tree: 2ea20b5e036ac006b58c545d17be2a40dc708162 [path history] [tgz]
  1. all_sky130_gates.sch
  2. all_sky130_gates.sym
  3. bandgap.sch
  4. bandgap.sym
  5. bandgap_opamp.sch
  6. bandgap_opamp.sym
  7. gates.sch
  8. gates.sym
  9. gates_sky130.sch
  10. gates_sky130.sym
  11. giant_label.sym
  12. giant_label2.sym
  13. LACG.sch
  14. LACG.sym
  15. lvnand.sch
  16. lvnand.sym
  17. lvtnot.sch
  18. lvtnot.sym
  19. n_diffamp.sch
  20. n_diffamp.sym
  21. not.sch
  22. not.sym
  23. passgate.sch
  24. passgate.sym
  25. passgate_nlvt.sch
  26. passgate_nlvt.sym
  28. segment.sym
  29. simulate_ff.sch
  30. simulate_ff.sym
  31. srlatch.sch
  32. srlatch.sym
  33. stimuli.test_comparator
  34. tb_bandgap.sch
  35. tb_bandgap.sym
  36. tb_ft_test.sch
  37. tb_ft_test.sym
  38. tb_ft_test_2.sch
  39. tb_ft_test_2.sym
  40. test_analog.sch
  41. test_analog.sym
  42. test_bipolar.sch
  43. test_bipolar.sym
  44. test_comparator.sch
  45. test_comparator.sym
  46. test_diode.sch
  47. test_diode.sym
  48. test_ff.sch
  49. test_ff.sym
  50. test_format_override.sch
  51. test_format_override.sym
  52. test_inv.sch
  53. test_inv.sym
  54. test_mim_cap.sch
  55. test_mim_cap.sym
  56. test_nmos.sch
  57. test_nmos.sym
  58. test_nmos_sizes.sch
  59. test_nmos_sizes.sym
  60. test_pmos.sch
  61. test_pmos.sym
  62. test_res.sch
  63. test_res.sym
  64. test_stdcells.sch
  65. test_stdcells.sym
  66. test_varactor.sch
  67. test_varactor.sym
  68. test_vpp_cap.sch
  69. test_vpp_cap.sym
  70. top.sch
  71. zero_opamp.sch
  72. zero_opamp.sym


  • all_sky130_gates.sch a list of all the sky130 ‘high density’ standard cells in all available sizing.
  • gates.sch generic process agnostic standard cell set
  • gates_sky130.sch Sky130 Standard cell library, these are from the high density (hs) set
  • test_bipolar.sch test pnp bipolar transistor
  • test_comparator.sch monte-carlo test run of a cmos self calibrating comparator
  • test_diode.sch test various well/diffusion diodes
  • test_format_override.sch xschem feature test to redefine netlisting rule for a component
  • test_inv.sch ring oscillator test with 01v8 and 01v8_lvt transistors
  • test_nmos.sch test the various n-channel mos flavors
  • test_nmos_sizes.sch test model binning with different sized mos
  • test_pmos.sch test the various p-channel mos flavors
  • test_res.sch test various diffusion / poly / well resistors
  • test_stdcells.sch simple test circuit with some standard cells (combinatrial / sequential)
  • test_varactor.sch mos capacitor test
  • test_vpp_cap.sch vertical metal capacitor test
  • top.sch top level schematic containing all the other