_en = exu_flush_final | ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f | stream_eol_f | (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ end
+ MISS_WAIT: begin : miss_wait
+ miss_nxtstate = (exu_flush_final & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt) ? HIT_U_MISS : IDLE ;
+ miss_state_en = exu_flush_final | (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ end
+ HIT_U_MISS: begin : hit_u_miss
+ miss_nxtstate = ic_miss_under_miss_f & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt ? SCND_MISS :
+ ic_ignore_2nd_miss_f & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt ? STALL_SCND_MISS : IDLE ;
+ miss_state_en = (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) | ic_miss_under_miss_f | ic_ignore_2nd_miss_f | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ end
+ SCND_MISS: begin : scnd_miss
+ miss_nxtstate = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE :
+ exu_flush_final ? ((bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) ? IDLE : HIT_U_MISS) : CRIT_BYP_OK;
+ miss_state_en = (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) | exu_flush_final | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ end
+ STALL_SCND_MISS: begin : stall_scnd_miss
+ miss_nxtstate = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE :
+ exu_flush_final ? ((bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) ? IDLE : HIT_U_MISS) : IDLE;
+ miss_state_en = (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) | exu_flush_final | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ end
+ default: begin : def_case
+ miss_nxtstate = IDLE;
+ miss_state_en = 1'b0;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ rvdffs #(($bits(miss_state_t))) miss_state_ff (.clk(active_clk), .din(miss_nxtstate), .dout({miss_state}), .en(miss_state_en), .*);
+ logic sel_hold_imb ;
+ assign miss_pending = (miss_state != IDLE) ;
+ assign crit_wd_byp_ok_ff = (miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK) | ((miss_state == CRIT_WRD_RDY) & ~flush_final_f);
+ assign sel_hold_imb = (miss_pending & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat) & ~((miss_state == CRIT_WRD_RDY) & exu_flush_final) &
+ ~((miss_state == CRIT_WRD_RDY) & crit_byp_hit_f) ) | ic_act_miss_f |
+ (miss_pending & (miss_nxtstate == CRIT_WRD_RDY)) ;
+ logic sel_hold_imb_scnd;
+ logic [31:1] imb_scnd_in;
+ logic [31:1] imb_scnd_ff;
+ logic uncacheable_miss_scnd_in ;
+ logic uncacheable_miss_scnd_ff ;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] tagv_mb_scnd_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] tagv_mb_scnd_ff;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_mb_scnd_in;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] way_status_mb_scnd_ff;
+ assign sel_hold_imb_scnd =((miss_state == SCND_MISS) | ic_miss_under_miss_f) & ~flush_final_f ;
+ assign way_status_mb_scnd_in[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = (miss_state == SCND_MISS) ? way_status_mb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] : {way_status[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]} ;
+ assign tagv_mb_scnd_in[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = (miss_state == SCND_MISS) ? tagv_mb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] : ({ic_tag_valid[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]} & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{~reset_all_tags & ~exu_flush_final}});
+ assign uncacheable_miss_scnd_in = sel_hold_imb_scnd ? uncacheable_miss_scnd_ff : ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf ;
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) unc_miss_scnd_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din (uncacheable_miss_scnd_in), .dout(uncacheable_miss_scnd_ff));
+ rvdffpcie #(31) imb_f_scnd_ff (.*, .en(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .din ({imb_scnd_in[31:1]}), .dout({imb_scnd_ff[31:1]}));
+ rvdff_fpga #(pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS) mb_rep_wayf2_scnd_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din ({way_status_mb_scnd_in[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]}), .dout({way_status_mb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]}));
+ rvdff_fpga #(pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS) mb_tagv_scnd_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din ({tagv_mb_scnd_in[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]}), .dout({tagv_mb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]}));
+ assign ic_req_addr_bits_hi_3[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] = bus_rd_addr_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] ;
+ assign ic_wr_addr_bits_hi_3[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] = ifu_bus_rid_ff[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] & {pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_ifu_wr_en_ff}};
+ // NOTE: Cacheline size is 16 bytes in this example.
+ // Tag Index Bank Offset
+ // [31:16] [15:5] [4] [3:0]
+ assign fetch_req_icache_f = ifc_fetch_req_f & ~ifc_iccm_access_f & ~ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f;
+ assign fetch_req_iccm_f = ifc_fetch_req_f & ifc_iccm_access_f;
+ assign ic_iccm_hit_f = fetch_req_iccm_f & (~miss_pending | (miss_state==HIT_U_MISS) | (miss_state==STREAM));
+ assign ic_byp_hit_f = (crit_byp_hit_f | stream_hit_f) & fetch_req_icache_f & miss_pending ;
+ assign ic_act_hit_f = (|ic_rd_hit[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]) & fetch_req_icache_f & ~reset_all_tags & (~miss_pending | (miss_state==HIT_U_MISS)) & ~sel_mb_addr_ff;
+ assign ic_act_miss_f = (((~(|ic_rd_hit[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]) | reset_all_tags) & fetch_req_icache_f & ~miss_pending) | scnd_miss_req) & ~ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f;
+ assign ic_miss_under_miss_f = (~(|ic_rd_hit[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]) | reset_all_tags) & fetch_req_icache_f & (miss_state == HIT_U_MISS) &
+ (imb_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] != ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]) & ~uncacheable_miss_ff & ~sel_mb_addr_ff & ~ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f;
+ assign ic_ignore_2nd_miss_f = (~(|ic_rd_hit[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]) | reset_all_tags) & fetch_req_icache_f & (miss_state == HIT_U_MISS) &
+ ((imb_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] == ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[31:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]) | uncacheable_miss_ff) ;
+ assign ic_hit_f = ic_act_hit_f | ic_byp_hit_f | ic_iccm_hit_f | (ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f & ifc_fetch_req_f);
+ assign uncacheable_miss_in = scnd_miss_req ? uncacheable_miss_scnd_ff : sel_hold_imb ? uncacheable_miss_ff : ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf ;
+ assign imb_in[31:1] = scnd_miss_req ? imb_scnd_ff[31:1] : sel_hold_imb ? imb_ff[31:1] : {ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1]} ;
+ assign imb_scnd_in[31:1] = sel_hold_imb_scnd ? imb_scnd_ff[31:1] : {ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1]} ;
+ assign scnd_miss_index_match = (imb_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] == imb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]) & scnd_miss_req & ~ifu_wr_cumulative_err_data;
+ assign way_status_mb_in[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = (scnd_miss_req & ~scnd_miss_index_match) ? way_status_mb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] :
+ (scnd_miss_req & scnd_miss_index_match) ? way_status_rep_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] :
+ miss_pending ? way_status_mb_ff[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] :
+ {way_status[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]} ;
+ assign tagv_mb_in[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = scnd_miss_req ? (tagv_mb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] | ({pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS {scnd_miss_index_match}} & replace_way_mb_any[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0])) :
+ miss_pending ? tagv_mb_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] : ({ic_tag_valid[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]} & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{~reset_all_tags & ~exu_flush_final}}) ;
+ assign reset_ic_in = miss_pending & ~scnd_miss_req_q & (reset_all_tags | reset_ic_ff) ;
+ rvdffpcie #(31) ifu_fetch_addr_f_ff (.*, .en(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .din ({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1]}), .dout({ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[31:1]}));
+ assign vaddr_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] = ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] ;
+ rvdffpcie #(31) imb_f_ff (.*, .en(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .din (imb_in[31:1]), .dout(imb_ff[31:1]));
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) unc_miss_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din ( uncacheable_miss_in), .dout( uncacheable_miss_ff));
+ assign miss_addr_in[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] = (~miss_pending ) ? imb_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] :
+ ( scnd_miss_req_q ) ? imb_scnd_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] : miss_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] ;
+ rvdfflie #(.WIDTH(31-pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI),.LEFT(31-pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI-8)) miss_f_ff (.*, .en(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en | ic_act_miss_f | dec_tlu_force_halt), .din ({miss_addr_in[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1]}), .dout({miss_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1]}));
+ rvdff_fpga #(pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS) mb_rep_wayf2_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din ({way_status_mb_in[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]}), .dout({way_status_mb_ff[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]}));
+ rvdff_fpga #(pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS) mb_tagv_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din ({tagv_mb_in[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]}), .dout({tagv_mb_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]}));
+ assign ifc_fetch_req_qual_bf = ifc_fetch_req_bf & ~((miss_state == CRIT_WRD_RDY) & flush_final_f) & ~stream_miss_f ;// & ~exu_flush_final ;
+ assign ifc_fetch_req_f = ifc_fetch_req_f_raw & ~exu_flush_final ;
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) ifu_iccm_acc_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifc_iccm_access_bf), .dout(ifc_iccm_access_f));
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) ifu_iccm_reg_acc_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifc_region_acc_fault_final_bf), .dout(ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f));
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) rgn_acc_ff (.*, .clk(fetch_bf_f_c1_clk), .clken(fetch_bf_f_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifc_region_acc_fault_bf), .dout(ifc_region_acc_fault_f));
+ assign ifu_ic_req_addr_f[31:3] = {miss_addr[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] , ic_req_addr_bits_hi_3[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] };
+ assign ifu_ic_mb_empty = (((miss_state == HIT_U_MISS) | (miss_state == STREAM)) & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat)) | ~miss_pending ;
+ assign ifu_miss_state_idle = (miss_state == IDLE) ;
+ assign sel_mb_addr = ((miss_pending & write_ic_16_bytes & ~uncacheable_miss_ff) | reset_tag_valid_for_miss) ;
+ assign ifu_ic_rw_int_addr[31:1] = ({31{ sel_mb_addr}} & {imb_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] , ic_wr_addr_bits_hi_3[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] , imb_ff[2:1]}) |
+ ({31{~sel_mb_addr}} & ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1] ) ;
+ assign sel_mb_status_addr = ((miss_pending & write_ic_16_bytes & ~uncacheable_miss_ff & last_beat & bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_q) | reset_tag_valid_for_miss) ;
+ assign ifu_status_wr_addr[31:1] = ({31{ sel_mb_status_addr}} & {imb_ff[31:pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI+1] , ic_wr_addr_bits_hi_3[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] , imb_ff[2:1]}) |
+ ({31{~sel_mb_status_addr}} & ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[31:1] ) ;
+ assign ic_rw_addr[31:1] = ifu_ic_rw_int_addr[31:1] ;
+if (pt.ICACHE_ECC == 1) begin: icache_ecc_1
+ logic [6:0] ic_wr_ecc;
+ logic [6:0] ic_miss_buff_ecc;
+ logic [141:0] ic_wr_16bytes_data ;
+ logic [70:0] ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_in ;
+ rvecc_encode_64 ic_ecc_encode_64_bus (
+ .din (ifu_bus_rdata_ff[63:0]),
+ .ecc_out(ic_wr_ecc[6:0]));
+ rvecc_encode_64 ic_ecc_encode_64_buff (
+ .din (ic_miss_buff_half[63:0]),
+ .ecc_out(ic_miss_buff_ecc[6:0]));
+ for (genvar i=0; i < pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY ; i++) begin : ic_wr_data_loop
+ assign ic_wr_data[i][70:0] = ic_wr_16bytes_data[((71*i)+70): (71*i)];
+ end
+ assign ic_debug_wr_data[70:0] = {dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_wrdata[70:0]} ;
+ assign ic_error_start = ((|ic_eccerr[pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0]) & ic_act_hit_f) | ic_rd_parity_final_err;
+ assign ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_in[70:0] = ic_debug_ict_array_sel_ff ? {2'b0,ictag_debug_rd_data[25:21],32'b0,ictag_debug_rd_data[20:0],{7-pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS{1'b0}}, way_status[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0],3'b0,ic_debug_tag_val_rd_out} :
+ ic_debug_rd_data[70:0];
+ rvdffe #(71) ifu_debug_data_ff (.*,
+ .en (debug_data_clken),
+ .din ({
+ ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_in[70:0]
+ }),
+ .dout({
+ ifu_ic_debug_rd_data[70:0]
+ })
+ );
+ assign ic_wr_16bytes_data[141:0] = ifu_bus_rid_ff[0] ? {ic_wr_ecc[6:0] , ifu_bus_rdata_ff[63:0] , ic_miss_buff_ecc[6:0] , ic_miss_buff_half[63:0] } :
+ {ic_miss_buff_ecc[6:0] , ic_miss_buff_half[63:0] , ic_wr_ecc[6:0] , ifu_bus_rdata_ff[63:0] } ;
+else begin : icache_parity_1
+ logic [3:0] ic_wr_parity;
+ logic [3:0] ic_miss_buff_parity;
+ logic [135:0] ic_wr_16bytes_data ;
+ logic [70:0] ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_in ;
+ for (genvar i=0 ; i < 4 ; i++) begin : DATA_PGEN
+ rveven_paritygen #(16) par_bus (.data_in (ifu_bus_rdata_ff[((16*i)+15):(16*i)]),
+ .parity_out(ic_wr_parity[i]));
+ rveven_paritygen #(16) par_buff (.data_in (ic_miss_buff_half[((16*i)+15):(16*i)]),
+ .parity_out(ic_miss_buff_parity[i]));
+ end
+ for (genvar i=0; i < pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY ; i++) begin : ic_wr_data_loop
+ assign ic_wr_data[i][70:0] = {3'b0, ic_wr_16bytes_data[((68*i)+67): (68*i)]};
+ end
+ assign ic_debug_wr_data[70:0] = {dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_wrdata[70:0]} ;
+ assign ic_error_start = ((|ic_parerr[pt.ICACHE_BANKS_WAY-1:0]) & ic_act_hit_f) | ic_rd_parity_final_err;
+ assign ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_in[70:0] = ic_debug_ict_array_sel_ff ? {6'b0,ictag_debug_rd_data[21],32'b0,ictag_debug_rd_data[20:0],{7-pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS{1'b0}},way_status[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0],3'b0,ic_debug_tag_val_rd_out} :
+ ic_debug_rd_data[70:0] ;
+ rvdffe #(71) ifu_debug_data_ff (.*,
+ .en (debug_data_clken),
+ .din ({
+ ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_in[70:0]
+ }),
+ .dout({
+ ifu_ic_debug_rd_data[70:0]
+ })
+ );
+ assign ic_wr_16bytes_data[135:0] = ifu_bus_rid_ff[0] ? {ic_wr_parity[3:0] , ifu_bus_rdata_ff[63:0] , ic_miss_buff_parity[3:0] , ic_miss_buff_half[63:0] } :
+ {ic_miss_buff_parity[3:0] , ic_miss_buff_half[63:0] , ic_wr_parity[3:0] , ifu_bus_rdata_ff[63:0] } ;
+ assign ifu_wr_data_comb_err = bus_ifu_wr_data_error_ff ;
+ assign ifu_wr_cumulative_err = (ifu_wr_data_comb_err | ifu_wr_data_comb_err_ff) & ~reset_beat_cnt;
+ assign ifu_wr_cumulative_err_data = ifu_wr_data_comb_err | ifu_wr_data_comb_err_ff ;
+ assign sel_byp_data = (ic_crit_wd_rdy | (miss_state == STREAM) | (miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK));
+ assign sel_ic_data = ~(ic_crit_wd_rdy | (miss_state == STREAM) | (miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK) | (miss_state == MISS_WAIT)) & ~fetch_req_iccm_f & ~ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f;
+ if (pt.ICCM_ICACHE==1) begin: iccm_icache
+ assign sel_iccm_data = fetch_req_iccm_f ;
+ assign ic_final_data[63:0] = ({64{sel_byp_data | sel_iccm_data | sel_ic_data}} & {ic_rd_data[63:0]} ) ;
+ assign ic_premux_data[63:0] = ({64{sel_byp_data }} & {ic_byp_data_only_new[63:0]} ) |
+ ({64{sel_iccm_data}} & {iccm_rd_data[63:0]});
+ assign ic_sel_premux_data = sel_iccm_data | sel_byp_data ;
+ end
+if (pt.ICCM_ONLY == 1 ) begin: iccm_only
+ assign sel_iccm_data = fetch_req_iccm_f ;
+ assign ic_final_data[63:0] = ({64{sel_byp_data }} & {ic_byp_data_only_new[63:0]} ) |
+ ({64{sel_iccm_data}} & {iccm_rd_data[63:0]});
+ assign ic_premux_data = '0 ;
+ assign ic_sel_premux_data = '0 ;
+if (pt.ICACHE_ONLY == 1 ) begin: icache_only
+ assign ic_final_data[63:0] = ({64{sel_byp_data | sel_ic_data}} & {ic_rd_data[63:0]} ) ;
+ assign ic_premux_data[63:0] = ({64{sel_byp_data }} & {ic_byp_data_only_new[63:0]} ) ;
+ assign ic_sel_premux_data = sel_byp_data ;
+if (pt.NO_ICCM_NO_ICACHE == 1 ) begin: no_iccm_no_icache
+ assign ic_final_data[63:0] = ({64{sel_byp_data }} & {ic_byp_data_only_new[63:0]} ) ;
+ assign ic_premux_data = 0 ;
+ assign ic_sel_premux_data = '0 ;
+ assign ifc_bus_acc_fault_f[1:0] = {2{ic_byp_hit_f}} & ifu_byp_data_err_f[1:0] ;
+ assign ic_data_f[31:0] = ic_final_data[31:0];
+assign fetch_req_f_qual = ic_hit_f & ~exu_flush_final;
+assign ic_access_fault_f[1:0] = ({2{ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f}} | ifc_bus_acc_fault_f[1:0]) & {2{~exu_flush_final}};
+assign ic_access_fault_type_f[1:0] = |iccm_rd_ecc_double_err ? 2'b01 :
+ ifc_region_acc_fault_f ? 2'b10 :
+ ifc_region_acc_fault_memory_f ? 2'b11 : 2'b00 ;
+ // right justified
+assign ic_fetch_val_f[1] = fetch_req_f_qual & ifu_bp_inst_mask_f & ~(vaddr_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] == {pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI{1'b1}}) & (err_stop_state != ERR_FETCH2);
+assign ic_fetch_val_f[0] = fetch_req_f_qual ;
+assign two_byte_instr = (ic_data_f[1:0] != 2'b11 ) ;
+// Create full buffer... //
+ logic [63:0] ic_miss_buff_data_in;
+ assign ic_miss_buff_data_in[63:0] = ifu_bus_rsp_rdata[63:0];
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_BEATS; i++) begin : wr_flop
+ assign write_fill_data[i] = bus_ifu_wr_en & ( (pt.IFU_BUS_TAG)'(i) == ifu_bus_rsp_tag[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0]);
+ rvdffe #(32) byp_data_0_ff (.*,
+ .en (write_fill_data[i]),
+ .din (ic_miss_buff_data_in[31:0]),
+ .dout(ic_miss_buff_data[i*2][31:0])
+ );
+ rvdffe #(32) byp_data_1_ff (.*,
+ .en (write_fill_data[i]),
+ .din (ic_miss_buff_data_in[63:32]),
+ .dout(ic_miss_buff_data[i*2+1][31:0])
+ );
+ assign ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[i] = write_fill_data[i] ? 1'b1 : (ic_miss_buff_data_valid[i] & ~ic_act_miss_f) ;
+ rvdff #(1) byp_data_valid_ff (.*,
+ .clk (active_clk),
+ .din (ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[i]),
+ .dout(ic_miss_buff_data_valid[i]));
+ assign ic_miss_buff_data_error_in[i] = write_fill_data[i] ? bus_ifu_wr_data_error : (ic_miss_buff_data_error[i] & ~ic_act_miss_f) ;
+ rvdff #(1) byp_data_error_ff (.*,
+ .clk (active_clk),
+ .din (ic_miss_buff_data_error_in[i] ),
+ .dout(ic_miss_buff_data_error[i]));
+ end
+// New bypass ready //
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] bypass_index;
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] bypass_index_5_3_inc;
+ logic bypass_data_ready_in;
+ logic ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_in;
+ assign bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] = imb_ff[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] ;
+ assign bypass_index_5_3_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] = bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] + 1 ;
+ assign bypass_data_ready_in = ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & ~bypass_index[2] & ~bypass_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & ~bypass_index[2] & bypass_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & bypass_index[2] & ~bypass_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[bypass_index_5_3_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & bypass_index[2] & bypass_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid_in[bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & (bypass_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] == {pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI{1'b1}}))) ;
+ assign ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_in = ( bypass_data_ready_in & crit_wd_byp_ok_ff & uncacheable_miss_ff & ~exu_flush_final & ~ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f) |
+ ( crit_wd_byp_ok_ff & ~uncacheable_miss_ff & ~exu_flush_final & ~ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f) |
+ (ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_ff & ~fetch_req_icache_f & crit_wd_byp_ok_ff & ~exu_flush_final) ;
+ assign byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] = ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:1] ;
+ assign byp_fetch_index_0[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] = {ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3],1'b0} ;
+ assign byp_fetch_index_1[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] = {ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3],1'b1} ;
+ assign byp_fetch_index_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] = ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]+1'b1 ;
+ assign byp_fetch_index_inc_0[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] = {byp_fetch_index_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3], 1'b0} ;
+ assign byp_fetch_index_inc_1[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] = {byp_fetch_index_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3], 1'b1} ;
+ assign ifu_byp_data_err_new = (~ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[2] & ~ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] & ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] ) |
+ (~ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[2] & ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] & ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] ) |
+ ( ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[2] & ~ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] & ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] ) |
+ ( ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[2] & ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] & (ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] | ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] )) ;
+ assign ifu_byp_data_err_f[1:0] = (ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] ) ? 2'b11 :
+ ( ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[2] & ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] & ~(ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] ) & (~miss_wrap_f & ic_miss_buff_data_error[byp_fetch_index_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]])) ? 2'b10 : 2'b00;
+ assign ic_byp_data_only_pre_new[79:0] = ({80{~ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[2]}} & {ic_miss_buff_data[byp_fetch_index_inc_0][15:0],ic_miss_buff_data[byp_fetch_index_1][31:0] , ic_miss_buff_data[byp_fetch_index_0][31:0]}) |
+ ({80{ ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[2]}} & {ic_miss_buff_data[byp_fetch_index_inc_1][15:0],ic_miss_buff_data[byp_fetch_index_inc_0][31:0] , ic_miss_buff_data[byp_fetch_index_1][31:0]}) ;
+ assign ic_byp_data_only_new[79:0] = ~ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] ? {ic_byp_data_only_pre_new[79:0]} :
+ {16'b0,ic_byp_data_only_pre_new[79:16]} ;
+ assign miss_wrap_f = (imb_ff[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] != ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] ) ;
+ assign miss_buff_hit_unq_f = ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & ~byp_fetch_index[2] & ~byp_fetch_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & ~byp_fetch_index[2] & byp_fetch_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & byp_fetch_index[2] & ~byp_fetch_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & ic_miss_buff_data_valid[byp_fetch_index_inc[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & byp_fetch_index[2] & byp_fetch_index[1])) |
+ ((ic_miss_buff_data_valid[byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3]] & (byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] == {pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{1'b1}}))) ;
+ assign stream_hit_f = (miss_buff_hit_unq_f & ~miss_wrap_f ) & (miss_state==STREAM) ;
+ assign stream_miss_f = ~(miss_buff_hit_unq_f & ~miss_wrap_f ) & (miss_state==STREAM) & ifc_fetch_req_f;
+ assign stream_eol_f = (byp_fetch_index[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:2] == {pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS+1{1'b1}}) & ifc_fetch_req_f & stream_hit_f;
+ assign crit_byp_hit_f = (miss_buff_hit_unq_f ) & ((miss_state == CRIT_WRD_RDY) | (miss_state==CRIT_BYP_OK)) ;
+// Figure out if you have the data to write. //
+assign other_tag[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = {ifu_bus_rid_ff[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:1] , ~ifu_bus_rid_ff[0] } ;
+assign second_half_available = ic_miss_buff_data_valid[other_tag] ;
+assign write_ic_16_bytes = second_half_available & bus_ifu_wr_en_ff ;
+assign ic_miss_buff_half[63:0] = {ic_miss_buff_data[{other_tag,1'b1}],ic_miss_buff_data[{other_tag,1'b0}] } ;
+// Parity checking logic for Icache logic. //
+assign ic_rd_parity_final_err = ic_tag_perr & ~exu_flush_final & sel_ic_data & ~(ifc_region_acc_fault_final_f | (|ifc_bus_acc_fault_f)) &
+ (fetch_req_icache_f & ~reset_all_tags & (~miss_pending | (miss_state==HIT_U_MISS)) & ~sel_mb_addr_ff);
+logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] perr_err_inv_way;
+logic [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] perr_ic_index_ff;
+logic perr_sel_invalidate;
+logic perr_sb_write_status ;
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI-pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+1),.OVERRIDE(1)) perr_dat_ff (.din(ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]), .dout(perr_ic_index_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI : pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO]), .en(perr_sb_write_status), .*);
+ assign perr_err_inv_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{perr_sel_invalidate}} ;
+ assign iccm_correct_ecc = (perr_state == ECC_CORR);
+ assign dma_sb_err_state = (perr_state == DMA_SB_ERR);
+ assign iccm_buf_correct_ecc = iccm_correct_ecc & ~dma_sb_err_state_ff;
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create Parity Error State Machine ///////////////////////
+ // Create Parity Error State Machine //
+ // Create Parity Error State Machine //
+ // Create Parity Error State Machine //
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create Parity Error State Machine ///////////////////////
+ // FIFO state machine
+ always_comb begin : ERROR_SM
+ perr_nxtstate = ERR_IDLE;
+ perr_state_en = 1'b0;
+ perr_sb_write_status = 1'b0;
+ perr_sel_invalidate = 1'b0;
+ case (perr_state)
+ ERR_IDLE: begin : err_idle
+ perr_nxtstate = iccm_dma_sb_error ? DMA_SB_ERR : (ic_error_start & ~exu_flush_final) ? IC_WFF : ECC_WFF;
+ perr_state_en = (((iccm_error_start | ic_error_start) & ~exu_flush_final) | iccm_dma_sb_error) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ perr_sb_write_status = perr_state_en;
+ end
+ IC_WFF: begin : icache_wff // All the I$ data and/or Tag errors ( parity/ECC ) will come to this state
+ perr_nxtstate = ERR_IDLE ;
+ perr_state_en = dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ perr_sel_invalidate = (dec_tlu_flush_err_wb & dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb);
+ end
+ ECC_WFF: begin : ecc_wff
+ perr_nxtstate = ((~dec_tlu_flush_err_wb & dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb ) | dec_tlu_force_halt) ? ERR_IDLE : ECC_CORR ;
+ perr_state_en = dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ end
+ DMA_SB_ERR : begin : dma_sb_ecc
+ perr_nxtstate = dec_tlu_force_halt ? ERR_IDLE : ECC_CORR;
+ perr_state_en = 1'b1;
+ end
+ ECC_CORR: begin : ecc_corr
+ perr_nxtstate = ERR_IDLE ;
+ perr_state_en = 1'b1 ;
+ end
+ default: begin : def_case
+ perr_nxtstate = ERR_IDLE;
+ perr_state_en = 1'b0;
+ perr_sb_write_status = 1'b0;
+ perr_sel_invalidate = 1'b0;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ rvdffs #(($bits(perr_state_t))) perr_state_ff (.clk(active_clk), .din(perr_nxtstate), .dout({perr_state}), .en(perr_state_en), .*);
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create stop fetch State Machine /////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create stop fetch State Machine /////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create stop fetch State Machine /////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create stop fetch State Machine /////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////// Create stop fetch State Machine /////////////////////////
+ always_comb begin : ERROR_STOP_FETCH
+ err_stop_nxtstate = ERR_STOP_IDLE;
+ err_stop_state_en = 1'b0;
+ err_stop_fetch = 1'b0;
+ iccm_correction_state = 1'b0;
+ case (err_stop_state)
+ ERR_STOP_IDLE: begin : err_stop_idle
+ err_stop_nxtstate = ERR_FETCH1;
+ err_stop_state_en = dec_tlu_flush_err_wb & (perr_state == ECC_WFF) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ end
+ ERR_FETCH1: begin : err_fetch1 // All the I$ data and/or Tag errors ( parity/ECC ) will come to this state
+ err_stop_nxtstate = (dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt | dec_tlu_force_halt) ? ERR_STOP_IDLE : ((ifu_fetch_val[1:0] == 2'b11) | (ifu_fetch_val[0] & two_byte_instr)) ? ERR_STOP_FETCH : ifu_fetch_val[0] ? ERR_FETCH2 : ERR_FETCH1;
+ err_stop_state_en = dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt | ifu_fetch_val[0] | ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ err_stop_fetch = ((ifu_fetch_val[1:0] == 2'b11) | (ifu_fetch_val[0] & two_byte_instr)) & ~(exu_flush_final | dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt);
+ iccm_correction_state = 1'b1;
+ end
+ ERR_FETCH2: begin : err_fetch2 // All the I$ data and/or Tag errors ( parity/ECC ) will come to this state
+ err_stop_nxtstate = (dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt | dec_tlu_force_halt) ? ERR_STOP_IDLE : ifu_fetch_val[0] ? ERR_STOP_FETCH : ERR_FETCH2;
+ err_stop_state_en = dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt | ifu_fetch_val[0] | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ err_stop_fetch = ifu_fetch_val[0] & ~exu_flush_final & ~dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt ;
+ iccm_correction_state = 1'b1;
+ end
+ ERR_STOP_FETCH: begin : ecc_wff
+ err_stop_nxtstate = ( (dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb & ~dec_tlu_flush_err_wb) | dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt | dec_tlu_force_halt) ? ERR_STOP_IDLE : dec_tlu_flush_err_wb ? ERR_FETCH1 : ERR_STOP_FETCH ;
+ err_stop_state_en = dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb | dec_tlu_i0_commit_cmt | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ err_stop_fetch = 1'b1;
+ iccm_correction_state = 1'b1;
+ end
+ default: begin : def_case
+ err_stop_nxtstate = ERR_STOP_IDLE;
+ err_stop_state_en = 1'b0;
+ err_stop_fetch = 1'b0 ;
+ iccm_correction_state = 1'b1;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ rvdffs #(($bits(err_stop_state_t))) err_stop_state_ff (.clk(active_clk), .din(err_stop_nxtstate), .dout({err_stop_state}), .en(err_stop_state_en), .*);
+ assign bus_ifu_bus_clk_en = ifu_bus_clk_en ;
+ assign busclk = 1'b0;
+ assign busclk_force = 1'b0;
+ rvclkhdr bus_clk_f(.en(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en), .l1clk(busclk), .*);
+ rvclkhdr bus_clk(.en(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en | dec_tlu_force_halt), .l1clk(busclk_force), .*);
+ assign scnd_miss_req = scnd_miss_req_q & ~exu_flush_final;
+ assign ifc_bus_ic_req_ff_in = (ic_act_miss_f | bus_cmd_req_hold | ifu_bus_cmd_valid) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt & ~((bus_cmd_beat_count== {pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{1'b1}}) & ifu_bus_cmd_valid & ifu_bus_cmd_ready & miss_pending);
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) bus_ic_req_ff2(.*, .clk(busclk_force), .clken(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en | dec_tlu_force_halt), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifc_bus_ic_req_ff_in), .dout(ifu_bus_cmd_valid));
+ assign bus_cmd_req_in = (ic_act_miss_f | bus_cmd_req_hold) & ~bus_cmd_sent & ~dec_tlu_force_halt ; // hold until first command sent
+ // AXI command signals
+ // Read Channel
+ assign ifu_axi_arvalid = ifu_bus_cmd_valid ;
+ assign ifu_axi_arid[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = ((pt.IFU_BUS_TAG)'(bus_rd_addr_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0])) & {pt.IFU_BUS_TAG{ifu_bus_cmd_valid}};
+ assign ifu_axi_araddr[31:0] = {ifu_ic_req_addr_f[31:3],3'b0} & {32{ifu_bus_cmd_valid}};
+ assign ifu_axi_arsize[2:0] = 3'b011;
+ assign ifu_axi_arprot[2:0] = 3'b101;
+ assign ifu_axi_arcache[3:0] = 4'b1111;
+ assign ifu_axi_arregion[3:0] = ifu_ic_req_addr_f[31:28];
+ assign ifu_axi_arlen[7:0] = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_arburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
+ assign ifu_axi_arqos[3:0] = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_arlock = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_rready = 1'b1;
+ // Write Channel
+ assign ifu_axi_awvalid = '0 ;
+ assign ifu_axi_awid[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = '0 ;
+ assign ifu_axi_awaddr[31:0] = '0 ;
+ assign ifu_axi_awsize[2:0] = '0 ;
+ assign ifu_axi_awprot[2:0] = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_awcache[3:0] = '0 ;
+ assign ifu_axi_awregion[3:0] = '0 ;
+ assign ifu_axi_awlen[7:0] = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_awburst[1:0] = '0 ;
+ assign ifu_axi_awqos[3:0] = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_awlock = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_wvalid = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_wstrb[7:0] = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_wdata[63:0] = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_wlast = '0;
+ assign ifu_axi_bready = '0;
+ assign ifu_bus_arready_unq = ifu_axi_arready ;
+ assign ifu_bus_rvalid_unq = ifu_axi_rvalid ;
+ assign ifu_bus_arvalid = ifu_axi_arvalid ;
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) bus_rdy_ff (.*, .clk(busclk), .clken(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifu_bus_arready_unq), .dout(ifu_bus_arready_unq_ff));
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) bus_rsp_vld_ff (.*, .clk(busclk), .clken(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifu_bus_rvalid_unq), .dout(ifu_bus_rvalid_unq_ff));
+ rvdff_fpga #(1) bus_cmd_ff (.*, .clk(busclk), .clken(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifu_bus_arvalid), .dout(ifu_bus_arvalid_ff));
+ rvdff_fpga #(2) bus_rsp_cmd_ff (.*, .clk(busclk), .clken(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifu_axi_rresp[1:0]), .dout(ifu_bus_rresp_ff[1:0]));
+ rvdff_fpga #(pt.IFU_BUS_TAG) bus_rsp_tag_ff (.*, .clk(busclk), .clken(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en), .rawclk(clk), .din(ifu_axi_rid[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.dout(ifu_bus_rid_ff[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0]));
+ rvdffe #(64) bus_data_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .din(ifu_axi_rdata[63:0]), .dout(ifu_bus_rdata_ff[63:0]), .en(ifu_bus_clk_en & ifu_axi_rvalid));
+ assign ifu_bus_cmd_ready = ifu_axi_arready ;
+ assign ifu_bus_rsp_valid = ifu_axi_rvalid ;
+ assign ifu_bus_rsp_ready = ifu_axi_rready ;
+ assign ifu_bus_rsp_tag[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = ifu_axi_rid[pt.IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ;
+ assign ifu_bus_rsp_rdata[63:0] = ifu_axi_rdata[63:0] ;
+ assign ifu_bus_rsp_opc[1:0] = {ifu_axi_rresp[1:0]} ;
+ // Create write signals so we can write to the miss-buffer directly from the bus.
