Bugfix in the config
6 files changed
tree: 92e4d5c4c2db522593899a8bd5a5fe4217b4808b
  1. .github/
  2. cells/
  3. def/
  4. docs/
  5. gds/
  6. lef/
  7. mag/
  8. maglef/
  9. openlane/
  10. scripts/
  11. signoff/
  12. spi/
  13. verilog/
  14. .gitignore
  15. .gitmodules
  16. env.sh
  17. info.yaml
  19. Makefile
  20. README.md

Caravel User Project

License UPRJ_CI Caravel Build

:exclamation: Important Note

Please fill in your project documentation in this README.md file

Refer to README for this sample project documentation.