finish comparator, need to convert to 1v8
6 files changed
tree: 69653c97859d4b36a97a407db0c8f2c410784585
  1. .github/
  2. comparator/
  3. docs/
  4. example/
  5. gds/
  6. mag/
  7. netgen/
  8. old-comparator/
  9. openlane/
  10. verilog/
  11. xschem/
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gitmodules
  14. info.yaml
  16. Makefile

Caravel Analog User

License CI Caravan Build

Mixed signal tests

Collection of analog and mixed signal test circuits.

Basic goal: a comparator based on the circuit in “CMOS Design” (Jacob Baker).

Extra goals:

  • A small array (eg 1x8) of Flash cells for characterisation
  • An alternative comparator layout using only self-biased amplifiers (no bias voltage required)
  • The digital section of delta-sigma ADC
  • Demo charge pump
  • Sample-and-hold circuit

Refer to README for the sample project documentation.