+ assign ifu_bus_rvalid = ifu_bus_rsp_valid & bus_ifu_bus_clk_en ;
+ assign ifu_bus_arready = ifu_bus_arready_unq & bus_ifu_bus_clk_en ;
+ assign ifu_bus_arready_ff = ifu_bus_arready_unq_ff & bus_ifu_bus_clk_en_ff ;
+ assign ifu_bus_rvalid_ff = ifu_bus_rvalid_unq_ff & bus_ifu_bus_clk_en_ff ;
+ assign bus_cmd_sent = ifu_bus_arvalid & ifu_bus_arready & miss_pending & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign bus_inc_data_beat_cnt = (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & ~bus_last_data_beat & ~dec_tlu_force_halt) ;
+ assign bus_reset_data_beat_cnt = ic_act_miss_f | (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & bus_last_data_beat) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign bus_hold_data_beat_cnt = ~bus_inc_data_beat_cnt & ~bus_reset_data_beat_cnt ;
+ assign bus_new_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] = ({pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_reset_data_beat_cnt}} & (pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS)'(0)) |
+ ({pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_inc_data_beat_cnt}} & (bus_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] + {{pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1{1'b0}},1'b1})) |
+ ({pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_hold_data_beat_cnt}} & bus_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]);
+ assign last_data_recieved_in = (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & bus_last_data_beat & ~scnd_miss_req) | (last_data_recieved_ff & ~ic_act_miss_f) ;
+// Request Address Count
+ assign bus_new_rd_addr_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] = (~miss_pending ) ? imb_ff[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] :
+ ( scnd_miss_req_q ) ? imb_scnd_ff[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI:3] :
+ ( bus_cmd_sent ) ? (bus_rd_addr_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] + 3'b001) :
+ bus_rd_addr_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0];
+ rvdff_fpga #(pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS) bus_rd_addr_ff (.*, .clk(busclk_reset), .clken (bus_ifu_bus_clk_en | ic_act_miss_f | dec_tlu_force_halt), .rawclk(clk), .din ({bus_new_rd_addr_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]}), .dout({bus_rd_addr_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]}));
+// command beat Count
+ assign bus_inc_cmd_beat_cnt = ifu_bus_cmd_valid & ifu_bus_cmd_ready & miss_pending & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign bus_reset_cmd_beat_cnt_0 = (ic_act_miss_f & ~uncacheable_miss_in) | dec_tlu_force_halt ;
+ assign bus_reset_cmd_beat_cnt_secondlast = ic_act_miss_f & uncacheable_miss_in ;
+ assign bus_hold_cmd_beat_cnt = ~bus_inc_cmd_beat_cnt & ~(ic_act_miss_f | scnd_miss_req | dec_tlu_force_halt) ;
+ assign bus_cmd_beat_en = bus_inc_cmd_beat_cnt | ic_act_miss_f | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign bus_new_cmd_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] = ({pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_reset_cmd_beat_cnt_0}} & (pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS)'(0) ) |
+ ({pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_reset_cmd_beat_cnt_secondlast}} & (pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS)'(pt.ICACHE_SCND_LAST)) |
+ ({pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_inc_cmd_beat_cnt}} & (bus_cmd_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] + {{pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1})) |
+ ({pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS{bus_hold_cmd_beat_cnt}} & bus_cmd_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]) ;
+ assign busclk_reset = 1'b0;
+ rvclkhdr bus_clk_reset(.en(bus_ifu_bus_clk_en | ic_act_miss_f | dec_tlu_force_halt), .l1clk(busclk_reset), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS) bus_cmd_beat_ff (.*, .clk(busclk_reset), .clken (bus_ifu_bus_clk_en | ic_act_miss_f | dec_tlu_force_halt), .rawclk(clk), .en (bus_cmd_beat_en), .din ({bus_new_cmd_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]}),
+ .dout({bus_cmd_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]}));
+ assign bus_last_data_beat = uncacheable_miss_ff ? (bus_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0] == {{pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1{1'b0}},1'b1}) : (&bus_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0]);
+ assign bus_ifu_wr_en = ifu_bus_rvalid & miss_pending ;
+ assign bus_ifu_wr_en_ff = ifu_bus_rvalid_ff & miss_pending ;
+ assign bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_q = ifu_bus_rvalid_ff & miss_pending & ~uncacheable_miss_ff & ~(|ifu_bus_rresp_ff[1:0]) & write_ic_16_bytes; // qualify with no-error conditions ;
+ assign bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_wo_err = ifu_bus_rvalid_ff & miss_pending & ~uncacheable_miss_ff;
+ rvdffie #(10) misc_ff
+ ( .*,
+ .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din( {ic_act_miss_f, ifu_wr_cumulative_err,exu_flush_final, ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_in,bus_ifu_bus_clk_en, scnd_miss_req_in,bus_cmd_req_in, last_data_recieved_in,
+ifc_dma_access_ok_d, dma_iccm_req}),
+ .dout({ic_act_miss_f_delayed,ifu_wr_data_comb_err_ff, flush_final_f,ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_ff,bus_ifu_bus_clk_en_ff,scnd_miss_req_q, bus_cmd_req_hold,last_data_recieved_ff,
+ );
+ rvdffie #(.WIDTH(pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS+5),.OVERRIDE(1)) misc1_ff
+ ( .*,
+ .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din( {reset_ic_in,sel_mb_addr, bus_new_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0],ifc_region_acc_fault_memory_bf,ic_debug_rd_en, ic_debug_rd_en_ff}),
+ .dout({reset_ic_ff,sel_mb_addr_ff,bus_data_beat_count[pt.ICACHE_BEAT_BITS-1:0], ifc_region_acc_fault_memory_f, ic_debug_rd_en_ff,ifu_ic_debug_rd_data_valid})
+ );
+ assign reset_tag_valid_for_miss = ic_act_miss_f_delayed & (miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK) & ~uncacheable_miss_ff;
+ assign bus_ifu_wr_data_error = |ifu_bus_rsp_opc[1:0] & ifu_bus_rvalid & miss_pending;
+ assign bus_ifu_wr_data_error_ff = |ifu_bus_rresp_ff[1:0] & ifu_bus_rvalid_ff & miss_pending;
+ assign ic_crit_wd_rdy = ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_in | ic_crit_wd_rdy_new_ff ;
+ assign last_beat = bus_last_data_beat & bus_ifu_wr_en_ff;
+ assign reset_beat_cnt = bus_reset_data_beat_cnt ;
+// DMA
+ // Making sure that the dma_access is allowed when we have 2 back to back dma_access_ok. Also gating with current state == idle
+ assign ifc_dma_access_ok_d = ifc_dma_access_ok & ~iccm_correct_ecc & ~iccm_dma_sb_error;
+ assign ifc_dma_access_q_ok = ifc_dma_access_ok & ~iccm_correct_ecc & ifc_dma_access_ok_prev & (perr_state == ERR_IDLE) & ~iccm_dma_sb_error;
+ assign iccm_ready = ifc_dma_access_q_ok ;
+ logic [1:0] iccm_ecc_word_enable;
+ if (pt.ICCM_ENABLE == 1 ) begin: iccm_enabled
+ logic [3:2] dma_mem_addr_ff ;
+ logic iccm_dma_rden ;
+ logic iccm_dma_ecc_error_in;
+ logic [13:0] dma_mem_ecc;
+ logic [63:0] iccm_dma_rdata_in;
+ logic [31:0] iccm_dma_rdata_1_muxed;
+ logic [1:0] [31:0] iccm_corrected_data;
+ logic [1:0] [06:0] iccm_corrected_ecc;
+ logic [1:0] iccm_double_ecc_error;
+ logic [pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] iccm_rw_addr_f;
+ logic [31:0] iccm_corrected_data_f_mux;
+ logic [06:0] iccm_corrected_ecc_f_mux;
+ logic iccm_dma_rvalid_in;
+ logic [77:0] iccm_rdmux_data;
+ logic iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_hold_in ;
+ logic [2:0] dma_mem_tag_ff;
+ assign iccm_wren = (ifc_dma_access_q_ok & dma_iccm_req & dma_mem_write) | iccm_correct_ecc;
+ assign iccm_rden = (ifc_dma_access_q_ok & dma_iccm_req & ~dma_mem_write) | (ifc_iccm_access_bf & ifc_fetch_req_bf);
+ assign iccm_dma_rden = (ifc_dma_access_q_ok & dma_iccm_req & ~dma_mem_write) ;
+ assign iccm_wr_size[2:0] = {3{dma_iccm_req}} & dma_mem_sz[2:0] ;
+ rvecc_encode iccm_ecc_encode0 (
+ .din(dma_mem_wdata[31:0]),
+ .ecc_out(dma_mem_ecc[6:0]));
+ rvecc_encode iccm_ecc_encode1 (
+ .din(dma_mem_wdata[63:32]),
+ .ecc_out(dma_mem_ecc[13:7]));
+ assign iccm_wr_data[77:0] = (iccm_correct_ecc & ~(ifc_dma_access_q_ok & dma_iccm_req)) ? {iccm_ecc_corr_data_ff[38:0], iccm_ecc_corr_data_ff[38:0]} :
+ {dma_mem_ecc[13:7],dma_mem_wdata[63:32], dma_mem_ecc[6:0],dma_mem_wdata[31:0]};
+ assign iccm_dma_rdata_1_muxed[31:0] = dma_mem_addr_ff[2] ? iccm_corrected_data[0][31:0] : iccm_corrected_data[1][31:0] ;
+ assign iccm_dma_rdata_in[63:0] = iccm_dma_ecc_error_in ? {2{dma_mem_addr[31:0]}} : {iccm_dma_rdata_1_muxed[31:0], iccm_corrected_data[0]};
+ assign iccm_dma_ecc_error_in = |(iccm_double_ecc_error[1:0]);
+ rvdffe #(64) dma_data_ff (.*, .clk(clk), .en(iccm_dma_rvalid_in), .din(iccm_dma_rdata_in[63:0]), .dout(iccm_dma_rdata[63:0]));
+ rvdffie #(11) dma_misc_bits (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .din({dma_mem_tag[2:0],
+ dma_mem_tag_ff[2:0],
+ dma_mem_addr[3:2],
+ iccm_dma_rden,
+ iccm_dma_rvalid_in,
+ iccm_dma_ecc_error_in }),
+ .dout({dma_mem_tag_ff[2:0],
+ iccm_dma_rtag[2:0],
+ dma_mem_addr_ff[3:2],
+ iccm_dma_rvalid_in,
+ iccm_dma_rvalid,
+ iccm_dma_ecc_error }));
+ assign iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:1] = ( ifc_dma_access_q_ok & dma_iccm_req & ~iccm_correct_ecc) ? dma_mem_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:1] :
+ (~(ifc_dma_access_q_ok & dma_iccm_req) & iccm_correct_ecc) ? {iccm_ecc_corr_index_ff[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2],1'b0} : ifc_fetch_addr_bf[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:1] ;
+// ECC checking logic for ICCM data. //
+ logic [3:0] ic_fetch_val_int_f;
+ logic [3:0] ic_fetch_val_shift_right;
+ assign ic_fetch_val_int_f[3:0] = {2'b00 , ic_fetch_val_f[1:0] } ;
+ assign ic_fetch_val_shift_right[3:0] = {ic_fetch_val_int_f << ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] } ;
+ assign iccm_rdmux_data[77:0] = iccm_rd_data_ecc[77:0];
+ for (genvar i=0; i < 2 ; i++) begin : ICCM_ECC_CHECK
+ assign iccm_ecc_word_enable[i] = ((|ic_fetch_val_shift_right[(2*i+1):(2*i)] & ~exu_flush_final & sel_iccm_data) | iccm_dma_rvalid_in) & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable;
+ rvecc_decode ecc_decode (
+ .en(iccm_ecc_word_enable[i]),
+ .sed_ded ( 1'b0 ), // 1 : means only detection
+ .din(iccm_rdmux_data[(39*i+31):(39*i)]),
+ .ecc_in(iccm_rdmux_data[(39*i+38):(39*i+32)]),
+ .dout(iccm_corrected_data[i][31:0]),
+ .ecc_out(iccm_corrected_ecc[i][6:0]),
+ .single_ecc_error(iccm_single_ecc_error[i]),
+ .double_ecc_error(iccm_double_ecc_error[i]));
+ assign iccm_rd_ecc_single_err = (|iccm_single_ecc_error[1:0] ) & ifc_iccm_access_f & ifc_fetch_req_f;
+ assign iccm_rd_ecc_double_err[1:0] = ~ifu_fetch_addr_int_f[1] ? ({iccm_double_ecc_error[0], iccm_double_ecc_error[0]} ) & {2{ifc_iccm_access_f}} :
+ ({iccm_double_ecc_error[1], iccm_double_ecc_error[0]} ) & {2{ifc_iccm_access_f}} ;
+ assign iccm_corrected_data_f_mux[31:0] = iccm_single_ecc_error[0] ? iccm_corrected_data[0] : iccm_corrected_data[1];
+ assign iccm_corrected_ecc_f_mux[6:0] = iccm_single_ecc_error[0] ? iccm_corrected_ecc[0] : iccm_corrected_ecc[1];
+ assign iccm_ecc_write_status = ((iccm_rd_ecc_single_err & ~iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_ff) & ~exu_flush_final) | iccm_dma_sb_error;
+ assign iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_hold_in = (iccm_rd_ecc_single_err | iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_ff) & ~exu_flush_final ;
+ assign iccm_error_start = iccm_rd_ecc_single_err;
+ assign iccm_ecc_corr_index_in[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] = iccm_single_ecc_error[0] ? iccm_rw_addr_f[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] : iccm_rw_addr_f[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] + 1'b1 ;
+ rvdffie #(pt.ICCM_BITS-1) iccm_index_f (.*, .clk(free_l2clk), .din({iccm_rw_addr[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2],
+ iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_hold_in
+ }),
+ .dout({iccm_rw_addr_f[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2],
+ iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_ff}));
+ rvdffe #((39+(pt.ICCM_BITS-2))) ecc_dat0_ff (
+ .clk(clk),
+ .din({iccm_corrected_ecc_f_mux[6:0], iccm_corrected_data_f_mux[31:0],iccm_ecc_corr_index_in[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]}),
+ .dout({iccm_ecc_corr_data_ff[38:0] ,iccm_ecc_corr_index_ff[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2]}),
+ .en(iccm_ecc_write_status),
+ .*
+ );
+ end else begin : iccm_disabled
+ assign iccm_dma_rvalid = 1'b0 ;
+ assign iccm_dma_ecc_error = 1'b0 ;
+ assign iccm_dma_rdata[63:0] = '0 ;
+ assign iccm_single_ecc_error = '0 ;
+ assign iccm_dma_rtag = '0 ;
+ assign iccm_rd_ecc_single_err = 1'b0 ;
+ assign iccm_rd_ecc_double_err = '0 ;
+ assign iccm_rd_ecc_single_err_ff = 1'b0 ;
+ assign iccm_error_start = 1'b0;
+ assign iccm_ecc_corr_index_ff[pt.ICCM_BITS-1:2] = '0;
+ assign iccm_ecc_corr_data_ff[38:0] = '0;
+ assign iccm_ecc_write_status = '0;
+ end
+////// ICCM signals
+ assign ic_rd_en = (ifc_fetch_req_bf & ~ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf & ~ifc_iccm_access_bf &
+ ~(((miss_state == STREAM) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == STALL_SCND_MISS) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == MISS_WAIT) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == CRIT_WRD_RDY) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK) & miss_state_en & (miss_nxtstate == MISS_WAIT)) )) |
+ ( ifc_fetch_req_bf & exu_flush_final & ~ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf & ~ifc_iccm_access_bf ) ;
+logic ic_real_rd_wp_unused;
+assign ic_real_rd_wp_unused = (ifc_fetch_req_bf & ~ifc_iccm_access_bf & ~ifc_region_acc_fault_final_bf & ~dec_tlu_fence_i_wb & ~stream_miss_f & ~ic_act_miss_f &
+ ~(((miss_state == STREAM) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK) & ~miss_state_en & ~(miss_nxtstate == MISS_WAIT)) |
+ ((miss_state == CRIT_BYP_OK) & miss_state_en & (miss_nxtstate == MISS_WAIT)) |
+ ((miss_state == MISS_WAIT) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == STALL_SCND_MISS) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == CRIT_WRD_RDY) & ~miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_nxtstate == STREAM) & miss_state_en) |
+ ((miss_state == SCND_MISS) & ~miss_state_en))) |
+ (ifc_fetch_req_bf & ~ifc_iccm_access_bf & ~ifc_region_acc_fault_final_bf & ~dec_tlu_fence_i_wb & ~stream_miss_f & exu_flush_final) ;
+assign ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = bus_ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{write_ic_16_bytes}};
+assign ic_write_stall = write_ic_16_bytes & ~((((miss_state== CRIT_BYP_OK) | ((miss_state==STREAM) & ~(exu_flush_final | ifu_bp_hit_taken_q_f | stream_eol_f ))) & ~(bus_ifu_wr_en_ff & last_beat & ~uncacheable_miss_ff)));
+// Icache status and LRU
+logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ic_tag_valid_unq;
+if (pt.ICACHE_ENABLE == 1 ) begin: icache_enabled
+ assign ic_valid = ~ifu_wr_cumulative_err_data & ~(reset_ic_in | reset_ic_ff) & ~reset_tag_valid_for_miss;
+ assign ifu_status_wr_addr_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] = ((ic_debug_rd_en | ic_debug_wr_en ) & ic_debug_tag_array) ?
+ ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] :
+ ifu_status_wr_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO];
+ // status
+ assign way_status_wr_en_w_debug = way_status_wr_en | (ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array);
+ assign way_status_new_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = (ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array) ? (pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS == 1) ? ic_debug_wr_data[4] : ic_debug_wr_data[6:4] :
+ way_status_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] ;
+ rvdffie #(.WIDTH(pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO-pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+1+pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS),.OVERRIDE(1)) status_misc_ff
+ (.*,
+ .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din({ ifu_status_wr_addr_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO], way_status_wr_en_w_debug, way_status_new_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]}),
+ .dout({ifu_status_wr_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO], way_status_wr_en_ff, way_status_new_ff[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]} )
+ );
+ logic [(pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH/8)-1 : 0] way_status_clken;
+ logic [(pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH/8)-1 : 0] way_status_clk;
+ for (genvar i=0 ; i<pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH/8 ; i++) begin : CLK_GRP_WAY_STATUS
+ assign way_status_clken[i] = (ifu_status_wr_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+3] == i );
+ assign way_status_clk[i] = 1'b0;
+ `else
+ rvclkhdr way_status_cgc ( .en(way_status_clken[i]), .l1clk(way_status_clk[i]), .* );
+ `endif
+ for (genvar j=0 ; j<8 ; j++) begin : WAY_STATUS
+ rvdffs_fpga #(pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS) ic_way_status (.*,
+ .clk(way_status_clk[i]),
+ .clken(way_status_clken[i]),
+ .rawclk(clk),
+ .en(((ifu_status_wr_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+2:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] == j) & way_status_wr_en_ff)),
+ .din(way_status_new_ff[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0]),
+ .dout(way_status_out[8*i+j]));
+ end // WAY_STATUS
+ always_comb begin : way_status_out_mux
+ way_status[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = '0 ;
+ for (int j=0; j< pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH; j++) begin : status_mux_loop
+ if (ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] == (pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO-pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO)'(j)) begin : mux_out
+ way_status[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = way_status_out[j];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] = ((ic_debug_rd_en | ic_debug_wr_en ) & ic_debug_tag_array) ?
+ ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] :
+ ifu_ic_rw_int_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO];
+ assign ifu_tag_wren_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = ifu_tag_wren[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] | ic_debug_tag_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+ assign ic_valid_w_debug = (ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array) ? ic_debug_wr_data[0] : ic_valid;
+ rvdffie #(pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO-pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS+1) tag_addr_ff (.*,
+ .clk(free_l2clk),
+ .din({ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO],
+ ifu_tag_wren_w_debug[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0],
+ ic_valid_w_debug}),
+ .dout({ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO],
+ ifu_tag_wren_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0],
+ ic_valid_ff})
+ );
+ logic [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH-1:0] ic_tag_valid_out ;
+ logic [(pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH/32)-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] tag_valid_clken ;
+ logic [(pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH/32)-1:0] [pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] tag_valid_clk ;
+ for (genvar i=0 ; i<pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH/32 ; i++) begin : CLK_GRP_TAG_VALID
+ for (genvar j=0; j<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; j++) begin : way_clken
+ if (pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH == 32 ) begin
+ assign tag_valid_clken[i][j] = ifu_tag_wren_ff[j] | perr_err_inv_way[j] | reset_all_tags;
+ end else begin
+ assign tag_valid_clken[i][j] = (((ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+5] == i ) & ifu_tag_wren_ff[j] ) |
+ ((perr_ic_index_ff [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO+5] == i ) & perr_err_inv_way[j]) | reset_all_tags);
+ end
+ assign tag_valid_clk[i][j] = 1'b0;
+ `else
+ rvclkhdr way_status_cgc ( .en(tag_valid_clken[i][j]), .l1clk(tag_valid_clk[i][j]), .* );
+ `endif
+ for (genvar k=0 ; k<32 ; k++) begin : TAG_VALID
+ rvdffs_fpga #(1) ic_way_tagvalid_dup (.*,
+ .clk(tag_valid_clk[i][j]),
+ .clken(tag_valid_clken[i][j]),
+ .rawclk(clk),
+ .en(((ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] == (k + 32*i)) & ifu_tag_wren_ff[j] ) |
+ ((perr_ic_index_ff [pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] == (k + 32*i)) & perr_err_inv_way[j]) | reset_all_tags),
+ .din(ic_valid_ff & ~reset_all_tags & ~perr_sel_invalidate),
+ .dout(ic_tag_valid_out[j][32*i+k]));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ always_comb begin : tag_valid_out_mux
+ ic_tag_valid_unq[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = '0;
+ for (int j=0; j< pt.ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH; j++) begin : tag_valid_loop
+ if (ifu_ic_rw_int_addr_ff[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO] == (pt.ICACHE_TAG_LO-pt.ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO)'(j)) begin : valid_out
+ for ( int k=0; k<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; k++) begin
+ ic_tag_valid_unq[k] |= ic_tag_valid_out[k][j];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // four-way set associative - three bits
+// each bit represents one branch point in a binary decision tree; let 1
+// represent that the left side has been referenced more recently than the
+// right side, and 0 vice-versa
+// are all 4 ways valid?
+// / \
+// | no, use an invalid way.
+// |
+// |
+// bit_0 == 0? state | replace ref to | next state
+// / \ ------+-------- -------+-----------
+// y n x00 | way_0 way_0 | _11
+// / \ x10 | way_1 way_1 | _01
+// bit_1 == 0? bit_2 == 0? 0x1 | way_2 way_2 | 1_0
+// / \ / \ 1x1 | way_3 way_3 | 0_0
+// y n y n
+// / \ / \ ('x' means don't care ('_' means unchanged)
+// way_0 way_1 way_2 way_3 don't care)
+ if (pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS == 4) begin: four_way_plru
+ assign replace_way_mb_any[3] = ( way_status_mb_ff[2] & way_status_mb_ff[0] & (&tagv_mb_ff[3:0])) |
+ (~tagv_mb_ff[3]& tagv_mb_ff[2] & tagv_mb_ff[1] & tagv_mb_ff[0]) ;
+ assign replace_way_mb_any[2] = (~way_status_mb_ff[2] & way_status_mb_ff[0] & (&tagv_mb_ff[3:0])) |
+ (~tagv_mb_ff[2]& tagv_mb_ff[1] & tagv_mb_ff[0]) ;
+ assign replace_way_mb_any[1] = ( way_status_mb_ff[1] & ~way_status_mb_ff[0] & (&tagv_mb_ff[3:0])) |
+ (~tagv_mb_ff[1]& tagv_mb_ff[0] ) ;
+ assign replace_way_mb_any[0] = (~way_status_mb_ff[1] & ~way_status_mb_ff[0] & (&tagv_mb_ff[3:0])) |
+ (~tagv_mb_ff[0] ) ;
+ assign way_status_hit_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = ({3{~exu_flush_final & ic_rd_hit[0]}} & {way_status[2] , 1'b1 , 1'b1}) |
+ ({3{~exu_flush_final & ic_rd_hit[1]}} & {way_status[2] , 1'b0 , 1'b1}) |
+ ({3{~exu_flush_final & ic_rd_hit[2]}} & {1'b1 ,way_status[1] , 1'b0}) |
+ ({3{~exu_flush_final & ic_rd_hit[3]}} & {1'b0 ,way_status[1] , 1'b0}) ;
+ assign way_status_rep_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = ({3{replace_way_mb_any[0]}} & {way_status_mb_ff[2] , 1'b1 , 1'b1}) |
+ ({3{replace_way_mb_any[1]}} & {way_status_mb_ff[2] , 1'b0 , 1'b1}) |
+ ({3{replace_way_mb_any[2]}} & {1'b1 ,way_status_mb_ff[1] , 1'b0}) |
+ ({3{replace_way_mb_any[3]}} & {1'b0 ,way_status_mb_ff[1] , 1'b0}) ;
+ end
+ else begin : two_ways_plru
+ assign replace_way_mb_any[0] = (~way_status_mb_ff & tagv_mb_ff[0] & tagv_mb_ff[1]) | ~tagv_mb_ff[0];
+ assign replace_way_mb_any[1] = ( way_status_mb_ff & tagv_mb_ff[0] & tagv_mb_ff[1]) | ~tagv_mb_ff[1] & tagv_mb_ff[0];
+ assign way_status_hit_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = ic_rd_hit[0];
+ assign way_status_rep_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = replace_way_mb_any[0];
+ end
+ // Make sure to select the way_status_hit_new even when in hit_under_miss.
+ assign way_status_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_q & last_beat ) ? way_status_rep_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] :
+ way_status_hit_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] ;
+ assign way_status_wr_en = (bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_q & last_beat) | ic_act_hit_f;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS; i++) begin : bus_wren_loop
+ assign bus_wren[i] = bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_q & replace_way_mb_any[i] & miss_pending ;
+ assign bus_wren_last[i] = bus_ifu_wr_en_ff_wo_err & replace_way_mb_any[i] & miss_pending & bus_last_data_beat;
+ assign ifu_tag_wren[i] = bus_wren_last[i] | wren_reset_miss[i];
+ assign wren_reset_miss[i] = replace_way_mb_any[i] & reset_tag_valid_for_miss ;
+ end
+ assign bus_ic_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = bus_wren[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0];
+end else begin: icache_disabled
+ assign ic_tag_valid_unq[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign way_status[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign replace_way_mb_any[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign way_status_hit_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign way_status_rep_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign way_status_new[pt.ICACHE_STATUS_BITS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign way_status_wr_en = '0;
+ assign bus_wren[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign ic_tag_valid[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = ic_tag_valid_unq[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{(~fetch_uncacheable_ff & ifc_fetch_req_f_raw) }} ;
+ assign ic_debug_tag_val_rd_out = |(ic_tag_valid_unq[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & ic_debug_way_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] & {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_debug_rd_en_ff}}) ;
+// PMU signals
+ assign ifu_pmu_ic_miss_in = ic_act_miss_f ;
+ assign ifu_pmu_ic_hit_in = ic_act_hit_f ;
+ assign ifu_pmu_bus_error_in = |ifc_bus_acc_fault_f;
+ assign ifu_pmu_bus_trxn_in = bus_cmd_sent ;
+ assign ifu_pmu_bus_busy_in = ifu_bus_arvalid_ff & ~ifu_bus_arready_ff & miss_pending ;
+ rvdffie #(9) ifu_pmu_sigs_ff (.*,
+ .clk (free_l2clk),
+ .din ({ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf, ifc_fetch_req_qual_bf, dma_sb_err_state, dec_tlu_fence_i_wb,
+ ifu_pmu_ic_miss_in,
+ ifu_pmu_ic_hit_in,
+ ifu_pmu_bus_error_in,
+ ifu_pmu_bus_busy_in,
+ ifu_pmu_bus_trxn_in
+ }),
+ .dout({fetch_uncacheable_ff, ifc_fetch_req_f_raw, dma_sb_err_state_ff, reset_all_tags,
+ ifu_pmu_ic_miss,
+ ifu_pmu_ic_hit,
+ ifu_pmu_bus_error,
+ ifu_pmu_bus_busy,
+ ifu_pmu_bus_trxn
+ }));
+// Cache debug logic //
+assign ic_debug_addr[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI:3] = dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_dicawics[pt.ICACHE_INDEX_HI-3:0] ;
+assign ic_debug_way_enc[01:00] = dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_dicawics[15:14] ;
+assign ic_debug_tag_array = dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_dicawics[16] ;
+assign ic_debug_rd_en = dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_rd_valid ;
+assign ic_debug_wr_en = dec_tlu_ic_diag_pkt.icache_wr_valid ;
+assign ic_debug_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {(ic_debug_way_enc[1:0] == 2'b11),
+ (ic_debug_way_enc[1:0] == 2'b10),
+ (ic_debug_way_enc[1:0] == 2'b01),
+ (ic_debug_way_enc[1:0] == 2'b00) };
+assign ic_debug_tag_wr_en[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] = {pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS{ic_debug_wr_en & ic_debug_tag_array}} & ic_debug_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0] ;
+assign ic_debug_ict_array_sel_in = ic_debug_rd_en & ic_debug_tag_array ;
+rvdff_fpga #(01+pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS) ifu_debug_sel_ff (.*, .clk (debug_c1_clk),
+ .clken(debug_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk),
+ .din ({ic_debug_ict_array_sel_in,
+ ic_debug_way[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]
+ }),
+ .dout({ic_debug_ict_array_sel_ff,
+ ic_debug_way_ff[pt.ICACHE_NUM_WAYS-1:0]
+ }));
+assign debug_data_clken = ic_debug_rd_en_ff;
+// memory protection - equation to look identical to the LSU equation
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE0 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK0)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR0 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK0)) |
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE1 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK1)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR1 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK1)) |
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE2 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK2)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR2 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK2)) |
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE3 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK3)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR3 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK3)) |
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE4 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK4)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR4 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK4)) |
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE5 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK5)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR5 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK5)) |
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE6 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK6)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR6 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK6)) |
+ (pt.INST_ACCESS_ENABLE7 & (({ifc_fetch_addr_bf[31:1],1'b0} | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK7)) == (pt.INST_ACCESS_ADDR7 | pt.INST_ACCESS_MASK7));
+ assign ifc_region_acc_fault_memory_bf = ~ifc_iccm_access_bf & ~ifc_region_acc_okay & ifc_fetch_req_bf;
+ assign ifc_region_acc_fault_final_bf = ifc_region_acc_fault_bf | ifc_region_acc_fault_memory_bf;
+endmodule // eb1_ifu_mem_ctl
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aee6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+module eb1_btb_tag_hash #(
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ ) (
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1] pc,
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] hash
+ );
+module eb1_btb_tag_hash_fold #(
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1] pc,
+ output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] hash
+ );
+ assign hash = {(
+module eb1_btb_addr_hash #(
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic [pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO] pc,
+ output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] hash
+ );
+if(pt.BTB_FOLD2_INDEX_HASH) begin : fold2
+ assign hash[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = pc[pt.BTB_INDEX1_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO] ^
+ pc[pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX3_LO];
+ else begin
+ assign hash[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = pc[pt.BTB_INDEX1_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO] ^
+ pc[pt.BTB_INDEX2_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX2_LO] ^
+ pc[pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX3_LO];
+module eb1_btb_ghr_hash #(
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] hashin,
+ input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ghr,
+ output logic [pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] hash
+ );
+ // The hash function is too complex to write in verilog for all cases.
+ // The config script generates the logic string based on the bp config.
+ if(pt.BHT_GHR_HASH_1) begin : ghrhash_cfg1
+ assign hash[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] = { ghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:pt.BTB_INDEX1_HI-1], hashin[pt.BTB_INDEX1_HI:2]^ghr[pt.BTB_INDEX1_HI-2:0]};
+ end
+ else begin : ghrhash_cfg2
+ assign hash[pt.BHT_ADDR_HI:pt.BHT_ADDR_LO] = { hashin[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE+1:2]^ghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0]};
+ end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31d1148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Function: Top level file for load store unit
+// Comments:
+// DC1 -> DC2 -> DC3 -> DC4 (Commit)
+module eb1_lsu
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic dec_tlu_flush_lower_r, // I0/I1 writeback flush. This is used to flush the old packets only
+ input logic dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r, // I0 is flushed, don't writeback any results to arch state
+ input logic dec_tlu_force_halt, // This will be high till TLU goes to debug halt
+ // chicken signals
+ input logic dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable, // disable load to load forwarding for externals
+ input logic dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable, // disable the write buffer coalesce
+ input logic dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable, // disable the posted sideeffect load store to the bus
+ input logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable, // disable the generation of the ecc
+ input logic [31:0] exu_lsu_rs1_d, // address rs operand
+ input logic [31:0] exu_lsu_rs2_d, // store data
+ input logic [11:0] dec_lsu_offset_d, // address offset operand
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_p, // lsu control packet
+ input logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, // Raw valid for address computation
+ input logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mrac_ff, // CSR for memory region control
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_result_m, // lsu load data
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_result_corr_r, // This is the ECC corrected data going to RF
+ output logic lsu_load_stall_any, // This is for blocking loads in the decode
+ output logic lsu_store_stall_any, // This is for blocking stores in the decode
+ output logic lsu_fastint_stall_any, // Stall the fastint in decode-1 stage
+ output logic lsu_idle_any, // lsu buffers are empty and no instruction in the pipeline. Doesn't include DMA
+ output logic lsu_active, // Used to turn off top level clk
+ output logic [31:1] lsu_fir_addr, // fast interrupt address
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_fir_error, // Error during fast interrupt lookup
+ output logic lsu_single_ecc_error_incr, // Increment the ecc counter
+ output eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t lsu_error_pkt_r, // lsu exception packet
+ output logic lsu_imprecise_error_load_any, // bus load imprecise error
+ output logic lsu_imprecise_error_store_any, // bus store imprecise error
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any, // bus store imprecise error address
+ // Non-blocking loads
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m, // there is an external load -> put in the cam
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m, // the tag of the external non block load
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r, // invalidate signal for the cam entry for non block loads
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r, // tag of the enrty which needs to be invalidated
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid, // the non block is valid - sending information back to the cam
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_error, // non block load has an error
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag, // the tag of the non block load sending the data/error
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data, // Data of the non block load
+ output logic lsu_pmu_load_external_m, // PMU : Bus loads
+ output logic lsu_pmu_store_external_m, // PMU : Bus loads
+ output logic lsu_pmu_misaligned_m, // PMU : misaligned
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_trxn, // PMU : bus transaction
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned, // PMU : misaligned access going to the bus
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_error, // PMU : bus sending error back
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_busy, // PMU : bus is not ready
+ // Trigger signals
+ input eb1_trigger_pkt_t [3:0] trigger_pkt_any, // Trigger info from the decode
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_trigger_match_m, // lsu trigger hit (one bit per trigger)
+ // DCCM ports
+ output logic dccm_wren, // DCCM write enable
+ output logic dccm_rden, // DCCM read enable
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_wr_addr_lo, // DCCM write address low bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_wr_addr_hi, // DCCM write address hi bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_rd_addr_lo, // DCCM read address low bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_rd_addr_hi, // DCCM read address hi bank (hi and low same if aligned read)
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wr_data_lo, // DCCM write data for lo bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wr_data_hi, // DCCM write data for hi bank
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rd_data_lo, // DCCM read data low bank
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rd_data_hi, // DCCM read data hi bank
+ // PIC ports
+ output logic picm_wren, // PIC memory write enable
+ output logic picm_rden, // PIC memory read enable
+ output logic picm_mken, // Need to read the mask for stores to determine which bits to write/forward
+ output logic [31:0] picm_rdaddr, // address for pic read access
+ output logic [31:0] picm_wraddr, // address for pic write access
+ output logic [31:0] picm_wr_data, // PIC memory write data
+ input logic [31:0] picm_rd_data, // PIC memory read/mask data
+ // AXI Write Channels
+ output logic lsu_axi_awvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_awready,
+ output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_awid,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_awaddr,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awregion,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_awlen,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awsize,
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_awburst,
+ output logic lsu_axi_awlock,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awcache,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awprot,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awqos,
+ output logic lsu_axi_wvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_wready,
+ output logic [63:0] lsu_axi_wdata,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_wstrb,
+ output logic lsu_axi_wlast,
+ input logic lsu_axi_bvalid,
+ output logic lsu_axi_bready,
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_bresp,
+ input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_bid,
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ output logic lsu_axi_arvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_arready,
+ output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_arid,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_araddr,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arregion,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_arlen,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arsize,
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_arburst,
+ output logic lsu_axi_arlock,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arcache,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arprot,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arqos,
+ input logic lsu_axi_rvalid,
+ output logic lsu_axi_rready,
+ input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_rid,
+ input logic [63:0] lsu_axi_rdata,
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_rresp,
+ input logic lsu_axi_rlast,
+ input logic lsu_bus_clk_en, // external drives a clock_en to control bus ratio
+ // DMA slave
+ input logic dma_dccm_req, // DMA read/write to dccm
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_tag, // DMA request tag
+ input logic [31:0] dma_mem_addr, // DMA address
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_sz, // DMA access size
+ input logic dma_mem_write, // DMA access is a write
+ input logic [63:0] dma_mem_wdata, // DMA write data
+ output logic dccm_dma_rvalid, // lsu data valid for DMA dccm read
+ output logic dccm_dma_ecc_error, // DMA load had ecc error
+ output logic [2:0] dccm_dma_rtag, // DMA request tag
+ output logic [63:0] dccm_dma_rdata, // lsu data for DMA dccm read
+ output logic dccm_ready, // lsu ready for DMA access
+ input logic scan_mode, // scan mode
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic rst_l // reset, active low
+ );
+ logic lsu_dccm_rden_m;
+ logic lsu_dccm_rden_r;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_m;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_r;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_hi_r, store_data_lo_r;
+ logic [31:0] store_datafn_hi_r, store_datafn_lo_r;
+ logic [31:0] sec_data_lo_m, sec_data_hi_m;
+ logic [31:0] sec_data_lo_r, sec_data_hi_r;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_ld_data_m;
+ logic [31:0] dccm_rdata_hi_m, dccm_rdata_lo_m;
+ logic [6:0] dccm_data_ecc_hi_m, dccm_data_ecc_lo_m;
+ logic lsu_single_ecc_error_m;
+ logic lsu_double_ecc_error_m;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_ld_data_r;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_ld_data_corr_r;
+ logic [31:0] dccm_rdata_hi_r, dccm_rdata_lo_r;
+ logic [6:0] dccm_data_ecc_hi_r, dccm_data_ecc_lo_r;
+ logic single_ecc_error_hi_r, single_ecc_error_lo_r;
+ logic lsu_single_ecc_error_r;
+ logic lsu_double_ecc_error_r;
+ logic ld_single_ecc_error_r, ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff;
+ logic [31:0] picm_mask_data_m;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_addr_d, lsu_addr_m, lsu_addr_r;
+ logic [31:0] end_addr_d, end_addr_m, end_addr_r;
+ eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_d, lsu_pkt_m, lsu_pkt_r;
+ logic lsu_i0_valid_d, lsu_i0_valid_m, lsu_i0_valid_r;
+ // Store Buffer signals
+ logic store_stbuf_reqvld_r;
+ logic ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r;
+ logic lsu_commit_r;
+ logic lsu_exc_m;
+ logic addr_in_dccm_d, addr_in_dccm_m, addr_in_dccm_r;
+ logic addr_in_pic_d, addr_in_pic_m, addr_in_pic_r;
+ logic ldst_dual_d, ldst_dual_m, ldst_dual_r;
+ logic addr_external_m;
+ logic stbuf_reqvld_any;
+ logic stbuf_reqvld_flushed_any;
+ logic [pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] stbuf_addr_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_data_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_ecc_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_r_ff, sec_data_hi_r_ff;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff, sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff;
+ logic lsu_cmpen_m;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwddata_hi_m;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwddata_lo_m;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m;
+ logic lsu_stbuf_commit_any;
+ logic lsu_stbuf_empty_any; // This is for blocking loads
+ logic lsu_stbuf_full_any;
+ // Bus signals
+ logic lsu_busreq_r;
+ logic lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any;
+ logic lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any;
+ logic lsu_bus_buffer_full_any;
+ logic lsu_busreq_m;
+ logic [31:0] bus_read_data_m;
+ logic flush_m_up, flush_r;
+ logic is_sideeffects_m;
+ logic [2:0] dma_mem_tag_d, dma_mem_tag_m;
+ logic ldst_nodma_mtor;
+ logic dma_dccm_wen, dma_pic_wen;
+ logic [31:0] dma_dccm_wdata_lo, dma_dccm_wdata_hi;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_lo, dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_hi;
+ // Clocks
+ logic lsu_busm_clken;
+ logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken;
+ logic lsu_c1_m_clk, lsu_c1_r_clk;
+ logic lsu_c2_m_clk, lsu_c2_r_clk;
+ logic lsu_store_c1_m_clk, lsu_store_c1_r_clk;
+ logic lsu_stbuf_c1_clk;
+ logic lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk, lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk, lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk;
+ logic lsu_busm_clk;
+ logic lsu_free_c2_clk;
+ logic lsu_raw_fwd_lo_m, lsu_raw_fwd_hi_m;
+ logic lsu_raw_fwd_lo_r, lsu_raw_fwd_hi_r;
+ assign lsu_raw_fwd_lo_m = (|stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m[pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0]);
+ assign lsu_raw_fwd_hi_m = (|stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m[pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0]);
+ eb1_lsu_lsc_ctl #(.pt(pt)) lsu_lsc_ctl (.*);
+ // block stores in decode - for either bus or stbuf reasons
+ assign lsu_store_stall_any = lsu_stbuf_full_any | lsu_bus_buffer_full_any | ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff;
+ assign lsu_load_stall_any = lsu_bus_buffer_full_any | ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff;
+ assign lsu_fastint_stall_any = ld_single_ecc_error_r; // Stall the fastint in decode-1 stage
+ // Ready to accept dma trxns
+ // There can't be any inpipe forwarding from non-dma packet to dma packet since they can be flushed so we can't have st in r when dma is in m
+ assign dma_mem_tag_d[2:0] = dma_mem_tag[2:0];
+ assign ldst_nodma_mtor = (lsu_pkt_m.valid & ~lsu_pkt_m.dma & (addr_in_dccm_m | addr_in_pic_m) &;
+ assign dccm_ready = ~(dec_lsu_valid_raw_d | ldst_nodma_mtor | ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff);
+ assign dma_dccm_wen = dma_dccm_req & dma_mem_write & addr_in_dccm_d & dma_mem_sz[1]; // Perform DMA writes only for word/dword
+ assign dma_pic_wen = dma_dccm_req & dma_mem_write & addr_in_pic_d;
+ assign {dma_dccm_wdata_hi[31:0], dma_dccm_wdata_lo[31:0]} = dma_mem_wdata[63:0] >> {dma_mem_addr[2:0], 3'b000}; // Shift the dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
+ // Generate per cycle flush signals
+ assign flush_m_up = dec_tlu_flush_lower_r;
+ assign flush_r = dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_r;
+ // lsu idle
+ // lsu halt idle. This is used for entering the halt mode. Also, DMA accesses are allowed during fence.
+ // Indicates non-idle if there is a instruction valid in d-r or read/write buffers are non-empty since they can come with error
+ // Store buffer now have only non-dma dccm stores
+ // stbuf_empty not needed since it has only dccm stores
+ assign lsu_idle_any = ~((lsu_pkt_m.valid & ~lsu_pkt_m.dma) |
+ (lsu_pkt_r.valid & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma)) &
+ lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any;
+ assign lsu_active = (lsu_pkt_m.valid | lsu_pkt_r.valid | ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff) | ~lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any; // This includes DMA. Used for gating top clock
+ // Instantiate the store buffer
+ assign store_stbuf_reqvld_r = lsu_pkt_r.valid & & addr_in_dccm_r & ~flush_r & (~lsu_pkt_r.dma | (( | lsu_pkt_r.half) & ~lsu_double_ecc_error_r));
+ // Disable Forwarding for now
+ assign lsu_cmpen_m = lsu_pkt_m.valid & (lsu_pkt_m.load | & (addr_in_dccm_m | addr_in_pic_m);
+ // Bus signals
+ assign lsu_busreq_m = lsu_pkt_m.valid & ((lsu_pkt_m.load | & addr_external_m) & ~flush_m_up & ~lsu_exc_m & ~lsu_pkt_m.fast_int;
+ // Dual signals
+ assign ldst_dual_d = (lsu_addr_d[2] != end_addr_d[2]);
+ assign ldst_dual_m = (lsu_addr_m[2] != end_addr_m[2]);
+ assign ldst_dual_r = (lsu_addr_r[2] != end_addr_r[2]);
+ // PMU signals
+ assign lsu_pmu_misaligned_m = lsu_pkt_m.valid & ((lsu_pkt_m.half & lsu_addr_m[0]) | (lsu_pkt_m.word & (|lsu_addr_m[1:0])));
+ assign lsu_pmu_load_external_m = lsu_pkt_m.valid & lsu_pkt_m.load & addr_external_m;
+ assign lsu_pmu_store_external_m = lsu_pkt_m.valid & & addr_external_m;
+ eb1_lsu_dccm_ctl #(.pt(pt)) dccm_ctl (
+ .lsu_addr_d(lsu_addr_d[31:0]),
+ .end_addr_d(end_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .lsu_addr_m(lsu_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .lsu_addr_r(lsu_addr_r[31:0]),
+ .end_addr_m(end_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .end_addr_r(end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .*
+ );
+ eb1_lsu_stbuf #(.pt(pt)) stbuf (
+ .lsu_addr_d(lsu_addr_d[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0]),
+ .end_addr_d(end_addr_d[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0]),
+ .*
+ );
+ eb1_lsu_ecc #(.pt(pt)) ecc (
+ .lsu_addr_r(lsu_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .end_addr_r(end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .lsu_addr_m(lsu_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .end_addr_m(end_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]),
+ .*
+ );
+ eb1_lsu_trigger #(.pt(pt)) trigger (
+ .store_data_m(store_data_m[31:0]),
+ .*
+ );
+ // Clk domain
+ eb1_lsu_clkdomain #(.pt(pt)) clkdomain (.*);
+ // Bus interface
+ eb1_lsu_bus_intf #(.pt(pt)) bus_intf (
+ .lsu_addr_m(lsu_addr_m[31:0] & {32{addr_external_m & lsu_pkt_m.valid}}),
+ .lsu_addr_r(lsu_addr_r[31:0] & {32{lsu_busreq_r}}),
+ .end_addr_m(end_addr_m[31:0] & {32{addr_external_m & lsu_pkt_m.valid}}),
+ .end_addr_r(end_addr_r[31:0] & {32{lsu_busreq_r}}),
+ .store_data_r(store_data_r[31:0] & {32{lsu_busreq_r}}),
+ .*
+ );
+ //Flops
+ rvdff #(3) dma_mem_tag_mff (.*, .din(dma_mem_tag_d[2:0]), .dout(dma_mem_tag_m[2:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk));
+ rvdff #(2) lsu_raw_fwd_r_ff (.*, .din({lsu_raw_fwd_hi_m, lsu_raw_fwd_lo_m}), .dout({lsu_raw_fwd_hi_r, lsu_raw_fwd_lo_r}), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk));
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ logic [1:0] store_data_bypass_sel;
+ assign store_data_bypass_sel[1:0] = {lsu_p.store_data_bypass_d, lsu_p.store_data_bypass_m};
+ property exception_no_lsu_flush;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) lsu_lsc_ctl.lsu_error_pkt_m.exc_valid |-> ##[1:2] (flush_r );
+ endproperty
+ assert_exception_no_lsu_flush: assert property (exception_no_lsu_flush) else
+ $display("No flush within 2 cycles of exception");
+ // offset should be zero for fast interrupt
+ property offset_0_fastint;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_p.valid & lsu_p.fast_int) |-> (dec_lsu_offset_d[11:0] == 12'b0);
+ endproperty
+ assert_offset_0_fastint: assert property (offset_0_fastint) else
+ $display("dec_tlu_offset_d not zero for fast interrupt redirect");
+ // DMA req should assert dccm rden/wren
+ property dmareq_dccm_wren_or_rden;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) dma_dccm_req |-> (dccm_rden | dccm_wren | addr_in_pic_d);
+ endproperty
+ assert_dmareq_dccm_wren_or_rden: assert property(dmareq_dccm_wren_or_rden) else
+ $display("dccm rden or wren not asserted during DMA request");
+ // fastint_stall should cause load/store stall next cycle
+ property fastint_stall_imply_loadstore_stall;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_fastint_stall_any & (lsu_commit_r | lsu_pkt_r.dma)) |-> ##1 ((lsu_load_stall_any | lsu_store_stall_any) | ~ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff);
+ endproperty
+ assert_fastint_stall_imply_loadstore_stall: assert property (fastint_stall_imply_loadstore_stall) else
+ $display("fastint_stall should be followed by lsu_load/store_stall_any");
+ // Single ECC error implies rfnpc flush
+ property single_ecc_error_rfnpc_flush;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_error_pkt_r.single_ecc_error & lsu_pkt_r.load) |=> ~lsu_commit_r;
+ endproperty
+ assert_single_ecc_error_rfnpc_flush: assert property (single_ecc_error_rfnpc_flush) else
+ $display("LSU commit next cycle after single ecc error");
+endmodule // eb1_lsu
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..010779b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: Checks the memory map for the address
+// Comments:
+module eb1_lsu_addrcheck
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic lsu_c2_m_clk, // clock
+ input logic rst_l, // reset
+ input logic [31:0] start_addr_d, // start address for lsu
+ input logic [31:0] end_addr_d, // end address for lsu
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_d, // packet in d
+ input logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mrac_ff, // CSR read
+ input logic [3:0] rs1_region_d, // address rs operand [31:28]
+ input logic [31:0] rs1_d, // address rs operand
+ output logic is_sideeffects_m, // is sideffects space
+ output logic addr_in_dccm_d, // address in dccm
+ output logic addr_in_pic_d, // address in pic
+ output logic addr_external_d, // address in external
+ output logic access_fault_d, // access fault
+ output logic misaligned_fault_d, // misaligned
+ output logic [3:0] exc_mscause_d, // mscause for access/misaligned faults
+ output logic fir_dccm_access_error_d, // Fast interrupt dccm access error
+ output logic fir_nondccm_access_error_d,// Fast interrupt dccm access error
+ input logic scan_mode // Scan mode
+ logic non_dccm_access_ok;
+ logic is_sideeffects_d, is_aligned_d;
+ logic start_addr_in_dccm_d, end_addr_in_dccm_d;
+ logic start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, end_addr_in_dccm_region_d;
+ logic start_addr_in_pic_d, end_addr_in_pic_d;
+ logic start_addr_in_pic_region_d, end_addr_in_pic_region_d;
+ logic [4:0] csr_idx;
+ logic addr_in_iccm;
+ logic start_addr_dccm_or_pic;
+ logic base_reg_dccm_or_pic;
+ logic unmapped_access_fault_d, mpu_access_fault_d, picm_access_fault_d, regpred_access_fault_d;
+ logic regcross_misaligned_fault_d, sideeffect_misaligned_fault_d;
+ logic [3:0] access_fault_mscause_d;
+ logic [3:0] misaligned_fault_mscause_d;
+ if (pt.DCCM_ENABLE == 1) begin: Gen_dccm_enable
+ // Start address check
+ rvrangecheck #(.CCM_SADR(pt.DCCM_SADR),
+ .CCM_SIZE(pt.DCCM_SIZE)) start_addr_dccm_rangecheck (
+ .addr(start_addr_d[31:0]),
+ .in_range(start_addr_in_dccm_d),
+ .in_region(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d)
+ );
+ // End address check
+ rvrangecheck #(.CCM_SADR(pt.DCCM_SADR),
+ .CCM_SIZE(pt.DCCM_SIZE)) end_addr_dccm_rangecheck (
+ .addr(end_addr_d[31:0]),
+ .in_range(end_addr_in_dccm_d),
+ .in_region(end_addr_in_dccm_region_d)
+ );
+ end else begin: Gen_dccm_disable // block: Gen_dccm_enable
+ assign start_addr_in_dccm_d = '0;
+ assign start_addr_in_dccm_region_d = '0;
+ assign end_addr_in_dccm_d = '0;
+ assign end_addr_in_dccm_region_d = '0;
+ end
+ if (pt.ICCM_ENABLE == 1) begin : check_iccm
+ assign addr_in_iccm = (start_addr_d[31:28] == pt.ICCM_REGION);
+ end else begin
+ assign addr_in_iccm = 1'b0;
+ end
+ // PIC memory check
+ // Start address check
+ rvrangecheck #(.CCM_SADR(pt.PIC_BASE_ADDR),
+ .CCM_SIZE(pt.PIC_SIZE)) start_addr_pic_rangecheck (
+ .addr(start_addr_d[31:0]),
+ .in_range(start_addr_in_pic_d),
+ .in_region(start_addr_in_pic_region_d)
+ );
+ // End address check
+ rvrangecheck #(.CCM_SADR(pt.PIC_BASE_ADDR),
+ .CCM_SIZE(pt.PIC_SIZE)) end_addr_pic_rangecheck (
+ .addr(end_addr_d[31:0]),
+ .in_range(end_addr_in_pic_d),
+ .in_region(end_addr_in_pic_region_d)
+ );
+ assign start_addr_dccm_or_pic = start_addr_in_dccm_region_d | start_addr_in_pic_region_d;
+ assign base_reg_dccm_or_pic = ((rs1_region_d[3:0] == pt.DCCM_REGION) & pt.DCCM_ENABLE) | (rs1_region_d[3:0] == pt.PIC_REGION);
+ assign addr_in_dccm_d = (start_addr_in_dccm_d & end_addr_in_dccm_d);
+ assign addr_in_pic_d = (start_addr_in_pic_d & end_addr_in_pic_d);
+ assign addr_external_d = ~(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d | start_addr_in_pic_region_d);
+ assign csr_idx[4:0] = {start_addr_d[31:28], 1'b1};
+ assign is_sideeffects_d = dec_tlu_mrac_ff[csr_idx] & ~(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d | start_addr_in_pic_region_d | addr_in_iccm) & lsu_pkt_d.valid & ( | lsu_pkt_d.load); //every region has the 2 LSB indicating ( 1: sideeffects/no_side effects, and 0: cacheable ). Ignored in internal regions
+ assign is_aligned_d = (lsu_pkt_d.word & (start_addr_d[1:0] == 2'b0)) |
+ (lsu_pkt_d.half & (start_addr_d[0] == 1'b0)) |
+ (((pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE0 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK0)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR0 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK0)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE1 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK1)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR1 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK1)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE2 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK2)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR2 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK2)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE3 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK3)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR3 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK3)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE4 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK4)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR4 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK4)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE5 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK5)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR5 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK5)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE6 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK6)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR6 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK6)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE7 & ((start_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK7)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR7 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK7))) &
+ ((pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE0 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK0)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR0 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK0)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE1 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK1)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR1 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK1)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE2 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK2)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR2 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK2)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE3 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK3)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR3 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK3)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE4 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK4)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR4 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK4)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE5 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK5)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR5 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK5)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE6 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK6)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR6 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK6)) |
+ (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE7 & ((end_addr_d[31:0] | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK7)) == (pt.DATA_ACCESS_ADDR7 | pt.DATA_ACCESS_MASK7))));
+ // Access fault logic
+ // 0. Unmapped local memory : Addr in dccm region but not in dccm offset OR Addr in picm region but not in picm offset OR DCCM -> PIC cross when DCCM/PIC in same region
+ // 1. Uncorrectable (double bit) ECC error
+ // 3. Address is not in a populated non-dccm region
+ // 5. Region predication access fault: Base Address in DCCM/PIC and Final address in non-DCCM/non-PIC region or vice versa
+ // 6. Ld/St access to picm are not word aligned or word size
+ assign regpred_access_fault_d = (start_addr_dccm_or_pic ^ base_reg_dccm_or_pic); // 5. Region predication access fault: Base Address in DCCM/PIC and Final address in non-DCCM/non-PIC region or vice versa
+ assign picm_access_fault_d = (addr_in_pic_d & ((start_addr_d[1:0] != 2'b0) | ~lsu_pkt_d.word)); // 6. Ld/St access to picm are not word aligned or word size
+ if (pt.DCCM_ENABLE & (pt.DCCM_REGION == pt.PIC_REGION)) begin
+ assign unmapped_access_fault_d = ((start_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~(start_addr_in_dccm_d | start_addr_in_pic_d)) | // 0. Addr in dccm/pic region but not in dccm/pic offset
+ (end_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~(end_addr_in_dccm_d | end_addr_in_pic_d)) | // 0. Addr in dccm/pic region but not in dccm/pic offset
+ (start_addr_in_dccm_d & end_addr_in_pic_d) | // 0. DCCM -> PIC cross when DCCM/PIC in same region
+ (start_addr_in_pic_d & end_addr_in_dccm_d)); // 0. DCCM -> PIC cross when DCCM/PIC in same region
+ assign mpu_access_fault_d = (~start_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~non_dccm_access_ok); // 3. Address is not in a populated non-dccm region
+ end else begin
+ assign unmapped_access_fault_d = ((start_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~start_addr_in_dccm_d) | // 0. Addr in dccm region but not in dccm offset
+ (end_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~end_addr_in_dccm_d) | // 0. Addr in dccm region but not in dccm offset
+ (start_addr_in_pic_region_d & ~start_addr_in_pic_d) | // 0. Addr in picm region but not in picm offset
+ (end_addr_in_pic_region_d & ~end_addr_in_pic_d)); // 0. Addr in picm region but not in picm offset
+ assign mpu_access_fault_d = (~start_addr_in_pic_region_d & ~start_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~non_dccm_access_ok); // 3. Address is not in a populated non-dccm region
+ end
+ assign access_fault_d = (unmapped_access_fault_d | mpu_access_fault_d | picm_access_fault_d | regpred_access_fault_d) & lsu_pkt_d.valid & ~lsu_pkt_d.dma;
+ assign access_fault_mscause_d[3:0] = unmapped_access_fault_d ? 4'h2 : mpu_access_fault_d ? 4'h3 : regpred_access_fault_d ? 4'h5 : picm_access_fault_d ? 4'h6 : 4'h0;
+ // Misaligned happens due to 2 reasons
+ // 0. Region cross
+ // 1. sideeffects access which are not aligned
+ assign regcross_misaligned_fault_d = (start_addr_d[31:28] != end_addr_d[31:28]);
+ assign sideeffect_misaligned_fault_d = (is_sideeffects_d & ~is_aligned_d);
+ assign misaligned_fault_d = (regcross_misaligned_fault_d | (sideeffect_misaligned_fault_d & addr_external_d)) & lsu_pkt_d.valid & ~lsu_pkt_d.dma;
+ assign misaligned_fault_mscause_d[3:0] = regcross_misaligned_fault_d ? 4'h2 : sideeffect_misaligned_fault_d ? 4'h1 : 4'h0;
+ assign exc_mscause_d[3:0] = misaligned_fault_d ? misaligned_fault_mscause_d[3:0] : access_fault_mscause_d[3:0];
+ // Fast interrupt error logic
+ assign fir_dccm_access_error_d = ((start_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~start_addr_in_dccm_d) |
+ (end_addr_in_dccm_region_d & ~end_addr_in_dccm_d)) & lsu_pkt_d.valid & lsu_pkt_d.fast_int;
+ assign fir_nondccm_access_error_d = ~(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d & end_addr_in_dccm_region_d) & lsu_pkt_d.valid & lsu_pkt_d.fast_int;
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) is_sideeffects_mff (.din(is_sideeffects_d), .dout(is_sideeffects_m), .clk(lsu_c2_m_clk), .*);
+endmodule // eb1_lsu_addrcheck
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1293f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: lsu interface with interface queue
+// Comments:
+module eb1_lsu_bus_buffer
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic scan_mode, // scan mode
+ input logic dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable, // disable load to load forwarding for externals
+ input logic dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable, // disable write buffer coalescing
+ input logic dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable, // Don't block the sideeffect load store to the bus
+ input logic dec_tlu_force_halt,
+ // various clocks needed for the bus reads and writes
+ input logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken,
+ input logic lsu_busm_clken,
+ input logic lsu_c2_r_clk,
+ input logic lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk,
+ input logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk,
+ input logic lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk,
+ input logic lsu_free_c2_clk,
+ input logic lsu_busm_clk,
+ input logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, // Raw valid for address computation
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m, // lsu packet flowing down the pipe
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r, // lsu packet flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_m, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] end_addr_m, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_r, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] end_addr_r, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] store_data_r, // store data flowing down the pipe
+ input logic no_word_merge_r, // r store doesn't need to wait in ibuf since it will not coalesce
+ input logic no_dword_merge_r, // r store doesn't need to wait in ibuf since it will not coalesce
+ input logic lsu_busreq_m, // bus request is in m
+ output logic lsu_busreq_r, // bus request is in r
+ input logic ld_full_hit_m, // load can get all its byte from a write buffer entry
+ input logic flush_m_up, // flush
+ input logic flush_r, // flush
+ input logic lsu_commit_r, // lsu instruction in r commits
+ input logic is_sideeffects_r, // lsu attribute is side_effects
+ input logic ldst_dual_d, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary
+ input logic ldst_dual_m, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary
+ input logic ldst_dual_r, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary
+ input logic [7:0] ldst_byteen_ext_m, // HI and LO signals
+ output logic lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any, // bus buffer has a pending bus entry
+ output logic lsu_bus_buffer_full_any, // bus buffer is full
+ output logic lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any, // bus buffer is empty
+ output logic [3:0] ld_byte_hit_buf_lo, ld_byte_hit_buf_hi, // Byte enables for forwarding data
+ output logic [31:0] ld_fwddata_buf_lo, ld_fwddata_buf_hi, // load forwarding data
+ output logic lsu_imprecise_error_load_any, // imprecise load bus error
+ output logic lsu_imprecise_error_store_any, // imprecise store bus error
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any, // address of the imprecise error
+ // Non-blocking loads
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m, // there is an external load -> put in the cam
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m, // the tag of the external non block load
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r, // invalidate signal for the cam entry for non block loads
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r, // tag of the enrty which needs to be invalidated
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid, // the non block is valid - sending information back to the cam
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_error, // non block load has an error
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag, // the tag of the non block load sending the data/error
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data, // Data of the non block load
+ // PMU events
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_trxn,
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned,
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_error,
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_busy,
+ // AXI Write Channels
+ output logic lsu_axi_awvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_awready,
+ output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_awid,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_awaddr,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awregion,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_awlen,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awsize,
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_awburst,
+ output logic lsu_axi_awlock,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awcache,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awprot,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awqos,
+ output logic lsu_axi_wvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_wready,
+ output logic [63:0] lsu_axi_wdata,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_wstrb,
+ output logic lsu_axi_wlast,
+ input logic lsu_axi_bvalid,
+ output logic lsu_axi_bready,
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_bresp,
+ input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_bid,
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ output logic lsu_axi_arvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_arready,
+ output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_arid,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_araddr,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arregion,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_arlen,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arsize,
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_arburst,
+ output logic lsu_axi_arlock,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arcache,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arprot,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arqos,
+ input logic lsu_axi_rvalid,
+ output logic lsu_axi_rready,
+ input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_rid,
+ input logic [63:0] lsu_axi_rdata,
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_rresp,
+ input logic lsu_bus_clk_en,
+ input logic lsu_bus_clk_en_q
+ // For Ld: IDLE -> WAIT -> CMD -> RESP -> DONE_PARTIAL(?) -> DONE_WAIT(?) -> DONE -> IDLE
+ // For St: IDLE -> WAIT -> CMD -> RESP(?) -> IDLE
+ typedef enum logic [2:0] {IDLE=3'b000, WAIT=3'b001, CMD=3'b010, RESP=3'b011, DONE_PARTIAL=3'b100, DONE_WAIT=3'b101, DONE=3'b110} state_t;
+ localparam DEPTH = pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD;
+ localparam DEPTH_LOG2 = pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH;
+ localparam TIMER = 8; // This can be only power of 2
+ localparam TIMER_MAX = TIMER - 1; // Maximum value of timer
+ localparam TIMER_LOG2 = (TIMER < 2) ? 1 : $clog2(TIMER);
+ logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_hi_m, ldst_byteen_lo_m;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] ld_addr_hitvec_lo, ld_addr_hitvec_hi;
+ logic [3:0][DEPTH-1:0] ld_byte_hitvec_lo, ld_byte_hitvec_hi;
+ logic [3:0][DEPTH-1:0] ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo, ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi;
+ logic ld_addr_ibuf_hit_lo, ld_addr_ibuf_hit_hi;
+ logic [3:0] ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo, ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi;
+ logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_r;
+ logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_hi_r, ldst_byteen_lo_r;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_hi_r, store_data_lo_r;
+ logic is_aligned_r; // Aligned load/store
+ logic ldst_samedw_r;
+ logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_r;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi, lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo, lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn;
+ logic [1:0] lsu_nonblock_addr_offset;
+ logic [1:0] lsu_nonblock_sz;
+ logic lsu_nonblock_unsign;
+ logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] CmdPtr0Dec, CmdPtr1Dec;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] RspPtrDec;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] CmdPtr0, CmdPtr1;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] RspPtr;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] WrPtr0_m, WrPtr0_r;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] WrPtr1_m, WrPtr1_r;
+ logic found_wrptr0, found_wrptr1, found_cmdptr0, found_cmdptr1;
+ logic [3:0] buf_numvld_any, buf_numvld_wrcmd_any, buf_numvld_cmd_any, buf_numvld_pend_any;
+ logic any_done_wait_state;
+ logic bus_sideeffect_pend;
+ logic bus_coalescing_disable;
+ logic bus_addr_match_pending;
+ logic bus_cmd_sent, bus_cmd_ready;
+ logic bus_wcmd_sent, bus_wdata_sent;
+ logic bus_rsp_read, bus_rsp_write;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] bus_rsp_read_tag, bus_rsp_write_tag;
+ logic bus_rsp_read_error, bus_rsp_write_error;
+ logic [63:0] bus_rsp_rdata;
+ // Bus buffer signals
+ state_t [DEPTH-1:0] buf_state;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][1:0] buf_sz;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_addr;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][3:0] buf_byteen;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_sideeffect;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_write;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_unsign;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dual;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_samedw;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_nomerge;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dualhi;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_dualtag;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_ldfwd;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_ldfwdtag;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_error;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_data;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_age, buf_age_younger;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspage, buf_rsp_pickage;
+ state_t [DEPTH-1:0] buf_nxtstate;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_rst;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_state_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_cmd_state_bus_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_resp_state_bus_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_state_bus_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dual_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_samedw_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_nomerge_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_sideeffect_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_unsign_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][1:0] buf_sz_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_write_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_wr_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dualhi_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_dualtag_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_ldfwd_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_ldfwd_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_ldfwdtag_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][3:0] buf_byteen_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_addr_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_data_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_error_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_data_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_age_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_ageQ;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspage_set;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspage_in;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspageQ;
+ // Input buffer signals
+ logic ibuf_valid;
+ logic ibuf_dual;
+ logic ibuf_samedw;
+ logic ibuf_nomerge;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_tag;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_dualtag;
+ logic ibuf_sideeffect;
+ logic ibuf_unsign;
+ logic ibuf_write;
+ logic [1:0] ibuf_sz;
+ logic [3:0] ibuf_byteen;
+ logic [31:0] ibuf_addr;
+ logic [31:0] ibuf_data;
+ logic [TIMER_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_timer;
+ logic ibuf_byp;
+ logic ibuf_wr_en;
+ logic ibuf_rst;
+ logic ibuf_force_drain;
+ logic ibuf_drain_vld;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] ibuf_drainvec_vld;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_tag_in;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_dualtag_in;
+ logic [1:0] ibuf_sz_in;
+ logic [31:0] ibuf_addr_in;
+ logic [3:0] ibuf_byteen_in;
+ logic [31:0] ibuf_data_in;
+ logic [TIMER_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_timer_in;
+ logic [3:0] ibuf_byteen_out;
+ logic [31:0] ibuf_data_out;
+ logic ibuf_merge_en, ibuf_merge_in;
+ // Output buffer signals
+ logic obuf_valid;
+ logic obuf_write;
+ logic obuf_nosend;
+ logic obuf_rdrsp_pend;
+ logic obuf_sideeffect;
+ logic [31:0] obuf_addr;
+ logic [63:0] obuf_data;
+ logic [1:0] obuf_sz;
+ logic [7:0] obuf_byteen;
+ logic obuf_merge;
+ logic obuf_cmd_done, obuf_data_done;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag0;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag1;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_rdrsp_tag;
+ logic ibuf_buf_byp;
+ logic obuf_force_wr_en;
+ logic obuf_wr_wait;
+ logic obuf_wr_en, obuf_wr_enQ;
+ logic obuf_rst;
+ logic obuf_write_in;
+ logic obuf_nosend_in;
+ logic obuf_rdrsp_pend_en;
+ logic obuf_rdrsp_pend_in;
+ logic obuf_sideeffect_in;
+ logic obuf_aligned_in;
+ logic [31:0] obuf_addr_in;
+ logic [63:0] obuf_data_in;
+ logic [1:0] obuf_sz_in;
+ logic [7:0] obuf_byteen_in;
+ logic obuf_merge_in;
+ logic obuf_cmd_done_in, obuf_data_done_in;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag0_in;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag1_in;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_rdrsp_tag_in;
+ logic obuf_merge_en;
+ logic [TIMER_LOG2-1:0] obuf_wr_timer, obuf_wr_timer_in;
+ logic [7:0] obuf_byteen0_in, obuf_byteen1_in;
+ logic [63:0] obuf_data0_in, obuf_data1_in;
+ logic lsu_axi_awvalid_q, lsu_axi_awready_q;
+ logic lsu_axi_wvalid_q, lsu_axi_wready_q;
+ logic lsu_axi_arvalid_q, lsu_axi_arready_q;
+ logic lsu_axi_bvalid_q, lsu_axi_bready_q;
+ logic lsu_axi_rvalid_q, lsu_axi_rready_q;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_bid_q, lsu_axi_rid_q;
+ logic [1:0] lsu_axi_bresp_q, lsu_axi_rresp_q;
+ logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag;
+ logic [63:0] lsu_axi_rdata_q;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Load forwarding logic start
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Function to do 8 to 3 bit encoding
+ function automatic logic [2:0] f_Enc8to3;
+ input logic [7:0] Dec_value;
+ logic [2:0] Enc_value;
+ Enc_value[0] = Dec_value[1] | Dec_value[3] | Dec_value[5] | Dec_value[7];
+ Enc_value[1] = Dec_value[2] | Dec_value[3] | Dec_value[6] | Dec_value[7];
+ Enc_value[2] = Dec_value[4] | Dec_value[5] | Dec_value[6] | Dec_value[7];
+ return Enc_value[2:0];
+ endfunction // f_Enc8to3
+ // Buffer hit logic for bus load forwarding
+ assign ldst_byteen_hi_m[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_m[7:4];
+ assign ldst_byteen_lo_m[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_m[3:0];
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ assign ld_addr_hitvec_lo[i] = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == buf_addr[i][31:2]) & buf_write[i] & (buf_state[i] != IDLE) & lsu_busreq_m;
+ assign ld_addr_hitvec_hi[i] = (end_addr_m[31:2] == buf_addr[i][31:2]) & buf_write[i] & (buf_state[i] != IDLE) & lsu_busreq_m;
+ end
+ for (genvar j=0; j<4; j++) begin
+ assign ld_byte_hit_buf_lo[j] = |(ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[j]) | ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[j];
+ assign ld_byte_hit_buf_hi[j] = |(ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[j]) | ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[j];
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ assign ld_byte_hitvec_lo[j][i] = ld_addr_hitvec_lo[i] & buf_byteen[i][j] & ldst_byteen_lo_m[j];
+ assign ld_byte_hitvec_hi[j][i] = ld_addr_hitvec_hi[i] & buf_byteen[i][j] & ldst_byteen_hi_m[j];
+ assign ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[j][i] = ld_byte_hitvec_lo[j][i] & ~(|(ld_byte_hitvec_lo[j] & buf_age_younger[i])) & ~ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[j]; // Kill the byte enable if younger entry exists or byte exists in ibuf
+ assign ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[j][i] = ld_byte_hitvec_hi[j][i] & ~(|(ld_byte_hitvec_hi[j] & buf_age_younger[i])) & ~ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[j]; // Kill the byte enable if younger entry exists or byte exists in ibuf
+ end
+ end
+ // Hit in the ibuf
+ assign ld_addr_ibuf_hit_lo = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == ibuf_addr[31:2]) & ibuf_write & ibuf_valid & lsu_busreq_m;
+ assign ld_addr_ibuf_hit_hi = (end_addr_m[31:2] == ibuf_addr[31:2]) & ibuf_write & ibuf_valid & lsu_busreq_m;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[i] = ld_addr_ibuf_hit_lo & ibuf_byteen[i] & ldst_byteen_lo_m[i];
+ assign ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[i] = ld_addr_ibuf_hit_hi & ibuf_byteen[i] & ldst_byteen_hi_m[i];
+ end
+ always_comb begin
+ ld_fwddata_buf_lo[31:0] = {{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[3]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[2]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[1]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[0]}}} & ibuf_data[31:0];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_hi[31:0] = {{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[3]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[2]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[1]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[0]}}} & ibuf_data[31:0];
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ ld_fwddata_buf_lo[7:0] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[0][i]}} & buf_data[i][7:0];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_lo[15:8] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[1][i]}} & buf_data[i][15:8];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_lo[23:16] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[2][i]}} & buf_data[i][23:16];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_lo[31:24] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[3][i]}} & buf_data[i][31:24];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_hi[7:0] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[0][i]}} & buf_data[i][7:0];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_hi[15:8] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[1][i]}} & buf_data[i][15:8];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_hi[23:16] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[2][i]}} & buf_data[i][23:16];
+ ld_fwddata_buf_hi[31:24] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[3][i]}} & buf_data[i][31:24];
+ end
+ end
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Load forwarding logic end
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assign bus_coalescing_disable = dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable | pt.BUILD_AHB_LITE;
+ // Get the hi/lo byte enable
+ assign ldst_byteen_r[3:0] = ({4{}} & 4'b0001) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_r.half}} & 4'b0011) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_r.word}} & 4'b1111);
+ assign {ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0], ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]} = {4'b0,ldst_byteen_r[3:0]} << lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign {store_data_hi_r[31:0], store_data_lo_r[31:0]} = {32'b0,store_data_r[31:0]} << 8*lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign ldst_samedw_r = (lsu_addr_r[3] == end_addr_r[3]);
+ assign is_aligned_r = (lsu_pkt_r.word & (lsu_addr_r[1:0] == 2'b0)) |
+ (lsu_pkt_r.half & (lsu_addr_r[0] == 1'b0)) |
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Input buffer logic starts here
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assign ibuf_byp = lsu_busreq_r & (lsu_pkt_r.load | no_word_merge_r) & ~ibuf_valid;
+ assign ibuf_wr_en = lsu_busreq_r & lsu_commit_r & ~ibuf_byp;
+ assign ibuf_rst = (ibuf_drain_vld & ~ibuf_wr_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign ibuf_force_drain = lsu_busreq_m & ~lsu_busreq_r & ibuf_valid & (lsu_pkt_m.load | (ibuf_addr[31:2] != lsu_addr_m[31:2])); // Move the ibuf to buf if there is a non-colaescable ld/st in m but nothing in r
+ assign ibuf_drain_vld = ibuf_valid & (((ibuf_wr_en | (ibuf_timer == TIMER_MAX)) & ~(ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in)) | ibuf_byp | ibuf_force_drain | ibuf_sideeffect | ~ibuf_write | bus_coalescing_disable);
+ assign ibuf_tag_in[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = (ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in) ? ibuf_tag[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] : (ldst_dual_r ? WrPtr1_r : WrPtr0_r);
+ assign ibuf_dualtag_in[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr0_r;
+ assign ibuf_sz_in[1:0] = {lsu_pkt_r.word, lsu_pkt_r.half};
+ assign ibuf_addr_in[31:0] = ldst_dual_r ? end_addr_r[31:0] : lsu_addr_r[31:0];
+ assign ibuf_byteen_in[3:0] = (ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in) ? (ibuf_byteen[3:0] | ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]) : (ldst_dual_r ? ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0] : ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]);
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign ibuf_data_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in) ? (ldst_byteen_lo_r[i] ? store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ibuf_data[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) :
+ (ldst_dual_r ? store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ end
+ assign ibuf_timer_in = ibuf_wr_en ? '0 : (ibuf_timer < TIMER_MAX) ? (ibuf_timer + 1'b1) : ibuf_timer;
+ assign ibuf_merge_en = lsu_busreq_r & lsu_commit_r & & ibuf_valid & ibuf_write & (lsu_addr_r[31:2] == ibuf_addr[31:2]) & ~is_sideeffects_r & ~bus_coalescing_disable;
+ assign ibuf_merge_in = ~ldst_dual_r; // If it's a unaligned store, merge needs to happen on the way out of ibuf
+ // ibuf signals going to bus buffer after merging
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign ibuf_byteen_out[i] = (ibuf_merge_en & ~ibuf_merge_in) ? (ibuf_byteen[i] | ldst_byteen_lo_r[i]) : ibuf_byteen[i];
+ assign ibuf_data_out[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (ibuf_merge_en & ~ibuf_merge_in) ? (ldst_byteen_lo_r[i] ? store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ibuf_data[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) :
+ ibuf_data[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ end
+ rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_valid_ff (.din(1'b1), .dout(ibuf_valid), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clear(ibuf_rst), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) ibuf_tagff (.din(ibuf_tag_in), .dout(ibuf_tag), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) ibuf_dualtagff (.din(ibuf_dualtag_in), .dout(ibuf_dualtag), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_dualff (.din(ldst_dual_r), .dout(ibuf_dual), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_samedwff (.din(ldst_samedw_r), .dout(ibuf_samedw), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_nomergeff (.din(no_dword_merge_r), .dout(ibuf_nomerge), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_sideeffectff (.din(is_sideeffects_r), .dout(ibuf_sideeffect), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_unsignff (.din(lsu_pkt_r.unsign), .dout(ibuf_unsign), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_writeff (.din(, .dout(ibuf_write), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(2)) ibuf_szff (.din(ibuf_sz_in[1:0]), .dout(ibuf_sz), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) ibuf_addrff (.din(ibuf_addr_in[31:0]), .dout(ibuf_addr), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(4)) ibuf_byteenff (.din(ibuf_byteen_in[3:0]), .dout(ibuf_byteen), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) ibuf_dataff (.din(ibuf_data_in[31:0]), .dout(ibuf_data), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(TIMER_LOG2)) ibuf_timerff (.din(ibuf_timer_in), .dout(ibuf_timer), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Input buffer logic ends here
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Output buffer logic starts here
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assign obuf_wr_wait = (buf_numvld_wrcmd_any[3:0] == 4'b1) & (buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] == 4'b1) & (obuf_wr_timer != TIMER_MAX) &
+ ~bus_coalescing_disable & ~buf_nomerge[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0] & ~obuf_force_wr_en;
+ assign obuf_wr_timer_in = obuf_wr_en ? 3'b0: (((buf_numvld_cmd_any > 4'b0) & (obuf_wr_timer < TIMER_MAX)) ? (obuf_wr_timer + 1'b1) : obuf_wr_timer);
+ assign obuf_force_wr_en = lsu_busreq_m & ~lsu_busreq_r & ~ibuf_valid & (buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] == 4'b1) & (lsu_addr_m[31:2] != buf_addr[CmdPtr0][31:2]); // Entry in m can't merge with entry going to obuf and there is no entry in between
+ assign ibuf_buf_byp = ibuf_byp & (buf_numvld_pend_any[3:0] == 4'b0) & ( | no_dword_merge_r);
+ assign obuf_wr_en = ((ibuf_buf_byp & lsu_commit_r & ~(is_sideeffects_r & bus_sideeffect_pend)) |
+ ((buf_state[CmdPtr0] == CMD) & found_cmdptr0 & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[CmdPtr0] & ~(buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0] & bus_sideeffect_pend) &
+ (~(buf_dual[CmdPtr0] & buf_samedw[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_write[CmdPtr0]) | found_cmdptr1 | buf_nomerge[CmdPtr0] | obuf_force_wr_en))) &
+ (bus_cmd_ready | ~obuf_valid | obuf_nosend) & ~obuf_wr_wait & ~bus_addr_match_pending & lsu_bus_clk_en;
+ assign obuf_rst = ((bus_cmd_sent | (obuf_valid & obuf_nosend)) & ~obuf_wr_en & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign obuf_write_in = ibuf_buf_byp ? : buf_write[CmdPtr0];
+ assign obuf_sideeffect_in = ibuf_buf_byp ? is_sideeffects_r : buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0];
+ assign obuf_addr_in[31:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? lsu_addr_r[31:0] : buf_addr[CmdPtr0];
+ assign obuf_sz_in[1:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? {lsu_pkt_r.word, lsu_pkt_r.half} : buf_sz[CmdPtr0];
+ assign obuf_merge_in = obuf_merge_en;
+ assign obuf_tag0_in[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(WrPtr0_r) : (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(CmdPtr0);
+ assign obuf_tag1_in[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(WrPtr1_r) : (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(CmdPtr1);
+ assign obuf_cmd_done_in = ~(obuf_wr_en | obuf_rst) & (obuf_cmd_done | bus_wcmd_sent);
+ assign obuf_data_done_in = ~(obuf_wr_en | obuf_rst) & (obuf_data_done | bus_wdata_sent);
+ assign obuf_aligned_in = ibuf_buf_byp ? is_aligned_r : ((obuf_sz_in[1:0] == 2'b0) |
+ (obuf_sz_in[0] & ~obuf_addr_in[0]) |
+ (obuf_sz_in[1] & ~(|obuf_addr_in[1:0])));
+ assign obuf_rdrsp_pend_in = ((~(obuf_wr_en & ~obuf_nosend_in) & obuf_rdrsp_pend & ~(bus_rsp_read & (bus_rsp_read_tag == obuf_rdrsp_tag))) | (bus_cmd_sent & ~obuf_write)) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign obuf_rdrsp_pend_en = lsu_bus_clk_en | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ assign obuf_rdrsp_tag_in[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = (bus_cmd_sent & ~obuf_write) ? obuf_tag0[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] : obuf_rdrsp_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0];
+ // No ld to ld fwd for aligned
+ assign obuf_nosend_in = (obuf_addr_in[31:3] == obuf_addr[31:3]) & obuf_aligned_in & ~obuf_sideeffect & ~obuf_write & ~obuf_write_in & ~dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable &
+ ((obuf_valid & ~obuf_nosend) | (obuf_rdrsp_pend & ~(bus_rsp_read & (bus_rsp_read_tag == obuf_rdrsp_tag))));
+ assign obuf_byteen0_in[7:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (lsu_addr_r[2] ? {ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0],4'b0} : {4'b0,ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]}) :
+ (buf_addr[CmdPtr0][2] ? {buf_byteen[CmdPtr0],4'b0} : {4'b0,buf_byteen[CmdPtr0]});
+ assign obuf_byteen1_in[7:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (end_addr_r[2] ? {ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0],4'b0} : {4'b0,ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0]}) :
+ (buf_addr[CmdPtr1][2] ? {buf_byteen[CmdPtr1],4'b0} : {4'b0,buf_byteen[CmdPtr1]});
+ assign obuf_data0_in[63:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (lsu_addr_r[2] ? {store_data_lo_r[31:0],32'b0} : {32'b0,store_data_lo_r[31:0]}) :
+ (buf_addr[CmdPtr0][2] ? {buf_data[CmdPtr0],32'b0} : {32'b0,buf_data[CmdPtr0]});
+ assign obuf_data1_in[63:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (end_addr_r[2] ? {store_data_hi_r[31:0],32'b0} :{32'b0,store_data_hi_r[31:0]}) :
+ (buf_addr[CmdPtr1][2] ? {buf_data[CmdPtr1],32'b0} : {32'b0,buf_data[CmdPtr1]});
+ for (genvar i=0 ;i<8; i++) begin
+ assign obuf_byteen_in[i] = obuf_byteen0_in[i] | (obuf_merge_en & obuf_byteen1_in[i]);
+ assign obuf_data_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (obuf_merge_en & obuf_byteen1_in[i]) ? obuf_data1_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : obuf_data0_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ end
+ // No store obuf merging for AXI since all stores are sent non-posted. Can't track the second id right now
+ assign obuf_merge_en = ((CmdPtr0 != CmdPtr1) & found_cmdptr0 & found_cmdptr1 & (buf_state[CmdPtr0] == CMD) & (buf_state[CmdPtr1] == CMD) &
+ ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0] &
+ (~buf_write[CmdPtr0] & buf_dual[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_dualhi[CmdPtr0] & buf_samedw[CmdPtr0])) | // CmdPtr0/CmdPtr1 are for same load which is within a DW
+ (ibuf_buf_byp & ldst_samedw_r & ldst_dual_r);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_wren_ff (.din(obuf_wr_en), .dout(obuf_wr_enQ), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_valid_ff (.din(1'b1), .dout(obuf_valid), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clear(obuf_rst), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_nosend_ff (.din(obuf_nosend_in), .dout(obuf_nosend), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_rdrsp_pend_ff(.din(obuf_rdrsp_pend_in), .dout(obuf_rdrsp_pend), .en(obuf_rdrsp_pend_en), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_cmd_done_ff (.din(obuf_cmd_done_in), .dout(obuf_cmd_done), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_data_done_ff (.din(obuf_data_done_in), .dout(obuf_data_done), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) obuf_rdrsp_tagff (.din(obuf_rdrsp_tag_in), .dout(obuf_rdrsp_tag), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) obuf_tag0ff (.din(obuf_tag0_in), .dout(obuf_tag0), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) obuf_tag1ff (.din(obuf_tag1_in), .dout(obuf_tag1), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_mergeff (.din(obuf_merge_in), .dout(obuf_merge), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_writeff (.din(obuf_write_in), .dout(obuf_write), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_sideeffectff (.din(obuf_sideeffect_in), .dout(obuf_sideeffect), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) obuf_szff (.din(obuf_sz_in[1:0]), .dout(obuf_sz), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(8)) obuf_byteenff (.din(obuf_byteen_in[7:0]), .dout(obuf_byteen), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) obuf_addrff (.din(obuf_addr_in[31:0]), .dout(obuf_addr), .en(obuf_wr_en), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(64)) obuf_dataff (.din(obuf_data_in[63:0]), .dout(obuf_data), .en(obuf_wr_en), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(TIMER_LOG2)) obuf_timerff (.din(obuf_wr_timer_in), .dout(obuf_wr_timer), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Output buffer logic ends here
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Find the entry to allocate and entry to send
+ always_comb begin
+ WrPtr0_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = '0;
+ WrPtr1_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = '0;
+ found_wrptr0 = '0;
+ found_wrptr1 = '0;
+ // Find first write pointer
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ if (~found_wrptr0) begin
+ WrPtr0_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = DEPTH_LOG2'(i);
+ found_wrptr0 = (buf_state[i] == IDLE) & ~((ibuf_valid & (ibuf_tag == i)) |
+ (lsu_busreq_r & ((WrPtr0_r == i) | (ldst_dual_r & (WrPtr1_r == i)))));
+ end
+ end
+ // Find second write pointer
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ if (~found_wrptr1) begin
+ WrPtr1_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = DEPTH_LOG2'(i);
+ found_wrptr1 = (buf_state[i] == IDLE) & ~((ibuf_valid & (ibuf_tag == i)) |
+ (lsu_busreq_m & (WrPtr0_m == i)) |
+ (lsu_busreq_r & ((WrPtr0_r == i) | (ldst_dual_r & (WrPtr1_r == i)))));
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Get the command ptr
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ // These should be one-hot
+ assign CmdPtr0Dec[i] = ~(|buf_age[i]) & (buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i];
+ assign CmdPtr1Dec[i] = ~(|(buf_age[i] & ~CmdPtr0Dec)) & ~CmdPtr0Dec[i] & (buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i];
+ assign RspPtrDec[i] = ~(|buf_rsp_pickage[i]) & (buf_state[i] == DONE_WAIT);
+ end
+ assign found_cmdptr0 = |CmdPtr0Dec;
+ assign found_cmdptr1 = |CmdPtr1Dec;
+ assign CmdPtr0 = f_Enc8to3(8'(CmdPtr0Dec[DEPTH-1:0]));
+ assign CmdPtr1 = f_Enc8to3(8'(CmdPtr1Dec[DEPTH-1:0]));
+ assign RspPtr = f_Enc8to3(8'(RspPtrDec[DEPTH-1:0]));
+ // Age vector
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: GenAgeVec
+ for (genvar j=0; j<DEPTH; j++) begin
+ assign buf_age_in[i][j] = (((buf_state[i] == IDLE) & buf_state_en[i]) &
+ (((buf_state[j] == WAIT) | ((buf_state[j] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[j])) | // Set age bit for older entries
+ (ibuf_drain_vld & lsu_busreq_r & (ibuf_byp | ldst_dual_r) & (i == WrPtr0_r) & (j == ibuf_tag)) | // Set case for dual lo
+ (ibuf_byp & lsu_busreq_r & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r) & (j == WrPtr0_r)))) | // ibuf bypass case
+ buf_age[i][j];
+ assign buf_age[i][j] = buf_ageQ[i][j] & ~((buf_state[j] == CMD) & buf_cmd_state_bus_en[j]) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt; // Reset case
+ assign buf_age_younger[i][j] = (i == j) ? 1'b0: (~buf_age[i][j] & (buf_state[j] != IDLE)); // Younger entries
+ end
+ end
+ // Age vector for responses
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: GenRspAgeVec
+ for (genvar j=0; j<DEPTH; j++) begin
+ assign buf_rspage_set[i][j] = ((buf_state[i] == IDLE) & buf_state_en[i]) &
+ (~((buf_state[j] == IDLE) | (buf_state[j] == DONE)) | // Set age bit for older entries
+ (ibuf_drain_vld & lsu_busreq_r & (ibuf_byp | ldst_dual_r) & (DEPTH_LOG2'(i) == WrPtr0_r) & (DEPTH_LOG2'(j) == ibuf_tag)) | // Set case for dual lo
+ (ibuf_byp & lsu_busreq_r & ldst_dual_r & (DEPTH_LOG2'(i) == WrPtr1_r) & (DEPTH_LOG2'(j) == WrPtr0_r)));
+ assign buf_rspage_in[i][j] = buf_rspage_set[i][j] | buf_rspage[i][j];
+ assign buf_rspage[i][j] = buf_rspageQ[i][j] & ~((buf_state[j] == DONE) | (buf_state[j] == IDLE)) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt; // Reset case
+ assign buf_rsp_pickage[i][j] = buf_rspageQ[i][j] & (buf_state[j] == DONE_WAIT);
+ end
+ end
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Buffer logic
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ assign ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] = (ibuf_drain_vld & (i == ibuf_tag));
+ assign buf_byteen_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_byteen_out[3:0] : ((ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)) ? ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0] : ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]);
+ assign buf_addr_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_addr[31:0] : ((ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)) ? end_addr_r[31:0] : lsu_addr_r[31:0]);
+ assign buf_dual_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_dual : ldst_dual_r;
+ assign buf_samedw_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_samedw : ldst_samedw_r;
+ assign buf_nomerge_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? (ibuf_nomerge | ibuf_force_drain) : no_dword_merge_r;
+ assign buf_dualhi_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_dual : (ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)); // If it's dual, ibuf will always have the high
+ assign buf_dualtag_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_dualtag : ((ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)) ? WrPtr0_r : WrPtr1_r);
+ assign buf_sideeffect_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_sideeffect : is_sideeffects_r;
+ assign buf_unsign_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_unsign : lsu_pkt_r.unsign;
+ assign buf_sz_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_sz : {lsu_pkt_r.word, lsu_pkt_r.half};
+ assign buf_write_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_write :;
+ // Buffer entry state machine
+ always_comb begin
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = IDLE;
+ buf_state_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_resp_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_wr_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_data_in[i] = '0;
+ buf_data_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_error_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_rst[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_ldfwd_en[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_ldfwd_in[i] = '0;
+ buf_ldfwdtag_in[i] = '0;
+ case (buf_state[i])
+ IDLE: begin
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = lsu_bus_clk_en ? CMD : WAIT;
+ buf_state_en[i] = (lsu_busreq_r & lsu_commit_r & (((ibuf_byp | ldst_dual_r) & ~ibuf_merge_en & (i == WrPtr0_r)) | (ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)))) |
+ (ibuf_drain_vld & (i == ibuf_tag));
+ buf_wr_en[i] = buf_state_en[i];
+ buf_data_en[i] = buf_state_en[i];
+ buf_data_in[i] = (ibuf_drain_vld & (i == ibuf_tag)) ? ibuf_data_out[31:0] : store_data_lo_r[31:0];
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ end
+ WAIT: begin
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : CMD;
+ buf_state_en[i] = lsu_bus_clk_en | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ end
+ CMD: begin
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : (obuf_nosend & bus_rsp_read & (bus_rsp_read_tag == obuf_rdrsp_tag)) ? DONE_WAIT : RESP;
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = ((obuf_tag0 == i) | (obuf_merge & (obuf_tag1 == i))) & obuf_valid & obuf_wr_enQ; // Just use the recently written obuf_valid
+ buf_state_bus_en[i] = buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i];
+ buf_state_en[i] = (buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_ldfwd_in[i] = 1'b1;
+ buf_ldfwd_en[i] = buf_state_en[i] & ~buf_write[i] & obuf_nosend & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_ldfwdtag_in[i] = DEPTH_LOG2'(obuf_rdrsp_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-2:0]);
+ buf_data_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en & obuf_nosend & bus_rsp_read;
+ buf_error_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en & obuf_nosend & bus_rsp_read_error;
+ buf_data_in[i] = buf_error_en[i] ? bus_rsp_rdata[31:0] : (buf_addr[i][2] ? bus_rsp_rdata[63:32] : bus_rsp_rdata[31:0]);
+ end
+ RESP: begin
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = (dec_tlu_force_halt | (buf_write[i] & ~bus_rsp_write_error)) ? IDLE : // Side-effect writes will be non-posted
+ (buf_dual[i] & ~buf_samedw[i] & ~buf_write[i] & (buf_state[buf_dualtag[i]] != DONE_PARTIAL)) ? DONE_PARTIAL : // Goto DONE_PARTIAL if this is the first return of dual
+ (buf_ldfwd[i] | any_done_wait_state |
+ (buf_dual[i] & ~buf_samedw[i] & ~buf_write[i] & buf_ldfwd[buf_dualtag[i]] &
+ (buf_state[buf_dualtag[i]] == DONE_PARTIAL) & any_done_wait_state)) ? DONE_WAIT : DONE;
+ buf_resp_state_bus_en[i] = (bus_rsp_write & (bus_rsp_write_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i))) |
+ (bus_rsp_read & ((bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i)) |
+ (buf_ldfwd[i] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_ldfwdtag[i]))) |
+ (buf_dual[i] & buf_dualhi[i] & ~buf_write[i] & buf_samedw[i] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_dualtag[i])))));
+ buf_state_bus_en[i] = buf_resp_state_bus_en[i];
+ buf_state_en[i] = (buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_data_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & bus_rsp_read & lsu_bus_clk_en;
+ // Need to capture the error for stores as well for AXI
+ buf_error_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en & ((bus_rsp_read_error & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i))) |
+ (bus_rsp_read_error & buf_ldfwd[i] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_ldfwdtag[i]))) |
+ (bus_rsp_write_error & (bus_rsp_write_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i))));
+ buf_data_in[i][31:0] = (buf_state_en[i] & ~buf_error_en[i]) ? (buf_addr[i][2] ? bus_rsp_rdata[63:32] : bus_rsp_rdata[31:0]) : bus_rsp_rdata[31:0];
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ end
+ DONE_PARTIAL: begin // Other part of dual load hasn't returned
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : (buf_ldfwd[i] | buf_ldfwd[buf_dualtag[i]] | any_done_wait_state) ? DONE_WAIT : DONE;
+ buf_state_bus_en[i] = bus_rsp_read & ((bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_dualtag[i])) |
+ (buf_ldfwd[buf_dualtag[i]] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_ldfwdtag[buf_dualtag[i]]))));
+ buf_state_en[i] = (buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ end
+ DONE_WAIT: begin // WAIT state if there are multiple outstanding nb returns
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : DONE;
+ buf_state_en[i] = ((RspPtr == DEPTH_LOG2'(i)) | (buf_dual[i] & (buf_dualtag[i] == RspPtr))) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ end
+ DONE: begin
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = IDLE;
+ buf_rst[i] = 1'b1;
+ buf_state_en[i] = 1'b1;
+ buf_ldfwd_in[i] = 1'b0;
+ buf_ldfwd_en[i] = buf_state_en[i];
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ end
+ default : begin
+ buf_nxtstate[i] = IDLE;
+ buf_state_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_resp_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_wr_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_data_in[i] = '0;
+ buf_data_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_error_en[i] = '0;
+ buf_rst[i] = '0;
+ buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH($bits(state_t))) buf_state_ff (.din(buf_nxtstate[i]), .dout({buf_state[i]}), .en(buf_state_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH)) buf_ageff (.din(buf_age_in[i]), .dout(buf_ageQ[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH)) buf_rspageff (.din(buf_rspage_in[i]), .dout(buf_rspageQ[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) buf_dualtagff (.din(buf_dualtag_in[i]), .dout(buf_dualtag[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_dualff (.din(buf_dual_in[i]), .dout(buf_dual[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_samedwff (.din(buf_samedw_in[i]), .dout(buf_samedw[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_nomergeff (.din(buf_nomerge_in[i]), .dout(buf_nomerge[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_dualhiff (.din(buf_dualhi_in[i]), .dout(buf_dualhi[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_ldfwdff (.din(buf_ldfwd_in[i]), .dout(buf_ldfwd[i]), .en(buf_ldfwd_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) buf_ldfwdtagff (.din(buf_ldfwdtag_in[i]), .dout(buf_ldfwdtag[i]), .en(buf_ldfwd_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_sideeffectff (.din(buf_sideeffect_in[i]), .dout(buf_sideeffect[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_unsignff (.din(buf_unsign_in[i]), .dout(buf_unsign[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_writeff (.din(buf_write_in[i]), .dout(buf_write[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(2)) buf_szff (.din(buf_sz_in[i]), .dout(buf_sz[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) buf_addrff (.din(buf_addr_in[i][31:0]), .dout(buf_addr[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(4)) buf_byteenff (.din(buf_byteen_in[i][3:0]), .dout(buf_byteen[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) buf_dataff (.din(buf_data_in[i][31:0]), .dout(buf_data[i]), .en(buf_data_en[i]), .*);
+ rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_errorff (.din(1'b1), .dout(buf_error[i]), .en(buf_error_en[i]), .clear(buf_rst[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
+ end
+ // buffer full logic
+ always_comb begin
+ buf_numvld_any[3:0] = ({1'b0,lsu_busreq_m} << ldst_dual_m) +
+ ({1'b0,lsu_busreq_r} << ldst_dual_r) +
+ ibuf_valid;
+ buf_numvld_wrcmd_any[3:0] = 4'b0;
+ buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] = 4'b0;
+ buf_numvld_pend_any[3:0] = 4'b0;
+ any_done_wait_state = 1'b0;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ buf_numvld_any[3:0] += {3'b0, (buf_state[i] != IDLE)};
+ buf_numvld_wrcmd_any[3:0] += {3'b0, (buf_write[i] & (buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i])};
+ buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] += {3'b0, ((buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i])};
+ buf_numvld_pend_any[3:0] += {3'b0, ((buf_state[i] == WAIT) | ((buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i]))};
+ any_done_wait_state |= (buf_state[i] == DONE_WAIT);
+ end
+ end
+ assign lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any = (buf_numvld_pend_any != 0);
+ assign lsu_bus_buffer_full_any = (ldst_dual_d & dec_lsu_valid_raw_d) ? (buf_numvld_any[3:0] >= (DEPTH-1)) : (buf_numvld_any[3:0] == DEPTH);
+ assign lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any = ~(|buf_state[DEPTH-1:0]) & ~ibuf_valid & ~obuf_valid;
+ // Non blocking ports
+ assign lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m = lsu_busreq_m & lsu_pkt_m.valid & lsu_pkt_m.load & ~flush_m_up & ~ld_full_hit_m;
+ assign lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr0_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0];
+ assign lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r = lsu_nonblock_load_valid_r & ~lsu_commit_r;
+ assign lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr0_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]; // r tag needs to be accurate even if there is no invalidate
+ always_comb begin
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready = '0;
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_error = '0;
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = '0;
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo[31:0] = '0;
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi[31:0] = '0;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ // Use buf_rst[i] instead of buf_state_en[i] for timing
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready |= (buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i];
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_error |= (buf_state[i] == DONE) & buf_error[i] & ~buf_write[i];
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] |= DEPTH_LOG2'(i) & {DEPTH_LOG2{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i] & (~buf_dual[i] | ~buf_dualhi[i]))}};
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo[31:0] |= buf_data[i][31:0] & {32{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i] & (~buf_dual[i] | ~buf_dualhi[i]))}};
+ lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi[31:0] |= buf_data[i][31:0] & {32{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i] & (buf_dual[i] & buf_dualhi[i]))}};
+ end
+ end
+ assign lsu_nonblock_addr_offset[1:0] = buf_addr[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag][1:0];
+ assign lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] = buf_sz[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag][1:0];
+ assign lsu_nonblock_unsign = buf_unsign[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag];
+ assign lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[31:0] = 32'({lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi[31:0], lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo[31:0]} >> 8*lsu_nonblock_addr_offset[1:0]);
+ assign lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid = lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready & ~lsu_nonblock_load_data_error;
+ assign lsu_nonblock_load_data[31:0] = ({32{ lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b00)}} & {24'b0,lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{ lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b01)}} & {16'b0,lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b00)}} & {{24{lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[7]}}, lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b01)}} & {{16{lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[15]}},lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{(lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b10)}} & lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[31:0]);
+ // Determine if there is a pending return to sideeffect load/store
+ always_comb begin
+ bus_sideeffect_pend = obuf_valid & obuf_sideeffect & dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ bus_sideeffect_pend |= ((buf_state[i] == RESP) & buf_sideeffect[i] & dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable);
+ end
+ end
+ // We have no ordering rules for AXI. Need to check outstanding trxns to same address for AXI
+ always_comb begin
+ bus_addr_match_pending = '0;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ bus_addr_match_pending |= (obuf_valid & (obuf_addr[31:3] == buf_addr[i][31:3]) & (buf_state[i] == RESP) & ~((obuf_tag0 == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i)) | (obuf_merge & (obuf_tag1 == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i)))));
+ end
+ end
+ // Generic bus signals
+ assign bus_cmd_ready = obuf_write ? ((obuf_cmd_done | obuf_data_done) ? (obuf_cmd_done ? lsu_axi_wready : lsu_axi_awready) : (lsu_axi_awready & lsu_axi_wready)) : lsu_axi_arready;
+ assign bus_wcmd_sent = lsu_axi_awvalid & lsu_axi_awready;
+ assign bus_wdata_sent = lsu_axi_wvalid & lsu_axi_wready;
+ assign bus_cmd_sent = ((obuf_cmd_done | bus_wcmd_sent) & (obuf_data_done | bus_wdata_sent)) | (lsu_axi_arvalid & lsu_axi_arready);
+ assign bus_rsp_read = lsu_axi_rvalid & lsu_axi_rready;
+ assign bus_rsp_write = lsu_axi_bvalid & lsu_axi_bready;
+ assign bus_rsp_read_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = lsu_axi_rid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0];
+ assign bus_rsp_write_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = lsu_axi_bid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0];
+ assign bus_rsp_write_error = bus_rsp_write & (lsu_axi_bresp[1:0] != 2'b0);
+ assign bus_rsp_read_error = bus_rsp_read & (lsu_axi_rresp[1:0] != 2'b0);
+ assign bus_rsp_rdata[63:0] = lsu_axi_rdata[63:0];
+ // AXI command signals
+ assign lsu_axi_awvalid = obuf_valid & obuf_write & ~obuf_cmd_done & ~bus_addr_match_pending;
+ assign lsu_axi_awid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(obuf_tag0);
+ assign lsu_axi_awaddr[31:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? obuf_addr[31:0] : {obuf_addr[31:3],3'b0};
+ assign lsu_axi_awsize[2:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? {1'b0, obuf_sz[1:0]} : 3'b011;
+ assign lsu_axi_awprot[2:0] = 3'b001;
+ assign lsu_axi_awcache[3:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? 4'b0 : 4'b1111;
+ assign lsu_axi_awregion[3:0] = obuf_addr[31:28];
+ assign lsu_axi_awlen[7:0] = '0;
+ assign lsu_axi_awburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
+ assign lsu_axi_awqos[3:0] = '0;
+ assign lsu_axi_awlock = '0;
+ assign lsu_axi_wvalid = obuf_valid & obuf_write & ~obuf_data_done & ~bus_addr_match_pending;
+ assign lsu_axi_wstrb[7:0] = obuf_byteen[7:0] & {8{obuf_write}};
+ assign lsu_axi_wdata[63:0] = obuf_data[63:0];
+ assign lsu_axi_wlast = '1;
+ assign lsu_axi_arvalid = obuf_valid & ~obuf_write & ~obuf_nosend & ~bus_addr_match_pending;
+ assign lsu_axi_arid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(obuf_tag0);
+ assign lsu_axi_araddr[31:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? obuf_addr[31:0] : {obuf_addr[31:3],3'b0};
+ assign lsu_axi_arsize[2:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? {1'b0, obuf_sz[1:0]} : 3'b011;
+ assign lsu_axi_arprot[2:0] = 3'b001;
+ assign lsu_axi_arcache[3:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? 4'b0 : 4'b1111;
+ assign lsu_axi_arregion[3:0] = obuf_addr[31:28];
+ assign lsu_axi_arlen[7:0] = '0;
+ assign lsu_axi_arburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
+ assign lsu_axi_arqos[3:0] = '0;
+ assign lsu_axi_arlock = '0;
+ assign lsu_axi_bready = 1;
+ assign lsu_axi_rready = 1;
+ always_comb begin
+ lsu_imprecise_error_store_any = '0;
+ lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag = '0;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ lsu_imprecise_error_store_any |= lsu_bus_clk_en_q & (buf_state[i] == DONE) & buf_error[i] & buf_write[i];
+ lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag |= DEPTH_LOG2'(i) & {DEPTH_LOG2{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & buf_error[i] & buf_write[i])}};
+ end
+ end
+ assign lsu_imprecise_error_load_any = lsu_nonblock_load_data_error & ~lsu_imprecise_error_store_any; // This is to make sure we send only one imprecise error for load/store
+ assign lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any[31:0] = lsu_imprecise_error_store_any ? buf_addr[lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag] : buf_addr[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag];
+ // PMU signals
+ assign lsu_pmu_bus_trxn = (lsu_axi_awvalid & lsu_axi_awready) | (lsu_axi_wvalid & lsu_axi_wready) | (lsu_axi_arvalid & lsu_axi_arready);
+ assign lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned = lsu_busreq_r & ldst_dual_r & lsu_commit_r;
+ assign lsu_pmu_bus_error = lsu_imprecise_error_load_any | lsu_imprecise_error_store_any;
+ assign lsu_pmu_bus_busy = (lsu_axi_awvalid & ~lsu_axi_awready) | (lsu_axi_wvalid & ~lsu_axi_wready) | (lsu_axi_arvalid & ~lsu_axi_arready);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_awvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_awvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_awvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_awready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_awready), .dout(lsu_axi_awready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_wvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_wvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_wvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_wready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_wready), .dout(lsu_axi_wready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_arvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_arvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_arvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_arready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_arready), .dout(lsu_axi_arready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_bvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_bvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_bready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bready), .dout(lsu_axi_bready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) lsu_axi_bresp_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bresp[1:0]), .dout(lsu_axi_bresp_q[1:0]), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) lsu_axi_bid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.dout(lsu_axi_bid_q[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(64)) lsu_axi_rdata_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rdata[63:0]), .dout(lsu_axi_rdata_q[63:0]), .en((lsu_axi_rvalid | clk_override) & lsu_bus_clk_en), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_rvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_rvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_rready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rready), .dout(lsu_axi_rready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) lsu_axi_rresp_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rresp[1:0]), .dout(lsu_axi_rresp_q[1:0]), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) lsu_axi_rid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.dout(lsu_axi_rid_q[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) lsu_WrPtr0_rff (.din(WrPtr0_m), .dout(WrPtr0_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) lsu_WrPtr1_rff (.din(WrPtr1_m), .dout(WrPtr1_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_busreq_rff (.din(lsu_busreq_m & ~flush_r & ~ld_full_hit_m), .dout(lsu_busreq_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_nonblock_load_valid_rff (.din(lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m), .dout(lsu_nonblock_load_valid_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin: GenByte
+ assert_ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[i][DEPTH-1:0]));
+ assert_ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[i][DEPTH-1:0]));
+ end
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: GenAssertAge
+ assert_bufempty_agevec: assert #0 (~(lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any & |(buf_age[i])));
+ end
+ assert_CmdPtr0Dec_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(CmdPtr0Dec[DEPTH-1:0] & ~{DEPTH{dec_tlu_force_halt}}));
+ assert_CmdPtr1Dec_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(CmdPtr1Dec[DEPTH-1:0] & ~{DEPTH{dec_tlu_force_halt}}));
+endmodule // eb1_lsu_bus_buffer
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe80ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: lsu interface with interface queue
+// Comments:
+module eb1_lsu_bus_intf
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic scan_mode, // scan mode
+ input logic dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable, // disable load to load forwarding for externals
+ input logic dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable, // disable write buffer coalescing
+ input logic dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable, // disable the posted sideeffect load store to the bus
+ // various clocks needed for the bus reads and writes
+ input logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken, // obuf clock enable
+ input logic lsu_busm_clken, // bus clock enable
+ input logic lsu_c1_r_clk, // r pipe single pulse clock
+ input logic lsu_c2_r_clk, // r pipe double pulse clock
+ input logic lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk, // ibuf single pulse clock
+ input logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk, // obuf single pulse clock
+ input logic lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk, // buf single pulse clock
+ input logic lsu_free_c2_clk, // free clock double pulse clock
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic lsu_busm_clk, // bus clock
+ input logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, // Raw valid for address computation
+ input logic lsu_busreq_m, // bus request is in m
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m, // lsu packet flowing down the pipe
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r, // lsu packet flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_m, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_r, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] end_addr_m, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] end_addr_r, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] store_data_r, // store data flowing down the pipe
+ input logic dec_tlu_force_halt,
+ input logic lsu_commit_r, // lsu instruction in r commits
+ input logic is_sideeffects_m, // lsu attribute is side_effects
+ input logic flush_m_up, // flush
+ input logic flush_r, // flush
+ input logic ldst_dual_d, ldst_dual_m, ldst_dual_r,
+ output logic lsu_busreq_r, // bus request is in r
+ output logic lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any, // bus buffer has a pending bus entry
+ output logic lsu_bus_buffer_full_any, // write buffer is full
+ output logic lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any, // write buffer is empty
+ output logic [31:0] bus_read_data_m, // the bus return data
+ output logic lsu_imprecise_error_load_any, // imprecise load bus error
+ output logic lsu_imprecise_error_store_any, // imprecise store bus error
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any, // address of the imprecise error
+ // Non-blocking loads
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m, // there is an external load -> put in the cam
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m, // the tag of the external non block load
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r, // invalidate signal for the cam entry for non block loads
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r, // tag of the enrty which needs to be invalidated
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid,// the non block is valid - sending information back to the cam
+ output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_error,// non block load has an error
+ output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag, // the tag of the non block load sending the data/error
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data, // Data of the non block load
+ // PMU events
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_trxn,
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned,
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_error,
+ output logic lsu_pmu_bus_busy,
+ // AXI Write Channels
+ output logic lsu_axi_awvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_awready,
+ output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_awid,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_awaddr,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awregion,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_awlen,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awsize,
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_awburst,
+ output logic lsu_axi_awlock,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awcache,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awprot,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awqos,
+ output logic lsu_axi_wvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_wready,
+ output logic [63:0] lsu_axi_wdata,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_wstrb,
+ output logic lsu_axi_wlast,
+ input logic lsu_axi_bvalid,
+ output logic lsu_axi_bready,
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_bresp,
+ input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_bid,
+ // AXI Read Channels
+ output logic lsu_axi_arvalid,
+ input logic lsu_axi_arready,
+ output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_arid,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_araddr,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arregion,
+ output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_arlen,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arsize,
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_arburst,
+ output logic lsu_axi_arlock,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arcache,
+ output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arprot,
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arqos,
+ input logic lsu_axi_rvalid,
+ output logic lsu_axi_rready,
+ input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_rid,
+ input logic [63:0] lsu_axi_rdata,
+ input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_rresp,
+ input logic lsu_bus_clk_en
+ logic lsu_bus_clk_en_q;
+ logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_m, ldst_byteen_r;
+ logic [7:0] ldst_byteen_ext_m, ldst_byteen_ext_r;
+ logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_hi_m, ldst_byteen_hi_r;
+ logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_lo_m, ldst_byteen_lo_r;
+ logic is_sideeffects_r;
+ logic [63:0] store_data_ext_r;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_hi_r;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_lo_r;
+ logic addr_match_dw_lo_r_m;
+ logic addr_match_word_lo_r_m;
+ logic no_word_merge_r, no_dword_merge_r;
+ logic ld_addr_rhit_lo_lo, ld_addr_rhit_hi_lo, ld_addr_rhit_lo_hi, ld_addr_rhit_hi_hi;
+ logic [3:0] ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo, ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo, ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi, ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi;
+ logic [3:0] ld_byte_hit_lo, ld_byte_rhit_lo;
+ logic [3:0] ld_byte_hit_hi, ld_byte_rhit_hi;
+ logic [31:0] ld_fwddata_rpipe_lo;
+ logic [31:0] ld_fwddata_rpipe_hi;
+ logic [3:0] ld_byte_hit_buf_lo, ld_byte_hit_buf_hi;
+ logic [31:0] ld_fwddata_buf_lo, ld_fwddata_buf_hi;
+ logic [63:0] ld_fwddata_lo, ld_fwddata_hi;
+ logic [63:0] ld_fwddata_m;
+ logic ld_full_hit_hi_m, ld_full_hit_lo_m;
+ logic ld_full_hit_m;
+ assign ldst_byteen_m[3:0] = ({4{}} & 4'b0001) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_m.half}} & 4'b0011) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_m.word}} & 4'b1111);
+ // Read/Write Buffer
+ eb1_lsu_bus_buffer #(.pt(pt)) bus_buffer (
+ .*
+ );
+ // Logic to determine if dc5 store can be coalesced or not with younger stores. Bypass ibuf if cannot colaesced
+ assign addr_match_dw_lo_r_m = (lsu_addr_r[31:3] == lsu_addr_m[31:3]);
+ assign addr_match_word_lo_r_m = addr_match_dw_lo_r_m & ~(lsu_addr_r[2]^lsu_addr_m[2]);
+ assign no_word_merge_r = lsu_busreq_r & ~ldst_dual_r & lsu_busreq_m & (lsu_pkt_m.load | ~addr_match_word_lo_r_m);
+ assign no_dword_merge_r = lsu_busreq_r & ~ldst_dual_r & lsu_busreq_m & (lsu_pkt_m.load | ~addr_match_dw_lo_r_m);
+ // Create Hi/Lo signals
+ assign ldst_byteen_ext_m[7:0] = {4'b0,ldst_byteen_m[3:0]} << lsu_addr_m[1:0];
+ assign ldst_byteen_ext_r[7:0] = {4'b0,ldst_byteen_r[3:0]} << lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign store_data_ext_r[63:0] = {32'b0,store_data_r[31:0]} << {lsu_addr_r[1:0],3'b0};
+ assign ldst_byteen_hi_m[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_m[7:4];
+ assign ldst_byteen_lo_m[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_m[3:0];
+ assign ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_r[7:4];
+ assign ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_r[3:0];
+ assign store_data_hi_r[31:0] = store_data_ext_r[63:32];
+ assign store_data_lo_r[31:0] = store_data_ext_r[31:0];
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_lo_lo = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == lsu_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & lsu_busreq_m;
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_lo_hi = (end_addr_m[31:2] == lsu_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & lsu_busreq_m;
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_hi_lo = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == end_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & lsu_busreq_m;
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_hi_hi = (end_addr_m[31:2] == end_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & lsu_busreq_m;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin: GenBusBufFwd
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i] = ld_addr_rhit_lo_lo & ldst_byteen_lo_r[i] & ldst_byteen_lo_m[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i] = ld_addr_rhit_lo_hi & ldst_byteen_lo_r[i] & ldst_byteen_hi_m[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i] = ld_addr_rhit_hi_lo & ldst_byteen_hi_r[i] & ldst_byteen_lo_m[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i] = ld_addr_rhit_hi_hi & ldst_byteen_hi_r[i] & ldst_byteen_hi_m[i];
+ assign ld_byte_hit_lo[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i] |
+ ld_byte_hit_buf_lo[i];
+ assign ld_byte_hit_hi[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i] |
+ ld_byte_hit_buf_hi[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_lo[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_hi[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i];
+ assign ld_fwddata_rpipe_lo[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ({8{ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i]}} & store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) |
+ ({8{ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i]}} & store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ assign ld_fwddata_rpipe_hi[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ({8{ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i]}} & store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) |
+ ({8{ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i]}} & store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ // Final muxing between m/r
+ assign ld_fwddata_lo[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ld_byte_rhit_lo[i] ? ld_fwddata_rpipe_lo[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ld_fwddata_buf_lo[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ assign ld_fwddata_hi[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ld_byte_rhit_hi[i] ? ld_fwddata_rpipe_hi[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ld_fwddata_buf_hi[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ end
+ always_comb begin
+ ld_full_hit_lo_m = 1'b1;
+ ld_full_hit_hi_m = 1'b1;
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ ld_full_hit_lo_m &= (ld_byte_hit_lo[i] | ~ldst_byteen_lo_m[i]);
+ ld_full_hit_hi_m &= (ld_byte_hit_hi[i] | ~ldst_byteen_hi_m[i]);
+ end
+ end
+ // This will be high if all the bytes of load hit the stores in pipe/write buffer (m/r/wrbuf)
+ assign ld_full_hit_m = ld_full_hit_lo_m & ld_full_hit_hi_m & lsu_busreq_m & lsu_pkt_m.load & ~is_sideeffects_m;
+ assign ld_fwddata_m[63:0] = {ld_fwddata_hi[31:0], ld_fwddata_lo[31:0]} >> (8*lsu_addr_m[1:0]);
+ assign bus_read_data_m[31:0] = ld_fwddata_m[31:0];
+ // Fifo flops
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) clken_ff (.din(lsu_bus_clk_en), .dout(lsu_bus_clk_en_q), .clk(active_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) is_sideeffects_rff (.din(is_sideeffects_m), .dout(is_sideeffects_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(4) lsu_byten_rff (.*, .din(ldst_byteen_m[3:0]), .dout(ldst_byteen_r[3:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk));
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ // Assertion to check AXI write address is aligned to size
+ property lsu_axi_awaddr_aligned;
+ @(posedge lsu_busm_clk) disable iff(~rst_l) lsu_axi_awvalid |-> ((lsu_axi_awsize[2:0] == 3'h0) |
+ ((lsu_axi_awsize[2:0] == 3'h1) & (lsu_axi_awaddr[0] == 1'b0)) |
+ ((lsu_axi_awsize[2:0] == 3'h2) & (lsu_axi_awaddr[1:0] == 2'b0)) |
+ ((lsu_axi_awsize[2:0] == 3'h3) & (lsu_axi_awaddr[2:0] == 3'b0)));
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_awaddr_aligned: assert property (lsu_axi_awaddr_aligned) else
+ $display("Assertion lsu_axi_awaddr_aligned failed: lsu_axi_awvalid=1'b%b, lsu_axi_awsize=3'h%h, lsu_axi_awaddr=32'h%h",lsu_axi_awvalid, lsu_axi_awsize[2:0], lsu_axi_awaddr[31:0]);
+ // Assertion to check awvalid stays stable during entire bus clock
+ // Assertion to check AXI read address is aligned to size
+ property lsu_axi_araddr_aligned;
+ @(posedge lsu_busm_clk) disable iff(~rst_l) lsu_axi_arvalid |-> ((lsu_axi_arsize[2:0] == 3'h0) |
+ ((lsu_axi_arsize[2:0] == 3'h1) & (lsu_axi_araddr[0] == 1'b0)) |
+ ((lsu_axi_arsize[2:0] == 3'h2) & (lsu_axi_araddr[1:0] == 2'b0)) |
+ ((lsu_axi_arsize[2:0] == 3'h3) & (lsu_axi_araddr[2:0] == 3'b0)));
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_araddr_aligned: assert property (lsu_axi_araddr_aligned) else
+ $display("Assertion lsu_axi_araddr_aligned failed: lsu_axi_awvalid=1'b%b, lsu_axi_awsize=3'h%h, lsu_axi_araddr=32'h%h",lsu_axi_awvalid, lsu_axi_awsize[2:0], lsu_axi_araddr[31:0]);
+ // Assertion to check awvalid stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_awvalid_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_awvalid != $past(lsu_axi_awvalid)) |-> ($past(lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_awvalid_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_awvalid_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awvalid changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check awid stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_awid_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_awvalid & (lsu_axi_awid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] != $past(lsu_axi_awid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_awid_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_awid_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awid changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check awaddr stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_awaddr_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_awvalid & (lsu_axi_awaddr[31:0] != $past(lsu_axi_awaddr[31:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_awaddr_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_awaddr_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awaddr changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check awsize stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_awsize_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_awvalid & (lsu_axi_awsize[2:0] != $past(lsu_axi_awsize[2:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_awsize_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_awsize_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awsize changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check wstrb stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_wstrb_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_wvalid & (lsu_axi_wstrb[7:0] != $past(lsu_axi_wstrb[7:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_wstrb_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_wstrb_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI wstrb changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check wdata stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_wdata_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_wvalid & (lsu_axi_wdata[63:0] != $past(lsu_axi_wdata[63:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_wdata_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_wdata_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI wdata changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check awvalid stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_arvalid_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_arvalid != $past(lsu_axi_arvalid)) |-> ($past(lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_arvalid_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_arvalid_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awvalid changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check awid stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_arid_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_arvalid & (lsu_axi_arid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] != $past(lsu_axi_arid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_arid_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_arid_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awid changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check awaddr stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_araddr_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_arvalid & (lsu_axi_araddr[31:0] != $past(lsu_axi_araddr[31:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_araddr_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_araddr_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awaddr changed in middle of bus clock");
+ // Assertion to check awsize stays stable during entire bus clock
+ property lsu_axi_arsize_stable;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (lsu_axi_awvalid & (lsu_axi_arsize[2:0] != $past(lsu_axi_arsize[2:0]))) |-> $past(lsu_bus_clk_en);
+ endproperty
+ assert_lsu_axi_arsize_stable: assert property (lsu_axi_arsize_stable) else
+ $display("LSU AXI awsize changed in middle of bus clock");
+endmodule // eb1_lsu_bus_intf
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa1be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: Clock Generation Block
+// Comments: All the clocks are generate here
+// //********************************************************************************
+module eb1_lsu_clkdomain
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic dec_tlu_force_halt, // This will be high till TLU goes to debug halt
+ // Inputs
+ input logic clk_override, // chciken bit to turn off clock gating
+ input logic dma_dccm_req, // dma is active
+ input logic ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r, // allocating in to the store queue
+ input logic stbuf_reqvld_any, // stbuf is draining
+ input logic stbuf_reqvld_flushed_any, // instruction going to stbuf is flushed
+ input logic lsu_busreq_r, // busreq in r
+ input logic lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any, // bus buffer has a pending bus entry
+ input logic lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any, // external bus buffer is empty
+ input logic lsu_stbuf_empty_any, // stbuf is empty
+ input logic lsu_bus_clk_en, // bus clock enable
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_p, // lsu packet in decode
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_d, // lsu packet in d
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m, // lsu packet in m
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r, // lsu packet in r
+ // Outputs
+ output logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken, // obuf clock enable
+ output logic lsu_busm_clken, // bus clock enable
+ output logic lsu_c1_m_clk, // m pipe single pulse clock
+ output logic lsu_c1_r_clk, // r pipe single pulse clock
+ output logic lsu_c2_m_clk, // m pipe double pulse clock
+ output logic lsu_c2_r_clk, // r pipe double pulse clock
+ output logic lsu_store_c1_m_clk, // store in m
+ output logic lsu_store_c1_r_clk, // store in r
+ output logic lsu_stbuf_c1_clk,
+ output logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk, // ibuf clock
+ output logic lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk, // ibuf clock
+ output logic lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk, // ibuf clock
+ output logic lsu_busm_clk, // bus clock
+ output logic lsu_free_c2_clk, // free double pulse clock
+ input logic scan_mode // Scan mode
+ logic lsu_c1_m_clken, lsu_c1_r_clken;
+ logic lsu_c2_m_clken, lsu_c2_r_clken;
+ logic lsu_c1_m_clken_q, lsu_c1_r_clken_q;
+ logic lsu_store_c1_m_clken, lsu_store_c1_r_clken;
+ logic lsu_stbuf_c1_clken;
+ logic lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clken, lsu_bus_buf_c1_clken;
+ logic lsu_free_c1_clken, lsu_free_c1_clken_q, lsu_free_c2_clken;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Clock Enable logic
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ assign lsu_c1_m_clken = lsu_p.valid | dma_dccm_req | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_c1_r_clken = lsu_pkt_m.valid | lsu_c1_m_clken_q | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_c2_m_clken = lsu_c1_m_clken | lsu_c1_m_clken_q | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_c2_r_clken = lsu_c1_r_clken | lsu_c1_r_clken_q | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_store_c1_m_clken = ((lsu_c1_m_clken & | clk_override) ;
+ assign lsu_store_c1_r_clken = ((lsu_c1_r_clken & | clk_override) ;
+ assign lsu_stbuf_c1_clken = ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r | stbuf_reqvld_any | stbuf_reqvld_flushed_any | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clken = lsu_busreq_r | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken = (lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any | lsu_busreq_r | clk_override) & lsu_bus_clk_en;
+ assign lsu_bus_buf_c1_clken = ~lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any | lsu_busreq_r | dec_tlu_force_halt | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_free_c1_clken = (lsu_p.valid | lsu_pkt_d.valid | lsu_pkt_m.valid | lsu_pkt_r.valid) |
+ ~lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any | ~lsu_stbuf_empty_any | clk_override;
+ assign lsu_free_c2_clken = lsu_free_c1_clken | lsu_free_c1_clken_q | clk_override;
+ // Flops
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_free_c1_clkenff (.din(lsu_free_c1_clken), .dout(lsu_free_c1_clken_q), .clk(active_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_c1_m_clkenff (.din(lsu_c1_m_clken), .dout(lsu_c1_m_clken_q), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_c1_r_clkenff (.din(lsu_c1_r_clken), .dout(lsu_c1_r_clken_q), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ // Clock Headers
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_c1m_cgc ( .en(lsu_c1_m_clken), .l1clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .* );
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_c1r_cgc ( .en(lsu_c1_r_clken), .l1clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .* );
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_c2m_cgc ( .en(lsu_c2_m_clken), .l1clk(lsu_c2_m_clk), .* );
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_c2r_cgc ( .en(lsu_c2_r_clken), .l1clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .* );
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_store_c1m_cgc (.en(lsu_store_c1_m_clken), .l1clk(lsu_store_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_store_c1r_cgc (.en(lsu_store_c1_r_clken), .l1clk(lsu_store_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_stbuf_c1_cgc ( .en(lsu_stbuf_c1_clken), .l1clk(lsu_stbuf_c1_clk), .* );
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_cgc ( .en(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clken), .l1clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .* );
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_bus_buf_c1_cgc ( .en(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clken), .l1clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .* );
+ assign lsu_busm_clken = (~lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any | lsu_busreq_r | clk_override) & lsu_bus_clk_en;
+ assign lsu_busm_clk = 1'b0;
+ assign lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk = 1'b0;
+ rvclkhdr lsu_bus_obuf_c1_cgc ( .en(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .l1clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .* );
+ rvclkhdr lsu_busm_cgc (.en(lsu_busm_clken), .l1clk(lsu_busm_clk), .*);
+ rvoclkhdr lsu_free_cgc (.en(lsu_free_c2_clken), .l1clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba070bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: DCCM for LSU pipe
+// Comments: Single ported memory
+// DC1 -> DC2 -> DC3 -> DC4 (Commit)
+// //********************************************************************************
+module eb1_lsu_dccm_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ (
+ input logic lsu_c2_m_clk, // clocks
+ input logic lsu_c2_r_clk, // clocks
+ input logic lsu_c1_r_clk, // clocks
+ input logic lsu_store_c1_r_clk, // clocks
+ input logic lsu_free_c2_clk, // clocks
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r,// lsu packets
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m,// lsu packets
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_d,// lsu packets
+ input logic addr_in_dccm_d, // address maps to dccm
+ input logic addr_in_pic_d, // address maps to pic
+ input logic addr_in_pic_m, // address maps to pic
+ input logic addr_in_dccm_m, addr_in_dccm_r, // address in dccm per pipe stage
+ input logic addr_in_pic_r, // address in pic per pipe stage
+ input logic lsu_raw_fwd_lo_r, lsu_raw_fwd_hi_r,
+ input logic lsu_commit_r, // lsu instruction in r commits
+ input logic ldst_dual_m, ldst_dual_r,// load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary per pipe stage
+ // lsu address down the pipe
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_d,
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] lsu_addr_m,
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_r,
+ // lsu address down the pipe - needed to check unaligned
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] end_addr_d,
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] end_addr_m,
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] end_addr_r,
+ input logic stbuf_reqvld_any, // write enable
+ input logic [pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] stbuf_addr_any, // stbuf address (aligned)
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_data_any, // the read out from stbuf
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_ecc_any, // the encoded data with ECC bits
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwddata_hi_m, // stbuf fowarding to load
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwddata_lo_m, // stbuf fowarding to load
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m, // stbuf fowarding to load
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m, // stbuf fowarding to load
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_hi_r, // data from the dccm
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_lo_r, // data from the dccm
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_hi_r, // data from the dccm + ecc
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_lo_r,
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_ld_data_r, // right justified, ie load byte will have data at 7:0
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_ld_data_corr_r, // right justified & ECC corrected, ie load byte will have data at 7:0
+ input logic lsu_double_ecc_error_r, // lsu has a DED
+ input logic single_ecc_error_hi_r, // sec detected on hi dccm bank
+ input logic single_ecc_error_lo_r, // sec detected on lower dccm bank
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_r, // corrected dccm data
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_r, // corrected dccm data
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_r_ff, // corrected dccm data
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_r_ff, // corrected dccm data
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff, // the encoded data with ECC bits
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff, // the encoded data with ECC bits
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_hi_m, // data from the dccm
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_lo_m, // data from the dccm
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_hi_m, // data from the dccm + ecc
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_lo_m,
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_ld_data_m, // right justified, ie load byte will have data at 7:0
+ input logic lsu_double_ecc_error_m, // lsu has a DED
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_m, // corrected dccm data
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_m, // corrected dccm data
+ input logic [31:0] store_data_m, // Store data M-stage
+ input logic dma_dccm_wen, // Perform DMA writes only for word/dword
+ input logic dma_pic_wen, // Perform PIC writes
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_tag_m, // DMA Buffer entry number M-stage
+ input logic [31:0] dma_mem_addr, // DMA request address
+ input logic [63:0] dma_mem_wdata, // DMA write data
+ input logic [31:0] dma_dccm_wdata_lo, // Shift the dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
+ input logic [31:0] dma_dccm_wdata_hi, // Shift the dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_hi, // ECC bits for the DMA wdata
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_lo, // ECC bits for the DMA wdata
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_data_hi_r,
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_data_lo_r,
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_datafn_hi_r, // data from the dccm
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_datafn_lo_r, // data from the dccm
+ output logic [31:0] store_data_r, // raw store data to be sent to bus
+ output logic ld_single_ecc_error_r,
+ output logic ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff,
+ output logic [31:0] picm_mask_data_m, // pic data to stbuf
+ output logic lsu_stbuf_commit_any, // stbuf wins the dccm port or is to pic
+ output logic lsu_dccm_rden_m, // dccm read
+ output logic lsu_dccm_rden_r, // dccm read
+ output logic dccm_dma_rvalid, // dccm serviving the dma load
+ output logic dccm_dma_ecc_error, // DMA load had ecc error
+ output logic [2:0] dccm_dma_rtag, // DMA return tag
+ output logic [63:0] dccm_dma_rdata, // dccm data to dma request
+ // DCCM ports
+ output logic dccm_wren, // dccm interface -- write
+ output logic dccm_rden, // dccm interface -- write
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_wr_addr_lo, // dccm interface -- wr addr for lo bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_wr_addr_hi, // dccm interface -- wr addr for hi bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_rd_addr_lo, // dccm interface -- read address for lo bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_rd_addr_hi, // dccm interface -- read address for hi bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wr_data_lo, // dccm write data for lo bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wr_data_hi, // dccm write data for hi bank
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rd_data_lo, // dccm read data back from the dccm
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rd_data_hi, // dccm read data back from the dccm
+ // PIC ports
+ output logic picm_wren, // write to pic
+ output logic picm_rden, // read to pick
+ output logic picm_mken, // write to pic need a mask
+ output logic [31:0] picm_rdaddr, // address for pic read access
+ output logic [31:0] picm_wraddr, // address for pic write access
+ output logic [31:0] picm_wr_data, // write data
+ input logic [31:0] picm_rd_data, // read data
+ input logic scan_mode // scan mode
+ localparam DCCM_WIDTH_BITS = $clog2(pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH);
+ logic lsu_dccm_rden_d, lsu_dccm_wren_d;
+ logic ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r, ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r;
+ logic ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ns, ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ns;
+ logic ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ff, ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ff;
+ logic lsu_double_ecc_error_r_ff;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] ld_sec_addr_lo_r_ff, ld_sec_addr_hi_r_ff;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_data_lo_r_in, store_data_hi_r_in ;
+ logic [63:0] picm_rd_data_m;
+ logic dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi, dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_hi;
+ logic dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo, dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_lo;
+ logic kill_ecc_corr_lo_r, kill_ecc_corr_hi_r;
+ // byte_en flowing down
+ logic [3:0] store_byteen_m ,store_byteen_r;
+ logic [7:0] store_byteen_ext_m, store_byteen_ext_r;
+ if (pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1) begin: L2U_Plus1_1
+ logic [63:0] lsu_rdata_r, lsu_rdata_corr_r;
+ logic [63:0] dccm_rdata_r, dccm_rdata_corr_r;
+ logic [63:0] stbuf_fwddata_r;
+ logic [7:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_r;
+ logic [31:0] stbuf_fwddata_lo_r, stbuf_fwddata_hi_r;
+ logic [3:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_r, stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_r;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_rdata_lo_r, lsu_rdata_hi_r;
+ logic [63:0] picm_rd_data_r;
+ logic [63:32] lsu_ld_data_r_nc, lsu_ld_data_corr_r_nc;
+ logic [2:0] dma_mem_tag_r;
+ logic stbuf_fwddata_en;
+ assign dccm_dma_rvalid = lsu_pkt_r.valid & lsu_pkt_r.load & lsu_pkt_r.dma;
+ assign dccm_dma_ecc_error = lsu_double_ecc_error_r;
+ assign dccm_dma_rtag[2:0] = dma_mem_tag_r[2:0];
+ assign dccm_dma_rdata[63:0] = ldst_dual_r ? lsu_rdata_corr_r[63:0] : {2{lsu_rdata_corr_r[31:0]}};
+ assign {lsu_ld_data_r_nc[63:32], lsu_ld_data_r[31:0]} = lsu_rdata_r[63:0] >> 8*lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign {lsu_ld_data_corr_r_nc[63:32], lsu_ld_data_corr_r[31:0]} = lsu_rdata_corr_r[63:0] >> 8*lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign picm_rd_data_r[63:32] = picm_rd_data_r[31:0];
+ assign dccm_rdata_r[63:0] = {dccm_rdata_hi_r[31:0],dccm_rdata_lo_r[31:0]};
+ assign dccm_rdata_corr_r[63:0] = {sec_data_hi_r[31:0],sec_data_lo_r[31:0]};
+ assign stbuf_fwddata_r[63:0] = {stbuf_fwddata_hi_r[31:0], stbuf_fwddata_lo_r[31:0]};
+ assign stbuf_fwdbyteen_r[7:0] = {stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_r[3:0], stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_r[3:0]};
+ assign stbuf_fwddata_en = (|stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m[3:0]) | (|stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m[3:0]) | clk_override;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<8; i++) begin: GenDMAData
+ assign lsu_rdata_corr_r[(8*i)+7:8*i] = stbuf_fwdbyteen_r[i] ? stbuf_fwddata_r[(8*i)+7:8*i] :
+ (addr_in_pic_r ? picm_rd_data_r[(8*i)+7:8*i] : ({8{addr_in_dccm_r}} & dccm_rdata_corr_r[(8*i)+7:8*i]));
+ assign lsu_rdata_r[(8*i)+7:8*i] = stbuf_fwdbyteen_r[i] ? stbuf_fwddata_r[(8*i)+7:8*i] :
+ (addr_in_pic_r ? picm_rd_data_r[(8*i)+7:8*i] : ({8{addr_in_dccm_r}} & dccm_rdata_r[(8*i)+7:8*i]));
+ end
+ rvdffe #(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH) dccm_rdata_hi_r_ff (.*, .din(dccm_rdata_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(dccm_rdata_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en((lsu_dccm_rden_m & ldst_dual_m) | clk_override));
+ rvdffe #(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH) dccm_rdata_lo_r_ff (.*, .din(dccm_rdata_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(dccm_rdata_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(lsu_dccm_rden_m | clk_override));
+ rvdffe #(2*pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH) dccm_data_ecc_r_ff (.*, .din({dccm_data_ecc_hi_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0], dccm_data_ecc_lo_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]}),
+ .dout({dccm_data_ecc_hi_r[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0], dccm_data_ecc_lo_r[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]}), .en(lsu_dccm_rden_m | clk_override));
+ rvdff #(8) stbuf_fwdbyteen_ff (.*, .din({stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m[3:0], stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m[3:0]}), .dout({stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_r[3:0], stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_r[3:0]}), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk));
+ rvdffe #(64) stbuf_fwddata_ff (.*, .din({stbuf_fwddata_hi_m[31:0], stbuf_fwddata_lo_m[31:0]}), .dout({stbuf_fwddata_hi_r[31:0], stbuf_fwddata_lo_r[31:0]}), .en(stbuf_fwddata_en));
+ rvdffe #(32) picm_rddata_rff (.*, .din(picm_rd_data_m[31:0]), .dout(picm_rd_data_r[31:0]), .en(addr_in_pic_m | clk_override));
+ rvdff #(3) dma_mem_tag_rff (.*, .din(dma_mem_tag_m[2:0]), .dout(dma_mem_tag_r[2:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk));
+ end else begin: L2U_Plus1_0
+ logic [63:0] lsu_rdata_m, lsu_rdata_corr_m;
+ logic [63:0] dccm_rdata_m, dccm_rdata_corr_m;
+ logic [63:0] stbuf_fwddata_m;
+ logic [7:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_m;
+ logic [63:32] lsu_ld_data_m_nc, lsu_ld_data_corr_m_nc;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_ld_data_corr_m;
+ assign dccm_dma_rvalid = lsu_pkt_m.valid & lsu_pkt_m.load & lsu_pkt_m.dma;
+ assign dccm_dma_ecc_error = lsu_double_ecc_error_m;
+ assign dccm_dma_rtag[2:0] = dma_mem_tag_m[2:0];
+ assign dccm_dma_rdata[63:0] = ldst_dual_m ? lsu_rdata_corr_m[63:0] : {2{lsu_rdata_corr_m[31:0]}};
+ assign {lsu_ld_data_m_nc[63:32], lsu_ld_data_m[31:0]} = lsu_rdata_m[63:0] >> 8*lsu_addr_m[1:0];
+ assign {lsu_ld_data_corr_m_nc[63:32], lsu_ld_data_corr_m[31:0]} = lsu_rdata_corr_m[63:0] >> 8*lsu_addr_m[1:0];
+ assign dccm_rdata_m[63:0] = {dccm_rdata_hi_m[31:0],dccm_rdata_lo_m[31:0]};
+ assign dccm_rdata_corr_m[63:0] = {sec_data_hi_m[31:0],sec_data_lo_m[31:0]};
+ assign stbuf_fwddata_m[63:0] = {stbuf_fwddata_hi_m[31:0], stbuf_fwddata_lo_m[31:0]};
+ assign stbuf_fwdbyteen_m[7:0] = {stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m[3:0], stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m[3:0]};
+ for (genvar i=0; i<8; i++) begin: GenLoop
+ assign lsu_rdata_corr_m[(8*i)+7:8*i] = stbuf_fwdbyteen_m[i] ? stbuf_fwddata_m[(8*i)+7:8*i] :
+ (addr_in_pic_m ? picm_rd_data_m[(8*i)+7:8*i] : ({8{addr_in_dccm_m}} & dccm_rdata_corr_m[(8*i)+7:8*i]));
+ assign lsu_rdata_m[(8*i)+7:8*i] = stbuf_fwdbyteen_m[i] ? stbuf_fwddata_m[(8*i)+7:8*i] :
+ (addr_in_pic_m ? picm_rd_data_m[(8*i)+7:8*i] : ({8{addr_in_dccm_m}} & dccm_rdata_m[(8*i)+7:8*i]));
+ end
+ rvdffe #(32) lsu_ld_data_corr_rff(.*, .din(lsu_ld_data_corr_m[31:0]), .dout(lsu_ld_data_corr_r[31:0]), .en((lsu_pkt_m.valid & lsu_pkt_m.load & (addr_in_pic_m | addr_in_dccm_m)) | clk_override));
+ end
+ assign kill_ecc_corr_lo_r = (((lsu_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == lsu_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) | (end_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == lsu_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2])) & lsu_pkt_d.valid & & lsu_pkt_d.dma & addr_in_dccm_d) |
+ (((lsu_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == lsu_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) | (end_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == lsu_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2])) & lsu_pkt_m.valid & & lsu_pkt_m.dma & addr_in_dccm_m);
+ assign kill_ecc_corr_hi_r = (((lsu_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) | (end_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2])) & lsu_pkt_d.valid & & lsu_pkt_d.dma & addr_in_dccm_d) |
+ (((lsu_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) | (end_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2])) & lsu_pkt_m.valid & & lsu_pkt_m.dma & addr_in_dccm_m);
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r = lsu_pkt_r.load & single_ecc_error_lo_r & ~lsu_raw_fwd_lo_r;
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r = lsu_pkt_r.load & single_ecc_error_hi_r & ~lsu_raw_fwd_hi_r;
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_r = (ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r | ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r) & ~lsu_double_ecc_error_r;
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ns = ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r & (lsu_commit_r | lsu_pkt_r.dma) & ~kill_ecc_corr_lo_r;
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ns = ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r & (lsu_commit_r | lsu_pkt_r.dma) & ~kill_ecc_corr_hi_r;
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff = (ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ff | ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ff) & ~lsu_double_ecc_error_r_ff;
+ assign lsu_stbuf_commit_any = stbuf_reqvld_any &
+ (~(lsu_dccm_rden_d | lsu_dccm_wren_d | ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff) |
+ (lsu_dccm_rden_d & ~((stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == lsu_addr_d[pt.DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]) |
+ (stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == end_addr_d[pt.DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]))));
+ // No need to read for aligned word/dword stores since ECC will come by new data completely
+ assign lsu_dccm_rden_d = lsu_pkt_d.valid & (lsu_pkt_d.load | ( & (~(lsu_pkt_d.word | lsu_pkt_d.dword) | (lsu_addr_d[1:0] != 2'b0)))) & addr_in_dccm_d;
+ // DMA will read/write in decode stage
+ assign lsu_dccm_wren_d = dma_dccm_wen;
+ // DCCM inputs
+ assign dccm_wren = lsu_dccm_wren_d | lsu_stbuf_commit_any | ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff;
+ assign dccm_rden = lsu_dccm_rden_d & addr_in_dccm_d;
+ assign dccm_wr_addr_lo[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? (ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ff ? ld_sec_addr_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] : ld_sec_addr_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]) :
+ lsu_dccm_wren_d ? lsu_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] : stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0];
+ assign dccm_wr_addr_hi[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? (ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ff ? ld_sec_addr_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] : ld_sec_addr_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]) :
+ lsu_dccm_wren_d ? end_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] : stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0];
+ assign dccm_rd_addr_lo[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] = lsu_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0];
+ assign dccm_rd_addr_hi[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] = end_addr_d[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0];
+ assign dccm_wr_data_lo[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? (ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ff ? {sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],sec_data_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]} :
+ {sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],sec_data_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) :
+ (dma_dccm_wen ? {dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_lo[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],dma_dccm_wdata_lo[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]} :
+ {stbuf_ecc_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],stbuf_data_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]});
+ assign dccm_wr_data_hi[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? (ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ff ? {sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],sec_data_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]} :
+ {sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],sec_data_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) :
+ (dma_dccm_wen ? {dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_hi[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],dma_dccm_wdata_hi[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]} :
+ {stbuf_ecc_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0],stbuf_data_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]});
+ // DCCM outputs
+ assign store_byteen_m[3:0] = {4{}} &
+ (({4{}} & 4'b0001) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_m.half}} & 4'b0011) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_m.word}} & 4'b1111));
+ assign store_byteen_r[3:0] = {4{}} &
+ (({4{}} & 4'b0001) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_r.half}} & 4'b0011) |
+ ({4{lsu_pkt_r.word}} & 4'b1111));
+ assign store_byteen_ext_m[7:0] = {4'b0,store_byteen_m[3:0]} << lsu_addr_m[1:0]; // The packet in m
+ assign store_byteen_ext_r[7:0] = {4'b0,store_byteen_r[3:0]} << lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo = (stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == lsu_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) & addr_in_dccm_m;
+ assign dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi = (stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == end_addr_m[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) & addr_in_dccm_m;
+ assign dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_lo = (stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == lsu_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) & addr_in_dccm_r;
+ assign dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_hi = (stbuf_addr_any[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2] == end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:2]) & addr_in_dccm_r;
+ if (pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1) begin: L2U1_Plus1_1
+ logic dccm_wren_Q;
+ logic [31:0] dccm_wr_data_Q;
+ logic dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo_Q, dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi_Q;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_pre_hi_r, store_data_pre_lo_r;
+ assign {store_data_pre_hi_r[31:0], store_data_pre_lo_r[31:0]} = {32'b0,store_data_r[31:0]} << 8*lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = store_byteen_ext_r[i] ? store_data_pre_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ((dccm_wren_Q & dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo_Q) ? dccm_wr_data_Q[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : sec_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ assign store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = store_byteen_ext_r[i+4] ? store_data_pre_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ((dccm_wren_Q & dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi_Q) ? dccm_wr_data_Q[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : sec_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ assign store_datafn_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = store_byteen_ext_r[i] ? store_data_pre_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ((lsu_stbuf_commit_any & dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_lo) ? stbuf_data_any[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] :
+ ((dccm_wren_Q & dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo_Q) ? dccm_wr_data_Q[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : sec_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]));
+ assign store_datafn_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = store_byteen_ext_r[i+4] ? store_data_pre_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ((lsu_stbuf_commit_any & dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_hi) ? stbuf_data_any[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] :
+ ((dccm_wren_Q & dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi_Q) ? dccm_wr_data_Q[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : sec_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]));
+ end
+ rvdff #(1) dccm_wren_ff (.*, .din(lsu_stbuf_commit_any), .dout(dccm_wren_Q), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk)); // ECC load errors writing to dccm shouldn't fwd to stores in pipe
+ rvdffe #(32) dccm_wrdata_ff (.*, .din(stbuf_data_any[31:0]), .dout(dccm_wr_data_Q[31:0]), .en(lsu_stbuf_commit_any | clk_override), .clk(clk));
+ rvdff #(1) dccm_wrbyp_dm_loff (.*, .din(dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo), .dout(dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo_Q), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk));
+ rvdff #(1) dccm_wrbyp_dm_hiff (.*, .din(dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi), .dout(dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi_Q), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk));
+ rvdff #(32) store_data_rff (.*, .din(store_data_m[31:0]), .dout(store_data_r[31:0]), .clk(lsu_store_c1_r_clk));
+ end else begin: L2U1_Plus1_0
+ logic [31:0] store_data_hi_m, store_data_lo_m;
+ logic [63:0] store_data_mask;
+ assign {store_data_hi_m[31:0] , store_data_lo_m[31:0]} = {32'b0,store_data_m[31:0]} << 8*lsu_addr_m[1:0];
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign store_data_hi_r_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = store_byteen_ext_m[i+4] ? store_data_hi_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] :
+ ((lsu_stbuf_commit_any & dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_hi) ? stbuf_data_any[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : sec_data_hi_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ assign store_data_lo_r_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = store_byteen_ext_m[i] ? store_data_lo_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] :
+ ((lsu_stbuf_commit_any & dccm_wr_bypass_d_m_lo) ? stbuf_data_any[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : sec_data_lo_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ assign store_datafn_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (lsu_stbuf_commit_any & dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_lo & ~store_byteen_ext_r[i]) ? stbuf_data_any[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ assign store_datafn_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (lsu_stbuf_commit_any & dccm_wr_bypass_d_r_hi & ~store_byteen_ext_r[i+4]) ? stbuf_data_any[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ end // for (genvar i=0; i<BYTE_WIDTH; i++)
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign store_data_mask[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = {8{store_byteen_r[i]}};
+ end
+ assign store_data_r[31:0] = 32'({store_data_hi_r[31:0],store_data_lo_r[31:0]} >> 8*lsu_addr_r[1:0]) & store_data_mask[31:0];
+ rvdffe #(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH) store_data_hi_rff (.*, .din(store_data_hi_r_in[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(store_data_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en((ldst_dual_m & lsu_pkt_m.valid & | clk_override), .clk(clk));
+ rvdff #(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH) store_data_lo_rff (.*, .din(store_data_lo_r_in[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(store_data_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .clk(lsu_store_c1_r_clk));
+ end
+ assign dccm_rdata_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rd_data_lo[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]; // for ld choose dccm_out
+ assign dccm_rdata_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rd_data_hi[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]; // for ld this is used for ecc
+ assign dccm_data_ecc_lo_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rd_data_lo[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH];
+ assign dccm_data_ecc_hi_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rd_data_hi[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH];
+ // PIC signals. PIC ignores the lower 2 bits of address since PIC memory registers are 32-bits
+ assign picm_wren = (lsu_pkt_r.valid & & addr_in_pic_r & lsu_commit_r) | dma_pic_wen;
+ assign picm_rden = lsu_pkt_d.valid & lsu_pkt_d.load & addr_in_pic_d;
+ assign picm_mken = lsu_pkt_d.valid & & addr_in_pic_d; // Get the mask for stores
+ assign picm_rdaddr[31:0] = pt.PIC_BASE_ADDR | {{32-pt.PIC_BITS{1'b0}},lsu_addr_d[pt.PIC_BITS-1:0]};
+ assign picm_wraddr[31:0] = pt.PIC_BASE_ADDR | {{32-pt.PIC_BITS{1'b0}},(dma_pic_wen ? dma_mem_addr[pt.PIC_BITS-1:0] : lsu_addr_r[pt.PIC_BITS-1:0])};
+ assign picm_wr_data[31:0] = dma_pic_wen ? dma_mem_wdata[31:0] : store_datafn_lo_r[31:0];
+ assign picm_mask_data_m[31:0] = picm_rd_data_m[31:0];
+ assign picm_rd_data_m[63:0] = {picm_rd_data[31:0],picm_rd_data[31:0]};
+ if (pt.DCCM_ENABLE == 1) begin: Gen_dccm_enable
+ rvdff #(1) dccm_rden_mff (.*, .din(lsu_dccm_rden_d), .dout(lsu_dccm_rden_m), .clk(lsu_c2_m_clk));
+ rvdff #(1) dccm_rden_rff (.*, .din(lsu_dccm_rden_m), .dout(lsu_dccm_rden_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk));
+ // ECC correction flops since dccm write happens next cycle
+ // We are writing to dccm in r+1 for ecc correction since fast_int needs to be blocked in decode - 1. We can probably write in r for plus0 configuration since we know ecc error in M.
+ // In that case these (_ff) flops are needed only in plus1 configuration
+ rvdff #(1) ld_double_ecc_error_rff (.*, .din(lsu_double_ecc_error_r), .dout(lsu_double_ecc_error_r_ff), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk));
+ rvdff #(1) ld_single_ecc_error_hi_rff (.*, .din(ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ns), .dout(ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ff), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk));
+ rvdff #(1) ld_single_ecc_error_lo_rff (.*, .din(ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ns), .dout(ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ff), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk));
+ rvdffe #(pt.DCCM_BITS) ld_sec_addr_hi_rff (.*, .din(end_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]), .dout(ld_sec_addr_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]), .en(ld_single_ecc_error_r | clk_override), .clk(clk));
+ rvdffe #(pt.DCCM_BITS) ld_sec_addr_lo_rff (.*, .din(lsu_addr_r[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]), .dout(ld_sec_addr_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]), .en(ld_single_ecc_error_r | clk_override), .clk(clk));
+ end else begin: Gen_dccm_disable
+ assign lsu_dccm_rden_m = '0;
+ assign lsu_dccm_rden_r = '0;
+ assign lsu_double_ecc_error_r_ff = 1'b0;
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_hi_r_ff = 1'b0;
+ assign ld_single_ecc_error_lo_r_ff = 1'b0;
+ assign ld_sec_addr_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] = '0;
+ assign ld_sec_addr_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] = '0;
+ end
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ // Load single ECC error correction implies commit/dma
+ property ld_single_ecc_error_commit;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff & dccm_wren) |-> ($past(lsu_commit_r | lsu_pkt_r.dma));
+ endproperty
+ assert_ld_single_ecc_error_commit: assert property (ld_single_ecc_error_commit) else
+ $display("No commit or DMA but ECC correction happened");
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be942d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: DCCM for LSU pipe
+// Comments: Single ported memory
+// DC1 -> DC2 -> DC3 -> DC4 (Commit)
+// //********************************************************************************
+`define eb1_LOCAL_DCCM_RAM_TEST_PORTS .TEST1(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST1), \
+ .RME(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RME), \
+ .RM(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].RM), \
+ .LS(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].LS), \
+ .DS(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].DS), \
+ .SD(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].SD), \
+ .TEST_RNM(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].TEST_RNM), \
+ .BC1(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC1), \
+ .BC2(dccm_ext_in_pkt[i].BC2), \
+module eb1_lsu_dccm_mem
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic vccd1,
+ input logic vssd1,
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic active_clk, // Clock only while core active. Through two clock headers. For flops without second clock header built in.
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic dccm_wren, // write enable
+ input logic dccm_rden, // read enable
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_wr_addr_lo, // write address
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_wr_addr_hi, // write address
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_rd_addr_lo, // read address
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] dccm_rd_addr_hi, // read address for the upper bank in case of a misaligned access
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wr_data_lo, // write data
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wr_data_hi, // write data
+ input eb1_dccm_ext_in_pkt_t [pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] dccm_ext_in_pkt, // the dccm packet from the soc
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rd_data_lo, // read data from the lo bank
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rd_data_hi, // read data from the hi bank
+ input logic scan_mode
+ localparam DCCM_WIDTH_BITS = $clog2(pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH);
+ localparam DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH = ((pt.DCCM_SIZE)*1024)/((pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH)*(pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS)); // Depth of memory bank
+ logic [pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] wren_bank;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] rden_bank;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:(pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS+2)] addr_bank;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:(pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS+DCCM_WIDTH_BITS)] rd_addr_even, rd_addr_odd;
+ logic rd_unaligned, wr_unaligned;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_bank_dout;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] wrdata;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] wr_data_bank;
+ logic [(DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS-1):DCCM_WIDTH_BITS] dccm_rd_addr_lo_q;
+ logic [(DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS-1):DCCM_WIDTH_BITS] dccm_rd_addr_hi_q;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS-1:0] dccm_clken;
+ assign rd_unaligned = (dccm_rd_addr_lo[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] != dccm_rd_addr_hi[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]);
+ assign wr_unaligned = (dccm_wr_addr_lo[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] != dccm_wr_addr_hi[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]);
+ // Align the read data
+ assign dccm_rd_data_lo[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_bank_dout[dccm_rd_addr_lo_q[pt.DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign dccm_rd_data_hi[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_bank_dout[dccm_rd_addr_hi_q[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ // 8 Banks, 16KB each (2048 x 72)
+ for (genvar i=0; i<pt.DCCM_NUM_BANKS; i++) begin: mem_bank
+ assign wren_bank[i] = dccm_wren & ((dccm_wr_addr_hi[2+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == i) | (dccm_wr_addr_lo[2+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == i));
+ assign rden_bank[i] = dccm_rden & ((dccm_rd_addr_hi[2+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == i) | (dccm_rd_addr_lo[2+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == i));
+ assign addr_bank[i][(pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS+DCCM_WIDTH_BITS)+:DCCM_INDEX_BITS] = wren_bank[i] ? (((dccm_wr_addr_hi[2+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == i) & wr_unaligned) ?
+ (((dccm_rd_addr_hi[2+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == i) & rd_unaligned) ?
+ assign wr_data_bank[i] = ((dccm_wr_addr_hi[2+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS] == i) & wr_unaligned) ? dccm_wr_data_hi[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0] : dccm_wr_data_lo[pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ // clock gating section
+ assign dccm_clken[i] = (wren_bank[i] | rden_bank[i] | clk_override) ;
+ // end clock gating section
+ /* eb1_ram #(DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH,39) ram (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ */
+ sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8 sram(
+ .vccd1(vccd1),
+ .vssd1(vssd1),
+ `endif
+ .clk0(clk),
+ .csb0(~dccm_clken[i]),
+ .web0(~wren_bank[i]),
+ .wmask0(4'hf),
+ .addr0(addr_bank[i]),
+ .din0(wr_data_bank[i]),
+ .dout0(dccm_bank_dout[i]),
+ .clk1(clk),
+ .csb1(1'b1),
+ .addr1(10'h000),
+ .dout1()
+ );
+ if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 32768) begin : dccm
+ ram_32768x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 16384) begin : dccm
+ ram_16384x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 8192) begin : dccm
+ ram_8192x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 4096) begin : dccm
+ ram_4096x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 3072) begin : dccm
+ ram_3072x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 2048) begin : dccm
+ ram_2048x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 1024) begin : dccm
+ /*ram_1024x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ */
+ sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8 sram(
+ .vccd1(vccd1),
+ .vssd1(vssd1),
+ `endif
+ .clk0(clk),
+ .csb0(~dccm_clken[i]),
+ .web0(~wren_bank[i]),
+ .wmask0(4'hf),
+ .addr0(addr_bank[i]),
+ .din0(wr_data_bank[i]),
+ .dout0(dccm_bank_dout[i]),
+ .clk1(clk),
+ .csb1(1'b1),
+ .addr1(10'h000),
+ .dout1()
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 512) begin : dccm
+ ram_512x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 256) begin : dccm
+ ram_256x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ else if (DCCM_INDEX_DEPTH == 128) begin : dccm
+ ram_128x39 dccm_bank (
+ // Primary ports
+ .ME(dccm_clken[i]),
+ .CLK(clk),
+ .WE(wren_bank[i]),
+ .ADR(addr_bank[i]),
+ .D(wr_data_bank[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .Q(dccm_bank_dout[i][pt.DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ROP ( ),
+ // These are used by SoC
+ .*
+ );
+ end
+ end : mem_bank
+ // Flops
+ rvdff #(pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS) rd_addr_lo_ff (.*, .din(dccm_rd_addr_lo[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]), .dout(dccm_rd_addr_lo_q[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]), .clk(active_clk));
+ rvdff #(pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS) rd_addr_hi_ff (.*, .din(dccm_rd_addr_hi[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]), .dout(dccm_rd_addr_hi_q[DCCM_WIDTH_BITS+:pt.DCCM_BANK_BITS]), .clk(active_clk));
+endmodule // eb1_lsu_dccm_mem
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c91a01f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: Top level file for load store unit
+// Comments:
+// DC1 -> DC2 -> DC3 -> DC4 (Commit)
+module eb1_lsu_ecc
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ input logic lsu_c2_r_clk, // clock
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic scan_mode, // scan mode
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m, // packet in m
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r, // packet in r
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_data_any,
+ input logic dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable, // disables the ecc computation and error flagging
+ input logic lsu_dccm_rden_r, // dccm rden
+ input logic addr_in_dccm_r, // address in dccm
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] lsu_addr_r, // start address
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] end_addr_r, // end address
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_hi_r, // data from the dccm
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_lo_r, // data from the dccm
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_hi_r, // data from the dccm + ecc
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_lo_r, // data from the dccm + ecc
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_r, // corrected dccm data R-stage
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_r, // corrected dccm data R-stage
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_r_ff, // corrected dccm data R+1 stage
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_r_ff, // corrected dccm data R+1 stage
+ input logic ld_single_ecc_error_r, // ld has a single ecc error
+ input logic ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff, // ld has a single ecc error
+ input logic lsu_dccm_rden_m, // dccm rden
+ input logic addr_in_dccm_m, // address in dccm
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] lsu_addr_m, // start address
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0] end_addr_m, // end address
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_hi_m, // raw data from mem
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_lo_m, // raw data from mem
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_hi_m, // ecc read out from mem
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_lo_m, // ecc read out from mem
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_m, // corrected dccm data M-stage
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_m, // corrected dccm data M-stage
+ input logic dma_dccm_wen, // Perform DMA writes only for word/dword
+ input logic [31:0] dma_dccm_wdata_lo, // Shifted dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
+ input logic [31:0] dma_dccm_wdata_hi, // Shifted dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_hi, // ECC bits for the DMA wdata
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_lo, // ECC bits for the DMA wdata
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_ecc_any, // Encoded data with ECC bits
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff, // Encoded data with ECC bits
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff, // Encoded data with ECC bits
+ output logic single_ecc_error_hi_r, // sec detected
+ output logic single_ecc_error_lo_r, // sec detected on lower dccm bank
+ output logic lsu_single_ecc_error_r, // or of the 2
+ output logic lsu_double_ecc_error_r, // double error detected
+ output logic lsu_single_ecc_error_m, // or of the 2
+ output logic lsu_double_ecc_error_m // double error detected
+ );
+ logic is_ldst_r;
+ logic is_ldst_hi_any, is_ldst_lo_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wdata_hi_any, dccm_wdata_lo_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any, dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_hi_any, dccm_rdata_lo_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_data_ecc_hi_any, dccm_data_ecc_lo_any;
+ logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_any, sec_data_lo_any;
+ logic single_ecc_error_hi_any, single_ecc_error_lo_any;
+ logic double_ecc_error_hi_any, double_ecc_error_lo_any;
+ logic double_ecc_error_hi_m, double_ecc_error_lo_m;
+ logic double_ecc_error_hi_r, double_ecc_error_lo_r;
+ logic [6:0] ecc_out_hi_nc, ecc_out_lo_nc;
+ if (pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1) begin: L2U_Plus1_1
+ logic ldst_dual_m, ldst_dual_r;
+ logic is_ldst_m;
+ logic is_ldst_hi_r, is_ldst_lo_r;
+ assign ldst_dual_r = (lsu_addr_r[2] != end_addr_r[2]);
+ assign is_ldst_r = lsu_pkt_r.valid & (lsu_pkt_r.load | & addr_in_dccm_r & lsu_dccm_rden_r;
+ assign is_ldst_lo_r = is_ldst_r & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable;
+ assign is_ldst_hi_r = is_ldst_r & ldst_dual_r & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable; // Always check the ECC Hi/Lo for DMA since we don't align for DMA
+ assign is_ldst_hi_any = is_ldst_hi_r;
+ assign dccm_rdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rdata_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign dccm_data_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_hi_r[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign is_ldst_lo_any = is_ldst_lo_r;
+ assign dccm_rdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rdata_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign dccm_data_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_lo_r[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign sec_data_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign single_ecc_error_hi_r = single_ecc_error_hi_any;
+ assign double_ecc_error_hi_r = double_ecc_error_hi_any;
+ assign sec_data_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign single_ecc_error_lo_r = single_ecc_error_lo_any;
+ assign double_ecc_error_lo_r = double_ecc_error_lo_any;
+ assign lsu_single_ecc_error_r = single_ecc_error_hi_r | single_ecc_error_lo_r;
+ assign lsu_double_ecc_error_r = double_ecc_error_hi_r | double_ecc_error_lo_r;
+ end else begin: L2U_Plus1_0
+ logic ldst_dual_m;
+ logic is_ldst_m;
+ logic is_ldst_hi_m, is_ldst_lo_m;
+ assign ldst_dual_m = (lsu_addr_m[2] != end_addr_m[2]);
+ assign is_ldst_m = lsu_pkt_m.valid & (lsu_pkt_m.load | & addr_in_dccm_m & lsu_dccm_rden_m;
+ assign is_ldst_lo_m = is_ldst_m & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable;
+ assign is_ldst_hi_m = is_ldst_m & (ldst_dual_m | lsu_pkt_m.dma) & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable; // Always check the ECC Hi/Lo for DMA since we don't align for DMA
+ assign is_ldst_hi_any = is_ldst_hi_m;
+ assign dccm_rdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rdata_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign dccm_data_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_hi_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign is_ldst_lo_any = is_ldst_lo_m;
+ assign dccm_rdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_rdata_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign dccm_data_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_lo_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign sec_data_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign double_ecc_error_hi_m = double_ecc_error_hi_any;
+ assign sec_data_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign double_ecc_error_lo_m = double_ecc_error_lo_any;
+ assign lsu_single_ecc_error_m = single_ecc_error_hi_any | single_ecc_error_lo_any;
+ assign lsu_double_ecc_error_m = double_ecc_error_hi_m | double_ecc_error_lo_m;
+ // Flops
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_single_ecc_err_r (.din(lsu_single_ecc_error_m), .dout(lsu_single_ecc_error_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_double_ecc_err_r (.din(lsu_double_ecc_error_m), .dout(lsu_double_ecc_error_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) ldst_sec_lo_rff (.din(single_ecc_error_lo_any), .dout(single_ecc_error_lo_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) ldst_sec_hi_rff (.din(single_ecc_error_hi_any), .dout(single_ecc_error_hi_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_hi_rff (.din(sec_data_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(lsu_single_ecc_error_m | clk_override), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_lo_rff (.din(sec_data_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(lsu_single_ecc_error_m | clk_override), .*);
+ end
+ // Logic for ECC generation during write
+ assign dccm_wdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? sec_data_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : (dma_dccm_wen ? dma_dccm_wdata_lo[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : stbuf_data_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]);
+ assign dccm_wdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? sec_data_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : (dma_dccm_wen ? dma_dccm_wdata_hi[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : 32'h0);
+ assign sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign stbuf_ecc_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_hi[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ assign dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_lo[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
+ // Instantiate ECC blocks
+ if (pt.DCCM_ENABLE == 1) begin: Gen_dccm_enable
+ //Detect/Repair for Hi
+ rvecc_decode lsu_ecc_decode_hi (
+ // Inputs
+ .en(is_ldst_hi_any),
+ .sed_ded (1'b0), // 1 : means only detection
+ .din(dccm_rdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ecc_in(dccm_data_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ // Outputs
+ .dout(sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ecc_out (ecc_out_hi_nc[6:0]),
+ .single_ecc_error(single_ecc_error_hi_any),
+ .double_ecc_error(double_ecc_error_hi_any),
+ .*
+ );
+ //Detect/Repair for Lo
+ rvecc_decode lsu_ecc_decode_lo (
+ // Inputs
+ .en(is_ldst_lo_any),
+ .sed_ded (1'b0), // 1 : means only detection
+ .din(dccm_rdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ),
+ .ecc_in(dccm_data_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ // Outputs
+ .dout(sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .ecc_out (ecc_out_lo_nc[6:0]),
+ .single_ecc_error(single_ecc_error_lo_any),
+ .double_ecc_error(double_ecc_error_lo_any),
+ .*
+ );
+ rvecc_encode lsu_ecc_encode_hi (
+ //Inputs
+ .din(dccm_wdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ //Outputs
+ .ecc_out(dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .*
+ );
+ rvecc_encode lsu_ecc_encode_lo (
+ //Inputs
+ .din(dccm_wdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ //Outputs
+ .ecc_out(dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
+ .*
+ );
+ end else begin: Gen_dccm_disable // block: Gen_dccm_enable
+ assign sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign single_ecc_error_hi_any = '0;
+ assign double_ecc_error_hi_any = '0;
+ assign single_ecc_error_lo_any = '0;
+ assign double_ecc_error_lo_any = '0;
+ end
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_hi_rplus1ff (.din(sec_data_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(ld_single_ecc_error_r | clk_override), .clk(clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_lo_rplus1ff (.din(sec_data_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(ld_single_ecc_error_r | clk_override), .clk(clk), .*);
+endmodule // eb1_lsu_ecc
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0517b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: LSU control
+// Comments:
+// DC1 -> DC2 -> DC3 -> DC4 (Commit)
+module eb1_lsu_lsc_ctl
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
+ input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
+ input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
+ // clocks per pipe
+ input logic lsu_c1_m_clk,
+ input logic lsu_c1_r_clk,
+ input logic lsu_c2_m_clk,
+ input logic lsu_c2_r_clk,
+ input logic lsu_store_c1_m_clk,
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_ld_data_r, // Load data R-stage
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_ld_data_corr_r, // ECC corrected data R-stage
+ input logic lsu_single_ecc_error_r, // ECC single bit error R-stage
+ input logic lsu_double_ecc_error_r, // ECC double bit error R-stage
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_ld_data_m, // Load data M-stage
+ input logic lsu_single_ecc_error_m, // ECC single bit error M-stage
+ input logic lsu_double_ecc_error_m, // ECC double bit error M-stage
+ input logic flush_m_up, // Flush M and D stage
+ input logic flush_r, // Flush R-stage
+ input logic ldst_dual_d, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary D-stage
+ input logic ldst_dual_m, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary M-stage
+ input logic ldst_dual_r, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary R-stage
+ input logic [31:0] exu_lsu_rs1_d, // address
+ input logic [31:0] exu_lsu_rs2_d, // store data
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_p, // lsu control packet
+ input logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, // Raw valid for address computation
+ input logic [11:0] dec_lsu_offset_d, // 12b offset for load/store addresses
+ input logic [31:0] picm_mask_data_m, // PIC data M-stage
+ input logic [31:0] bus_read_data_m, // the bus return data
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_result_m, // lsu load data
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_result_corr_r, // This is the ECC corrected data going to RF
+ // lsu address down the pipe
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_addr_d,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_addr_m,
+ output logic [31:0] lsu_addr_r,
+ // lsu address down the pipe - needed to check unaligned
+ output logic [31:0] end_addr_d,
+ output logic [31:0] end_addr_m,
+ output logic [31:0] end_addr_r,
+ // store data down the pipe
+ output logic [31:0] store_data_m,
+ input logic [31:0] dec_tlu_mrac_ff, // CSR for memory region control
+ output logic lsu_exc_m, // Access or misaligned fault
+ output logic is_sideeffects_m, // is sideffects space
+ output logic lsu_commit_r, // lsu instruction in r commits
+ output logic lsu_single_ecc_error_incr,// LSU inc SB error counter
+ output eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t lsu_error_pkt_r, // lsu exception packet
+ output logic [31:1] lsu_fir_addr, // fast interrupt address
+ output logic [1:0] lsu_fir_error, // Error during fast interrupt lookup
+ // address in dccm/pic/external per pipe stage
+ output logic addr_in_dccm_d,
+ output logic addr_in_dccm_m,
+ output logic addr_in_dccm_r,
+ output logic addr_in_pic_d,
+ output logic addr_in_pic_m,
+ output logic addr_in_pic_r,
+ output logic addr_external_m,
+ // DMA slave
+ input logic dma_dccm_req,
+ input logic [31:0] dma_mem_addr,
+ input logic [2:0] dma_mem_sz,
+ input logic dma_mem_write,
+ input logic [63:0] dma_mem_wdata,
+ // Store buffer related signals
+ output eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_d,
+ output eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m,
+ output eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r,
+ input logic scan_mode // Scan mode
+ );
+ logic [31:3] end_addr_pre_m, end_addr_pre_r;
+ logic [31:0] full_addr_d;
+ logic [31:0] full_end_addr_d;
+ logic [31:0] lsu_rs1_d;
+ logic [11:0] lsu_offset_d;
+ logic [31:0] rs1_d;
+ logic [11:0] offset_d;
+ logic [12:0] end_addr_offset_d;
+ logic [2:0] addr_offset_d;
+ logic [63:0] dma_mem_wdata_shifted;
+ logic addr_external_d;
+ logic addr_external_r;
+ logic access_fault_d, misaligned_fault_d;
+ logic access_fault_m, misaligned_fault_m;
+ logic fir_dccm_access_error_d, fir_nondccm_access_error_d;
+ logic fir_dccm_access_error_m, fir_nondccm_access_error_m;
+ logic [3:0] exc_mscause_d, exc_mscause_m;
+ logic [31:0] rs1_d_raw;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_d, store_data_pre_m, store_data_m_in;
+ logic [31:0] bus_read_data_r;
+ eb1_lsu_pkt_t dma_pkt_d;
+ eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m_in, lsu_pkt_r_in;
+ eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t lsu_error_pkt_m;
+ // Premux the rs1/offset for dma
+ assign lsu_rs1_d[31:0] = dec_lsu_valid_raw_d ? exu_lsu_rs1_d[31:0] : dma_mem_addr[31:0];
+ assign lsu_offset_d[11:0] = dec_lsu_offset_d[11:0] & {12{dec_lsu_valid_raw_d}};
+ assign rs1_d_raw[31:0] = lsu_rs1_d[31:0];
+ assign offset_d[11:0] = lsu_offset_d[11:0];
+ assign rs1_d[31:0] = (lsu_pkt_d.load_ldst_bypass_d) ? lsu_result_m[31:0] : rs1_d_raw[31:0];
+ // generate the ls address
+ rvlsadder lsadder (.rs1(rs1_d[31:0]),
+ .offset(offset_d[11:0]),
+ .dout(full_addr_d[31:0])
+ );
+ // Module to generate the memory map of the address
+ eb1_lsu_addrcheck addrcheck (
+ .start_addr_d(full_addr_d[31:0]),
+ .end_addr_d(full_end_addr_d[31:0]),
+ .rs1_region_d(rs1_d[31:28]),
+ .*
+ );
+ // Calculate start/end address for load/store
+ assign addr_offset_d[2:0] = ({3{lsu_pkt_d.half}} & 3'b01) | ({3{lsu_pkt_d.word}} & 3'b11) | ({3{lsu_pkt_d.dword}} & 3'b111);
+ assign end_addr_offset_d[12:0] = {offset_d[11],offset_d[11:0]} + {9'b0,addr_offset_d[2:0]};
+ assign full_end_addr_d[31:0] = rs1_d[31:0] + {{19{end_addr_offset_d[12]}},end_addr_offset_d[12:0]};
+ assign end_addr_d[31:0] = full_end_addr_d[31:0];
+ assign lsu_exc_m = access_fault_m | misaligned_fault_m;
+ // Goes to TLU to increment the ECC error counter
+ assign lsu_single_ecc_error_incr = (lsu_single_ecc_error_r & ~lsu_double_ecc_error_r) & (lsu_commit_r | lsu_pkt_r.dma) & lsu_pkt_r.valid;
+ if (pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1) begin: L2U_Plus1_1
+ logic access_fault_r, misaligned_fault_r;
+ logic [3:0] exc_mscause_r;
+ logic fir_dccm_access_error_r, fir_nondccm_access_error_r;
+ // Generate exception packet
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_valid = (access_fault_r | misaligned_fault_r | lsu_double_ecc_error_r) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma & ~lsu_pkt_r.fast_int;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_r.single_ecc_error = lsu_single_ecc_error_r & ~lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_valid & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_r.inst_type =;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_type = ~misaligned_fault_r;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_r.mscause[3:0] = (lsu_double_ecc_error_r & ~misaligned_fault_r & ~access_fault_r) ? 4'h1 : exc_mscause_r[3:0];
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_r.addr[31:0] = lsu_addr_r[31:0];
+ assign lsu_fir_error[1:0] = fir_nondccm_access_error_r ? 2'b11 : (fir_dccm_access_error_r ? 2'b10 : ((lsu_pkt_r.fast_int & lsu_double_ecc_error_r) ? 2'b01 : 2'b00));
+ rvdff #(1) access_fault_rff (.din(access_fault_m), .dout(access_fault_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) misaligned_fault_rff (.din(misaligned_fault_m), .dout(misaligned_fault_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(4) exc_mscause_rff (.din(exc_mscause_m[3:0]), .dout(exc_mscause_r[3:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) fir_dccm_access_error_mff (.din(fir_dccm_access_error_m), .dout(fir_dccm_access_error_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) fir_nondccm_access_error_mff (.din(fir_nondccm_access_error_m), .dout(fir_nondccm_access_error_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ end else begin: L2U_Plus1_0
+ logic [1:0] lsu_fir_error_m;
+ // Generate exception packet
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_m.exc_valid = (access_fault_m | misaligned_fault_m | lsu_double_ecc_error_m) & lsu_pkt_m.valid & ~lsu_pkt_m.dma & ~lsu_pkt_m.fast_int & ~flush_m_up;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_m.single_ecc_error = lsu_single_ecc_error_m & ~lsu_error_pkt_m.exc_valid & ~lsu_pkt_m.dma;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_m.inst_type =;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_m.exc_type = ~misaligned_fault_m;
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_m.mscause[3:0] = (lsu_double_ecc_error_m & ~misaligned_fault_m & ~access_fault_m) ? 4'h1 : exc_mscause_m[3:0];
+ assign lsu_error_pkt_m.addr[31:0] = lsu_addr_m[31:0];
+ assign lsu_fir_error_m[1:0] = fir_nondccm_access_error_m ? 2'b11 : (fir_dccm_access_error_m ? 2'b10 : ((lsu_pkt_m.fast_int & lsu_double_ecc_error_m) ? 2'b01 : 2'b00));
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_exc_valid_rff (.*, .din(lsu_error_pkt_m.exc_valid), .dout(lsu_error_pkt_r.exc_valid), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk));
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_single_ecc_error_rff(.*, .din(lsu_error_pkt_m.single_ecc_error), .dout(lsu_error_pkt_r.single_ecc_error), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk));
+ rvdffe #($bits(eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t)-2) lsu_error_pkt_rff (.*, .din(lsu_error_pkt_m[$bits(eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t)-1:2]), .dout(lsu_error_pkt_r[$bits(eb1_lsu_error_pkt_t)-1:2]), .en(lsu_error_pkt_m.exc_valid | lsu_error_pkt_m.single_ecc_error | clk_override));
+ rvdff #(2) lsu_fir_error_rff (.*, .din(lsu_fir_error_m[1:0]), .dout(lsu_fir_error[1:0]), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk));
+ end
+ //Create DMA packet
+ always_comb begin
+ dma_pkt_d = '0;
+ dma_pkt_d.valid = dma_dccm_req;
+ dma_pkt_d.dma = 1'b1;
+ = dma_mem_write;
+ dma_pkt_d.load = ~dma_mem_write;
+ = (dma_mem_sz[2:0] == 3'b0);
+ dma_pkt_d.half = (dma_mem_sz[2:0] == 3'b1);
+ dma_pkt_d.word = (dma_mem_sz[2:0] == 3'b10);
+ dma_pkt_d.dword = (dma_mem_sz[2:0] == 3'b11);
+ end
+ always_comb begin
+ lsu_pkt_d = dec_lsu_valid_raw_d ? lsu_p : dma_pkt_d;
+ lsu_pkt_m_in = lsu_pkt_d;
+ lsu_pkt_r_in = lsu_pkt_m;
+ lsu_pkt_d.valid = (lsu_p.valid & ~(flush_m_up & ~lsu_p.fast_int)) | dma_dccm_req;
+ lsu_pkt_m_in.valid = lsu_pkt_d.valid & ~(flush_m_up & ~lsu_pkt_d.dma);
+ lsu_pkt_r_in.valid = lsu_pkt_m.valid & ~(flush_m_up & ~lsu_pkt_m.dma) ;
+ end
+ // C2 clock for valid and C1 for other bits of packet
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_pkt_vldmff (.*, .din(lsu_pkt_m_in.valid), .dout(lsu_pkt_m.valid), .clk(lsu_c2_m_clk));
+ rvdff #(1) lsu_pkt_vldrff (.*, .din(lsu_pkt_r_in.valid), .dout(lsu_pkt_r.valid), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk));
+ rvdff #($bits(eb1_lsu_pkt_t)-1) lsu_pkt_mff (.*, .din(lsu_pkt_m_in[$bits(eb1_lsu_pkt_t)-1:1]), .dout(lsu_pkt_m[$bits(eb1_lsu_pkt_t)-1:1]), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk));
+ rvdff #($bits(eb1_lsu_pkt_t)-1) lsu_pkt_rff (.*, .din(lsu_pkt_r_in[$bits(eb1_lsu_pkt_t)-1:1]), .dout(lsu_pkt_r[$bits(eb1_lsu_pkt_t)-1:1]), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk));
+ if (pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1) begin: L2U1_Plus1_1
+ logic [31:0] lsu_ld_datafn_r, lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r;
+ assign lsu_ld_datafn_r[31:0] = addr_external_r ? bus_read_data_r[31:0] : lsu_ld_data_r[31:0];
+ assign lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[31:0] = addr_external_r ? bus_read_data_r[31:0] : lsu_ld_data_corr_r[31:0];
+ // this is really R stage signal
+ assign lsu_result_m[31:0] = ({32{ lsu_pkt_r.unsign & }} & {24'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_r[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{ lsu_pkt_r.unsign & lsu_pkt_r.half}} & {16'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_r[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_r.unsign & }} & {{24{ lsu_ld_datafn_r[7]}}, lsu_ld_datafn_r[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_r.unsign & lsu_pkt_r.half}} & {{16{ lsu_ld_datafn_r[15]}},lsu_ld_datafn_r[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{lsu_pkt_r.word}} & lsu_ld_datafn_r[31:0]);
+ // this signal is used for gpr update
+ assign lsu_result_corr_r[31:0] = ({32{ lsu_pkt_r.unsign & }} & {24'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{ lsu_pkt_r.unsign & lsu_pkt_r.half}} & {16'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_r.unsign & }} & {{24{ lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[7]}}, lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_r.unsign & lsu_pkt_r.half}} & {{16{ lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[15]}},lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{lsu_pkt_r.word}} & lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[31:0]);
+ end else begin: L2U1_Plus1_0 // block: L2U1_Plus1_1
+ logic [31:0] lsu_ld_datafn_m, lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r;
+ assign lsu_ld_datafn_m[31:0] = addr_external_m ? bus_read_data_m[31:0] : lsu_ld_data_m[31:0];
+ assign lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[31:0] = addr_external_r ? bus_read_data_r[31:0] : lsu_ld_data_corr_r[31:0];
+ // this result must look at prior stores and merge them in
+ assign lsu_result_m[31:0] = ({32{ lsu_pkt_m.unsign & }} & {24'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_m[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{ lsu_pkt_m.unsign & lsu_pkt_m.half}} & {16'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_m[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_m.unsign & }} & {{24{ lsu_ld_datafn_m[7]}}, lsu_ld_datafn_m[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_m.unsign & lsu_pkt_m.half}} & {{16{ lsu_ld_datafn_m[15]}},lsu_ld_datafn_m[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{lsu_pkt_m.word}} & lsu_ld_datafn_m[31:0]);
+ // this signal is used for gpr update
+ assign lsu_result_corr_r[31:0] = ({32{ lsu_pkt_r.unsign & }} & {24'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{ lsu_pkt_r.unsign & lsu_pkt_r.half}} & {16'b0,lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_r.unsign & }} & {{24{ lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[7]}}, lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[7:0]}) |
+ ({32{~lsu_pkt_r.unsign & lsu_pkt_r.half}} & {{16{ lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[15]}},lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[15:0]}) |
+ ({32{lsu_pkt_r.word}} & lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r[31:0]);
+ end
+ // Fast interrupt address
+ assign lsu_fir_addr[31:1] = lsu_ld_data_corr_r[31:1];
+ // absence load/store all 0's
+ assign lsu_addr_d[31:0] = full_addr_d[31:0];
+ // Interrupt as a flush source allows the WB to occur
+ assign lsu_commit_r = lsu_pkt_r.valid & ( | lsu_pkt_r.load) & ~flush_r & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma;
+ assign dma_mem_wdata_shifted[63:0] = dma_mem_wdata[63:0] >> {dma_mem_addr[2:0], 3'b000}; // Shift the dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
+ assign store_data_d[31:0] = dma_dccm_req ? dma_mem_wdata_shifted[31:0] : exu_lsu_rs2_d[31:0]; // Write to PIC still happens in r stage
+ assign store_data_m_in[31:0] = (lsu_pkt_d.store_data_bypass_d) ? lsu_result_m[31:0] : store_data_d[31:0];
+ assign store_data_m[31:0] = (picm_mask_data_m[31:0] | {32{~addr_in_pic_m}}) & ((lsu_pkt_m.store_data_bypass_m) ? lsu_result_m[31:0] : store_data_pre_m[31:0]);
+ rvdff #(32) sdmff (.*, .din(store_data_m_in[31:0]), .dout(store_data_pre_m[31:0]), .clk(lsu_store_c1_m_clk));
+ rvdff #(32) samff (.*, .din(lsu_addr_d[31:0]), .dout(lsu_addr_m[31:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk));
+ rvdff #(32) sarff (.*, .din(lsu_addr_m[31:0]), .dout(lsu_addr_r[31:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk));
+ assign end_addr_m[31:3] = ldst_dual_m ? end_addr_pre_m[31:3] : lsu_addr_m[31:3]; // This is for power saving
+ assign end_addr_r[31:3] = ldst_dual_r ? end_addr_pre_r[31:3] : lsu_addr_r[31:3]; // This is for power saving
+ rvdffe #(29) end_addr_hi_mff (.*, .din(end_addr_d[31:3]), .dout(end_addr_pre_m[31:3]), .en((lsu_pkt_d.valid & ldst_dual_d) | clk_override));
+ rvdffe #(29) end_addr_hi_rff (.*, .din(end_addr_m[31:3]), .dout(end_addr_pre_r[31:3]), .en((lsu_pkt_m.valid & ldst_dual_m) | clk_override));
+ rvdff #(3) end_addr_lo_mff (.*, .din(end_addr_d[2:0]), .dout(end_addr_m[2:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk));
+ rvdff #(3) end_addr_lo_rff (.*, .din(end_addr_m[2:0]), .dout(end_addr_r[2:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk));
+ rvdff #(1) addr_in_dccm_mff(.din(addr_in_dccm_d), .dout(addr_in_dccm_m), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) addr_in_dccm_rff(.din(addr_in_dccm_m), .dout(addr_in_dccm_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) addr_in_pic_mff(.din(addr_in_pic_d), .dout(addr_in_pic_m), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) addr_in_pic_rff(.din(addr_in_pic_m), .dout(addr_in_pic_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) addr_external_mff(.din(addr_external_d), .dout(addr_external_m), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) addr_external_rff(.din(addr_external_m), .dout(addr_external_r), .clk(lsu_c1_r_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) access_fault_mff (.din(access_fault_d), .dout(access_fault_m), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) misaligned_fault_mff (.din(misaligned_fault_d), .dout(misaligned_fault_m), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(4) exc_mscause_mff (.din(exc_mscause_d[3:0]), .dout(exc_mscause_m[3:0]), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) fir_dccm_access_error_mff (.din(fir_dccm_access_error_d), .dout(fir_dccm_access_error_m), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdff #(1) fir_nondccm_access_error_mff (.din(fir_nondccm_access_error_d), .dout(fir_nondccm_access_error_m), .clk(lsu_c1_m_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(32) bus_read_data_r_ff (.*, .din(bus_read_data_m[31:0]), .dout(bus_read_data_r[31:0]), .en(addr_external_m | clk_override));
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1704a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: Store Buffer
+// Comments: Dual writes and single drain
+// DC1 -> DC2 -> DC3 -> DC4 (Commit)
+// //********************************************************************************
+module eb1_lsu_stbuf
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )
+ input logic clk, // core clock
+ input logic rst_l, // reset
+ input logic lsu_stbuf_c1_clk, // stbuf clock
+ input logic lsu_free_c2_clk, // free clk
+ // Store Buffer input
+ input logic store_stbuf_reqvld_r, // core instruction goes to stbuf
+ input logic lsu_commit_r, // lsu commits
+ input logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, // Speculative decode valid
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_data_hi_r, // merged data from the dccm for stores. This is used for fwding
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_data_lo_r, // merged data from the dccm for stores. This is used for fwding
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_datafn_hi_r, // merged data from the dccm for stores
+ input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] store_datafn_lo_r, // merged data from the dccm for stores
+ // Store Buffer output
+ output logic stbuf_reqvld_any, // stbuf is draining
+ output logic stbuf_reqvld_flushed_any, // Top entry is flushed
+ output logic [pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] stbuf_addr_any, // address
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_data_any, // stbuf data
+ input logic lsu_stbuf_commit_any, // pop the stbuf as it commite
+ output logic lsu_stbuf_full_any, // stbuf is full
+ output logic lsu_stbuf_empty_any, // stbuf is empty
+ output logic ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r, // needed for clocking
+ input logic [pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] lsu_addr_d, // lsu address D-stage
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_m, // lsu address M-stage
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_r, // lsu address R-stage
+ input logic [pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] end_addr_d, // lsu end address D-stage - needed to check unaligned
+ input logic [31:0] end_addr_m, // lsu end address M-stage - needed to check unaligned
+ input logic [31:0] end_addr_r, // lsu end address R-stage - needed to check unaligned
+ input logic ldst_dual_d, ldst_dual_m, ldst_dual_r,
+ input logic addr_in_dccm_m, // address is in dccm
+ input logic addr_in_dccm_r, // address is in dccm
+ // Forwarding signals
+ input logic lsu_cmpen_m, // needed for forwarding stbuf - load
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m, // LSU packet M-stage
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r, // LSU packet R-stage
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwddata_hi_m, // stbuf data
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwddata_lo_m, // stbuf data
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m, // stbuf data
+ output logic [pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m, // stbuf data
+ input logic scan_mode // Scan mode
+ localparam DEPTH = pt.LSU_STBUF_DEPTH;
+ localparam DATA_WIDTH = pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH;
+ localparam BYTE_WIDTH = pt.DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH;
+ localparam DEPTH_LOG2 = $clog2(DEPTH);
+ // These are the fields in the store queue
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] stbuf_vld;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] stbuf_dma_kill;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] stbuf_addr;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_byteen;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_data;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] sel_lo;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] stbuf_wr_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] stbuf_dma_kill_en;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] stbuf_reset;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] stbuf_addrin;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_datain;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_byteenin;
+ logic [7:0] store_byteen_ext_r;
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] store_byteen_hi_r;
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] store_byteen_lo_r;
+ logic WrPtrEn, RdPtrEn;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] WrPtr, RdPtr;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] NxtWrPtr, NxtRdPtr;
+ logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] WrPtrPlus1, WrPtrPlus2, RdPtrPlus1;
+ logic dual_stbuf_write_r;
+ logic isdccmst_m, isdccmst_r;
+ logic [3:0] stbuf_numvld_any, stbuf_specvld_any;
+ logic [1:0] stbuf_specvld_m, stbuf_specvld_r;
+ logic [pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)] cmpaddr_hi_m, cmpaddr_lo_m;
+ // variables to detect matching from the store queue
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] stbuf_match_hi, stbuf_match_lo;
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteenvec_hi, stbuf_fwdbyteenvec_lo;
+ logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwddata_hi_pre_m, stbuf_fwddata_lo_pre_m;
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_pre_m, stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_pre_m;
+ // logic to detect matching from the pipe - needed for store - load forwarding
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo, ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo, ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi, ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi;
+ logic ld_addr_rhit_lo_lo, ld_addr_rhit_hi_lo, ld_addr_rhit_lo_hi, ld_addr_rhit_hi_hi;
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] ld_byte_hit_lo, ld_byte_rhit_lo;
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] ld_byte_hit_hi, ld_byte_rhit_hi;
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] ldst_byteen_hi_r;
+ logic [BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] ldst_byteen_lo_r;
+ // byte_en flowing down
+ logic [7:0] ldst_byteen_r;
+ logic [7:0] ldst_byteen_ext_r;
+ // fwd data through the pipe
+ logic [31:0] ld_fwddata_rpipe_lo;
+ logic [31:0] ld_fwddata_rpipe_hi;
+ // coalescing signals
+ logic [DEPTH-1:0] store_matchvec_lo_r, store_matchvec_hi_r;
+ logic store_coalesce_lo_r, store_coalesce_hi_r;
+ //----------------------------------------
+ // Logic starts here
+ //----------------------------------------
+ // Create high/low byte enables
+ assign store_byteen_ext_r[7:0] = ldst_byteen_r[7:0] << lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign store_byteen_hi_r[BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] = store_byteen_ext_r[7:4] & {4{}};
+ assign store_byteen_lo_r[BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] = store_byteen_ext_r[3:0] & {4{}};
+ assign RdPtrPlus1[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = RdPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] + 1'b1;
+ assign WrPtrPlus1[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] + 1'b1;
+ assign WrPtrPlus2[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] + 2'b10;
+ // ecc error on both hi/lo
+ assign dual_stbuf_write_r = ldst_dual_r & store_stbuf_reqvld_r;
+ assign ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r = ((lsu_commit_r | lsu_pkt_r.dma) & store_stbuf_reqvld_r);
+ // Store Buffer coalescing
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: FindMatchEntry
+ assign store_matchvec_lo_r[i] = (stbuf_addr[i][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)] == lsu_addr_r[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)]) & stbuf_vld[i] & ~stbuf_dma_kill[i] & ~stbuf_reset[i];
+ assign store_matchvec_hi_r[i] = (stbuf_addr[i][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)] == end_addr_r[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)]) & stbuf_vld[i] & ~stbuf_dma_kill[i] & dual_stbuf_write_r & ~stbuf_reset[i];
+ end: FindMatchEntry
+ assign store_coalesce_lo_r = |store_matchvec_lo_r[DEPTH-1:0];
+ assign store_coalesce_hi_r = |store_matchvec_hi_r[DEPTH-1:0];
+ if (pt.DCCM_ENABLE == 1) begin: Gen_dccm_enable
+ // Allocate new in this entry if :
+ // 1. wrptr, single allocate, lo did not coalesce
+ // 2. wrptr, double allocate, lo ^ hi coalesced
+ // 3. wrptr + 1, double alloacte, niether lo or hi coalesced
+ // Also update if there is a hi or a lo coalesce to this entry
+ // Store Buffer instantiation
+ for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: GenStBuf
+ assign stbuf_wr_en[i] = ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r & (
+ ( (i == WrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]) & ~store_coalesce_lo_r) | // Allocate : new Lo
+ ( (i == WrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]) & dual_stbuf_write_r & ~store_coalesce_hi_r) | // Allocate : only 1 new Write Either
+ ( (i == WrPtrPlus1[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]) & dual_stbuf_write_r & ~(store_coalesce_lo_r | store_coalesce_hi_r)) | // Allocate2 : 2 new so Write Hi
+ store_matchvec_lo_r[i] | store_matchvec_hi_r[i]); // Coalesced Write Lo or Hi
+ assign stbuf_reset[i] = (lsu_stbuf_commit_any | stbuf_reqvld_flushed_any) & (i == RdPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]);
+ // Mux select for start/end address
+ assign sel_lo[i] = ((~ldst_dual_r | store_stbuf_reqvld_r) & (i == WrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]) & ~store_coalesce_lo_r) | // lo allocated new entry
+ store_matchvec_lo_r[i]; // lo coalesced in to this entry
+ assign stbuf_addrin[i][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] = sel_lo[i] ? lsu_addr_r[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] : end_addr_r[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0];
+ assign stbuf_byteenin[i][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] = sel_lo[i] ? (stbuf_byteen[i][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] | store_byteen_lo_r[BYTE_WIDTH-1:0]) : (stbuf_byteen[i][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] | store_byteen_hi_r[BYTE_WIDTH-1:0]);
+ assign stbuf_datain[i][7:0] = sel_lo[i] ? ((~stbuf_byteen[i][0] | store_byteen_lo_r[0]) ? store_datafn_lo_r[7:0] : stbuf_data[i][7:0]) :
+ ((~stbuf_byteen[i][0] | store_byteen_hi_r[0]) ? store_datafn_hi_r[7:0] : stbuf_data[i][7:0]);
+ assign stbuf_datain[i][15:8] = sel_lo[i] ? ((~stbuf_byteen[i][1] | store_byteen_lo_r[1]) ? store_datafn_lo_r[15:8] : stbuf_data[i][15:8]) :
+ ((~stbuf_byteen[i][1] | store_byteen_hi_r[1]) ? store_datafn_hi_r[15:8] : stbuf_data[i][15:8]);
+ assign stbuf_datain[i][23:16] = sel_lo[i] ? ((~stbuf_byteen[i][2] | store_byteen_lo_r[2]) ? store_datafn_lo_r[23:16] : stbuf_data[i][23:16]) :
+ ((~stbuf_byteen[i][2] | store_byteen_hi_r[2]) ? store_datafn_hi_r[23:16] : stbuf_data[i][23:16]);
+ assign stbuf_datain[i][31:24] = sel_lo[i] ? ((~stbuf_byteen[i][3] | store_byteen_lo_r[3]) ? store_datafn_lo_r[31:24] : stbuf_data[i][31:24]) :
+ ((~stbuf_byteen[i][3] | store_byteen_hi_r[3]) ? store_datafn_hi_r[31:24] : stbuf_data[i][31:24]);
+ rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) stbuf_vldff (.din(1'b1), .dout(stbuf_vld[i]), .en(stbuf_wr_en[i]), .clear(stbuf_reset[i]), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) stbuf_killff (.din(1'b1), .dout(stbuf_dma_kill[i]), .en(stbuf_dma_kill_en[i]), .clear(stbuf_reset[i]), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_SB_BITS)) stbuf_addrff (.din(stbuf_addrin[i][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0]), .dout(stbuf_addr[i][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0]), .en(stbuf_wr_en[i]), .*);
+ rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(BYTE_WIDTH)) stbuf_byteenff (.din(stbuf_byteenin[i][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(stbuf_byteen[i][BYTE_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(stbuf_wr_en[i]), .clear(stbuf_reset[i]), .clk(lsu_stbuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffe #(.WIDTH(DATA_WIDTH)) stbuf_dataff (.din(stbuf_datain[i][DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(stbuf_data[i][DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(stbuf_wr_en[i]), .*);
+ end
+ end else begin: Gen_dccm_disable
+ assign stbuf_wr_en[DEPTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign stbuf_reset[DEPTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign stbuf_vld[DEPTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign stbuf_dma_kill[DEPTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign stbuf_addr[DEPTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign stbuf_byteen[DEPTH-1:0] = '0;
+ assign stbuf_data[DEPTH-1:0] = '0;
+ end
+ // Store Buffer drain logic
+ assign stbuf_reqvld_flushed_any = stbuf_vld[RdPtr] & stbuf_dma_kill[RdPtr];
+ assign stbuf_reqvld_any = stbuf_vld[RdPtr] & ~stbuf_dma_kill[RdPtr] & ~(|stbuf_dma_kill_en[DEPTH-1:0]); // Don't drain if some kill bit is being set this cycle
+ assign stbuf_addr_any[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0] = stbuf_addr[RdPtr][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:0];
+ assign stbuf_data_any[DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = stbuf_data[RdPtr][DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
+ // Update the RdPtr/WrPtr logic
+ // Need to revert the WrPtr for flush cases. Also revert the pipe WrPtrs
+ assign WrPtrEn = (ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r & ~dual_stbuf_write_r & ~(store_coalesce_hi_r | store_coalesce_lo_r)) | // writing 1 and did not coalesce
+ (ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r & dual_stbuf_write_r & ~(store_coalesce_hi_r & store_coalesce_lo_r)); // writing 2 and atleast 1 did not coalesce
+ assign NxtWrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = (ldst_stbuf_reqvld_r & dual_stbuf_write_r & ~(store_coalesce_hi_r | store_coalesce_lo_r)) ? WrPtrPlus2[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] : WrPtrPlus1[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0];
+ assign RdPtrEn = lsu_stbuf_commit_any | stbuf_reqvld_flushed_any;
+ assign NxtRdPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = RdPtrPlus1[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0];
+ always_comb begin
+ stbuf_numvld_any[3:0] = '0;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ stbuf_numvld_any[3:0] += {3'b0, stbuf_vld[i]};
+ end
+ end
+ // These go to store buffer to detect full
+ assign isdccmst_m = lsu_pkt_m.valid & & addr_in_dccm_m & ~lsu_pkt_m.dma;
+ assign isdccmst_r = lsu_pkt_r.valid & & addr_in_dccm_r & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma;
+ assign stbuf_specvld_m[1:0] = {1'b0,isdccmst_m} << (isdccmst_m & ldst_dual_m);
+ assign stbuf_specvld_r[1:0] = {1'b0,isdccmst_r} << (isdccmst_r & ldst_dual_r);
+ assign stbuf_specvld_any[3:0] = stbuf_numvld_any[3:0] + {2'b0, stbuf_specvld_m[1:0]} + {2'b0, stbuf_specvld_r[1:0]};
+ assign lsu_stbuf_full_any = (~ldst_dual_d & dec_lsu_valid_raw_d) ? (stbuf_specvld_any[3:0] >= DEPTH) : (stbuf_specvld_any[3:0] >= (DEPTH-1));
+ assign lsu_stbuf_empty_any = (stbuf_numvld_any[3:0] == 4'b0);
+ // Load forwarding logic from the store queue
+ assign cmpaddr_hi_m[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)] = end_addr_m[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)];
+ assign cmpaddr_lo_m[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)] = lsu_addr_m[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)];
+ always_comb begin: GenLdFwd
+ stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_pre_m[BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] = '0;
+ stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_pre_m[BYTE_WIDTH-1:0] = '0;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ stbuf_match_hi[i] = (stbuf_addr[i][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)] == cmpaddr_hi_m[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)]) & stbuf_vld[i] & ~stbuf_dma_kill[i] & addr_in_dccm_m;
+ stbuf_match_lo[i] = (stbuf_addr[i][pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)] == cmpaddr_lo_m[pt.LSU_SB_BITS-1:$clog2(BYTE_WIDTH)]) & stbuf_vld[i] & ~stbuf_dma_kill[i] & addr_in_dccm_m;
+ // Kill the store buffer entry if there is a dma store since it already updated the dccm
+ stbuf_dma_kill_en[i] = (stbuf_match_hi[i] | stbuf_match_lo[i]) & lsu_pkt_m.valid & lsu_pkt_m.dma &;
+ for (int j=0; j<BYTE_WIDTH; j++) begin
+ stbuf_fwdbyteenvec_hi[i][j] = stbuf_match_hi[i] & stbuf_byteen[i][j] & stbuf_vld[i];
+ stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_pre_m[j] |= stbuf_fwdbyteenvec_hi[i][j];
+ stbuf_fwdbyteenvec_lo[i][j] = stbuf_match_lo[i] & stbuf_byteen[i][j] & stbuf_vld[i];
+ stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_pre_m[j] |= stbuf_fwdbyteenvec_lo[i][j];
+ end
+ end
+ end // block: GenLdFwd
+ always_comb begin: GenLdData
+ stbuf_fwddata_hi_pre_m[31:0] = '0;
+ stbuf_fwddata_lo_pre_m[31:0] = '0;
+ for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
+ stbuf_fwddata_hi_pre_m[31:0] |= {32{stbuf_match_hi[i]}} & stbuf_data[i][31:0];
+ stbuf_fwddata_lo_pre_m[31:0] |= {32{stbuf_match_lo[i]}} & stbuf_data[i][31:0];
+ end
+ end // block: GenLdData
+ // Create Hi/Lo signals - needed for the pipe forwarding
+ assign ldst_byteen_r[7:0] = ({8{}} & 8'b0000_0001) |
+ ({8{lsu_pkt_r.half}} & 8'b0000_0011) |
+ ({8{lsu_pkt_r.word}} & 8'b0000_1111) |
+ ({8{lsu_pkt_r.dword}} & 8'b1111_1111);
+ assign ldst_byteen_ext_r[7:0] = ldst_byteen_r[7:0] << lsu_addr_r[1:0];
+ assign ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_r[7:4];
+ assign ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_r[3:0];
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_lo_lo = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == lsu_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma;
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_lo_hi = (end_addr_m[31:2] == lsu_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma;
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_hi_lo = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == end_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma & dual_stbuf_write_r;
+ assign ld_addr_rhit_hi_hi = (end_addr_m[31:2] == end_addr_r[31:2]) & lsu_pkt_r.valid & & ~lsu_pkt_r.dma & dual_stbuf_write_r;
+ for (genvar i=0; i<BYTE_WIDTH; i++) begin
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i] = ld_addr_rhit_lo_lo & ldst_byteen_lo_r[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i] = ld_addr_rhit_lo_hi & ldst_byteen_lo_r[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i] = ld_addr_rhit_hi_lo & ldst_byteen_hi_r[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i] = ld_addr_rhit_hi_hi & ldst_byteen_hi_r[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_lo[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i];
+ assign ld_byte_rhit_hi[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i];
+ assign ld_fwddata_rpipe_lo[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ({8{ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i]}} & store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) |
+ ({8{ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i]}} & store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ assign ld_fwddata_rpipe_hi[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ({8{ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i]}} & store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) |
+ ({8{ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i]}} & store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
+ assign ld_byte_hit_lo[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_lo[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_lo[i];
+ assign ld_byte_hit_hi[i] = ld_byte_rhit_lo_hi[i] | ld_byte_rhit_hi_hi[i];
+ assign stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_m[i] = ld_byte_hit_hi[i] | stbuf_fwdbyteen_hi_pre_m[i];
+ assign stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_m[i] = ld_byte_hit_lo[i] | stbuf_fwdbyteen_lo_pre_m[i];
+ // // Pipe vs Store Queue priority
+ assign stbuf_fwddata_lo_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ld_byte_rhit_lo[i] ? ld_fwddata_rpipe_lo[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : stbuf_fwddata_lo_pre_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ // // Pipe vs Store Queue priority
+ assign stbuf_fwddata_hi_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = ld_byte_rhit_hi[i] ? ld_fwddata_rpipe_hi[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : stbuf_fwddata_hi_pre_m[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
+ end
+ // Flops
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) WrPtrff (.din(NxtWrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]), .dout(WrPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]), .en(WrPtrEn), .clk(lsu_stbuf_c1_clk), .*);
+ rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) RdPtrff (.din(NxtRdPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]), .dout(RdPtr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]), .en(RdPtrEn), .clk(lsu_stbuf_c1_clk), .*);
+`ifdef RV_ASSERT_ON
+ assert_stbuf_overflow: assert #0 (stbuf_specvld_any[2:0] <= DEPTH);
+ property stbuf_wren_store_dccm;
+ @(posedge clk) disable iff(~rst_l) (|stbuf_wr_en[DEPTH-1:0]) |-> (lsu_pkt_r.valid & & addr_in_dccm_r);
+ endproperty
+ assert_stbuf_wren_store_dccm: assert property (stbuf_wren_store_dccm) else
+ $display("Illegal store buffer write");
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c5058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2020 MERL Corporation or its affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// $Id$
+// Owner:
+// Function: LSU Trigger logic
+// Comments:
+module eb1_lsu_trigger
+import eb1_pkg::*;
+`include "eb1_param.vh"
+ )(
+ input eb1_trigger_pkt_t [3:0] trigger_pkt_any, // trigger packet from dec
+ input eb1_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m, // lsu packet
+ input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_m, // address
+ input logic [31:0] store_data_m, // store data
+ output logic [3:0] lsu_trigger_match_m // match result
+ logic trigger_enable;
+ logic [3:0][31:0] lsu_match_data;
+ logic [3:0] lsu_trigger_data_match;
+ logic [31:0] store_data_trigger_m;
+ logic [31:0] ldst_addr_trigger_m;
+ // Generate the trigger enable (This is for power)
+ always_comb begin
+ trigger_enable = 1'b0;
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ trigger_enable |= trigger_pkt_any[i].m;
+ end
+ end
+ assign store_data_trigger_m[31:0] = {({16{lsu_pkt_m.word}} & store_data_m[31:16]),({8{(lsu_pkt_m.half | lsu_pkt_m.word)}} & store_data_m[15:8]), store_data_m[7:0]} & {32{trigger_enable}};
+ assign ldst_addr_trigger_m[31:0] = lsu_addr_m[31:0] & {32{trigger_enable}};
+ for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
+ assign lsu_match_data[i][31:0] = ({32{~trigger_pkt_any[i].select}} & ldst_addr_trigger_m[31:0]) |
+ ({32{trigger_pkt_any[i].select & trigger_pkt_any[i].store}} & store_data_trigger_m[31:0]);
+ rvmaskandmatch trigger_match (.mask(trigger_pkt_any[i].tdata2[31:0]), .data(lsu_match_data[i][31:0]), .masken(trigger_pkt_any[i].match), .match(lsu_trigger_data_match[i]));
+ assign lsu_trigger_match_m[i] = lsu_pkt_m.valid & ~lsu_pkt_m.dma & trigger_enable &
+ ((trigger_pkt_any[i].store & | (trigger_pkt_any[i].load & lsu_pkt_m.load & ~trigger_pkt_any[i].select)) &
+ lsu_trigger_data_match[i];
+ end
+endmodule // eb1_lsu_trigger
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/eb1_param.vh b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/eb1_param.vh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77adbc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/eb1_param.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+parameter eb1_param_t pt = '{
+ BHT_ADDR_HI : 8'h08 ,
+ BHT_ADDR_LO : 6'h02 ,
+ BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH : 15'h0080 ,
+ BHT_GHR_HASH_1 : 5'h00 ,
+ BHT_GHR_SIZE : 8'h07 ,
+ BHT_SIZE : 16'h0100 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBA : 5'h00 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBB : 5'h00 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBC : 5'h00 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBE : 5'h00 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBF : 5'h00 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBP : 5'h00 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBR : 5'h00 ,
+ BITMANIP_ZBS : 5'h00 ,
+ BTB_ADDR_HI : 9'h008 ,
+ BTB_ADDR_LO : 6'h02 ,
+ BTB_ARRAY_DEPTH : 13'h0080 ,
+ BTB_BTAG_FOLD : 5'h00 ,
+ BTB_BTAG_SIZE : 9'h006 ,
+ BTB_ENABLE : 5'h01 ,
+ BTB_FOLD2_INDEX_HASH : 5'h00 ,
+ BTB_FULLYA : 5'h00 ,
+ BTB_INDEX1_HI : 9'h008 ,
+ BTB_INDEX1_LO : 9'h002 ,
+ BTB_INDEX2_HI : 9'h00F ,
+ BTB_INDEX2_LO : 9'h009 ,
+ BTB_INDEX3_HI : 9'h016 ,
+ BTB_INDEX3_LO : 9'h010 ,
+ BTB_SIZE : 14'h0100 ,
+ BUILD_AHB_LITE : 4'h0 ,
+ BUILD_AXI4 : 5'h01 ,
+ BUILD_AXI_NATIVE : 5'h01 ,
+ BUS_PRTY_DEFAULT : 6'h03 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR0 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR1 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR2 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR3 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR4 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR5 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR6 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DATA_ACCESS_ADDR7 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ DCCM_BANK_BITS : 7'h02 ,
+ DCCM_BITS : 9'h00C ,
+ DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH : 7'h04 ,
+ DCCM_DATA_WIDTH : 10'h020 ,
+ DCCM_ECC_WIDTH : 7'h07 ,
+ DCCM_ENABLE : 5'h01 ,
+ DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH : 10'h027 ,
+ DCCM_INDEX_BITS : 8'h08 ,
+ DCCM_NUM_BANKS : 9'h004 ,
+ DCCM_REGION : 8'h0F ,
+ DCCM_SADR : 36'h0F0040000 ,
+ DCCM_SIZE : 14'h0004 ,
+ DCCM_WIDTH_BITS : 6'h02 ,
+ DIV_BIT : 7'h03 ,
+ DIV_NEW : 5'h01 ,
+ DMA_BUF_DEPTH : 7'h05 ,
+ DMA_BUS_ID : 9'h001 ,
+ DMA_BUS_PRTY : 6'h02 ,
+ DMA_BUS_TAG : 8'h01 ,
+ ICACHE_2BANKS : 5'h01 ,
+ ICACHE_BANK_BITS : 7'h01 ,
+ ICACHE_BANK_HI : 7'h03 ,
+ ICACHE_BANK_LO : 6'h03 ,
+ ICACHE_BANKS_WAY : 7'h02 ,
+ ICACHE_BEAT_BITS : 8'h03 ,
+ ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH : 18'h00200 ,
+ ICACHE_DATA_WIDTH : 11'h040 ,
+ ICACHE_ECC : 5'h01 ,
+ ICACHE_ENABLE : 5'h00 ,
+ ICACHE_FDATA_WIDTH : 11'h047 ,
+ ICACHE_INDEX_HI : 9'h00C ,
+ ICACHE_LN_SZ : 11'h040 ,
+ ICACHE_NUM_BEATS : 8'h08 ,
+ ICACHE_NUM_WAYS : 7'h02 ,
+ ICACHE_ONLY : 5'h00 ,
+ ICACHE_SCND_LAST : 8'h06 ,
+ ICACHE_SIZE : 13'h0010 ,
+ ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH : 17'h00080 ,
+ ICACHE_TAG_LO : 9'h00D ,
+ ICACHE_WAYPACK : 5'h01 ,
+ ICCM_BANK_BITS : 7'h02 ,
+ ICCM_BANK_HI : 9'h003 ,
+ ICCM_BANK_INDEX_LO : 9'h004 ,
+ ICCM_BITS : 9'h00C ,
+ ICCM_ENABLE : 5'h01 ,
+ ICCM_ICACHE : 5'h00 ,
+ ICCM_INDEX_BITS : 8'h08 ,
+ ICCM_NUM_BANKS : 9'h004 ,
+ ICCM_ONLY : 5'h01 ,
+ ICCM_REGION : 8'h0A ,
+ ICCM_SADR : 36'h0AFFFF000 ,
+ ICCM_SIZE : 14'h0004 ,
+ IFU_BUS_ID : 5'h01 ,
+ IFU_BUS_PRTY : 6'h02 ,
+ IFU_BUS_TAG : 8'h03 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR0 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR1 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR2 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR3 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR4 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR5 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR6 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ INST_ACCESS_ADDR7 : 36'h000000000 ,
+ LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 : 5'h00 ,
+ LSU2DMA : 5'h00 ,
+ LSU_BUS_ID : 5'h01 ,
+ LSU_BUS_PRTY : 6'h02 ,
+ LSU_BUS_TAG : 8'h03 ,
+ LSU_NUM_NBLOAD : 9'h004 ,
+ LSU_SB_BITS : 9'h00C ,
+ LSU_STBUF_DEPTH : 8'h04 ,
+ NO_ICCM_NO_ICACHE : 5'h00 ,
+ PIC_2CYCLE : 5'h00 ,
+ PIC_BASE_ADDR : 36'h0F00C0000 ,
+ PIC_BITS : 9'h00F ,
+ PIC_INT_WORDS : 8'h01 ,
+ PIC_REGION : 8'h0F ,
+ PIC_SIZE : 13'h0020 ,
+ PIC_TOTAL_INT : 12'h01F ,
+ PIC_TOTAL_INT_PLUS1 : 13'h0020 ,
+ RET_STACK_SIZE : 8'h08 ,
+ SB_BUS_ID : 5'h01 ,
+ SB_BUS_PRTY : 6'h02 ,
+ SB_BUS_TAG : 8'h01 ,
+ TIMER_LEGAL_EN : 5'h01
+// parameter eb1_param_t pt = 2271'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
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/eb1_pdef.vh b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/eb1_pdef.vh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af6de1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/eb1_pdef.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+typedef struct packed {
+ bit [7:0] BHT_ADDR_HI;
+ bit [5:0] BHT_ADDR_LO;
+ bit [14:0] BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH;
+ bit [4:0] BHT_GHR_HASH_1;
+ bit [7:0] BHT_GHR_SIZE;
+ bit [15:0] BHT_SIZE;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBA;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBB;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBC;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBE;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBF;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBP;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBR;
+ bit [4:0] BITMANIP_ZBS;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_ADDR_HI;
+ bit [5:0] BTB_ADDR_LO;
+ bit [12:0] BTB_ARRAY_DEPTH;
+ bit [4:0] BTB_BTAG_FOLD;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_BTAG_SIZE;
+ bit [4:0] BTB_ENABLE;
+ bit [4:0] BTB_FOLD2_INDEX_HASH;
+ bit [4:0] BTB_FULLYA;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_INDEX1_HI;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_INDEX1_LO;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_INDEX2_HI;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_INDEX2_LO;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_INDEX3_HI;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_INDEX3_LO;
+ bit [13:0] BTB_SIZE;
+ bit [8:0] BTB_TOFFSET_SIZE;
+ bit [4:0] BUILD_AXI4;
+ bit [4:0] BUILD_AXI_NATIVE;
+ bit [5:0] BUS_PRTY_DEFAULT;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR0;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR1;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR2;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR3;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR4;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR5;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR6;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_ADDR7;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE0;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE1;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE2;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE3;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE4;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE5;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE6;
+ bit [4:0] DATA_ACCESS_ENABLE7;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK0;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK1;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK2;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK3;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK4;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK5;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK6;
+ bit [35:0] DATA_ACCESS_MASK7;
+ bit [6:0] DCCM_BANK_BITS;
+ bit [8:0] DCCM_BITS;
+ bit [6:0] DCCM_BYTE_WIDTH;
+ bit [9:0] DCCM_DATA_WIDTH;
+ bit [6:0] DCCM_ECC_WIDTH;
+ bit [4:0] DCCM_ENABLE;
+ bit [9:0] DCCM_FDATA_WIDTH;
+ bit [7:0] DCCM_INDEX_BITS;
+ bit [8:0] DCCM_NUM_BANKS;
+ bit [7:0] DCCM_REGION;
+ bit [35:0] DCCM_SADR;
+ bit [13:0] DCCM_SIZE;
+ bit [5:0] DCCM_WIDTH_BITS;
+ bit [6:0] DIV_BIT;
+ bit [4:0] DIV_NEW;
+ bit [6:0] DMA_BUF_DEPTH;
+ bit [8:0] DMA_BUS_ID;
+ bit [5:0] DMA_BUS_PRTY;
+ bit [7:0] DMA_BUS_TAG;
+ bit [4:0] ICACHE_2BANKS;
+ bit [6:0] ICACHE_BANK_BITS;
+ bit [6:0] ICACHE_BANK_HI;
+ bit [5:0] ICACHE_BANK_LO;
+ bit [7:0] ICACHE_BANK_WIDTH;
+ bit [6:0] ICACHE_BANKS_WAY;
+ bit [7:0] ICACHE_BEAT_ADDR_HI;
+ bit [7:0] ICACHE_BEAT_BITS;
+ bit [17:0] ICACHE_DATA_DEPTH;
+ bit [10:0] ICACHE_DATA_WIDTH;
+ bit [4:0] ICACHE_ECC;
+ bit [4:0] ICACHE_ENABLE;
+ bit [10:0] ICACHE_FDATA_WIDTH;
+ bit [8:0] ICACHE_INDEX_HI;
+ bit [10:0] ICACHE_LN_SZ;
+ bit [7:0] ICACHE_NUM_BEATS;
+ bit [7:0] ICACHE_NUM_BYPASS;
+ bit [6:0] ICACHE_NUM_WAYS;
+ bit [4:0] ICACHE_ONLY;
+ bit [7:0] ICACHE_SCND_LAST;
+ bit [12:0] ICACHE_SIZE;
+ bit [16:0] ICACHE_TAG_DEPTH;
+ bit [6:0] ICACHE_TAG_INDEX_LO;
+ bit [8:0] ICACHE_TAG_LO;
+ bit [4:0] ICACHE_WAYPACK;
+ bit [6:0] ICCM_BANK_BITS;
+ bit [8:0] ICCM_BANK_HI;
+ bit [8:0] ICCM_BANK_INDEX_LO;
+ bit [8:0] ICCM_BITS;
+ bit [4:0] ICCM_ENABLE;
+ bit [4:0] ICCM_ICACHE;
+ bit [7:0] ICCM_INDEX_BITS;
+ bit [8:0] ICCM_NUM_BANKS;
+ bit [4:0] ICCM_ONLY;
+ bit [7:0] ICCM_REGION;
+ bit [35:0] ICCM_SADR;
+ bit [13:0] ICCM_SIZE;
+ bit [4:0] IFU_BUS_ID;
+ bit [5:0] IFU_BUS_PRTY;
+ bit [7:0] IFU_BUS_TAG;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR0;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR1;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR2;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR3;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR4;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR5;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR6;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_ADDR7;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE0;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE1;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE2;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE3;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE4;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE5;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE6;
+ bit [4:0] INST_ACCESS_ENABLE7;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK0;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK1;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK2;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK3;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK4;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK5;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK6;
+ bit [35:0] INST_ACCESS_MASK7;
+ bit [4:0] LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1;
+ bit [4:0] LSU2DMA;
+ bit [4:0] LSU_BUS_ID;
+ bit [5:0] LSU_BUS_PRTY;
+ bit [7:0] LSU_BUS_TAG;
+ bit [8:0] LSU_NUM_NBLOAD;
+ bit [8:0] LSU_SB_BITS;
+ bit [7:0] LSU_STBUF_DEPTH;
+ bit [4:0] NO_ICCM_NO_ICACHE;
+ bit [4:0] PIC_2CYCLE;
+ bit [35:0] PIC_BASE_ADDR;
+ bit [8:0] PIC_BITS;
+ bit [7:0] PIC_INT_WORDS;
+ bit [7:0] PIC_REGION;
+ bit [12:0] PIC_SIZE;
+ bit [11:0] PIC_TOTAL_INT;
+ bit [12:0] PIC_TOTAL_INT_PLUS1;
+ bit [7:0] RET_STACK_SIZE;
+ bit [4:0] SB_BUS_ID;
+ bit [5:0] SB_BUS_PRTY;
+ bit [7:0] SB_BUS_TAG;
+ bit [4:0] TIMER_LEGAL_EN;
+} eb1_param_t;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/iccm_controller.v b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/iccm_controller.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c28bc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/iccm_controller.v
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+module eb1_iccm_controller (
+ clk_i,
+ rst_ni,
+ rx_dv_i,
+ rx_byte_i,
+ we_o,
+ addr_o,
+ wdata_o,
+ reset_o
+ input wire clk_i;
+ input wire rst_ni;
+ input wire rx_dv_i;
+ input wire [7:0] rx_byte_i;
+ output wire we_o;
+ output wire [13:0] addr_o;
+ output wire [31:0] wdata_o;
+ output wire reset_o;
+ reg [1:0] ctrl_fsm_cs;
+ reg [1:0] ctrl_fsm_ns;
+ wire [7:0] rx_byte_d;
+ reg [7:0] rx_byte_q0;
+ reg [7:0] rx_byte_q1;
+ reg [7:0] rx_byte_q2;
+ reg [7:0] rx_byte_q3;
+ reg we_q;
+ reg we_d;
+ reg [13:0] addr_q;
+ reg [13:0] addr_d;
+ reg reset_q;
+ reg reset_d;
+ reg [1:0] byte_count;
+ localparam [1:0] DONE = 3;
+ localparam [1:0] LOAD = 1;
+ localparam [1:0] PROG = 2;
+ localparam [1:0] RESET = 0;
+ always @(*) begin
+ we_d = we_q;
+ addr_d = addr_q;
+ reset_d = reset_q;
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = ctrl_fsm_cs;
+ case (ctrl_fsm_cs)
+ RESET: begin
+ we_d = 1'b0;
+ reset_d = 1'b0;
+ if (rx_dv_i)
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = LOAD;
+ else
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = RESET;
+ end
+ if (((byte_count == 2'b11) && (rx_byte_q2 != 8'h0f)) && (rx_byte_d != 8'hff)) begin
+ we_d = 1'b1;
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = PROG;
+ end
+ else
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = DONE;
+ PROG: begin
+ we_d = 1'b0;
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = DONE;
+ end
+ if (wdata_o == 32'h00000fff) begin
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = DONE;
+ reset_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ else if (rx_dv_i)
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = LOAD;
+ else
+ ctrl_fsm_ns = DONE;
+ default: ctrl_fsm_ns = RESET;
+ endcase
+ end
+ assign rx_byte_d = rx_byte_i;
+ assign we_o = we_q;
+ assign addr_o = addr_q;
+ assign wdata_o = {rx_byte_q0, rx_byte_q1, rx_byte_q2, rx_byte_q3};
+ assign reset_o = reset_q;
+ always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni)
+ if (!rst_ni) begin
+ we_q <= 1'b0;
+ addr_q <= 14'b00000000000000;
+ rx_byte_q0 <= 8'b00000000;
+ rx_byte_q1 <= 8'b00000000;
+ rx_byte_q2 <= 8'b00000000;
+ rx_byte_q3 <= 8'b00000000;
+ reset_q <= 1'b0;
+ byte_count <= 2'b00;
+ ctrl_fsm_cs <= RESET;
+ end
+ else begin
+ we_q <= we_d;
+ if (ctrl_fsm_cs == LOAD) begin
+ if (byte_count == 2'b00) begin
+ rx_byte_q0 <= rx_byte_d;
+ byte_count <= 2'b01;
+ end
+ else if (byte_count == 2'b01) begin
+ rx_byte_q1 <= rx_byte_d;
+ byte_count <= 2'b10;
+ end
+ else if (byte_count == 2'b10) begin
+ rx_byte_q2 <= rx_byte_d;
+ byte_count <= 2'b11;
+ end
+ else begin
+ rx_byte_q3 <= rx_byte_d;
+ byte_count <= 2'b00;
+ end
+ addr_q <= addr_d;
+ end
+ if (ctrl_fsm_cs == PROG)
+ addr_q <= addr_d + 2'h2;
+ reset_q <= reset_d;
+ ctrl_fsm_cs <= ctrl_fsm_ns;
+ end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/pd_defines.vh b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/pd_defines.vh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b9763c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/pd_defines.vh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// This is an automatically generated file by hshabbir on و 08:16:54 PKT ت 08 جون 2021
+// cmd: brqrv -target=default -set build_axi4
+`include "common_defines.vh"
+`undef RV_ASSERT_ON
+`undef TEC_RV_ICG
+`define TEC_RV_ICG sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlclkp_1
+`define RV_PHYSICAL 1
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/rvjtag_tap.v b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/rvjtag_tap.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4969b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/rvjtag_tap.v
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright 2019 MERL Corporation or it's affiliates.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License
+module rvjtag_tap #(
+parameter AWIDTH = 7
+input trst,
+input tck,
+input tms,
+input tdi,
+output reg tdo,
+output tdoEnable,
+output [31:0] wr_data,
+output [AWIDTH-1:0] wr_addr,
+output wr_en,
+output rd_en,
+input [31:0] rd_data,
+input [1:0] rd_status,
+output reg dmi_reset,
+output reg dmi_hard_reset,
+input [2:0] idle,
+input [1:0] dmi_stat,
+-- revisionCode : 4'h0;
+-- manufacturersIdCode : 11'h45;
+-- deviceIdCode : 16'h0001;
+-- order MSB .. LSB -> [4 bit version or revision] [16 bit part number] [11 bit manufacturer id] [value of 1'b1 in LSB]
+input [31:1] jtag_id,
+input [3:0] version
+localparam USER_DR_LENGTH = AWIDTH + 34;
+reg [USER_DR_LENGTH-1:0] sr, nsr, dr;
+// Tap controller
+logic[3:0] state, nstate;
+logic [4:0] ir;
+wire jtag_reset;
+wire shift_dr;
+wire pause_dr;
+wire update_dr;
+wire capture_dr;
+wire shift_ir;
+wire pause_ir ;
+wire update_ir ;
+wire capture_ir;
+wire[1:0] dr_en;
+wire devid_sel;
+wire [5:0] abits;
+assign abits = AWIDTH[5:0];
+localparam TEST_LOGIC_RESET_STATE = 0;
+localparam RUN_TEST_IDLE_STATE = 1;
+localparam SELECT_DR_SCAN_STATE = 2;
+localparam CAPTURE_DR_STATE = 3;
+localparam SHIFT_DR_STATE = 4;
+localparam EXIT1_DR_STATE = 5;
+localparam PAUSE_DR_STATE = 6;
+localparam EXIT2_DR_STATE = 7;
+localparam UPDATE_DR_STATE = 8;
+localparam SELECT_IR_SCAN_STATE = 9;
+localparam CAPTURE_IR_STATE = 10;
+localparam SHIFT_IR_STATE = 11;
+localparam EXIT1_IR_STATE = 12;
+localparam PAUSE_IR_STATE = 13;
+localparam EXIT2_IR_STATE = 14;
+localparam UPDATE_IR_STATE = 15;
+always_comb begin
+ nstate = state;
+ case(state)
+ default: nstate = TEST_LOGIC_RESET_STATE;
+ endcase
+always @ (posedge tck or negedge trst) begin
+ if(!trst) state <= TEST_LOGIC_RESET_STATE;
+ else state <= nstate;
+assign jtag_reset = state == TEST_LOGIC_RESET_STATE;
+assign shift_dr = state == SHIFT_DR_STATE;
+assign pause_dr = state == PAUSE_DR_STATE;
+assign update_dr = state == UPDATE_DR_STATE;
+assign capture_dr = state == CAPTURE_DR_STATE;
+assign shift_ir = state == SHIFT_IR_STATE;
+assign pause_ir = state == PAUSE_IR_STATE;
+assign update_ir = state == UPDATE_IR_STATE;
+assign capture_ir = state == CAPTURE_IR_STATE;
+assign tdoEnable = shift_dr | shift_ir;
+// IR register
+always @ (negedge tck or negedge trst) begin
+ if (!trst) ir <= 5'b1;
+ else begin
+ if (jtag_reset) ir <= 5'b1;
+ else if (update_ir) ir <= (sr[4:0] == '0) ? 5'h1f :sr[4:0];
+ end
+assign devid_sel = ir == 5'b00001;
+assign dr_en[0] = ir == 5'b10000;
+assign dr_en[1] = ir == 5'b10001;
+// Shift register
+always @ (posedge tck or negedge trst) begin
+ if(!trst)begin
+ sr <= '0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ sr <= nsr;
+ end
+// SR next value
+always_comb begin
+ nsr = sr;
+ case(1)
+ shift_dr: begin
+ case(1)
+ dr_en[1]: nsr = {tdi, sr[USER_DR_LENGTH-1:1]};
+ dr_en[0],
+ devid_sel: nsr = {{USER_DR_LENGTH-32{1'b0}},tdi, sr[31:1]};
+ default: nsr = {{USER_DR_LENGTH-1{1'b0}},tdi}; // bypass
+ endcase
+ end
+ capture_dr: begin
+ nsr[0] = 1'b0;
+ case(1)
+ dr_en[0]: nsr = {{USER_DR_LENGTH-15{1'b0}}, idle, dmi_stat, abits, version};
+ dr_en[1]: nsr = {{AWIDTH{1'b0}}, rd_data, rd_status};
+ devid_sel: nsr = {{USER_DR_LENGTH-32{1'b0}}, jtag_id, 1'b1};
+ endcase
+ end
+ shift_ir: nsr = {{USER_DR_LENGTH-5{1'b0}},tdi, sr[4:1]};
+ capture_ir: nsr = {{USER_DR_LENGTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1};
+ endcase
+// TDO retiming
+always @ (negedge tck ) tdo <= sr[0];
+// DMI CS register
+always @ (posedge tck or negedge trst) begin
+ if(!trst) begin
+ dmi_hard_reset <= 1'b0;
+ dmi_reset <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else if (update_dr & dr_en[0]) begin
+ dmi_hard_reset <= sr[17];
+ dmi_reset <= sr[16];
+ end
+ else begin
+ dmi_hard_reset <= 1'b0;
+ dmi_reset <= 1'b0;
+ end
+// DR register
+always @ (posedge tck or negedge trst) begin
+ if(!trst)
+ dr <= '0;
+ else begin
+ if (update_dr & dr_en[1])
+ dr <= sr;
+ else
+ dr <= {dr[USER_DR_LENGTH-1:2],2'b0};
+ end
+assign {wr_addr, wr_data, wr_en, rd_en} = dr;
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/uart_rx_prog.v b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/uart_rx_prog.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71135fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/BrqRV_EB1/design/uart_rx_prog.v
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+module eb1_uart_rx_prog (
+ input i_Clock,
+ input rst_ni,
+ input i_Rx_Serial,
+ input [15:0] CLKS_PER_BIT,
+ output o_Rx_DV,
+ output [7:0] o_Rx_Byte
+ );
+ parameter s_IDLE = 3'b000;
+ parameter s_RX_START_BIT = 3'b001;
+ parameter s_RX_DATA_BITS = 3'b010;
+ parameter s_RX_STOP_BIT = 3'b011;
+ parameter s_CLEANUP = 3'b100;
+ reg r_Rx_Data_R = 1'b1;
+ reg r_Rx_Data = 1'b1;
+ reg [15:0] r_Clock_Count = 0;
+ reg [2:0] r_Bit_Index = 0; //8 bits total
+ reg [7:0] r_Rx_Byte = 0;
+ reg r_Rx_DV = 0;
+ reg [2:0] r_SM_Main = 0;
+ // Purpose: Double-register the incoming data.
+ // This allows it to be used in the UART RX Clock Domain.
+ // (It removes problems caused by metastability)
+ always @(posedge i_Clock)
+ begin
+ r_Rx_Data_R <= i_Rx_Serial;
+ r_Rx_Data <= r_Rx_Data_R;
+ end
+ // Purpose: Control RX state machine
+ always @(posedge i_Clock or negedge rst_ni)
+ begin
+ if (!rst_ni) begin
+ r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
+ r_Rx_DV <= 1'b0;
+ r_Clock_Count <= 0;
+ r_Bit_Index <= 0;
+ end else begin
+ case (r_SM_Main)
+ s_IDLE :
+ begin
+ r_Rx_DV <= 1'b0;
+ r_Clock_Count <= 0;
+ r_Bit_Index <= 0;
+ if (r_Rx_Data == 1'b0) // Start bit detected
+ r_SM_Main <= s_RX_START_BIT;
+ else
+ r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
+ end
+ // Check middle of start bit to make sure it's still low
+ begin
+ if (r_Clock_Count == ((CLKS_PER_BIT-1)>>1))
+ begin
+ if (r_Rx_Data == 1'b0)
+ begin
+ r_Clock_Count <= 0; // reset counter, found the middle
+ r_SM_Main <= s_RX_DATA_BITS;
+ end
+ else
+ r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1;
+ r_SM_Main <= s_RX_START_BIT;
+ end
+ end // case: s_RX_START_BIT
+ // Wait CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles to sample serial data
+ begin
+ if (r_Clock_Count < CLKS_PER_BIT-1)
+ begin
+ r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1;
+ r_SM_Main <= s_RX_DATA_BITS;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ r_Clock_Count <= 0;
+ r_Rx_Byte[r_Bit_Index] <= r_Rx_Data;
+ // Check if we have received all bits
+ if (r_Bit_Index < 7)
+ begin
+ r_Bit_Index <= r_Bit_Index + 1;
+ r_SM_Main <= s_RX_DATA_BITS;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ r_Bit_Index <= 0;
+ r_SM_Main <= s_RX_STOP_BIT;
+ end
+ end
+ end // case: s_RX_DATA_BITS
+ // Receive Stop bit. Stop bit = 1
+ begin
+ // Wait CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for Stop bit to finish
+ if (r_Clock_Count < CLKS_PER_BIT-1)
+ begin
+ r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1;
+ r_SM_Main <= s_RX_STOP_BIT;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ r_Rx_DV <= 1'b1;
+ r_Clock_Count <= 0;
+ r_SM_Main <= s_CLEANUP;
+ end
+ end // case: s_RX_STOP_BIT
+ // Stay here 1 clock
+ begin
+ r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
+ r_Rx_DV <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ default :
+ r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
+ endcase
+ end
+ end
+ assign o_Rx_DV = r_Rx_DV;
+ assign o_Rx_Byte = r_Rx_Byte;
+endmodule // uart_rx
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
index 3537de8..d161757 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/uprj_netlists.v
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
// Include caravel global defines for the number of the user project IO pads
`include "defines.v"
+//`include "BrqRV_EB1/design/Defines/eb1_pdef.vh"
+//`include "BrqRV_EB1/design/Defines/eb1_param.vh"
+//`include "BrqRV_EB1/design/Defines/common_defines.vh"
`ifdef GL
@@ -23,6 +27,54 @@
`include "gl/user_project_wrapper.v"
`include "gl/user_proj_example.v"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/Defines/eb1_pdef.vh"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/Defines/eb1_param.vh"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/Defines/common_defines.vh"
`include "user_project_wrapper.v"
`include "user_proj_example.v"
\ No newline at end of file
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/ifu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dec/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dec/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dec/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dec/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dec/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dec/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/exu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/exu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/exu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/exu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lsu/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dbg/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi/dmi_wrapper.v"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi/dmi_jtag_to_core_sync.v"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/dmi/rvjtag_tap.v"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/soc_files/uart_rx_prog.v"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/soc_files/iccm_controller.v"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.v"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lib/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lib/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lib/"
+ `include "BrqRV_EB1/design/lib"